Rhyming words with most
239 best rhymes for 'most'
1 syllable
- Ghost
- Roast
- Toast
- Post
- Coast
- Boast
- Closed
- Host
- Don't
- Wont
- Stoned
- Smoked
- Choked
- Grossed
- Ost
- Owned
- Fold
- Cold
- Bold
- Old
- Hold
- Rolled
- Sold
- Gold
- Told
- Posed
- Mold
- Hoped
- Soaked
- Bolt
- Nosed
- Dozed
- Hosed
- Zoned
- Coached
- Poached
- Boned
- Bonet
- Poked
- Doped
- Toned
- Cloned
- Honed
- Colt
- Roped
- Coped
- Moaned
- Loaned
- Phoned
- Moped
- Cloaked
- Groped
- Droned
- Stoked
- Groaned
- Hoeft
- Jolt
- Joked
- Volt
- Stroked
- Yoked
- Molt
- Holt
- Stolt
- Scold
- Nolte
- Vote
- Float
- Wrote
- Nope
- Hope
- Soap
- Note
- Coat
- Boat
- Rope
- Throat
- Dope
- Cope
- Quote
- Clothed
- Roamed
- Wold
- Strolled
- Domed
- Loathed
- Robed
- Combed
- Probed
- Homed
- Lobed
- Doled
- Scope
- Woke
- Load
- Code
- Joke
- Road
- Mode
- Coke
- Job
- Broke
- Showed
- Spoke
- Smoke
- Choke
- Poke
- Pope
- Stroke
- Goat
- Globe
- Polk
- Volk
- Soak
- Folk
- Tote
- Slope
- Slowed
- Gloat
- Moat
- Mope
- Bloke
- Grope
- Oak
- Cloak
- Blowed
2 syllables
- Almost
- Exposed
- Supposed
- Utmost
- Westcoast
- Engrossed
- Foremost
- Compost
- Repost
- Composed
- Lamppost
- Riposte
- Glasnost
- Outpost
- Goalpost
- Controlled
- Enclosed
- Disposed
- Opposed
- Proposed
- Imposed
- Disclosed
- Foreclosed
- Approached
- Transposed
- Deposed
- Bulldozed
- Unfold
- Behold
- Encroached
- Untold
- Provoked
- Disowned
- Dethroned
- Postponed
- Condoned
- Revolt
- Bemoaned
- Revoked
- Evoked
- Invoked
- Humboldt
- Deadbolt
- Uphold
- Foretold
- Ahold
- Household
- Eloped
- Blindfold
- Withhold
- Enrolled
- Chokehold
- Threshold
- Tenfold
- Consoled
- Twofold
- Remold
- Patrolled
- Unsold
- Cajoled
- Unrolled
- Stronghold
- Outsold
- Extolled
- Foothold
- Resold
- Threefold
- Paroled
- Billfold
- Enfold
- Explode
- Followed
- Swallowed
- Reload
- Remote
- Provoke
- Promote
- Afloat
- Unload
- Awoke
- Devote
- Elope
- Borrowed
- Download
- Coyote
3 syllables
- Diagnosed
- Overdosed
- Innermost
- Decomposed
- Predisposed
- Juxtaposed
- Unopposed
- Undisclosed
- Unprovoked
- Wiederholt
- Uncontrolled
- Centerfold
- Oversold
- Sevenfold
- Manifold
- Marigold
- Undersold
- Stranglehold
- Pigeonholed
- Leopold
- Antidote
- Episode
- Envelope
- Microscope
- Telescope
- Overload
4 syllables
- Overexposed
- Misdiagnosed
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what word has the most rhymes
/ Alexander Atkins / 2 Comments
Words that sound alike from the pronunciation of the vowel of the main stressed syllable to the end of the word are known as perfect rhymes; they do not need to spelled the same. Examples of perfect rhymes are “day and “way” and “claim” and “same.” Some words have just one or two perfect rhyming words, others have dozens; for example, the word “most” has the, um, most rhymes — more than 102 (1-12 syllable options).
