Re learning math
[Advice] Re-learning math from scratch : learnmath
I don't know if this is the right sub to post this, my apologies if it's not.
Let me start off with a tl;dr for those of you with little time, i'll give the (not essential) backstory after, feel free to skip it though.
TL;DR: How would i best go about studying math from the most basic topics up to a level where i can comfortably head off to college or university in a computer science branch?
Links, tips or even general advice is welcome and appreciated.
Backstory for those who are interested:
I have since i was about 8 or 9 years old been fairly quick to pick up coding and overall software gimmicks (bug hunting and exploiting, understanding protocols etc.) and have ever since wanted to be a "hacker" and as i entered my teens that became the realistic "Software developer" which i am still pursuing to this day.
Unfortunately i have ADHD which my parents brushed off as a fake disorder until i finally got it diagnosed after years with psychotherapists, student council and a long road to getting an adult diagnosis of ADHD.
As a result of this, school was very difficult and i barely made it through until my last 2 years in highschool where i got to choose Industrial ICT as a path, this covered nearly all branches of IT on a general level and this is where they discovered i was an amazing programmer but i lacked on most other academic bases due to neglect.
I wrestled my way through and got my diploma with which they recommended me "Higher studies aren't for you, throw yourself into the software industry and flourish with experience" which is advice i took to heart.
This was around the same time i got my ADHD diagnosis and started receiving Methylphenidate (Ritalin) for my shortcomings.
The pills are probably the best thing to happen to me ever since i started getting the right dosage about a year ago, my mood improved massively and i have focus i wouldn't have believed was possible if you told me a few years ago.
Now we're getting to the relevant part, i've been job hunting in the software industry but they always cast me aside for people with experience or a degree, i'm currently making ends meet outside the branch i want to work in.
With my pills i feel confident i can handle higher studies as i've been doing a lot of self-study at home (without my pills i had never touched my homework, i find it impressive) while jobhunting, though i feel that due to my neglect of math in highschool and me not having used it in a year, i'll fall short really quickly if i did head off to college.
Therefore i wanted to use my time before next semester starts to bring myself up to an average level of mathematics someone that came out of highschool would have, just to be sure, i wanted to start as basic as possible (excluding elementary maths) i just want to make sure the fundamentals are in place.
How would i (a now 20 year old) best go about this through self-study?
The 20 Best Websites to Bookmark for Learning Math Step by Step
Getting to learn math for free can seem too good to be true. But it's not. There are plenty of resources and sites that can help you learn or relearn maths from basics to advanced levels.
Your age doesn't matter. Your educational background is redundant. Whatever mathematical goals you have, you can accomplish them! Figuring how to relearn math is as simple as finding the right resources.
Choosing the Right Sites
Patpitchaya/ShutterstockWhen figuring out how to learn maths from the beginning, you need the right sites for each mathematics level. For example, one site might be great at teaching calculus but horrible at teaching algebra. Another site might focus on higher-level math and completely overlook the basics. To learn a new skill from home, you must take it one step at a time.
The well-known Khan Academy is a gold bookmark, but there are other sites out there worthy of your attention. This list promises to compile the best sites to learn math for each level so that you can learn systematically, gain a better grasp of math one level at a time, and have fun!
Starting With Arithmetic
Arithmetic shouldn't be overlooked, as there is always a new and more efficient way of looking at numbers. Math homework can be useful for everyone, regardless of their age.
The best site to learn arithmetic should include easy-to-follow instructions showing more images rather than text and letting the user practice with numbers. We've skipped any site that focuses a lot on theory and history, as it is more important to practice with numbers rather than reading about numbers.
MathABC is the best site to practice arithmetic. The site has colorful graphics, is fun and informative, but doesn't lean heavily on explanations. No matter what age or level you're at, you should give MathABC a try!
Other suggested sites include and Arithmetic Game, which provides an online speed drill.
On to Pre-Algebra
R. Mackay Photography LLC/ShutterstockNext up is pre-algebra, a necessary math level for anyone in high school or getting ready to take the GED. Again, no matter what level or how old you are, learning math is always great practice for your brain!
Learning pre-algebra should also be fun and informative, but theory and information should start to appear at this level. Though, it is also necessary to get plenty of practice.
Math Goodies is the best site to learn pre-algebra. The site focuses on theory and information and provides educational exercises immediately following the lesson.
Other sites include Cool Math and Math Tutor DVD, which includes a nice set of online quizzes.
Up Next, Algebra 1 and 2
Algebra is a serious subject, and it is often referred to as the "gatekeeper" for all of the other levels and a prerequisite to comprehending other levels.
At this stage, it is important to get a firm grip on theory, while at the same time practicing as much as possible. You can throw graphics and pictures out the window as they might be intrusive. Clean and straight-to-the-point text is what matters.
