Words that rhymes with mouse
161 best rhymes for 'mouse'
1 syllable
- House
- Spouse
- Blouse
- Mouth
- South
- Couse
- Douse
- Youse
- How's
- Rouse
- Grouse
- Louse
- Cows
- Clouse
- Sprouse
- Crouse
- Strauss
- Gauss
- Bounce
- Ounce
- Vows
- Aus
- Bows
- Doubts
- Sounds
- Hours
- Pounds
- Rounds
- Clouds
- Clowns
- Now's
- Shouts
- Browse
- Crowds
- Mouths
- Wows
- Mows
- Pao's
- Thous
- Bausch
- Plows
- Dow's
- Outs
- Downs
- Pounce
- Nouns
- Towns
- Routes
- Bouts
- Scouts
- Grounds
- Sprouts
- Crowns
- Droughts
- Frowns
- Spouts
- Flounce
- Trounce
- Snouts
- Pouts
- Trout's
- Touts
- Bowels
- Drowns
- Counts
- Vowels
- Owls
- Browns
- Howls
- Towels
- Gowns
- Fouls
- Growls
- Sours
- Shrouds
- Hounds
- Bounds
- Mounts
- Mounds
- Zounds
- Sough
2 syllables
- Penthouse
- Roundhouse
- Lighthouse
- Warehouse
- Jailhouse
- Greenhouse
- Doghouse
- Madhouse
- Clubhouse
- Whitehouse
- Playhouse
- Courthouse
- Outhouse
- Safehouse
- Steakhouse
- Whorehouse
- Roadhouse
- Dollhouse
- Farmhouse
- Dormouse
- Brickhouse
- Birdhouse
- Stackhouse
- Guesthouse
- Allows
- Eyebrows
- Arouse
- Carouse
- Pronounce
- Announce
- Frogmouth
- Handouts
- Renounce
- Denounce
- Shootouts
- About's
- Sellouts
- Dropouts
- Blackouts
- Tryouts
- Workouts
- Knockouts
- Hideouts
- Fallouts
- Dugouts
- Payouts
- Layouts
- Lockouts
- Cutouts
- Bailouts
- Amounts
- Accounts
- Pronouns
- Touchdowns
- Playgrounds
- Bloodhounds
- Breakdowns
- Surrounds
- Slowdowns
- Countdowns
- Discounts
- Compounds
- Astounds
- Rebounds
- Backgrounds
- Abounds
- Confounds
- Greyhound's
- Dumbfounds
3 syllables
- Slaughterhouse
- Powerhouse
- Waterhouse
- Firehouse
- Menopause
- Cottonmouth
- Whereabouts
- Mispronounce
- Thereabouts
- Shantytowns
- Battlegrounds
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160 Words that rhyme with mouse for Songwriters
Top rhymes for songwriters
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Songwriting rhymes for mouse
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
- house
- now
- out
- down
- how
- about
- around
- without
- penthouse
- bout
- lighthouse
- found
- town
- round
- mouth
- sound
- ground
- loud
- crowd
- drown
- count
- clouds
- proud
- doubt
- shout
- wow
- cloud
- brown
- bound
- sounds
Get instant rhymes with the Chorus app
Perfect rhymes for mouse
- house
- blouse
- penthouse
- lighthouse
- espouse
- louse
- grouse
- greenhouse
- rouse
- madhouse
- spouse
- douse
- warehouse
- powerhouse
- gauss
- youse
- inhouse
- laos
- doghouse
- townhouse
- dowse
- henhouse
- dormouse
- courthouse
- haus
- outhouse
- roadhouse
- farmhouse
- strauss
- firehouse
- dollhouse
- clubhouse
- clearinghouse
- storehouse
- slaughterhouse
- bouse
- guesthouse
- coffeehouse
- playhouse
- schoolhouse
- prouse
- hause
- klaus
- hothouse
- white house
- pousse
- souce
- roundhouse
- tree house
- boathouse
- couse
- crouse
- blockhouse
- clouse
- open house
- steakhouse
- whorehouse
- clearing house
- jailhouse
- dog house
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A. I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Near rhymes for mouse
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- now
- out
- down
- how
- about
- around
- without
- bout
- town
- found
- round
- mouth
- sound
- ground
- loud
- crowd
- drown
- count
- proud
- clouds
- doubt
- shout
- wow
- cloud
- brown
- bound
- sounds
- crown
- south
- doubts
- couch
- downtown
- pound
- how'd
- allow
- frown
- how's
- allowed
- crowds
- amount
- wound
- bow
- now's
- downs
- drowned
- amounts
- pow
- sow
- somehow
- surround
- bounce
- rounds
- pounds
- hounds
- brow
- yow
- meow
- vows
- tout
- howl
- clown
- uptown
- town's
- mouths
- clowns
- rebound
- surrounds
- announce
- out's
- ounce
- counts
- thou
- ciao
- vow
- gown
- aloud
- allows
- pout
- sprout
- aus
- grouch
- clout
- prowl
- drought
- shroud
- browed
- cowed
- overcrowd
- slouch
- underground
- hometown
- frowns
- townes
- browns
- howls
- frowned
- discount
- mount
- aground
- drowns
Want to know what rhymes with mouse?
