Picture start with letter c
Many Words Begin With Letter C - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken
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many words begin with letter clizenzfreie Stock- und Vektorgrafiken. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr faszinierende Stock-Bilder und Vektorarbeiten zu entdecken.Sortieren nach:
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c-buchstabe ikonische transformation form vektor logo design. kreative markenlogo-illustration. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleC-Buchstabe ikonische Transformation Form Vektor Logo Design. ...
Lernen, Briefe für Vorschulkinder zu schreiben. C steht für...
vektorabbildung von chicken mit alphabetbuchstaben c großbuchstaben oder großbuchstaben für kinder lernpraxis abc - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorabbildung von Chicken mit Alphabetbuchstaben C Großbuchstabe
Vektorillustration eines Huhns mit Buchstabenbuchstabe C Großbuchstaben oder Großbuchstaben für Kinder, die Lernpraxis ABC lernen
isometrische abc-buchstaben, lernen - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleIsometrische ABC-Buchstaben, Lernen
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. buchstabe c. rückverfolgung von briefen. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Buchstabe C. Rückver
Punkt-a-Punkt-Buchstaben für Kinder. Lernbrief C. Schwarz-Weiß-Arbeitsblatt.
school-alphabet blocks - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleSchool-Alphabet blocks
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. brief c. niedliches kawaii copybook. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Brief C....
Nachzeichnen von Alphabetbuchstaben für Kinder. Lernbuchstabe C. C ist für Copybook.
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. brief c. niedlicher kawaii-taschenrechner. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Brief C....
Nachzeichnen von Alphabetbuchstaben für Kinder. Lernbuchstabe C. C ist für Taschenrechner.
Erlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Piratenthema....
Nachzeichnen von Alphabetbuchstaben für Kinder. Lernbuchstabe C. C steht für Kanone.
vektorillustration zum erlernen des alphabets für kinder mit cartoon-bildern. buchstabe c steht für küken. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorillustration zum Erlernen des Alphabets Für Kinder mit...
buchstabe c wörter pädagogisches set mit zeichentrickfiguren - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set mit Zeichentrickfiguren
pädagogische Cartoon-Illustration von Comicfiguren und -objekten ab dem Buchstaben C für Kinder
buchstabe c wörter pädagogisches set mit zeichentrickfiguren - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set mit Zeichentrickfiguren
pädagogische Zeichentrickillustration für Kinder mit Comicfiguren und Objekten, die für den Buchstaben C gesetzt sind
buchstabe c wörter pädagogisches set mit zeichentrickfiguren - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set mit Zeichentrickfiguren
pädagogische Cartoon-Illustration von Comicfiguren und -objekten ab dem Buchstaben C für Kinder
buchstabe c wörter pädagogisches set malbuch seite - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set Malbuch Seite
Schwarz-Weiß-pädagogische Cartoon-Illustration von Comicfiguren und Objekten, beginnend mit dem Buchstaben C Set für Kinder Malbuchseite
englisch alphabet lernen für kinder.
Englisch Alphabet lernen für Kinder. Brief C. Niedliche Cartoon-Ra
Tieralphabet Karteikarte für Kinder. Lernbuchstabe C. C steht für Raupe.
buchstabenerkennung für kinder. schneiden und kleben. buchstabe c. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabenerkennung für Kinder. Schneiden und kleben. Buchstabe C.
Schneiden und kleben Sie Bilder, die mit dem Buchstaben C. Alphabet beginnen Arbeitsblatt.
buchstabenerkennung für kinder. kreisen sie alle objekte ein, die mit c beginnen. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabenerkennung für Kinder. Kreisen Sie alle Objekte ein,...
Kreisen Sie alle Objekte ein, die mit dem Buchstaben C beginnen. Arbeitsblatt für Kinder.
Es beginnt mit dem Buchstaben C oder K. Sortieren Sie Bilder.
Schneiden Sie Bilder aus und sortieren Sie sie in Spalten. Buchstabenerkennung. C oder K.
englisch alphabet lernen für kinder. buchstabe c. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleEnglisch Alphabet lernen für Kinder. Buchstabe C.
englisch alphabet lernen für kinder. buchstabe c. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleEnglisch Alphabet lernen für Kinder. Buchstabe C.
erster buchstabe eines wortes cartoon pädagogische aufgabe für kinder - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleerster Buchstabe eines Wortes Cartoon Pädagogische Aufgabe für...
Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bildern, beginnend mit dem Arbeitsblatt für Vorschul- oder Grundschulkinder mit Comicfiguren
c brief-symbol mit pfeil set.
C Brief-Symbol mit Pfeil set.
veränderung und zufall. handwechselbuchstaben c und g. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVeränderung und Zufall. Handwechselbuchstaben C und G.
Veränderung und Zufall. Handwechselnde Buchstaben C und G. Vektor
ersten buchstaben ein wort lernspiel für kinder - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleersten Buchstaben ein Wort Lernspiel für Kinder
Cartoon-Illustration des Findens von Bildern beginnend mit Referenced Letter Lernspiel-Arbeitsbuch für Kinder
erster buchstabe eines wortes malbuch - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleerster Buchstabe eines Wortes Malbuch
Schwarz-Weiß-Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bildern beginnend mit dem empfohlenen Brief Lernspiel-Arbeitsblatt für Kinder mit Objekten und Tieren Malbuch
c ist für pädagogische aufgabe malbuch - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleC ist für pädagogische Aufgabe Malbuch
c steht für pädagogische spiel malbuch - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleC steht für pädagogische Spiel Malbuch
Schwarz-Weiß-Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bildern beginnend mit Buchstabe C Lernspiel Arbeitsbuch für Kinder Malbuch
drei schritte map pointer infografik - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleDrei Schritte map Pointer Infografik
Moderne glänzende Drei-Schritte-Karte Zeiger Infografik-Elemente.
3D Großbuchstaben C im Kawaii-Stil. Isolierter Buchstabe mit...
erster buchstabe eines wortes malvorlagen - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleerster Buchstabe eines Wortes Malvorlagen
erster buchstabe eines wortes cartoon pädagogische aufgabe für kinder - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleerster Buchstabe eines Wortes Cartoon Pädagogische Aufgabe für...
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. buchstabe c. punktmarkeraktivität. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Buchstabe C....
Punkt-a-Punkt-Buchstaben für Kinder. Lernbrief C. Schwarz-Weiß-Arbeitsblatt.
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder.
Erlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Brief C. Süße...
Schwarz-Weiß-Alphabet-Karteikarte für Kinder. Lernbrief C. Malbuch.
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. brief c. malvorlage. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Brief C. Malvorlage.
Nachzeichnen von Alphabetbuchstaben für Kinder. Lernbrief C. Schwarz-Weiß-Arbeitsblatt.
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. buchstabe c. handgezeichneter kompass. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Buchstabe C....
Nachzeichnen von Alphabetbuchstaben für Kinder. Lernbuchstabe C. C steht für Kompass.
Buchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set Malbuch Seite
Schwarz-Weiß-pädagogische Cartoon-Illustration von Comicfiguren und Objekten, beginnend mit dem Buchstaben C Set für Kinder Malbuchseite
buchstabe c wörter pädagogisches set malbuch seite - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set Malbuch Seite
Schwarz-Weiß-pädagogische Cartoon-Illustration von Comicfiguren und Objekten, beginnend mit dem Buchstaben C Set für Kinder Malbuchseite
alphabet lernen. buchstaben auf der suche nach. schwarz und weiß. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleAlphabet lernen. Buchstaben auf der Suche nach. Schwarz und Weiß.
c steht für lernspiel für kinder - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleC steht für Lernspiel für Kinder
erster buchstabe einer wortaufgabe für kinder malbuchseite - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErster Buchstabe einer Wortaufgabe für Kinder Malbuchseite
ersten buchstaben ein wort farbbuch - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleersten Buchstaben ein Wort farbbuch
Schwarz-Weiß-Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens des Bildes, beginnend mit dem empfohlenen Brief Lernspiel Arbeitsblatt für Kinder Farbbuch
ersten buchstaben des ein wortspiel aktivität - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleersten Buchstaben des ein Wortspiel Aktivität
Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bildern beginnend mit Referenced Letter Lernspiel Arbeitsblatt für Kinder
3d großbuchstaben c im schwarz-weißen kawaii-stil.
