Rhyming word for different
Words That Nearly Rhyme With Different
Rhymes are fun. And they are one of the first skills learned in language. While it is easy to see 'cat' rhymes with 'hat', words like different make rhyming a bit harder. Learn words that rhyme with different along with near rhymes for different.
Example words that rhyme with different
Words That Rhyme With Different
Given the syllables in the word different, it’s nearly impossible to find a perfect rhyme. However, several words in the English language slant rhyme or near rhyme with 'different' both auditorily and visually. Explore words from two to six syllables that nearly rhyme with different.
Words With Three or Fewer Syllables That Rhyme With Different
Find a few two-syllable and several three-syllable words that rhyme with different. Not only can you use them in a poem, but they can add a nice flow to your writing.
abhorrent | adherent | afferent |
apparent | aren’t | coherent |
concurrent | current | deterrent |
efferent | figurant | grandparent |
ignorant | iterant | literate |
parent | recurrent | referent |
reverent | torrent | transparent |
Four-Syllable Words That Rhyme With Different
Words that rhyme with different don’t just stop at three syllables. In fact, several words with four syllables rhyme or nearly rhyme with different. Dive into a few good different rhyme words.
belligerent | coniferous | considerate |
deliberate | deliverance | disinterest |
exhilarant | illiterate | impignorate |
incoherent | indifference | indifferent |
irreverent | itinerant | magnificent |
munificent | participant | significant |
Five or More Syllable Words That Rhyme With Different
Trying to stretch your literary muscles? Give these near different rhymes a try. You’ll wow your crowd!
amentiferous | carboniferous | co-belligerent |
foraminiferal | insignificant | laticiferous |
nonbelligerent | odoriferous | semiliterate |
Rhymes for Words Like Different
If different just isn’t working for your wordplay the way you thought it would, consider trying a synonym of different in your writing such as unlike or dissimilar.
Words That Rhyme With Unlike
Something is unlike when it is different from or dissimilar. This adjective has different words that work as perfect rhymes.
alike | bike | dike |
dislike | Mike | hike |
Ike | like | pike |
psych | spike | strike |
Words That Rhyme With Dissimilar
Another synonym for different is dissimilar. This adjective means not alike or unlike. A few perfect and near rhymes for dissimilar include:
altimeter | fiddler | limiter |
littler | perimeter | similar |
simpler | stickler | titular |
Finding the Perfect Rhyme
Trying to find the perfect rhyme for words can be difficult. Sometimes, you have to settle for a near rhyme or a visual rhyme rather than a perfect auditory rhyme. Looking for other fun words that rhyme? Start by checking out other d-words like words that rhyme with down. You might also want to look at words that rhyme with orange or words that rhyme with friend.
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244 best rhymes for 'different'
1 syllable
- Blunt
- Cunt
- Hunt
- Front
- Stunt
- Und
- And
- Stunned
- Dump
- Pump
- Bump
- Lust
- Just
- Bust
- Trust
- Loved
- Must
- Jump
- Crushed
- Dust
- Punt
- Touched
- Trunk
- Drunk
- Punk
- Fucked
- Sucked
- Shoved
- Grunt
- Shunned
- Rust
- Funk
- Fund
- Rushed
- Gunned
- Brunt
- Bunt
- Trump
- Shunt
- Munt
- Glunt
- Tucked
- Chump
- Junk
- Stuffed
- Runde
- Kunde
- Mund
- Crust
- Grund
- Hund
- Lund
- Thrust
- Slump
- Tunde
- Dunk
- Hump
- Lump
- Sunk
- Skunk
- Thump
- Flushed
- Thunk
- Upped
- Brushed
- Judged
- Stump
- Gump
- Gust
- Cussed
- Duct
- Hulk
- Hushed
- Numbed
- Rump
- Bummed
- Buzzed
- Up
- Yup
- Cup
- Blushed
- Bunk
- Plump
- Summed
- Cuffed
- Cult
