Printable reading games for kindergarten
11 Free Printable Literacy Board Games for Kids — Lemon & Kiwi Designs
Written By Lemon Kiwi
Ready, set, play! Learning new words (or anything really) can be made fun once you gamify it. Perfect for rainy days at home and fun for the whole family, our roundup of 11 free printable literacy board games will help preschoolers and early elementary kids practice their spelling, reading, verbal communication, grammar, and vocabulary skills.
Alphabet Slides and Ladders
Digraphs Board Game
Sight Words Board Game
Solve It: Parts of Speech Game
Uno Family Word Game
Spelling Battleship
Vocabulary Question Cube
Parts of Speech Tic Tac Toe
Vocabulary Bingo
Taboo! Printable Cards
Created by the folks from Tiny Me, this free printable Alphabet Slides and Ladders is an adorable and colorful take on your classic Snakes and Ladders or Chutes and Ladders game. Similar to our free Alphabet Spot and Dot printables, this board game helps little ones develop an understanding of both upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.
From the Kindergarten Connection, the printable Digraphs board game helps preschoolers grow their reading and spelling skills. After they’ve perfected these digraphs, your kiddos will be ready to take on these free Beginning Words Do-A-Dot Printable Worksheets.
Sight Words Board GameThis clever Sight Words Board Game made by Brainpower Boy aims to help young children learn sight words while having fun at the same time. For more sight words practice, download these free sight word do-a-dot printable activities.
Solve It: Parts of Speech GameAny kid who likes stories around spies and mysteries will absolutely love this game.
Solve It: Parts of Speech Game from 123 Homeschool 4 Me is a grammar game suitable for upper elementary school students to learn about different parts of speech, like nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Perfect for family game night, this Uno Family Word Game from The Measured Mom includes a printable deck of cards that help children improve their reading and vocabulary skills.
Spelling BattleshipFrom Homeschool Gameschool, Spelling Battleship is a unique take on your classic Battleship game. Instead of placing ships along the grid, players have to spell out words either vertically or horizontally on the boards, much like a beginner’s introduction to playing Scrabble.
TalktasticTalktastic created by All ESL is a brilliant printable game for kids of all ages.
It’s even great for adults as an icebreaking activity! The goal of the game is to encourage players to speak only in English about the topics that they land on so that they can practice their verbal communication and literacy skills.
From the Sadlier school, the Vocabulary Question Cube is an interactive printable game where players have to roll the “Vocabulary Question Cube” and start reviewing vocabulary words.
Parts of Speech Tic Tac ToeFrom a teacher who labels herself as a “Not So Wimpy Teacher”, this Parts of Speech Tic Tac Toe is available for free on the Teachers Pay Teachers site. Instead of putting crosses and circles in the grid, players are challenged to write down words that match different parts of speech to win the game.
Vocabulary BingoVocabulary Bingo from Columbia University offers an editable template where you can (1) choose your own vocabulary words, (2) create your own unique Bingo cards, and (3) invent the game clues using synonyms, antonyms, and fill-in-the-blank sentences.
Based off of the highly popular tabletop game of Taboo!, this blogger from Embracing China has made lots of free printable Taboo! cards to help students grow their vocabulary skills.
If you and your kids loved these printable literacy board games, then be sure to check out our library of Free Literacy Activities for Kids to download activity books, word search puzzles, word mazes, and other fun worksheets for children to practice their reading and writing skills.
Lemon Kiwi
Free printable games for K-2: Just Print & Play!
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Today I’m excited to announce the start of a new series! This Reading Mama and I are teaming up again to bring you thoughtful, unique learning activities that you can do with your child at home or with your students at school.
Have you seen our other series?
- Preschool and Kindergarten Writing Series
- Simple Writing Lessons for the Primary Grades
- Reading Comprehension Strategies
It’s summer, so we’re keeping this series of free printable games playful and light.
Over the course of six weeks, This Reading Mama and I will be sharing a total of twelve printable games for children entering grades kindergarten through second grade.
Print & Play Series
These aren’t just any printable games!
- low-prep
- multi-level
- black and white (no need for color ink!)
That’s right… just PRINT and PLAY!
On Tuesdays, I’ll post a math game, and on Thursdays Becky will post a literacy game. Creating printables is a shared passion, so we are both super excited to begin this series!
