Sentences for where

English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Where"

English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Where"
Where are we?
Where's Tony?
Where are you?
Where is Paris?
Where did you go?
Where is my book?
Where do you live?
Where is my watch?
Where is Room 105?
Where is the pain?
Where is your cap?
Where are you from?
Where does it hurt?
Where is your room?
Where should we go?
Where was Tom born?
Where will we meet?
Where's the museum?
Where are you going?
Where are my glasses?
Where is the station?
Where is your father?
Where is your school?
Where were you going?
Where are the showers?
Where is Tony playing?
Where are your manners?
Where can I get a taxi?
Where do you have pain?
Where is today's paper?
Where's the dining car?
Where's the toothpaste?
Where did you see Nancy?
Where is the toothpaste?
Do you know where she is?
Where can I buy a ticket?
Where can I get a ticket?
Where is the post office?
Where is Tom's classroom?
Do you know where he went?
Where do I get the subway?
Where is the nearest bank?
Do you know where he lives?
I wish I knew where he was!
Where can I get my baggage?
Where did you find the key?
Where do I pay for the gas?
Where is the ticket office?
Where is the ticket window?
Where would you like to go?
Where's the emergency exit?
That's where the problem is.
Where are your credit cards?
Where can I find toothpaste?
Where did he find the money?
Where did you see the woman?
Where do I claim my baggage?
Where is the police station?
Where is the south terminal?
She advised me where to stay.
She asked him where he lived.
Where can I cheek my baggage?
Where did you go last Sunday?
Where did you live last year?
Where did you see that woman?
Where's the closest bus stop?
Where's the nearest bus stop?
She advised him where to stay.
Where can we get what we want?
Where did you get on this bus?
Where did you get to know her?
Where do we get the textbooks?
Where have you been up to now?
Where should I put my baggage?
Where should I put my laundry?
Where will the bus pick us up?
I asked him where he was going.
Nobody knows where he has gone.
She asked him where Jessie was.
She asked me where I was going.
Tell me exactly where he lives.
Where are you planning to stay?
Where can I pick up my baggage?
Where did you find this wallet?
Where is the nearest telephone?
Where did you get your hair cut?
Where is the registrar's office?
Where will you have lunch today?
Where would you like to go next?
He asked me where my uncle lived.
No matter where I go, I get lost.
Where did you have the suit made?
Where do I have to change trains?
Where would you like to go first?
Tom doesn't know where Mary lives.
Where did you have your suit made?
Where have you been all this time?
Do you know where your father went?
Do you know where Jim and Nancy are?
Do you know where Miss Hudson lives?
I don't remember where I put my key.
That's the house where Tom was born.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Your shoes are here. Where are mine?
She advised him where he should stay.
Where did you find that strange thing?
She asked him if he knew where I lived.
She told him where to put the suitcase.
This is the house where she used to live.
Can you still remember where we first met?
Have you been told where to park your car?
The place where he lives is far from town.
Have you been told where the meeting will be?
I often think about the place where I met you.
Where is the United Airlines check-in counter?
Have you told everyone where the meeting will be?
She followed him home to find out where he lived.
Could you please tell me again where you put the key?
Have you told everyone when and where the meeting will be?
She said that she would follow him no matter where he went.
She asked him where he lived, but he was too smart to tell her.
She would often bring home table scraps from the restaurant where she worked to feed to her dog.

Use where in a sentence

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The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of

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Words near where in the Dictionary

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  • when you're up to your neck in alligators, it's hard to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp
  • whenwe
  • whept
  • where
  • where are the snows of yesteryear
  • whereabout
  • whereabouts
  • whereafter
  • whereagainst

Sentences with the word "where"

We found 80 sentences with the word "where". Synonyms for "where" Meaning of the word. Characters. "where" - morphemic parsing.