If you’re a songwriter, a quick search online will throw up thousands of different words and expressions that rhyme
In fact, people have been publishing rhyming dictionaries for more than a hundred years
But are these the best rhymes for songwriters? I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to choose between “thieve” and “breach” (which do not rhyme), I’ll always choose “thieve”
Why? Well, we as songwriters are looking for singable words that sound good together in songs
The main factor we look at is how they sound when we say them or sing them, rather than just looking at how they look on a page — and this is what sets us apart from other types of writers
That's what we've done with Chorus!
Here are a few rhymes for you to sample. If you want to use the app's full functionality, including the ability to create your own rhymes, you can sign up for the full version of Chorus now.
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A.I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Create your songbookOpen Universal Synchronized Championship - 2022/2023. Stage 1
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Date: 09.30.2022 - 09.10.2022
Editor: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
The editor thanks to the preparation of Andrei Akimov, Anastasia Balmakova, Elena Vakksman -Atrokhov, Evgenia Vacsman, KSINIA VELOBREVA, KSINISE Alexander Ermalovich, Nadezhda Ivanov, Anton Karpievich, Maxim Korneevets, Oksana Korneevets, Alexander Kotlyarov, Dmitry Kraskovsky, Elena Petrov, Vladislav Pupshinovich, Alina Svib, Ivan Sergievich, Daria Solovey, Egor Starovoitov, Denis Khursin, Andrey Tsmyg.
Show answers
Tour 1
Date: 2022-09-30
Question 1: A few months ago, Alya Kudryasheva found out with bitterness that, for example, spring, the moon, and silence DO IT. What exactly do they do?
Answer: They rhyme with the word "war".
Credit: Meaningful.
She pissed herself off
Checked - well, well,
How many good things
Rhymes for war.
Spring - and dandelions in it,
Wave - and silver in it,
Coin in an empty pocket,
Standing upright.
Grape mesh wall,
The moon over the gray mountain,
Where are you, branch girl?
Where are you, hero boy?
Strike - and smoky cotton
War rises above the earth,
And after her - vast
Tearless silence.
She leaves with seconds -
I don't believe them, I don't want to.
We will be alive as long as we
We scream. And I will scream
Choking -
Your power is not over us, no
Your victory, war.
Source(s): telegram channel "Alya, so what?"
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 2: The Babylonians, unlike the Jews, considered THIS to be the result of manual labor. At the beginning of the work called "THIS", the curtain opens up a completely dark scene. Name IT.
Answer: Creation of the world.
Credit: Creation of the world.
In the book of Genesis, God creates the world by the mere power of the word, and in Mesopotamian myths, he painstakingly molds the whole world and its inhabitants out of clay. The dark scene at the beginning of Darius Milhaud's ballet The Creation of the World symbolizes the primordial chaos.
1. Martin Pachner. From literature to literature. How the written word shapes the world, personalities, history
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_of_the world_(ballet_Milhaud)
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 3: According to Andrzej Sapkowski's character, the law is a calm sleep of people who know that they will be awakened by an ordinary person, and not SUCH HE. What catchphrase did we replace with the words "THIS IS HE"?
Answer: Red rooster.
Credit: Exact answer.
At dawn people are awakened by the cock crow. Fire is figuratively called a red rooster. The rooster, like the expression, is winged.
Source(s): Andrzej Sapkowski. Swallow Tower
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 4:
The so-called sleepy IT is a characteristic fragment of the electroencephalogram of a sleeping person. In a well-known story, IT is also associated with sleep. Name HIM.
Answer: Spindle.
Credit: Exact answer.
One of the main and most clearly expressed EEG elements recorded in a state of natural sleep was named for its external resemblance to a spindle. In the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, the princess falls asleep after being pricked by a spindle.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigma Rhythm
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeping_Beauty
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 5: Thanks to HER, Eduard Pekarsky compiled a dictionary of the Yakut language. One book says that other THEY are road signs that indicate where a curious traveler should turn. Name her.
Answer: Link.
Credit: Exact answer.
For possession of illegal literature, Pekarsky was sentenced to exile in Yakutsk, where he did not waste time and compiled a fundamental dictionary of the Yakut language. Book references are like pointers for curious readers who want to know more.
1. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pekarsky_Eduard_Karlovich
2. Konstantin Mikhailov. Little bad hare, or the relationship between religion and the environment
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 6: In Japanese mythology, earthquakes are caused by the giant catfish Onamazu. According to legend, Onamazu did not want to cause an earthquake at all, but he was persuaded by mercenary people, namely merchants and Xs. In a well-known source, X cooperates with another inhabitant of the sea. Name ICS.
Answer: Carpenter.
Credit: Exact answer.
After the earthquake, many people would need to build new wooden houses, so carpenters, in addition to merchants, expected to make good money on the consequences of the earthquake. In Lewis Carroll's poem, the Walrus and the Carpenter cheat and eat the gullible oysters.
1. Helen Scales. What are the fish talking about? Guide to the life of marine life
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walrus_and_Carpenter
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 7: Weavers use their craftsmanship to create a durable fabric from threads, adding surplus value. David Orban wrote back in 2014 that weaving is a better metaphor than OH. Name HIM with a word of English origin.
Answer: Mining.
Credit: Exact answer.
The creation of new blocks in the blockchain for cryptocurrency platforms is usually called the word "mining", literally meaning mining. But since the mining process creates new structures rather than discovering existing ones, the weaving analogy would be more accurate.
Source(s): Cassia St. Clair. Golden thread. How fabric changed history
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 8: Double question.
First question. Imagine a photographer who photographed pagodas in China and earned $275, then photographed elephants in India and earned $320, and then photographed tigers in Africa and earned $190. How many dollars did the photographer earn in total?
Second question. According to neuroscientists, the difference between young and mature brains is that young brains are faster at calculating a photographer's total earnings, but mature brains are more likely to notice... What exactly?
2. That there are no tigers in Africa.
1. 785.
2. According to the meaning.
The young brain concentrates better on solving a specific narrow problem, while the mature brain looks more broadly at the context and attracts various associations. During the first question, you focused on counting and probably did it successfully, albeit at different speeds. It’s not easy to spot the semantic inaccuracy that there are no tigers in Africa along with the calculation, and studies show that a mature brain copes with this more successfully than a young one. For the first question, we will count two answers, because you could imagine both a decent photographer who does not take money for fictitious work, and an unscrupulous one.
Source(s): Lecture by Ilya Kolmanovsky "I or the brain?"
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 9: A book about African animals says that in prestigious hotels in Africa, it is often replaced by a strong net. It was first mentioned by Denis Diderot. Name her.
Answer: The fourth wall.
Credit: Exact answer.
Exotic animals sometimes come directly to the hotel. To turn the room into a kind of auditorium for observing animals, a strong mesh often replaces the fourth wall. The theatrical term "fourth wall", meaning an invisible border between actors and spectators, was coined by the French educator Denis Diderot, who himself was a playwright.
1. Natalia and Pavel Stelliferovskie. Africa. Stories about wild animals
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_wall
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 10:
Before you is a fur trout - a fictional fish that supposedly lives in very cold water and therefore has grown fur for itself. According to legend, a person who wanted to acquire them would catch such a trout and release it if its length was insufficient. THEY are mentioned in a famous expression. Name them in two words.
Answer: White slippers.
Credit: White slippers.
The hero of this legend measured the caught specimens, comparing their length with his foot, because he wanted to get white slippers. In white slippers, they usually want to see unpleasant people. On the handout you see a specimen of fur trout from the Royal Museum of Scotland. Unfortunately, it is a trout with white rabbit fur attached to it.
Source(s): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_trout
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 11: A well-known Bilbao native wore a conspicuous white hat from afar, which was especially convenient for his colleagues during the NIH. Name them with two words starting with the same letter.
Answer: Corner kicks.
Credit: Exact answer.
We are talking about Rafael Moreno Aranzadi, nicknamed Pichichi, one of the best strikers in the history of Spanish football, who played at the beginning of the 20th [twentieth] century. On the field, Pichichi wore a white cap, easily distinguishable from afar, and during corner kicks, his partners generously served balls directly to this cap. Subsequently, in honor of Pichichi, the award for the top scorer of the Spanish championship was named.
Source(s): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moreno_Aransadi,_Rafael
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 12: European naturalists have long treated sloths with contempt. Lucy Cook explains this attitude by the fact that in the 17th [seventeenth] century a list of THEM was finally formed. Name them.
Answer: Deadly sins.
Credit: Seven deadly sins.
As soon as the sloth became associated with one of the deadly sins, he had no chance for sympathy. Many naturalists, including the famous Comte de Buffon, considered the sloth to be the lowest form of animal. In fact, the sloth's unique biology is an example of perfect adaptation to its ecological niche and deserves careful study.
Source(s): Lucy Cook. The Unexpected Truth About Animals
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Tour 2
Date: 2022-09-30
Question 13: When white sharks swim across the ocean, they often cross places where food is scarce. Helen Scales compares the liver of a white shark weighing about half a ton to NIM. Name HIM with two words on the adjacent letters of the alphabet.
