Rhyming words for dad
247 best rhymes for 'dad'
1 syllable
- Glad
- Pad
- Mad
- Add
- Sad
- Had
- Bad
- Sat
- Dat
- Hat
- Bat
- Fat
- Gat
- At
- Cat
- That
- Chat
- Flat
- Rat
- Lad
- Tat
- Spat
- Rad
- Tad
- Pat
- Mat
- Fad
- Brad
- Hack
- Lack
- Drag
- Bag
- Pack
- Fag
- Wack
- Whack
- Jack
- Rack
- Smack
- Grab
- Crack
- Track
- Stack
- Lab
- Slack
- Tag
- Mac
- Sack
- Black
- Brag
- Back
- Flag
- Stab
- Grad
- Clack
- Tak
- Nad
- Splat
- Snack
- Chad
- Plaid
- Clad
- Vlad
- Gad
- Cad
- Brat
- Shad
- Thad
- Scad
- Flad
- Band
- Damned
- And
- Stand
- Hand
- Land
- Brand
- Grand
- Sand
- Stabbed
- Grabbed
- Planned
- Jab
- Stat
- Ab
- Cab
- Rag
- Scat
- Shaq
- Nat
- Crap
- Cap
- Strapped
- Craft
- Ant
- Slapped
- Clap
- Slap
- Snap
- Trapped
- Blast
- Map
- Asked
- Strap
- Trap
- Kept
- Nap
- Fact
- Smashed
- Tap
- Act
- Stacked
- Fast
- Packed
- Cast
- Wrapped
- Lap
- Laughed
- Smacked
- Plant
- Cracked
- Past
- Last
- Cant
- Rap
- Mag
- Lat
- Plaque
- Sag
- Vat
- Tab
- Blatt
- Slat
- Quack
- Pratt
- Platt
- Dab
- Glatt
- Krat
- Spratt
- Dragged
- Crashed
- Gap
- Knack
- Gag
- Slammed
- Snapped
- Drank
- Tank
- Blank
- Ask
- Bank
- Thank
- Dank
- Mask
- Task
- Lag
- Wag
- Banged
- Nag
- Yak
- Scrap
- Fab
- Zack
- Crab
- Frank
- Dag
2 syllables
- Notepad
- Combat
- Attack
- Backpack
- Nomad
- Baghdad
- Granddad
- Ipad
- Jihad
- Comrade
- Siad
- Conrad
- Sinbad
- Keypad
- Triad
- Ziad
- Demand
- Comeback
- Snapchat
- Feedback
- Exact
- Impact
- Attached
- React
- Format
- Expand
- Rehab
- Contact
- Doormat
- Command
- Wombat
- Fiat
- Bobcat
- Chitchat
- Placemat
- Wildcat
- Begat
- Passat
- Muscat
- Muskrat
- Ronstadt
- Nonfat
- Hashtag
- Adapt
- Payback
- Attract
- Flashback
- Attacked
- Withstand
- Throwback
- Unpack
- Intact
- Backtrack
3 syllables
- Trinidad
- Maniac
- Sociedad
- Ironclad
- Ciudad
- Amistad
- Stalingrad
- Undergrad
- Habitat
- Understand
- Acrobat
- Thermostat
- Democrat
- Cadillac
- Copycat
- Diplomat
- Laundromat
- Pussycat
- Cardiac
- Arafat
- Thundercat
- Caveat
- Autocrat
- Quarterback
4 syllables
- Islamabad
- Aristocrat
- Insomniac
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160 Words that rhyme with dad for Songwriters
Top rhymes for songwriters
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Songwriting rhymes for dad
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
- sad
- bad
- mad
- pad
- glad
- add
- had
- that
- catch
- hand
- understand
- stand
- last
- grab
- pop
- sat
- fast
- past
- wrap
- cat
- rap
- land
- brand
- act
- but
- match
- slap
- band
- sand
- tap
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Perfect rhymes for dad
- sad
- bad
- mad
- pad
- glad
- add
- had
- gad
- lad
- ad
- fad
- cad
- clad
- rad
- chad
- comrade
- nad
- plaid
- nomad
- triad
- dyad
- tad
- scad
- brad
- shad
- ironclad
- grad
- olympiad
- doodad
- keypad
- strad
- thad
- vlad
- galahad
- grandad
- ladd
- forbad
- ecad
- trinidad
- ciudad
- amistad
- dradde
- riyadh
- sociedad
- hyderabad
- mossad
- volgograd
- sinbad
- ydrad
- tchad
- soledad
- leningrad
- undergrad
- lily pad
- stalingrad
- launch pad
- kaliningrad
- riyad
- gadd
- unctad
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A. I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Near rhymes for dad
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- that
- at
- catch
- hand
- understand
- stand
- last
- grab
- sat
- past
- fast
- wrap
- but
- land
- cat
- rap
- brand
- act
- match
- what
- slap
- not
- map
- hat
- tap
- band
- sand
- scratch
- got
- heard
- god
- fat
- asked
- flat
- rat
- much
- cab
- clap
- wrapped
- blood
- word
- trap
- bat
- crap
- stop
- fact
- planned
- grand
- patch
- lap
- touch
- mat
- snap
- packed
- such
- watch
- hurt
- amp
- cut
- danced
- cap
- passed
- slab
- hot
- latch
- cast
- lot
- laughed
- blast
- top
- jagged
- caught
- drop
- shot
- trapped
- shut
- plant
- bird
- attract
- demand
- cant
- crashed
- strapped
- bought
- pop
- dragged
- grabbed
- damned
- banged
- job
- attached
- backed
- react
- cup
- club
- judge
- tramp
- flood
- forgot
- chat
Want to know what rhymes with dad?