3D Großbuchstaben C im schwarz-weißen Kawaii-Stil. Isolierter...
ersten buchstaben ein wort lernspiel für kinder - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleersten Buchstaben ein Wort Lernspiel für Kinder
Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bildern beginnend mit Referenced Letter Lernspiel Arbeitsblatt für Kinder mit Objekten und Tieren
erster buchstabe einer wortaufgabe für kinder farbbuchseite - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErster Buchstabe einer Wortaufgabe für Kinder Farbbuchseite
c ist für pädagogische aufgabe für kinder - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleC ist für pädagogische Aufgabe für Kinder
Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bild beginnend mit Buchstabe C Lernspiel Arbeitsblatt für Kinder
von 1Worksheets | TPT
WholeHearted School Counseling
$10. 75
Our Calm Down Corner kit has EVERYTHING you need to help your students with self-regulation, and will be a true game changer for your classroom management. It's the perfect social emotional learning and behavior management tool that's essential for every elementary classroom! You'll be able to create a beautiful break space where students can independently use coping strategies to self-regulate and manage their big feelings. All the while reducing classroom disruptions, making it easier for you
Classroom Management, School Counseling, Social Emotional Learning
K - 6th
Activities, Posters, Worksheets
Also included in: Self-Regulation Coping Skills Bundle: Calm Corner, SEL Lessons, Games & Decor
Maria Gavin from Kinder Craze
Help your students master writing letters with these tracing and print Alphabet Handwriting Practice Worksheets. This set includes 2 handwriting practice worksheets for each letter of the alphabet. The 52 pages of alphabet handwriting practice come in the traditional manuscript style of letter formation. Full and half-sheet alphabet handwriting practice pages are provided for each letter of the alphabet. All pages include detailed instructions for printing the featured letter. A boldface repr
Balanced Literacy, English Language Arts, Writing
PreK - 1st
Centers, Flash Cards
The Moffatt Girls
This Spring Math and Literacy Packet has it all and requires NO PREP! The resources in this packet are designed to meet Common Core Standards for Kindergarten while making learning FUN, hands-on and interactive! If you like this packet, you may also like our other NO PREP packets:⭐️SAVE BIG WITH⭐️ ALL YEAR Math and Literacy NO PREP Kindergarten⭐️ St. Patrick's Day NO PREP Packet Kindergarten⭐️ Valentine NO PREP (Kindergarten)⭐️ Christmas NO PREP (Kindergarten)⭐️ Fall Math and Literacy (Kinderga
Math, Reading, Spring
Centers, Printables
Also included in: All Year Math and Literacy NO PREP BUNDLE (Kindergarten) Winter
My Teaching Pal
$12. 50
Get your students practicing all things related to the alphabet with this HUGE alphabet worksheet bundle. Students will work on letter identification, beginning sounds, letter formation, lower and uppercase letter differentiation and so much more. There are 4 different worksheet types included in this pack which cover each letter of the alphabet. A total of 104 worksheets are included.What’s Included:♥ Alphabet Worksheets – Letter Work♥ Beginning Sounds Worksheets – Color By My Sound♥ Alphabet M
English Language Arts, Phonics, Writing
PreK - K
Activities, Printables, Worksheets
A Teachable Teacher
All-in-One Reading Passages give your students the opportunity to practice phonics and fluency with these reading comprehension passages and questions. The best part? It requires no prep on your end! Now including original PDF + NEW digital versions of each phonics reading passage for distance learning!Each reading passage gives your students the opportunity to practice a targeted phonics skill in the context of reading. Each phonics passage also builds fluency and comprehension. It’s the bundle
ELA Test Prep, Phonics, Reading
1st - 2nd
English (UK), Guided Reading Books, Printables
Pocket of Preschool
Label your entire classroom for students with HUGE set of 471 classroom labels with REAL PHOTOGRAPHS! This will save you hours and hours of time. Just print, laminate, and tape to the shelf. Three Sets Included:English word with photoSpanish (red text) and English (black text) word with photoFrench (blue text) and English (black text) word with photoEditable (blank page with NO photos, you add your own photos)These labels were created for early childhood classrooms (toddler, preschool, pre-k, ki
Back to School, For All Subject Areas
PreK - 1st
Also included in: Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Complete Curriculum BUNDLE
My Nerdy Teacher by Alina V
$100. 00
