Snowy day story

The Snowy Day

None Peter uses his imagination as he explores the first snowy day of winter. Peter wakes up to the first snowy day of winter and goes out on a snow-filled adventure! He listens to the crunch of snow as he makes footprints this way and that way, makes a snowman, and even pretends to be a mountain climber. Marveling at the magic of snow and how the wet snowflakes can stick together, Peter puts a snowball in his pocket for later. Read along with this charming story that exemplifies the pure play, awe, and imagination sparked by the simplicity of nature and changing seasons. In nature, what inspires you? show full description Show Short Description


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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Harry the Dirty Dog

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Chicken Little

The Snowy Day

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Where the Wild Things Are

Duck on a Bike


Harold and the Purple Crayon

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One winter morning Peter woke up and looked out the window. Snow had fallen during the night. It covered everything as far as he could see. After breakfast he put on his snowsuit and ran outside. The snow was piled up very high along the street to make a path for walking. Crunch, crunch, crunch, his feet sank into the snow. He walked with his toes pointing out, like this. He walked with his toes pointing in, like that. Then he dragged his feet slowly to make tracks. And he found something sticking out of the snow that made a new track. It was a stick – a stick that was just right for smacking a snow-covered tree. Down fell the snow – plop! – on top of Peter’s head. He thought it would be fun to join the big boys in their snowball fight, but he knew he wasn’t old enough – not yet. So he made a smiling snowman, and he made angels. He pretended he was a mountain-climber. He climbed up a great big tall heaping mountain of snow – and slid all the way down. He picked up a handful of snow – and another, and still another. He packed it round and firm and put the snowball in his pocket for tomorrow. Then he went into his warm house. He told his mother all about his adventures while she took off his wet socks. And he thought and thought and thought about them. Before he got into bed he looked in his pocket. His pocket was empty. The snowball wasn’t there. He felt very sad. While he slept, he dreamed that the sun had melted all the snow away. But when he woke up his dream was gone. The snow was still everywhere. New snow was falling! After breakfast he called to his friend across the hall, and they went out together into the deep, deep snow.


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International Snow Leopard Day - 23 October. The history and features of the holiday in the project Calendar of Holidays 2022

Snow leopard, or irbis, or snow leopard (Photo: Mirek Srb, licensed from

The World Forum on the Conservation of the Snow Leopard, held in October 2013 in Bishkek, marked the beginning of a new holiday - International Snow Leopard Day (International Snow Leopard Day), celebrated since then annually on October 23.

The snow leopard or snow leopard, otherwise known as the irbis, is a mammal of the cat family. The body is elongated, squat. Body length up to 130 cm, tail length 90-100 cm, height at the withers - 50-60 cm. The body weight of males, which are larger than females, reaches 45-55 kg, females - 22-40 kg. The fur is thick, the tail is long, lush. The color is smoky, brownish-gray, with large dark spots. Winter fur is greyish, almost white.

This unique animal is listed in the Red Book due to its small number and the risk of being among endangered species. Hunting for the snow leopard is prohibited in all countries where it lives, the snow leopard is also included in Appendix I of the CITES Convention (international ban on trade in endangered species of animals and their parts).

The habitat of this large predatory feline mammal is the highlands of Central Asia.

The rare color and value of the snow leopard's fur has made it a tempting target for poachers willing to risk a lot for illegal hunting of wild animals. In addition, the expansion of pastures and the expansion of the grazing zone in the countries of Central Asia into the zones of high mountainous areas leads to the fact that the natural habitat of the snow leopard is narrowing.

Control over the population of a rare animal is carried out in countries whose territories capture the habitat of the snow leopard, including through camera traps, due to the extreme caution of this beautiful wild cat.

Photo: © jenta / Photogenika

To discuss the problem of population decline and the threat of complete extinction of the snow leopard in October 2013, the World Forum on the Conservation of the Snow Leopard was held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. Representatives of 12 states, on whose territory individuals of a rare animal are found, took part in the discussion of the problem.

