Original chicken little story
The Story of Chicken Little: The Sky is Falling
© Written by Tasha Guenther and illustrated by Leanne Guenther
Fairy tale based on the original story first collected by Danish librarian Just Mathias Thiele.
There was once a big farm near a vast field, and here there lived a hen named Penny. She was great friends with everyone, and those who knew her gave her many names.
She was a tiny hen. The other chickens in the yard would tease her for her size. They often termed her “Chicken Little.” While Penny surprisingly loved this name, her favorite thing to be called was “Henny-Penny,” given to her by the other fowls that lived nearby. The rhyme was perfect, it was sweet, and she liked it very much.
One morning, as Henny-Penny was plucking worms in the henyard, an acorn dropped from a tree right onto her head! She had no idea what had hit her, however, and so she started shouting:
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”
She ran around in circles for a while, calmed herself, and then got right to waddling—she had to alert the king!
She waddled and waddled and waddled until she found her excellent friend Rooster-Booster.
“What’s the matter, Henny-Penny?” he asked.
“Oh, Rooster-Booster, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! And we must alert the king!” she cried.
“Oh, we must, we must!” he cried back.
Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster waddled and waddled and waddled until they saw their wonderful pal Ducky-Chucky.
Now, Ducky-Chucky was basking in the sun near the pond’s edge when he noticed the two chickens fast-approaching.
“Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster: hello! Fine day, isn’t it?” Ducky-Chucky giggled and splashed into the water.
“Oh, Ducky-Chucky, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! And we must alert the king!” Henny-Penny exclaimed.
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in.
Ducky-Chucky bounded from the pond and joined his friends immediately. As he shook his little webbed feet free of water, he felt the warm sun dry them quickly and wondered how the sky could fall on a warm summer’s day such as this one.
He looked at the concern on his friends’ faces, nevertheless, and shrugged his wonders away.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, and Ducky-Chucky waddled and waddled and waddled until they met up with the brawny Goosie-Brucie floating with ease at the other end of the pond.
“Oh, Goosie-Brucie,” Henny-Penny began, “the sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must alert the king!”
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in.
Ducky-Chucky looked back up at the blazing sun and again wondered how the sky could fall on a warm summer’s day such as this one.
Goosie-Brucie wanted to protect his fowl friends, and he wanted to join them on their journey to the nearby palace, but he had a question about the sky above.
“Henny-Penny…” he started. “How do you know the sky is falling?”
“Well, it fell right on my head!” she answered.
Goosie-Brucie puffed his chest feathers instantly and moved right along, shrugging his question away.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, Ducky-Chucky, and Goosie-Brucie waddled and waddled and waddled until they came to the farm fence. They noticed the eccentric Turkey-Perky pecking on the other side.
“Oh, Turkey-Perky, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must alert the king!” Henny-Penny squealed.
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in.
Again, Ducky-Chucky, now hot as ever and missing his pond, wondered how the sky could fall on a warm summer’s day such as this one.
Goosie-Brucie again asked aloud, “How do we know the sky is falling?”
“It fell right on my head, I say, I say!” Henny-Penny shouted in desperation.
Now, Turkey-Perky stopped pecking and turned to the group:
“Rooster-Booster, did you see the sky fall?”
“No, I did not,” the rooster replied quietly.
“And, Ducky-Chucky, you look strained: how are you feeling?” Turkey-Perky asked.
“Well, I am concerned, I am hot, and I wonder how the sky could be falling on such a beautiful day,” he replied.
“And Goosie-Brucie,” Turkey-Perky turned to the burly bird, “You do not see any sky falling, do you?”
“No, I do not,” the goose responded.
“Ha-ha! Well, then, I will come with you on your merry way, but we’ve all got some doubts, Penny!” the turkey said with glee. He was interested to see where this adventure would go.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, Ducky-Chucky, Goosie-Brucie, and Turkey-Perky waddled and waddled and waddled until they could see the palace just beyond the farmer’s field.
As they waddled over the last hill of the vast field, they saw a flash of reddish-brown before them. It was Mr. Fox!
None of the fowl friends had met this sly creature before, but they had heard rumors of his trickery and appetite. Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster were oblivious, though, and desperate to keep moving. Ducky-Chucky suddenly shivered, forgetting the day’s heat, while Goosie-Brucie’s chest became even puffier; Turkey-Perky just stopped and smiled.