On the opposite end of the lexicon spectrum are words that have no rhyme: refractory rhymes. The most common examples of refractory or rhymeless words are: month, orange, purple, silver (note the bias in colors). Type in “what rhymes with orange” in Google and dozens of sites pop-up listing words without rhymes. However, many of these list are inaccurate — if you dive deep enough into the amazingly vast corpus of the English language (the 1 million words defined by the mother of all dictionaries, the Oxford English Dictionary) one can find perfect rhymes for most of the words considered rhymeless. Of course, many of these words are obscure or archaic — not necessarily the words you would expect in contemporary poems and songs; but nonetheless, they are perfect rhymes. Below is a list of commonly considered rhymeless words with their perfect rhyme words followed by short definitions. Now you can finally write that poem about the glorious orange.
arugula – Bugula (a genus of bryozoan)
bulb – culb (a glass distillation vessel)
chaos – naos (a temple’s inner chamber
circle – hurkle (to pull in all one’s limbs)
cusp – dusp (dual-specificity phosphatase enzymes)
else – wels (Silurus glanis, a fish)
fiends – teinds (Scottish term for portion of an estate assessed for clergy’s stipend)
film – pilm (Scottish word for dust)
gulf – sulf (sulfate-regulating enzymes)
midst – didst (an archaic for of did)
month – en-plus-oneth (a mathematical term, n + 1)
music – anchusic (anchusic acid) or dysgeusic (a disorder that causes changes in a person’s sense of taste) or ageusic (no sense of taste)
opus – Hoppus (a method of measuring timber)
orange – Blorenge (a hill in southeast Wales) or sporange (alternate form or sporangium, a botanical term, for single- or multi-celled structure that produces spores, like algae, ferns, fungi, or mosses)
pint – rynt (a word that a milkmaid uses to get a cow to move)
plankton – Yankton (a member of the American Indian people of the Great Plains, South and North Dakota)
plinth – synth (abbreviated term for synthesizer)
purple – curple (the hindquarters of a donkey or horse) and hirple (to walk with a limp) and nurple (the slang term for grabbing and quickly twisting a nipple, also known as a titty twister)
rhythm – smitham (ore dust or fine malt)
silver – chilver, (female lamb)
siren – gyron (in heraldry, a type of triangle)
toilet – oillet (an eyelet)
width – sidth (length)
woman – toman (a military division or Persian coin)
Back in October of 2010, 60 Minutes did a fascinating interview with rapper Eminem. In his youth, Eminem spent quite a bit of time with a dictionary and came to love words and discovered his gift for rhyming. In the interview, when challenged “what rhymes with orange?” Eminem casually rattles off a number of words and phrases that rhyme closely (but not perfectly) with orange: four-inch, door hinge, storage, porridge, Geo-rge.
Read related posts: Words with Letters in Alphabetical Order
Difficult Tongue Twisters
Word Oddities: Fun with Vowels
For further reading: Oxford Rhyming Dictionary by Clive Upton (2012)
The Complete Rhyming Dictionary by Clement Wood (1992)
The Book of General Ignorance by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson (2006)
rhymezone.com; wikipedia.com
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Funny pairs of English words
English does not seem too poetic to me, but it is a pleasure to pronounce and hear some English words. For example: higgledy piggledy, hugger mugger, topsy turvy and pell mell. Most of these words rhyme, that is, they have the same final sound, but a different initial one.
The combination of similarities and differences can give us a little push to understand the meaning of the couple, because they all mean the same thing - a situation where everything is confused, in a mess, upside down or scattered everywhere. For example: “My house is all topsy turvy, everything is all over the place” or “Sorry everything is so higgledy piggledy, I will tidy up later“.
Other interesting-sounding examples of rhyming compounds include: hurly burly, super duper, itty bitty, razzle-dazzle, bees knees, and lovey dovey. In most of these stable combinations, the first word conveys the possible meaning of the whole couple, which the second word reinforces, for example, lovey from love and dovey from dove (a dove symbolizing love) are combined to describe an overly sentimental expression of love.
Other compound words include nitty gritty (as in the sentence “Let's get down to the nitty gritty” – let's get down to business) and wheeler dealer (“He's a bit of a wheeler dealer“, which means a person who cleverly uses any opportunities for self-enrichment).
Dilly dally is another interesting sounding combination made popular by entertainer Mary Lloyd. This verb, consisting of two words with the same consonant sounds, means “to hesitate”, “to waste time, not daring to do something”. Another similar word that we all know is ping pong, or table tennis. Zig zag, wishy washy, see saw, and mish mash are other examples of common compound words formed by consonants.
There are also phrases that can be used separately, but in direct proximity carry a greater semantic charge, for example: “They were a dream team the year they won the double.”
There are also short phrases of two words connected by an article or conjunction, for example: “I want some peace and quiet“. The phrase “I do not want to be the life and soul of the party, but I will just grin and bear it till the party is finished” uses common nominal and verbal phrases.