Among the countries participating in the forum was Russia, on the territory of which, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources for 2020, 70-90 individuals of the snow leopard. The total population of the snow leopard in the world fluctuates around 3 thousand individuals (for 2020). Representatives of the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Nature, as well as nature reserves took part in the forum from Russia.

The result of the discussions was the adoption on October 23, 2013 of a program for the conservation of a unique animal, drawn up in the form of a Declaration. The date of adoption of this Bishkek Declaration was chosen as the date for the establishment of today's holiday.

The Day is celebrated in scientific and educational institutions, where photo exhibitions, seminars, and documentary film screenings dedicated to the life of the snow leopard are held. Activists organize actions on social networks to increase the knowledge of Internet users about the snow leopard, as the snow leopard is sometimes called, to touch on the importance of preserving the planet's unique animal species.

Photo: Andreas Rose, under license from

By the way, representatives of Russian science, the Ministry of Nature, environmentalists have been working on the issue of preserving the population of the snow leopard and other rare species of animals living in Russia for several years. Their efforts even before the adoption of the Bishkek Declaration, actions were carried out in defense of endangered species of animals. If we talk about the cat family, then in 2012 the Wild Cats of Southern Siberia program was adopted, aimed at preserving animals such as manul, lynx, and snow leopard. Altai has its own Snow Leopard Day, which includes environmental competitions, competitions of drawings and crafts, flash mobs on the topics “Snow leopard is a legend of the mountains”, “Let's save the snow leopard!” among schoolchildren.

Many public figures, as well as cultural and artistic figures support the efforts of the world community in the field of wildlife protection.

Infographics - poster "October 23 - International Snow Leopard Day"

Chronology of heavy snowfalls in Moscow over the past 30 years

February 13, 2021, 10:04

TASS-DOSIER. Heavy snowfall has continued in Moscow since February 11, which, according to weather forecasts, will last until Sunday, February 14. According to the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, 25-30 mm of precipitation may fall in three days (the average monthly norm in February is 41 mm), snowdrifts will reach a height of 50 cm. By the morning of February 13, according to the Yandex.Traffic service, the situation on the roads of the city was estimated at 9out of a possible 10 points. More than 50 flights were delayed or arrived late at the capital's airports.

See also

"Snow Apocalypse". Consequences of snowfall in Moscow through the eyes of social media users

Heavy snowfall often occurs in Moscow. Most often in the metropolitan area, snow cover sets in the twentieth of November. According to the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation, 169 mm of precipitation usually falls in the city from December to March.

TASS has prepared material on cases of heavy snowfall in Moscow over the past 30 years.

From February 1 to February 4, 1994 , 10.6 mm of snow fell in the capital. In four days, snow cover in some areas of the city reached a record high of 78 cm - this was not the case in winter periods over the previous hundred years.

On November 2, 1995 a heavy snowfall caused the temporary closure of Moscow airports and heavy drifts on the roads - a seven-centimeter layer of snow covered in an hour and a half. In total, 8.5 mm of rain fell that day.

On December 11, 1998 , 10.6 mm of snow fell on the city. As a result of heavy snowfall, snowdrifts from 19 to 23 cm high were piled up.

Heavy snowfalls to the formation of a half-meter layer of snow in Moscow.

Continuous snowfall from January 29 to 31, 2004 restricted traffic on all main highways of the city. In total, 24.1 mm of precipitation fell during this period.

As a result of heavy snowfall January 27-28, 2005 (2 days of precipitation 19.4 mm) snow depth in Moscow courtyards reached 40 cm. harbors.

During the snowfall December 21-22, 2005 a total of 20 mm of precipitation fell. The increase in snow cover over two days was 25 cm, in some places its height reached 40 cm.

February 21-22, 2010 Snowfall brought 20.7 mm of precipitation. Taking into account the early snowfall, the height of snowdrifts in the capital in some places reached 67 cm. Thus, on March 1, 2013, 9.8 mm of precipitation fell, snowdrifts in Moscow grew from 36 cm to 52 cm.