“Hello, hello, hello,” cooed the fox.
“Oh, Mr. Fox, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must alert the king!” Henny-Penny shouted.
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in. But the other birds stayed silent.
“Ah, yes, the sky is falling! And I know where the king is!” replied a delighted Mr. Fox. He licked his lips and gestured the birds to follow him past a large tree and back over the hill.
Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster began to waddle and waddle and waddle in the direction of Mr. Fox. Turkey-Perky whispered something to Ducky-Chucky and Goosie-Brucie, and then the three waddled closely behind the rest.
As Mr. Fox led Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster into a hole in the hill just under the tree, Ducky-Chucky bounded into action. There was a small patch of water beside the opening, and the duck giggled with delight as he splashed his feet loudly.
Rooster-Booster and Mr. Fox re-emerged from the hole, suddenly distracted by all the quacking and splashing. Goosie-Brucie looked at Turkey-Perky, who gave him the signal, and stood right under the tree over the hole. The goose puffed his chest out as hard as he could muster and bumped the trunk, causing the tree to shake. Several acorns fell, covering the hole and hitting Mr. Fox, knocking him out cold. Turkey-Perky pecked and pecked and pecked up the acorns until there was just enough room for the tiny hen to escape out of the hole. “Chicken Little” indeed! By now, she had seen the acorns collapse and knew what had fallen on her head earlier.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, Ducky-Chucky, Goosie-Brucie, and Turkey-Perky waddled and waddled and waddled back home to safety. Henny-Penny hugged her fowl friends and kissed Turkey-Perky on the cheek, grateful that the fox had not eaten them—and that the world was not ending! Instead, they all lived happily ever after.
Printable version of this story
My name is Tasha Guenther. I currently live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, while I finish my Ph.D. in Cultural Studies with a concentration in digital cultures at McMaster University. I am an avid academic essay/book chapter writer, but I also enjoy writing short stories and non-fiction pieces. You can read more of my DLTKsCrafts work here!
Alongside my learning, studying, and thinking about digital platforms and critical theory, I appreciate long conversations with close friends, reading poetry, and taking photos of my cat. Learn more about me here or connect with me on my Instagram, Twitter, VSCO, and Facebook accounts.
Chicken Little Story - Bedtimeshortstories
This is Chicken Little Story. Chicken Little is a little chicken who always had a solution for everything. One day, Chicken Little was playing in the yard under the maple tree when a squirrel rushed by with his arm full of acorns and one of these acorns fell and hit Chicken Little right WHACK! at the middle of the head. Then, the acorn bounced back into the hole in the tree leaving no evidence that it was ever there. Read more about Chicken Little!
Then, the acorn bounced back into the hole in the tree leaving no evidence that it was ever there in the first place. Chicken Little looked around; she looked up, she looked down, and she looked all around. But she couldn’t put her finger on what hit on her head. Chicken Little always had an answer for everything and so she thought for a while and came to a conclusion that the sky must be falling down. This made Chicken Little very afraid. And so she thought to inform the King. Also, read The Old Man And His Sons.
chicken little story Image Souce–> @www.youtube.com
She packed up some of the things that she needed into the bandana and tied it to the end of the stick, threw it onto the shoulder, and hit the road. On her way, she met Cocky Locky who stopped her and asked what was the issue. She told him, “I was sitting under the tree when the piece of the sky fell and hit me right on the head!” Cocky Locky also got worried. He joined Chicken Little and they both headed to the King’s castle.
Soon, they met Ducky Daddles on their way. Ducky Daddles asked, “Why are you both in so much hurry?” They both told the incident that had happened with Chicken Little. They said, “You haven’t heard the sky is falling! A big piece fell on Chicken Little and almost squashed her.” Ducky Daddles was very scared and so he, too, joined them to tell the King the very important news. You may also like, The Bear And The Bees.
They only made it halfway when they met Goosey Loosey. Goosey Loosey asked, “Hey, what’s the matter? You look stressed!” Ducky Daddles explained the whole incident to the Goosey Loosey. Goosey Loosey thought that they would be needing some protection as the King’s castle was quite far, And so, the four friends traveled to the castle. They spread the news where they traveled. They traveled over the river, through the woods, passed grandmother’s house, and all the way to the King’s castle.
