Rhyming words for mistake
246 best rhymes for 'mistake'
1 syllable
- Stake
- Take
- Cake
- Bake
- Shake
- Wake
- Snake
- Sake
- Lake
- Make
- Fake
- Drake
- Break
- Ache
- State
- Tape
- Stayed
- Rake
- Jake
- Paid
- Date
- Quake
- Shape
- Shade
- Bait
- Wait
- Gate
- Blake
- Plague
- Skate
- Played
- Laid
- Blade
- Made
- Plate
- Late
- Mate
- Spake
- Hate
- Fade
- Fate
- Pake
- Flake
- Rate
- Great
- Prayed
- Straight
- Ate
- Rape
- Trade
- Grade
- Aid
- Cape
- Haik
- Vague
- Babe
- Sprayed
- Taste
- Ape
- Stained
- Paint
- Slate
- Nate
- Raid
- Based
- Caged
- Craig
- Kate
- Grape
- Baked
- Waste
- Named
- Vape
- Spade
- Weighed
- Tate
- Placed
- Laced
- Saved
- Saint
- Gained
- Scrape
- Trait
- Faced
- Failed
- Freight
- Tamed
- They'd
- Aimed
- Raised
- Ain't
- Raped
- Pape
- Dade
- Spate
- Dazed
- Swayed
- Pate
- Scape
- Crate
- Bade
- Kade
- Paved
- Chased
- Gape
- Claimed
- Jade
- Trained
- Strayed
- Paste
- Snape
- Quaid
- Glade
- Gade
- Changed
- Hade
- Blazed
- Sate
- Slade
- Braid
- Flayed
- Frayed
- Paske
- Taped
- Chained
- Drape
- Shaped
- Faint
- Crepe
- Spaced
- Blamed
- Drained
- Crazed
- Taint
- Maske
- Staged
- Gabe
- Shaved
- Cabe
- Haste
- Nailed
- Caved
- Pained
- Staked
- Tailed
- Shamed
- Caked
- Bailed
2 syllables
- Intake
- Escape
- Relate
- Milkshake
- Estate
- Invade
- Betrayed
- Awake
- Dictate
- Evade
- Sedate
- Displayed
- Earthquake
- Delayed
- Degrade
- Headache
- Brigade
- Deflate
- Equate
- Switchblade
- Inflate
- Innate
- Negate
- Escaped
- Heartache
- Inmate
- Dissuade
- Dismayed
- Fixate
- Elate
- Mislaid
- Partake
- Belate
- Berate
- Deranged
- Retake
- Erased
- Opaque
- Uptake
- Betake
- Pancake
- Outtake
- Sweepstake
- Heartbreak
- Forsake
- Cupcake
- Handshake
- Misplaced
- Cheesecake
- Detained
- Distaste
- Impaled
- Fruitcake
- Detailed
- Debate
- Remake
- Engraved
- Retained
- Remained
- Entailed
- Snowflake
- Explained
3 syllables
- Levitate
- Gravitate
- Medicate
- Reinstate
- Irritate
- Militate
- Realestate
- Liquidate
- Captivate
- Lubricate
- Implicate
- Designate
- Culminate
- Infiltrate
- Ruminate
- Marinade
- Litigate
- Legislate
- Palisade
- Guesstimate
- Orchestrate
- Overtake
- Magistrate
- Vitiate
- Undertake
- Hesitate
- Rattlesnake
- Timberlake
4 syllables
- Intimidate
- Resuscitate
- Precipitate
- Consolidate
- Invalidate
- Deactivate
- Administrate
5 syllables
- Incapacitate
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ache, ake, bake, brake, break, cake, ...
Pure Rhymes – 65 rhymes
Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.
Salisbury steak
for Heaven's sake
T bone steak
- clean break
- coffee break
- get a break
- make or break
- take a break
- tough break
- pat a cake
- piece of cake
- pieces of the same cake
- piss into the wedding cake
- take the cake
- jake flake
- go jump in the lake
- on the make
- thin as a rake
- for Heaven's sake
- for one's sake
- fair shake
- at stake
- Salisbury steak
- T bone steak
- do a double take
- double take
- give and take
- give or take
- on the take
End Rhymes – 40 rhymes
Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.
- quick on the uptake
- slow on the uptake
- nutty as a fruitcake
- golden handshake
"Go Pro" to see the next 2 end rhyme sets.
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Near Rhymes – 2226 rhymes
Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.
- two faced
- make haste
- to the queen's taste
- go to waste
- haste makes waste
- lay waste
- go to great lengths
"Go Pro" to see the next 44 near rhyme sets.