- Gushed
- Tongued
- Clump
- Gloved
- Fussed
- Monk
- Hust
- Grump
- Gummed
- Crump
- Brust
- Dusk
- Sump
- Crunk
- Thumbed
- Chunk
- Drugged
- Flunk
- Plucked
- Clutched
- Stunk
- Bucked
- Spunk
- Chucked
- Shrunk
- Hunk
- Lucked
- Cusp
- What
- But
- Shut
- Cut
- Gut
- Nut
- Slut
- Rubbed
- Trucked
- Puffed
- Clunk
- Brunk
- Plunk
- Shucked
- Strunk
- Shunk
- Snuffed
- Scuffed
- Pulp
- Hugged
- Roughed
- Bluffed
- Huffed
- Luft
- Fluffed
- Plugged
- Mugged
- Gulp
- Jumped
- Dubbed
2 syllables
- Current
- Corrupt
- Weren't
- Serpent
- Servant
- Urgent
- Merchant
- Fervent
- Verdant
- Sergent
- Worsened
- Burdened
- Kirkland
- Present
- Isn't
- Distant
- Wasn't
- Potent
- Instant
- Ancient
- Doesn't
- Decent
- Movement
- Pavement
- Wouldn't
- Haven't
- Student
- Moment
- Basement
- Didn't
- Talent
- Silent
- Couldn't
- Constant
- Violent
- Giant
- Pregnant
- Statement
- Worshipped
- Arent
- Worship
- Island
- Legend
- Opened
- Ruined
- Listened
- Diamond
- Thousand
- Happened
- Second
- Shouldn't
- Judgement
- Vacant
- Parent
- Fluent
- Confront
- Pleasant
- Payment
- Peasant
- Tyrant
- Agent
- Brilliant
- Absent
- Blatant
- Syrup
- Placement
- Treatment
- Recent
- Erupt
- Pigment
3 syllables
- Ignorant
- Determined
- Interrupt
- Detergent
- Divergent
- Insurgent
- Discernment
- Deterrent
- Emergent
- Internment
- Dispersant
- Switzerland
- Innocent
- Government
- Important
- Improvement
- Discouraged
- Excitement
- Defiant
- Encouraged
- Imminent
- Militant
4 syllables
- Belligerent
- Indifferent
- Bewilderment
- Reimbursement
- Independent
- Equivalent
- Omnipotent
- Magnificent
Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.
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Make up a dictionary of your own rhymes for any of the given words exact, rattle, night, squirrel, bird, book
Answer or solution2
Rhyme is an important feature of poetic speech. Let's analyze this concept in more detail and give some examples of rhymes.
What is rhyme
The name "rhyme" goes back to the Greek language, from which this word is translated as "measurement" or "rhythm". Most literary scholars define rhyme as the consonance of the endings of two or more words. Thus, words can form rhyming pairs with each other, which is used successfully in poetic texts.
It is important that representatives of different parts of speech can rhyme, i.e. grammatical features in no way affect the ability of words to rhyme.
There are several ways to classify rhymes. The first one is related to the place of stress in rhyming words. The two main varieties in this situation are masculine (stress falls on the last syllable, for example: no - answer) and feminine (stress falls on the penultimate syllable, for example: cloud - little thing).
In addition, exact and inexact types of rhymes are also distinguished. In the first case, the endings of a pair of words completely coincide with each other phonetically, while in the second, there may be some discrepancies between them (for example, one word may end in a vowel, and the second in a combination of vowel + [й]).
In order to facilitate the selection of rhyming pairs, there are special rhyming dictionaries that already contain words of different parts of speech with the same endings.
Examples of rhymes
Having determined what a rhyme is and what features it has, let's give examples of rhymes for the word "night":
- Daughter.
- Bump.
- Kidney.
- Kvochka (colloquial name for chicken).
- Point.
- Lobe (soft part of the ear).
- Barrel.
- Single.
All the rhymes listed above are nouns in the nominative case. However, the rhyming pair does not have to be in the initial form. By the word "night" you can also pick up rhymes in the form of nouns in the form of a singular, masculine, genitive case. For example:
- Bell.
