Preschool letter c words
C Words for Kids - C Word Lists and Free Printable Activities
Want some help coming up with some common C words for kids? If so, grab your coffee and I will give you some clever and creative words that begin with C.
These C words for kids will be a charming addition to your kid’s vocabulary. From cocoa and cupcakes to candy and crayons, I’ve got C word lists for preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and advanced.
But that’s not all. There are also other C word lists for foods, places, animals, and objects that belong with C. As well as, Ch words, three-letter C words and four-letter C words for kids.
One more thing before we get cracking, make sure you get the free printable C Words for Kids Learning Pack that is available at the end.
What are the Sounds of C
The letter C can make two sounds: A hard /c/ sound as in: can, car, cope AND a soft C sound (/s/) as in: cent, cyst, and city. The C is soft if it come before an i, e, or y. Otherwise it makes the hard /c/ sound.
The Sounds of C:
- Hard C says /c/ as in: cat, comb, candy
- Soft C says /s/ as in: cent, city, cyst
Note: there are also common letter combinations for letter C. These letter combinations for letter C include: cl, cr, ck, ch.
C Words for Preschool
Preschool is a wonderful time to learn letter C, as well as, easy C words that demonstrate the hard /c/ sound. (Start with the hard /c/ sound first, so your preschooler is not overwhelmed with multiple letter sounds at this point.)
*Need more help with letter recognition, letter sounds, prewriting, for your preschooler? Check out these resources: Printable Preschool Learning Folder, Preschool Daily Skill Builder, and Prewriting Book 1.
Here are some easy C words for preschool:
Words that begin with C for Preschool:
- Cat – The cat purred while she sat in my lap.
- Can – There is a can of green beans in the pantry.
- Cake – My mom makes the best chocolate cake.
- Coat – My coat keeps me warm.
- Camp – I am going to summer camp.
- Corn – Corn tastes good with butter and salt.
- Clap – Clap your hands for the winners!
- Carrot – I gave my horse a carrot.
- Camera – Jane takes beautiful pictures with her new camera.
- Clouds – The clouds are fluffy and white.
- Candy – I got lots of candy at the parade.
C Words for Kindergarten
Learning a variety of words for each letter of the alphabet is really beneficial in building a well-rounded vocabulary. With that being said, here are some easy C words for kindergarten:
Do your kids need more practice with letter recognition, beginning and ending sounds, and early reading? If so, check out this printable Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder.
Words that begin with C for Kindergarten:
- Cow – We milk our cow every morning.
- Car – Our family has a red car.
- Cup – I filled my cup with apple juice.
- Cap – My baseball cap is dark blue.
- Cone – Bill ordered a strawberry ice cream cone.
- Cage – The bird had a swing in her cage.
- Card – I wrote a birthday card for my cousin Sal.
- Crab – The crab crawled back into the water.
- Clock – Look at the clock and tell me what time it is.
- Clothes – Your clothes look like they are getting to small for you.
- Catch – I will throw the ball and you catch it.
- Castle – The princess lived in a castle.
- Camel – A camel is a fascinating animal.
- Cookies – There are three cookies left.
- Candy – I didn’t eat too much candy.
Words that end with C for Kindergarten:
- Music – I like to listen to all types of music.
- Sync – I need to sync my devices.
- Zinc – My mom takes zinc when she starts to feel unwell.
- Disc – The disc was scratched and we couldn’t use it anymore.
- Arc – The rainbow made a stunning arc in the sky.
Three Letter C Words for Beginning Readers
Three letter C words and four letter C words are great for preschoolers, kindergartners, and early readers . These easy short C word options will come in handy for building kids phonemic awareness as well as sight word repertoire.
