Sequence of sounds

Phonemic Activities for the Preschool or Elementary Classroom

This article features activities designed to stimulate the development of phonemic awareness in preschool and elementary school children. The activities originally appeared in the book Phonemic Awareness in Young Children: A Classroom Curriculum.

Listening to sequences of sounds

From chapter 3: Listening games


To develop the memory and attentional abilities for thinking about sequences of sounds and the language for discussing them.

Materials needed

Objects that make interesting, distinctive sounds. Some examples follow:

banging on wall/table/lap
blowing a whistle
blowing nose
clicking with tongue
closing purse
coloring hard on paper
crumpling paper
cutting with a knife
cutting with scissors
dropping (various things)
drumming with fingers
eating an apple
folding paper
noisy chewing

opening window or drawer
pouring liquid
ringing a bell
rubbing hands together
sharpening a pencil
slamming a book
smashing crackers
snapping fingers
stirring with teaspoon
tearing paper
turning on computer
writing on board
writing with a pencil


In this game, the children are challenged first to identify single sounds and then to identify each one of a sequence of sounds. Both will be very important in the language games to come. The children are to cover their eyes with their hands while you make a familiar noise such as closing the door, sneezing, or playing a key on the piano. By listening carefully and without peeking, the children are to try to identify the noise.

Once the children have caught on to the game, make two noises, one after the other. Without peeking, the children are to guess the two sounds in sequence saying, "There were two sounds. First we heard a ____, and then we heard a ____."

After the children have become quite good with pairs of noises, produce a series of more than two for them to identify and report in sequence. Again, complete sentences should be encouraged.

Remember that, to give every child the opportunity to participate mentally in these games, it is important to discourage all children from calling out their answers until they are asked to do so. In addition, both to support full participation and to allow assessment of individual students, it is helpful to switch unpredictably between inviting a response from the whole group and from individual children of your designation.

Note: Because of the importance of the skill exercised through this game, invest special care in noting every child's progress and difficulties. Extra opportunities should be created to work with children who are having trouble with the concept of sequences or in expressing their responses.


  • With the children's eyes closed, make a series of sounds. Then repeat the sequence, but omit one of the sounds. The children must identify the sound that has been omitted from the second sequence.
  • Invite the children to make sounds for their classmates to guess.
  • These games also offer good opportunities to review, exercise, and evaluate children's use of ordinal terms, such as first, second, third, middle, last. It is worth ensuring that every student gains comfortable, receptive, and expressive command of these terms.


From chapter 3: Listening games


To develop the children's ability to attend to differences between what they expect to hear and what they actually hear.

Materials needed

Book of familiar stories or poems


Invite the children to sit down and close their eyes so that they can concentrate on what they will hear. Then recite or read aloud a familiar story or poem to the children but, once in a while, by changing its words or wording, change its sense to nonsense. The children's challenge is to detect such changes whenever they occur. When they do, encourage them to explain what was wrong. As the game is replayed in more subtle variations across the year, it will also serve usefully to sharpen the children's awareness of the phonology, words, syntax, and semantics of language.

As illustrated in the following list, you can change any text in more or less subtle ways at a number of different levels including phonemes, words, grammar, and meaning. Because of this, the game can be profitably and enjoyable revisited again and again throughout the year. Even so, in initial plays of the game, it is important that the changes result in violations of the sense, meaning, and wording of the text that are relatively obvious. Following are some examples of the "nonsense" that can be created within familiar poems and rhymes:

Song a sing of sixpence

Reverse words

Baa baa purple sheep

Substitute words

Twinkle, twinkle little car

Substitute words

Humpty Dumpty wall on a sat

Swap word order

Jack fell down and crown his broke

Swap word order

One, two shuckle my boo

Swap word parts

I'm a tittle leapot

Swap word parts

The eensy weensy spider went up the spouter wat.

Swap word parts

One, two, buckle my shoe
Five, six, pick up sticks

Switch order of events

Little Miss Muffet, eating a tuffet
Sat on her curds and whey

Switch order of events

Goldilocks went inside and knocked on the door.

Switch order of events

The first little piggy built himself a house of bricks.

Switch order of events

Note: Don't forget to switch unpredictably between asking the whole group or individual children to respond.

Clapping names

From chapter 6: Awareness of syllables


To introduce the children to the nature of syllables by leading them to clap and count the syllables in their own names.


When you first introduce this activity, model it by using several names of contrasting lengths. Pronounce the first name of one of the children in the classroom syllable by syllable while clapping it out before inviting the children to say and clap the name along with you. After each name has been clapped, ask "How many syllables did you hear?"

