Tongue twisters for kids pdf

50+ Funny and Popular Tongue Twisters for kids (free downloadable pdf included)

Looking for the best Funny tongue twisters in English for kids? We have compiled a list of funny tongue twisters, easy ones for younger kids and some of the hardest tongue-twisters you would find.

What is a tongue twister?

A tongue twister is a phrase or a sentence that is difficult to say when spoken quickly. The sentence has words with similar sounds which makes it hard to speak properly.  

Best Funny tongue twisters in English for kids

Given below is a list of some of the most famous tongue twisters and funny tongue twisters. They vary in difficulty levels.  You can start slowly and then repeat carefully. Thereafter, you can repeat it very quickly with much ease.

You may also be interested in these popular Tongue twister books for kids and easy riddles for kids

Also Read – How to teach Moral values to kids

She sells seashells by the seashore.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

A big black bear sat on a big black rug.

Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks.

He threw three free throws.

Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.

Four fine fresh fish for you.

No need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight.

We surely shall see the sunshine soon.

Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?

Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.

I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet, I sit.

A sailor went to sea to see, what he could see. And all he could see was sea, sea, sea.

Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

She sees cheese

Six sticky skeletons.

Which witch is which?

Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards.

Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes.

Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle.

 Laughing Lucie lost loads of loot.

Cooks cook cupcakes quickly.

On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser.

A snake sneaks to seek a snack.

The big bug bit the little beetle.

Betty’s big bunny bobbled by the blueberry bush.

 Knox inbox. Fox in socks.

The sixth sheik’s sixth sheep is sick. 

If two witches were watching two watches: which witch would watch which watch?

The bootblack brought the black boot back.

Background background, black, black, brown, brown.

Smelly shoes and socks shock sisters.

If cows could fly, I’d have a cow pie in my eye.

An ape hates grape cakes.

Two tried and true tridents.

The cat catchers can’t catch caught cats.

I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.”

“Chester cheetah chews a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese.”

Pick six beaks, seek big peaks

Not these things here, but those things there.

Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.”

Feel free to follow that fellow.

Old bones groan when wind moans.

Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.

Top chopstick shops stock top chopsticks.

Betty loves the velvet vest best

Spread it thicker, say it quicker!

Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines, she sits, and where she sits, she shines.

Pad kid poured curd pulled cold.

Benefits of Tongue twisters for kids – Why are they so important for little kids?

Children and adults around the world have liked these tongue-twisters alike over the decades and still challenge their friends upon it. While it may seem fun and a good pastime activity, tongue twisters have various advantages:

  • Improves pronunciation and speech patterns
  • Improves fluency and brings in clarity of speech
  • Improves the accent as it involves repetitive sound
  • Develops  and strengthens speech muscles
  • Improves focus and concentration as one has to pay attention to the exact sound of each word in a phrase or a sentence
  • Boosts memory
  • Develops reading skills.
  • Boosts confidence

Some of the most frequently asked questions have been answered below:

Who invented Tongue Twisters?

 Mary Anning was the inspiration for tongue-twisters. She was a fossil collector and used to collect shells and fossils on the beach to sell to wealthy families and make money. Many writers have acknowledged Anning’s life as inspirational in the past. The famous tongue twister about her life was first recorded in 1908, by Terry Sullivan, who wrote:

She sells seashells by the seashore,
The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.
So if she sells seashells on the seashore,
Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

How to learn Tongue-twisters?

 Tongue twisters are apparently difficult. They can be mastered with careful repetitions. You need to pay attention to clarity rather than speed if the clear pronunciation is your goal. 

  • Careful repetitions
  • Repeat Slowly
  • Focus on clarity

With careful and focused repetitions, you can identify your weakness and work on them. They serve as a warm-up exercise for language learners.

Many newsreaders, public speakers practice them to gain clarity of speech and take their confidence a notch higher.

Care should be taken to not use them with people, especially kids, with existing speech difficulty. This can worsen their problem and make them all the more frustrated.

They were invented decades ago, but they are still a great way of bonding with friends and family.  They are challenging; nonetheless, a fun way to make memories. Ultimately, this peculiar game is meant to be enjoyed. 

How to engage kids in practicing Tongue twisters?

Kids love to make funny sounds and all the more pronounce funny words. It is unbelievably fun to engage in practicing them as a warm-up exercise.

Challenge your kids to beat you in the game of repetition. Help them start slow, carefully moving from one sound to another, explaining to them the meaning of various words in between.

They will take some time, but with practice and guidance will come around and enjoy.

You can make your own tongue twisters once they get used to it. So, take a breath, laugh, and enjoy the fun!

How to make your own tongue twisters?

Tongue twisters follow the three rules of :

1.Alliteration– It is nothing but putting together two or more words of the same consonant sound. More the words, the more difficult the tongue twister becomes.

2. Consonance– The effect of repeating consonants within a phrase is consonance. Adding various constants in a  close string adds to the difficulty in saying a tongue twister in quick succession. 

3. Assonance— It means using the same vowel sound with different consonant sounds. It gives a musical effect to your writings and provides rhythm to a tongue twister.

Which is the toughest tongue-twister in the world?

Pad kid poured curd pulled cod’ is the toughest twister in the world according to research.

What are some short and easy Tongue-twisters?

There are several easy twisters. Some are listed below:

  • I scream you scream, we all scream, for ice cream!
  • She sells seashells by the seashore.
  • Red lorry, yellow lorry.
  • She sees cheese. 
  • The blue bluebird blinks.