Three letter C Words for Kids
- Cab
- Cad
- Can
- Cap
- Car
- Cat
- Caw
- Cod
- Con
- Cop
- Cow
- Cox
Four letter C Words for Kids
- Cabs
- Cafe
- Cage
- Cake
- Calf
- Call
- Calm
- Came
- Come
- Camp
- Cane
- Coil
- Coin
- Coma
- Cook
- Comb
- Cute
- Cans
- Cape
- Capo
- Caps
- Card
- Care
- Carp
- Cars
- Cart
- Case
- Cash
- Coax
- Code
- Cool
- Coop
- Copy
- Curd
- Cast
- Cats
- Cave
- Cell
- Cent
- Chat
- Chef
- Chew
- Chip
- Chop
- Chow
- Coal
- Coat
- Core
- Cork
- Cost
- Cyst
- Chug
- Chum
- City
- Clad
- Clam
- Clan
- Clip
- Clap
- Claw
- Clog
- Club
- Clue
- Clot
- Crab
- Cram
- Crib
- Cuff
Ch Words for Kids
There are many Ch words for kids that can also be include in your list of words that begin with C. Here are some of the more common Ch words for kids:
Ch Words for Kids:
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalk
- Chance
- Chant
- Chap
- Chapter
- Charcoal
- Charge
- Chill
- Charity
- Charm
- Chart
- Chat
- Cheap
- Cheat
- Check
- Cheek
- Cheer
- Chore
- Cheese
- Cheetah
- Cherry
- Chew
- Check
- Chief
- Child
- Chip
- Chop
- Chum
C Words for Elementary Students
Building your students knowledge of C words as they get into the elementary years will impact their writing and speaking skills, as well as, their confidence. Check out some of these C words for elementary students ideas:
C Words for Elementary Students:
- Cat – We have a black and gray cat named Oscar.
- Cow – The cow is ready to be milked.
- Can – Will you open this can of green beans?
- Chair – Sit down in the chair.
- Cup – Father handed me a cup of coffee.
- Copy – Here is a copy of my favorite book.
- Cook – My sister is going to cook dinner tonight.
- Cute – The cat was really cute.
- Cinema – We went to the cinema to see the latest movie.
- Could – Could you help me clean the garage?
- Castle – A lonely castle sat on the top of the hill.
- Clock – The clock says that it noon.
- Celery – I like to eat celery with peanut butter.
- Circus – We saw elephants and tigers at the circus.
- Central – We decided to meet at a centra location.
- Calculator – The teacher said we could use a calculator to help solve the math equations.
- Cello – My sister plays the violin and I play the cello.
- Cookie – Do you want a cookie with your lunch?
- Cross – Be careful when you cross the street.
- Care – It is my job to care for the animals.
- City – We used to live in the city.
- Camel – A camel can go a long time without getting thirsty.
- Camera – I took my camera on our vacation.
- Couch – Our family all sat on the couch and watched a movie together.
- Coffee – My mom drinks coffee every morning.
- Chart – Here is a chart of your progress.
- Comics – We like to read the Sunday comics every week.
- Cheerful – Bella was happy and cheerful.
- Classy – The duchess is a classy lady.
- Creative – Painting is my creative outlet.
- Clever – The fox of was clever and cunning.
- Chill – I put my drink in the freezer to give it a quick chill.
- Calm – He remained calm during the stressful situation.
- Comfort – I tried to comfort my grieving friend.
- Child – The child tripped on her shoelace and fell over.
- Children – The school was bustling with children and teachers.
- Chicken – We are having chicken and rice for dinner.
- Collar – The collar on my shirt is stained.
- Coral – We saw colorful coral when we went scuba diving.
- Cowboy – The cowboy rode his horse down the road.
- Crayon – We need a new red crayon.
- Cucumber – Cucumber salad is my favorite on a hot summer day.
- Cabbage – My mom grew a cabbage in her garden.
- Contest – She won the contest and got the blue ribbon.
- Consider – Consider the consequences before you make that decision.
- Courage – It takes courage to do the right thing.
- Commit – I am ready to commit to this relationship.
- Cupcake – I chose the chocolate cupcake.
- Coyote – The coyote hid out of sight.
- Cantaloupe – We had cantaloupe and berries for breakfast.
Challenging C Words for Kids
Do your children enjoy challenging C words? If so, check out these clever yet somewhat, complex C words for kids. (This C word list is geared more towards upper elementary and beyond)
Challenging C Words for kids:
- Confident – I feel confident that I am going to win the race.
- Communicate – Dolphins communicate with noises and body language.
- Courageous – The firefighter was courageous and ran in to rescue the boy from the burning building.
- Committed – They are committed to their marriage.
- Chandelier – A large chandelier hung from the ballroom ceiling.
- Cantankerous – The old man was ornery and cantankerous.
- Chatterbox – Her mom called her a chatterbox because she never stopped talking.
- Calligraphy – We wrote the invitations in our best calligraphy handwriting.
- Considerate – He was always kind and considerate of others.
- Chivalry – Chivalry is not dead.
- Capable – We have left our baby in the capable hands of her grandmother.
- Charming – The gentleman was charming and kind.
- Champion – Matt was the all-star chess champion for this year.
- Charity – Charity means love.
- Commendable – I praised him for his commendable act.