Are you a songwriter who is tired of not being able to think of words that rhyme with your song's subject? I know I was this way
It's awful, especially when you need to come up with lyrics quickly! This is where a rhyming dictionary can help; however, most dictionaries just spit out a word regardless if it's usable in a song
For example, if you're writing a song about how you miss your grandmother, the last thing you want to hear as "Homeland"
We all know that's not singable and it doesn't even have the right meaning! With Chorus, we find you only those rhymes which are useful for songwriters, so you know that the words we give you are singable and work for the genre you're writing in
These are just a few of our rhymes. If you want to discover all the ways you can express yourself with Chorus, sign up for the full version now.
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Create your songbookWords of gratitude to the father of the groom from the bride. Words of gratitude to parents from the bride at the wedding
Even if the guy and the girl met for a long time, the wedding is the final step when they leave the parental family and create a new one. This is especially true of the bride, because since ancient times it was believed that it was she who leaves her father and mother for her husband. It is for her (women are still more sentimental) that this moment is more touching. And how to do without publicly thanking mom and dad at the wedding celebration for everything they did for her? Each girl can say such a speech in her own way, but perhaps those words of gratitude to parents from the bride at the wedding, which are given in our article, will lead you to a new original thought.
“My dear parents! Today, when I get married, I truly enter into adulthood. However, I am completely calm about my future. After all, I know that thanks to all the wisdom that you taught me, dear mommy, I will become a wonderful hostess. And in my house it will definitely be beautiful, clean, warm and cozy.
You, my dear daddy, have always been an example of an ideal man for me. Therefore, focusing on your best qualities, I was able to see and fall in love with a wonderful person. Do not worry, dear, today you are giving me into safe hands.
It was you, the best parents in the world, who taught me love and respect. And, therefore, I will be able to create in my family an atmosphere of harmony and peace, in which I have lived so far, being in my parents' house. Thank you for the care you provided every day, for the happiness and confidence in the future! I love you very much!"
You can also say the following words of thanks:
“Dad and Mom! I am infinitely grateful to you for the fact that all my life you have loved and protected me. I am proud of my upbringing and the education that you gave me, despite all the difficulties and hardships of life. Thank you for your daily care, affection, extraordinary support and faith in me! Everything that I have achieved to date, I owe to you! Believe me, I really appreciate everything that you have done for me!
I know that you will accept my chosen one as your own son, and with wise advice you will help keep peace in our family. I can imagine how you will adore and pamper your future grandchildren, because I will definitely give them to you. I really hope that I can become as good a mother as mine. I will do my best to achieve this, I promise!
Here is another good option:
“Dear parents! Today is a significant day that brought changes to our lives, when I, your daughter, leave my parents' house. And, therefore, there is a reason to say a few kind words to you.
Thank you for the fact that from early childhood I could always count on your support. In difficult moments for me, you were always there, never dismissed my problems, even if sometimes small or even far-fetched. Not a single broken knee went unnoticed, not a single sad look, not a single tear. You have always been very attentive to me. They treated me when I was sick. They consoled me when I cried. They hugged when they made progress. Every second I felt your boundless love.
Thank you for your patience and perseverance during my years of study. Thanks for all the help ever given to me. Sometimes we had to solve problems together and write essays. It was difficult, but unforgettable and a lot of fun.
I remember all the happy moments spent together on weekends and holidays. You always tried to please me, give pleasant impressions and gifts. Thanks to you, my childhood was carefree and long.