Likes these best tongue twisters for kids

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60 Tongue Twisters in English for Kids

Funny tongue twisters for kids have been around for generations. Those seemingly gibberish-sounding sentences are not only fun, but they also help you speak better. They boost your repertoire of exciting and fun-sounding words and make a good public orator out of you. Plus, who does not like to have fun with friends and family by challenging them with words? Whether you are in school, park, or out with friends or cousins, a game of fun tongue twisters will surely give you a lifelong memory to cherish. Politicians, actors, and news anchors also happen to use tongue twisters before going on air to stretch their mouths and perfect their speech. There are plenty of easy-to-memorise tongue twisters to downright impossible ones to test your speaking skills. Here’s our lowdown on some popular tongue twisters, and why you and your kids should recite them together. Don’t worry if you don’t begin very well; with enough practice, these will come totally easy to you!

What Are Tongue Twisters?

In reality, tongue twisters are phrases, which have similar sounding words in a repetitive sequence. They aid language development, boost vocabulary, and are a lot of fun when recited together in a group.

What Are the Different Types of Tongue Twisters?

Depending on the age, tongue twisters have been categorised into different types. These include short tongue twisters for children, long tongue twisters for kids, funny tongue twisters for little ones, popular tongue twisters for lil champs, and easy tongue twisters for kids. With age, you can progress with learning short and easy to long and difficult tongue twisters to enhance your speech and vocabulary well.

Benefits of Tongue Twisters for Young Kids

Kids begin to develop their speech and diction at a young age, and tongue twisters can help them stretch the muscles that are necessary for speech. This helps them develop clear pronunciation and speech patterns.

Tongue Twisters for Children to Recite

Don’t make your child recite tongue twisters, alone. Multiply the fun by participating in a group. Here are our 20 best tongue twisters in English for kids, which will give you a real challenge.

1. I Scream

I scream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream!

2. Peter Piper

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?


Betty Botter

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.

“But,” she said, “this bit of butter’s bitter,

But a bit of better butter mixed with this butter might just make my bit of bitter butter better.”

So, Betty bought a bit of better butter to make her bitter butter better.

4. Susie Shine

I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.

Where she shines, she sits, and where she sits, she shines.

5. Woodchuck

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if the woodchuck could chuck wood?

He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,

And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would,

If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

6. Doctor Doctor

If one doctor doctors another doctor,

Then which doctor is doctoring the doctored doctor?

Does the doctor who doctors the doctor, doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors?

Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?


Thought A Thought

I thought a thought,

But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.

If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,

I wouldn’t have thought so much.

8. Fuzzy Wuzzy

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,

Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?

9. She Sells

She sells sea shells by the seashore

And the shells she sells by the seashore are sea shells for sure.

10. All I Want is a Proper Cup of Coffee

All I want is a proper cup of coffee,
Made in a proper copper coffee pot
I may be off my dot
But I want a cup of coffee
From a proper coffee pot.

Tin coffee pots and iron coffee pots
They’re no use to me –
If I can’t have a proper cup of coffee
In a proper copper coffee pot
I’ll have a cup of tea.

11. Bleeding Boys

Brave, bleeding boys battle bald, biting babies

Biting babies ride battle toys while bumbling boys brave bald biting babies.

12. Denise Sees

Denise sees the fleece,

Denise sees the fleas.

At least Denise could sneeze

And feed and freeze the fleas.

13. Dark Dock

To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,

In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,

Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,

From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!

14. Luke Luck

Luke Luck likes lakes.

Luke’s duck likes lakes.

Luke Luck licks lakes.

Luke’s duck licks lakes.

Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes.

Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.

15. Cheese Trees

Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew

While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew

Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze

Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze

That’s what made these three free fleas sneeze



Black and Brown Background

Black background, brown background,

Brown background, black background,

Background background, black, black, brown, brown.

17. Why Willy?!

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why, Willy?

Why, why, why?!

Why do you cry?

Willy, Willy!

Willy cry, why you cry, Willy?

18. Ned Nott and Sam Shott

Ned Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not.
So it is better to be Shott than Nott.

Some say Nott was not shot.
But Shott says he shot Nott.
Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot,
Or Nott was shot.

If the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot.
But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott,
Then Shott was shot, not Nott.

However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott, but Nott.


Butter And Jelly

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.

Spread it thick, say it quick!

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread,

Spread it thicker, say it quicker!

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.

Don’t eat until you are spreading it like a spread!

20. Chester Cheetah

Chester cheetah chews a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese

If the chunk of cheese chunked Chester cheetah,

What would Chester cheetah chew and chunk on?

Short Tongue Twisters for Children


Here are some short tongue twisters for kids that are easy to recite and perfect for beginners.

  1. Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
  2. Zebras zig and zebras zag.
  3. Irish wristwatch.
  4. Red lorry, yellow lorry.
  5. Selfish Shellfish.
  6. Toy boat. Try boat. Toy boat. Try boat.
  7. Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen.
  8. Greek grapes, Greek grapes, Greek grapes.
  9. Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread.
  10. Bad money, mad bunny.

Long Tongue Twisters for Kids

How about going to the next level with something longer and fun tongue twisters?

  1. Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh.
  2. Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks. Bricks and blocks on Knox on box.
  3. No needs to light a night light On a light night like tonight.
  4. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
  5. Why do you cry, Willy? Why, Willy? Why why why? Why do you cry? Willy, Willy! Willy cry, why you cry, Willy?
  6. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet, I sit. 
  7. If you must cross a course cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.
  8. Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot, we have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or not.
  9. If practice makes perfect and perfect needs practice, I’m perfectly practised and practically perfect.
  10. Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.