- Courtesy – He gave Jane the. courtesy of going first.
Nouns That Start with Letter C
Wanting a list of every day items that begin with C? Perhaps your students are putting together a C word letter collage or trying to come up with a snack using only foods that begin with C? If so, here are some common foods, animals, places, and objects that begin with C.
Foods that start with C:
- Cabbage
- Cake
- Carmel
- Candy
- Carrot
- Cantaloupe
- Cocoa
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Crab
- Catfish
- Cauliflower
- Cayenne
- Celery
- Cereal
- Chicken
- Coleslaw
- Cookies
- Cornbread
- Cupcakes
- Cheese
- Cherries
- Chickpeas
- Chives
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
- Crackers
- Cranberries
- Cream
- Cucumbers
Animals that start with C:
- Caribou
- Centipede
- Cat
- Chinchilla
- Cow
- Coyote
- Caterpillar
- Catfish
- Chameleon
- Chihuahua
- Cougar
- Clownfish
- Cheetah
- Chicken
- Chimpanzee
- Chipmunk
- Crab
- Cockroach
Places that start with C:
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Chad
- Chile
- Cameroon
- Calcutta
- Cairo
- California
Objects that start with C:
- Can
- Candle
- Cactus
- Camera
- Canoe
- Candy
- Car
- Carpet
- Carton
- Case
- Castle
- Chalk
- Chair
- Chess
- Chick
- Clothes
- Clock
- Circle
- Cloud
- Clown
- Coat
- Cotton
- Crayon
- Crane
- Cork
- Collar
- Chopsticks
- Cheese
Vocabulary Activities That Help to Teach C Words to Kids
(This list of ideas contains Amazon Affiliate Links. )
- Play a C Word Unscramble: Write a word from your C word list on a white board or chalkboard with the letters mixed up. Then, have your kids see if they can unscramble the letters and figure out what C word it is. (For multiple kids, you can make it a contest to see which team can unscramble the C word first)
- Utilize C Word Printables – First of all, make sure you get the free C Words for Kids Learning Pack that is available in this post. Then, find some fun and free C word coloring sheets or other activity pages that help to build your student’s C word vocabulary.
- Read Books that Feature C Words – Reading together is such an easy and fun way to learn more C words. Find some books that feature C words (repeated C words throughout) like Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina OR Corduroy by Don Freeman.
- Play C Word Ball Pass: To begin, get a ball and brainstorm as many C words as you can.
To play, toss the ball back and forth. The trick is, you have to say a new C word each time you pass the ball. The first person to run out of C words looses the game.
- Make a C Word Snack – This is a super fun and tasty way of learning new C words! See if you can make a snack using only foods that begin with the letter C. What will you come up with? Chocolate cake? Candy in cookies? Cherries and cream? There are tons of creative C word snack ideas!
FREE Letter C Learning Pack
I’ve got a free letter C learning pack for you! This pack includes a C word list, letter c tracing cards, handwriting, pages, and a traceable vocabulary list. To get this resources, All you have to do is sign in with Grow for this exclusive content!
Get it Now!
Free Printable:
Download the Free Printable C Word Learning Pack!
What would you add to these C word lists?
This post contains Amazon Affiliate Links.
List of Words That Start With Letter 'C' For Children
- List of C Words For Kids
- Words That Start With C For Kindergarten And Preschool Kids
- C Words For Lower Elementary Kids
- Cool Words That Start With The Letter C For Kids
- Positive Words That Start With Letter C For Children
- More Words That Start With The Letter C
- Activities That Will Help Your Child Learn Words With C
Every child is different, and so is the learning ability of each child. It’s vital to teach kids based on their learning abilities and learning speed. Introducing words that start with C to kindergarten, preschool, and nursery kids will teach them the new words and sounds. English words with C can have varied sounds and pronunciations based on its place in the word it the adjacent letter. It creates the /s/ sound in the word ‘city’, and the /k/ sound is in the cat word. Placed along with an H, it commonly creates a CH sound as in Choice or Change. In some cases, especially words adopted from french, it can also create a SH sound as in Chandelier and Chateau.
Parents and teachers must introduce kids to new words every time they get a chance, to expand their vocabulary. Teaching children words beginning with each letter individually also gives them a strong understanding of phonics. Listed below are various kinds of c words for your reference.