I grew up, fell in love. Today I became a wife. Nevertheless, under your affectionate, tender glances, I feel like a little girl, sheltered from all adversity. Thank you for this sense of security!
I will try to embody the best that I have been given to my family so that you can be proud of me. I love you endlessly, my dears, and once again thank you for everything!”
Lovely brides! Whatever words, congratulations and toasts are pronounced at the wedding, be sure to tell dad and mom: “Thank you!” - and believe me, they will be very happy! By the way, some newlyweds present gifts to their parents at the wedding celebration. Read about it in our
Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding are one of the most touching moments. After all, a wedding is the day when the newlyweds leave their parental home and go to their new family. Therefore, it has become a glorious tradition to thank parents for all the good moments. After all, it was largely thanks to them that this wonderful holiday took place. Who knows how life would have turned out if it were not for their upbringing and daily work. Touching gratitude from the bride and groom, in prose and poetry - in our article you will find sincere words for this.
Tips for giving a speech of thanks
In order not to forget the words from excitement at a crucial moment, it is better to think over the speech in advance. Better yet, write it down. You can arrange the notes in an unusual way, for example, make a roll stylized as an old scroll, or sign a beautiful postcard. On your wedding day, give it to your parents, and then they will re-read it for a long time, remembering a wonderful holiday.
It is better to speak to two newlyweds. This will be a sign that they have become one whole, one family. And from now on they will help and complement each other.
Thank not only your parents, but also the parents of your young spouse.
Avoid too pretentious phrases and complex turns of speech. It's hard to hear. Simple, concise language will do much better. You can insert a couple of short quotes from famous people or aphorisms that are relevant to the topic into your speech.
Words of gratitude in prose
Such gratitude is especially appreciated, because it is usually prose that is pronounced “from the heart”.
The main points that can be touched upon in your words:
- That young people have the best parents;
- That they taught a lot - to love, forgive, take care of a loved one;
- Parental example - an example of a happy family life for a young couple;
- That you will not leave them with the beginning of family life. On the contrary, having married off a daughter (having married a son), they also acquired a son (daughter). And soon there will be small continuations of two families - grandchildren;
- Ask for forgiveness for all the unpleasant situations and troubles that you gave them;
- Remember the most vivid and touching moments of childhood;
- Promise that you will be equally good parents to your children.
Video congratulations in prose:
Thanks in verse
Poetic gratitude also sounds spectacular and touches the hearts of those present. It is better if the poems are your own composition or written to order specifically for your wedding. The battered cliches are already rather tired, but the original poetic speech will be the perfect end to the holiday. If you don’t know how to compose yourself, and the author’s prices are unbearable, use ready-made poems. But choose from very carefully - it is better not to take them from the first page found by the search engine. Look for the most unusual, rare and close to you poems. You can make some edits “for yourself” - it’s not so difficult to do this in a finished verse. And the result will please.
Below is a video of touching words of gratitude in verse.
Perhaps the most original form of gratitude from young people is songs of their own composition. Many wedding planning agencies have long caught this trend, and you can turn to them for a song. This is especially true if the vocal data is at its best, but the epistolary genre let us down. According to your preferences, they will select musical accompaniment and write the text, and the newlyweds will have to sing - and catch a storm of applause. In the video below - a few of these congratulations.
When giving a speech of thanks at a wedding, remember some things that you should never say:
- Moral and allusions to unpleasant situations. Of course, young people may not consider their parents ideals in everything. Of course, there can be resentment and disappointment. But a wedding is not a place to sort things out. Just keep silent about slippery moments, thanking them simply for the fact of birth.
- The same applies to the family life of the parents. If they are divorced, or you do not approve of the choice of mother and father, do not announce this at the wedding. You can not call them an example for yourself - do not say anything.
Do not forget that gratitude to parents is a joyful moment that will bring tears of tenderness to all those present. Tune in a positive way - and everything will go well!
Thanks from daughter
Usually women are more eloquent than men. Therefore, it is the speech of the bride that touches everyone present to tears. You can take ready-made clichés as the basis of a thank-you speech, add your personal feelings and experiences to them.
“Dear mom and dad! Thank you for your care, for protecting me all my life. Thanks to you, I became what everyone sees me now. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me even in the most difficult situations. Thank you for this holiday, for your help and for your love. I promise that our connection will not be interrupted, our family will always be there. And I will do everything so that you can be proud of me!”