Funny Tongue Twisters for Children

For ultimate fun in practising tongue twisters, nothing could be better than these funny tongue twisters. Let’s take a look and laugh, shall we?

  1. A tutor who tooted the flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
    Said the two to the tutor, “Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?”
  2. If you want to buy, buy, if you don’t want to buy, bye bye!
  3. An ape hates grape cakes.
  4. I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be late.
  5. Any noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.
  6. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, ’tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.
  7. Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye.
  8. If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
  9. . A sailor went to sea to see what he could see. And all he could see was sea, sea, sea.
  10. A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym.

Well Known Tongue Twister for Kids

Regardless of short or hard, there are many popular tongue twisters that have been loved for ages. Here are some of them:

  1. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  2. Sheena leads, Sheila needs.
  3. Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.
  4. And when they battle in a puddle, it’s a tweetle beetle puddle battle.
  5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  6. A big black bug bit a big black bear. 
  7. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
  8. If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?
  9. How much ground would a groundhog hog if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog if a groundhog could hog ground.
  10. Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes.

Try out these tongue twisters at home with your kids and see if you can recite them at breakneck speeds. Let us know how it went, by getting in touch with us.

Also Read: 

Fun and Clever Riddles for Kids with Answers
English Learning Games and Activities for Kids
Smart Ideas to Teach Kids to Rhyme Words and Sounds
What is Child Speech Therapy?
Speech and Language Delay in Children

200 tongue twisters for the development of diction / AdMe


Here are 200 difficult to pronounce tongue twisters that will make your speech clearer and more beautiful. Revised revision ADME .

  1. The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.
  2. Once upon a time there were three Chinese: Yak, Yak-zedrak, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni.
    Once upon a time there were three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-drypa, Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi.
    They all got married: Yak on Tsyp, Yak-zedrak on Tsype-drypa,
    Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni on Tsyp-drype-drympamponi.
    And they had children. Yak with Chick has Shah, Yak-Zedrak with Chick-Drypa has Shakh-Sharakh, Yak-Zedrak-Zedrak-Zedroni with Chicken-Drypa-Drympamponi has Shah-Sharakh-Shirakh-Shironi.
  3. Tell us about your purchases! — What kind of purchases?
    About purchases, about purchases, about your purchases.
  4. Snout white-faced pig, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with a snout, dug, undermined.
  5. The tongue twister spoke quickly,
    That all tongue twisters cannot be spoken quickly, you cannot speak quickly,
    But, speaking quickly, he spoke quickly,
    That all tongue twisters can be re-spoken, but not re-speak.
  6. And tongue twisters jump like carp on a frying pan.
  7. Karl stole advertising from Clara, and Clara stole the budget from Karl.
  8. Ads for tongs have seams with coverage, and tacks without coverage were snatched.
  9. Merchandisers lied — samovar sampling failed!
  10. The core of consumers of piasters are pirates, and pirates are piranhas.
  11. The strip about carpets was replaced by two half strips about vacuum cleaners.
  12. Small biceps on a bodybuilder's cityboard.
  13. The creative is not creative in a creative way, it needs to be recreated!
  14. Brainstorm: din, thunder, ortov, feast of rhymes, suddenly - boom! Shine!
  15. Rolls-Royce cleaner sample is not representative.
  16. Popcorn bag.
  17. Bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.
  18. In Cannes, the lions only did not wreath the lazy.
  19. In Kabardino-Balkaria valocordin from Bulgaria.
  20. De-ideologized-de-ideologized, and pre-ideologized.
  21. Their pesticides don't out-pesticide ours in terms of pesticide.
  22. Coconut cookers cook coconut juice in a quick cooker.
  23. Employees of the enterprise privatized, privatized, but not privatized.
  24. Lilac tooth picker.
  25. A fluorographer fluorographed a fluorographist.
  26. I am a vertical cultivator. I can vertikultaputsya, I can vertikultaputsya.
  27. Staffordshire terrier zealous, and black-haired giant schnauzer frisky.
  28. Is this colonialism? — No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!
  29. A sorcerer worked in a barn with wise men.
  30. We ate-ate ruffs at the spruce. They were barely eaten.
  31. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!
  32. Our head over your head over your head, over your head.
  33. Pavel Pavlushka swaddled, swaddled and unswaddled.
  34. Reported, but did not report; reported, yes reported.
  35. Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.
  36. In our backyard the weather got wet.
  37. At Senya and Sanya in the hallway there is a catfish with a mustache.
  38. A wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache.
  39. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka off his feet, Sonya on the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
  40. Osip hoarse, Arkhip osip.
  41. He does not want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
  42. Net caught on knot.
  43. Seven by themselves sat in the sleigh.
  44. There was an overload of watermelons from body to body. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.
