Prepositions for grade 1
What Are Prepositions? | 1st Grade Grammar
Sometimes we want to describe where a noun is.
Take a look.
The pillow is on the bed.
To tell where a noun is, or when it is happening, we use prepositions!
On is a preposition. Here are some other prepositions:
In, around, above, below, at, by
Prepositions are words used before nouns to tell you when something will happen or the location of something. 😃
Place PrepositionsUse these prepositions to describe where a noun is:
under, on, in, inside, over, next to, by, at, under
For example:
The cat is on the pillow.Time Prepositions![]()
Use these prepositions to describe when something is:
at, on, in, for, ago, to, by
For example
The game is at 2 o’clock.Movement Prepositions
To describe where something is moving, use these prepositions:
to, into, towards, through
For example:
The frog jumped into the pond.
Other Prepositions
To describe how something is done, use these propositions:
on, in, by, with, like
For example:
We traveled by car.![]()
To describe a measure of something, use these prepositions:
by, of
For example:
He is taller than me by 2 inches.
I ate a pound of candy today.
To tell where something is from, use one of these propositions:
from, by
For example:
My rash was from the soap.
To describe owning, or possession, use one of these prepositions:
to, of, with
For example:
The teacher spoke to the girl with blonde hair.Let’s Practice!![]()
What is the preposition in this sentence? 👇
My backpack is hanging between the jackets.
Yes! Between is the preposition, showing where the backpack was hanging.
Remember: prepositions describe where or when something is.
Let’s try another example. 💪
What is a preposition in the sentence?
The phone rang during breakfast.
Great! During is the preposition that is telling the time that the phone rang.
Let’s try one more! 👍
What is a preposition in the sentence?
They were standing by the door.
That’s right! By is the preposition, showing the location where they were standing. 🌟
Great job learning about prepositions in a sentence. 🎉
Tip: about and in are prepositions! 😺
Now, complete the practice to help you understand more and remember for longer.
First Grade (Grade 1) Prepositions Questions for Tests and Worksheets
You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 1 Prepositions questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.
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Select All QuestionsWhich is an example of a preposition?
- in
- is
- but
- and
Use the common prepositions below to complete the sentences.
on of with out
a. We took a trip out of town last weekend.
b. My dad always drinks a glass of milk before bed.
c. My sister sat with me on the bus.
Identify the preposition:
The trout stream winds through the forest.
- stream
- the
- through
- forest
Find the preposition. The cat is hiding in the closet.
- The
- in
- hiding
Find the preposition. Congratulations to the whole class!
- class
- the
- to
Find the prepositions. He always goes to bed at 8 PM.
- to, at
- He, always
- always, goes
What is the preposition in the following sentence?
Bill read the book during class.
- Bill
- class
- during
Find the preposition. They went inside when it started raining.
- inside
- they
- it
Find the prepositions. Molly searched for her project around the house.
- searched, Molly
- the, her
- for, around
Find the preposition. Our family went on vacation last week.
- our
- on
- family
Find the preposition. They planted flowers all around the yard.
- around
- the
- They
Identify the preposition:
Run over and get the mail from my box.
- over
- and
- get
- from
Find the preposition. Sarah got a new pair of shoes.
- a
- of
- got
Find the prepositions. In science class, we are learning about bats.
- science, class
- in, about
- learning, bats
Find the preposition. I walked into the room happily.
- into
- walked
- I
- happily
Find the prepositions. We munched on snacks throughout the day.
- on, throughout
- We, the
- munched, snacks
Find the preposition. Eat a snack before you play soccer.
- eat
- before
- a
Find the preposition. After the movies, we walked home.
- After
- the
- home
Find the preposition. The cat walked along the fence carefully.
- along
- carefully
- cat
Find the preposition. My dog hid behind my legs.
- hid
- my
- behind
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Russian language lesson in the 1st grade on the topic: "Preposition"
- introduce the preposition as an official part speech;
- to teach the correct use of prepositions in oral and written speech.
Lesson progress:
1. On the board: Glittered on the green grass dewdrop .
- Read the entry on the board. Prove that proposal is written. Name it all "erroneous" places in the sentence. Write off.