Rearranging the words in these phrases leads to a loss of meaning, so the correct word will always be peace and quiet, not quiet and peace. Here and there is a typical adverbial phrase with stable elements, while short and sweet is an example of an adjectival phrase.
With the help of rhyme and repetition, children learn to speak more easily, so it is quite natural that there are so many phrases with repetitions. Try to learn some of them, and then gradually try to use them in your speech. You will not have time to look back, and you will speak like a native speaker.
image: pauly_march
45 words with "reminders" that will be useful for schoolchildren and adults - Teacher's newspaper
No matter how you learn stress, you can still get confused at the most inopportune moment. We tried to speak correctly, but many around speak differently, and we begin to echo them. "Gramotator" has repeatedly addressed the topic of stress. But questions from our readers keep coming. And today we decided to offer a mini-dictionary of the most problematic nouns with rhymes for memorization. They will be useful both in life and on the exam. And as a daily cheat sheet, you can use our cards.
Noun stresses
The letter A
The stress in this word falls on the last syllable. The “asymmetry” familiar to many is wrong. Although some dictionaries provide such an option as the only or alternative, they are in the minority. And it is asymmetry that corresponds to a strict norm. Our rhyme will help you remember this.
Allergy occurs,
When there is asymmetry all around
The stress in all forms, except for the prepositional case, falls on -port-. In the prepositional case, the stress falls on the ending when we talk about the place (where) - at the airport, and on - the port when we talk about the airport. Let's learn " memory notes ", and we will never make a mistake.
Settled in comfort -
Satisfied with the airport.
At the airport (where, about the place)
How the liner is gaining altitude,
You will only see it at the airport.
About the airpoore (about which)
read news about sports,
And read - about the airpoore
Aero -reproaches (multiple)
We love resorts,
We hasten at aeropors.
Letter B
This is one of the few two-syllable nouns in which the stress in all forms and plural falls on the last syllable. Here, too, it is enough to remember the word "bow" and simply substitute endings for it, without changing anything. Well rhyme will help.
piping on the shirt,
bows on the head
The word came from the French language, which means that the stress falls on the last syllable. The main thing to remember is that the stress will stand when changing the word in cases and in the plural. And rhymes will help to fix.
Light and shine -
Just chic
This brand new boutique
Sign of the faceless
In a fashionable butter
I was surprised by the 30005
in Boutike
We will give a carpet
in a boutike 9000,0002
9000 Blueberries, cranberries and strawberries
Do not sell beautiful fashion boutiques
Directors, professors have long turned into directors and professors, shifting the emphasis to the ending. But accountants are not one of those. The stress in this word is invariable and in all forms of the plural falls on the root.
A “Memill ” will help not to forget:
Accounts (multi -d. ), Accounters
Good Harakters
have all accountants,
and bad harackers
have no accounting accountants.
Letter B
The stress in this word always falls only on the last syllable. It does not change with the declension of the noun.
Here you can not do without « memory sticks »:
Magic for Christmas
Widowhood instantly crumbled.
Despite the fact that many stubbornly say religion, the correct option is only religion. And nothing else. Let's remember the word "know", it will help to correctly place the stress. And you can also come up with rhyme, so as not to make a mistake.
I know - I don't know,
What I confess.
I don't know at all
In the plural, as in "accountants", the stress in the word "age" remains unchanged, on the first syllable - ages. Saying and writing "age" is incorrect. And the classic will help to remember this:
All ages are submissive to love.
Download this flashcard to help you memorize difficult accents faster. And we go further - before us are the words with the letter "g".
Letter G
When the word “rake” is changed, the stress will not move anywhere - it will remain on the first syllable, whether we rejoice at the rake, work at the rake or think about the rake.
Rhyme will help you remember easily:
Hands are already cold -
How can we hold the rake?
Forehead covered with drops
From working with a rake.
Rake or rake
There is no rake in the barn,
I had to work with a saber.
Amazing word! Most pronounce it incorrectly, and the emphasis here falls not on the second, but on the third syllable - corrugated. By analogy with "pleated". So let's remember, and rhyme will help in this.
Pleated skirt,
A pleated bow.
Corrugated can be not only a bow, but also hair tongs, and a hose, and metal. However, the emphasis will not change.
Letter D
When the word “door” is changed, the accent almost always remains on the root. And only in one case - if we are talking about the door as a place - the emphasis will go to the ending.
To the door
At the door
But (hanging) on the door.
And it’s better to remember and not get confused, it will help rhyme about wild animals:
Wild animals came to the door -
They knew that crackers
The owner left them at the door.