  45. The flute is whistling with a flute.
  46. Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
  47. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
  48. Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.
  49. The heron has withered, the heron has withered, the heron has died.
  50. Pike scales, ingot bristle.
  51. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies.
  52. Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the worse mice found two pennies each.
  53. Pea quarter without wormhole.
  54. Quartermaster incident.
  55. Challenger case.
  56. Konstantin stated.
  57. The empathetic Lukerya felt the unsympathetic Nikolka.
  58. Appreciates the flail mowing.
  59. Mower Kasyan oblique mows obliquely. The mower Kasyan does not mow the mowing.
  60. Uzha - hedgehog, snake - uzhat.
  61. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
  62. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.
  63. The river is flowing, the stove is baking.
  64. Tongs and pincers - these are our things.
  65. The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.
  66. The train rushes grinding: w, h, w, w, w, w, w, w.
  67. The heron chick tenaciously clung to the flail.
  68. Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse the mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. After shower, dry off. Dry neck, dry ears - and don't dirty your ears anymore.
  69. There is no ring near the well.
  70. The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
  71. The nervous constitutionalist Proprokolokropenko was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
  72. Jasper in suede.
  73. Zyamka stinged suede, Zyamka chewed zhamka in the castle.
  74. In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles silks and, juggling with knives, eats a fig.
  75. Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are.
  76. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.
  77. Fedka is eating a radish with vodka.
  78. Grek was driving across the river, he sees Grek - there is cancer in the river.
    He stuck the Greek hand into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek - tsap!
  79. A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.
  80. Brit Klim is a brother, Brit Ignat is a brother, and brother Pankrat is bearded.
  81. To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
  82. Mom did not spare soap. Milu's mother washed soap with soap.
    Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap.
  83. A protocol has been logged by a protocol.
  84. Splitting needles.
  85. In one wedge, Klim, stab.
  86. The commander spoke about the second lieutenant under the colonel,
    But under the lieutenant colonel, he said nothing about the lieutenant.
  87. The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains.
    Don't smoke, Turk, pipe; do not peck, trigger, grits.
  88. A nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
  89. Water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.
  90. Our head over your head over your head, over your head.
  91. Served the rake to the crab crab.
  92. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  93. You can't over-speak all tongue twisters, you can't over-speak.
  94. A wasp does not have a mustache or a mustache, but a mustache.
  95. A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.
  96. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.
  97. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole clarinet from Karl.
  98. Pankrat Kondratievich forgot the jack,
    And without the jack, you can’t lift the tractor on the tract.
  99. The sorcerer used to conjure in the barn with the Magi.
  100. Arboretum rhododendrons.
  101. Magpie with quick juicer.
  102. Varvara was picking grapes on Mount Ararat.
  103. The weather got wet in the backyard.
  104. The empathetic Lukerya felt the unsympathetic Nikolka.
  105. Longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
    A sailor brought a mattress on board.
    In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress
    Albatrosses tore in a fight.
  106. I am driving along a pothole, I will not leave the pothole.
  107. Once a jackdaw scaring a pop,
    I noticed a parrot in the bushes,
    And here a parrot says:
    “You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare.
    But, only jackdaws, pop, scaring,
    Don't you dare scare the parrot!
  108. The Queen gave the Cavalier a caravel.
  109. Aground we lazily caught burbot,
    You exchanged burbot for tench.
    Didn't you kindly pray for love for me
    And beckoned me into the fogs of the estuary.
  110. Coolies on the hill, I'll go up the hill and put the sack.
  111. Exhibitionist's biceps are small.
  112. Under-qualified.
  113. Employees of the enterprise privatized, privatized, but not privatized.
  114. Sasha hit a bump with a hat.
  115. Case for drill.
  116. White-oak smooth-planed tables.
  117. Colored clothes were removed from Hope,
    Without clothes Hope does not beckon as before.
  118. A cap was sewn, but not in the style of a bell,
    a bell was poured, but not in the style of a bell.
    It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
    It is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell.
  119. The snake has stung.
    You can't get along with the snake.
    Already from horror it has already become -
    the snake will eat
    for dinner and say: ( start over ).
  120. A fluorographer fluorographed a fluorographist.
  121. A cone dryer is required for a cone dryer to work on a cone dryer. A cone dryer must have experience in cone drying on a cone dryer using high-quality cone drying technology. He must also distinguish between a cone dryer and a non-cone dryer, repair a cone dryer, distinguish cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying, distinguish under-cone dried cones from over-cone dried cones, for each under-cone or over-cone dried cone the cone dryer will receive a cone dryer on the head.

