Where the wild things are sign

Where the Wild Things Are Signs

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Animals as symbols - Presenta

The life of people from the beginning of their appearance on Earth was closely connected with the life and existence of animals. Both wild and domestic animals are of great importance in our lives. It is no coincidence that people have long tried to carefully and reasonably treat wild animals and take care of domestic animals in every possible way. Gradually, the concept of animals "our smaller brothers" entered the literature and into everyday life.
Almost all peoples of the world have animals and birds featured in beliefs, fairy tales and legends that have been formed for thousands of years. Animals entered into various religious beliefs, and some of them fell into the category of sacred. Everywhere and always they served people as a source of various signs.
By the will of the ancient astronomers, various animals appeared in the sky - more than 30 constellations, in particular the signs of the zodiac, were named after them. Not surprisingly, the term "zodiac" among the ancient Greeks meant "animal" (the word "zodiac" comes from the Greek word "zoon" - "animal").
The word "symbol" in all languages ​​of the world means "conventional sign, identification sign". And animals became symbols of gods or any qualities, alchemical or moral symbols, spiritual symbols. In many countries, animals and birds beloved by the people have become symbols of the nation, the state, and their images are emblazoned on emblems and flags.
With the help of symbols and talismans, you can attract happiness, wealth, health, develop some qualities in yourself. A detailed description of animal symbols will help you choose an animal that is close in spirit, which will bring various benefits to life and help you cope with difficulties.

A symbol of kindness, naivety, generosity, calmness, measuredness. In 1961, the image of the Panda became the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The panda is the national symbol of China. The Panda figurine will give peace of mind, defuse the situation, help you relax after a hard day.

A symbol of love, diligence, speed. The Dolphin figurine is given as a talisman against danger not only on the water, in the Christian tradition it symbolizes resurrection and salvation. Two figurines of Dolphins are given to preserve marital fidelity.

A symbol of goodness, wealth and dawn. He embodies such qualities as perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal. It is also a symbol of purity and innocence. Gives the owner perseverance and purposefulness.

A symbol of courage, courage, supreme power, nobility, pride. Giving a figurine of a Lion, you emphasize the strength, courage, greatness of the person to whom you want to give a gift. The figurine of the Lion will bring success, health and will protect its owner. The figurine of the Lioness is endowed with special semantics: she is both a symbol of motherhood and an attribute of the invincible power of love. The lion is the national symbol of England, the black-maned lion is the symbol of Ethiopia.

A symbol of devotion, vigilance, courage. Man's best friend bestows emotions of joy, love, friendliness, fidelity on his master. The dog, because of its loyalty, means the relationship that must exist between the student and the master.

A symbol of love, tenderness, sincerity. In Christianity, the symbol of the Holy Spirit. Dove and dove symbolized marital fidelity, pure love. Gives the owner a state of love, compassion, purity and health.

In Feng Shui, it is a strong symbol that protects against theft, loss, robbery and accidents. Put a Rhino in your living room to prevent people with bad intentions from entering your home or harming your family members. The presence of the Rhino figure in the car will protect you from an accident. The use of this amulet in the office at the workplace will contribute to a good atmosphere at work, as with its impenetrable armor, the rhino will protect you from gossip and malicious intent of colleagues.

A symbol of courage and grace. One of the main friends and helpers of man. In heraldic symbolism, the horse combines the courage of a lion, the vision of an eagle, the strength of an ox, the speed of a deer and the dexterity of a fox. Its owner bestows endurance, courage and virtue. The figurine-talisman will contribute to the fulfillment of desires. The horse is the national symbol of Mongolia.

A symbol of strength and power, as well as good nature. The personification of memory, wisdom, longevity, fidelity, patience, compassion. The talisman with the image of the Elephant will give the owner energy, wisdom, fortitude, improve memory, help gain authority among friends and colleagues, and contribute to successful business. The elephant is the national symbol of Thailand.