⭐⭐⭐ FLASH SALE ⭐⭐⭐Grab The Decodable Readers Passages Mega Bundle for just $19! Hurry up, time is running out! Your students can practice reading in a fun and engaging way using these decodable texts. Science of Reading AlignedLow Prep Required. Simply print and go.These decodable passages will help your students practice the phonics patterns you're teaching them.Perfect for centers, homework, morning work, and more.Printable and Digital (Google Slides™)Perfect for Preschool Kindergarten, 1st gr
Phonics, Reading, Writing
K - 2nd
Activities, Centers, Printables
RF.K.2d, RF.K.3, RF.K.3c, RF.1.2c, RF.1.2d…
Pocket of Preschool
Fine motor journals are a fun way to teach pre-writing skills, handwriting foundations, and strengthen fine motor muscles. There are so many fine motor activities you can do in a journal! It's like a mini-portfolio of all their fine motor activities all organized and in one place making it easy to visually see student growth. Here are some activities to do in fine motor journals: writing types of lines/letters (aka fun handwriting), name activities, letter activities, number activities, stamp ac
English Language Arts
PreK - K
Also included in: Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Complete Curriculum BUNDLE
Mrs Ds Corner
NUMBER 1 BEST SELLER ON TPT * Functional, differentiated skill work that is the perfect addition to your morning routine and calendar time. This adapted binder will help your students start their day off right, and once mastered, can be a set of skills they complete successfully and independently. Please watch the video preview for a look at some of the workpages included in this resource.Watch a video preview here.See it in action here and here. What is included?• 8 editable covers (add student
English Language Arts, Math, Special Education
PreK - 4th
Activities, Interactive Notebooks, Printables
Also included in: BUNDLE Morning Adapted Work Binder® ( English and Spanish )
Deedee Wills
$10. 00
Handwriting practice and instruction is here! Fluently being able to write letters leads to great gains in reading. Brain research supports the need for explicit handwriting and path of motion instruction and links proper handwriting to better student writing results! Quick, concise, easy to implement! My kind of handwriting instruction. HANDWRITING LESSONS IS NOT JUST ONE MORE THING!When you teach students handwriting while teaching phonics, students will build muscle memory kinestheticall
Balanced Literacy, English Language Arts, Handwriting
PreK - 1st
Activities, Printables
Miss Kindergarten Love
Transform your CVC instruction with these fun cards! Help your students practice blending CVC words and become better readers with these Read and Reveal & Write and Reveal cards. Engage your students while they practice blend and read skills. Your kindergarteners will love these task cards and have fun while they learn to read. This perfect CVC practice is self-checking! Help your emergent readers build their confidence today. ♥ BUNDLE AND SAVE ♥Save over 30% with the CVC Words Mega Bundle
Phonics, Reading Strategies
K - 1st
Also included in: Read & Reveal Decoding Words Cards Blending and Segmenting Science of Reading
Patricia Pat Resources
Is writing complete sentences or building sentence structure a struggle for your students? If so, you’ll love how these sentence writing worksheets will help you teach how to build and write complete sentences.✏️ The many activities in this pack will help your students UNDERSTAND the sentence structure CLEARLY and build a confident and solid writing foundation.✏️ This is a no-prep resource that even reluctant writers will love, plus you will save a lot of time with Differentiations and Scaffoldi
EFL - ESL - ELD, English Language Arts, Special Education
K - 3rd
Centers, Printables, Worksheets
RI. 2.1, RF.1.1a, W.K.2, W.2.3, SL.1.5…
Also included in: Sentence Writing Center | Complete Sentences | Sentence Structure | Small Groups
My Teaching Pal
The HUGE bundle of sentence work worksheets will have your students practicing a number of literacy skills related to fluency, editing, writing and grammar. This bundle is perfect for literacy centers, whole-class activities, homework, intervention programs and more!The following 4 packets are included in this bundle:1. Sentence ScrambleStudents unscramble the sentences to form a simple sentence. This activity is great for learning and understanding basic sentence structure. There are 20 pages i
English Language Arts, Phonics, Writing
PreK - 1st
Activities, Centers, Worksheets
Lucky Little Learners