Answer: Camel's hump.
Credit: Camel hump, dromedary hump, dromedary hump.
The liver of a white shark contains about four hundred liters of fat. The shark uses the liver as a source of energy to survive long journeys across the oceanic desert, much like a camel uses its hump.
Source(s): Helen Scales. What are the fish talking about? Marine life guide
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 14: Adam Fox writes that in 16th [sixteenth] century England, THEY set the order of agricultural work and recalled the peculiarities of the climate and soil of a particular area. THEY are included in the title of a work created in the same century in another country. Name them in one word.
Answer: Proverbs.
Credit: Exact answer.
The population at that time was predominantly illiterate, and useful information for practical learning in a concise and easy-to-remember form was set out in proverbs, for example, "While the grass grows, the sheep dries" or "Grow garden beans after St. Edmund the King." "Dutch proverbs" - a painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder.
1. Ruth Goodman How to live in the Tudor era. Everyday Reality in 16th-Century England
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Proverbs
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 15:
Here is the name of a trademark that belonged to a company that in the first third of the 20th [twentieth] century dealt with IT. SHE is mentioned in a work written in 1926. Name it in two words.
Answer: Extraction of radium.
Credit: Exact answer.
Under the brand name "Undark", literally "dispelling the darkness", a glowing paint based on radium was sold, which was mined by the United States Radium Corporation [United States Radium Corporation]. Mayakovsky, in his poem, argued that poetry is the same extraction of radium.
1. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_Girls
2. Vladimir Mayakovsky. Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 16: Arkady Kuramshin, using chemical terms, explains that SHE can produce substances capable of breaking the disulfide bonds of keratins. Name her.
Answer: Mol.
Credit: Exact answer.
Keratins are the proteins that make up hair, wool and fur. Disulfide bonds give keratins strength. In this case, we are not talking about the chemical term mole, but about the eater of fur coats in the closet. The digestive juice produced by moth caterpillars is alkaline and contains substances capable of destroying keratin.
Source(s): A.I. Kuramshin. Life of wonderful substances
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 17: In Tudor England, the expression "upper SHE" was used to refer to the nobility, since the upper SHE was free of ash and charcoal. Several of THEM appeared in the request of a famous character. Name her.
Answer: Crust [of bread].
Credit: Exact answer.
When baking in a traditional oven, traces of ash and coal remained on the loaves of bread, except for a clean upper crust, which went to more wealthy and noble people. Therefore, the expression "upper crust" [upper crust] began to denote the top of society. Pinocchio asked the owner of the Three Minnows tavern to bring three crusts of bread.
1. Ruth Goodman How to live in the Tudor era. Everyday Reality in 16th-Century England
2. A.N. Tolstoy. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 18: In English, THEIR name comes from a little-known obsolete word meaning "doctor". The poor man collecting them for sale was described by William Wordsworth. Who are they?
Answer: Leeches.
Credit: Exact answer.
Wordsworth is a Lake School poet. Many poor people roamed the lakes, swamps and puddles, collecting leeches, which were actively used in medicine in the 19th [nineteenth] century. The word "leeches" [lichez] goes back to the Old English leace [foxes] - doctor. In the “Adventures of Pinocchio” mentioned in the previous question, there is also a seller of leeches - Duremar.
Source(s): Mark Bugaerts. History of blood. From primitive rituals to scientific discoveries
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 19:
Blitz question. Three questions about the same book.
First question. What is the history of this book?
Second question. Write the second title of this book, consisting of two words.
Third question. Write the last name of the author of this book, which is two letters shorter than the name of the famous journalist.
1. Points;
2. Armed look;
3. Look.
Credit: 2) Armed eye.
In the handout for each of the questions, we left two letters o, visually reminiscent of glasses. The book is called The History of Glasses. Ordinary vision is called the naked eye or eye, and with glasses - respectively, armed. Alexander Nevzorov is a famous journalist. The author of the question was not able to find out whether Nikolai Evgenievich Vzorov really exists or someone else is hiding under this pseudonym.
Source(s): N.E. Glances. History of glasses, or Armed look
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 20: At the beginning of the 19th [nineteenth] century, the scientist George Montagu, commenting on a recent discovery, sarcastically asked if THEY did not hear with their eyes. Name them in two words.
Answer: Bats.
Credit: Exact answer.
Shortly before this, Lazzaro Spallanzani discovered that bats use echolocation, that is, in fact, they see with their ears. At first, Spallanzani's discovery caused distrust and ridicule from his colleagues.