Once children have caught on, ask each child to clap and count the syllables in his or her own name. Don't forget last names, too! It is easy to continue clapping other words and to count the syllables in each. If a name has many syllables, you may need to let children count the syllables as they are clapping.


Finding things: Initial phonemes

From chapter 7: Initial and final sounds


To extend children's awareness of initial phonemes by asking them to compare, contrast, and eventually identify the initial sounds of a variety of words.

Materials needed

Picture cards


This game should be played as an extension of Activity 7B: Different Words, Same Initial Phoneme. [Editor's note: this activity is found in the authors' book]. Spread a few pictures out in the middle of the circle. Then ask the children to find those pictures whose names start with the initial sound on which they have just been working. As each picture is found, the child is to say its name and initial phoneme as before (e.g., f-f-f-f-ish, /f-f-f-f/, fish).


  • As the children become more comfortable with the game, spread out pictures from two different sets, asking the children to identify the name and initial phoneme of each picture and to sort them into two piles accordingly.
  • Pass pictures out to the children; each must identify the initial phoneme of her or his picture and put it in the corresponding pile. This game works well with small groups.
  • Sound-traition: Pass pictures of objects or animals to the children, naming each picture and placing it face down on the table or carpet. Children take turns flipping pairs of pictures right side up and deciding if the initial sounds of the pictures' names are the same. If the initial sounds match, the child selects another pair; otherwise, another child takes a turn. This game works well with small groups.

Word pairs I: Take a sound away (analysis)

From chapter 7: Initial and final sounds


To help the children to separate the sounds of words from their meanings.


By showing the children that if the initial phoneme of a word is removed a totally different word may result, this activity further helps children to separate the sounds of words from their meanings. With the children seated in a circle, explain that sometimes when you take a sound away from a word, you end up with a totally different word.

To give the children an example, say "f-f-f-ear," elongating the initial consonant, and have the children repeat. Then say "ear," and have the children repeat. Ask the children if they can determine which sound has been taken away and repeat the words for them (i. e., f-f-f-f-ear – ear – f-f-f-f-ear – ear).

In this way, the children are challenged to attend to the initial phonemes of words even as they come to realize that the presence or absence of the initial phoneme results in two different words. Across days, gradually work up from the easier initial consonants to harder ones. Sample word lists are provided at the end of the chapter.

Note: Most children can identify the "hidden word" but have a great deal of difficulty in identifying what is taken away. Children may also be inclined to produce rhyming words rather than to focus on initial sounds. With this in mind, take care not to flip back and forth between the activities involving rhyming and initial sounds.


  • To help the children notice that the initial sound makes a big difference in the words' meanings, ask them to use each word in a sentence.
  • When the children are comfortable with this game, play it with game 7I: Spider's Web. [Editor's note: this activity is found in the authors' book].
  • Call the children to line up by naming their first names without the initial sound (e.g., [J]-onathon). The children have to figure out whose name has been called and what sound is missing. You may want to delete initial blends as a unit until after blends have been introduced in Chapter 8 (e.g., [St]-anley).

Word pairs II: Add a sound (synthesis)

From chapter 7: Initial and final sounds


To introduce children to the challenge of synthesizing words from their separate phonemes.


Seat the children in a circle, and begin by explaining that sometimes a new word can be made by adding a sound to a word. As an example, say "ox," and have the children repeat it. Then ask what will happen if they add a new sound to the beginning of the word such as f-f-f-f-f: "f-f-f-f-f…ox, f-f-f-f…ox, f-f-f-f-ox." The children say, "fox!" You should then explain, "We put a new sound on the beginning, and we have a new word!"

Until the children catch on, you should provide solid guidance, asking the children to say the word parts with you in unison (e. g., "ice…m–,–,–,…ice…m-m-m-ice…mice"). Again, it is appropriate to work up gradually, across days, from the easier initial consonants to harder ones and, only after the latter are reasonably well established, to consonant blends (e.g., mile-smile).


  • Invite the children to use each word of a pair in a sentence to emphasize the difference in their meanings.
  • When the children are good at this, play it with 7I: Spider's Web. [Editor's note: this activity is found in the authors' book].

Two-sound words

From chapter 8: Phonemes


To introduce the children to the challenges of analyzing words into phonemes and of synthesizing words from phonemes.

