Rhymes for free

216 best rhymes for 'free'

1 syllable

  • Me
  • Be
  • We
  • See
  • He
  • She
  • Three
  • G
  • De
  • Key
  • E
  • Tree
  • T
  • V
  • Z
  • Ye
  • P
  • Knee
  • Flee
  • Thee

  • Spree
  • Lee
  • Fee
  • Re

2 syllables

  • Only
  • Every
  • Really
  • Money
  • Maybe
  • Any
  • Baby
  • Many
  • Ready
  • Body
  • Crazy
  • Pussy
  • Sorry
  • Probably
  • Family
  • City
  • Very
  • Happy
  • Story
  • Pretty

  • Easy
  • Funny
  • Party
  • Actually
  • Dirty
  • Worry
  • Id
  • Empty
  • Holy
  • Barely
  • Heavy
  • Steady
  • Daddy
  • Mc
  • Lonely
  • Carry
  • Truly
  • Slowly
  • Hungry
  • History

  • Daily
  • Busy
  • Ugly
  • Lady
  • C3
  • Lucky
  • Simply
  • Lately
  • Bloody
  • Shady
  • Lazy
  • M3
  • Country
  • Shitty
  • Movie
  • Scary
  • Tv
  • Mary
  • Booty
  • Deadly

  • Honey
  • Plenty
  • Silly
  • Angry
  • Beauty
  • Nasty
  • Early
  • Twenty
  • Bury
  • Glory
  • Copy
  • Journey
  • Gimme
  • Clearly
  • Quickly
  • Degree
  • Hardly
  • Army
  • Sexy
  • Agree

  • Fully
  • Candy
  • Cocky
  • Mercy
  • Surely
  • Skinny
  • Biggie
  • Victory
  • Mommy
  • Mighty
  • Molly
  • Thirsty
  • Hurry
  • Gucci
  • Fifty
  • Sunny
  • Study
  • Bully
  • Phony
  • Tiny

  • Nearly
  • Shorty
  • Fancy
  • Pity
  • Envy
  • Zombie
  • Guilty
  • Sticky
  • Buddy
  • Hazy
  • Nike
  • Mostly
  • Coffee
  • Tony
  • Worthy
  • Hobby
  • Belly
  • Lovely
  • Likely
  • Friday

  • Thirty
  • Petty
  • Penny
  • Sunday
  • Friendly
  • Fairy
  • Duty
  • Charlie
  • Bunny
  • Monkey
  • Cali

3 syllables

  • Already
  • Nobody
  • Finally
  • Somebody
  • Honestly
  • Lyrically
  • Energy
  • Constantly
  • Mentally
  • Enemy
  • Destiny
  • Memory
  • Hopefully
  • Exactly
  • Completely
  • Easily
  • Usually
  • Suddenly
  • Literally
  • Yesterday

  • Industry
  • Misery
  • Legacy
  • Mystery
  • Guarantee
  • Gravity
  • Poetry
  • Basically
  • Wannabe
  • Fantasy
  • Sanity
  • Totally
  • Poverty
  • Possibly
  • Heavenly
  • Tragedy
  • Theory
  • Mit
  • Melody
  • Company

  • Quality
  • Versace
  • Happily
  • Physically

4 syllables

  • Everybody
  • Reality
  • Society
  • Anybody
  • Especially
  • Eventually
  • Insanity
  • Ability
  • Definitely
  • Obviously
  • Seriously
  • Mentality
  • Humanity
  • Apparently
  • Anxiety

5 syllables

  • Opportunity
  • Personality

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Common & Unique Words That Rhyme With Free


Michele Meleen, M.S.Ed.

, Staff Editor

Updated May 14, 2020

“Free” is an easy word to rhyme with whether you want common or unique rhyming words. Browse the lists of words that rhyme with “free” to find the perfect match for your needs.

Unique Words That Rhyme With Free

While you may have heard of many of these words, you may not have thought of them as useful rhymes for “free.”

