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Reading test for elementary students
Reading test for elementary students
Practice Reading Tests
practice reading tests |
Introduction Using This Test Prep Site How to Score the Test Practice Reading Test Tips for Students Taking a Reading TestIntroduction
Most states have, or are developing, tests to assess their students
proficiency in state frameworks of curriculum. Many of these states
are including students with limited English proficiency in this assessment
process, but a significant number of LEP students have difficulty
passing these standardized tests. In this website, Longman is pleased
to provide additional practice for LEP students by offering sample
standardized reading tests for grades 1 to 8. The reading tests provided
here are a combination of multiple choice, short-answer, and long-answer
questions. The short-answer and long-answer questions are designed
to have students process the information in the passage, analyze it,
and organize it for the answer. In this way, these practice questions
test students analytical abilities, not just comprehension. Multiple-Choice Questions The multiple-choice questions have four possible answers labeled
A, B, C, D or F, G, H, I.
The students will choose one answer per
question. Each question correctly answered is given one point. Short-Answer Questions |
The short-answer questions have
a "Read, Think, and Explain" symbol next to them.
Students should spend about three to five minutes answering
each short-answer question on the lines provided. Each question
answered correctly is given up to two points; partial credit
is given. There can be some variation in the answers. |
Long-Answer Questions |
The long-answer questions have
a "Read, Think, and Explain" symbol with more lines
next to them. Students should spend about seven to ten minutes
answering each long-answer question on the lines provided. Each
question correctly answered is given up to four points and partial
credit is given. There can be some variation in the answers. |
Scoring The Practice Reading Tests in this book are scored on a point system
that differs slightly by grade level. Grades 1 and 2 have fewer questions
and no short- or long-answer questions. Grade 1 is based on a scoring
rage of 0–6 points. Grade 2 is based on a scoring range of 0–12
points. Grades 3 through 8 are based on a scoring range of 0–22
This Test Prep Site This site has a practice test for each
grade. Each test has a contents page, two reading passages, and question
and answer sections. In this site, the questions and multiple choice sections follow both
reading selections. When students finish reading the selection and
are ready to answer the questions, they click on the link "Now
proceed to the Answer Section below" which takes them directly
to the Answer Section. When students are in the Answer Section, they
can click on the icon to the right of each question to return to the
text for checking information (or they can scroll back up to the text). To answer multiple choice questions, students click on the button
next to their answer choice. For the short-answer and long-answer
questions, students can key their answer directly into the essay box
provided under the question. When a student has completed the sample test, he or she can click
on the "Submit" button. This will produce a screen showing
the student's answers (multiple choice answers and the written answers),
which can then be printed and given to the teacher for grading. The Answer Key for all grades is available from your Pearson Education
sales representative.
to Score the Practice Reading Test
Multiple-Choice Questions Each multiple-choice question is worth 1 point. Read, Think, and Explain
Short-Answer Questions
Short-answer "Read, Think, and Explain" questions are worth
up to two points. There may be more than one acceptable answer for
a short-answer question. (Sample answers are given for each question.)
Partial credit can be given for answers that are correct, but incomplete. 2 points The answer shows that the student understands what
the question is asking. The response is both accurate and complete.
The student has supported the answer with information and/or examples
from the passage, as asked for in the question. The answer must be
based on the correct passage.
1 point The answer shows that the student understood or responded
to only part of what the question asked. The information in the answer
may be correct and based on the passage, but may not be clearly written,
or exact enough. More supporting information and/or examples may be
needed, as asked for in the question. 0 points The answer is incorrect or not based upon the passage,
or the student gives no response. Long-Answer Questions
Long-answer "Read, Think, and Explain" questions are worth
up to four points. There may be more than one acceptable answer for
a long-answer question. (Sample answers are given for each question.)
Partial credit can be given for answers that are correct, but incomplete. 4 points The answer shows that the student has a thorough understanding
of what the question asks. The response is both accurate and complete.