  • Approached the map: "Well, let's see, where is Dagestan, where is Karabakh, where is Chechnya?" We look.
  • As the level of energy around a person, where blocks, where energy is clamped, where its torn pieces.
  • There, where team, where players, where is the wife's room, a special pass is required and no one is allowed access.
  • Everything on it went somehow wrong, not according to the usual logic, and sometimes it was difficult to determine where is the front line, where is the flanks, where is the rear.
  • That same “ where is there”, where geometry existed, was part of a certain realm, “presence”, where absolute truth lived.
  • So where didn’t close, where flew out into the street, where forgot that you have a performance tomorrow.
  • Where is on fire, where is hunger, where is human grief, the conscientious Anton Pavlovich rushes there.
  • I know the way home, I know where is the bus stop, where is to get off and where is to get off.
  • Monuments to Pushkin are growing like mushrooms: and there, where Pushkin was, and there, where was not, and there, where did not even dream of being.
  • It fell into pieces, he does not immediately understand, where is his hand, where is his leg, where is the back of his head, and he must long and painfully search for them.
  • And he took a cigarette and put the smoke into the carburetor and looked, where he goes out, where is a loss, where what can be blocked.
  • Where they write "Kuzma", and where "Kosma", and where "Cosmas".
  • In Germany corvée was where is two days a week, where is three, and where and all six.
  • They should be looked for there, where rivers flow into the sea, where lagoons are calm near the coast, where whole pastures grow for them in shallow water.
  • Not soon you begin to distinguish among Tupolev, where is a worker, where is a scientist, where is a designer.
  • Where is for money, where is in exchange, where is just for fun.
  • Usually, when we go on such business trips, we where met some support, where some rejection, where some misunderstanding.
  • Not that: where attacks, where shooting, where ramming!
  • It is immediately clear and where is progress, and where is the standard of living, and where is the future.
  • It's hard to make out, where is a pathology, and where is a simple clouding of the mind under the influence of massive revolutionary propaganda.
  • You cannot draw a line: where is an oligarch, where is a young oligarch, micro-oligarch, and where is an entrepreneur.
  • She needed to remake several dresses, update, some where hemmed new laces, where - to cover up spots with embroidery, where - something to arrange.
  • And of course we went there, where beer is foaming, where are not too lazy to drink and where overalls are bursting at the seams.
  • I think about Andrei and his wife, about Ugor-Zhipov, where Andrei was conceived, and about Ondava, where my life could have ended.
  • There were also exceptions, where for a bribe, where for not giving a damn, where for a special order.
  • I got home where by train, where on foot, where on passing carts.
  • The solid matte arc became mottled, and Savka no longer knew where is the floor, where is the ceiling.
  • And there is exactly what it should be in that world, where is a predetermined fate, where is sin and repentance, where is choice and will.
  • Where wide rivers flow, where barge haulers pull huge barges, where monstrous locomotives go, where there are big houses and rich people live.
  • In the mid-70s, Mercader left Moscow for Cuba, where there was no snow and annoying apparatchiks, where spoke Spanish and where found a job for him.
  • Yes, he was good at verbal pyrotechnics, but where is feeling, where is truth, where is authenticity?
  • This is not the usual method of working for an employer, where you are protected by laws, where you have a vacation, where sick pay is paid there.
  • Where is logic, where is meaning, where is our intellect, people.
  • Where is my pride, where is my noble pride, where is my hardness!
  • And it would be so good now where to walk through the forest, where is somewhere far, far away, where is not heard from civilization.
  • I didn't know where ends, where starts, where is sea and where is land.
  • Well, in order to prepare an offensive, one had to imagine, where are Germans, where they have guns, where are machine guns, where they have snipers, etc.
  • But I was recently there on business business trip and made sure: here is where is strict discipline, here is where is law-abiding, here is where is order.
  • A person is looking for, where is better, sometimes not realizing that it is better not there, where we are not, but simply bad there, where we are .
  • It's good there, where is a small diocese, where the bishop can personally see all his priests every year, where he can personally lead them.
  • My soul is there, where gray, monotonous nature, where snowflakes curl, where weep, yearn and rejoice at every sunbeam.