Source(s): Lucy Cook. The Unexpected Truth About Animals
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 21: Manipula is a division of the Roman legion. Peter Artedi was not a historian, but in his works he mentioned, among other things, maniples. Name Artedi's friend and colleague to whom he bequeathed his manuscripts.
Answer: [Carl] Linnaeus.
Credit: Last name.
Artedi worked on the classification of wildlife, but used terminology that was unusual for us, including the division into maniples. He paid more attention to fish and amphibians, and his close friend and colleague Carl Linnaeus to plants. Artedi and Linnaeus bequeathed their manuscripts to each other. Artedi died at the age of only thirty, and Linnaeus incorporated the results of his friend's work into his system.
1. Helen Scales. What are the fish talking about? Guide to the life of marine life
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artedi,_Peter
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 22: A chapter in a book tells of scientists who named new species after themselves. In particular, this chapter mentions northern linnaea, Hohenwart's moth, Sanderson's bat, as well as a monocotyledonous plant. What is this plant?
Answer: Narcissus.
Credit: Exact answer.
Although no document forbids naming a new species after itself, it is not customary among scientists to do so. Those who neglected the unspoken prohibition can be suspected of narcissism. By the way, with regard to Linnaeus, the situation is rather ambiguous - according to some sources, the name Linnaeus northern was proposed by his friend and patron Jan Gronovius. True, for some reason he did this five years before they met, so it’s too early to remove suspicions from Linnaeus.
Source(s): Stephen Hurd. Barnacle of Charles Darwin and spider of David Bowie. How scientific names celebrate heroes, adventurers and villains
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 23:
Double question.
First question. The Russian translation of one book says that the moth Neopalpa donaldtrumpi [neopalpa donaldtrumpi] got its name for the characteristic X. Name ICS.
Second question. On the eve of Donald Trump's arrival in Singapore, a local restaurant put THAT on the menu under the name El Trampo. Name IT.
1. Bouffant.
2. Nachos.
Credit: 1) misspelled - “nachos”.
The name of the moth is based on the similarity of the light "hair" on his head to Trump's hairstyle. As you might guess from the Spanish article "el" in the name of the dish, it was a Mexican restaurant. Trump is known for his rhetoric towards Mexico, which is why a new type of Mexican snack called nachos has been named after him.
1. Stephen Hurd. Barnacle of Charles Darwin and spider of David Bowie. How Scientific Names Celebrate Heroes, Adventurers, and Rogues
2. https://www.gazeta.ru/lifestyle/news/2018/06/08/n_11635381.shtml
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 24: In the 19th [nineteenth] century, the versatile scientist Frederick Hope worked on, among other things, Egyptian mummies. Hope wrote that SUCH a shroud consists of a substance more durable and precious than that which was honored by the pharaohs. What word did we replace with the word "SUCH"?
Answer: Amber.
Credit: Exact answer.
In addition to studying mummies, Hope was also an entomologist. He believed that compared to the materials that the Egyptians used for embalming, amber was much better at preserving ancient insects.
Source(s): Alexander Khramov. A Brief History of Insects. Six-legged masters of the planet
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Tour 3
Date: 2022-09-30
Question 25: In a cautionary tale, a rat climbs into a cage to eat a bird. Subsequently, the same thing happens to the rat as to the NIM. Name HIM.
Answer: Winnie the Pooh.
Credit: Exact answer.
“The skinny rat ate the bird,
but she managed to eat so much,
What if - and she can’t crawl back.
If evil attracts you, you remember in advance:
where the skinny one slips,
, the one whose stomach is too full will get stuck.
In Milne's fairy tale, Winnie the Pooh, who had overeaten, also got stuck in the door of the Rabbit's house.
1. https://arzamas.academy/mag/1097-catalan
2. Alan Milne. Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 26: One series of books describes a freedom-loving people, which consists of skilled warriors. The settlements of this people are called by the word, which, according to one version, comes from the word "cut". What word did we replace with the word "cut"?
Answer: Sich.
Credit: Sich.
In the universe of Frank Herbert, the main language is Galakt, a language of Anglo-Slavic origin with a large number of borrowings from Oriental languages. The settlements of the Fremen people are called the word "sietch". According to one version, this word is of Arabic origin, and according to another, it comes from the word “sich”, which was used to name the settlements of freedom-loving Cossacks. The verbs "cut" and "cut" are synonyms.
Source(s): Frank Herbert. Dune (in P.A. Vyaznikov lane)
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 27: Each bird in a flock keeps a distance of a few centimeters between itself and its neighbors so as not to interfere with each other and to ensure smooth movement. A popular science book on botany draws an analogy with a flock of birds and states that in a certain sense one can speak of a flock of PASS. A famous person officially took the name PASS. Fill in any PASS.
Answer: Roots.
Credit: Exact answer.