    Cone drying technology:

    After cone collection, all cone harvested cones suitable for cone drying are sent to the cone drying factory on a cone truck. The pine cone carrier dumps the cones into the cone sorting department with the help of a cone dumper. Cone sorters using a cone sorting machine sort cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying. Cones suitable for cone drying go to the cone grinding department. In the cone grinding department, cone grinders on cone grinders grind cones from non-cone drying cone processes. Cones that have undergone cone grinding fall into the cone crushing department. Cone crushers on cone crushers crush cones to a cone-crushing state, throwing non-cone cones into a cone dump, where cone crushers burn non-cone cones in a cone oven. Pine cones are dried in cone dryers.

  122. The hysterically nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople.
  123. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.
  124. The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab: "Rob the gravel with the rake, crab."
  125. Four men were walking from the Kostroma region; they talked about auctions and purchases, about cereals and grains.
  126. Ivan the blockhead chatted milk, but did not blurt it out.
  127. Kubra cooked cabbage soup for kubra, when the bukara came, she sipped it.
  128. Weaving fabric on Tanya's dress.
  129. A quail and a quail have five quails.
  130. There is a mop with a pod, and under the mop there is a quail with a quail.
  131. Rake - row, broom - revenge, oars - carry, skids - crawl.
  132. Goats climb into a vine in a thunderstorm - goats gnaw into a vine in a thunderstorm.
  133. A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle. Heavy casing on the beetle.
  134. You are welcome to our hut: I will cut the pies and ask you to eat.
  135. I got the beans, I finished the bottle, I forgot the crutch.
  136. Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a whirlpool.
  137. Incident with the quartermaster, precedent with the challenger, intrigue with the schemer.
  138. I don't feel sick.
  139. Chukchi cleans chuni in the plague. The cleanliness of the Chukchi is in the plague.
  140. Pankrat Kondratiev forgot the jack under the bed, and Pankrat Kondratiev cannot lift the tractor on the tract without a jack.
  141. Bombardier bombarded the young ladies of Brandenburg with bonbonnieres. Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.
  142. Farrier forged a horse,
    Horse with a farrier's hoof,
    Farrier with a horse's whip.
  143. Little chatterer
    Chatted and chatted milk,
    Yes, she didn’t blurt out.
  144. Petya was small and crushed mint.
    When my mother saw me, she didn't order me to knead.
  145. Isn't it me for love?
  146. Slava at Vlas ate all the fat.
  147. Klava put the bow on the shelf,
    Called Nikolka to her.
  148. Only for a young man and a golden man,
    What is a tin button.
  149. Slava ate salty lard,
    Yes, lard is not enough for Slava.
  150. Goat-miller,
    Who did you grind flour for,
    Who did you not grind for?
  151. Fili had them,
    they drank at Fili,
    Yes, they beat Fili.
  152. Feofan - blockhead:
    He shook the milk,
    Yes, he did not blurt it out.
  153. Dear Mila
    Soaped with soap,
    Soaped, washed off -
    So Mila lathered.
  154. Pop stands on a shock,
    Cap on a priest,
    Head under a priest,
    Pop under a cap.
  155. Nervous constitutionalist Konstantinov was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople, engaged in the invention of a dust bag beater.
  156. Grandfather Dodon blew a pipe,
    Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.
  157. Zhenya became friends with Zhanna.
    Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.
    To live amicably with friends,
    It is not necessary to offend friends.
  158. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,
    Two woodcutters sharpened their axes,
    Axes sharp to the point,
    Axes are sharp for the time being, until time.
  159. Their pesticides don't out-pesticide ours in terms of pesticide.
  160. A little girl walks around the courtyard,
    Leads children around the cages.
  161. I met a hedgehog in the thicket,
    - How is the weather, hedgehog?
    - Fresh.
    And they went home, trembling,
    Hunched over, cowering, two hedgehogs.
  162. Brit Klim is a brother, Brit Ignat is a brother, and brother Pankrat is bearded.
  163. In our backyard
    The weather got wet.
  164. Horse with rider,
    Yes, without saddle and bridle, without girth and bit.
  165. A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles,
    And below, they look like small hedgehogs
    Last year's cones lie on the grass.
  166. You, well done, tell the good fellow,
    Let the good fellow tell the good fellow,
    Let the good fellow tie the calf.
  167. Don't blow your lips on the oak,
    Don't blow your lips on the oak.
  168. In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks
    And, juggling with knives, he eats a fig.
  169. Scared of a bear cub
    Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a cub,
    Swift with a shear and a haircut.
  170. Hedgehogs made friends with mice in the rye.
    Gone into the reeds - and not souls in the rye.
  171. The snake has stung.
    You can't get along with the snake.
    Already from horror it has already become -
    the snake will eat for dinner.
  172. Already granted hedgehogs
    A dozen new pajamas.
    Old pajamas
    Pricked by hedgehogs.
  173. In our backyard the weather got wet.
  174. A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,
    A good woodpecker loves an oak
  175. A ram-buyan climbed into the weeds.
  176. Green-white-lipped cucumbers.
  177. White-oak tables, planed smooth-cut.
  178. There was a white-winged ram,
    He changed all the rams.
  179. Bagel, bagel, long loaf and loaf
    The baker made dough early in the morning.
  180. Varvara guarded the chickens, and the crow stole.
  181. Open, Uvar, the gate, there is firewood on the grass by the yard.
  182. Beavers are brave, they go to the forests,
    Beavers are kind for the beavers.
  183. The sorcerer used to conjure in the barn with the Magi.
  184. Do not wear trousers instead of a shirt,
    Do not ask for rutabagas instead of watermelon.
    You can always distinguish a number from a letter
    And can you distinguish between ash and letters?
  185. Granny bought Marusya beads.
  186. Babkin's bean blossomed in the rain,
    Grandma's bean will be in borscht.
  187. Take from the white-bearded man
    Half a glass of sour milk.
  188. Bought Valerik and Varenka
    Mittens and felt boots.
  189. Georgy Georgievich speaks to Grigory Grigorievich about Grigory Georgievich, and Grigory Grigorievich speaks to Georgy Georgievich
    o Georgy Grigorievich.
  190. Valerik ate a dumpling,
    A Valyushka - cheesecake.
  191. The raven crow has missed.
  192. Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.
  193. Straw cart driver was carrying.
  194. The exquisite ligature of words has a great effect on us.
  195. Valya wet her felt boots on a thawed patch.
  196. Valin felt boots fell into thawed patches.
  197. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey,
    Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey.
  198. I don't feel sick.
    There is a honey cake on the honey, but I don’t care about the honey cake.
  199. The commander talked about a colonel and a colonel,
    About a lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant colonel.
    About the lieutenant and about the lieutenant,
    About the second lieutenant and the second lieutenant,
    About the ensign and about the ensign,
    About the lieutenant, but said nothing about the lieutenant.
  200. The king is an eagle.

Bright Side/DIY/200 tongue twisters for developing diction

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100 French tongue twisters with pronunciation and translation + in PDF




Tonton Tati, ton thé a-t-il ôté ta toux?

Uncle Tati, did your tea cure your cough?

Tonton Tati, ton te atil ote ta tu?

Angèle et Gilles en gilet gelent.

Angel and Gilles in vests freeze.

Anzhel e Gilles en zhelyan.

Qu'a bu l'âne au lac? L'âne au lac a b l'eau

What did the donkey drink at the lake? The donkey on the lake drank water.