The student has supported the answer with information and/or examples
from the passage, as asked for in the question. The answer must be
based on the correct passage. 3 points The answer shows that the student has a complete understanding
of what the question asks. The information in the answer is correct,
but more supporting information and/or examples based on the passage
are needed. 2 points The answer shows that the student understood or responded
to only part of what the question asked. The information in the answer
may be correct and based on the passage, but may not be clearly written,
or exact enough. More supporting information and/or examples may be
needed. 1 point The answer shows that the student has little understanding
of what the question has asked. The answer may be incomplete, may
have several mistakes or inaccuracies, and may not fulfill the task
required by the question. 0 points The answer is incorrect or not based upon the passage,
or the student gives no response.
Practice Reading
This practice reading test will help you get to know the kinds of
questions on an actual statewide reading test. This practice test
has a Practice Reading Section and Questions. Each Reading Section
has two reading passages for which there are a total of 16 comprehension
questions. You should answer all the questions in about 30–45
minutes. Your teacher can explain any question in the test that
you don't understand. After you finish taking the test, your teacher
can review the answers with you. Tips for Students Taking a
Reading Test Read these tips to help you when you take a reading test. Think
of these tips as you take the practice reading test.
- There are two kinds of questions
in the FCAT: multiple-choice and "Read, Think, and Explain"
- Take 5 minutes to write an answer
for the short "Read, Think, and Explain" questions.
Take 10 minutes to answer the long ones.
- Be sure to read all directions
carefully. If you do not understand directions, ask your teacher
for help.
- It is normal to be nervous when
you take a test. Try to relax and think about the readings.
- Read the whole passage once before
you answer any of the questions.
- You are allowed to go back and
read the passages as many times as you want to. Read them carefully.
- Be careful not to leave marks around
the answer bubbles. Try to fill them in neatly.
- When you answer the "Read,
Think, and Explain" questions, think and organize what you
want to say before writing down your ideas.
- Write your short and long answers
neatly so that anyone can read them.
- After you read the passage, first
answer the questions you know. Skip the ones that are too hard
and go back later.
- Do not worry if you do not know
the answers to questions. Keep going! Partial credit is given
for "Read, Think, and Explain" questions, so write whatever
you know.
- If there is time, go back and make
sure that you are giving the best possible answer for each question.
practice reading tests |
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Test tasks for younger students based on a single text | Test (Grade 4):
Test tasks for junior schoolchildren
based on a single text
Explanatory note
General characteristics
the world.
Particular attention is paid to the examination of students' ability to work with an unfamiliar text, which has a naturally scientific character. The choice of text is determined by the accessibility of the content for them.
Unified control work presented in test form. For each test task, 2-4 answer options are given, of which only one is correct. When completing these tasks, the student must indicate the number of the correct answer in the text. All tasks are equal in difficulty.
The performance of the control work by students is calculated for 2-3 academic hours. It is necessary to provide each student with a test and a draft. Pupils begin work by completing the task of literary reading. Its purpose is to test the ability of students to work with an unfamiliar text, extracting the necessary information from it. The subsequent order of choosing subjects can be arbitrary.
Evaluation of results
The performance of test tasks is evaluated on a scale with categories: “true” and “false”.
For the performance of the work, two marks are given: a test score and a certification mark.
The test score is set on the basis of the primary scores received for completing each of the tasks. A correct answer is worth 1 point, an incorrect answer is 0 points. The sum of points received for completing all tasks in a given academic subject is a test score.
The attestation mark for the assimilation of each academic subject is set on a five-point scale in accordance with the test score.
After completing the task, compare your answer with the proposed wording. If your answer matches one of them, put an "x" in the box to the right.
Skip the task that cannot be completed immediately and move on to the next one. You can return to the missed tasks if you have time.
We wish you success!
Polar bear
Who hasn't seen a polar bear? In zoos, he is an ordinary guest. There is no need to describe what it looks like. We only recall that he only has a black nose, the bear itself is white both in winter and in summer (and not like, say, an arctic fox or a hare - whites are only white in winter).
The soles of the paws of the polar bear are overgrown with thick hair, and the fingers are connected by swimming membranes for about half of their length.
Polar bears swim and dive very well. They can stay under water for two minutes, but they rarely dive deeper than two meters into it. Far in the open sea, polar bears have been seen more than once, even she-bears with cubs. They swim at a speed of 5 kilometers per hour, not worrying that neither land nor ice is visible anywhere near.