To ensure coordinated growth and the most efficient penetration of the soil, the top of each root maintains a strictly defined distance from neighboring tops. Thus, according to the most common theory today, the roots of plants behave like a flock of birds. The poet Nikolai Korneichukov first took the pseudonym Korney Chukovsky, and then officially changed his first and last name.
1. Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola. What do plants think about? A secret life hidden from prying eyes
2. I.V. Lukyanov. Korney Chukovsky
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 28: Photographer Vincent Musy worked in shelters where he created a series of portraits called THEY. The archetypal example of HIM is David. Name HIM with a word of English origin.
Answer: Underdog.
Credit: Exact answer.
Myusi worked in dog shelters. The word "underdog" refers to someone who is doomed to failure in advance. However, sometimes the underdog unexpectedly wins, as, for example, David, who had little chance in a duel with the giant Goliath. We hope that the dogs from the shelters will also be lucky and they will find a new home for themselves.
1. National Geographic. July-August 2020. - p. 10
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underdog
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 29:
bark [bɑːk] - bark
The word "bark" [baak] in English means "bark". The ancestor of the Samoyed breed in the UK was a puppy brought from a trip by Ernst Kilburn-Scott. In the name that Kilburn-Scott gave this puppy, all the vowels are the same, and you can also hear the word "bark" [baak]. Write this name.
Answer: Sabarka.
Credit: Sabaka, Sabaka, Sabarka, Sabaaka.
Kilburn-Scott traveled to the Russian North, where he acquired an unusual puppy. He heard that the locals called the puppy the word "dog" and transliterated it into English as best he could.
Source(s): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samoyed_dog
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 30: In Arthur Conan Doyle's story, a wealthy English grocer says, disappointedly, that, for example, the presence of a kennel suggests the presence of a dog. The grocer is saddened by HIM's absence. Name HIM.
Answer: Ghost.
Credit: Ghost.
A wealthy grocer bought a feudal castle and was upset not to find a ghost in it. Conan Doyle, as you know, was himself interested in ghosts and spiritualism.
Source(s): Arthur Conan Doyle. Mystery of Gorthorpe Grange Castle
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 31: The so-called SUCH prison was built by the British in India to exile political prisoners who were not supposed to communicate with each other. Guess what is the connection between the structure of the prison and its name, and answer which word we replaced with the word "SUCH".
Answer: Cellular.
Credit: Exact answer.
To prevent communication between prisoners, the prison consisted of almost seven hundred small cells - solitary cells. For this, the prison began to be called a cell. The word "relationship" in the question might have helped you choose an answer.
Source(s): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_Jail
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 32: Speaking about the consequences of mechanization, economist Janis Varoufakis quotes Adam Smith: “Every mammal on the planet instinctively maintains a natural balance with the environment, but humans are an exception.” What word in the question did we change?
. ..
Answer: Agent.
Credit: Exact answer.
The widespread uncontrolled mechanization of production can lead not only to serious problems with the environment, but also to the gradual displacement of people and their replacement by machines, as happened in the movie "The Matrix". These words do not belong to the economist Adam Smith, but to the character of The Matrix, Agent Smith.
Source(s): Janis Varoufakis. Conversations with my daughter about economics
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 33:
Canadian Justin Hammond does not like HER and compares her to a rearing bear. Justin was surprised to find HER in himself. Name her.
Answer: [Letter] F.
Credit: Exact answer.
When Justin was learning Russian, it was a big problem for him to memorize unusual Cyrillic letters, especially the letter Zh. Justin was quite surprised when he found out that this incomprehensible letter was written in his own name.
Source(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gnWp1iIOHA
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 34: When Justin Hammond began to speak some Russian, he noticed that the word reminded him of a train. What is this word?
Answer: A little bit.
Credit: Exact answer.
The word “a little” used in the text of the question is a synonym for the word “a little”, which reminds Justin of a train whistle, perhaps due to the famous song about the train “Chattanooga Choo-choo”. Justin lists "slightly" among his favorite Russian words, along with the words "pochemuchka", "meatball" and "pimples".
Source(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBvfU0L3xsE
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 35: A real geisha is beautiful, talented and flirtatious. And for flexibility and grace, SHE is considered a traditional symbol of geishas. Name her.
Answer: Willow.
Credit: Exact answer.
Three adjectives in the first sentence of the question - beautiful, talented, flirty - it is no coincidence that they end in "willow". The traditional culture of entertainment in Japan is usually called the word karyukai, which literally means "the world of flowers and willows." Flowers are the symbol of bright yujo courtesans, and willows are the symbol of sophisticated geishas.
1. Mineko Iwasaki, Rand Brown. True Memoirs of a Geisha
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karyukai
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
Question 36: At the initiative of the Association for the Aid to Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care, the World Day for the Destruction of Items familiar to many of us from childhood was established. At the end of which work of the 19th [nineteenth] century does one of these items get destroyed?
