Rhyming words for many

230 best rhymes for 'many'

1 syllable

  • Knee
  • P
  • V
  • Me
  • Z
  • T
  • We
  • Free
  • Tree
  • See
  • Ye
  • She
  • Re
  • Spree
  • Three
  • G
  • De
  • Thee
  • Flee
  • Be

  • Lee
  • Key
  • Fee
  • He
  • E
  • Pre
  • Glee
  • Plea
  • Ski
  • Thi

2 syllables

  • Any
  • Plenty
  • Twenty
  • Penny
  • Heavy
  • Envy
  • Scary
  • Mary
  • Carry
  • Mc
  • Bury
  • Sexy
  • Empty
  • Petty
  • Fairy
  • M3
  • Very
  • Every
  • Cherry
  • Semi

  • Harry
  • Friendly
  • Deadly
  • Freddy
  • Ready
  • Barely
  • Steady
  • Belly
  • Healthy
  • Chevy
  • Sweaty
  • Messy
  • Rarely
  • Bentley
  • Wealthy
  • Jerry
  • Jelly
  • Jenny
  • Lp
  • Fetty

  • Teddy
  • Kenny
  • Betty
  • Larry
  • Jesse
  • Benny
  • Kelly
  • Gently
  • Reggie
  • Teri
  • Smelly
  • Eddie
  • Frenzy
  • Specially
  • Jedi
  • Remy
  • Entry
  • Perry
  • Gary
  • Carefree

  • Fairly
  • Pepsi
  • Dairy
  • Selfie
  • Wary
  • Henry
  • Demi
  • Mt
  • Edgy
  • Stealthy
  • Jeffrey
  • Hefty
  • Sketchy
  • Fendi
  • Freshly
  • Deathly
  • Chelsea
  • Trendy
  • Wednesday
  • Deli

  • Telly
  • Wesley
  • Veggie
  • Nelly
  • Mg
  • Bunny
  • Tony
  • Funny
  • Money
  • Sunny
  • Honey
  • Skinny
  • Journey
  • Tiny
  • Phony
  • Johnny
  • Horny
  • Corny
  • Sloppy
  • Mommy

  • Army
  • Gimme
  • Copy
  • Tv
  • Happy
  • Movie
  • Filthy
  • Crazy
  • Thirsty
  • Guilty
  • Mighty
  • Hazy
  • Victory
  • Mercy
  • Agree
  • Pity
  • Degree
  • Fancy
  • Sorry
  • Thirty

  • Easy
  • Pretty
  • Glory
  • Story
  • Party
  • City
  • Duty
  • Nasty
  • Beauty
  • Angry
  • Booty
  • Hungry
  • Pussy
  • History
  • Shitty

3 syllables

  • Especially
  • Already
  • Machete
  • Spaghetti
  • Lsd
  • Confetti
  • Directly
  • Frequently
  • Library
  • Primary
  • Unhealthy
  • Strawberry
  • Contrary
  • Correctly
  • Blackberry
  • Amd
  • Intensely
  • Givenchy
  • Unsteady
  • Company

  • Destiny
  • Enemy
  • Recipe
  • Poetry
  • Sanity
  • Gravity
  • Guarantee
  • Legacy
  • Industry
  • Fantasy
  • Mit
  • Poverty
  • Quality

4 syllables

  • Legendary
  • Dictionary
  • Ordinary
  • Military
  • Necessary
  • Elementary
  • Cemetery
  • Differently
  • Temporary
  • Visionary
  • Missionary
  • January
  • Solitary
  • February
  • Secondary
  • Literary
  • Sanctuary
  • Adversary
  • Mercenary
  • Secretary

  • Ability
  • Insanity
  • Anxiety
  • Humanity

5 syllables

  • Vocabulary
  • Imaginary
  • Unnecessary
  • Extraordinary
  • Obituary
  • Personality
  • Opportunity

6 syllables

  • Revolutionary

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Words That Rhyme with Many - Many Rhymes