Phonics reading passages, or Phonics Mats, are the perfect no-prep, print and go resource to help students turn isolated phonics skills into reading text! Students practice isolated phonics skills, decoding, fluency, and comprehension all in one resource. *** NEW UPDATE *** This resource has been updated with a brand new 2022 version! The new phonics mats have decodable passages, comprehension questions, word writing practice, and a warm-up page for each skill. Make sure to download the preview t
Phonics, Reading, Writing
Printables, Worksheets
RF.1.3, RF.1.3a, RF.1.3b, RF.1.3c, RF.1.3e…
The Moffatt Girls
This NO PREP Packet for April (Easter/Spring) has a lot of FUN and engaging activities that meet Core Standards for the entire month! This packet requires ****NO PREP, no need to laminate or use costly colored ink! These activities are perfect for morning work, literacy, math and writing centers, homework folders, early finishers and more! The activities in this packet are designed to be highly engaging and hands-on!Save BIG and buy the BUNDLETHE BUNDLE(Kindergarten)The BUNDLE includes the fo
Easter, Holidays/Seasonal, Spring
K - 1st
Centers, Printables, Worksheets
Also included in: Kindergarten Monthly NO PREP Packets THE BUNDLE | Winter | Valentine's Day
Read Write Middle
$35. 00
Are you looking for a way to have your students engaged and ready for class as soon as they walk in the door? My Daily Reading Comprehension Passages can help you do just that! These printable and digital bellringers are specifically designed to improve middle school students’ reading skills. This resource includes short and engaging daily reading passages that provide meaningful practice with context clues, main idea, making inferences, determining theme, and more!These passages are great for:H
English Language Arts, Informational Text, Reading
6th - 8th
RL.6.1, RL.6.2, RL.6.4, RL.7.1, RL.7.2…
Miss Kindergarten Love
These print and go reading fluency passages are a great way to help your students practice reading short vowel CVC words! These kindergarten reading passages help your students build their reading confidence while helping them develop strong foundational skills. The perfect reading passages to supplement any reading curriculum. ♥ BUNDLE AND SAVE ♥Grab the Reading Fluency Bundle for practice reading short vowel words, blends & digraphs, and long vowel words. This NO PREP, PRINT & GO readi
English Language Arts, Reading Strategies
K - 1st
Also included in: Small Group Reading Intervention MEGA Bundle
Pocket of Preschool
Red and Green Choices is a GAME CHANGER! It will change the way students act in your classroom! Making choices, how to interact with others, and act/behave is a skill (aka character education) we need to teach just like we need to teach letters and sounds. It takes lots of practice and visual supports for little learners. Included are 34 green choices (good choices) cards and 29 red choices (bad choices) cards. You choose the choices you think will best fit the needs of your class. Use the c
Back to School, Classroom Management, Social Emotional Learning
PreK - 1st
Activities, Centers, Printables
Also included in: Social Skills (SEL) and Character Educatio Curriculum Bundle for Little Learners
Especially Education
If you are looking for an individual schedule book, visual schedules, or a first then board, this Positive Behavior Support resource has it all! Please note: All editable files are compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint. Some pages may now be edited using Google Slides.Included in this download: - 6-tabbed and 2-tabbed flip book options- 200+ visual schedule icons (these are not editable)- First then board (separate from flip book)- First next then board (separate from flip book)- Token boards (wi
Back to School, Special Education, Speech Therapy
PreK - 2nd
Also included in: BUNDLE: First Then Board & Visual Schedule Flip Books (clipart + real pictures)
Clutter-Free Classroom
This St. Patrick's Day Craft - Leprechaun House for Sale combines March writing prompts with a fun Spring craftivity. Students create a house for a leprechaun and work through a scaffolded descriptive writing process to compose a sales listing for it.It offers a fun, engaging, creative way to teach descriptive writing to your elementary students. Even your most reluctant writers will enjoy describing their leprechaun cottage!This resource offers a fun, engaging, and creative way to teach descrip
English Language Arts, Holidays/Seasonal, St. Patrick's Day
2nd - 5th
Activities, Bulletin Board Ideas, Printables
W.3.4, W.3.5, W.3.6, W.3.10, W.4.4…
Kindergarten Friends
Letter of the Week Bundle!This bundle has everything you need for each letter of the alphabet!159 pages filled with amazing alphabet activities!This Bundle includes 6 activities per letter! All 26 letters are included! This bundle is perfect for morning work, alphabet centers, and homework. Each letter has the following activities:1. Coloring Page2. Trace and color3. Beginning sound picture sort4. Letter hunt, trace, and write5. Capital and Lowercase letter sort6. Color the pictures that star