Kya bu lan o lak? Lan o lak a bu le.

Papier, panier, piano.

Paper, basket, piano.

Papier, pannier, drunk.

Mur usé, trou s'y fait, rat s'y met.

A bad wall with a hole in it for a rat to crawl into.

Myur yuze true si fe, ra si me.

Cinq chiens chassent six chats.

Five dogs hunt six cats.

San(k) shien shas si sha.

Suis-je chez ce cher Serge?

Am I with this dear Serge?

Sui zhe she sher Serge.

Serge cherche a changer son siège.

Serge tries to change his place.

Serge Shersh and change he is siege.

Foie frit froid et fruits frais frits.

Cold fried liver and fried fresh fruit.

Foie fries et fries fries.

Douze douches douces.

Twelve pleasant souls.

Duz shower shower.

En haut la banane et en bas l'ananas.

Banana on top and pineapple on the bottom.

An o la banana e an ba lanana.

La mouche rousse touche la mousse.

Red fly touches the mousse.

La mush rus tush la mousse

La charmante Macha mache en marchant.

Charming Masha chews on the go.

La charmant Masha mash en marchand.

Dixhuit doigts droits de druides.

18 straight druid fingers.

Desuit dua drua de druid.

Un plat plein de pâtes plates.

A dish full of pasta.

En plaine de pat plat.

La robe rouge de Rosalie est ravissante.

Rosalie's red dress is amazing.

La Robouge de Rosalie a ravisant.

Gros rat blanc, rat blanc gras, gros rat blanc gras.

Big white rat, fat white rat, big fat white rat.

Gros rat blanc, rat blanc gras, gro rat bal gras.

Croque quatre crevettes crues et quatre crabes creux.

Four raw shrimp and four hollow crabs crunchy.

Krok katr crevet cru e kyatr crab kre.

Jeanne est trop bonne pour être la femme d'un tel jeune homme.

Jeanne is too good to be the wife of such a young man.

Jean et tro bon pour etre la fam dan tel wives om.

Si ma tata tâte ta tata, ta tata sera tâtée.

If my aunt touches your aunt, your aunt will be touched.

Shi ma tata tat ta tata, ta tata sera tata.

Son chat Sacha chante sa chanson sans son.

His cat Sasha sings his song without sound.

Son sha Sasha shant sa chanson san son.

Il fait noir ce soir sur le trottoir, bonsoir.

It's dark on the sidewalk today, good evening.

Ile background nois sais sur le trotois, bonsua.

Je crois que je vois la croix de bois de Blois.

I think I see the wooden cross of Blois.

Jeu croix koe voie la croix de bois Blois.

Une bête noire se baigne dans une baignoire noire.

The black beast bathes in a black bath.

Yun bet noir sho ben dan yun bennoir noir.

Si sa saucisse sent, ses six cent six saucisses sentent aussi.

If his sausages smell, then his six hundred and six sausages also smell.

Si sa sosis san, se si san si sossis sant axis.

Cartons ton carton car ton carton nous gêne.

Let's take off your box because we don't like your box.

Ekarton tone cardboard cardboard cardboard nu jeng.

Sous chaque seau se cachet six choux.

Six cabbages are hidden under each bucket.

Su shak so sho kash si shu.

Je suis ce que je suis et si je suis ce que je suis, qu'est-ce que je suis?

I am who I am, and if I am who I am, then who am I?

Zheo sui with kyo zhyo sui e si zhyo ui with kyo zhyo sui, keskyo zhyo sui?

Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien.

A hunter who knows how to hunt must be able to hunt without a dog.

An shaser sashan shase dua savuar shase san son shyan.

Qu'écrit Eric? Eric écrit que Kiki crie et rit.

What is Eric writing? Eric writes that Kiki is screaming and laughing.

Kakri Eric? Erik ekri kyo Kiki kri er ri.

Je dis que tu l'as dit lundi à Didi ce que j'ai dit déjà jeudi, juré!

I say that you told Didi on Monday what I already said on Thursday, I swear!

Zhe di kyo chu la di landi a Didi s kyo zhe di dezha zhedi, jury!

Hélas, Eliane n'a ni lianes ni liasses.

Unfortunately, Eliana doesn't have any vines or lilies.

Ela, Elian on neither vine nor lias.

Pauvre petit pêcheur, prends patience pour pouvoir prendre plusieurs petits poissons.

Poor fisherman, be patient to catch some fish.

Povr petit pacher, pran solitaire pour puvoir prand pluzier petit poisson.

Dans la gendarmerie, quand un gendarme rit, tous les gendarmes rient dans la gendarmerie.

In the gendarmerie, when one gendarme laughs, all the gendarmes of the gendarmerie laugh.

Dan la gendarmerie, kyan en gendarme ri, tou le gendarme ri dan la gendarmerie.

Trente étroites truites et trois étroites truites font trente-trois étroites truites.

Thirty narrow trout and three narrow trout make thirty three narrow trout.

Trant etruit trouit et troit etruit truit von trant troit etruit truit.

Que lit Lili sous ces lilas-la ? Lili lit l'Iliade.

What is Lily reading under these lilies? Lily is reading the Iliad.

Kyo lili su se lila la? Lily Liliad.

Mon père est maire, mon frere est masseur.

My father is the mayor, my brother is a massage therapist. (play on words, sounds like My father is my mother, my brother is my sister)

Mon Per e Mayor, Mon Freir eats Maser.

Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses.

I want and demand an exquisite apology.

Zheu ve e zhegzizh dekskis ekskyuz.