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We found 53 rhymes for Many

You can browse the rhymes for Many below. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Allegheny 9 4 noun
Ankeney 7 3 noun?
Antennae 8 3 noun?
Any 3 2 adjective satellite
Aveni 5 3 noun?
Behney 6 2 noun?
Beni 4 2 noun?
Benney 6 2 noun?
Bennie 6 2 noun
Benny 5 2 noun
Blenny 6 2 noun
Clenney 7 2 noun?
Denney 6 2 noun?
Dennie 6 2 noun?
Denny 5 2 noun?
Fenny 5 2 noun?
Freni 5 2 noun?
Genae 5 2 noun?
Gisenyi 7 3 noun?
Glennie 7 2 noun?
Glenny 6 2 noun?
Gwennie 7 2 noun?
Heney 5 2 noun?
Henie 5 2 noun?
Henne 5 1 noun?
Jenni 5 2 noun?
Jennie 6 2 noun?
Jenny 5 2 noun
Kenney 6 2 noun?
Kenny 5 2 noun?
Lennie 6 2 noun?
Lenny 5 2 noun?
Leny 4 2 noun?
Leonie 6 2 noun?
Mcclenny 8 3 noun?
Mckenney 8 3 noun?
Neni 4 2 noun?
Pennae 6 2 noun?
Penney 6 2 noun?
Penni 5 2 noun
Pennie 6 2 noun?
Penny 5 2 noun
Plenty 6 2 noun
Polimeni 8 4 noun?
Rennie 6 2 noun?
Renny 5 2 noun?
Saraceni 8 4 noun?
Seney 5 2 noun?
Tenney 6 2 noun?
Tenny 5 2 noun?

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Make up a dictionary of your own rhymes for any of the given words exact, rattle, night, squirrel, bird, book

Answer or solution2


Rhyme is an important feature of poetic speech. Let's analyze this concept in more detail and give some examples of rhymes.

What is rhyme

The name "rhyme" goes back to the Greek language, from which this word is translated as "measurement" or "rhythm". Most literary scholars define rhyme as the consonance of the endings of two or more words. Thus, words can form rhyming pairs with each other, which is used successfully in poetic texts.

It is important that representatives of different parts of speech can rhyme, i.e. grammatical features in no way affect the ability of words to rhyme.

There are several ways to classify rhymes. The first one is related to the place of stress in rhyming words. The two main varieties in this situation are masculine (stress falls on the last syllable, for example: no - answer) and feminine (stress falls on the penultimate syllable, for example: cloud - little thing).

In addition, exact and inexact types of rhymes are also distinguished. In the first case, the endings of a pair of words completely coincide with each other phonetically, while in the second, there may be some discrepancies between them (for example, one word may end in a vowel, and the second in a combination of vowel + [й]).

In order to facilitate the selection of rhyming pairs, there are special rhyming dictionaries that already contain words of different parts of speech with the same endings.

Examples of rhymes

Having determined what a rhyme is and what features it has, let's give examples of rhymes for the word "night":

  • Daughter.
  • Bump.
  • Kidney.
  • Kvochka (colloquial name for chicken).
  • Point.
  • Lobe (soft part of the ear).
  • Barrel.
  • Single.

All the rhymes listed above are nouns in the nominative case. However, the rhyming pair does not have to be in the initial form. By the word "night" you can also pick up rhymes in the form of nouns in the form of a singular, masculine, genitive case. For example:

  • Bell.
  • Puppy.
  • Son.
  • Lock.
  • Piece.
  • Leaf.

At the same time, there will be much more rhyming words in the second group.


Precise - juicy, durable, urgent, floral, durable, extracurricular, stock, lowercase.

Rattle - toy, drying, feeder, humpback, frog, spinner, skull, freckle, spinner.

Night - a line, a bump, a kidney, a dot, a shirt, a chain, a lobe, a daughter, a cheek.

Squirrel - arrow, plate, wall.

Bird - kitty, skirmish, particle, match, master key, plug, titmouse, technical, strawberry, eyelash.

Book - haircut, latch, movement, affair, latch, stalk, ankle.

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Rhymes to words in English: search and selection of rhyme

Rhyme is the repetition of the same or similar sound combinations at the end of two or more words. Rhyme is used in poems and songs, which gives them a special charm to attract the attention of the listener. Rhymes make speech pleasant to the ear. Most often, the last words in the lines rhyme.

There are rhymes:
  • complete - the coincidence of all sounds after the stressed vowel: tight - light;
  • incomplete - repetition of consonants or vowels: worth - forth, sale - rain;
  • compound - phrases rhyme: bottom - shot him;
  • visual - words whose spelling is partially the same, but the words themselves sound different: wood - blood.