It will be helpful to have a few supplies on hand as you play the games. You’re welcome to use markers and whatever you have on hand (like coins or checkers), but if you have these goodies you’ll add an extra element of fun:
- Do-a Dot markers – When I first bought these I was a little surprised by the price tag, but these things last a looong time.
They’re great for developing fine motor control, too!
- Power magnets – These colorful round magnets are such fun manipulatives, and I can’t tell you how many times we’ve used them! They’ve paid for themselves again and again.
- Dice – This is only essential supply on this list. You can grab one from one of your board games and be all set – or purchase this set of dice so they’re always on hand.
- Transparent counters – This is a recent purchase, and a great one. I love that you can see through them, and they’re the perfect size for learning games.
- Buttons – These craft buttons make great manipulatives. Plus, it’s always nice to have some craft buttons on hand when your kids are something.
- Unifix cubes – These colorful stacking blocks are a versatile math manipulative that we use often.
The games
Check back here for links to the games as they’re shared!
- Shapes and Graphing Game – The Measured Mom
- Beginning Letter Sound Racing Game – This Reading Mama
- Telling Time Games – The Measured Mom
- Ending Sounds Games – This Reading Mama
- Counting Money Games – The Measured Mom
- Short Vowel Sounds Games – This Reading Mama
- Counting Games – The Measured Mom
- Blends & Digraphs Games – This Reading Mama
- Addition Games – The Measured Mom
- Long Vowel (CVCe) Games – This Reading Mama
- Place Value Games – The Measured Mom
- More Long Vowel Games – This Reading Mama
Free Reading Printables for Pre-K-3rd Grade
Join our email list and get this sample pack of time-saving resources from our membership site! You'll get phonemic awareness, phonics, and reading comprehension resources . .. all free!
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Filed Under: Reading, Math Tagged With: first grade, second grade, kindergarten
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Clothespin games for children: purpose, benefits, tasks
Modern didactic games for children of preschool and primary school age are rich in variety. At the same time, often they can be organized from the most common material at hand, which can be found in any home.
For example, clothespins. It would seem that with them you can think of? However, according to psychologists, it is games with clothespins that are among the most effective. They are aimed at the active development of fine motor skills, perfectly train the hands and thereby form new neural connections.
Games with clothespins for children from 1 year old and older
As the practice of preschool education shows, games with clothespins are a very useful activity that forms a lot of skills in a child. Psychologists recommend engaging in the described activities starting from a year or even earlier. As soon as the baby can control his fingers himself, controlling the grip force and grip, this skill should be improved and developed. And just clothespins will be one of the best options. They are inexpensive, are in every home and are liked by many guys.
Modern manufacturers offer special sets for children's games with clothespins. Such products differ from household ones in many ways: original design, bright colors, interesting shapes. You can find these and any other didactic games that are recommended by psychologists and have a positive effect on the development of a child on the website of the Prioritet company: Here are unique products made from absolutely safe materials, completely suitable for children's use. But back to clothespins.
In the process of playing with them, children get a very necessary experience, because babies:
- actively use their imagination and thinking;
- develops spatial representation;
- designing skills are mastered;
- the formation of coherent speech takes place, etc.
In order to attach the clothespin, the child must concentrate and accurately calculate his efforts. Performing this action, he turns on the motor skills of the hands, which leads to the activation of the brain center. As psychologists say, the whole mind of humanity rests on its fingertips. Only when the hands work does the brain turn on. It is exercises with clothespins that help to carry out this. It is almost impossible to overestimate their usefulness.
But there is something else. The fact is that attaching clothespins is not at all easy. This action requires some effort and patience, because for most children it does not work out the first time. This means that in the process of didactic play, kids develop patience, perseverance, learn to move systematically towards the goal. They try their hand and begin to understand that not always everything works out on the first try. It prepares children for their future adult life.
Benefits and types of games with clothespins
Ordinary clothespins are an excellent didactic material that is ideal for the development of toddlers from one year old and up to ten years old. Moreover, in most cases, boys and girls do not even have to be specially trained in some tricks with them. Many children arrange fun games with clothespins on their own. Hooking them to each other, they collect "crocodiles", "robots", "dogs" and other familiar objects. What is the phenomenon of clothespins?