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Mosaic Rhymes
Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."
There are no mosaic rhymes for "mistake".
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Unstable face 2 seconds ago
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seconds 9000 seconds ago
Tuscs 12 seconds ago
golden hands 16 seconds ago
failed 18 seconds ago
misbehave 19seconds ago
heavy shots 20 seconds ago
logoode 20 seconds ago
vorask 24 seconds ago
vanesa 24 seconds ago
jennings 25 seconds ago
Name | Word | Guessed | From | |
Player 1 | mathematics | 0 words | 93.![]() | |
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Play Words! |
Name | Word | Account | Location | |
Player 1 | assistant | 84:83 | | |
Player 2 | roach | 48:53 | | |
Player 3 | alkyl | 52:55 | 89.![]() | |
Player 4 | lobe | 49:50 | | |
Player 5 | foot | 56:52 | | |
Player 6 | end | 48:49 | | |
Player 7 | non-traction | 49:46 | | |
Play Balda! |
Name | Game | Questions | From | |
Victoria | For two | 5 questions | | |
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Sofia | For two | 5 questions | | |
Radia | For one | 20 questions | | |
Rpor | For one | 20 questions | 83.![]() | |
Mia | For one | 5 questions | | |
Lily | For one | 10 questions | | |
Play Nonsense! |
top 13 words in which 90 percent of people make mistakes - Teacher's newspaper
The Russian language is mysterious: declensions, conjugations, stresses. But with the gender - male and female - you can't go wrong! Is it so? There are words that are often mispronounced precisely because of the incorrect definition of the gender. The online edition "Teacher's Newspaper" offers its readers a list of "female" and "male" words. Let's remember them and avoid mistakes!
Photo: pixabay.comSandals, sandy paths…
It's summer, everyone changed into light shoes: shoes, sandals, sandals.
But someone has lost ... shoes! Or a shoe? Sandal or sandal? How often do we hear about one shoe, sandals and slippers! Our ears have become accustomed to this. But is it true?
Let's turn to the dictionary of M.V. Zarva "Russian verbal stress". The correct variant is only in the feminine gender and with an emphasis on y in all cases - a shoe, no shoes, rejoice at new shoes. Walk in shoe yah or not having tuff lei is strictly prohibited. You should not lose tuff lu and throw shoes ёi either. And to make it easier to remember, we offer our cards * and rhymes. It is only necessary to pay attention that it is not stresses that are highlighted in capital letters, but the correct or incorrect pronunciation.
And our rhymes:
ate a waffle - lost a shoe or
made a purchase - acquired a shoe.
What about sandals? It is the same with them - it is a feminine noun. And in the singular it sounds - sandals, no sandals. Fastening barefoot zhek and walking in one sandal ke is not only inconvenient, but also wrong.
Rhyme is the simplest here, because the word "sandals" comes from "bare feet". This means that it is easy to remember:
a leg turned up - a sandal flew off.
We sew a beautiful clasp on the sandal.
Sandals are another type of summer footwear. And also feminine. One sandal, put on a sandal. But finding sandal or or losing sandal or will not work, because there are no such shoes.
Well, you can remember by coming up with a rhyme. For example:
Anomaly in nature -
Sandals are needed in winter.
I went to Italy,
I found one sandal.
I run and jump, I move machines
Shoes, sandals - good. But on a treadmill you can’t run in them. Yes, and for a walk someone is more comfortable in sports shoes. And here we are already tying sneakers. That's what we regularly hear from others - sneakers.
However, you can tie, put on, get dirty, wash only a sneaker. The word is also feminine, like the previous ones.
So no cross-country shoes ok will help neither to run a distance nor to ride a bike.
Well, again, to simplify memorization, rhyme will help:
I'll go to the bus stop to look for my sneaker.
What happens? Are all shoe names feminine? Why? There are boots, bast shoes, boots - they are masculine. And from sports shoes - sneakers. In the singular - a sneaker, not a sneaker but .
I must say that on the Internet you can find articles where, with reference to dictionaries, a feminine version is also offered. However, neither M.V. Zarva "Russian verbal stress", nor "Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. Pronunciation. Emphasis "I.L. Reznichenko, nor "Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms" edited by R.I. Avanesov do not fix the singular form of the word "kedy" in the feminine gender. So it’s only right to take off the sneaker.
It is noteworthy that in the genitive plural you can: buy not only a lot of sneakers, but also sneakers.
Well, again rhyme:
I saw someone's footprint in the forest,
But it turned out - it was my sneaker!