Symbol of eternity, immortality, wisdom. The “serpent power”, coiled and dormant at the base of the spine, is called the energy of kundalini. Gives health, wisdom, strength, esoteric understanding of the world.

A symbol of wisdom, because it withdraws into itself and is a protection for itself. In China and Japan, it is a symbol of longevity and senile strength. The turtle gives the owner wisdom, responsibility, patience, the ability to achieve goals, and career growth.

A symbol of dexterity, cunning, learning. Gives the owner diplomacy, dexterity, extraordinary mental abilities, success in business.

A symbol of holiness, independence and magical powers of Nature. It is a sacred animal of many peoples. The cult of cats - the symbol of the goddess Bast - originated in ancient Egypt. The cat creates a cosiness in the house and keeps female family happiness. Cat and Cat symbolize the greatness of the night: desire and freedom, comfort and warmth. For Feng Shui followers, the Cat is a symbol of strength and protection, including from robbers, because at night she sees everything very well. The talisman will give its owner magical abilities, protection, intuition.

A symbol of beauty, immortality and fearlessness. Hindus considered this bird sacred. To have her next to him meant to protect himself from snakes. In Greek mythology, the Peacock is a symbol of family well-being and happiness. In the Christian religion, the Peacock is a divine being. Peacock bestows beauty, a state of self-sufficiency and protection in risky ventures.

Symbol of the earth, patroness of the hearth. For many peoples, the frog acts as the creator of the universe. In Feng Shui, the frog is one of the symbols of protection. It is also a symbol of immortality. Gives the owner the protection of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Mother. Promises a good husband.

A symbol of wisdom, erudition, sensitivity, prophetic gift, moderation and melancholy. An owl is able to see at night, feel, understand and predict events. The talisman in the form of an Owl will reveal to its owner the secret knowledge and secrets of wisdom.

Symbol of dawn, rebirth, vigilance. The rooster symbolized the element of fire and was a talisman against evil spirits. His image often adorned the roofs of Slavic dwellings. Grants independence, freedom, the ability to win. It also helps to increase popularity, the implementation of plans. The rooster is the national symbol of France.

A very ancient symbol of good luck and wealth. An amulet with fish is able to support its owner in a difficult situation, improve health and give financial success. Gives a state of peace, tranquility.

A symbol of energy, strength and success, but at the same time destruction, because energy can be both creative and destructive. The owner of the amulet with the image of the Tiger, in addition to powerful protection from the evil eye and damage, also acquires the qualities of the beast - strength, power, pressure and fearlessness. According to Feng Shui, the spirit of the White Tiger is so strong that there is simply no better defense against evil. The Tiger Talisman must be used with great care, as it is a very wild animal. With an inappropriate attitude towards him, he can release his claws against the inhabitants of the house, instead of protecting them. The tiger is the national symbol of India.

As a creature that gives milk, the cow is an international symbol of motherhood, fertility, feeding and abundance, and in addition, because of the crescent-shaped horns, it is the heavenly sign of all mother goddesses, as well as chthonic personification of mother earth. For Hindus, a cow is a sacred animal that cannot be killed. The cow is the national symbol of Holland.

Solar symbol, which is an attribute of solar gods in many cultures, midday sun, spiritual beginning, height, ascension, liberation from bonds, courage, victory, pride, apotheosis, greatness, royal origin, power, strength. The double-headed eagle means the possibility of strengthening power. This is one of the most ancient symbols. A talisman in the form of an Eagle or with its image will make the owner even more noble and glorify his spirit. The eagle is the national symbol of Germany.


A symbol of calmness and equanimity in any situation. The striped figurine will become your talisman. If there are changes in life, buy a Zebra figurine - it will help you get used to a new place without any problems and easily survive separation from your past life.

A symbol of agility, the sacrifice of small things in the name of more. Gives speed, adaptability, elusiveness.