Materials needed

  • Blocks
  • Two-phoneme word cards


These two-sound games serve to introduce the procedure and logic of the more difficult phonemic analysis and synthesis activities that follow. In addition, two-sound words provide an unfettered medium for giving children practice with the sounds of the various phonemes, both in isolation and as blended together in phonologically minimal words.

In view of this, it is more helpful to revisit them as needed by individuals or by the group than to dwell too long in any given session. Because of their foundational importance, however, it is critical that every child grasp this concept before moving on to the more advanced activities.

On the first day, it is sufficient to do analysis only. On subsequent days, begin with analysis and shift to synthesis. Similarly, for the first few days, it is wise to separate play with initial consonant words from play with final consonant words for clarity. Once the children have caught on, the two types of words could be freely intermixed. Finally, because the short vowels are so much more variable and less distinctive in both sound and articulation, their introduction should be deferred until the children are reasonably comfortable with long-vowel words.

Again, to clarify the children's image of the phonemes and to support their ability to distinguish them one from another, it is valuable to ask them to feel how their mouths change position with each sound or to look at their mouths in a mirror while saying the words. In addition, as in all of the phonemic awareness activities, it is important to ensure that the students are familiar with each word used in these exercises. If you suspect that any of your students are not, it is wise to review the word's meaning and usage.

Note: To play these games, each of the children should have two blocks. In addition, you should have two blocks of your own and a set of pictures of two-phoneme words. Also, before beginning, it is important to have read the introduction to this chapter.

The analysis game

A child picks a card and names what it depicts. For this example, let us assume that the child chooses a picture of a hair bow. You would repeat the word, but slowly and with a clear pause (about a half-second interval) between its two phonemes (e.g., "b…ō"). Then all the children should repeat the word in this same manner, "b…ō…." To show that the word bow consists of two separate sounds, the teacher now places blocks in two different colors underneath the picture as she enunciates the sound represented by each.

The children then repeat the word sound by sound while representing the sounds of the word, left to right, with their own blocks. The children should repeat the sounds while pointing to the respective blocks and then the word, pausing slightly less between phonemes with each repetition. (e.g., "b…ō…, bow, b…ō…, bow, b…ō, bow, b-ō…bow").

The synthesis game

This game is just the reverse of the analysis game and likewise requires that you model the procedure before turning it over to the children. Choose a picture and place it face down so the children cannot see it. Then name the picture, phoneme by phoneme (e.g., "b…ō"), while placing the blocks beneath the picture. While pointing to their own blocks, the children must repeat the phonemes over and over and faster and faster as they did in the analysis game. When they believe they know the identity of the picture they should raise their hands. The teacher may then ask the group or any individual to name the picture. After resolving any disagreements, the picture is held up for all to see.

After modeling several words in this way, pass the challenge to the children. For each new picture, help them agree on its name and give them time to analyze it on their own. To gain a good sense of who is and is not catching on, ask one or more individuals to share his or her solution to each word. Then the whole group should repeat the solution together, voicing the separate phonemes of the word as they point to their corresponding blocks.


  • Extend the exercise to unpictured words. At the outset of each analysis challenge, be sure to use each word in a sentence for the sake of clarity (e.g., "Chew. Please chew your food before you swallow it. Chew.") Similarly, ask the children to use each word in a sentence as part of the wrap-up of each synthesis challenge.
  • Later, this game can be used to teach the alphabetic principle by replacing the colored block with letter tokens. If you choose to do so, however, bear in mind that to convey the essential logic of the alphabetic principle, it is best that all words include one letter for each sound, left to right. With this in mind, avoid words with silent letters or digraphs. Use only short vowel words, and, among those, only those that are spelled with two letters (e.g., in and am are fine, but not edge or itch).

Note: All of the words in the following lists consist of only two phonemes. Nevertheless, due to the vagaries of English, the spellings of many involve more than two letters. For this reason, showing the words' spellings will only confuse the issue for now. The following are examples of two-sound words with initial consonants and long vowels:




bow /bō/
row /rō/
sew /sō/


The following are examples of two-sound words with final consonant sounds and long vowels:





The following are examples of two-sound words with final consonant sounds and short vowels:






Troll talk II: Phonemes

From chapter 8: Phonemes


To reinforce students' ability to synthesize words from their separate phonemes.


