Preschool teacher reading

For Preschool Teachers and Childcare Providers

Looking at Writing

Annotated writing samples from kids PreK to grade 3, plus teaching tips

Match Young Readers with Books They Will Love!

Create custom booklists from our library of 5,000+ books

Reading Tips for Parents in 13 Languages

How to help your kids (babies to grade 3) build their literacy skills!

Everyday Conversations

Activities to encourage speech & language development

Fun with Phonemes

Tips for teaching young children about sounds and letters

What Works

Preschool language and literacy practices


Toddling Toward Reading

The early literacy skills our preschoolers need to become successful readers.


Print Awareness: Guidelines for Instruction

Teaching our youngest children that written language carries meaning.

Looking at Writing: PreK

Samples of writing from real kids. What are preschool children able to do as writers?

Encouraging Young Storytellers

When adults respond to a toddler's efforts to communicate, they increase conversational skills, boost vocabulary, and propel the kids towards literacy.

  • Watch Roots of Reading >
  • Launching Young Readers series >

Our PBS series explores reading and writing development in young children. These shows focus particularly on preschool children:

Reading and writing readiness


Sounds of Speech

Figuring out words that rhyme, coming up with words that share a beginning sound, and saying silly words all help build a child's phonological awareness — the ability to notice, think about, and play with sounds in words.

Print Awareness

Print awareness is understanding that print is organized in a particular way — that print is read from left to right and top to bottom, words consist of letters, and spaces appear between words.


One strong predictor of success in reading is a child’s familiarity with the letters of the alphabet — knowing a letter’s name, shape and sound.

Oral Language and Vocabulary

Kids who hear more words spoken at home learn more words and enter school with better vocabularies. This larger vocabulary pays off exponentially as a child progresses through school.


Even our youngest learners enjoy putting crayon to paper. What often starts as scribbling ends up being important clues to a child’s understanding that print carries meaning. Give kids lots of opportunity to practice!

Developmental milestones and early intervention

Developmental Milestones

Early Intervention

Reading aloud

Reading aloud is one of the most important things parents and teachers can do with children. Reading aloud builds many important foundational skills, introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading, and helps children recognize what reading for pleasure is all about.

High quality preschool and childcare

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The Pre-K Years: Getting Ready to Read and Write

Creating literacy-rich environments

There’s no doubt that building skills in a few areas during the preschool years can make a huge difference when a child enters school. Browse through to learn more about helping preschool children learn about language, letters, sounds, and how print works. Finally, learn how to choose and read children’s books that will help you enjoy reading together for years to come.

Learn about each of these key areas

Letters and the alphabetic principle

The best predictor of success in reading is a child’s familiarity with the the alphabet. This includes knowing a letter’s name, shape, and sound. A child who can name the letters and their sounds accurately and quickly have an easier time learning how to read. Let’s watch some activities that help children learn their ABC’s.

The Importance of the Alphabetic Principle

Renowned reading researcher Dr. Louisa Moats explains the need for understanding the alphabetic principle.

The Building Blocks of Reading

In Baltimore, a pre-kindergarten program called Children’s Literacy Initiative helps at-risk children meet the school’s high expectations.

Teaching the Alphabetic Principle

In Houston, the teacher of an advanced kindergarten class connects letters and sounds in a systematic and explicit way.

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Children’s Books to Read Aloud

Sounds in speech

Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers can learn to have fun with sounds! Figuring out words that rhyme, coming up with words that share a beginning sound, and saying silly words all help build a child’s phonological awareness; that is, the ability to notice, think about, and play with sounds in words. These skills will be used every time your child reads and writes!

Fun with Phonemes

One family in Raleigh, North Carolina, shows how playing word and rhyming games puts their child on the road to reading success.

Babies Tune in to Speech Sounds

At a baby speech lab at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, psychologist Janet Werker studies how babies develop skills that distinguish speech sounds of their native language.

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Children’s Books to Read Aloud

Oral language and vocabulary

Unlike reading, babies and young children are wired to learn how to speak. From birth to 5 years old, children learn to communicate and acquire a sophisticated vocabulary. This foundation of spoken language forms the bedrock that supports their future reading and writing skills. Let’s learn some ways to support children’s budding language skills and explore some activities for the early childhood classroom.

Having fun with words

This brief Parenting Minute video from WNET talks about how parents and caregivers can help build their children’s language skills through storytelling, talking, singing, playing rhyming games, as well as by pointing out and discussing things throughout the day. (Video also available in Spanish, Bengali, and Chinese)

Encouraging Young Storytellers

Two- and three-year-olds benefit from a project based in Washington, D.C., called STORIES, which is built on the premise that when adults respond to a toddler's efforts to communicate, they increase conversational skills, boost vocabulary, and propel toddlers towards literacy.