Back to School, Handwriting, Vocabulary
PreK - 1st
Handouts, Homework, Worksheets
Lucky Little Learners
Phonics reading passages, or Phonics Mats, are the perfect no-prep, print and go resource to help students turn isolated phonics skills into reading text! Students practice isolated phonics skills, decoding, fluency, and comprehension all in one resource. *** NEW UPDATE *** This resource has been updated with a brand new 2022 version! The new phonics mats have decodable passages, comprehension questions, word writing practice, and a warm-up page for each skill. Make sure to download the preview
Phonics, Reading, Writing
Printables, Worksheets
RF.2.3, RF.2.3a, RF.2.3b, RF.2.3c, RF.2.3d…
Aimee's Edventures LLC
It was breaking my heart to watch my students wandering around the room trying not to cry when I said, "Please find a partner." So I created these cards! Now they are loved by thousands of teachers who have the same goal of including every student in their classroom.These partnership cards make it quick and easy to set up differentiated small group work, and they're perfect for kids of all abilities. The best part is that they don't have to guess who their partner is, it's right on the card (whi
Back to School, Classroom Community, Classroom Management
Not Grade Specific
Activities, Games, Printables
Also included in: Classroom Management BUNDLE
My Teaching Pal
$13. 75
This bundle is packed with so many fun-filled math worksheets for kindergarten students. It is perfect for whole-class activities, math stations, fast finisher activities, homework and review. The worksheets cover addition and subtraction to 10, place value, 2D & 3D shapes and numbers to 20. A total of 126 worksheets are included which are great to use all year round. This bundle consists of the following packets:Kindergarten Addition and Subtraction WorksheetsKindergarten Numbers to 20 Work
Basic Operations, Math, Numbers
PreK - 1st
Centers, Printables, Worksheets
Beautiful pictures of alphabet letters for kids (templates)
Beautiful pictures of alphabet letters for kids (templates)Skip to content
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Learning letters
Reading 2 min. Views 38.6k. Posted by
- Beautiful Pictures for Kids Alphabet Letters with Teddy Bear
- Letters with Eyes
- ABC with Cars
- Car Alphabet for Boys
- Beautiful Pictures Templates “Live Alphabet Letters” with 17 Colors for Kids 900 900 vowels - red
- Alphabet with animals
- Alphabet cards with fruit and vegetables
- More cute cards with letters of the alphabet and objects whose name begins with the letter
- More beautiful alphabet cards with animals and objects
- Alphabet straw peppa pig
- Hoch letters alphabet for children to print
- Living letters with eyes and legs kartochki_alfavit4kartochki_alfavit3
- Still very beautiful pictures for children with living letters of the alphabet kartochki_bkartochki_a
- Alphabet with heroes of famous fairy tales
- More cards with fairy tale characters
- Alphabet with Winnie the Pooh
- Multi-colored letters
- Game match the letter to the object whose name begins with it I collected beautiful letters in this article alphabet for children, the templates of which can be downloaded completely free of charge, printed and played.

To download the cards you like, click on the subtitle and the system will automatically open the page on Yandex disk
letters download
Why do we need funny pictures? | Papmambuk
How are pictures and storytelling related to reading?
A letter is a sign, a conditional representation of sound. The thing is quite difficult for children to understand. To come to "understand" the letter, the child must first discover how the sign works in principle. In particular, the image as a sign.
When we open a book in front of a baby, we say, "Look, it's a cat." The cat in the picture is not the same as the cat in reality. Moreover, in different pictures, cats are depicted in different ways. And yet, every time we guess that this is a cat - according to some conditional signs, which in our culture are considered “feline signs”. That is, we have developed some idea of how to depict a cat - a sign of a cat. This is what we teach the child: this image is called a cat.
He learns to recognize a cat not because he saw it on the street and must compare his real experience with the picture (this is a completely different action, another component of the cognitive process), but because we point our finger at the drawn image and call it a cat.