The polar bear catches seals not only on the ice, stealthily crawling up to them. His usual method, so to speak, of an attack from the sea is as follows: near the seal rookeries, the bear carefully, without splashing and noise, slides into the water, swims to where he noticed the seals. Then he silently dives and emerges already at the very haulout, quickly climbs onto the ice, thereby cutting off the seals' path to rescue water. On steep ice walls, a bear can jump straight out of the water onto an ice floe, even if its height above the water is two meters.
Seals are the main hunting prey of the polar bear in spring. It catches and eats about 50 seals a year. In summer, the menu is more varied. He catches fish in shallow water, on the shore - lemmings, arctic foxes, feasts on bird eggs. When hungry, eats berries, algae, mosses, lichens, mushrooms.
The polar bear is the most powerful land animal of prey. The lion and the tiger are lightweight in comparison: the average weight of female bears is 310 kilograms, and that of male bears is 420 kilograms. If the bear is seasoned and well-fed, then it can weigh a whole ton!
(Akimushkin I.I. The world of animals: mammals, or animals. - M., 1988, p. 96)
Ι Test for literary reading and speech development
1. Polar bear in summer:
a) changes coat color ; b) does not change the color of the coat .
2. The soles of the polar bear's paws are covered with:
a) thick hair ; b) thickened skin .
3. Toes on the paws of a polar bear half their length:
а) connected by swimming membranes ; b) grow together .
4. A polar bear can swim at a speed of:
a) 2 kilometers per hour ; b) 5 kilometers per hour .
5. The polar bear's menu is more varied:
а) in winter ; b) in spring ; c) in summer .
6. Average weight of a bear:
a) 310 kg ; b) 420 kg .
7. A mature and well-fed bear can weigh:
a) 420 kg ; b) a ton .
8. There are 5 paragraphs in the text. Which paragraph talks about what the polar bear eats?
а) in 1 - m ; b) in 2 - m ; c) in 3-m ; d) in 4 -m ; e) in 5th .
9. Which paragraph refers to the appearance of a polar bear?
а) in the first ; b) in the last .
10. In what paragraph is the polar bear compared to other large animals:
а) in the first ; b) in the last .
11. Which paragraph tells about the method of hunting seals:
а) 1st ; b) 2nd ; c) 3rd ; d) 4th ; e) 5th .
12. Which paragraph talks about what kind of bears are swimmers?
а) 1st ; b) 2nd ; c) 3rd ; d) 4th ; e) 5th .
13. What part of the text (which paragraph) can be called "A clever and cunning hunter"?
а) 1st ; b) 2nd ; c) 3rd ; d) 4th ; e) 5th .
14. This text:
a) artistic ; b) popular science .
ӀӀ Math test
- How long does it take for a polar bear to swim from the shore to the ice floe?
a) 3 h ; b) 10 h ; c) 20 h ; d) 75 h .
- Can a polar bear jump out of the water onto an ice floe if the ice floe is 180 cm high?
a) yes, since 1 m 8 cm 2 m ; d) no, since 1 m 8 dm > 2 m .
3. What part of an hour can a polar bear stay underwater without coming out of it?
a) a thirtieth of an hour ; b) a tenth of an hour ; c) the third part of an hour ; d) the second part of the hour .
4. How many seals can a family of three bears eat in 2 years:
a) 300 seals ; b) 150 seals ; c) 100 seals ; d) 50 seals .
5. Who is heavier: a bear or a male bear? How many kilograms?
a) a female bear is heavier than a male bear by 110 kg ;
b) a female bear is lighter than a male bear by 110 kg ;
c) a bear - a male is heavier than a she-bear by 730 kg ;
d) bear - a male is 730 kg lighter than a she-bear .
ӀӀӀ Test around the world
1. In what natural area do polar bears live?
a) in the Arctic desert ; b) in the Arctic Ocean ; c) on Wrangel Island ; d) in the tundra .
2. In what natural zone is the city of Vorkuta located?
a) in the tundra ; b) in the forest zone ; c) in the ice zone ; d) in the steppe .