Exposing Pre-K Children to Big Words

In this clip from our webinar, Babbling to Books, early literacy expert Dr. Sharon Ramey talks about the importance of exposing very young children to rich language and big words.

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Children’s Books to Read Aloud

Print awareness

Print awareness is understanding that print is organized in a particular way — for example, knowing that print is read from left to right and top to bottom. It is also knowing that print communicates meaning. Watching your child scribble and ask you to “read” it back. Sharing a book together as you point out the title and pictures versus the print. Activities that adults may take for granted, such as finding letters, words, and spaces in books. These are all examples of concepts of print.

Parents can support print awareness by pointing to words as you read and stopping a few times during the story to ask questions, make a comment, or to point to something in the text you want your child to notice. Justice and Ezell (2004) call this strategy print referencing and suggest adults stop and make 3-5 verbal or nonverbal references to the print during read alouds. Understanding how print works puts children on the path to learning to read and write.

Becoming Aware of Print

Mira is two-and-a-half years old. Watch how Mira's parents help her become aware of print.

Concepts of print and letter recognition assessments

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Children’s Books to Read Aloud

Reading together

Sharing books with your child can be among the most special moments of the day. These moments with books teach your child many reading readiness skills. Our resources in this section describe the why's and how's of reading with even the youngest child.

House Calls for Literacy

Watch as an early literacy educator visits a family at home to demonstrate and support interactive readalouds.

Bringing Up Baby

Parents are a child’s first teachers and those early years are key to creating a strong foundation for later reading. The Reach Out and Read program works with pediatricians across the country to help parents and kids start off on the right foot.

Reading as Dialogue

In a Long Island Head Start classroom, children who are at risk for reading failure boost their reading skills using a technique called "dialogic reading."

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Children’s Books to Read Aloud


Children, even our youngest learners, enjoy putting crayon to paper. What often starts as scribbling ends up being important clues to a child’s understanding that print carries meaning. Four-year olds often enjoy “writing” their name and other special words like Mom, Dad, love, and you. Helping your child develop writing readiness skills includes making the most out of everyday writing and providing lots of opportunity to practice!

First Marks

Writing expert Dr. Jane Hansen describes how powerful it is for very young children to realize that they can communicate through oral language — and by making "marks" on a piece of paper.

Emergent Writing

Let’s watch classroom teachers demonstrate effective writing instruction for young children in this video by the Northeast Florida Educational Consortium.

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Children’s Books to Read Aloud

Developmental milestones

Find out what language accomplishments are typical for most children from birth to age three. If you have questions or concerns about your child's progress, talk with your child's doctor, teacher, or a speech and language therapist. For children with any kind of disability or learning problem, the sooner they can get the special help they need, the easier it will be for them to learn.

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If You Have Concerns

High-quality preschool programs

Strong preschool programs are lively places — there’s lots of conversation, active play, interactive read alouds, adults listening to and responding to the kids, all with full attention to each child’s social and emotional needs. A high-quality pre-k curriculum sets goals specific to pre-k and uses learning and developmental standards that are research-based, age-appropriate, and aligned with your state’s K-12 standards. And families are valued — high-quality programs respect and support each family’s home language and at-home teaching efforts.

Reading Maestros

Master teacher Dr. Rebecca Palacios runs a dual-language immersion preschool in Corpus Christi, Texas. While teaching her kids, she also mentors teachers-in-training on how to provide top-notch teaching in a preschool environment.

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Category: Education and Pedagogy

A preschool teacher is a teacher, mentor who works with children of primary preschool age. He organizes the educational process, instills in children moral and ethical guidelines, is engaged in their socialization and preparation for schooling. The teacher conducts group or individual training according to approved curricula and creates a favorable pedagogical environment for the personal development of kids. His main professional task is to provide educational material, teach children the basics of writing and reading, educate the aesthetic and moral personal foundations necessary for successful socialization in society.



On the profession

Universities 161

osuza 235

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salaries: Preschool education

* 9000 9000 9000 began ₽ per month

Experienced: 25000 ₽ per month

Professional: 50000 ₽ per month

* - salary information is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salary in a particular region or company may differ from those given. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in the chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only by the fact that you are offered vacancies in the labor market.

Demand for the profession

According to modern educational standards, preschool education is a mandatory form of work with young children. Moreover, this form of education requires a special attitude to their work on the part of teachers and the availability of the necessary professional basis. Classes and groups of preschool education operate in almost every school or preschool educational center. In this regard, the labor market requires a large number of teachers of this profile. The profession of a teacher of preschool education should be recognized as a demanded type of activity. There are a lot of job offers in the labor market.