This activity in analogous to that presented in 6E: Troll Talk I: Syllables, [Editor's note: this activity is found in the authors' book] except that the troll describes his treats phoneme by phoneme instead of syllable by syllable. Everyone sits in a circle, and the teacher tells a tale:

Once upon a time, there was a kind, little troll who loved to give people presents. The only catch was that the troll always wanted people to know what their present was before giving it to them. The problem was that the little troll had a very strange way of talking. If he was going to tell a child that the present was a bike, he would say "b–i–k." Not until the child has guessed what the present was would he be completely happy. Now I will pretend to be the troll. I will name a surprise for one of you. When you figure out what it is, it will be your turn.

Choose one child and pronounce the name of the present, phoneme by phoneme. When the child guesses the word, she or he is to name a present for somebody else. Work up from short (two- and three-sound) words to longer ones as the children become more adept at hearing the sounds. It is best to limit the game to only four or five children on any given day or it becomes a bit long. Examples of gifts include the following:





Note: If the students are not familiar with trolls, then substitute another person or creature from folklore such as a leprechaun, unicorn, or elf.


  • Each child gets from one to three "secret" pictures. They may now give the things in the pictures as "presents," one thing at a time, to another child by sounding out the word. The child who receives the present has to guess what it is before she or he can have the picture.

Sequence Press - The Order of Sounds

The Order of Sounds: A Sonorous Archipelago

François J. Bonnet

May 2016
Translated by Robin Mackay
Paperback 115x175mm
ISBN 978-0-9930458-7-5


Profoundly intimate yet immediately giving onto distant spaces, both an ‘organ of fear’ and an echo chamber of anticipated pleasures, an uncontrollable flow subject to unconscious selection and augmentation, the subtlety, complexity, and variety of modes of hearing has meant that sound has rarely received the same philosophical attention as the visual.

In The Order of Sounds, François J. Bonnet makes a compelling case for the irreducible heterogeneity of ‘sound’, navigating between the physical models constructed by psychophysics and refined through recording technologies, and the synthetic production of what is heard. From primitive vigilance and sonic mythologies to digital sampling and sound installations, he examines the ways in which we make sound speak to us, in an analysis of listening as a plurivocal phenomenon drawing on Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Barthes, Nancy, Adorno, and de Certeau, and experimental pioneers such as Tesla, Bell, and Raudive. Stringent critiques of the ‘soundscape’ and ‘reduced listening’ demonstrate that univocal ontologies of sound are always partial and politicized; for listening is always a selective fetishism, ahallucination of sound filtered by desire and convention, territorialized by discourse and its authorities.

Bonnet proposes neither a disciplined listening that targets sound ‘itself’, nor an ‘ocean of sound’ in which we might lose ourselves, but instead maps out a sonorous archipelago—a heterogeneous set of shifting sonic territories shaped and aggregated by the vicissitudes of desire and discourse.



Peter Szendy - The Otographer

The Trace of Sound; Imprints; Zone and Metamorphoses; The Grip of Sound

Perceive, Hear, Listen; The Nature of Sound: Phenomenon vs. Event; The Range of Sound; Perception-Continent

The Sonorous Object; There Is No Reduced Listening; Autonomous Sound; Beliefs and Perceptions

Desiring-Listening; Listening and Fetishism; Beyond Sound; Music and Crystallization; Fiction-Listening

Discourse and the Anchoring of Sound; Listening, Instrument of Authority and Power; Modelisations; Territorial Logics and Metaphors: The Archipelago; Insularity and Authority

Extraterritorialities; Oblique Strategies I. The Shifting Sands of the Given-to-be-Heard; Oblique Strategies II. Explosion of the Non-Sign; Sonorous Resistance; Phonophany vs. Apophenia


$24. 99

Sequence of musical sounds, 8 (eight) letters

Crossword question

Answer for the clue "Sequence of musical sounds", 8 (eight) letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word scale

Sequence of ascending or descending musical system sounds, fret

Hierarchy of scale steps

Musical scale

A series of musical sounds following each other in a certain sequence

Definition of the word scale in dictionaries

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. nine0005 m. A series of musical sounds following each other in a certain sequence.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
-a, m. (specialist.). A sequence (series) of musical sounds arranged in ascending or descending order. And adj. sonorous, th, th. nine0003

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
A scale in music theory is a sequence of sounds arranged in height in ascending or descending order. Individual sounds in such a series are called steps in music theory. In Russian musicological literature of the late 19th and first half of the 20th century . ..

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
scale, m. (music). A series of musical sounds built in the order of some kind. sequences, gamma, mode. Harmonic soundtrack. Church soundtrack.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
the sequence of the main steps of the musical system, mode, as well as all the sounds available for performance on any musical instrument or contained in any musical work, melody, arranged in ascending or descending ...

Examples of the use of the word scale in the literature.