3. Which groups do the animals mentioned in the article belong to?
a) animals, birds, fish, reptiles ;
b) mammals, birds, fish ;
c) animals, birds, fish, amphibians .
4. To which group of animals can the polar bear be classified according to the way of feeding?
a) predator ; b) omnivorous ; c) herbivorous ; d) insectivorous .
|V Test in Russian
- The text about polar bears has the most sentences:
a) narrative ; b) interrogative .
2. The interrogative sentence is located:
a) at the beginning of the text ; b) at the end of the text .
3. Exclamatory sentence is located:
a) at the beginning of the text ; b) at the end of the text .
4. Write out the first sentence from the second part of the text (from the second paragraph). Parse it by the members of the proposal. What can you say about predicates? They are:
a) related words; b) homogeneous members of the sentence .
5. What can be said about the verbs that express the predicates?
These verbs:
a) 1 conjugation ; b) 2 conjugations .
6. These verbs are in the form:
a) present ; b) future tense ; c) past tense .
7. These verbs are in the form:
a) singular ; b) plural .
8. These verbs are in the form:
a) 1st person ; b) 2nd person ; 3) 3rd person ; d) it is impossible to determine the person .
9. These verbs are in the form:
a) f.r. ; b) m.r. ; on Wednesday. ; d) the genus cannot be determined.
10. Find in the second part of the text (in the second paragraph) all the words that will be related to the noun that is the subject in the first sentence.
Write them in a column, putting them in the initial form. You got it:
a) two words ; b) three words .
11. Find in the second part of the text (in the second paragraph) another form of the word that is the subject in the first sentence. Write out such a phrase with the form of this word, from which you can determine its case. This case:
a) R.p. ; b) V.p. .
Text analysis
- Literary reading and speech development
Tested skills:
tasks 1-13 - the formation of the ability to search for the necessary information in the text;
tasks 8-13 – the formation of the ability to identify the main idea while reading;
task 14 - the skill of distinguishing between fiction and popular science texts.
Correct answers: 1) b; 2) a; 3) a; 4) b; 5) in; 6) a; 7) b; 8) d; 9) a; 10) b; 11) in; 12) b; 13) in; 14) b.
Test score to grade ratio:
Test score | Grade mark |
0002 14 5 |
11-13 | 4 |
8-10 | 3 |
0-7 | 2 |
Presentation of the results:
FULL NACKSHSHSHESE | Tasks | Test score | | | | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | 4000 |
. .. 9000 ... 9000 ... 9000 ... 9000 ... 9000 ... 9000 ... 9000 ...ΙΙ. Mathematics Task number | Correct answer | Content for the task | 1 9000 | A | 90ARO 9 Multiplication and division tables. The concept of "speed". “Multiplication table” Multiplication by a two -digit number Multiplication properties | 9000 5 | b 9000. difference comparison Subtraction of three-digit numbers | The ratio of test score and certification mark: The world around All tasks provide for the formation of the ability of schoolchildren to use a textbook if necessary. Task 5 is designed for the student to look into the dictionary of the textbook. 1 | a | Determination of the natural area according to the representative of the animal world | a | Distinguishing sentences by intonation. The ability to look through the text and find the right place | 3. | a | Distinguishing sentences according to the purpose of the statement. Ability to scan text and find the right place. | 4. | b | “Polar bears swim and dive very well.” Formation of ideas about homogeneous members of the sentence. Syntactic analysis of a simple sentence with homogeneous members (predicates). | 9. | g | | 10. | b | Bear, she-bear, cub. Representation of related words and the initial form of nouns. Distinguishing related words and different case forms of the word. | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 7 | 3 | . .. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9043EAL0283 The test is taken from the manual "Test tasks for younger students based on a single text." - M .: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2008. (Compilers: N.A. Churakova, O.A. Zakharova, N.M. Lavrova etc.) Testing at the lessons of literary reading in elementary school Testing check: - Front check.
- Mutual verification.
- Individual verification.
- Self assessment.