A symbol of good nature, heroic strength and clumsiness. Bear in feng shui personifies courage and strength, endows a man with energy and indomitable will. This is a great gift for a leader or head of the family. Place the bear figurine on your desktop in the office or at home and you will feel a surge of strength and energy. The bear is also a talisman that protects the house from negative energy, unkind people and thieves. This symbol is also closely associated with rebirth, change, the beginning of a new, good life, since every spring the bears come out of hibernation and begin life in a new way.

The wildest signs of the zodiac - who you definitely won't get bored with

Astrologers have named the representatives of the zodiac circle, with whom it will be most fun to spend time.

Some members of the zodiacal circle are quite explosive

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Do you know someone who can turn an ordinary night into a frenzy? Remember how you were shocked when a friend or acquaintance, for example, jumped with a parachute on a whim? Even the most reserved people have a tendency to let themselves go from time to time, but some people are truly born to be wild. And they can't seem to just turn it off. As it turns out, the source of their adventurous impulses may have something to do with astrology. Read on to discover six of the most daring signs of the zodiac, from casual thrill seekers to real party people.

The most wild signs of the zodiac - 6th place - Aquarius

Aquarians are really rebellious and do not allow society to limit them.

"They are rebels at heart and definitely love to swim against the current," says astrologer and spiritual coach Tara Bennett.

Read also: The most annoying zodiac sign is the one who will definitely get on your nerves. .

But, as Bennett points out, Aquarians aren't entirely untamed.

"While they enjoy the shock factor, they make sure their antics don't get frowned upon by family or friends," she says.

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The wildest signs of the zodiac - 5th place - Gemini

Gemini is always the soul of the company, wherever they go. Bennett describes the sign as "carefree and independent" but with a "flair". She says Geminis thrive when they "push their limits." But that means they always need to "be the smartest and most interesting person in the room."

And like any good party animal, Geminis have so much energy that they rarely need to sleep. They are more likely to gossip and entertain others with their stories.

The wildest signs of the zodiac - 4th place - Scorpio

. Bennett warns that this single-minded sign "never does anything halfway" because it's known to be "intense, with a built-in need to be the best."

If a Scorpio wants to outdo you, then he'll really be a daredevil, trying tricks and going on adventures to impress.

"From skydiving to swimming with sharks, this sign has nothing to fear," says Bennett.

The wildest signs of the zodiac - 3rd place - Sagittarius

If you really want to have a good time, make sure that Sagittarius is around. This free-spirited sign is a born wild child who loves to have fun and try new things. Bennett describes this extreme fire sign as one that "gets bored quickly." This means that Sagittarians are always looking for new thrills. But they don't just rock out at a big event or dance club. Sagittarians also love to go on adventures with those who are close and dear to them.

The wildest signs of the zodiac - 2nd place - Leo

Like the kings and queens of the jungle, Leos love to be surrounded by people fascinated by their witticisms.

"You really feel wild when you're with the Lions," enthuses Bennett.

The enterprising sign does not do well in the traditional 9 to 6 work and prefers a more spontaneous lifestyle.

Read also: The most passionate signs of the zodiac: those who are never content with little

In contrast to the more cautious signs, Bennett says that Leos "easily pack for a last-minute trip or jump on the table and dance like there's no tomorrow. " So, if you're looking for a night out bar companion or a vacation buddy, Leo is your best bet.

The wildest signs of the zodiac - 1st place - Aries

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries are known for their independence, leadership in everything they do, and the ability to turn any event into a real celebration. According to Bennett, these thrill-seekers have "an appetite for adventure, fun and madness that knows no bounds." They are called "the life and soul of parties".

Alta adds that this also leads to recklessness due to the "great inner strength, energy and vigor" that people of this sign get from the "influence of Mars." The expert notes: this "gives them the feeling that everything is possible, that there are no obstacles," comparing them to a wrecking ball. When Aries decides it's time to rage, don't get in his way.

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Earlier we wrote about the zodiac signs that are the most unromantic.

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