“Our dear mommy and daddy! Today is a magical day, a holiday of true love - our wedding. You taught us a lot, and we will always remember that the most important thing is love, understanding and respect for each other. At this celebration you are the main ones, because without you there would be no this day!”
Thanks from my son
The son is the pride and support of the parents. Therefore, his words of gratitude to his father and mother are very important. Here is an example text of the speech:
“My dear parents, father and mother! Thank you for giving me life, raising and educating me to be a worthy person. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me and for all the truths you have revealed to me. Today I became the husband of a beautiful girl, my beloved. I promise you that I will live my life with her with dignity, I will be the real master of my house and the protector of my family. Thank you!"
Thanks from the bride to the groom's parents
“Our dear parents! Please accept my sincere gratitude for the fact that you gave the world a wonderful person - the one who became my husband today. I am very grateful that you accepted me, and I promise to be your daughter, take care of my husband and love him. Thank you for being lucky to be his soul mate!”
“Dear dad and mom! Thank you for not sparing yourself and raising a kind, honest and sympathetic person. Today he became my husband. Only with him did I find true love, and I promise to carry it through all the hardships!
Thanks from the groom to the bride's parents
These are special words. The man openly thanks the bride's parents and thus shows them that his daughter is in good hands. Men usually speak clearly, to the point and in their own words. Therefore, just write down the groom's thoughts on this matter in advance so that the speech turns out to be smoother.
“Dear parents! Thank you for raising a wonderful daughter. And I'm happy that she chose me. I promise that I will love and cherish her all my life. I promise that I will be a faithful and caring husband, and I will carry our love through my whole life!”
Beautiful, sincere, touching and inspirational words of gratitude to parents... They are said by the bride and groom at the time of their wedding. They are pronounced by sons and daughters, celebrating their birthday. They are recited in poetry and prose by schoolchildren during graduation at 9and 11 grades. Examples of suitable texts for different occasions are presented below. Choose the most attractive option for yourself and thank moms and dads for their attention, care, patience and the most devoted, sincere love that they give us from the bottom of their hearts and without any restrictions.
Touching words of gratitude to the groom's parents from the bride at the wedding - text in your own words
A wedding is one of the most pleasant and exciting days in a girl's life. She glows with happiness, trying on a wedding dress, straightens her hair and looks coquettishly in the mirror, once again convinced of her irresistibility. Then the young people go to the registry office and, after the traditional official ceremony, become husband and wife. Further celebration continues in the restaurant, where the newly-made spouses accept congratulations from the guests and dedicate beautiful and touching words of thanks to their parents. The most gentle, reverent and sublime is the speech of the bride, addressing the groom's parents. A young woman in the most vivid, inspirational and warm phrases says to her father-in-law and mother-in-law many thanks for the wonderful son they raised, and rejoices that such a wonderful, reliable, strong and devoted man has become her life partner.
In order for the bride's speech to look natural and penetrate the very heart, it is not necessary to memorize a specific text. It is better to express the feelings and emotions experienced in your own words. Any compliments and spectacular, colorful epithets are appropriate here. The main thing is that they be absolutely sincere and fully reflect the feelings of a beautiful young woman who has just been legally married to her beloved man.
Dear parents, today I became the wife of a wonderful person, a wonderful man - your son! Today our family was born. I want to thank you for your love and sincere support, for your noble upbringing and moral values, for your strong faith and wise advice that you gave me and my now husband. Be healthy, loved, happy and strong.
Dear (names of husband's parents), first of all, I want to thank you for (name of husband), your wonderful son. You have done a lot for him, and, therefore, for me. You raised him so strong and kind, confident in himself and his abilities. Thank you for this wonderful man! And one more thing - after all, besides the fact that our family appeared today, I would very much like to become part of yours. May I call you the same as my husband - mom and dad? (The father-in-law and the mother-in-law, of course, agree). I promise to be a good daughter to you and wife to your son.
Now I want to say thank you to people who are very important to me - these are (names of my husband's parents). Why is this so important to me? After all, (husband's name) is now my husband, and what matters to him also becomes significant to me. Thank you for your son, for everything you did for him and for him. Thank you for accepting me into your family - I will do everything to become a good daughter and a good wife for you (groom's name). Accept these words - they come from the heart.
Short words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom in verse and prose
Men are usually not verbose and try to avoid pompous speeches, but the wedding and the troubles associated with it turn even the most strict, serious and reserved people into gentle and touching romantics. At the festive banquet following the official ceremony, the grooms, who have already become husbands, allow themselves lyrical statements and always turn to their mother-in-law and father-in-law with words of gratitude.