The word is of French origin, and therefore the stress falls on the last syllable. The word "dispensary" does not correspond to the norm. Only the dispensary is correct. The stress will not change when the word is declined. And “ memorizer ”
Engineer says
The word is correct – dispensary.
Agreement and agreements
Frequently used "agreements and agreements" under strict prohibition! Only contract and contracts.
Let's remember rhyme and we won't make mistakes:
Have a conversation with a lawyer,
To conclude an agreement.
But talking won't help
Making contracts.
Letter I
Icon painting
Surprisingly, the stress in this word falls on the first syllable. And, although from the word “icon” one really wants to say “icon painting”, this should not be done. Rhyme :
Turned out today
What is right - iconography.
The word, although old, is used in modern speech, including in a figurative sense. As in the previous word, the stress here falls only on the first syllable. No games allowed! And “ memorizer ”:
Came in a monster costume
To the school for a game.
Letter K
Words ending in -log have different stresses. In the word catalog, as in the words dialogue, monologue, prologue, epilogue, the stress falls on the last syllable. There is no word catalog. Rhyme will help you not to get confused.
We started a dialogue,
We are discussing the catalogue.
And somewhere, there are probably containers, because that's what they say very often. However, the stress here is stable and in all forms of the word falls on the second syllable - containers. It never carries over to the end.
Let's remember "accountants" and "ages" and just remember.
And again, our cheat sheet, which you can download and use to memorize difficult stresses.
The letter M
In a glimpse
Another difficult word, who says "briefly", and who says "briefly". Unfortunately for many, the second option is wrong. The stress in the word "glimpse" falls on the first syllable. There are no exceptions. You can come up with your own associations to remember, or you can learn our rhyme :
They write very small,
We caught a glimpse of
Garbage chute
If we don't want to push garbage into the wires, then we shouldn't say garbage chute. Garbage can only be thrown into the garbage chute. The stress in this word falls on the last syllable. As in other "wires" - a gas pipeline, a pipeline, an oil pipeline. And it will help to remember rhyme :
The whole rather big passage
The garbage chute occupied.
Letter H
It would seem that this word should not cause difficulties. But it turned out that there is some professional slang - many knitters say nakid, throwing a loop on a knitting needle. However, there are no exceptions here. Only nakid is correct - in knitting and in other cases. "Memory" will help;
We are not very surprised:
In knitting, they make a crochet.
The origin of the word "intention" is unknown, but it creeps into our speech quite often. However, there is only intention. The stress in this word falls on the second syllable. The rhyme will help to remember, and to someone to get rid of incorrect pronunciation:
It is better to be more moderate
Talk about intentions.
Letter O
The stress in this word always falls on the third syllable - provision. And it doesn’t matter if we are talking about material support for someone, ensuring an obligation with something or ensuring someone’s safety. The stress will stand in any case. There is no word “providing”, which many dictionaries explicitly warn about.
A rhyme will help you remember this difficult word:
is marked in the dictionary
The word provision
Window - window
Do you remember the words of the song of the group "Lyube": "... from the wide open windows .."? Many will be surprised, but this is not the norm. In the genitive plural, the stress falls on the first syllable - windows. Not windows. Remember?
What is this cocoon
Do we see from the windows?
Letter П
The stress in this word always falls on the second syllable. It doesn't matter if it's a call to action or a call to the army. Often, when it comes to conscription for military service, you can hear the call. However, in the army, as well as for action, they are called. And there is no reason to change the stress in a word depending on the meaning. In all cases, the emphasis is the same - the call. A from rhyme easier!
The window is open,
We hear the call.
Not a half-over, not a pullover, but only a pullover. Dictionaries do not provide other options. In order not to accidentally put on a half-belt, remember rhyme :
A beautiful motor scooter.
And a pullover in his color.
The letter P
Perhaps, checking the word "shell", some put the emphasis on the first syllable - shell. And what? A large shell, and a small shell. However, the word "shell" is not a test word for a shell. And the stress in this word is placed on the second syllable - shell. And small, and large, and river, and sea. And to be remembered better, rhyme :
Beautiful toy
From a seashell.
The word has several meanings. This is both the temporary ruler and the conductor of the church choir. But the stress is one - on the first syllable. In M.A. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita, the “regent” is quite common: this is how Koroviev called himself at the beginning of the work. “Now the regent put on his nose an obviously unnecessary pince-nez, in which one glass was missing at all, and the other was cracked.” If anyone doubted how to pronounce Koroviev's position, now he will be sure that he is regent. Well, in addition to the classics, our " memo ":
Likes to listen to reggae
Hora former regent
And this is the third card from the dictionary. Download it and we will not make mistakes in pronunciation.
