Rhyming with have

237 best rhymes for 'have'

1 syllable

  • Stash
  • Crash
  • Trash
  • Flash
  • Math
  • Hash
  • Dash
  • Bath
  • Wrath
  • Path
  • Bash
  • Cash
  • Smash
  • Ash
  • Slash
  • Clash
  • Splash
  • Rash
  • Das
  • Gas

  • Glass
  • Laugh
  • Class
  • Half
  • Pass
  • Last
  • Has
  • As
  • Ass
  • Mass
  • Grass
  • Bass
  • Mash
  • Lash
  • Nav
  • Gash
  • Thrash
  • Nash
  • Brash
  • Hath

  • Brass
  • Jazz
  • Tash
  • Fath
  • Sash
  • Plath
  • Pash
  • Staff
  • Nath
  • Spaz
  • Grams
  • Caps
  • Cracks
  • Packs
  • Dan's
  • Blacks
  • Max
  • Rats
  • Benz
  • Backs

  • Acts
  • Fags
  • Racks
  • Bags
  • Mans
  • That's
  • Raps
  • Plans
  • Fans
  • Stacks
  • Facts
  • Tracks
  • Hands
  • Chance
  • Dance
  • Cats
  • Glance
  • Dads
  • Wax
  • Cas

  • Dats
  • Tax
  • Graph
  • Crass
  • Raff
  • Sass
  • Paths
  • Calf
  • Laughs
  • Raz
  • Gangs
  • Trance
  • Jas
  • Bands
  • Pants
  • Stands
  • Thanks
  • Faz
  • Baz
  • Ras

  • Yass
  • Gaz
  • Chasse
  • Gaff
  • Hass
  • Chaff
  • Taff
  • Nass
  • Plass
  • Chazz
  • Naff
  • Mraz
  • Fass
  • Vaz
  • Tass
  • Schaff
  • Laps
  • Rags
  • Stance
  • Traps

  • Lacks
  • Hats
  • Als
  • Bats
  • Valve
  • Cans
  • Straps
  • Stats
  • Sacks
  • France
  • Asks
  • Grabs
  • Tags
  • Snacks
  • Fangs
  • Scraps
  • Lands
  • Sans
  • Snaps
  • Vans

  • Jacks
  • Pads
  • Tabs
  • Claps
  • Flags
  • Jams
  • Ralph
  • Banks
  • Maps
  • Slaps
  • Hangs
  • Adds
  • Stabs
  • Plaques
  • Naps
  • Plants
  • Jabs
  • Gaps
  • Mags
  • Pans

  • Craps

2 syllables

  • Whiplash
  • Dumbass
  • Badass
  • Surpass
  • Bloodbath
  • Mustache
  • Backlash
  • Warpath
  • Newsflash
  • Rehash
  • Eyelash
  • Footpath
  • Empath
  • Abash
  • Backslash
  • Attacks
  • Collapse
  • Perhaps
  • Relax
  • Harass

  • Jackass
  • Relapse
  • Advance
  • Behalf
  • Whereas
  • Bypass
  • Giraffe
  • Alas
  • Amass
  • Smartass
  • Diaz
  • Trespass
  • Pizzazz
  • Outclass
  • Bluegrass
  • Riffraff
  • Decaf
  • Impasse
  • Crevasse
  • Repass

  • Pizazz
  • Eyeglass
  • Morass
  • Topaz
  • Spyglass
  • Boaz
  • Spetsnaz
  • Flagstaff
  • Romance
  • Xanax
  • Climax
  • Flashbacks
  • Enhance
  • Contacts

3 syllables

  • Aftermath
  • Psychopath
  • Telepath
  • Autograph
  • Hourglass
  • Paragraph
  • Alcatraz
  • Photograph
  • Epitaph
  • Polygraph
  • Telegraph
  • Overpass
  • Plexiglass
  • Fiberglass
  • Underclass
  • Razzmatazz
  • Upperclass
  • Underpass
  • Biomass
  • Sassafras