When they got there, the King was very surprised to see them. “What are all of you doing here?” the King asked. They told the King, “The world is ending!” They revised the complete incident in front of the King as proof. But, the King wanted to see the piece of the sky they were talking about. But Chicken Little didn’t have it. “How can you say that it was a piece of sky?” Also read, The Magic Porridge Pot Story.
“How can you say that it was a piece of sky? It could be anything!” concluded the King. Chicken Little replied, “There was nothing above me except for the tree, and there was nothing on the ground when I got hit and I always have answers for everything. So, the only thing above me was the sky.” The King was not ready to agree with them. And so, the King traveled back with Chicken Little to take a look at the tree under which she was sitting that day.
They waited around for a while when a squirrel came running by and yelled down to them, “Hey guys, did you see my acorn I dropped yesterday?” All of them started to investigate. And finally, when Chicken Little checked the hole inside the tree, she saw a missing acorn. The squirrel was happy. Chicken Little was happy.
Chicken Little learned that the sky was not falling and that sometimes it’s okay to not know all of the answers.
Here is a visual depiction of, “Chicken Little Story”. See the video story below,
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recipe with photo and video
Salad "Fairy Tale" is difficult to describe. Either salad or cake. Either with poultry or beef. Someone tried it with nuts, and someone with pineapple and prunes. The main thing in it is not the list of ingredients, but the design of the salad. It must be bright and fabulous to live up to its name. Salad "Fairy Tale" is exactly the example of a dish when you can not follow clear instructions, but give complete freedom to creativity.
Half the success in making any salad is properly prepared or purchased mayonnaise.
Carefully read the composition written on the package. If there are no eggs or egg powder on the list, then it is better to refuse such a sauce.
How to cook Skazka salad - 15 varieties
- Skazka salad with ham and shrimps
- Skazka salad with veal
- Skazka salad with ham and balyk
- Salad Skazochka pepper
- Skazka salad with crab sticks
- Skazka salad with chicken liver
- Skazka salad with smoked chicken
- Skazka salad with chicken breast and walnuts
- Salad "Skazka" - vegetarian "Forest Tale"
- Salad "Skazka" with chicken breast and tomatoes
- Salad "Skazka" - fruit
- Salad "Skazka" - "Winter's Tale" with potatoes
- Salad Skazka - with potatoes turkey fillet
- Salad "Skazka" with beans
Salad "Skazka" with ham and shrimp
Salad "Skazka" with ham and shrimp - beautiful, tasty and very satisfying - will become a real hit on any table.
Another advantage is the ability to experiment and fantasize - products are easily replaced by others.
- Fresh cucumber 2 pcs.
- Ham 200 gr.
- Shrimps (boiled) 200 gr.
- Cheese 200 gr.
- Egg (boiled) 4 pcs.
- Mayonnaise 100 gr.
- Salt
- Ham cut into strips.
- Peel and cut the shrimp into two pieces.
- Eggs cut into strips.
- Cucumbers cut into strips and lightly squeeze out excess juice.
- Coarsely grate the cheese.
- Combine products, salt to taste, season with mayonnaise, mix.
If you replace fresh cucumbers with pickled ones, and instead of the classic hard cheese, you take a variety of chechil or dor-blue, the salad will acquire a piquant taste.
Skazka salad with veal
Surprisingly tasty and simple salad. Ingredients more than available. And most importantly, even a novice hostess will cope with its preparation.
- Veal (boiled) 500 gr.
- Eggs (boiled) 4 pcs.
- Mushrooms (champignons) 400 gr.
- Onion 1 pc.
- Carrots (boiled) 2 pcs.
- Mayonnaise 350 gr.
- Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon
- Salt, pepper to taste
- Pomegranate seeds, olives - to decorate the salad.
Finely chop the mushrooms.
Peel and cut the onion into thin half rings.
Saute mushrooms and onions until tender.
Beef cut into small strips.
Separately grate egg white and yolk on a coarse grater.
Finely chopped carrots.
Put the salad on a flat dish in the following order:
- Beef - mayonnaise mesh.
- Yolk.
- Mushrooms and onions - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Carrots - mayonnaise mesh.
- Protein.
Decorate the salad.
Skazka Salad - with ham and salmon
Salad prepared according to this recipe will undoubtedly be highly appreciated by men. And how could it be otherwise? After all, it includes three types of meat!