List of C Words For Kids
There are two types of sounds in words beginning with C. When the letter C appears in a word before or followed by the letters i, e, and y, then they are known as soft c words. If c is in front or followed by any other letter than these, they are known as hard c words. Let’s look into some of the words that start with C that are easy to grasp for kindergarten kids. Before going into long and complex words with C, start by introducing your kids to some commonly used words. These easy and simple words will help your child to quickly understand and recognise the letter C and the words beginning with C. Below are a few common words with C for fundamental learning.
Cookie | Can | Cat |
Call | Car | Cloud |
Clock | clap | Cinema |
Corn | Cow | Cake |
Clean | Come | Cold |
City | Close | Candy |
Cap | Cycle | Cash |
Collar | Coconut | Cream |
Cheese | Circle | Castle |
Circus | Calendar | Currency |
Words That Start With C For Kindergarten And Preschool Kids
If kindergarten, preschool or nursery kids can differentiate between the pronunciation of soft C and hard C, it’ll make them well-versed in understanding words that start with C. To make it easy for them to differentiate the words on their own, we must guide them to recognise and pronounce these words. Splitting the words letter by letter can help children in quickly grasping a particular word, its sound, and pronunciation. Let us introduce your child to two and three-letter words with C that are small, simple, and easy to teach kids.
2 Letter Words That Start With C
3 Letter Words That Start With C
Cub | Cab |
Cow | Can |
C Words For Lower Elementary Kids
For lower elementary kids, teach these four-letter, five-letter, six-letter, and seven-letter c alphabet words to give a strong boost to their basic c words. For the kids up to class 3, these words will give a wider exposure related to c words. These big and slightly complex c words will add more information and details to your little tot knowledge. Honestly, kids are most of the time distracted when unsupervised and lack proper learning skills. To make sure they are engaged and participative; introduce them to new vocabulary activities at regular time intervals which also incorporate discipline to your little one. Given below are some of the four-letter, five-letter, six-letter, and seven-letter c alphabet words for strong vocabulary skills.
4 Letter Words That Start With C
Coat | Coin |
Cure | Comb |
5 Letter Words That Start With C
Curry | Click |
Climb | Cloth |
6 Letter Words That Start With C
Choice | Camera |
Comedy | Clever |
7 Letter Words That Start With C
Costume | Ceiling |
Citizen | Curious |
Cool Words That Start With The Letter C For Kids
These cool words starting with c are the words that are used to express amazing and fun things that kids often find interesting. Teach these to your children and make their personalities even more cool and attractive. These words will be relatively in-depth, but your kids are going to love these cool words once they understand their meaning. So, here are some of the twenty cool c alphabet words:
Cosmic | Cacophony |
Contextual | Consortium |
Cahoots | Cosmetic |
Crux | Catalyst |
Crackerjack | Confectionary |
Chronology | Courtesy |
Chromosome | Calligraphy |
Chivalry | Capacious |
Chandelier | Cowabunga |
Crucial | Colossal |
Positive Words That Start With Letter C For Children
Positive words should definitely be in your kid’s word bank to spread positivity and good vibes everywhere. To teach your little ones some good words starting with c, check out these positive words that start with C that add good personality and behaviour traits to your children’s learning journey. These words, along with creating positive thinking, also create empathy in your kids.
Calm | Charity |
Courageous | Caring |
Comforting | Considerate |
Communicative | Creative |
Capable | Charming |
Composed | Comdraderie |
Classy | Confident |
Champion | Cheerful |
Charismatic | Congenial |
Conscientious | Cool |
More Words That Start With The Letter C
If you are looking to teach your child the names of common things that start with C, then here are some names of animals, and places that start with C. Check out these words for making your kid’s vocabulary strong and diverse. Try creative ways that your kids find interesting to learn and retain the knowledge. Make them say out loud the words, write them down, pronounce them, and repeat them after you. This method guarantees their learning to be effective.
Names Of Things That Start With C
Cell | Computer |
Cotton | Cake |
Corset | Chimney |
Camper | Cachet |
Cape | Cage |
Crust | Coral |
Carpet | Centrepiece |
Names Of Animal That Start With C
Cheetah | Cobra |
Chicken | Chipmunk |
Names Of Places That Start With C
California | Cambodia |
Calcutta | China |
Activities That Will Help Your Child Learn Words With C
1. Let’s Make Cookies
Get your kids involved in engaging and participative activities to learn the letter C like making different types of cookies. Ask kids to bring a big cookie jar and then label it. Later, make cookies using cardboard cut-outs and write words with the letter C on every cookie. Pass on the jar to the kids and ask them to pick one cardboard cookie out of the jar and read aloud the word.