- Puppy.
- Son.
- Lock.
- Piece.
- Leaf.
At the same time, there will be much more rhyming words in the second group.
Precise - juicy, durable, urgent, floral, durable, extracurricular, stock, lowercase.
Rattle - toy, drying, feeder, humpback, frog, spinner, skull, freckle, spinner.
Night - a line, a bump, a kidney, a dot, a shirt, a chain, a lobe, a daughter, a cheek.
Squirrel - arrow, plate, wall.
Bird - kitty, skirmish, particle, match, master key, plug, titmouse, technical, strawberry, eyelash.
Book - haircut, latch, movement, affair, latch, stalk, ankle.
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Connect rhyming words from different stolniks with lines. Help me please!!!
Urgently need to solve the 6th grade!!!!!!!! 40 points
even stuck their own where in the center gratefully offered to go to cover adren cangalam. a friend who together in obrovo right behind were the end of the … yes below with an oar saps en another queue returned there szakhova 97 In kas kakata mi minus where you serve, I would advise everyone olrshpo rv nvshvshchrvradrii who will find out what books that 50 points
an article on the achievement of science 50-60 words, using a journalistic form Observe vocabulary … some norms, avoiding repetition. The time for preparing the speech is 1.5 minutes. 2 minutes, time for 1. "Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland." Try to convince the interlocutor in a dialogue that nature is our homeland. 2. "Knowing many languages is important." Convince your interlocutor of the importance of knowing languages now Scoring schemes Listening
Plan the text Every nation has its own history, their original culture, their language, their customs, traditions and rituals. Culture of the Russian people … has a long history, and over the course of many centuries Russian folk customs and rituals were formed. The most popular and traditional holidays are New Year, Christmas, Christmas time, Epiphany, Maslenitsa. The New Year is accompanied by making wishes, playing snowballs, building snow forts and snowmen, and sleigh rides. It is customary to guess at Christmas time, mostly unmarried girls who want to know what their chosen one will be like. Someone went out into the street and asked the name of a passerby (this will be the name of the future groom), someone tried to see him in a dream or in a mirror in a dark room. Shrovetide reminded of the arrival of spring. It is widely known as the festival of the sun and spring. It is customary to burn a straw effigy, personifying winter, on it. Maslenitsa is accompanied by fun, competitions, jokes, pancakes. In the summer comes the turn of festive rituals in the bosom of nature. The clearest example is the holiday of Ivan Kupala with jumping over a fire and driving round dances, one of the goals of which is to help young boys and girls get to know each other. And if it came to the wedding, then almost every step of the young is regulated by various rites. Before the wedding, the bride and groom celebrate, respectively, "bachelor party" and "bachelorette party" with their friends and girlfriends. And after the wedding, a traditional loaf is brought to the young, and the one who bites off a larger piece, according to legend, will dominate the family. According to Russian customs, it is not customary to greet or say goodbye across the threshold, because the power of the brownie, the keeper of the peace and warmth of the family hearth, extends only to the door of the house, and alien forces rule beyond the threshold, which can interfere with friendly wishes and cause a quarrel.
It is customary for a housewarming party to be the first to run a cat through the threshold into a new apartment. The Slavs considered the cat an animal dedicated to the brownie, often she even personified the owner of the house, and by her behavior in the new dwelling they judged what life would be like. The traditional meeting with bread and salt can be interpreted as a wish for prosperity to the guest (bread) and getting rid of everything bad that could “cling” to the traveler on the road (salt). Finally, many even today nail a horseshoe over the door of the house - “for good luck”, hardly knowing that by doing so they transfer the house under the protection of Dazhbog-Sun and his horses, which, according to the Slavs, were supposed to bring good luck to the house. In Russian traditions and customs, such features of the people as love for nature, hospitality, respect for elders, cheerfulness and breadth of soul are clearly manifested. Traditions and customs are a reflection of the history of the country and people.