The process of recognition of the sign is the same, we show the child a cat or a crocodile. This image is a cat, and this is a crocodile. And this is a chicken or a baby elephant (which the child has never seen either). Through pictures, the child learns to recognize drawn signs, learns to "read" them. And he draws in exactly the same way: a child's drawing is a coded message. One drawing may contain not one plot, but several; not one mood, but a change of moods. As psychologist Maria Osorina wrote, a child draws not what he sees, but what he knows, his understanding of reality.
Lev Vygotsky, a classic of Russian psychology, believed that children's drawing is akin to the picturesque writing of the ancients, and children's writing grows out of a child's drawing during normal development. The first letters, the first words appear exactly inside the children's drawing as part of it.
In the same way, looking at pictures in early and preschool age is an activity that paves the way to reading. Of course, the meaning of children's drawing and communication with book illustrations is not limited to this. But I specifically focus on the "utilitarian" function of pictures. After all, when we consider them together with a child, we, as a rule, accompany this lesson with the words: look what is drawn here; oh what a funny dog! The man was afraid of her. He is afraid that the dog will bite him, etc. What it is? We show that there is content behind the drawn signs, which, if desired, we can “voice out” - “translate” the drawn into sounding. In the same way, when we show a letter to a child - a drawn sign, we say how it is read - that is, how it sounds.
It is clear that we do this when the child is very small. And then he no longer needs our comments. He can look at pictures without our explanations. But the meaning of this action remains the same: the child must understand the meaning of the picture, its plot, how the characters are connected to each other - that is, build some text on the picture. Actually, this skill is checked by psychologists when they determine the child's readiness for schooling.
Of course, telling others what you see in the picture is a separate skill. But in any case, it is built on the ability to look, examine, “read” the picture.
And this ability must be developed. That's what all kinds of stories in pictures are for, including comics.
Naturally, the pictures should be interesting to the child. (Especially when we put him a learning book.) Interest is the basis of activity, one of its main motives, that which answers the question why the child will look at the pictures. He will do it because he is interested.
Uncle Kolya Vorontsov drew a whole book of interesting pictures - arranged a real holiday of humor. This is what is called a "cool" book. On the one hand, it uses words denoting such modern realities as a hamburger, electricity, eclair and plaster. On the other hand, it has "hooligan" antics like "draw your navel" (exercise for the letter P). The child will also find here a whole company of monsters (with the letter M). And each of the monsters has its own name, which also begins with the letter M: Mouse, Mukhra, Munyansha, Mumzik ... To pronounce all these names is also a speech therapy task. Studying the letters, you can play - for example, in the game "Find a pair of socks" (for the letter H) or in the maze (for the letter L), draw and color something somewhere. But besides the fact that all this is very funny, there are plots in this alphabet - also very witty and unexpected. Most of the plots are connected with the "adventures" of two cross-cutting characters - Buka and Byaki, who meet the reader on the very first spread and are later found on other pages together and separately (in fairness, we note that Boris Zakhoder invented them - however, "in words" , and not in the form of a hand-drawn character). They bathe, perform in the circus, show off their teeth, wander through the maze, dress up, change clothes, run away from a pirate, and so on. and so on. Actually, one could come up with a separate dizzying story about them. And you can - many, many small stories associated with pictures for a specific letter. The letter is inscribed in the picture, is its character, that is, a bridge is built into the alphabetic pictures between the drawn “message” and the letter “message”.
Uncle Kolya Vorontsov did not limit himself to choosing one word for a letter: there are several words for each letter, and, as already mentioned, they are almost always united by a single plot in the picture.
So Vorontsov's "ABC" is also the first book to read.
"Azbuka" has only one problem, which is typical for all Russian alphabets in general. It is connected with the name of the letter and with its reading. The names of many letters of the Russian alphabet do not correspond to how they are read: el, em, er, sha, ef ... In addition, letters for consonants can mean both a hard sound (m) and soft (m): soap - meat.
This is not noted in the alphabet. There are no names of letters even on those spreads where the entire alphabet is assembled.
But this is easy to compensate. If a child asks what a letter is called, you need to say: it is called like this, but it is read like this and like this: this is the letter em, it is read like “m” and like “m”. Here - "m": soap, and here - "m": meat.
But in general, a child who is read a lot - and not only prose, but also poetry - can discover it himself. How - it is not very clear, however, many children independently comprehend the patterns of merging letters - without special explanations.