For whom the profession is suitable

For a preschool teacher, it is important not so much to provide formalized educational material as to prepare the child for the educational process, building social ties in the educational team. To solve these problems, the teacher must be able to interact with the younger generation on an emotional, personal level, find an approach to each pupil, become his friend and mentor. The profession can be recommended to those who:

  • Likes and knows how to work with children;
  • Possesses pedagogical talent;
  • Benevolent and patient, emotionally stable and friendly;
  • Able to conduct classes in an interesting and exciting way, combine the cognitive process and game forms of learning.


Most often, a preschool teacher is an employee of children's institutions, educational centers, private or budgetary educational institutions. As part of their activities, a teacher can develop a career as an administrator or functionary, for example, take the position of head teacher or director. However, the main criterion for professional success for a teacher is the positive result of his work, the effective upbringing and preparation of children for further education in secondary school. A talented teacher is respected and recognized among students, parents and colleagues. The profession does not allow one to count on occupying high leadership positions, however, it provides good opportunities for personal realization and moral satisfaction from the results of one's activities.


Professional responsibilities of a preschool teacher include:

  • Development of an educational program;
  • Conducting classes with children, issuing educational material in the planned volume;
  • Creation of a favorable pedagogical environment, establishment of positive interaction with the student audience;
  • Formation of social and communication skills in students, instilling communication skills with peers and adults;
  • Development of aesthetic senses and cognitive abilities in wards;
  • The use of gaming forms of education, the use of visual aids and information tools in the educational process;
  • Organization of additional classes, visits to exhibitions and cultural centers;
  • Advisory and partnership work with parents of students.

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Preschool education.

Psychological and pedagogical support for young children

Awarded qualification: early development teacher, teacher of preschool children

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PEOPLE PROPERTICIAL Education: teacher of pre -school educational organization


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Preschool education: parenting of preschool age

Assigned qualifications: Preschool children



9000 9000


9000 9000

9000 9000 710ac.h., 910ac.h.

Article: 1190

dated 7820 ₽ 28250 ₽


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Professional retraining Remote

Preschool: Theory and Methods of teaching English in pre -school educational organizations

Assigned qualification: 9000 , teacher of English

Code: 1188

from 7820 ₽ 41650 ₽

Household is available. Exile the

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Professional retraining remotely

Theory and methodology of raising preschool children with additional training in the field of Montessori-pedagogy

Calified qualifications: Caucasus of preschool children ,0005

Labor intensity variations: 710 ac.h., 910 ac.h.

Article: 1189

From 7820 ₽ 39950 ₽

Installment available

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Distance learning

Active teaching methods and methods of teaching English to preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

, 144ac.h.

Code: 12421

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Actual methods of preschool pedagogy and innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Labor input variations: 72 ac. h., 108 ac.h., 144 ac.h.

Article: 12420

dated 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Continuing training remotely

Educational work and active training technologies in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard up to

Variations of labor intensity:, 108AC., 144AK .h.

SKU: 7040

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Innovations in the organization of the educational process and methods of teaching English to preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Labor input variations: 72 ac.h., 108 ac.h., 144 ac.h.

Article: 12422

dated 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Continuing qualification remotely

Innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard up to

Variations of labor intensity: 72ac. h., 108Ac. , 144ac.h.

SKU: 7066

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process and methods of musical education of children of preschool and primary school age in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Code: 12426

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely


Labor input variations: 72 ac.h., 108 ac.h., 144 ac.h.

Article: 12424

dated 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Continuing qualification remotely

Interactive educational organization in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard up to

Variations of labor intensity:, 108AC., 144AK., 144AC. .h.

SKU: 7068

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Methods and technologies for teaching and educating preschool children with disabilities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard DO

Variations in labor intensity: 72 ac. h., 108 ac.

Article: 948719

dated 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Continuing qualification remotely

Methods and teaching technology of students with disabilities in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Variations of labor intensity:, 108ac.h. , 144ac.h., 216ac.h.

Article: 1448452

dated 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Continuing qualification remotely

Methods of interactive educational organization in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Variations of labor intensity:, .h.

Code: 969639

From 1495 ₽ 4150 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Teacher-psychologist: psychological and pedagogical aspects of activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

Labor input variations: 72 ac. h., 108 ac.h., 144 ac.h.

Article: 955158

from 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Continuing training remotely

Professional competencies and individuality of a preschool education teacher in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Variations of labor intensity: 72ac.h., 108AC., 144AK., 144AC .h.

SKU: 12418

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Modern theory of education and actual pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard DO

Code: 7067

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

Learn more 144ac.h

Code: 12419

From 1495 ₽ 4924 ₽

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Advanced training remotely

Technologies of active learning and methods of musical education of children of preschool and primary school age in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard


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