2. Colouring And Connecting
Make them recognise and colour the objects that start with C. You can get your child some engaging worksheets and activity books for this exercise.
3. Flashcards And Charts
An easy and quick way to make your kids revise their lessons is through flashcards and charts. Hang a few visually appealing charts with both images and words with the letter C for effective learning.
4. Making A Cat-On-A-Cup
Ask your kid to paste stickers of googly eyes and pipe cleaners on a disposable cup along with small cut-outs of triangles as ears, and voila! The cat is ready.
Kids will not enjoy learning in a monotonous and boring environment. Fun and interactive learning sessions are the best way to introduce them to quality education. These engaging and participative sessions ensure that your kid learns genuinely and effectively. Take this step in your kid’s learning journey with words that start with C. Likewise, gradually introduce all the alphabet letters to make their vocabulary good and strong. Having a strong vocabulary will help your child in all areas related to communication, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Also Read:
Learn Words that Start with D for Children
Words that Begin with ‘E’ for Kids to Improve Vocabulary
Words Starting with F for Children to Build Vocabulary
Letter of thanks for kindergarten
You are on the second page with texts of thank you letters for kindergarten. We recommend starting from the first page.
Option No. 11
Department of Education of the Administration of the Ershov Municipal District
expresses gratitude
to the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Kindergarten No. with disabilities in a preschool educational institution"
of the Ershovsky MR
T. Metelev
Option No. 12
Dear teachers, employees and administration of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17"!
We sincerely thank you for your conscientious and painstaking work in the field of preschool education, for your talent and skill, love and dedication to your chosen work.
Thanks to your efforts, the pre-school institution has become a second home for children, which they want to come to, and the team of teachers has become a second family for us and our children. Thanks to your patience and wisdom, sincere interest in the well-being and comfort of all participants in the educational process, visiting the kindergarten leaves us with the most pleasant impressions and memories.
We wish the institution growth and development, and the team - inexhaustible health, energy and inspiration for new achievements. Let the work endlessly open up new perspectives for you, bring only pleasure, new discoveries and leave a warm mark on your soul.
parents gr. No. 1 "Kapelka"
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17"
Option No. 13
MBDOU "Children's
garden №16 "Bell"
A. L. Doshina
Dear Alla Leontievna!
We express our sincere gratitude to you and the whole staff of the kindergarten for the excellent, fruitful work in the education and upbringing of our children.
Years spent in kindergarten will forever remain in the memory of children and parents as a wonderful time of creativity, warmth, comfort and order. Thank you for your competence, high dedication, dedication and daily painstaking work.
We wish prosperity to the institution, and professional longevity, inexhaustible health, success and personal happiness to you and the team entrusted to you!
Preparatory group
No. 2 "Solnyshko"
. Zheleznovodsk
Option No. 14
Dear administration, teachers and employees of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Children Garden No. 38 "Fairy Tale"!
In the outgoing 2022, thanks to your professionalism and creativity, the kindergarten managed to implement a new project "ECO Christmas tree".
The New Year decoration of the institution, the festive hall and the group turned out to be stylish, extraordinarily beautiful, and unique. Your ECO-ideas left an indelible mark on the souls of all those present at the event, since there was a bright creative beginning in every realized idea, in every design detail.
We express our sincere gratitude to the entire staff of the institution for their responsiveness and constant desire to make something special for children and adults in the kindergarten. The children and their parents got great pleasure, positive emotions and vivid memories from the New Year's fairy tale, the feeling of which you and the invited team of decorators created.
We wish you further success in your work, good luck and prosperity, new original ideas and their successful implementation, inexhaustible inspiration and optimism!
Gen. committee
group No. 8
MBDOU "D / s No. 38 "Skazka"
December, 2022
Option No. 15
Municipal budgetary institution of additional professional education "Information Center" Novotroitsk
to the team of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14" and personally to the head of Sophia Robertovna Khmelevskaya for many years of fruitful cooperation.
We note the constant desire of the teaching staff to improve the level of competence through various forms of work, including through scientific support and inter-municipal interaction with preschool educational organizations of the Orenburg region.
Kindergarten is famous for its wonderful teachers, true masters of their craft, traditions, close-knit and creative team, which allows the educational institution to actively participate in professional competitions, projects of various levels.
Since 2019, the kindergarten has been the base platform for the cognitive development of pupils based on technical design. Particular attention is paid to the moral and patriotic education of children, the education of love for the native land, as well as the education of parents through participation in the project "Save the Family - Save the Motherland."