  • 3-D (n.) - system or effect used in a movie or object to provide three dimensions
  • banshee (n.) - a mythological female spirit who cries to warn of an upcoming death
  • beastly (adj.) - like a beast
  • brie (n.) - pronounced “bree;” a type of cheese
  • chickpea (n. ) - edible seed of a bushy pea plant
  • Cree (n.) - member of a specific Native American group
  • debris (n.) - pronounced “deh-bree;” remains of something broken
  • emcee (n.) - a master of ceremonies
  • feathery (adj.) - covered with feathers
  • foresee (v.) - to predict something before it occurs
  • ghee (n.) - form of clarified butter
  • kea (n.) - large parrot from New Zealand
  • lazy (adj.) - slow or sluggish behavior
  • lea (n.) - meadow or field
  • marquis (n.) - European nobleman below a duke and above an earl or count
  • mi (n.) - syllable representing the third tone of the diatonic scale
  • ngwee (n.) - monetary unit of Zambia
  • quay (n.) - pronounced “kwee;” wharf or platform built in the water
  • scree (n.) - loose rock debris covering a slope
  • spree (n.) - quick and carefree activity
  • Sri (n.) - title of respect in India similar to Mr.


Common Perfect Rhymes for Free

These common words all end in the “ee” sound, so they are perfect rhymes for “free.




























Names of People That Rhyme With Free

If you need to rhyme “free” with a person’s name, you have many common options.













Rhymes for Words Like Free

If you can’t find a word you like that rhymes with “free,” think about choosing another word that means something similar.

Near Rhymes for Freedom

There aren’t many perfect rhymes for “freedom,” but these near rhymes can still be useful.








Words That Rhyme With Liberate

“Liberate” can be a synonym for free and gives you more meaningful rhyming words to pair with it.










Free To Be Me

Your personality and purpose can help you choose the best word that rhymes with “free.” You might also like to check out words that rhyme with “world.”




Find a rhyme for a word


WordMap is a platform that will help poets and musicians to easily and effortlessly create poems and match words to rhymes. With our service, the creation of poetic works of any level of complexity will become possible online.

For whom?

WordMap rhyme selection is suitable for both beginners and experienced poets. Also, the service will be useful in such situations:

  • Creation of fables, pamphlets, epigrams.
  • Assistance in creating works for school and children's matinees, holidays, and other entertainment events.
  • Creation of a verse for congratulations of loved ones, colleagues, superiors.
  • Development of speech at a party, business meeting, corporate party.
  • Help in inventing lyrics, including comic ones.

WordMap spelling is available to everyone - any Internet user will understand the interface: from a young schoolboy to an elderly person.

Is WordMap suitable for professionals?

Even the most experienced and talented poet may have problems finding words by mask and selecting rhymes for a word - this is normal. Problems with finding a rhyme for a word can be caused by a lack of inspiration, fatigue, and even elementary “blurring of the eyes”, when a talented singer writes poetry so often that he stops seeing his own mistakes point-blank. Musicians, poets and writers use services similar to WordMap - they are the best way to help with the selection of rhymes quickly, effortlessly and online. Therefore, we boldly answer “Yes” - our service is suitable for professionals!

How do I get started?

Getting started in our service is quite simple - you just need to enter the desired word into the search bar and wait a few seconds until the algorithm selects rhymes for it. You will be presented with several categories of rhymes - choose the one that you think is best for your situation (for example: rhyme with the word love).

WordMap differs from other similar sites with a "smart" rhyme selection algorithm, a large database and maximum ease of use of the site. See for yourself - try to find a rhyme for any word, and you will see how easy it is!

just searched for:

Pelmenom only

Concentration of only

nonsense 4 seconds ago

Feuganm 8 seconds ago


Give a picture 9000 10 seconds ago

Moscow emissaries 16 seconds ago

keshpar 20 seconds ago

randin 21 seconds ago

word 22 seconds ago

frozen half step 24 seconds ago

bowed 24 seconds ago

nurba 25 seconds ago

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Latest Word Games

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Player 1 rumor 8 words 1 hour ago 95. 29.167.254
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Player 6 rumor 0 words 7 hours ago
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Player 1 phrase 52:51 15 minutes ago 93. 170.175.141
Player 2 jackal 15:15 16 minutes ago
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Player 5 bollard 43:43 45 minutes ago
Player 6 sheep 55:52 1 hour ago
Player 7 omen 108:116 1 hour ago
Play Balda!

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V. Volina

Didactics Plus




Volina V.V. L. K. Semenova; Hood. A. Yu. Kotova S.-Pb: publishing house Didaktika Plus, 1997. - 224 p., ill.

ISBN 5-89239-006-3

"Rhyming Games" is a book written by a practicing teacher who offers to enter the world of poetry, learn to love and feel your native language, playing with words.