  • Again - men, ten, then, when.
  • All - ball, call, doll, curl, girl, fall, mall, roll, small, soul, tall, wall, world.
  • Alone - flown, home, own, phone, stone.
  • Back - attack, black, crack, hack, pack, track.
  • Believe – eve, live, leave.
  • Best - chest, crest, quest, rest, test, west.
  • Better – matter.
  • Body – beauty, dirty, party.
  • Book - brook, cook, hook, look, took.
  • Boy - destroy, employ, enjoy, joy, toy.
  • Care bear, hair, pair, share, square, there, wear, where.
  • Chance – dance, ends, fans, France, friends, hands, romance, sense, tense.
  • Change – range, strange.
  • Child – mild, smiled, wild.
  • City - duty, kitty, pity, pretty.
  • Cold – gold, old, rolled, sold, told, want.
  • Cool - full, pool, rule, school, stool, tool, wool.
  • Crazy – amazing, baby, easy, lady, lazy, maybe.
  • Day – away, clay, deejay, delay display, grey, hey, lay, may, okay, pay, play, relay, replay, say, stay, they, today, way.
  • Down - brown, clown, crown, frown, town.
  • Dream – beam, been, between, cream, extreme, green, marine, scream, screen, steam, stream, supreme, swim, team, teen, theme.
  • Eyes – dies, guys, ice, lies, nice, price, slice, sunrise, surprise, twice.
  • Face – case, lace, place, race, space.
  • Fine - combine, dine, divine, design, line, mine, nine, shine, sign, time, vine, wine.
  • Fire - admire, denier, desire, entire, fighter, flower, flyer, higher, inspire, liar, power.
  • Flash - crash, hash, mash, smash, splash, trash.
  • Forever - ever, never, together.
  • Friend - band, defend, descend, depend, end, hand, land, send, spend, stand, trend, understand.
  • Future – nature, picture.
  • Game - became, came, claim, frame, name, same. Smile - aisle, I'll, isle, mile, style, vile, while.
  • Go - ago, blow, bellow, flow, glow, grow, hello, know, no, oh, show, slow, snow, so, throw.
  • God - blood, flood, mud.
  • Good – could, foot, hood, mood, should, shoot, stood, wood, would.
  • Happen – happy, heaven, seven.
  • Hate - create, date, eight, fate, gate, great, late, locate, state, wait.
  • Head - bed, bread, dead, had, red, said.
  • Heart – apart, art, cart, chart, fart, part, smart, start.
  • Hell – well, shell, fell, bell, tell, sell, smell,
  • Here - clear, dear, fear, fever.
  • Hurt - alert, a lot, comfort, desert, dot, forgot, hot, jackpot, not, slot, shot.
  • I – buy, by, bye, cry, defy, deny, die, dry, eye, fly, goodbye, guy, high, inside, lie, my, pie, side, sigh, shy, sky, tie, try , why.
  • It admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, knit, meet, shit, sit, split.
  • Let - debt, forget, net, set, sunset, yet.
  • Level – devil.
  • Life - Alive, dive, drive, five, knife, rife, strife, wife.
  • Lip - chip, deep, equip, hip, jeep, keep, ship, skip, sleep, sweep.
  • Love – above, dove, enough, glove, half, laugh, of, off, shove, staff, tough.
  • Man – can, fan, ran. In - been, begin, between, clean, green, keen, mean, queen, seen, skin.
  • Me - be, fee, free, key, tea, tree, sea, see, she, we.
  • Mind behind, declined, defined, designed, divined, find, kind, remind, signed.
  • Money – bunny, funny, honey, mummy, sunny.
  • More - bore, door, for, four, floor, score, store.
  • Much – such, touch.
  • Need - beat, feed, kid, meet, seat, sheet, speed, street, sweet, weed.
  • News - blues, confuse, muse, shoes.
  • Night - bite, bright, light, delight, fight, flight, height, knight, might, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight, white.
  • Now - allow, how, low. Up - but, cup.
  • One - anyone, done, fun, gone, none, run, sun.
  • Out – about, around, cloud, doubt, ground, shout, sound, without.
  • Over - clover, cover.
  • Pain – brain, campaign, champagne, complain, explain, in vain, lane, main, plain, rain, train.
  • Real – deal, feel, hill, steel, still.
  • Reason – frozen, season.
  • Rent - present, prevent, sent, tent.
  • Respect - connect, correct, direct, effect, expect, reflect, select, suspect.
  • Self - brave, gave, help, save, wave.
  • Star – are, bar, car, far, guitar.
  • Stop - top, cop, pop, drop, shop.
  • Take - brake, cake, fake, lake, make, shake, snake, wake.
  • That - bad, cat, dad, fat, flat, glad, mad, sad.
  • Thing – bring, king, nothing, ring, sing, spring, sting.
  • This – assist, bliss, consist, exist, insist, kiss, miss, peace, resist.

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