It's simple. The fact is that the products in question have one remarkable feature: they are easily attached to each other, forming chains. Well, then it all depends on the imagination of the child. We can say that we are talking about a constructor, which in itself is not a constructor, but this does not prevent it from doing an excellent job with an “additional” function. Probably, almost all of us, as children, played with clothespins in one way or another. Especially if the parents had plastic sets that were perfectly combined and matched in colors. Using such “construction elements”, children created colorful creations, sometimes surprising their moms and dads.
Well, modern manufacturers have decided to go further. They actively use clothespins in the creation of their didactic toys, thereby further expanding the fantasy space for children's entertainment.
Varieties of games with clothespins
Now you can buy both simple household clothespin sets and use them for activities with children, as well as special didactic games. If we talk about the latter, they can be divided into several groups:
- simple - such kits do not require special training or additional materials and involve the use of only the clothespins themselves;
- with cardboard blanks - as the name implies, for these exercises you will need cardboard blanks that you can make yourself or purchase in kits;
- with printed templates - more sophisticated options for "clothespin games", for which you need to buy paper templates in addition, or draw them yourself.
Regardless of what type of activity parents or teachers choose, it will bring undeniable benefits and will surely calm the baby, stabilize his internal state, and relieve stress, if any, in the child's life.
In addition, in the process of vigorous activity, children develop imagination and logical thinking, stimulate conversational speech, as well as consolidate sensory skills, which will then be required more than once in life. Remember that dexterous fingers and good fine motor skills are the key to future successful schooling and excellent assimilation of any knowledge, both theoretical and practical.
How to choose clothespin games?
So, play activity using clothespins is a diverse process that is aimed at developing all aspects of a child's personality. It brings great benefits and can be organized not only at home, but also in various educational institutions. Especially when it comes to the preschool period, when adults must make every effort for the harmonious development of the baby.
However, the game will be useful only when it is chosen correctly. And although modern pedagogy claims that it is better to work ahead of development, in practice this is not always applicable and expedient. We offer together to plunge into the features of child psychology, which then also manifest themselves in adulthood.
It is important to understand that each child is absolutely unique. Even twins will never develop the same way. Therefore, what is good for one may not work or, much worse, harm another. That is why, when choosing games for your children, it is important to proceed solely from their individual characteristics, which include:
In a word, it is not always worth working ahead of development. When choosing a game, including using clothespin material, rely on only one indicator: the interests and preferences of your own child. In this case, you can captivate him and draw him into the process. Children are designed in such a way that everything that interests them is beneficial to them. If it is boring, difficult, tiring - such a task will not work. It will only cause irritation and spoil the mood of both the preschooler and the adult who is nearby.
That's why, when choosing which game you want to offer your son or daughter, be guided by:
- what he already knows how to do, albeit not quite confidently;
- that he is able to master without excessive labor;
- that he will be absolutely interested and captivated.
Of course, you shouldn't give different tasks all at once. First you need to show the baby how to handle the clothespin. It's very simple, but for some reason almost all the guys like it.
Elementary activities with clothespins
Many experts advise starting with elementary exercises. Teach your child to remove clothespins - it's simple and does not require too small, clear actions. You can attach them to cardboard or a piece of fabric, and then show your baby how they are removed. Let him try to cope with the task on his own.
This is important! Make sure that the child does not pinch his hands during the exercise. Negative experiences can contribute to the development of fear and discourage children from playing with clothespins for a while. Especially when it comes to plastic ones, which are pressed very painfully, and sometimes even to the point of blood.
Even one-year-old babies can unhook clothespins. But to perform the reverse operation is already much more difficult, because it requires more coordination in movements. It is for this reason that experts recommend teaching children to attach clothespins from the age of two.
At first, it is better to perform a difficult action together with the child. Control his handle, showing you how to attach the clothespin to the right place. And only when the skill is mastered, let the children do this exercise on their own. Do not rush, let the learning take place at a pace that is natural for each participant in the process.
Remember that this activity is aimed at developing fine motor skills and, as a result, activating the child's brain activity. That is why it is extremely important that it proceeds in the most comfortable conditions and does not imply any extraneous noise, and even more so - the presence of annoying or distracting factors.
How to play with clothespins for children from 1 year old?
So, as mentioned above, for children of one year of age, the first task is to learn how to unfasten clothespins without damaging their fingers. There is one important psychological point that every parent or teacher must remember.