Math Planet does a great job at presenting example math problems. It provides an instructional YouTube video at the end of every lesson for further explanation. Additionally, you can take your knowledge and put it to practice on the SAT and ACT section of the site.
You will need to download the SAT and ACT files to see if you answered correctly! IXL Learning is another great site to review and practice algebra. Check out the Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 sections.
Go With Geometry
ImageFlow/ShutterstockAfter algebra, the next step in the right direction towards learning math can be geometry. Some say geometry, which is the study of shapes, should be taken before algebra 2, but the order is entirely up to you.
What matters at this stage is plenty of practice and a good grasp of theory. You can get both with a few sites, but the site that really stands out from the others is Math Warehouse.
The site does a great job of bringing together explanations, graphics, and explanation videos. You can even use their online calculator for better practice.
The geometry page from IXL is great. You can learn even more with MathHelp, a site that offers resources and tips to improve your test-taking skills.
Turning to Trigonometry
Wuestenigel/VisualHuntGenerally, trigonometry follows geometry, since it deals with measuring the angles and sides of triangles. However, when you add 3-dimensional figures, it becomes more interesting. Physicists, engineers, and chemists all use it.
The best way to learn anything in math is to know how to get to an answer. The best way of doing that is to practice, and while this site has only a few examples, Dave's Short Trig Course, hosted by Clark University, does an excellent job at presenting trigonometry in easy-to-follow explanations and graphics.
Varsity Tutor provides fine practice tests for any aged learner, and Brilliant is also laid out nicely for easy clarification. Practice to your heart's content!
Concentrating on Calculus
Dusit/ShutterstockCalculus, which is the study of change through mathematics, is best learned through a thorough understanding of theory. A great way to get this type of understanding is to see what you're learning clearly, and then to be able to put your theory to practice.
And although calculus should be broken up, between derivation and linear, for example, Free Math Help does a great job of presenting each lesson as its own.
The site offers a lot of useful information (theory, examples, and three calculus calculators), as well as an interactive problem-solver, which is useful for some problems. Everything is clearly shown and laid out on the free site. Check it out!
edX is another excellent site where you can take free classes in college-level calculus. Learnerator also provides a great number of practice questions for you to review.
Statistics is a useful level of math, as it involves gathering and analyzing numbers and data. Statistics is mentioned last in this math guide because seniors usually take it in college as a final math course. Though this isn't always true, it is often the case.
Setia Budi's YouTube channel has a playlist that really does a great job at explaining stats. You don't even need to have a great mathematical background to understand what is being taught.
The videos are an average of around 25 minutes long and use graphics and examples to explain statistics. You can also learn more about statistics with Stat Trek. This comprehensive site includes a practice test and online tools such as a probability calculator.
The Best Thing About Math
Let's end with the twentieth site that goes back to the History of Math. It won't teach you any level of math, but a look at its evolution helps place everything in context.
By now your interest should have peaked. Social places like Mathematics Stack Exchange and Reddit also have strong math communities.
No matter what people tell you, math can be used in many situations in your everyday life, no matter what your level or age. You can use geometry with your DIY carpentry projects, statistics to help you understand scientific studies, algebra to help you make better tax decisions, and a culmination of all of it to just have fun with numbers!
Individual curriculum with repeated study of disciplines (IEP with repetition)
IEP with repeated study of disciplines (or "IEP with repetition") can be issued only on the basis of retakes, if the number of disciplines not passed by the student successfully does not exceed two.
At the same time, if a student previously studied at a place provided with state funding, then the student loses the right to study at a state-funded place.
"IUP with repetition" conclusion technology:
The student completes the application and submits it through the student and faculty self-service point (box in front of room 301). | Application for the provision of IEP with repeated study of disciplines and transfer to a commercial place For 3-party contracts, a copy of the customer's passport must be attached to the application. |
Application for IEP with repeated study of disciplines | |
Within 1-3 working days waiting for information from an employee of the Study Office | See the registration number of the application, as well as information on further actions in the electronic registration log |
invites the student to review and sign.![]() The student gets acquainted with the documents, signs them with his own hand, asks questions. | Document set includes:
Based on the documents signed by the student, an employee of the Study Office initiates an order to grant the student the right to study according to an individual curriculum. Upon the issuance of the order, the student must personally come to the Study Office to familiarize himself with the order (under signature) and receive signed copies of the contract and additional agreement. | The status of work on the application is updated in the electronic register.![]() |
The student's right to study according to an individual curriculum is confirmed only when an appropriate order is issued. | |
If your interaction with an employee of the Study Office deviates from this technology, please send an e-mail to the head of the MIEM HSE Study Office [email protected], indicating in the subject line: "Problem with switching to IEP". Thank you for your cooperation! | |
Information that may be useful to a student studying on an individual curriculum. |
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