We express our gratitude to the senior educator Rakhmanova Anzhelika Arsenyevna, who has been providing qualified methodological support to the teachers of the institution and preschool educational organizations of the Novotroitsk city district for a number of years.
We highly appreciate the efforts and energy of the staff and administration of the institution aimed at solving problems in the field of preschool education, and we are firmly confident in the further successful development of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14".
We wish all employees of the institution satisfaction with the results of their activities, successful professional development and hope for further fruitful cooperation for the benefit of a happy childhood.
Director of MBU DPO "IMC"
S. M. Zadolskaya
Option No. 16
Dear teachers, administration and staff of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5" Buratino "!
We parents thank you very much!
Thank you for being with our children for many years. You helped them grow, develop, understand a lot about life and the world around them, friendship, responsibility and justice.
You have given and have given them the necessary knowledge with which they are not ashamed to go to school. We will forever remain grateful for your work and your efforts.
May many successes await you and your institution, and every day at work brings only positive emotions!
Parents of graduates
2022 9000 years, on behalf of the parents of the pupils of group No. 11, we address with words of gratitude to the team of teachers, employees and management of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 3" Brook ".
Please accept my sincere gratitude for the friendly and creative atmosphere that reigns within the walls of the institution, the organization of developmental and educational processes, and of course, the difficult professional work of teachers.
I would like to say special words of gratitude to Legotina Anastasia Efremovna - a teacher with a capital letter, a sensitive and attentive person, a subtle psychologist and a highly qualified, gifted educator.
The system of interaction between the teacher and pupils in our group No. 11 was organized competently, efficiently and surprisingly interesting, an approach was found for each child. Children love and trust their teacher, they visit the garden with joy. Already today we have the opportunity to observe that Anastasia Efremovna laid the moral foundations in every child, began the formation of their personality, opened a new world for children, in which there is a lot of unknown.
Thanks to all employees for their contribution to creating a favorable developmental environment for the institution. Thank you for the responsibility you carry on your shoulders every day. Thank you for giving your children a piece of your soul.
We wish you indestructible health, prosperity, success and prosperity!
parents gr. No. 11,
graduates of 2021
Option No. 18
We, the parents of a group of different ages, express our deep gratitude to the staff of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Little Red Riding Hood ", for preparing and conducting on the territory of the institution of the festive concert "Graduation Ball"!
We sincerely thank the teachers and the administration for the wonderful, touching and memorable congratulations to the graduates. Thank you so much for the idea of the patriotic theme of the event, and the inclusion of the anthem of the Russian Federation in the festive concert. Such events contribute to the education of patriotism, high morality and spiritual culture.
Remain the same active people who love your profession, and be sure to continue your work on the patriotic education of preschool children. We sincerely wish you peace and kindness, happiness and health, love in your hearts!
Yours faithfully, parents
of different age group
MBDOU "C/S No. 4 "Little Red Riding Hood"
Option No. 19
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 21" Evgenia Vitalievna Druzhinina and the entire staff of the preschool institution for the amazing ability to turn a kindergarten into an oasis of comfort, warmth and kindness, for our happy preschool years!
Best regards, 9Ol000 garden "Polyanka"
(head Svitakova Viktoriya Denisovna)
for active participation in the celebrations dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945
Your pedagogical skills, creative approach in solving the set tasks allow you to carry out the state policy in the matter of patriotic and moral education of the younger generation at the proper level.
We wish you further success, reaching new heights for the benefit of the development of the culture of your small homeland - the Mariinsky Municipal District.
Head of the Department of Culture
Administration of the Mariinsky District
K. O. Godunova
Director of MBUK "Information and Methodological Center"
T. L. Gorodetskaya
. Mariinsk
Formation of reading prerequisites and letters in older preschool children
Bibliographic description: 9000 Donkovtseva , I. V. Formation of the preconditions for reading and writing in children of senior preschool age / I. V. Donkovtseva. - Text: direct // Aspects and trends in pedagogical science: materials of the III Intern. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, December 2017). - St. Petersburg: Own publishing house, 2017. - S. 42-44. — URL: (date of access: 03/01/2023).
Preschool education is currently considered as an integral part of the continuous educational process, as its first important stage. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a modern kindergarten is to prepare children for school. Every child entering school must first of all acquire literacy, that is, learn to read and write. To do this, the preschooler must have the necessary prerequisites, suggesting:
- complete possession of speech sounds (their correct pronunciation, the ability to distinguish by ear), the skill of sound analysis and synthesis, the formation of the phonetic side of speech and its grammatical structure;
- Sufficiency of vocabulary;
- Possession of connected speech;
- the formation of visual-spatial representations (that is, ideas about the shape and size of objects and their location in space in relation to each other).