  • Understands

4 syllables

  • Sociopath

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Near rhymes with haveB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 halves haav_z 1678 Definition
2 halve haav 1678 Definition
3 slav s_laav 1668 Definition
4 half haaf 1583 Definition
5 haft haaf_t 1583 Definition
6 behalf bihaaf 1583 Definition
7 francoise f_rarns_waaz 1573 Definition
8 staff s_taaf 1573 Definition
9 staph s_taaf 1573 Definition
10 understaffed anduhrs_taaf_t 1573 Definition
11 av aav 1536 Definition
12 gaff gaaf 1486 Definition
13 framboise f_rarnb_waaz 1486 Definition
14 draught d_raaf_t 1486 Definition
15 draft d_raaf_t 1486 Definition
16 daph daaf 1486 Definition
17 daft daaf_t 1486 Definition
18 daff daaf 1486 Definition
19 craft k_raaf_t 1486 Definition
20 coiffed k_waaf_d 1486 Definition
21 carafe kuhraaf 1486 Definition
22 abaft uhbaaf_t 1486 Definition
23 gaffe gaaf 1486 Definition
24 giraffe jiraaf 1486 Definition
25 graff g_raaf 1486 Definition
26 waft waaf_t 1486 Definition
27 valois vaalwaaz 1486 Definition
28 raft raaf_t 1486 Definition
29 raff raaf 1486 Definition
30 quebecois kebek_waaz 1486 Definition
31 laughed laaf_d 1486 Definition
32 laugh laaf 1486 Definition
33 kraft k_raaf_t 1486 Definition
34 jazz jaaz 1486 Definition
35 graph g_raaf 1486 Definition
36 graft g_raaf_t 1486 Definition
37 hash haash 1477 Definition
38 hasp haas_p 1477 Definition
39 fash faash 1467 Definition
40 fast faas_t 1467 Definition
41 flash f_laash 1467 Definition
42 flask f_laas_k 1467 Definition
43 sash saash 1467 Definition
44 sass saas 1467 Definition
45 slash s_laash 1467 Definition
46 smash s_maash 1467 Definition
47 smashed s_maash_t 1467 Definition
48 splash s_p_laash 1467 Definition
49 stash s_taash 1467 Definition
50 strath s_t_raath 1467 Definition
51 thrash th_raash 1467 Definition
52 crevasse k_ruhvaas 1457 Definition
53 vas vaas 1457 Definition
54 vast vaas_t 1457 Definition
55 whereas we_uhraaz 1441 Definition
56 aft aaf_t 1441 Definition
57 has haaz 1403 Definition
58 camshaft kaamshaaf_t 1393 Definition
59 camshafts kaamshaaf_t_s 1393 Definition
60 crankshaft k_raang_kshaaf_t 1393 Definition
61 falstaff fols_taaf 1393 Definition
62 flagstaff f_laags_taaf 1393 Definition
63 pikestaff pah_iks_taaf 1393 Definition
64 lashed laash_t 1380 Definition
65 lass laas 1380 Definition
66 last laas_t 1380 Definition
67 lath laath 1380 Definition
68 laths laath_s 1380 Definition
69 madras muhd_raas 1380 Definition
70 mash maash 1380 Definition
71 lash laash 1380 Definition
72 las laas 1380 Definition
73 laplace laap_laas 1380 Definition
74 interclass intuhrk_laas 1380 Definition
75 grass g_raas 1380 Definition
76 grasp g_raas_p 1380 Definition
77 gnash naash 1380 Definition
78 glass g_laas 1380 Definition
79 gasped gaas_p_t 1380 Definition
80 gasp gaas_p 1380 Definition
81 mask maas_k 1380 Definition
82 masked maas_k_t 1380 Definition
83 unmask anmaas_k 1380 Definition
84 trash t_raash 1380 Definition
85 rasp raas_p 1380 Definition
86 rash raash 1380 Definition
87 plash p_laash 1380 Definition
88 piast p_yaas_t 1380 Definition
89 panache puhnaash 1380 Definition
90 outlast ah_uutlaas_t 1380 Definition
91 outclass ah_uutk_laas 1380 Definition
92 nash naash 1380 Definition
93 morass muhraas 1380 Definition
94 mcgrath muhg_raath 1380 Definition
95 math maath 1380 Definition
96 mast maas_t 1380 Definition
97 mass maas 1380 Definition
98 masque maas_k 1380 Definition
99 wrasse raas 1380 Definition

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Sentences with the word "have"

We found 79 sentences with the word "have". Synonyms for "to have". Meaning of the word. Characters. "to have" - ​​morphemic parsing.