Letter C
Remember the asymmetry? One might think that in the word "symmetry" the stress falls on the last syllable. The words are similar! But no, that would be too simple, so in the word "symmetry" the stress falls on the second syllable - symmetry. Here, as in the case of asymmetry, there are sometimes two options in dictionaries - symmetry and symmetry. But only the first one corresponds to a strict norm - symmetry. Remember with rhymes
Likes geometry,
So that there is symmetry.
Concentration can often be heard. But let's imagine how something gathers at one point, and easily remember what is right - concentration. And if the period does not help, then our rhyme will definitely do it:
The shutters are boarded up,
There is silence here
The insurer
For some unknown reason, this word is pronounced insurer. Perhaps, by analogy with some professions in the -man: crane operator, shoemaker. However, none of the modern dictionaries records the word "insurer". There is only "insurer". The emphasis on "o" remains in the derivative words "insurer", "reinsurer".
And it’s easy to remember: remember the word insurance, the insurer also has an emphasis on the letter “o”. And you can also come up with rhyme :
Lviv trainers
Always go to the insurer.
The correct stress in this word is on the last syllable. The profession of carpenter does not exist, no matter how often one hears this word. It's like saying not a painter, but a painter. However, they don’t say that, but for some reason the carpenter took root. And in vain, it does not correspond to the norm. The painter will help remember :
We have a painter working,
But we really need a carpenter.
By the way, the correct plural is “carpenters”, not carpenters and not carpenters. As, however, and painters.
Letter T
Do you remember the word "bows"? "Cakes" from the same company. There are not many two-syllable words that have the stress on the first syllable. Cakes is one of them. The stress will remain unchanged when the word is declined. There are no cakes, not cakes, delicious cakes are welcome, but not cakes. When changing the word in the singular in cases, the stress will stand - there is no cake, I'm glad for the cake, I dream of a cake. A rhyme will help you remember:
We are going to resorts,
We can’t eat cakes,
We want to flaunt in shorts,
But they don’t get slim “on cakes”.
Despite the common pronunciation "transfer", it is correct to stress only the last syllable - transfer. And a "reminder":
Famous collector
Booked a transfer to the hotel.
Contrary to popular belief, the stress here falls on the first syllable. You can’t say “shoe” or “shoe”, only “shoe. And don't forget that the noun shoe is feminine.
Letter X
One of the annoying and often used options is petition. Let's spare the ears of those around us and never say that! Only intercession and intercession. And with rhyme is easier to remember.
Just a treat for the ear.
When they say "intercession".
Letter Ш
And one more of the few two-syllable words in which the stress falls on the first syllable. We already know about bows and cakes, and now scarves have joined them. It's only right, not scarves. The stress will be preserved when the word is changed both in the singular and in the plural - scarves, scarf, scarf, scarves. Rhyme will help you remember.
We play harps
Scarves are uncomfortable.
Let's sit down to the harps,
Let's take off our scarves
Double (variable) accents in nouns
Good news. No, in all words it is not yet possible to put stress on different syllables at will. But there are a lot of words with variable stress. Let's present some of them.
It sounds amazing, but not so long ago only the pronunciation apartments was considered correct. And some dictionaries still fix this option as the only one. True, in some modern dictionaries you can see "apartment" as a colloquial option. But the majority still consider apartments and apartments to be equal. Both options are standard.
Until recently, only the bungalow was considered correct. Now, the stress depends on the choice of the speaker - both bungalow and bungalow correspond to the norm.
As in the previous cases, only pronunciation - croutons was allowed before. And in the singular - toast had a masculine gender. Over time, croutons also appeared, and in the singular feminine toast.
Both words are normative, and the choice is yours.
You will be surprised, but many dictionaries record both college and college as equals. True, more conservative dictionaries adhere to the college option. We would also recommend not to stress the second syllable. But in this case there will be no error either.
Long time ago she ceased to be only cooking, having got herself a sister - cooking. Both cooking and cooking are recorded in dictionaries.
Here you can taste delicious pizza. And it can be pronounced differently. If strict dictionaries believe that only the pizzeria option is correct, then most dictionaries argue with them, fixing two options - pizzeria and pizzeria.
Don't be surprised. The correct options are meatballs and meatballs. But, if you are faced with a choice or preparing an official performance, then meatballs, of course, are preferable.