One little piggy

Behind the Meaning of the Children's Song “This Little Piggy” -

“This Little Piggy” may very well be the first song we hear and learn as children.

Whether using your fingers or your toes, the cute little song is sung to us early on as cooing parents bond with their newborns. Your pinky becomes a protagonist. Your index and ring fingers become players in the performance.

It’s enough to put a loving smile on the face of any infant.

And here we’ll dive into the meaning of teaching different roles in the song and its origins. So, without further ado, let’s do just that.

Origin Meaning

“This Little Piggy” is an English-language nursery rhyme that is both sung and played with a child’s fingers or toes.

In 1728, the first line of the rhyme appeared in a medley song called “The Nurses Song.” And the first known full version was recorded in The Famous Tommy Thumb’s Little Story-Book, which arrived first in London in 1760.

In that version, the rhyme goes:

This pig went to market,
That pig stayed home;
This pig had roast meat,
That pig had none;
This pig went to the barn’s door,
And cried week, week for more.

[RELATED: Behind the Meaning of the Classic Nursery Rhyme “Jack and Jill”]

Evolution of the Piggies

The ditty began to appear more and in evolved ways over the years. In 1922, the rhyme was included in Beatrix Potter’s illustrated book Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes.

Slight variations began to pop up in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. But it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that “little pigs” became “little piggies,” making the rhyme even more cutesy.

Today the most commonly known version goes:

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none,
This little piggy cried “Wee! Wee! Wee!” all the way home.

Play with Fingers and Toes

Using the above version of the song, parents often perform the rhyme using finger or toe play, each line corresponding to a different digit on the hand or foot, with a foot tickle done at the very end.

For example:

This little piggy went to market, (Wiggle the “big” toe)
This little piggy stayed home, (Wiggle the “long” toe)
This little piggy had roast beef, (Wiggle the “middle” toe
This little piggy had none, (Wiggle the “ring” toe
This little piggy cried “Wee! Wee! Wee!” all the way home. (Wiggle the “little” toe and tickle the bottom of the foot)

[RELATED: Behind the Meaning and History of the Nursery Rhyme “Three Blind Mice”]

Final Thoughts

The nursery rhyme achieves several things at once.

First, it’s a fun, interactive rhyme that can bond parents and children. Second, the rhyme teaches very rudimentary counting and the understanding of individual fingers and toes. Third, the rhyme, which was the 8th most popular nursery rhyme in 2009, according to a survey done in the U.K., teaches about different roles. One piggy goes to the market. One piggy eats. One doesn’t. One goes home. These are all separate, individual actions, reinforcing the idea of individuality to young children.

Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images

Social media post reveals the unsettling truth about the first little piggy – Chicago Tribune

It had been many years since I’d thought of the five little piggies, protagonists of the first nursery rhyme I told my kids, the first nursery rhyme I heard and probably the first nursery rhyme my parents heard.

My children are young adults now, but back before they could walk, my wife and I would take their little bare feet in our hands as they lay in their cribs, wiggle each toe in succession starting with the big toe and … say it with me:


“This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none and this little piggy …” the pinkie toe, voice rising to falsetto, “… cried wee wee wee all the way home.”

Tickles. Giggles. Repeat.


It always struck me as a little weird that a pig would be eating roast beef. Is there no solidarity in the barnyard? But pigs are, in fact, omnivores. In 2012, according to news reports, they ate a 69-year-old farmer in Oregon after he fell in their pen.

Then the other day I was browsing my Twitter feed when I saw a posting from @AngelicGirlxD that changed everything: “I’m 22 years old,” she wrote Aug. 20, “and I just realized that ‘This little piggy went to … market’ doesn’t mean he went food shopping.

Ye gods. Of course! All these years I’d had in my mind’s eye the image of a pig standing on two feet, a hat on its head and a basket under its “arm,” waddling off to the grocery store to purchase edibles: apples. Carrots. Grain. Farmer-flavored biscuits.

But no. Obviously, no. I’m 60 years old, and I just realized that the fattest little piggy — the big toe — was being sold into slaughter. It went to the market, sure, but it never came back.