  • At least forty percent of those sent should have the ranks of junior sergeants and sergeants.
  • What is the joy of having a cannon if the law forces you to hunt only with a bow and arrows?
  • One thing only needs to be in mind: a long-term dictatorship has a negative effect on society and can have disastrous consequences .
  • In my opinion, if already have a despot over him, then have Napoleon.
  • This says that is not enough to have troops, is not enough to have captured city, but you still need a head to keep it.
  • Coastal battery could have gun turrets from battleships or cruisers.
  • They couldn't have both at the same time.
  • According to military theory, the attacker must have triple superiority.
  • My father believed, for example, that all republics should have their own state awards.
  • Why, in addition to all this , have a fleet in the Baltic ?
  • In order to unite, one must have the right to organize all sorts of unions, one must have freedom of association , one must have political freedom .
  • For a Serb not to have his own house means not to have nothing.
  • And at the same time I do not want to impose my opinion on anyone, but I ask: "Think for yourself, decide for yourself, to have or not to have ".
  • Speaking of her, should mean that Sir George White, although he was in command, arrived in the country shortly before the declaration of war.
  • Mom didn't think a little girl should have two dollhouses.
  • It was in the interests of the country's leadership to have the best chief of staff at Khalkhin Gol.
  • In order to have the opportunity to officially obtain the consent of the people to serious measures that were already clearly needed, a parliament was convened.
  • The dacha, in any case, was one, of modern construction, and, of course, could not have the slightest connection with Count Orlov.
  • To be honest, on reflection I was very worried about the consequences that might have in this case.
  • He, for example, believed that Georgia, Ukraine, and other republics could to have national guards, which by no means undermines the unity of the Union.
  • Rayyat could not be a slave, but at the same time he could not have slaves, except in very rare cases, until 1759, and after that year he could not have at all.
  • Moreover, he considered everyone who allowed himself to have his own opinion as oppositionists.
  • And if he was just nice to them before, now they wished to have him as close friends.
  • SAYS CHURCHILL: "Better to have ambitious goals than not to have none."
  • We ordered a lot of meat for sausages (on the black market, of course!) so that we have a supply in case of famine.
  • I have decided never to use a parachute in the future if I have the opportunity to avoid it altogether.
  • All such plans that might have had in Methuen were forever destroyed by the hasty disorderly retreat of the broken brigade.
  • It was necessary to master their manner of pacing in order to learn to distinguish between whom it is worth to deal with and who should be avoided.
  • The only difference was that the rich could afford more servants.
  • All those whom they accepted through the MZhK competition had to not have housing, but have families.
  • Every self-respecting boy in Rosario should have his own ball , but have own football field was very cool.
  • In general, I would have preferred to have a larger .
  • It is very good to have faith and desire to fight, but in our world one also needs to have money , and they run out quickly.
  • Did not have, and did not want to have friends, but wanted to have subordinates.
  • To have a monument to Catherine and not to have her history written in Russian and in Russia would not be to the credit of our education and our science.
  • Of course, you need to have in mind that if you have to leave immediately after graduation, then you need to have money to leave.
  • He carries a certain type of hero that is needed today, which coincides with the viewer's desire to see have such a hero.
  • Teaches to have a purity of conscience and love each other.
  • Why don't they strive to have a common flag and one common language?
  • She should have been to have agents all over Russia.
  • https://sinonim.org/
  • The practice of having one or two scouts on each two-seat aircraft was ending.
  • But I didn't have his unhappy love, and I wanted to have the right to suffer deeply.
  • Such an icebreaker should have 10,000 forces, 6000 tons, and, working on escorting ships to St. Petersburg with 300 tons of coal, have a draft of not more than 19 feet.
  • So that, in fact, our usual standard secretary of the district committee will be to have from this very communism?
  • Much better to have such steep skis, albeit long, than not to have none.
  • Boyars were allowed to have two or three wives, nobles even more, and governors could have as many as they wanted.
  • Not every organization is ready to deal with such people.
  • For the defense of the Soviet Union it is not necessary to have a fleet in the Baltic.
  • How can you immediately have these very opposite goals, no one asked.
  • I thanked heaven that I overlooked her before: no doubt I could have her fourteen hours in a row.
  • Only after you know life will you have the right to write and poetry will have the right to exist.
  • It was not enough in those years to have records, you need to have on which to play them.
  • My friend Patya wished to have a copy of the portrait .
  • You are a very young woman, you have not often had to deal with such sad circumstances.
  • To feed yourself, have a roof over your head and, if you're lucky, live in comfort and have fun.
  • Hemingway's " Have and not have ", "The Old Man and the Sea", from the stories "Snows of Kilimanjaro" are especially good.
  • I remarked to Father Paisius that it would be better if have kerosene lamps to avoid disturbance and have stronger and cheaper lighting.
  • In order for to have the opportunity to do something for a person, it is necessary not only for to have the strength for this.
  • Atheists have the right to have their own opinion about this story.
  • Edrikhin (pseudonym Vandam) formulated as follows: “It is bad to have an Anglo-Saxon enemy, but even worse to have his friend”!
  • It is clear how important it is to have a engine that is difficult to ignite in combat, and such fuel for it, which will have a reduced fire hazard.
  • The mass must have the right to replace them, the mass must have the right to know and check every smallest step of their activity.
  • He had already become the tsar of all Russia and instead of an illiterate Georgian drunkard he wanted to have a noble Russian father.
  • In fact, she wanted severe punishment only in order to have the opportunity to show mercy, which boasted.
  • An icebreaker shall have two bottoms from the bow to the aft bulkhead and have at least 7 main transverse bulkheads from the bottom to the upper deck.
  • Or "better not to have than to have joy and lose."
  • In order to manage everything that happens in the working environment, one must have the ability to get everywhere, one must know a lot of people, have all the moves, etc.
  • The goal should include real aspirations: earn money, have a family , have decent housing.
  • He is like this, because the empress wants it, so that he has a counterbalance to Count Panin, a lover of reforms and a supporter of foreign influence.
  • And you will have the pleasure of hearing about his first appointment.
  • For example, I wished to have you in Bethany, thinking then to have you in the Academy.
  • Now they want all to have at once and to have since the 12th century!
  • In any case, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, quite understandably, could not have anything to do with this.
  • In the charter it is necessary to have guarantees of the rights of the minority, to ensure it from the arbitrariness of the majority.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind a certain modesty inherent in him as an author.
  • Silver teaspoons began to disappear from the house: after all, have dropper funds.
  • Why shouldn't they have their own views on the future of South Africa?
  • I answered that I was unwell, but if I have at least some opportunity to move , I will definitely come.
  • It is humiliating to have a family and not to be able to provide for it.