Si ça se passe ainsi, c'est sans souci.

If this is the case, then no problem.

Si sa sho pas ainsi, se san sushi.

Ta tentative a eté totalement futile!

Your attempt was completely futile!

That tentative and that totalman fit!

La nuit reduit le bruit de la pluie sur les tuiles.

Night reduces rain noise on tiles.

La nuit redui le bruy de la pluy sur le thuille.

Trois crabes crus croissant. Trois crabes cuits crient.

Three raw crabs are growing. Three fried crabs are screaming.

Trois crab cru croissant. Trois crab kui kri.

Le poivre fait fièvre à la pauvre pieuvre.

The poor octopus has a fever from pepper.

Le poivre fievere a la povre pièvre.

Le chat sauvage se sauve, le chasseur chauve la chasse.

A wild cat escapes, a bald hunter hunts her.

Le sha sauvage se sov, le shasser seam la shas.

Seize jacinthes sechent dans seize sachets secs.

Sixteen hyacinths dried in sixteen dry bags.

Sez zhasant sesh dan sez sash sek.

La mule a bu tant qu'elle a pu.

The Mule drank as much as he could.

La mule a butu tan quel a pyu.

Joncé sur son chat, son chien chancelant chante sa chanson.

Bending over the cat, the staggering dog sings his song

Jonsay sur son sha, son shyan chanselan shant sa chanson.

Je suis un juge juste, je n'ai juste jamais jugé.

I am a fair judge, I just never judged.

Zhe sui en zhuzh just, zhe ne just jame zhyuzhe.

Ma sœur est mère, mon père est frère, ma mère est sœur, mon frère est masseur.

My sister is a mother, my father is a brother, my mother is a sister, and my brother is a massage therapist.

Ma ser e mayor, mon par e frer, ma mayor e ser, mon frer e maser.

Voilà trois mois qu'il boit moins que toi.

For three months he drank less than you.

Voila trois mua kil bua muan kyo tua.

La sagacité du sage seul agace le singe sale.

Wisdom of the sage irritates the dirty monkey.

La sagacite du sage seul agas le singe sal.

Une bien grosse grasse mère avec de biens beaux gros gras bras blancs.

Big fat mother with big fat white hands.

Jun bian gros gras mayor avec de bian bo gro gra bra blanc.

Rat vit riz, rat mit patte à ras, rat mit patte à riz, riz cuit patte à rat.

The rat sees the rice, the rat puts its paw on the edge, the rat puts its paw on the rice, the rice burns the paw of the rat.

Ra viri, rami patara, rami rat aari, ri kyui pata ra.

Didon dina, dit-on, du dos d'un dodu dindon.

Dido is said to have dined on the back of a plump turkey.

Didon dina, diton, du do dan dodu dindon.

Un pâtissier qui pâtissait chez un tapissier qui tapissait, dit un jour au tapissier qui tapissait : vaut-il mieux pâtisser chez un tapissier qui tapisse ou tapisser chez un pâtissier qui pâtisse ?

A pastry chef baking cakes at an upholsterer who upholstered furniture once said to an upholsterer who upholstered furniture: Which is better: baking cakes at an upholsterer who upholsters furniture, or upholstering furniture at a pastry chef who bakes cakes?

An patise ki patise shaz an tapise ki tapise, dian zhur o tapise ki tapise: here is il mieu patise chaez an tapise ki tapis u tapise chaez en patisse ki patis?

Sur ces seize chaises sèches siègent ces seize duchesses.

Sixteen duchesses are sitting on these sixteen dry chairs.

Sur ce sesh chaise sesh siejean ce sez duchess.

Où niche la pie? La pie niche haut. Où niche l'oie? L'oie niche bas. Où niche l'hibou? L'hibou niche ni haut ni bas!

Where does the magpie nest? Magpie nests high.
Where does the goose nest? The goose nests low.
Where does the owl nest? The owl nests neither high nor low.

At niches in la pi, La pi niches o. At niches lua. Lua nish ba. Have niches libu. Libu nish no oh no ba!

Un pêcheur qui pêchait sous un pêcher, le pêcher empêcher le pêcheur de pêcher.

One hunter was fishing under a peach tree, the tree prevented the fisherman from catching fish.

An pesher ki peshe su an peshe, le peshe empeshe le peshere de peshe.

Un ver de terre vert qui va vers un verre vert.

A green earthworm crawling towards a green glass.

An wer de ter er ki wa er an ver er.

Trois petites truites cuites, trois petites truites crues.

Three small boiled trout, three small fresh trout.

Trois petit truit cuit, trois petit truit cru.

Napoleon cédant Sedan, céda ses dents.

Napoleon lost his teeth after losing Sedan.

Napoleon sedan Sedan, seda se dan.

Cette taxe fixe excessive est fixée exprès à Aix par le fisc.

This fixed excess rate is specifically set in Aix by the tax authorities.

Set tax fix expressive e fixe express a Ex par le fisk.

Pruneau cuit, pruneau cru, …

Boiled prunes, raw prunes…

Pruno cuy, pruno cru, …

Elle est partie avec tonton, ton Taine et ton thon.

She left with your uncle, your Ten and your tuna.

El e party avek tonton, ton ten e ton ton.

Gros gras grand grain d'orge, tout gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgerisé, quand te dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'organiseras-tu?

Thick, fat, tall, grainy barley, when will you stop being the way you are?

Gro gra grand grand dorge, tu gro gra grand grand dorzherize, kyan te gro gra gran grand dorgerizera chu?

Ces cerises sont si sures qu'on ne sait pas si c'en sont.