- Pork salmon 200 gr.
- Tongue (boiled) 200 gr.
- Ham 200 gr.
- Fresh cucumber 100 gr.
- Canned peas 50 gr.
- Chips with bacon 25 gr.
- Greens 20 gr.
- Mayonnaise 50 gr.
- Cut balyk, ham and boiled tongue into cubes.
- Fresh cucumber cut into thin strips.
- Add chips and canned peas.
- Mix everything.
- Add greens and mayonnaise to the salad.
- Mix the salad again.
- Place the salad in a salad bowl.
- Decorate the dish with chips, herbs.
Skazka salad with chicken leg and bell pepper
An unusual combination of pineapple, sweet paprika and chicken fillet will appeal to people who watch their figure.
- Chicken leg (boiled) 3 pcs.
- Bell pepper 1 pc.
- Dill greens 1 bunch
- Green onion 0.5 bunch
- Corn, canned 1 can
- Canned pineapple 1 can
- Salt
- Mayonnaise 300 gr.
- Put the corn and sliced pineapple into a deep bowl without stirring.
- Cut the leg fillet very finely or shred it with your hands.
- Transfer the meat to a bowl.
- Finely chop the onion and dill.
- Transfer to a bowl.
- Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into cubes.
- Transfer to a bowl.
- Add mayonnaise and mix salad.
Salt if necessary.
Salad "Fairy Tale" with crab sticks
Outwardly, this salad resembles a cake, all the ingredients are stacked in layers. Add some fantasy to its decoration and it will take center stage on the holiday table.
- Eggs (boiled) 4 pcs.
- Crab sticks 200 gr.
- Mushrooms (champignons) 300 gr.
- Canned corn 1 can
- Onion 1 pc.
- Pickled cucumbers 4 pcs.
- Mayonnaise 50 ml.
Finely chop the onion.
Clean and wash mushrooms.
Cut them up.
Fry mushrooms and onions in sunflower oil until golden.
Cool mushrooms with onions.
Separately grate egg white and yolk on a coarse grater.
Cut cucumbers very finely. Squeeze out excess liquid with your hands.
Cut crab sticks in half lengthwise and then cut into thin strips.
Remove the corn from the jar and let the brine drain.
Then lay the lettuce in layers in the following order:
- Mushrooms fried with onions - mayonnaise mesh.
- Pickled cucumbers - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Crab sticks - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Proteins - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Corn - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Yolks.
Skazka salad with chicken liver
Thanks to the minced chicken liver, the salad prepared according to this recipe has a surprisingly tender, airy texture.
- Chicken liver (raw) 500 gr.
- Pickles 250 gr.
- Egg (boiled) 4 pcs.
- Carrots (boiled) 3 pcs.
- Garlic 2 cloves
- Cheese 150 gr.
- Green onion 1 bunch
- Mayonnaise 300 gr.
- Salt and pepper
- Olives for decoration
Boil the liver in salted water.
Pass the boiled liver through a meat grinder.
Coarsely chop carrots.
Finely chop the onion.
Cut cucumbers very finely. Squeeze out excess liquid with your hands.
Mince the garlic in random order.
Finely grate the eggs.
Coarsely grate the cheese.
Then lay the lettuce in layers in the following order:
- Chicken liver 1/2 part - grease the layer with mayonnaise.
- Green onion 1/2 part.
- Pickled cucumber - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Carrot.
- Garlic - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Chicken liver 1/2 part - grease the layer with mayonnaise.
- Green onion 1/2 part.
- Egg - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Cheese - mesh of mayonnaise.
Garnish salad with olives and dill sprigs.
Skazka salad with smoked chicken
This is not just a layered salad, but a real appetizer cake.
Even the most demanding gourmets will appreciate the beauty and taste of this dish.
- Smoked breast 500 gr.
- Mushrooms 400 gr
- Processed cheese 100 gr.
- Carrot (boiled) 1 pc.
- Egg (boiled) 3 pcs.
- Potatoes (boiled) 3 pcs.
- Mayonnaise 300 gr.
- Garlic 3 teeth
- Walnuts 100 gr.
Chicken breast cut into strips or shredded by hand.
Clean and wash mushrooms.
Cut them up.
Fry the mushrooms in sunflower oil until golden brown.