If the self-esteem of the child and the teacher are the same, the teacher just circles the child's cross in red paste. When I return their work to the children, then I first name the children whose self-assessments coincided with teacher's assessment and praise them very much: “These students already know how to do difficult and important work - they know how to evaluate themselves! Some still need practice in ….., but if you yourself know what you don’t succeed, you will learn more easily.” Task before modern elementary school is important: to develop children's interest in reading, and then the need for it. Targets : - Introduce children to the world of books as a source enriching their minds and senses as a means of developing they have an interest in reading.
- Awaken the desire to read.
Initially the child should be able to choose a book and get pleasure from reading. At the same time, students should be able to read the text about yourself and understand it. Such a reading implies appropriate forms of work of students and teachers, as well as methods for monitoring the correctness reading and reading comprehension. In my reading lessons, I try to achieve the skill full reading, and this is expressive, fluent, correct, conscious reading. Expression, fluency and correctness I hear readings in class. And reading awareness harder to check. And I've been looking for a long time make an objective judgment about consciousness read text. And in my search I came to the next conclusion that you need to enter information-value approach in work on text content. This approach recommends conduct tests to check reading comprehension. From the first grade, as soon as the children started reading small texts, I began to type “Information-value approach in teaching reading”, which was developed by the candidate Psychological Sciences Kushnir M. A. And I became work according to his methodology, making adjustments with taking into account the characteristics of the students in my class. The process of learning to read is understood not only as a recreation of the sound image of the word, and mastery of cognitive, communicative activity. Content is at the center of the lesson. text, its enormous educational potential. Lesson Functions - Maximum Extraction information. Great developmental and teaching power has testing. Testing one of methods for checking the quality of reading comprehension works. Testing - customized survey or task system offered all students at the same time. Several types of tests are carried out to serve checking the assimilation of various kinds of material. TEST FOR CONTENT (TC) The test for content acquisition can be composed on the basis of a work of any genre or parts of it. The test is used in checking awareness from grade 1. All questions in 1st grade are asked with interrogative intonation, then interrogative sentences are replaced by narrative suggestions, and the children must agree with teacher's approval or reject it. By the end of Grade 1, students learn testing and, starting from the 2nd grade, it is necessary use for test declarative sentences by reading them with appropriate intonation, without highlighting the word, bearing the main semantic load. For example: Russian folk tale "Testicle". Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | T. s. | + | + | - | | | | | | | | 1 | hen. (+) (variegated coloration, “pockmarked” - with an admixture of red.) 2. A chicken laid an egg on the street (+). 3. Grandfather accidentally broke a testicle (-) (mouse tail crushed). I I. DESCRIPTION TEST (TO) Description test can be used if there is a description in the text literary character, object or phenomenon. The test may consist of questions, statements, riddles, proverbs, sayings, definitions. A. EXTERNAL TEST HERO DESCRIPTIONS. Before reading the work, a task is given students to remember the appearance of the hero. Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”. Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 1. Snow Maiden. (The girl is white as a snowball.) 2. Girlfriends. B. DEFINED TEST APPEARANCE, CHARACTER, MIND OF THE HERO . The names of those heroes on the board are written in advance. of which a description is given, indicating the number of order. Students must indicate the number of that hero in corresponding column, to whom corresponds description. A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”. 1. Smart, strict, with blue hair. | 1. Fox. | 2. Cunning redhead. | 2. Malvina. | 3. Scoundrel, greedy, evil, with a long beard. | 3. Pinocchio. | 4. Naughty, wooden, long nose. | 4. Basilio. | 5. Robber, cunning, greedy, mustachioed. | 5. Karabas Barabas. | Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | | 2 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 4 | | | | | | 1 | Students must indicate the number of that hero in corresponding column, to whom corresponds description. These tests are usually performed when after reading, a characterization of the hero is compiled: appearance, character traits, what is necessary for preparation for mini essays. B. PROVERB TEST, SAYING. Test based on proverbs and sayings, is associated with the assimilation of the description and used when required evaluate the actions of one or more literary heroes, to reveal their character. Does the meaning of this proverb match? (sayings) the character of this hero. Students should think about the meaning of the proverb, over actions and character of the hero and decide whether it suits whether it is to this hero. V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”. Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | | 1. 2 | 3.4 | 1 | 1 | 5 | | | | | | | TEST COMPOSED ON THE BASIS OF RIDDLES. Purpose: is used to test understanding of the work. Example: test of understanding of phenomena nature. Recording on overhead projector: - Autumn.