The success of teaching a child to read and write is largely determined by how well he masters the sound side of speech, since the sounds of oral speech are indicated with the help of letters. Therefore, in order to master the letters, it is necessary to be very clearly oriented in the sounds of speech, to be able to pronounce them correctly. An important factor is the clear distinction of all speech sounds by ear, that is, the recording of any word involves the ability to determine each sound included in its composition and designate it with the corresponding letter. If some sounds seem the same to the child, then during the letter he will experience difficulties in choosing the letters corresponding to these sounds. For example, in case of indistinguishability of sounds by ear B and P he will not know which first letter ( B or P ) should be written in the word bank or in the word stick , etc. The child does not distinguish some speech sounds by ear is the main reason for their substitutions in oral speech, and later on in writing. Therefore, possible difficulties in auditory differentiation of sounds must be identified and overcome before the child begins to learn to read and write.
When preparing a preschooler for learning to read and write, it is important to include the following tasks in classes:
- highlight the sound against the background of the word, for example, is there a sound L in the word onion ; further it is proposed to determine the presence of this sound in the following words: shovel, table, machine , etc.
- highlighting the first sound from the word (the child must name the first sound in the words: stork, duck, lake, willow, mole, grass , etc.)
- highlighting the last sound from the word (the child must name the last sounds in the words: juice, soup, lump, hare, chair, movie, winter etc.)
- determining the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).
If the child copes with all these tasks, you can move on to exercises in a more accurate sound analysis of words. For example, name the first, second, etc. sounds. In words - a chair, a mask, a picture; determine what sound is heard after (before) O in the word air , etc.
For more successful mastery of sound analysis and synthesis of word composition, you can enter the color designation of sounds. A blue circle should indicate a hard consonant, a green circle a soft consonant, and a red circle a vowel. Laying out the scheme of the sound composition of a word with the help of circles helps children characterize each sound included in a given word, as well as visualize how many sounds are in the word, what is their sequence.
Great help in mastering the skill of sound analysis and synthesis of the formation of the phonetic side of speech and its grammatical structure is provided by the use of various schemes. They make it easier for children to understand the possibility of dividing sounding speech into sentences, sentences into words, words into syllables and sounds; serve as a support in isolating the studied sounds from the original words, act as a means of controlling the analysis carried out when writing and working with a split alphabet.
When drawing up sentence diagrams, children will learn that the first word in a sentence is capitalized, in the diagram we denote dash with corner |_____
A period or other intonation mark is placed at the end of a sentence.
|_____. |_____? |_____!
Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of sentences with prepositions. In order for children to remember that prepositions are separate words, and not to connect them with other words, special schemes can be used.
Significant problems in children cause the division of words into syllables. Dividing into syllables with the help of vertical lines, the game "Telegraph", "Help Dunno" will help to overcome these difficulties.
With pleasure, the guys select words for the given schemes with vowels (sounds):
A A ׀ A A
poppy porridge pineapple
crayfish willow scythe
To syllabic schemes indicating the stressed syllable:
′ ׀ ׀ ′ ′ ׀ ׀ ׀ ′ ׀ ׀ ׀ ′
frame winter rainbow road pencil
Highlighting the stressed syllable, the kids come to the conclusion that if you pull longer not the stressed syllable, but any other, then the meaning of the word will change: h á mok - deputy ó k.
The next prerequisite for the formation of reading and writing is the sufficiency of vocabulary. For a child entering school, it should be 2500 words, which, as a rule, is not observed in our modern children. As special studies show, more than half of the children (55%) now come to the first grades of our mass schools in a state of obvious unpreparedness for the beginning of schooling due to the insufficient formation of their oral speech. And one of the main components of this lack of formation is the poverty and lack of systematization of their vocabulary. With regard to the development of vocabulary in preschool children, it is necessary:
- To ensure that children know a sufficiently large number of words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) through systematic work on enriching the vocabulary.
- To ensure an accurate understanding of the semantic meaning of each word they have learned, because there should not be such words in their speech that "do not stand for anything.
- To take care of the systematization of their vocabulary, that is, to help them feel the existence of an internal connection between separate large groups of words, combined into these groups according to some specific principles (for example, some words denote objects, others - actions, others - signs of objects and actions, and within each of these groups, smaller subgroups are distinguished, etc.).