Soft, fluffy velvety slippers
Well, here we are at home. They took off sandals, sneakers, sandals and put on slippers. And they didn't wear it. One tap ok has gone somewhere. And all because neither a slipper nor a word like that exists. There is only a feminine gender - slipper. And diminutive - slipper.
Although in colloquial speech it is tap ok or tapo check that are often used, which strive to disappear somewhere.
And, of course, rhymes!
Our sweet daughter lost her slipper.
Soft slipper, like a cat's paw.
Well, slippers. Here they are masculine - one slipper, and not one slipper ca or slipper ka . Although the colloquial “slap” is classified by many sources as feminine, dictionaries do not record such a word in any version.
Let's try to remember :
our guest, a tomboy, put on a slipper for the dog.
Bottle, callus, aerosol
Bottle is a container in which water is brought to us. Or in it? The bottle is feminine, and the accent in declension always remains on -ы́. Therefore, only two bottles of water can be brought to us, and not two bottles of and or a bottle of and . Although “bottles” deliver water quite often.
The pronunciation is very easy to remember: remember the word “bottle” – both the feminine gender and the accent on -ы. Well, then we present a large bottle, three bottles or many bottles. And to fix it:
There's been a bottle here for so long.
It has centuries of dust on it.
We will throw vanilla sticks into bottles.
The word "corn" is also feminine, although very often someone gets "dry callus". Do not believe, no callus i does not happen - neither dry, nor wet, nor painful. There is only dry, small, large - any - callus.
And for memorizing , you can remember the well-known expression “step on your favorite corn”, and everything will fall into place. And you can again use rhyme : salt got on MY corn.
Aerosol is a pressurized liquid substance in special packaging: deodorants, air fresheners, medicines. No matter how much you want to classify this word as feminine, it will not work. Aerosol - "man". And therefore, it is possible to spray and process only with an aerosol.
A rhyme let's take an actual rhyme from our life.
The virus is under control,
We treat everything with an aerosol!
Tulle, shampoo, reserved seat
Tulle - only "he". Although in everyday speech we often hear about beautiful tulle or even see a tulle skirt in the store.
However, skirts, like dresses, are only made of tulle. And to decorate the window, we will buy excellent tulle.
Rhyme is easy to come up with: I just went into the lobby, and there hangs a chic tulle.
And one more masculine word, which is confused with the feminine - shampoo. There is no good shampoo, you can buy only high-quality and fragrant shampoo.
And our rhyme :
Brass suddenly darkened -
Shampoo got on it.
And now we meet a “woman” – a reserved seat. “What kind of reserved seat is this? - you say - We know the reserved seat, we went. And there is no reserved seat.”
In fact, the word “reserved seat” does not exist, no matter how much we ride in it.
Let's turn to dictionaries, this time explanatory ones. D.N. Ushakov points to the origin of the word from the German Platz-Karte and gives the concept of “reserved seat”: this is an additional card or receipt for a numbered seat in a carriage on long-distance trains. For example, a ticket with a reserved seat. In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov and N. Shvedova, this is a ticket for a numbered seat in a train car.
There is no reserved seat, by which we mean a car with open compartments. True, the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova proposes the concept of a reserved seat car (but not a reserved seat), defining it as a rigid car with berths.
Let's figure it out? Everything is simple. Indeed, there is only a reserved seat. And the “reserved seat” appeared, apparently, by reducing the “reserved seat car”.
Separate sources provide information that both options are correct. And, moreover, the “reserved seat” is outdated, tickets have been used for a long time.
We disagree. If we look at the train ticket, we will see this word there. Regardless of the degree of softness of the car. In addition, the words “reserved seat” are not recorded in dictionaries. Even if we say "reserved seat" - this does not mean that this word corresponds to the literary norm. Yes, and the words mean different things, respectively, they cannot replace each other in any way.
And a small bonus - the 14th word. Toast. “What kind of animal is this? I never said that!" someone will say. There have always been croutons. Not certainly in that way.
Until recently, only toast and toast in the singular could be found in dictionaries. That is, the word refers to the masculine gender. Over time, the toast underwent a miraculous transformation into a female toast. And now both options are equal.
We hope that our small list - 13+1 - will help you, dear readers, to correctly determine the gender of a noun, and, therefore, to speak and write words correctly.
We want to make our new rubric Gramotator permanent. Already now you can find out the meaning of phraseological units and incomprehensible words, as well as where the stress is placed and how the letter “ё” appeared.
But the development of Gramotator depends on you, our readers.