Cool the mushrooms.
Finely chop the onion and lightly pepper.
Coarsely grate carrots, potatoes and eggs.
Finely chop the garlic with a knife.
Finely chop the walnuts.
For a richer taste of the salad, roast the nuts in a skillet or microwave for 2-3 minutes.
Put the processed cheese in the freezer for 30 minutes and then grate it directly into the salad.
Put the salad in a deep salad bowl:
- Garlic breast - mayonnaise mesh.
- Bow
- Potato
- Mushrooms - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Eggs.
- Carrots - mayonnaise mesh.
- Processed cheese - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Walnut.
Skazka Salad with Chicken Breast and Walnuts
Prepare this salad in portions using square glass cups. You will spend a little more time on such a salad serving, and remembering the compliments of guests will remain with you forever.
- Chicken breast (boiled) 200 gr.
- Mushrooms (champignons) 200 gr.
- Egg (boiled) 2 pcs.
- Walnuts 100 gr.
- Onion 1 pc.
- Parsley 1 bunch
- Vegetable oil 20 ml.
- Mayonnaise 100 gr.
Peel and wash the mushrooms.
Cut them up.
Fry the mushrooms in sunflower oil until golden brown.
Cool the mushrooms.
Chicken breast cut into strips.
Grate the eggs.
Finely chop the onion.
Finely chop the parsley.
Cut the walnuts with a knife.
Lay layers on the bottom of a deep salad bowl:
- Chicken breast - grease the layer with mayonnaise.
- Bow.
- Parsley.
- Fried mushrooms - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Eggs - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Walnuts.
Salad "Fairy Tale" - Vegetarian "Forest Fairy Tale"
A simple salad recipe "Fairy Tale" - for everyone who adheres to any kind of vegetarianism.
- Mushrooms (boiled) 200 gr.
- Potatoes (boiled) 3 pcs.
- Gherkin 2 pcs.
- Carrot (boiled) 1 pc.
- Sweet pepper 1 pc.
- Garlic 1 clove
- Dill 1 bunch
- Parsley 1 bunch
- Green onion 1 bunch
- Radishes 1 bunch
- Lemon peel 10 gr.
- Salt, pepper
- Mayonnaise 100 gr.
Finely dice potatoes, gherkins, peppers, carrots, peppers, mushrooms.
Add minced garlic.
Add half of the finely chopped parsley and dill.
Dress salad with mayonnaise, pepper and salt, mix well.
Arrange the lettuce on a flat dish.
Decorate the salad:
- Mushrooms are made from the white part of the green onions and sweet peppers.
- Sprinkle the salad on all sides with the remaining chopped herbs, put the "mushrooms" in the center.
- Cut the radish into thin circles, cut out a flower from each circle.
- Put the flowers on the salad, make the core of the lemon zest.
Salad "Fairy Tale" with chicken breast and tomatoes
The salad is cooked just like lightning, it will take a little more time to decorate it. If you want to please your family "for no reason", just serve it in a deep salad bowl.
- Chicken breast (boiled) 300 gr.
- Tomatoes 3 pcs.
- Eggs (boiled) 3 pcs.
- Pitted olives 1 can
- Mushrooms, canned 1 can
- Bulb onion 1 pc.
- Bell pepper 1 pc.
- Vegetable oil 20 ml.
- Parsley 10 gr.
- Dill 10 gr.
- Mayonnaise 100 gr.
- Cut the fillet very finely or shred it with your hands.
- Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
- Peel and cut the onion into thin half rings.
- Chop mushrooms if necessary.
- Mushrooms fried with onions.
- Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into cubes.
- Eggs cut into cubes.
- Cut the olives into rings.
- Mix all salad ingredients with mayonnaise.
- Place a glass on a flat dish.
- Arrange the salad around the glass in the shape of a wreath.
- Carefully remove the glass.
- Decorate the salad with green peas and green sprigs.
Salad "Fairy Tale" - fruit
This unusual salad will appeal to both children and adults.
Interestingly cooked salad will not leave anyone indifferent.
Its interesting design and unusual taste will perfectly decorate the festive table.
Required ingredients:
- Cheese 300 gr.
- Canned pineapples 300 gr.
- Black grapes 300 gr.
- Garlic 3 cloves
- For refueling:
- Olive oil 100 ml.