The book is addressed not only to children, but also to educators, teachers, parents who would like to develop in the child artistic taste, linguistic culture, creative, active attitude to life and art.

© Didaktika Plus Publishing House, 1997

© V. V. Volina, author-compiler, 1997

Who looks at things strictly,
Instructive a lot
He will find in this book
Dressed in a cloak of fun.

Games in rhymes

Rhyme, sonorous friend
inspired leisure,
inspired labor ...
A. Pushkin

The wretchedness of the word V.A. Sukhomlinsky, this is the wretchedness of thought, and the wretchedness of thought leads to moral, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic "thickness".

Love for the word undoubtedly belongs to those feelings that once experienced, a person carries through his whole life. Lev Uspensky in his book “Word about Words” writes: “If there are things in the world worthy of the name “miracle”, then the word is undoubtedly the first and most wonderful of them.”

Let us also try to feel this feeling, to understand how a word can combine high sound and content with a cheerful and witty sense.

And our RHYME GAMES will help you with this, which are not just entertaining, they teach you to love and feel the word, your native language.

And the good thing about language is that without it we wouldn't have poetry. Poetry makes life fuller, more expressive, and makes us more sensitive to the word and beauty.

Taste for the word is best cultivated precisely on poetry.

Pushkin knew many poems by heart in his childhood. Even in his school years, Yesenin recited from memory all of “Eugene Onegin” and “Mtsyri”, collected and hummed several hundred Russian folk ditties to the harmonica. As a teenager, Blok knew Shakespeare, Pushkin, Zhukovsky and many other poets, retold famous prose in verse, wrote reviews, staged performances and was very passionate about writing, preparing himself as an artist. And such a general developmental work was not in vain - he became a great poet.

The contagiousness of someone else's creativity is such that the more often you repeat a poem you like, reflect on it, admire images, comparisons, humor, the more you will want to express something in verse, thus acquiring a magnificent ability to compose.

Try writing poetry yourself. Maybe these will be poems just like that, “for laughter”, or maybe seriously - real poetry.

Be sure to keep a notebook to write down your favorite poems, as well as your own. Soon you will feel the extraordinary, incomparable joy of word creation.

The first folded lines literally inspire you, and you will experience a state of delight.” The very atmosphere of playful, cheerful writing in a warm microclimate and spiritual comfort (yes, in the classroom, for example) also helps. One impromptu can give birth to a second, a third ... Those who have never created a single line and considered themselves incapable of this begin to compose.

The Russian language is so rich, musical, poetic, sublime, it has so many images, rich comparisons! And for some reason, we often congratulate our loved ones, traditionally wishing them health, happiness, success...

We are sure that after studying this booklet and playing RHYMES with us, you will be able to congratulate in some other way, burime or an acrostic, for example (we will tell you about it). After all, you are instinctively drawn to poetry all your life, and besides, you perfectly feel the rhyme.

Of course, congratulatory essays are not yet poetry. But often it is with them that a serious passion for poetry begins.

We are sure that your success in the field of poetry (if you really want it) will be another self-affirmation that will release your inner intellectual potential and make you even thinner, more poetic, more resourceful.

You may be asking, “What next? Why do I need all this for adulthood, because I'm not going to be a poet? And in general, aren’t these games empty pampering?

Of course, this is not a waste of time. Behind the games of rhythm, rhymes, there is not only love for the word, but something incommensurably more expensive - love for your loved ones, kindness and the desire to give joy to others. Is this not enough?

And in your later life, the feeling of lightness and freedom in this element can be very useful for family and friendly holidays, skits, joke evenings - in a word, for amateur, so to speak, chamber use.

There are families where children learn this humorous writing from an early age, in which there is a whole wealth of such family folklore: poems on the occasion of entering the first grade, finishing elementary school, birthday, on the occasion of the arrival of dad from a business trip, etc. And how the wedding will revive if among the young people there are writers of verses and festive-ritual (unfortunately, almost completely forgotten) scenarios.

Name Game Questions Location
Alam For one 10 questions 5 hours ago 94. 25.170.216
Lilia Dobry For one 10 questions 5 hours ago
Serezha For one 15 questions 9 hours ago
Danil For one 10 questions 9 hours ago
I For one 10 questions 11 hours ago
Rita For one 20 questions 11 hours ago
143 For one 20 questions 21 hours ago
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