These cherries are so sour that it is impossible to tell if they are cherries.

Se seriz son si sure con ne se pa si san son.

Santé n'est pas sans "t", mais maladie est sans "t"

Health is not without e, but illness is without e. Play on words: Health is not health, but illness is health.

Sante ne pa san te me maladi e san te.

Tu t'entêtes à tout tenter, tu t'uses et tu te tues à tant t'entêter.

You are stubborn when you try everything, you exhaust yourself and kill yourself when you are so stubborn.

Chu tantet a tu tente, chu tuze e tu tee tue a tan tantate.

Zazie causait avec sa cousine en cousant.

Zazi chats with her cousin and sews.

Zazi goze avek sa kuzin en kuzan.

Un dragon gradé dégrade un gradé dragon.

Un dragon gradé dégrade un gradé dragon.

An dragon grade degrad en grade dragon.

Trois tortues à tristes têtes trottaient sur trois toits très étroits.

Three sad looking turtles walked along three very narrow roofs.

Trois tortu a trist tet trote sur trois tua trez etrua.

Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu

If my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved

Si mon tonton ton ton tonton, ton tonton sir tondu.

Cinq gros rats grillent dans la grosse graisse grasse.

Five fat rats are fried in a huge piece of fat fat.

San(k) cro ra grill dan la gross gres gras.

Pourquoi les allies ne se désolidariseraient-ils pas.

Why won't the allies retreat?

Pourqua les alle ne sho dezolidarizere til pa.

Zaza zezaie, Zizi zozotte.

Zaza lisps, Zizi lisps too.

Zaza zeze, Zizi zozot.

Ilétait une fois, un homme de foi qui vendait du foie dans la ville de Foix.

Once upon a time there was an honest man who sold liver in the city of Foix.

Ile te yun foix, ahn om de foix vende du foie dan la ville de foie.

Tes laitues naissent-elles ? Si tes laitues naissent, mes laitues naîtront.

Did you grow lettuce? If your lettuce has grown, mine will too.

Tae leyu naesel? Si te letyu nes, me letyu netron.

La roue sur la rue roule, la rue sous la roue reste.

The wheel rolls along the road, but the road under the wheel remains in place.

La rue sur la rue wheel, la rue su la ru rest.

Ces six saucissons-ci sont si secs qu'on ne sait si c'en sont.

These six sausages are so dry we don't even know.

Se si sosison si son si sec kong ne sae si sang son.

Cematin Alain va chez le médecin.

Alain goes to the doctor this morning.

Sho matan Alan wa she le madsan.

Le ble s'moud-il ? L'habit s'coud-il? Oui, l'ble s'moud, l'habit s'coud.

Does grain pray? Is the dress sewn? Yes, the grain is praying, the dress is being sewn

Le blais smutil? Labi skudil? Wee, l bla smood, labi skud.

Regardez ce bouleau, il est si beau.

Look at this birch, it's so beautiful.

Regarde sho bule, il e si bo.

Nino n'a ni nappe ni nippe et ne nettoie nylon ni linon.

Nino has neither a tablecloth nor clothes and does not clean either nylon or cambric.

Nino na nap nip ne ne tua nilon ni linon.

Pour le thé je serai chez memé.

I'll be at my grandmother's for tea.

Pur le te zhe sere she meme.

Lise reprise les chemises grises de Denise.

Lisa took Denise's gray shirts.

Liz reprise les chemise gris de Denise.

Te voilà bottée en toute en beauté.

So you hit the nail on the head.

Te voila bote en tut en bote.

Pauvre petit pêcheur, prend patience pour pouvoir prendre plusieurs petits poissons.

Poor fisherman, be patient to catch a lot of fish.

Povre petit pecher, pran solitaire pour puvoir prandre pluzière petit poisson.

Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cent six scies scient six cent six cyprès.

If six saws cut six cypresses, six hundred and six saws cut six hundred and six cypresses.

Si si si si si sipre, si san si si si si san si sipre.

Le redacteur va chez l'editeur.

The editor is going to the publisher.

Le editor va she lediter.

J'achète des joujoux et des bijoux pour Loulou.

I buy toys and decorations for Lulu.

Zhashet de zhuzhu e de bizhu pur Lulu.

Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Archi-sections!

Are the archduchess' socks dry? Extremely dry!

Le choset de larchidouches sonte el sesh? Arshi-sesh!

Nathacha n'attacha pas son chat Pacha qui s'echappa. Cela facha Sacha qui chassa Nathacha.

Natasha did not tie her cat Pasha, who ran away. This angered Sasha, who drove Natasha away.

Natasha natasha pa son sha Pasha ki seshapa. Sela fasha Sasha ki shasa Natasha.

Deux jeunes travailleurs regardent des fleurs bleues.

Two young workers look at blue flowers.

Jeune travayor regard de fleur bleu.

Le beau Bruno joue du piano.

Le beau Bruno joue du piano.

Le beau Bruno Jouet du Piano.

C'est jeudi. Il pleut a Dreux. Je veux rester chez eux.

Today is Thursday. It's raining in Dreux. I want to stay with them.

Se jeudi. Ile pleo a Dre. Zho ve reste shez yo.

A chaque oiseau son nid est beau.

Every bird's nest is beautiful.

A shak wazo dream no e bo.

Elles cousent et causent avec leur cousine.

They sew and do it with their cousin.

El kus e kos avek ler cousin.

J'ai vu six sots suçant six cent six saucisses dont six en sauce et six cents sans sauce.

I saw six fools eating six hundred and six sausages, six with sauce and six hundred without sauce.

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