- Mustard 1 teaspoon
- Salt 1 teaspoon
- Sugar 1 teaspoon
- Lemon juice 1 tbsp. spoon
- Egg 2 pcs.
- Grated cheese.
- Pass the garlic through a press.
- Cut large grapes in half and leave small ones whole.
- Canned pineapples cut into cubes.
- Prepare dressing:
- Separate the egg yolk.
- Add mustard to it and beat thoroughly.
- Add sugar, salt and lemon juice.
- Beat dressing until thick.
- Add the olive oil to the dressing in a thin stream.
- Whip the sauce again.
- Dress the chopped ingredients with the sauce.
Salad "Fairy Tale" - "Winter's Tale" with potatoes
An excellent, proven version of salad for the festive table. You can cook it in advance, and serve it in verrines - the taste will only get better from this.
- Chicken breast (boiled) 1 pc.
- Pickled cucumber 2 pcs.
- Canned corn 150 gr.
- Mushrooms (champignons) 100 gr.
- Bulb onion 1 pc.
- Potatoes (boiled) 1 pc.
- Vegetable oil 20 ml.
- Mayonnaise 100 ml.
- Greens (chopped) 50 gr.
Cut the mushrooms in random order.
Finely chop the onion.
Saute mushrooms and onions until tender.
Diced pickled cucumber.
Chicken breast cut into cubes.
Mix the chicken breast with half the mayonnaise and half the herbs.
Potato cut into cubes.
Mix the potatoes with half the mayonnaise and half the herbs.
Put the salad into the verrines in the following order:
- Chicken with mayonnaise and herbs.
- Corn
- Fried mushrooms
- Pickled cucumber
- Potato marinated in mayonnaise and herbs.
Garnish with grated cheese if desired.
Tale salad - with turkey fillet
Another delicious holiday salad. Such salads always create a festive atmosphere at the table and delight adults and children.
- Turkey fillet (boiled) 500 gr.
- Eggs (boiled) 4 pcs.
- Mushrooms 400 gr.
- Onion 1 pc.
- Carrots (boiled) 2 pcs.
- Mayonnaise 350 gr.
- Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon
- Salt, pepper to taste
Finely chop the mushrooms.
Peel and cut the onion into thin half rings.
Saute mushrooms and onions until tender.
Turkey fillet cut into small strips.
Separately grate egg white and yolk on a coarse grater.
Finely grate carrots.
Next, lay the lettuce in layers in the following order:
- Turkey - mayonnaise mesh.
- Yolk.
- Mushrooms and onions - mesh of mayonnaise.
- Carrots - mayonnaise mesh.
- Protein.
Decorate the salad.
An original salad with an unusual, bright and rich taste. Prepare it with a "margin", because it is his guests who will eat first.
- Boiled beef tongue 500 gr.
- Bulb onion 5 pcs.
- Walnut 200 gr.
- Tartlets
- Cranberries for decoration
- Mayonnaise 200 gr.
- Ketchup 50 gr.
For marinade:
- Water 1 liter
- Salt 2 tablespoons
- Vinegar 1/2 cup
- Sugar 1 tbsp.
- Carnation
- Black pepper (peas)
- Peel the onion.
- Cut the onion into quarters and chop finely.
- Prepare marinade:
- Bring water to a boil.
- Add salt, vinegar, sugar and spices to the water.
- Marinate the onion for 1 hour.
- Tongue cut into cubes, very finely.
- Chop the walnuts.
- Combine tongue, onion and walnuts in a salad bowl.
- Stir the salad.
- Dress salad with mayonnaise and ketchup.
- Add ground pepper.
- Stir the salad.
- Divide the salad into tartlets.
- Decorate with cranberries.
Skazka salad with beans
A simpler recipe for the amazing Skazka salad. It takes a minimum of time and ingredients to prepare.
- Mushrooms (oyster mushrooms) 250 gr.
- Chicken fillet (boiled) 250 gr.
- Butter 50 gr.
- Canned beans 400 gr.
- Lemon 1 pc.
- Separate the fillet into fibers by hand.
- Cut the mushrooms into cubes and fry in butter until tender.
- Remove the beans from the jar and let the brine drain.
- Stir prepared ingredients.
- Dress salad with lemon juice.
- Add spices to taste.