Many of the best-loved nursery rhymes have dark elements. Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater “couldn’t keep” his wife so he “put her in a pumpkin shell, and there he kept her very well” in domestic servitude and bondage.

Georgie Porgie “kissed the girls and made them cry,” making him the central villain in numerous #MeToo stories.

“Goosey Goosey Gander” takes a grim turn and becomes fodder for a PBS documentary about elder abuse and religious violence when the narrator meets “an old man who wouldn’t say his prayers” and accordingly takes “him by the left leg” and throws him “down the stairs.

And for potentially life-threatening injuries, you can’t beat the hapless infant’s plunge from the treetop at the end of “Rock-a-Bye Baby.”


In contrast, the piggies from the rhyme that dates back several hundred years, always seemed like a merry lot. Sure, one stayed home, and one, for some reason, did not eat roast beef. But the wee-wee-wee was a squeal of porcine delight at the prospect of returning to the sty, right?

Yet the fate of the biggest oinker was always there in plain sight. It didn’t go to market, it was taken to be marketed. It had no agency. It was a product, not a customer.

Wee-wee-wee becomes the fearful yet ultimately fruitless cry of a creature that realizes it, too, was born to be sold and eaten.

This may be why some more sensitive souls have posted revisions that avoid the uncomfortable topic of butchery: “This little piggy ate blueberries/ This little piggy ate cheese ...” for example.

@AngelicGirlxD — her profile says she’s from Brooklyn — was not the first to post on this topic. I searched and found several piggy truther discussion threads over the years. But her tweet has gone viral and so far prompted more than 3,000 responses, many of them anguished:

“My whole childhood was a lie.” “I hate my newfound knowledge; ignorance was better.” “I don’t even know what’s real anymore.” “You've just made me very sad.” “He died?!?!! Noooooooooooo!” And so on.


I posted click polls to Facebook and Twitter to try to measure reaction to this observation. On both platforms, only 18 percent of some 200 respondents claimed to have known that the first pig in the rhyme was not, in sad fact, off to pick up a few things at the store but instead was off to meet its maker. In comments, some have blamed illustrators of children's books for perpetuating the happier interpretation.

The results mean that, although 100 percent of you will find this topic trivial in light of all that is going on in the world, more than 80 percent of you will nevertheless find it relevant. As for me, when I have grandchildren, that first little piggy is going to go to Aldi.

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Twitter @EricZorn

Ivan Semenov - One little pig and one big swine read online for free

12 3 4 5 6 7 Tale

Guards Private Ivan Semyonov lives in the Perm Territory beyond the event horizon.


Long ago there was a miller named Arnold.

From early morning until late at night he worked at his mill. Not that he had to work hard. He had enough money, his family did not need anything. The miller could easily hire as many workers as he liked and would not become poorer. But the miller's grandfather, and his grandfather's grandfather, and many other grandfathers worked at the mill without straightening their backs, and the miller also worked. And looking at the miller, his wife worked, and his sons, and the horse, and the dog, and the cat, and the chickens, and even the mice worked, because it is a shame not to work. nine0003

- Work, work, don't think about resting! Got a free minute - do something useful! - so said Arnold to his family.

And suddenly a daughter was born to him, who was named Betta. So pretty, so sweet, that whoever looks at her, his heart melts with tenderness. And the miller melted the very first. As with a hand-written sack, he rushed about with a baby - he himself made toys for her, aunt and spoiled her, brought the most beautiful outfits and toys from the fair, and generally wore them in his arms. And only Arnold did not take his daughter to work, because he decided that such a beautiful and sweet girl would only become the king's bride, and the king's bride should not bend her back. nine0003

And the miller's daughter had a favorite toy, a rag pig stuffed with straw. From infancy, the girl did not part with this toy. But the toy was worn out and crumbled into shreds and dust. The miller’s daughter was upset, she couldn’t eat or drink, she sighed like a pig. And then Arnold said:

- Don't cry, little Betta, I'll give you a real live pig.

And the miller went to the forest.