  • Everything on it somehow went wrong, not according to the usual logic, and sometimes it was difficult to determine where is the front edge, where is the flanks, where is the rear.
  • In the world, where there is no censorship, in the world, where everything is decided by the publisher, where there are many publishers, and therefore you can choose the one who likes you.
  • You already know everything, where to sit down, where to lie down, where to run, what to eat and what to leave.
  • Where is there confusion, where is a dacha, where is caches, drinking?
  • In different corners of the bedroom rises where is a low voice, where is restrained laughter, where is a lively argument in an undertone between bedmates.
  • Where are they, where is their glory, where is their memory?
  • Such loafers are looking for from their youth, where would be easier, where would be smarter, where would be for them to get more and do less.
  • Knows the bear's eyes, nose, mother, where dad, where aunt, where woman.
  • I carefully checked whether I remembered where what books are worth, where are incunabula, where are the most beloved.
  • Where is Skokov, where is Lobov, where is Yavlinsky.
  • This is an intricate system of rooms and corridors, where is twilight, where is stuffy, where smells spicy and intoxicating.
  • Murder is easier to believe, but where is body, where is photo, where is video?
  • Where is by force, where is by bribery, and where by wise policy Alexander managed to conquer Bactria and Sogdiana.
  • The split in the countryside only showed more clearly, where are poor peasants, where are middle peasants who do not use the labor of others, and where are world eaters and kulaks.
  • The beginner was completely disoriented: he did not understand where is right, where left, where is forward, where is back, where is the ramp, where is backstage.
  • Where she took the owner with her, where ordered her sons to write for repose, where she took away the horse, where she refused the empty barn to mice.
  • In the workshop, where a pneumatic hammer rips the air with a machine gun, where machines stand like dark whales, where will make a fiber as thin as a cobweb.
  • I knew exactly what the keys were from and where they lie, where are perfumes, where are money, badges, orders, details of a personal toilet, the most intimate gizmos.
  • He walks for a day, walks for two, asks: “ Where is my house?” But who cares, where is his house, where is he from, who can know, where is his house?
  • Walls with a height of where in arshins, where in two, and where and above sazhens.
  • Where a thoughtful garden and a weeping willow, where native forests, where native forests and a wide field.
  • But wherever he worked , his soul invariably reached out to his native places, where he was born , where he spent his childhood.
  • Horrified, he jumped over the fence, ended up on the street and could not figure out where is, where is our gate and where is our dacha.
  • He showed me where is Mars, where is Venus, where is Ursa and where is Polaris.
  • Gorbachev, like all other persons who successfully made a career, knew well where and what can be said, where is to be cunning, and where is best to remain silent.
  • And so we knew, all the guys who were in Dranishniki, where are infantrymen in the forest, where are artillerymen, where are sappers, tankmen.
  • But you never know in advance, where is dangerous, where you will lose, and where you will find your own life.
  • When I grew up, I really wanted to know where his father fought, where died and how he died, where was buried, and whether he was buried at all.
  • Where is reason, where is fear, where is the beginning of prejudices, it is difficult for white flowers there.
  • Not just about housing, but about a place, where someone is waiting for me, where I am not alone, where I am happy.
  • It was impossible to get tickets to Moscow, so they got there, where is on the roof, where is on the steps, where is in freight trains.
  • As in a modern Venetian carnival, where there are no crafts made of gauze and cardboard, where silk, leather, brocade are used.
  • Where he took by agreement, where he exchanged for junk, and where dug up hiding places and pits and extracted food from there.
  • Peter raises the head of his former mistress, showing where is the vertebral artery, where is the internal carotid artery, and where is the external one.
  • True, you can’t always make out, where is Salvador’s irony, where is deliberate shocking, and where is frank confession.
  • The boys were actively waving their arms, indicating, where is a football field, where these same lakes are quiet, where is a canteen, where washbasins with toilets.
  • Where are white, where are Germans, where are Czechs, where these are from the Constituent Assembly of the former.
  • Where is white, where is colored chalk, and where and oil paint they are registered.
  • It was the same hall, where the debate "Lef or bluff" was held, where Mayakovsky read poetry many times, where Pasternak read "The Second Birth".