The point is that an adult needs to teach children to act as safely as possible for themselves, and not to be afraid of this material. Otherwise, a psychological barrier may then form. The child will be afraid of blood or pain, and for a long time will not take up the clothespin. That is why experts advise choosing the safest material for the game. What should it be?
First, no household plastic clothespins, even if they are very bright and colorful! It is for such products that the fasteners are often too rigid and strong. If they stick to the finger, it will hurt enough. Especially for a small child who has very delicate skin. For such children, the following options are perfect:
- regular wooden clothespins with softer fastening and mechanism;
- special game sets that you can find on the website of the Priority company.
We will tell about each of the proposed options separately so that parents and teachers have a complete and reliable idea of modern didactic materials.
Wooden clothespin sets
Perhaps one of the most affordable and versatile options that suits children from one to three years old. They can be both natural colors and painted in different colors. What are the poles of such products?
First of all, the dimensions. Wooden clothespins, for the most part, are much larger than their plastic counterparts. Plus, they are not attached so strongly, gently affecting the skin. Even if the finger falls into their trap, it will practically not hurt.
Finally, the mechanism of wooden clothespins is less tight. Even the smallest child can easily cope with it. All this together makes wooden clothespin sets the best choice for didactic exercises with young children. Using them, you can organize many fun games. Here are just a few of them.
- “Unfasten whom I name.” This game will require not only clothespins, but also objects cut out of paper, easily recognizable by children. These can be images of animals, dishes, household items, vehicles, etc. Attach them in a specific sequence to cardboard or a piece of fabric. Now call the kid who needs to be “freed”, and let him find this item and unfasten it. The game is aimed at developing ideas about the world around, training mindfulness and perseverance.
Expands the search field of the child and enriches speech.
- "Take off the bug." You can use only one clothespins, or you can add pictures of various bugs. The purpose of the game is to develop attention, memory, coordination of small movements, imagination. This exercise will give a lot of positive emotions not only to the baby, but also to the adult who will be nearby. So, first you need to attach clothespins to your and children's clothes in various places. These will be the "insects" that you want to drive away. Gradually, the task can be complicated. For example, to drive away "bugs" of a certain color, or to remove them from those parts of the body that the adult names.
- "Collect a bouquet for mom." For this fun and useful fun, you will need a variety of flowers cut out of cardboard. Ask the baby to leave the room, and at this time prepare a "clearing" yourself. Use clothespins to attach flowers wherever possible. But most importantly, it is safe and according to the growth of the child.
The course of the game is as follows: the kid finds himself in a clearing where fabulous plants grow. Unfastening them, he collects a huge bouquet for his mother. The task can also be made more difficult. For example, to collect flowers “from smallest to largest”, or only blue ones, etc.
In general, there are no specific games with clothespins. It all depends solely on your imagination. In the process, you can always add new rules, apply different props, and in general, complicate tasks in every possible way. So the games will develop and never get bored by boys and girls.
Play sets of clothespins
On the site of the company "Prioritet" you can always find original sets of clothespins, designed specifically for organizing didactic activities with children. All of them fully comply with safety requirements.
Made of environmentally friendly materials (wood, plastic), these clothespins attract the attention of children with bright colors and familiar characters. In addition, each product features a soft mechanism that does not harm children's skin.
The main difference between the presented sets and household ones lies in their purpose. They were originally created for children to play. Toddlers especially love the Build Animal series. For example, this option: Here the task is as simple as possible and understandable even to a one-year-old child. You need to act, like puzzles that are now popular, only the elements are fastened with clothespins. Using them, a child can easily assemble a pet or bird from disparate parts.
However, the games for fastening elements are quite complex. It is more expedient to offer them to older children. At least three years old. For one-year-olds, detachment tasks are more suitable. They can purchase the Merry Garden set:
One of the games with this didactic material could be the following. Attach the vegetables to the cardboard. And then ask the child to collect them in a basket. Additionally, you can discuss what exactly he "removes from the garden." Let the kid describe the color of the vegetable, shape, size. This will contribute to the development of speech and conceptual apparatus.
How to play with clothespins for children from four years old?
For children over three or four years old, playing with clothespins does not become less interesting. They still attract the attention of boys and girls, but, of course, become more complicated. The fact is that by this age, children become more dexterous and tenacious. They already have great control over their fingers. Clothespins are no longer fraught with danger. A child over four years old will almost certainly not damage his skin while playing with them. It is already developed enough for very small and complex actions.