Edition recommends:
- Classic cod liver salad
Crab salad with corn
Appetizer mother-in-law's tongue from zucchini for the winter
- Salad Mistress
- Buffet canape
- Salad with kirieshki
- Classic crab stick salad
- Salad with beans and croutons
- Caprese salad
- Quick and simple salads
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Chicken cutlets "fairy tale".

1000 cooking recipes.
Astafiev V. I.
Chicken cutlets "fairy tale"
Pass chicken meat through a meat grinder, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well, adding milk. Beat the minced meat so that it becomes loose. Divide it into portions, and then prepare the filling. Sort pre-soaked dried mushrooms, boil, finely chop and mix with fried onions. Roll the prepared portions of minced meat into thin layers, put the filling in the middle of each and close the cutlet like a pie.
Dip cutlets in raw beaten egg, roll in breadcrumbs and dip in melted butter to boil.
Cutlets served with a complex side dish - potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, apples.
Chicken (1 kg), ? cups of milk, pepper on the tip of a knife, 50 g of dried mushrooms, 3 onions, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs, 100 g butter, pepper, salt to taste.
Chicken cutlets
Chicken cutlets Components Minced chicken - 300 g White bread - 1 slice Sour cream - 1 tablespoon Onion - 1 head Egg - 1 piece Breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons Salt - to taste Method of preparation Soak and squeeze the bread. Peel the onion and chop very finely,
Chicken cutlets
Chicken cutlets Ingredients: chicken fillet - 1 kg, chicken broth - 1 cup, soy milk - 50 g, butter - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt to taste. Cooking method Skinless chicken fillet is washed, passed through a meat grinder, soy milk is added. Minced meat is salted, molded from
Chicken cutlets
chicken cutlets Ingredients 800 g chicken fillet, 70 g butter, 50 g each of ground rye crackers, pork fat, 1 egg, salt. Method of preparation Wash the fillet, thinly slice and lightly beat. Put butter in the center of each piece, roll up, dip in egg, salt,
Chicken cutlets
chicken cutlets Ingredients 300 g minced chicken, 2 slices of white bread, 100 ml milk, 1 tbsp. l. butter (or 1 tbsp mayonnaise), salt
Chicken cutlets
chicken cutlets Ingredients: 600 g chicken, 200 g mushrooms, 1 onion, 80 g white bread, 0.5 cup milk, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 1 egg, salt, breadcrumbs, fat. Cooking method: Peel the chicken from bones and skin, pass it twice through a meat grinder, the second time -
CHICKEN CUTLETS WITH MUSHROOMS Separate the chicken flesh from the bones and cut into pieces. Soak white bread in milk, then mix it with chicken pieces, salt and mince twice. Stir the resulting mass and beat well to get a homogeneous
Stuffed chicken cutlets
Stuffed chicken cutlets 450 g chicken or chicken meat, 25 g dried mushrooms, 1-2 onions, 60 g peeled walnuts, 50 g butter, 1 egg, 70 g stale wheat bread, 50 g fat, pepper, salt. Pass the meat through a meat grinder together with internal fat,
Chicken cutlets
Chicken cutlets four ? Art. spoons of soy flour, 4? Art. spoons of water, 6 tbsp. spoons of minced chicken, 1 egg white, 1? teaspoons of butter, a pinch of salt. Combine minced chicken twice through a meat grinder with soy flour, add water, egg white, butter, salt and well
Chopped chicken cutlets
Chopped chicken cutlets From the pulp of chickens, prepare a cutlet mass with the addition of 5 g of butter per serving. Form cutlets of 30 g each from the prepared cutlet mass, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter. Serve with potato croquettes, green
Chicken cutlets with mushrooms
Chicken cutlets with mushrooms Separate the chicken flesh from the bones and cut into pieces. Soak white bread in milk, then mix it with chicken pieces, salt and mince twice. Stir the resulting mass and beat well to get a homogeneous
342. CHICKEN CUTLETS 500 g chicken (pulp from chicken breast or thighs), 2 slices of bread, 2/3 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, 1 glass of breadcrumbs, salt. Pass the pulp from the breast and thighs (without skin) through a meat grinder along with a roll soaked in milk, add an egg, salt,
Chicken cutlets
Chicken cutlets 500 g chicken meat, 100 g white bread, 100 g chicken fat, 1 egg, salt to taste.