2. On the board: The sun quietly rises _____ fields.
- Read what is written in the second line. Can this post be called offer? What needs to be changed in order to group of words got a sentence? (Can change the ending and add the word over : Sunny quietly rises above field . And you can add the word because of : The sun quietly rises from behind the field. Children can give other options - all of them are needed consider).
- So far the word is over , just like the words are in , to , to , to ..., we called it like this: small single word . From today's lesson we will call such words prepositions .
3. Lesson topic: Prepositions . We will learn determine the place of the preposition, write correctly prepositions with other words. The word "preposition" Latin meaning "standing in front of word": "before" - before; "logos" - word.
- Find the preposition in the first sentence ( by ). How is the preposition written with the following word? And in second sentence? (Also separate). Compare your observations with the rule textbook. Formulation of the rule.
4. The preposition itself does not mean anything, you can't even ask him a question. But how as soon as he stands next to the word, then we will see that each preposition has its own meaning. But he necessary to connect words with each other friend. (Scheme work: ? - word, O- pretext).
Arrange the preposition so that it is clear meaning.
The result of children's work can be like this:
- Think of phrases with these prepositions.
Recording the most interesting phrases, fixing the rule.
5. Word combinations on the board:
Birds in cage;
Leaves on branch ;
Cat under table;
Kindergarten around corner;
Book from girlfriends;
Song about friend;
Hare without tail;
Oral account to hundred;
Visit to Uncle Kolya;
Tell about school.
- Write down only prepositions.
(Check operation).
6. Use the prepositions correctly. Work in groups (2-3 people each).
Task for each group: insert prepositions.
1 group
I'm walking in the forest in the morning,
I'm all dew got wet.
But now I know
birch and moss,
raspberry, blackberry,
hedgehog and hedgehog,
which hedgehog
All needles are trembling.
Group 2
This is our yard
Champions, masters.
They wear jump ropes pocket,
Jumping the most morning.
courtyard and boulevard,
lane and garden,
And to everyone sidewalk
passers-by mind.
Group 3
Alyosha is glad: spring has come,
the garden is warm and dry
And window class
A fly is buzzing today.
He became a fly observe.
she flew in the window,
She will sit down notebook,
It's a piece of chalk.
7. Physical education.
We worked together,
And now we need to sleep.
Quiet! Quiet! Silence entered our room.
Children have a sweet dream,
The guys like him:
About marshmallow, about marmalade,
And about delicious chocolate,
About sweets, about jam,
And about cakes, about cookies.
Kind Gena - a crocodile of all for the holiday invited.
He treats the kids and invites them to dance.
- What pretexts did you hear?
8. On the board : Ants, in, nests, to, storm, hiding.
- Find the place of the preposition (live diagram).
- Which of the children depicts prepositions, which ones?
9. Independent work. Entry under dictation followed by mutual verification:
above the garage, no pencil, cherry, warm weather, behind the gray elephant.
10. Lesson summary.
- What did you learn about prepositions? Is it possible to do without them in Russian? Check at home.
Russian language Grade 1 Lesson topic: Preposition
Innovative secondary school named after
Karybek uulu Akmataaly
prepared: primary school teacher
Orozombetova Anara Askarbekovna
Lesson topic: Prepositions
- find out what a preposition is;
- find out why we need prepositions in Russian;
- how they are spelled with other words ;
- we will learn how to use prepositions correctly in our speech;
April 28th
Remote work
over on under under
Working with vocabulary words.
- Guess the riddles:
2) He is friends with the owner,
Jump for a grain! Barks at strangers,
Peck, don't be shy! He won't let you into his house...
Who is it? .........
Plants, factories are worth
and there are many shops,
and different people are scooped up,
is the same …
Write down the words.
Vocabulary: sparrow, dog, city.
- Make sentences with these words (orally).
- I also made sentences.
- The dog is sleeping…… the booth.
- A sparrow is sitting on …….a branch.
- The plane flies ….. city.
Open the textbook on page 21.
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