Therefore, games with clothespins can be made more difficult. First, invite the children to use this excellent material as a constructor. By connecting clothespins with each other, you can collect a variety of shapes from them, from animals to spaceships. It is wonderful that in this case, boys and girls do not even have to be sent. They play on their own, often arranging original competitions and spurring each other's excitement.
Children over four or five years of age, as well as preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, can purchase plastic sets of clothespins, including household ones. Unlike kids, these guys play more meaningfully. They are well aware of the danger of clothespins, and consciously avoid it. In addition, preschool children need strong construction material. For such purposes, of course, it is plastic products that become more convenient. From them you can collect truly strong and voluminous objects.
If you turn to the Prioritet assortment, then here you can find excellent options created specifically for older children. For example, here is such a unique lotto: https://prioritet1. com/katalog/detskoe-loto-prishepki-ogorod. It is a color image of various vegetables and fruits that can be grown in a summer cottage. Pictures are attached to clothespins. The principle of the game corresponds to the classic domino: you need to match the inscription on the game card with the image that suits it. That's just instead of kegs put on the field, clothespins work here. They are attached to the desired inscription or picture. Everything is very simple, but it is exciting for the whole family.
In addition to play activities, preschoolers can already help their parents around the house. Including, and use clothespins for their intended purpose. Show the children how to hang clothes and have them try this task on their own. As a rule, most boys and girls of preschool age are very willing to respond to the offer to help their moms and dads.
This is important! Keep your child's safety in mind. Explain how to hang laundry without risking your life. Tell them that it is dangerous to hang over the railing, and you should not do it. Show how to properly attach clothespins, and what they generally serve. Teach your child to correctly distribute them over each item so that all the clothes do not bunch up and dry evenly.
In general, we can say that games with clothespins are an endless field of activity for both toddlers and older children, and even preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. In the process of interaction with them, hands are strengthened, fantasy, spatial imagination, design and engineering abilities are developed. As a rule, this didactic material is universal. It suits both boys and girls, and over time the games only get more complicated, becoming more and more diverse and interesting even for adults.
Do-it-yourself games with clothespins
The peculiarity of exercises with clothespins is that there are no restrictions. You can come up with a game yourself in which you will need to unfasten or, conversely, attach various objects.
At the same time, if additional material is required, then it is very easy to make. For example, you can cut out cardboard blanks and connect to the game. They can transfer anything: any household items, toys, clothes, dishes, fruits and vegetables, etc. So teachers and parents organize a unique developmental environment for children. For example, they create paper gardens or offer to assemble houses from individual elements. Fasten them, of course, with clothespins.
In addition to cardboard blanks, such games often use paper templates that are pre-printed and cut out of paper. For example, you can prepare different groups of animals: domestic, wild, African, arctic, marine, etc. In addition to them, print more relevant landscapes on separate large cards. The task of the players is to attach each animal to its "habitat". In a word, there are no restrictions. Everything that your imagination allows, you can easily embody with your children.
Clothespin games are very popular with children of all ages. They carry a huge creative potential, at the same time stimulating the development of fine motor skills, speech, imagination and thinking.
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and forever!
When all the toys have already been played, cartoons have been watched, it remains to be engaged in creativity and development of .
We offer a selection of high-quality educational games, tasks for children, board games, crafts, masks, active games, a selection of children's literature.
The proposed material is a commented list of tasks, activities, exercises, games for the development of children proposed on the site. Follow the link and download materials for free for personal use.
Print out educational games: entertain your child at home with benefit
Give reasonable content to the lives of preschool children, and they will not be lethargic, distracted, bored, lazy or immoral. But what does it mean to give reasonable content to the life of a preschool child? This means the ability to find material suitable for the child's various activities, for his games, exercises and improvement of the organs of external senses, as well as for the development of his observation of the surrounding life and nature. This material must be accessible to his mind and heart and must strengthen his health.
Vodovozova E.N., teacher, writer
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It is not difficult to make analogues of expensive development aids. Focus on the interests and needs of your child, do not forget about diversity.
Offering every time different educators , you will achieve the maximum effect in classes with children!