And in the forest, in a large family of boars, Fred the pig lived. He had three brothers and three sisters, five uncles and seven aunts, and it was impossible to count cousins ​​and sisters, let alone remember. All day long Fred frolicked with the other piglets, squealing, pushing, digging the ground with a snout in search of tasty roots, plopping down in a puddle if it was hot; burrowed into the moss if it was cold, and generally lived for his own pleasure. nine0003

But then the miller came and said to the mother boar:

— Give me the smallest and most useless piglet, and I will give him a load of acorns, three barrels of cake and slop from my yard I will bring for a whole year.

Mother boar thought and agreed. You never know what kind of winter will happen, suddenly you have to starve? The miller put Fred's pig in a sack, threw it into a cart and took it to him, and at home he shook it out of the sack on the floor and said:

- Here's a present for you, daughter!

- Piglet! Piggy! Betta rejoiced. nine0003

No sooner had the piglet blinked his eyes than someone's warm little hands wrapped around him. The miller told the piglet to play with Betta, feed her, bathe her, put her to bed on time and clean her room.

Fred didn't like the miller's daughter. Betta was cheerful and affectionate, did not fight or push, shared toys and treats, she did not even need to be asked. But all the time I had to walk on my hind legs, and it was very difficult to hold a spoon with my hooves. And Fred really missed the forest and his relatives. nine0003


Fred spent the whole day babysitting Betta. In the morning it will help to get dressed, wash, comb. Wipe your nose, braid your pigtails. He will feed, wash the dishes, sweep away the garbage with a broom, wipe the dust with a rag, wash the linen, hang it to dry and grunt businesslike all the time. Betta was very amused by this grunting.

In the evening, Fred put Betta to bed, told a story, sang a lullaby, and when the miller's daughter fell asleep, he himself lay down on a soft rug by the bed and fell asleep.

The miller's family treated the pig well, but Fred could not forget his family. No, no, yes, he will be sad, looking out the window. And then one day, playing with Betta, Fred remembered how he played with his brothers and sisters in the forest, broke down and burst into tears. nine0003

No one in the miller's family used to cry. At least, under Betta, no one showed their sadness. Therefore, Betta was very surprised and even frightened that her piglet suddenly began to squeal thinly, and tears splashed from his eyes. Will it crumble into rags, like an old toy pig crumbled? But the pig did not crumble, and the girl, not knowing what to do, hugged him, put him in her bed, sang a lullaby, and the pig fell asleep. And then Betta took a broom and began to sweep the room. nine0003

At that time, the miller's wife Brigitta looked in the window and saw everything. She called the cat in a whisper and told her to run to the mill and call everyone to admire. All the household members came running - the miller's sons, and the dog, and the horse, and chickens, and mice, and the miller himself, and even the neighbor's cow. They look out the window: a piglet is sleeping under a blanket in a crib, and the miller’s daughter put the toys in a box, straightened the rugs, swept up the garbage on a scoop and went to take it out.

It was then that the miller could not stand it, climbed right out the window, threw the piglet on the floor and started swearing:

— You were told to look after the child, but instead the child is babysitting you! Get out of the house, don't work!

However, the miller's wife said that there was no need to drive the pig out, because she needed a helper to carry the sacks. The miller grumbled and grumbled, but agreed. He will work out a cartload of acorns, three barrels of cake and slop - and let him roll back to his forest.

And Fred began to work at the mill. He lived in an old greenhouse, which the miller converted into a pigsty. Every morning the dog woke the piglet to work. Fred will wake up, go to the old trough, drink the infused water and trudge to the barn. And there the miller's wife puts a sack of grain on his back. The piglet drags him to the mill, and there the miller's sons take the grain and put a bag of flour on the piglet's back so that he drags it back to the barn. So the day goes by: a sack of grain there, a sack of flour back. nine0003


Autumn is over, winter has come. The pig still hasn't worked even half of the cart of acorns, not to mention oilcake and slop. For days on end he dragged sacks, dejectedly pounding with his hooves on the boardwalk of the yard, then returned to his greenhouse, all white with flour, ate slop from the master's table and fell asleep right next to the bowl.