Answer: Steadfast Tin Soldier.
Credit: According to "tin soldier".
Children often lose their parents due to war. In order to form the idea of the unacceptability of war in people from childhood, in 1988 the World Day for the Destruction of Military Toys was established. At the end of Andersen's tale, the tenacious tin soldier melts and becomes a heart-shaped piece of tin. Make love not war.
1. https://www.pnp.ru/in-world/vsemirnyy-den-unichtozheniya-voennoy-igrushki.html
2. Hans Christian Andersen. Steadfast Tin Soldier
Author: Mikhail Karpuk (Minsk)
rhymes | Speech therapy for everyone
20 Sep 2011 Author Ekaterina
Developed by a speech therapist teacher
Kondrashova Galina Nikolaevna
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3"
Village Kanevskaya
Game "Rhyme"
We played in rhyme - the words selected - the words selected.
Let's play with you now.
We will show a picture and suggest a word -
What we will take with us.
I’ll say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potato),
I’m holding a shirt, you see ... (a bug),
I took a basket, you bought ... (a picture).
I see: a ram is grazing in the field,
And a little boy is carrying -… (drum),
An ant is crawling along the path with a reed,
And after him flies ... (sparrow).
Violinist gives us concerts on "Bis",
Children are amused in the circus ... (Circus),
Rooks arrive from the south in spring,
All our children are treated ... (doctors).
Game « Good elephant.
A good elephant lived in the world,
He wrote stories.
He wrote good books,
And gave them to his friends.
He liked to play rhymes,
So that he would not be bored with his friends.
Here is a picture, here ... (basket, car, etc.),
Here is a chamomile, here ... (bug, piece of paper),
Here is my house, here is yours . .. (book, catfish),
Here and cannon, here it is ... (fly, drying, mug),
Here is a donut, and here ... (book, mouse, lid),
Here is a neighbor, and here ... (dinner, clarinet, vinaigrette).
So that we don't get bored,
We'll pick up rhymes.
(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)
Gifts game.
Monkey has a birthday,
Everyone brings congratulations:
The cockerel brought her a cannon,
And the horse - ... (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc.).
White bear - chocolate,
A Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)
Game "We play - we select rhymes."
Monkey and cuckoo, cockerel and cat
We decided to play rhymes with the kids a little bit:
The monkey suggested: bear,…(then children choose pictures).
The cuckoo echoed: a reel,…
The cat also purred: a palm,…
A cockerel crowed: a sack,… .
Task: Find rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, bump, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, pot, strap, top. They choose a picture and substitute the word into the poem.
Rhyming miniatures
A mouse rustled in the pantry,
Under a pine tree lay - ... (cone).
Garik lives in our house,
He has a blue ... (balloon).
Our capricious Masha,
In her plate ... (porridge).
There is an old house in the village,
We got caught in the net - ... (catfish).
They took a volume from the library,
In winter, the guys sculpt - ... (com).
Mice are very fond of cheese,
Good cheese has many -…(holes).
The wind blew very strongly,
There was a terrible ... (hum) everywhere.
A sheep lives with a farmer,
Runs in the desert - ... (lizard).
Mom was cleaning the floor,
Dad was waiting: when will . .. (goal).
A pack fell on the deck,
Because there was - ... (rocking).
A daughter is writing a letter to her mother,
At the end of the story is - ... (dot).
The tailor chose red silk,
So he knows about fashion...
They played in KVN for a day,
Everyone liked the audience - ... (jokes).
There was a nut on the shore,
The fish was dragged away - ... (seagull).
Porridge is smoking in a bowl,
With tea is - ... (a cup).
It was very bad in a fairy tale,
Until a -… (miracle) appeared.
The boy is crying very loudly -
He hurt with glass ... (finger).
An onion grew in the garden,
A May ... (beetle) crawled in the garden.
There was not enough honey for the bear,
The bee showed ... (sting).
In the raspberry forest the bear grumbled,
Next to him there was a stream… (murmured).
Arkady slept lightly at night,
He was afraid of the dark. .. (terribly).
The athlete put on his jacket,
He holds in his hands ... (racquet).
The children are waiting for holidays -
Red summer ... (going on).
The oldest in the group is Venya,
He has a friend - ... (Zhenya).
Green bunch of parsley
Gluttonous ate ... (bug).
A woman screamed loudly -
Scared her - ... (toad).
People in fairy tales are very fond of a feast,
Everyone in the world needs ... (peace).
Concrete is being made at the construction site,
The metro will require -…(token).
I bought a fashionable Klim vest,
I bought ... (ticket) to the theater.
There lived a boy Zhora,
He has a little sister... (Laura).
Tanya-baby is the most boastful of all,
On her hat - ... (brooch).