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Lack of attention and inability to concentrate on a task for a long time is a distinctive feature of modern children.
The ever-accelerating pace of life and excessive interest in the media play a significant role in this. The child does not have time to follow the flashing frames and gets used to the rapid and superficial assimilation of information.
Children can (and want to!) focus only on what interests them at the moment. A child can carefully listen to his favorite fairy tale at least a hundred times in a row. From this follows a logical conclusion - to train attentiveness, perseverance, diligence and concentration of attention should only be interesting tasks.
Tasks from the "Find and show" series are an adapted version of Wimmelbuch for children - separate thematic sheets with search elements, "find, show, count or color" tasks.
These toys are a great way to develop and entertain your child.
👉 Interesting coloring pages for boys and girls: vehicles and dinosaurs, mermaids and kittens, animals and travel, etc.
👉 Print tasks Find and count for children free of charge: color sheets in A4 format from the series find, show and count.
👉 Tasks Find and count: 20 coloring pages with tasks for kids. An excellent educational game for both very young children and elementary school students
👉 Find and color: interesting pictures and simple items to find, optimal elements for coloring!
👉 Find the shadow tasks for children train the ability to perceive the difference between objects or symbols solely in form, not paying attention to other differences: color, size, orientation.
👉 Seekers-finders: you need to find a given object among the flickering of similar pictures.
👉 Find the differences 😎
👉 Find a pair - print picture assignments.
👉 Find and show mazes
Task for children "King's crown"
This is a game for recognition of shape, color and spatiality. We are talking about the arrangement of precious stones on the crown according to the model in compliance with the shape and the required color.
This game should be colored in the colors you want to work on with your child.
For older preschoolers familiar with math coloring, patterns can also be encoded by drawing a symbol on the gems (like triangle=green, square=yellow, etc.).
Print out creative activity cards
Print out colorful templates to use with buttons (as well as pom-poms, round stickers, plasticine patches, fingerprints, etc.).
In addition to effective fine motor development, button-laying practice improves attention, sensory abilities, perseverance and concentration, the ability to distinguish and match colors, etc.
Non-traditional drawing for children
Templates for drawing with cotton swabs
Drawing for kids
Teaching children to draw with a pencil step by step - one of the most necessary activities for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills!
- Templates for creating pictures with plasticine patches (or finger paints).
- Plasticine modeling for children - step by step instructions.
- Plasticineography allows both toddlers and school-age children to actively work with their fingers. Creative templates here.
- How to make modeling more interesting for children. Here.
- Plasticine drawing: Print out plasticine mats.
Cutouts and cutouts for free
✂ The lightest and simplest cutouts for 3 year olds are designed for kids who have just picked up scissors and are learning how to use them.
✂ Cutout templates for kids “Learning to cut with scissors” is a great practice for cutting and writing skills.
✂ Application templates with funny characters.
✂ Print paper appliqué templates for kids: fairy, pirate, unicorn, superhero, shark from Baby Shark song, dinosaurs, robots, math appliqués.
✂ Print blanks for applications Fish, Octopus, Funny Monsters, Seabed and others.
✂ Craft-cutting animal in the form of an arc. On special supports, cut out pictures will stand on their own!
✂ Coloring-cutouts.
Animals, transport, train, farm and more. Also coloring-cutouts Wild animals.
✂ 3D house template for gluing.
✂ Cut-outs for boys: sharks, dinosaurs, monsters and wizards, dragons, knights, robots, pirates. No flowers or unicorns!
✂ Christmas applications for children made of paper: templates for a Christmas tree, a snowman, cutouts of Santa Claus's helpers
Print children's coloring
Coloring is the most famous and versatile way pass the time and develop fine motor skills . At the same time, the enthusiasm of the child depends only on the painstaking choice of really interesting coloring pages for children by the parents.
- Circle Coloring Pages for Toddlers
- Large collection of themed coloring pages for toddlers and older children. There are also coloring pages for adults!
- Beautiful complex coloring pages for adults and teenagers. Coloring-antistress and others.
- Coloring pages for girls: fairies, unicorns, princesses, elves, etc.
- Gluttonous Fish Coloring Page
- Number Coloring Pages
- Coloring Books to Learn Color
- Draw Half of the Picture
- Draw the Picture - a fantasy game
- Pixel Coloring Pixel Art - paint the cells according to the pattern.