Usually at this moment they say a lot of good things about the bride, admire her beauty, kindness, charm, charisma and tenderness, and, of course, mention that she owes all her wonderful spiritual qualities to the two most beautiful people on earth - her mother and dad. The parents of the young wife with great pleasure accept such beautiful, warm words from the groom and promise to treat him like a beloved son.
Gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents in verse
You raised a clever, beautiful woman,
This was appreciated by the guests of the wedding,
And also cook deliciously, create comfort
You taught your daughter.
For my beautiful wife
I want to bow to you,
And on the day of our wedding
I admire your friendly family!
Thank you, mom and dad,
You put your soul into your daughter.
You were able to support and comfort,
And you always cherished her.
Although he is leaving his home now,
You live forever in her heart.
I wish you health, happiness.
My love for you is endless!
Thank you for the smart bride,
She is smart, beautiful and kind.
I will say that I fell in love with her not like a child
And marriage, in my opinion, is not a game at all!
I will be a faithful and good husband,
I will protect your daughter.
I will be the one she needs for life
And I will kiss her feet!
On your wedding day, parents,
A huge and deep bow to you.
Believe the words of the soul
Bride - like a rose bud!
I will keep her century,
Dreams to fulfill her.
She is my own person,
I have nothing else to look for!
Words of gratitude in prose to mother and father of the bride from the groom in love
(names of parents)! On this beautiful day, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to feel happy, you gave me my beloved. Henceforth, I promise to keep her as "the apple of my eye", to protect, make happy and fully provide. She entered my life like a fairy tale and still remains so.
Mom and dad! You, like no one else, know how good (name of the bride) is! Thank you for accepting me with all my heart and allowing me to love your daughter. I am incredibly happy even at the mere thought that from now on we are husband and wife. Be next to us and further, without you we will not be as happy as everyone sees us today!
Dear parents! I want to thank you for being able to raise such a good daughter. (Name of the bride) has all the qualities of a wonderful wife and I am extremely lucky that she chose me. Thank you for your care and help, I promise to protect your daughter from any evil and from any misfortune. I promise to carry my love through all the years of our married life, to be a faithful and kind husband, to keep and worship! Thank you!!!
Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the wedding - a song of the bride and groom
A melodic, touching song with good, warm words and a lyrical melody is one of the most successful ways to say thank you for all the good things to parents at the wedding. The bride and groom can perform it in two voices and please their mothers and fathers with a bright, joyful and sincere performance. The video clip below shows just such a plot. Young spouses on the stage perform for their parents an amazing and inspiring song "Path to their home" (music by Konstantin Derr, lyrics by E. Astakhova). The piece sounds so soulful that mothers and fathers cannot hold back their tears, and the audience gives the bride and groom happy smiles and thunderous applause.
To make the song number spectacular and beautiful, you will need to conduct several rehearsals with the bride and groom. The newlyweds should memorize the words well and remember who sings the verse and who picks up already on the chorus. Both live music and a high-quality soundtrack played on a music center with high-quality acoustics are suitable as an accompaniment.
Pleasant words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom in verse - the best examples of texts
On the wedding day, you can say pleasant and warm phrases of gratitude to your parents in your own words, but if you do it in verse, it will turn out more effectively, brightly and in an original way. The bride and groom must learn the rhymed couplets by heart, so that they can be recited from the stage at the right time in the presence of relatives, friends and other guests. Moms and dads of a couple in love will be very pleased, joyful and flattering to hear good words in their honor, and even expressed in the form of a lyrical, heartfelt poem.
You can choose a composition for the words of thanks that contains phrases both on behalf of the groom and on behalf of the bride. Young people will read them by roles, as if conducting a kind of dialogue with their parents. If a rhyming work consists of 2-3 verses, it makes sense to recite it in a duet or divide it into lines and pronounce them one by one. This version of the performance will make a good impression and cause a whole storm of positive emotions in the souls of moms and dads.
Let us say the words,
After all, there is a new chapter in life.
From our young family,
For those who saved our lives.
Parents, our relatives,
Thank you for your concern.
For everything they did for us,
For the fact that we are here now.
We will always be by your side,
We will support you with deeds, not words.
We love you very much, appreciate you,
You are everything in this life for us!
Our dear parents,
Thank you relatives, I bow to you,
For giving us life,
And a house filled with happiness.
You raised us, gave us knowledge,
And gave us such a family,
Today you created your own family,
You gave us faith in a dream.
I want to thank you for my son,
He is nice, caring, kind,
And I will certainly be happy with him,
He is sensitive, so golden.