- To introduce the figurative meaning of many words (such as "golden autumn", "bright head", etc.).
- Give the simplest word-building skills: (the formation of new single-root words using prefixes and suffixes, for example: “arrived - left - moved - arrival - departure - moving”; “house - house, bump - bump”).
- To teach to distinguish words that are “related” in their semantic meaning and have a common root (“forest - forest - forest - forester”; “fox fox - fox - fox - fox”), from words that are only outwardly similar, similar only in sound, but completely different in meaning (“sconce, brother, marriage, take”; “cake, court, grade, port, board, fort”).
- To give the initial practical skill of self-selection of related words.
As a result of the organized and worked out work on the formation and development of vocabulary, the child will acquire a sufficiently large and well-systematized vocabulary, which will be a reliable guarantee that he will master the grammar rules well at school, including the possibility of their application in practice. Such a child will not have problems with the Russian language, he will more deeply and accurately understand the content of educational texts in all school subjects.
Possession of coherent speech is a necessary prerequisite for a child to be able to master not only literacy, but also written speech, as a means of communication that can, if necessary, replace oral speech. Coherent speech is usually understood as such detailed statements that allow a person to systematically and consistently express their thoughts. In a very difficult situation are those children who, when they enter school, have almost no or poor command of oral storytelling, do not know how to “tell coherently” about various events in their lives, about films they have watched, etc. Therefore, at preschool age, it is necessary to systematically exercise kids in storytelling, to accustom to the observance of certain rules when building a story, to a consistent presentation of thoughts and tracing the connection between events.
An important factor in preparing a child for learning for school is the formation and of visual-spatial representations, as this is necessary for a clear assimilation of the visual images of letters. To do this, a preschooler must have a sufficient level of development of his visual-spatial representations and visual analysis and synthesis (distinguishing objects in shape and size, their location in space in relation to each other; possession of such concepts as MORE and LESS, UP and DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT, etc.) If a child does not understand such things, then it will be very difficult for him to assimilate the visual images of letters, especially those that are similar in style, since their difference from each other often consists only in a different spatial arrangement of the same elements (for example, w and t), in of different sizes (in p the stick is short, and in p - long) or in different quantities (and and w, c and and m , etc. ) Therefore, even at preschool age, it is necessary to include exercises for orientation in space, on oneself or on a sheet of paper; laying out letters from sticks, wire, thread, with fixing attention on which direction the letter is directed, where its elements are located and in what quantity. Effective methods of tracing the letter with a finger, dermolexy techniques (drawing a letter on the palm of your hand), tactile recognition of letters (didactic games like “Wonderful bag”), identify letters written on cards, where both correct and false (mirror) letters are presented.
A system of work constructed in this way, covering all the prerequisites for literacy, gives good results in preparing children for school. They have no problems in mastering reading and writing, the skills of learning activities are formed, the guys successfully cope with the curriculum.
- L. G. Paramonova, N. Ya. Golovneva, Preparing for school, publishing house: Delta, S.
-P., 1999.
- N. V. Novotortseva, Learning to read: teaching literacy in kindergarten and at home, Academy of Development publishing house, Yaroslavl, 1998.
- A. N. Kornev, Reading and writing disorders in children, Rech publishing house, S.-P., 2003.
Basic terms (automatically generated) : word, vocabulary, sound, oral speech, preschool age, speech sound, sound analysis, child, stressed syllable, grammatical structure.
word , vocabulary stock , speech speech , sound , percussion syllable ...
oral speech , written speech , word , step, syllable , reading pace, synthetic reading, semantic guess, read word , sentence.
word , letter, child , syllable , author, reading, sound method, elementary school, global reading, letter reading.
sound analysis and synthesis in children senior... teach children to distinguish between the concepts “ sound ”, “ syllable ”, “ word ”, “sentence”. learn to determine the number of syllables in word , slap and tap the rhythm of words of different syllabic structures, highlight stressed syllable .
Clean tongue twisters and tongue twisters as a means of education
sound ... Development Speech Children Senior Preschool Age Through . .. Child , Senior Preschool Age , Word , Monological Speech , Monologian speech training, native language, speech development.
Literacy education
children seniorsAnalysis of the current state of the problem of general ... General underdevelopment speech , Child , violation, Speech Violation, Speech Development, STED system, PEOLE DEMICE PEOLE, PEOL , speech anomaly, connected speech .
sound culture speech in children preschool ... Sound culture speech is an integral part of the general culture.