- Coloring pages Cry Babies
- Coloring pages LOL
- Coloring pages Peppa Pig in A4 format
- Coloring pages with dotted drawing Masha and the Bear
- Coloring pages Frozen.
- Harry Potter coloring pages.
- Big wall coloring
- Big Christmas coloring
- Unicorn coloring
- Kitten coloring.
Activities for kids at home: games
Large selection of children's and family board games to download and print. Very useful post 👆 be sure to visit!
Card file of games for children of preschool age: topical long-known and new modern games for children.
Activities for kids at home: a selection of creative ideas for quiet or active play for children of all ages.
What to do with children at the dacha on a hot sunny day or in cloudy weather? The brightest selection of country ideas for children and creative parents!
Games with wooden blocks for the youngest and older children: ideas, methods, possibilities, benefits.
Games and exercises for the development of spatial imagination.
Lego challenge games for kids: 8 ideas for building toy lovers.
Funny games for kids of all ages.
Word games help to master the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, to cope with the excitement of speaking.
Educational games for children of different ages
Kinesiology games and exercises for children for the daily development of both hemispheres of the brain.
Memory exercises for children
A selection of useful games and toys for children to learn letters and read the first syllables.
School Ready Tasks
The School Readiness Test is a simple test for 6 year olds that is easy for all parents to complete.Preschool dotted and graphic dictations for preschoolers prepare the muscles of the hands for writing, form the correct position of the hand with a pencil, train coordination of movements, perseverance and concentration, the ability to follow oral and written instructions, visual memory and, of course, fine motor skills.
You also need to give preschool basic knowledge about the structure of the world, mathematics, correct speech, writing, reading, etiquette and social communication skills, etc.
Therefore, it is never too early to engage in developmental assignments for preschoolers! The main thing is not to overdo it.
Here tasks for preparing children for school are structured, they can be printed for free.Useful tasks in the article Tasks for preparing for the 1st grade at home.
I really don't feel like studying in the summer, especially if the bright warm sun is shining outside the window and my friends are walking around. Summer preparation of children for school will help.
Here: Exercises to develop reading skills
Online preparation for school for children: remote tutoring, educational platforms, free channels, cartoons and tasks.
You will also find useful articles Psychological readiness of a child for school, What you need to teach a child before school and Adaptation to school.
Print educational cards for the New Year
🎄 Tasks for the New Year's advent calendar: crafts, decorations for the Christmas tree, puzzles, educational toys, ready-made New Year's tasks for children.
🎄 Ideas for ready-made New Year's tasks: free printouts, illustrations for the simplest tasks such as finds, labyrinths, comparisons on New Year's and Christmas themes.
🎅 How to make a simple advent calendar waiting for the New Year: ideas for tasks, decorations, gifts.
🎄🎨 Large Christmas coloring book for kids - 5 coloring options: a winter European landscape, a Christmas light bulb and three large Christmas tree coloring pages: from 10 A4 sheets and even from 22 A4 sheets!
Winter tasks and games for children: how to have fun outdoors and at home.
Print Easter development cards
Not only New Year's and Christmas advents, but also Easter ones are gaining more and more popularity.
Easter Advent Activities for Kids
Easter Coloring Books for Kids
Paw Patrol Easter Egg Holder
Easter Paper Basket
How to make reusable toys for kids
It does not take much effort and time to make regular manuals printed in offset in a printing house or printed on a printer reusable. Everything is elementary. So, you can use:
- Files for A4 development cards. Preferably smooth, glossy, as dense as possible.
- The tighter corners are even better, you just need to find one that is completely transparent and not too slippery.
- If you print out a lot of worksheets with developmental tasks for children at once and combine them into a single workbook, folders with inserts.
- Special reusable folders for benefits are a good option, but too expensive, sometimes not even 10, but 100 times (!!!) more expensive than their budget counterpart - ordinary files, corners and insert folders.
- For development boards other than A4, larger or smaller, , tape (for small parts) and self-adhesive book covers can be used.
- The Laminator, along with a color printer, is an essential item for a sensible and economical family that uses printed jobs for their children.
- Once you've laminated/strengthened the children's worksheets, look for the best marker to work with. Ordinary alcohol can be poorly erased, water can write poorly and collect in droplets. Whiteboard markers are ideal, any are good: both expensive and cheap.