And I, in turn, am grateful for my daughter,
Your hostess is just a class,
Unusual, wise, gentle,
Do not take your eyes off her beauty.
We are grateful to you for the holiday,
Which you helped us arrange,
You are our support, and you are our joy,
Thank you for always believing in us.
Thank you to our parents!
We say at our wedding,
For loving, raising,
Thank you today.
For affection, love and care,
For hundreds of sleepless nights,
Thank you, our beloved,
There are no relatives in the world.
We wish you happiness, health,
Happy and joyful years,
We know that with your love
you will save us from troubles.
Kind words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from a loving daughter
Celebrating her birthday, a loving daughter not only accepts gifts and congratulations, but also dedicates kind, tender and touching words of thanks to her parents. What should be said at such a moment? Of course, about everything good, bright, joyful and beautiful that is connected with mom and dad. It is appropriate to recall some events in which parents showed their best side and provided their daughter with maximum assistance.
On such a day one should not be stingy with compliments and restrain impulses of feelings coming from the heart. The more good words are said, the warmer and more comfortable it will become in the soul of mom and dad. After all, for them, the child always remains the most valuable and important person in life, and it does not matter how old he is and what position he occupies. Parents will be absolutely equally worried and worried about both a baby first-grader and a beautiful student, and a respectable business woman who has more than a dozen employees in her subordination. For them, the daughter will always be a small, inexperienced princess who needs to be protected from everything bad that is in life. And there is absolutely no reason to be offended by such an attitude. It is due to only one feeling - the most tender and devoted parental love.
I remember my serene childhood
And eyes of heavenly purity,
My mother's gentle hands,
Dad's voice and his features.
You have done so much for me in my life,
So that I could become a man.
Our feelings have been tested by time,
And I want to say “thank you” for everything.
I'm always afraid of not being in time
For love and for being me,
and for being a little beautiful.
I'm always afraid of being late,
I'm always afraid of not getting there
And forgetting or not recognizing
Childhood warm quiet echo.
I'm constantly afraid of not catching up,
My only train, which is important to me,
To tell you when I come,
That I live, as I was taught, to the conscience.
To at least once again look
At the mountain ash and the slenderness of birch,
To, as in childhood, breathe in with all my chest
The spirit of the January evil frost.
He will see his own eyes again,
That they are not tired of life yet
And with a smile to say softly:
“So you have arrived, or were you not waiting?”
I'm always afraid of not being on time
to tell you at dawn - THANK YOU!
For love and for what YOU are,
And for being born happy!!!
Mom and Dad!
Thank you for everything!
For a happy childhood -
I remember him!
Years fly - your daughter has matured,
But what you listened to - I did not regret.
I went to daddy from early childhood:
Character and appearance,
Like two boots!
I also took a bit from my mother:
A little peace, I took a smile.
Thank you, dear, I love you very much!
And although I rarely tell you this...
Respectful and kind words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their son
Boys, due to their gender and character, always behave more restrainedly. From them it is quite difficult to hear some tender words or touching phrases. But on their birthday, even they become softer, more relaxed and do not hesitate to confess their love and thank their parents for their care, help and attention. For mothers, sons find simple, but heartfelt and reverent words that reflect the most subtle, bright and joyful feelings. More solid, respectful phrases are dedicated to fathers, they say thank you for good advice and promise to do everything to become the pride of the family and support in old age. They supplement their speech with pleasant wishes of iron health, mutual understanding and long life. Despite the fact that there is nothing original in these words, parents always accept them very favorably and rejoice, seeing how beautiful, responsive and humane their beloved child grows.
You gave life and were there,
When I wandered along the paths.
I am your tenderness and care,
Beloved, do not forget.
I will say thank you on a beautiful day
For everything that was given to me in life.
Your prayer and participation
Gave light in pitch darkness.
Thank you dear parents
For love and sleepless nights.
After all, in any of my undertakings
We were always there until the end.
Today I bow my head before you,
As a token of gratitude and love.
I wish you a great life
And happy, my dear ones.
I will thank my parents
For everything that is in my life.
You taught me to appreciate
Kindness, participation and honor.
Be healthy, dear ones,
Your advice is always important to me.
I thank you for your warmth,
There is no dearer than you in the world.
Kind words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 9 - sample texts
On graduation day in grade 9, students not only congratulate each other and teachers on the end of the next academic year, but also dedicate kind words of thanks to their beloved parents. Moms and dads are thanked for their support and understanding, for sleepless nights, excitement, immense care and the most sincere, devoted love with which they surround their beloved sons and daughters, who are actively gnawing at the granite of science. In poetry and prose, schoolchildren admire the resilience and patience of parents who endure whims, bad moods, and other not-so-pleasant childhood traits. Boys and girls promise that all the efforts of fathers and mothers will not be in vain, and in the future they will definitely experience pride in their offspring, who have made a successful career and achieved great success in life.