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Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

Synonyms for "where". Meaning of the word. Characters. "where" - morphemic parsing.

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Today we will analyze a topic that is relevant for many 9th grade students. Namely: what sentences in Russian are called complex, what groups they are divided into and how to find them in the text.

What is a compound sentence

A compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two or more grammatical bases.

An example of a complex sentence:

According to the connection between the parts, complex sentences are divided into two types - allied (compound and complex) and non-union. In the first case, the parts are connected by unions and allied words, in the second - by meaning.

In total, there are 3 types of complex sentences. Let's look at them in a table.

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Compound sentence

A compound sentence (CSP) is a complex sentence that has two or more independent simple sentences in its composition. This means that they can be broken with a dot, while the meaning is not lost.

Parts of such complex sentences are connected by conjunctions and allied words: connective (and, yes, also, etc.) , adversative (a, but, but, etc.) , divisive (or , then ... then, not that ... not that, etc.) or their combinations.


  • I wanted a pie, and the apples are already ripe.

  • I wanted a pie, but the apples weren't ripe yet.

  • Either mother will bake pies, or grandmother will come with buns.

Sometimes parts of compound sentences are connected without a coordinating union and a union word - in meaning. Such proposals are called non-union.


Punctuation marks in compound sentences

In sentences with conjunctions and, yes, however, either, etc. it is customary to put a comma. Except when:


If the parts of a complex sentence have a common minor member or subordinate clause, but they are connected by a repeating union, a comma must be used.


In non-union compound sentences, parts are divided not only by commas, but also by dashes, colons and semicolons. We discussed this topic in detail in the article on compound sentences.

Compound sentence

Compound sentence (CSP) is a type of complex sentence, in which one simple sentence in meaning and intonation is subordinate to another. In this case, the dependent clause is called the subordinate clause, and the independent clause is called the main clause.

An example of a complex sentence:

Types of connection in a complex sentence

Usually parts of NGN in Russian are connected with each other by subordinating conjunctions, for example: punctuation, but a subordinating conjunction can still be inserted between them. Such proposals are called non-union.


Values ​​of subordinate clauses in NGN

Compound clauses are divided into groups, and then into subgroups according to the meaning and type of connection with the main one.

You can read more about the differences between clauses in a complex sentence with examples in this article.

Types of subordination in a complex sentence

Sometimes in a complex sentence there are not one, but two or more subordinate clauses. This type of complex sentences is called polynomial. They have different types of submission.

We have already discussed this topic in more detail in the article on complex sentences.

Punctuation marks in complex sentences

It is customary to put a comma between the main and subordinate parts of a complex sentence. If one part is in the middle of the other, it must be separated with a comma on both sides:

  • When we returned to the city, all the sorrows were left behind.

  • Now that we have returned to the city, all the sorrows are left behind.

If sentences with the words only, only, also, and, above all, precisely, obviously, are probably connected by a compound union, it is divided. Then, before the word that you need to put a comma:

If we highlight indicative or conditional clauses with intonation and put them before the main clause, a dash is placed between them:

If it is clear from the main clause that the clause will explain it, you need to put a colon. The same rule applies to non-union complex sentences:

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Test yourself

Determine what type of compound sentence these examples belong to: complex or compound?

  1. Mother had already cooked for the morning and went to bed when I returned from the theater.

  2. I knew it couldn't go on too long.

  3. Snowflakes lay lightly on the palm of your hand, and the world around froze in snow-white splendor.

  4. I went to the edge of the forest an hour later, but the travelers were gone.

  5. I quickly found the place where the cuckoos were nesting.

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