Dramatic role play ideas

Dramatic role play ideas
Drama and Role Play - The Bell FoundationWhat are drama and role play?Drama and role play can be fun and used successfully in any area of the curriculum. There are many ways of using drama and role pl...

Phonic sound of letter a

Phonic sound of letter a
What is the Phonic Sound of ‘a’ | Language Pronunciation LessonThis video lesson is designed for children aged 3-6 years to teach them the phonic sound of the letter “a” and how to pronounce the words...

Rhymes and stories for nursery

Rhymes and stories for nursery
Nursery Rhymes, Books, and Felt Stories for kidsBeloved nursery rhymes such as "Jack and Jill," "Little Miss Muffet," "Hickory, Dickory, Dock," and "Baa, Baa, Sheep," have been cherished by children f...

Tongue twisters pictures

Tongue twisters pictures
Tongue Twisted - Bilder und Stockfotos191BilderBilderFotosGrafikenVektorenVideosDurchstöbern Sie 191 tongue twisted Stock-Fotografie und Bilder. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Stock-Fo...

Number 4 kids

Number 4 kids
24 Number 4 Activities for Preschool ChildrenSeptember 7, 2022 //  by Kaitlyn Townsend While these activities were selected with the "number 4" in mind, most of these activities will work for any numb...

Presents for mimi

Presents for mimi
Gifts for Mimi - Etsy.deEtsy is no longer supporting older versions of your web browser in order to ensure that user data remains secure. Please update to the latest version. Take full advantage of ou...

Something start with letter a

Something start with letter a
Toddler A-Z – 100 Objects That Start with the Letter “A” January 14, 2016August 27, 2022 theslyspoon 100 things that start with letter A, animals that start with letter a, Big list of objects that st...

Why is it important for a child to be independent

Why is it important for a child to be independent
Reasons Why It Is so Important to Encourage Independence In ChildrenHave you noticed that all babies and young children tend to ‘want to do things by themselves?’ This tendency is the beginning of ind...

Learning colors for toddlers printables

Learning colors for toddlers printables
Color Preschool Printables - Preschool MomThis page is filled with resources to help you teach your children about colors. You’ll find printable charts, games, minibooks, activities, crafts and more....

Fun pretend games to play

Fun pretend games to play
25 Pretend Play Ideas - Bright Star KidsDo you have kids that love to pretend play? Pretend playing is good for their imagination, and develops vital social, language, thinking and emotional skills.He...