Parents, exactly nine years you have spent
on our education,
We hope that the vow given to us
All the years would not be a torment for you.
And congratulations to you from all the students
Today sounds festive, solemn,
Well, its motive is as follows:
Let the bird fly for you good luck!
Well, how can we not remember now about those who
Shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter
Who collected every day for school
And sometimes burned out of shame for us.
Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble with you is not a problem!
And joy - so full to have fun!
After all, we have a long time to study with you!
Our beloved parents! You gave us all your time, all your love and tenderness, and suddenly we became adults. Thank you for always being on our side, for believing in our strength, for unconditional love and patience. For the fact that at home we could forget about all the problems and troubles that are so many in the life of every teenager. We appreciate all your efforts and we will never let you down! We love you very much, thank you for what you have done and are doing for us!
The best words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 11 from children
Graduation and graduation celebration in grade 11 are the most important milestones in the life of not only students and teachers, but also parents. Indeed, for fathers and mothers, the years spent by children at their desks were also not in vain. During this period of time, many different events happened. Parents were proud of the first successes and achievements of their children, received invitations to the director to hear about bad behavior, rejoiced at good grades, scolded for deuces, lateness, inattention and drank valerian, waiting for sons and daughters from a late disco. And now the school life is over and the grown-up boys and girls lined up on the playground in front of the windows of their class to hear the trill of the last bell and tell their parents many thanks for their support, care, understanding and the most devoted, sincere love that helped to cope with all the problems, successfully pass the exams and enter a new stage of a truly adult and responsible life.
Do not be sad, dads, moms,
That we have become a little older.
Life, alas, stubbornly hurries,
Dreams are calling on the way soon.
You are our support in everything,
Our hearth and our shelter.
Next to you we are not afraid
The winds that bend the masts.
But the time has come for us to test the strength of
Wings in action,
You raised us for heights,
The hour has struck to fly by ourselves.
Today is our graduation party. We say goodbye to the school and want to thank our most beloved and wonderful parents, who have always supported us and helped us, understood us in every possible way and encouraged us. Thank you dear parents. We wish you to be always healthy and young, loved and happy, successful and cheerful, kind and sympathetic. You will always be the best for us.
Dear mothers and fathers,
On our graduation today
We want to say, relatives:
We are grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts.
Lessons are with us until late.
And always support.
Only for you all these lines!
Let your star burn.
Parents are the main people in the life of any person. Not a single important event in a person’s life, starting from birth, occurs without their participation. For the important events in our lives, in which the parents took part, we express to them the words of true gratitude. The wedding day is no exception. On this day, newlyweds in verse and prose thank each other's parents for the fact that they met their love, that their chosen one or chosen one was born and raised up to this important moment.
The choice of words of gratitude must be approached with particular care. The closest people should feel the sincere warmth of wishes addressed to them. It is possible that it is at this moment that feelings of attachment to their “new children” are born.
When young people say words of gratitude to their parents, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:
Such words will make you smile, energize, and inspire goodwill.
There is no wedding without sonorous toasts. One of them is a toast in which gratitude is pronounced to parents. At the wedding, the bride speaks first of all to her parents, and then to the groom's parents. Here it is important not to worry and correctly express gratitude for the opportunity to become a member of their family. Say "thank you" for giving me the opportunity to share my life with their son.
And also we should not forget about the words of gratitude to mother from her daughter at the wedding. For example, a thank you text might look like this:
Dear and beloved mother.
On this very important and special day for me, I want to thank you (you)! Thank you for the warmth and support that you (you) still give me without asking for anything in return, for the wisdom and tolerance that I have learned from you (you). I am grateful with all my heart for all the years of parental love, and above all, I thank you (you) that a part of me can still feel the joyful childhood, feeling like a little, beloved daughter. I love you (you) very much.
Style selection
Prose or poetry? At the moment, both styles of congratulations are used. When viewing various wedding ceremonies, some lines of poetry are truly admirable, but some of them look very mediocre, if not primitive. You should express gratitude in verses only when you are sure of their quality. Therefore, there are two ways out:
Examples of words of gratitude
Not everyone can beautifully express warm words to the parents at the wedding in their own prose. Small examples will help you find ideas and inspiration. Sample for a bride when leaving home:
Thanks to my parents for raising me and cherishing, teaching and enduring all my antics. Special thanks to my mother, who sang lullabies to me at night, fed me and taught me how to cook delicious dishes. For bringing me to school, teaching me to be a beloved and real woman. Dad, thank you for always being there, being a reliable support and carrying it in your arms. You protected me from all adversity, supported me and were the main teachers in my life.