Usually Fred didn't have any strength at all, he didn't even dream. All night the mice jumped on it, shaking out the remnants of flour from the bristles, and the piglet did not even notice it. But one night he suddenly woke up, trembling with fear. All the hairs on it stood on end, because the greenhouse smelled of a wolf. Piglet anxiously raised his head and lifted his snout up. nine0003

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Rules for keeping pigs and piglets - Tips and tricks

Since ancient times, people have noticed that pork meat is very tasty and nutritious. Those who breed pigs make good money on it. But in order to get the maximum quality meat and not make too much money at the same time, the pig breeder must know all the nuances of keeping these animals.

How profitable it is

Experienced pig farmers will tell you that it can be very profitable to raise and sell pigs or their meat. So, let's highlight a few important points:0003

  1. One plump pig can produce up to 87% lean meat. Of all livestock, only a pig has such an amount of pulp.
  2. Pigs start to give birth very early. One and a half year old individuals are already ready for fertilization, and some even earlier.
  3. The reproduction of pigs is superior to all other livestock: the sow is able to give birth twice a year, and at the same time bring up to 10 piglets and more.
  4. Pigs do not need special care, they feel quite good in an ordinary barn. nine0088
  5. Purchased feed is required less than for cattle, for example.

Pig fat and meat are always in the first place in sales among all meat products, so people make good money from breeding pigs.

How to keep pigs?

The living conditions of pigs in summer and winter will be slightly different. This should be taken into account so that the animals do not get sick and give weight gain.

In the summer, a pig can live in an ordinary wooden shed. If there are several, then a corral is required where the animals can be in the fresh air. The recommended temperature in the barn is 16-22 degrees plus. nine0003

Pigs should not be exposed to the sun for a long time, ultraviolet is harmful to them. It is also necessary to eliminate drafts in the barn so that they do not hurt. The windows in the barn are made at a high height so that the pig does not get it, in addition, it must also be well lit. It is very useful for a pig to walk in a paddock, then it gains weight and does not get sick.

For the winter, pigs are either transferred to a warm pigsty, or the barn is insulated. The indoor temperature is maintained at least +5 degrees. This is the lowest allowable temperature, and the optimum should be 15-20 degrees. To do this, install heating in the barn. nine0003

The pigs do not sleep on the bare floor, but on the straw, so they are warmer. In winter, animals eat more high-calorie, more vitamin and mineral impurities are added to their food, since most fresh feed is not available.

What do household pigs eat?

Pork meat and lard will be of high quality if they are fed with quality feed and in the correct proportions. All pig feeds are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Natural feed. They just contribute to rapid weight gain, greater granularity and fat density, the meat is tastier. These are such feeds:
    1. fodder and sugar beets, carrots, pumpkins, boiled potatoes;
    2. millet, barley, peas;
    3. chopped nettle, alfalfa, clover;
    4. chopped bean hay;
    5. dairy and meat waste from food.
  2. Roughage. They are digested worse, but contribute to the growth of body weight. Their percentage in food should not exceed 50%. It can be corn, buckwheat, rye and wheat bran. nine0088
  3. The third group is feed, on which the increase in meat or fat practically does not depend, as well as their quality. And they are used to save money. These are oats, soybeans and cake. 2 months before slaughter, in order to get high-quality meat and fat, you need to stop giving these feeds, and replace them with products from the first group.

How many times a day should pigs be fed?

The number of meals for pigs depends on the health, age of the animals and the results that the owner wants to achieve. In this regard, there are such modes of feeding. nine0003

Unlimited fattening. Suitable for young pigs and piglets that have just been weaned. During this period, the feeder is always filled with food, thanks to which the piglets grow quickly and get fat.

Standardized fattening. The pig is fed strictly according to the regime, giving a certain portion. The owner monitors how much feed the pig eats and how much remains. So he calculates the norm for one meal for each animal.

Limited fattening. It is practiced for sows who have given birth and in the event that more meat is needed at the output than fat. During this period, the pig eats roughage once a day, which is less nutritious. nine0003

What should not be given to a pig?