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Synonyms for "to have". Meaning of the word. Characters. "to have" - ​​morphemic parsing.

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Portrait of Lisa Lutze - Selvinsky. Full text of the poem - Portrait of Lisa Lutze

Her name is interspersed in the set - "socialism",
The surname rhymes with the word "revolution".
Lutze begins with this
Now let's dilute the colored powder
And take up the brushes, humming and blissfully.
goes well
good -
She is extremely feminine:
Spacious shoulders and tight hips
With some such bestial gaze
Instilled in her a defiantly cheerful style,
The style of a young boxer. queen! - only one task. A stain of Renoir sees through her neck,
Teeth - an advertisement for Limoges enamels ...
How good it is! And everything is getting prettier,
Prettier - well, it just can’t calm down. Such people are an antisocial phenomenon.
Illuminating the eye in the glare of steel,
Locking themselves up in their bedroom for the night,
Making everyone else beggars;
Their beauty -
Alas, leaves like a kite
Above her blond crop
of laws
on love. A vulgar man adores happiness.
It reaches out to him like a rubber thread,
Until it breaks. But each part of
will stretch and whine again. Will it be a priest of a vegetarian sect,
The leader of herbivores in the city of Orel,
Will there be a deputy head of some subsection of
Eggshell recycling,
Will there be a poet of Saturday applications,
"Kommunkhoz truth" sucking for two
(I chose people,
Not having a direct application to poetry,
More than that: to have those who are not obliged,
Finally, they are obliged not to have!), -
And suddenly
Polished like a holiday! And you, having become a deputy, already rule more gently,
And the herb-eater's morality is not so strict,
And even in Kommunkhoznaya Pravda itself
A golden line suddenly flashes.
Any girl with her is a freak,
You can't keep them off the books.
If you see one like this, your mouth will tighten.
And I just want to moan involuntarily. Must. Sit. In zoo.
(Let them even shout that there are
And fly for six or eight hours
In a cage with a predatory inscription: "Woman",
So that each of us at sunrise,
Presenting her with sleepless nights,
Could ask : "Do you love me?"
And everyone would answer: “Very much.” And you, beloved by her, you,
Go into the bowels of offices and factories,
But the whole day will be in the blood
Love bulges star gills. Just kidding, of course. Yes, that's not the point.
Whoever heard his name at least once,
Called out by this mouth,
These teeth in street intimacy... Fair-haired eyebrows of a dashing flight
Such a breadth that you look - and tremble!
Gilded body
Reminiscent of golden rain,
Body painted with light and stamp
Dust of butterflies, hot as a dream,
Body like a postage stamp
With something bigger than Canopus of suns. ,
Give yourself a word, a vow, a vow,
Automatically chew the newspaper
And automatically read lunch.
And suddenly you see her two...
What about a sister? Her grandfather! Pug!
And a plaster will fall on your wound
A postage stamp from Canopus. And yet neither your cousin's haircut will help,
To the similarity of which you are hard as concrete,
Neither the blond eyebrows of some Zina,
Neither this tooth, nor that lip -
What is feminine about them? The smallest.
But Lisa stepped through them, laughing,
Here the feminine rose to the feminine,
How coal crystallized into diamond.
But what if this diamond is not yours?
If the trigger against the heart is cocked?
If culture is your nature
Howling under the windows like a polar bear? I raised this question for a reason.
Science without an effective goal is a swamp.
After all, if
from the load
the bladder
The dream of flight depends,
Then I demand at least by the next spring
A direct answer without any water:
What other bubbles to deal with,
To see my Liza in a dream? Kidding.

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