Words of gratitude to your parents after the blessing:
Thank you Mom and Dad for blessing our marriage. We promise to always follow your advice, keep peace, family and loyalty. Love each other all your life and raise your children, your grandchildren.
Response to parents' congratulations:
The bride thanks her husband's parents:
Thank you for such a wonderful son.
I know he will be a real support for me and will be a loving husband and father, because he has you, those who can take an example from. From this day on, you also become my parents, therefore I pledge to love you with all my heart, as well as my dear husband.
Groom's response to the mother of the bride:
Blessed mother-in-law, I don't know how to say nice words of gratitude, but thank you for your beautiful daughter, she is the most feminine, the most beautiful thing that can be found in this world. I understand that I have received a precious diamond, and I promise to protect my wife, to take care of her as she deserves. And I will try to do everything to make her happy with me, as she was happy in her parents' house.
Thank you film
It would be a mistake not to mention the expression of gratitude through the film. Now this method is becoming more and more popular. So, the vast majority of young couples want to thank their parents in a special way. A short speech, a song, a bouquet of flowers, a gift and in the process of all this - a fashionable film with gratitude, is a beautiful confirmation of your words.
I would like to pay special attention to the fact that mom and dad have always been, are and will remain the closest people in the life of any person. It was they who gave life, and wherever fate leads, they will always support in difficult times. Newlyweds, be such an example for your children that when they get married, the words of gratitude from their lips would be kind and sincere.
Games for the selection of rhymes - MADOU Murmansk No. 97
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The ability to hear individual sounds and determine their position in a word (at the beginning, middle, end) is of great importance when learning to read. With ease, children are given the selection of sounds at the beginning of a word, but when determining the sound at the end of words, the children have difficulty. Therefore, special attention should be paid to sounds and letters at the end of words. For this, children's poems, nursery rhymes and songs are suitable. Repeating them after an adult, the child first learns to recognize rhyming words in the text, and then find new rhymes.
“Merry Rhymes”
I took a pencil and paper and drew…….(snag).
On a path in the forest, I somehow met ....... (a fox).
Today at the entrance I met a cat, mustache and his tail - ....... (beauty)!
Yanochka began to yawn, come on quickly to ... ... .. (bed).
Happy Clown
Have your child draw a funny clown. You will use couplets to tell him what to draw. The child needs to finish the couplet in rhyme and draw the guessed part of the face.
We draw a clown, we start from……………. (head).
The clown brought us joy, he has a mop of……….(hair).
So that we can listen to music, we draw a clown…………..(ears).
To be able to see us, let's draw a couple……….(eye).
The clown makes everyone laugh to tears, he has a huge ... ... ... .... (nose).
The clown amuses the people - cheerful to the ears ... ... ... .. (mouth).
"Cool rhymes"
Explain to your child the rules of the game: you say two words, and if they rhyme, the child must raise two thumbs.
For example, DREAM-RING - two thumbs are raised, VETKA-CAR - hands are lowered. You can switch roles (the child comes up with rhymes, and the adult raises two thumbs).
"Rhymes in the room"
Name the objects in the room.
Try to come up with as many rhymes as possible for each word with your child, for example: HAT - DAD, PAW; CARPET - BOBER, FIRE; WALL - WAVE, MOON. Rhymes can be not only real words, but also invented ones.
"Rhymed names"
Think of funny rhymes for the child's name, for example: Katya - Vatya, Batya, Datya, Matya, Latya.
Turning to the baby, call him a rhyming name, for example: Dad, it's time for dinner! Or: Matya, let's go for a walk!
If the child liked it, replace the names of family members and nicknames of pets with rhymes.
“Change the Sound”
Ask your child to come up with a word that rhymes with CAT and starts with R (ROT). Or rhymes with the word SUP and begins with the sound Z (TOoth).
When the baby is comfortable with the game, you can complicate the task. For example, ask your child to name a word that rhymes with BOW and begins with ST (KNOCK).
"Rhyming sentences"
You need to come up with a sentence with rhyming words.
Choose two words to rhyme (for example, DAD and HAT). Ask your child to come up with a sentence with these words. The sentence could be like this: Dad came home from work, he has a big hat.