Pigs should not be fed boiled food only. Boiled food leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora and contributes to the indigestibility of B vitamins. If it is potatoes, legumes and animal waste, then they should be given raw, chopped or grated. It is also undesirable to crush the feed too finely, grain ground into flour raises the acidity of the stomach, can cause ulcers and other disorders.

Feed of poor quality is also not given to the animal. If grain and silage have fungus or become moldy, they are replaced with fresh ones. Also do not give grain if it has sprouted or has an uncharacteristic color and smell. nine0003

Sprouted vegetables and greenish potatoes should not be fed to pigs. They are harmful to the body due to the large amount of solanine.

The owner must ensure that the pigs do not have constant access to food. Then they will choose the most tidbits, and leave the less tasty food. The food in the feeders may start to rot, and the pig will consume it. To avoid this, the feeders will have to be washed more often, and maintenance costs will be higher.

How to care for pigs? nine0083

In order for pigs to be healthy, put on weight quickly and produce big babies twice a year, they need to live in comfort and eat well. Experienced farmers always adhere to the following principles in caring for a large number of pigs: This is the main reason animals get colds;

  • The temperature in the barn must be strictly observed at any time of the year. For small piglets, 18-22 degrees of heat are needed, and for adults, 12-16 is enough; nine0088
  • If the barn is not cleaned every day, pigs can become ill with infectious diseases. All pig feces must be removed, the floor washed and covered with dry straw;
  • the air in the room should not be too humid, but not too dry. The optimum humidity for pigs is 70%;
  • utensils from which animals eat are cleaned after each feeding. Every week you need to wash the feeders with cleaning products containing lye; nine0088
  • Water should be freely available in the barn and in the paddock so that the pigs often drink. Water is changed twice a day in drinking bowls so that it is clean and fresh;
  • the owner is obliged to strictly monitor the feeding schedule of the cattle and the composition of the daily food received;
  • disinfect the pigsty every month. This is done so that the pigs do not get sick, otherwise there will be extra costs for treatment, and the meat of an infected pig cannot be consumed;
  • nine0087 for the prevention of rickets in piglets and young pigs, a wide pen is provided so that adult and small pigs walk there most of the day.

    If you follow all these principles, you won't have much trouble breeding pigs.

    How to vaccinate?

    Pigs need to be vaccinated against common viral diseases on time. This will protect you from a possible reduction in livestock due to disease. Here are a number of vaccinations that pigs in a private household should definitely do:

    1. Immunizations to prevent rickets. This is ingestion with food of fish oil, preparations "Tetravit" and "Trivit" (1 drop per day).
    2. Vaccinations against iron deficiency (anemia). Small piglets at the age of 1-2 days are injected into the muscle with injections of the drug "Ferroglyukin" and "Ursoferran" 2 ml each. everyone. Also, a subcutaneous injection of "Suiferrovit" is made, with a volume of 5 ml.
    3. Vaccines against pasteurellosis, prevention of enterecocosis, salmonella. Do piglets in 20-30 days from birth intramuscularly. Then after 5-7 days the injections are repeated. Re-introduction is possible after 60-70 days. nine0088
    4. Preventive injections against swine fever are given to piglets after the 40th day of life. 2 cubes of the drug are diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride. A second injection is made on the 85-100th day of life.
    5. Deworming is carried out when the piglets are 70-120 days old. Pigs are injected with Tetramizol, Levamisol, Ivermek.
    6. Vaccinations against erysipelas are administered to piglets after the second month of life, they give 0.3 cubes. The vaccine is injected twice with a break of 12-14 days. The second time prick 0.5 ml. nine0088

    If you have bought new pigs, they must not be allowed near the vaccinated ones. For a whole month they must be separated from the herd. This quarantine is to ensure that the rest of the piglets do not become infected from the arrivals.


    Despite the fact that pigs are not as whimsical as goats, for example, they still need some care. An experienced farmer will never neglect the health of his herd, so he will keep him in a warm, ventilated area.

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