- Winter.
- Spring.
- Summer.
The teacher reads riddles, students mark natural phenomena. Riddles about the seasons . 1. The uterus is angry, but covered the children until a red day with a duvet. 2. A peahen flew in, sat on a lava, loosened her feathers for every potion. Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Rating scale | | 2 | 3 | | | | Riddles brought to us from the depths of time wisdom of the Russian people. In them he is simple and colorfully expressed himself, his work, his attitude to the environment, to natural phenomena. Easily riddles are guessed by those who are good at the objects and phenomena in question, and also uncovers hidden meanings in words. And if look at the world around attentively, keen eyes, noticing all the beauty and wealth him, then every tricky question, any allegory riddles will be solved. III. TEST FOR LEXICAL MEANING OF WORDS (T. SL.) Purpose. Expand vocabulary students, to teach them to understand the lexical the meaning of words. Test for learning the lexical meaning of words serves to check the quality of assimilation lexical meaning of words, ability to correctly explain the lexical meaning of these words. Children are read a sentence or a phrase that explains a difficult word, and students in their testers put down the number of the desired words that match the explanation. Example: P. P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse". Words on overhead: 1. Peep. | 1. Eyes. | 2. Malachai. | 2. Hut, barn. | 3. Eyes. | 3. Long, wide garment without a belt. | 4. Balagan. | 4. Peep. | Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | T. W. | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | | | | | | | | IV. CONTENT-TO-TITLE TEST WORKS (T.P.) Purpose: Ordering knowledge by read literature. I offer students list of books read author. Then I read, in order, passages from works. Have the students match the passage with the work from which it is taken. 1 variant. 1. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”. | 1. The property of the mirror had - speak it skillfully. | 2. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. | 2. And after them our daring. | 3. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”. | 3. I don't want to be a free queen. | 4. “The Tale of the Priest…”. | 4. He sees a cockerel beating, facing east… | 5. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”. | 5. A click is a crack, because it's different. | Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | T. p. | 3 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 4 | | | | | | | Option 2 of this test: on the surname board writers: 1. O. Preusler. Little Baba Yaga. | 1. So Ivan and Marya became a doll from sculpt snow. | 2. Russian folk tale Snegurochka. | 2. An old man came out. He began to dip his sleeve and let the birds in. | 3. V.I.Dal. Old man-year-old. | 3. Like a whirlwind rushed Little Baba Yaga on a new broom. | Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | T. p. | 3 | 2 | 1 | | | | | | | | | Task for students: name, mark in the test the author of the work whose passage was read. V. TEST FOR LEARNING THE MEANINGS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS (T.F.). Reading comprehension of phraseological units is indicator of the level of proficiency in the native language. Phraseological units make up the national richness of language, precisely, aptly and very figuratively describe all aspects of the environment reality. There are combinations of words in Russian that cannot be broken, they have one integral meaning. For example, we must say that we got up early. For this we use the expression "A LITTLE LIGHT". Such an expression is called phraseological unit. Phraseological units cannot be composed by yourself, they need to be remembered. The more you know them the more accurately and colorfully you will be able to express your thought. Most phraseological units are used in figurative meaning. So, in ancient Rus' the combination of the words “BEAT BAKLUSHI” meant breaking a piece of wood into small pieces buckets, from which they later made spoons, because. do very simple, easy work. At present time the expression “BEAT THE FUCK” is idle to pass the time, to be idle. Words on the board: 1. Nod off. | 1. Doze, fall asleep. | 2. Scratch on the nose. | 2. Remember well. | 3. Wipe your nose. | 3. Do something well, unexpectedly For others. | 4. Gulkin nose. | 4. Very few. | 5. Nose to nose. | 5. Close to each other. | Test type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Rating scale | T. f. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | | | | | | The more the student knows phraseological units, the more accurately and figuratively he will be able to express his thought. These tests have been tested on students my classes. Based on the received data students' knowledge was corrected. This work with tests made it possible to provide timely assistance to children in mastering literary concepts when working with literary texts. Thus, along with the previously known methods, I, if possible, diversified the work students over text and word in reading lessons.