The old leopard dreamed of stars.
He wanted to fly to ... (Mars).
Lost to Seryozha fant,
The girls tied . .. (bow).
A jar fell off the table,
Now Sveta has pain... (a wound).
Vasya was on duty in the class,
He cleaned the floors with a rag ... (washed).
There lived an old dog in the world,
He regularly served ... (carried).
They gave Ram a pipe,
And a sentry ... (booth).
Ilya has beautiful hair,
And pleasant, resonant… (voice).
The leader issued a victory cry,
Do not interfere with him ... (rain).
You can't take someone else's,
And, of course, you can't ... (lie).
To make the hairstyle glossy,
We need… (wax).
Yaga did not get the crown,
Carried her away ... (crow).
The picture was painted by the creator,
He depicted on it ... (palace).
Nightingale can not hear the trill,
Muffles it ... (drill).
I saw a wonderful dream,
That I went to ... (Don).
A dark night has come,
My . .. (daughter) is falling asleep.
Cat's beautiful paws -
Fluffy shod… (slippers).
Vitya didn't take a satchel to school,
He studied there all day... (dance).
A ship has come to a distant port,
A sailor is carrying a friend…(cake).
The soldier does not need sleds,
He will study ... (tanks).
The incident happened once -
They turned over a copper ... (basin).
Grandfather likes tobacco,
And the granddaughter - ... (zucchini).
Exotic mango fruit.
An unfamiliar dance…(tango).
There are bushes in the yard,
They are very … (thick).
There is a hill near the house -
Ice on it ... (crust).
Someone dug a big grotto-
It turned out to be ... (mole).
A goose lives in the poultry house,
Runs in the forest ... (hare).
She danced the polka Glasha,
She sang a song loudly ... (Klasha).
Grandfather went to chop wood,
And granny - onions . .. (weed).
The boxer cut his eyebrow with a blow,
And immediately ran ... (blood).
Brought the ship of athletes to the port,
They went to ... (court).
There was a crumb left on the table,
I fed the birds ... (Proshka).
The roses ran away from the flower bed,
Very prickly... (roses).
In the morning dew fell -
Go out to the meadow ... (spit).
Horses competed at the races,
Children rode in the park ... (ponies).
The cat licked all the sour cream,
He wiped it with his paw ... (mouth).
There was a donut on the table -
I caught the smell ... (mouse).
In the realm of fairy tales, a ball is gathered -
There were both old and ... (small).
The big boss needs a folder,
And, of course, in winter, of course… (hat).
If children are walking in the park,
Do not break at the bushes ... (branches).
Kitty's muzzle warms in the sun.
“Whiskas” is filled with delicious ... (bowl).
Natasha baked a cake,
Our… (Rex) loves them very much.
The clown took off his funny cap,
The grandfather planted in a fairy tale ... (turnip).
There is a school desk in the last row,
There is a pen, a textbook and ... (map) on it.
We will put on a mask for the carnival,
A soldier will put on a battle ... (helmet).
The mouse saw the crust -
Dragged it into ... (mink).
Artur began sawing logs,
He injured himself…(knee).
A drop fell down from the sky,
Not afraid of her... (heron).
Faith's cutting was not successful,
Now it is in the magazine ... (troika).
Mila made a salad,
She washed her…(robe).
The cold is very terrible for a hare,
But even more terrible ... (hunger).
I bought sour cream Gleb,
I bought Vasily ... (bread).
Slowing down time,
The old . .. (year) is leaving us.
The hop blossoms magnificently in spring,
... (bumblebee) sits on it.
That guys start fights,
Don't believe it! It's just - ... (lies).
A puppy ran in the meadow,
Lena wove for him ... (a wreath).
There lived a giant in the world,
And he had ... (pelican).
Strict norm for a soldier:
Always ironed ... (uniform).
Arseniy pultik took in his hands,
He wanted to see ... (cartoon).
The border guards have a post,
Under guard they have ... (bridge).
Daddy calls Ira:
"My daughter - ... (honey)".
Fedya loves fat very much,
Everything is for him, poor fellow, ... (not enough).
They love kitty serials,
Buy in "Trek" ... (discs).
Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,
Then she paints brightly...(lips).
A cloud floated across the sky,
In the river splashed ... (pike).
The baker bakes bread for the table for us,
Gives out medicine - ... (healer).
There is sand on the river bank,
And there is ... (wood) around.
The boat did not reach the target,
It ran into ... (stranded).
Petya washed his hands with soap,
All microbes quickly ... (washed away).
A cat was sitting on the window
And meowing… (a little).
Children ran and jumped
And in the evening everyone ... (tired).
Look - a steam locomotive,
He's wagons ... (carried).
On a large green branch
Squirrels are sitting ... (children).
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Author: Ekaterina
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