Heavy snow fell on Moscow at the beginning of March 2016 . For 12 hours, from nine in the evening on March 1 to nine in the morning on March 2, up to 24 mm of precipitation fell in the northeast (according to the VDNKh weather station) and up to 26 mm in the city center (Balchug). As a result, the height of the snow cover increased by 20 cm and reached 50 cm. In the middle of the working week, Moscow was paralyzed due to giant snowdrifts. More than a hundred flights were delayed at the capital's airports.

Due to snowfall that occurred on the night of November 7, 2016 , the height of the snow cover in the capital increased from 7-10 cm to 15-18 cm by morning. In total, 18 mm of precipitation fell during the day. Snowfall and ice complicated the situation on the roads, more than 500 accidents occurred during the day. At the same time, the capital's airports were operating normally. It was snowy throughout November and also December. In total, during these two months, almost the annual rate of snow fell - about 142 cm (average annual rate - 152 cm).

In the winter season 2017-2018 Moscow survived several heavy snowfalls, 39.9 million cubic meters of snow. The first Moscow snowdrifts formed after heavy snowfall on December 1, 2017. Then, during the day, 12 mm of precipitation fell in the form of wet snow - 12% of the monthly December norm. The height of the snow cover in the area of ​​the reference weather station at VDNKh was 8 cm. The capital's airports worked with slight delays - up to 20 minutes.

A heavy snowfall hit the city of on the night of January 29, 2018 . With interruptions, precipitation continued in the remaining days of January. As a result, the height of the snow cover has more than doubled - from 16 cm (January 28) to 38 cm (January 31). A total of 29-January 31, 27 mm of precipitation fell.

February 3-4, 2018 Moscow experienced a heavy and prolonged snowfall. In total, during these days, which were days off, 45 mm of precipitation fell. On Saturday, precipitation was in the form of sleet, sometimes turning into rain, on Sunday - in the form of a heavy snowstorm. During these two days, the previous daily rainfall records were broken. On February 3, 14.5 mm of precipitation (40% of the monthly norm) fell in the area of ​​the VDNKh weather station, the previous record was recorded at 1957 year and was 11.2 mm. February 4 - 25 mm (69% of the monthly norm), the previous record is 18 mm (2013). By February 5, the snow depth reached 55 cm, but the record for that day - 56 cm (2013) - was not broken. As noted by the city authorities, in just two days, 38 cm of snow had accumulated. More than 2,000 trees fell on the territory of the city due to the accumulation of snow and icing, more than 100 cases of trees falling on cars were recorded. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin reported one dead, five citizens were injured to varying degrees. Bad weather caused delays of about 200 flights at the capital's airports. The consequences of the snowfall were eliminated within a month.

March 4, 2018 As a result of heavy snowfall, about a third of the monthly rainfall - 12 mm fell, the height of snowdrifts in the city increased from 43 to 55 cm. According to the Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau, this snowfall broke the daily rainfall record for March 4 - 10.2 mm, fixed in 1895. The press service of the municipal economy complex reported that about 11 thousand units of equipment and about 30 thousand workers were involved in snow removal. During the day, more than 1 million cubic meters were removed from the streets. m of snow.

In the winter 2018-2019 , the first heavy snowfall in the capital took place on December 6, 2018. Then 9 mm of precipitation fell during the day (7 mm at night and 2 mm during the day).

The days from January 2 to January 4, 2019 were snowy, when a total of up to 18 mm of precipitation fell, the increase in snow cover was 14 cm. Most of the snow fell on the night of January 4 - up to 6 mm.

Snowfall over the weekend January 26-27, 2019 , accompanied by gusty winds and snowstorms. For two days, 20.7 mm of precipitation fell in the city (VDNKh), almost half of the monthly norm. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, by the morning of January 28, snowdrifts had grown to 49 cm (the norm for this period is 30-31 cm). The record for the amount of snow was Saturday (January 26) - 10.3 mm of precipitation. As a result, the previous daily record for this day was broken - 9.

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