I still remember a whole series of references, filling with a single melody the recollected essence of their getting, taking them with a fight, reaching out to them, begging from officials, elderly doctors, elderly women of medium height, extremely soulful, possessing some kind of strange resolution and the possibility in the essence of the lens of my conversation with my parents about service in the army, which had a foreskin, through which I saw something, prevailed over the very ability to consider something, to distinguish, recognize, contemplate, to have more or less advantageous, but always natural in my struggle for will to power, a cacophony of sounds, only the time of which merged, was combined into a jubilant, festive, initially manifesting remnant of meaning, a spring scale of references, seals, paragraphs, headings, returned handwriting, the indistinguishability of my name in this schematic hardness and transparency, and another musical seven-part structure basic documentation whose letters are produced it was dressing up in her toga with neon

She reached the nymphs, so close that she almost touched them, then walked along the panel, reproducing the curve of the wall, but equipped with a scale of movement, a curved line folded into a squiggle that straightened out every second, and every second a changing distance, as indefinite as nymphaeum, because shattered by movement into a thousand directions, pulverized in this centerless body.

He takes the well-tempered clavier as a starting point, plunges into the very jungle of number theory, abruptly returns to the Yglm scale, just so that the listeners do not fall asleep, and is again carried away into number theory. nine0003

Each of these sounds causes more or less resonance in the trumpet. This is the scale of brass instruments.

Together, these keys make it possible to record almost the entire scale used and therefore have become universal.

Therefore, the orchestra had a lot of horns of various sizes - enough to form a scale of them and make it possible to play music.

Source: Maxim Moshkov Library

nine0000 Sound sequence | Defectology Prof.

When forming the correct sound pronunciation, a number of general requirements for the stages of speech therapy work are traditionally observed. There is a certain sequence of introducing sounds into speech. First, “simple sounds” are put: A, U, O, I, E, S; B (Bb), P (Pb), M (Mb), V (Vb), F (Fb). After these sounds have appeared in the child's independent speech,

work begins on: С (Сь), З (Зь), Ц. The next stage introduces the sounds Ш, Ж, С, Ш, Л (Л). And only at the very end is the sound P (Pb). This sequence is due to readiness

articulation apparatus to a specific sound.

For example, the sound Ш requires lifting the tip of the tongue up. If your child's tongue is not yet strong enough to lift it, then you should start not with sound production, but with strengthening the tongue, through special speech therapy massage and articulatory gymnastics.

In individual cases, the sequence of sounds can be changed

. For example, if the period of setting whistling sounds (C, Z, C) is delayed, and the tongue is already ready for hissing sounds, then you can try to put

first them and then back to whistling. There are also cases when a child, at the age of

, fails to control his articulation patterns, and he begins to react too emotionally to failures, you can move on to staging sounds that are best for him. This will avoid the emergence of negativism to the classes. However, violation of the sequence of setting sounds is


There are other disputable situations that deserve special mention. Sometimes you hear from parents: “We don’t need the sound S and Sh, we are interested in the sound R.” But do not put your interests above the interests of the child. Maybe there are 9 of you0003

he is not interested, but the child without their correct pronunciation will have a hard time ... In addition, not knowing how to pronounce the rest of the sounds correctly, it is unlikely that the child will be able to master the sound R.

a certain sequence of work with each sound:

1. Preparation of the articulatory apparatus

2. Primary production of sound

3. Fixing it in oral speech

Each specific sound requires a set of special exercises.

– articulatory gymnastics. Doing exercises. The child must actively and

consciously work, while he must be interested.

Doing daily articulation gymnastics, you continue to work on the sound until the correct articulation and pronunciation appear. When a child has mastered a new sound for him, do not demand that he immediately begin to use it in speech. The child must repeatedly, sometimes for many days, repeat an isolated sound so that correct articulation becomes familiar to him. nine0003

For a child, this should not become a tiring and boring duty, so different game exercises are chosen, which alternate and change.

The sequence of introducing sounds into speech runs along one line: from

syllable to word, to sentence. However, there are some little secrets when choosing

speech material during the automation of certain sounds. So the development of the sounds "S", "Sh" (as well as "Z", "Zh", "Sch", "X", that is, any consonant sound pronounced for a long time), begins with a long isolated pronunciation of them, then a transition is made to direct syllables like SA, SY, SHA, SHI. With their correct pronunciation, the articulation of the sounds “C”, “Sh” is clearly visible, it is easy to follow the position of the tip of the tongue. Next, we move on to pronunciation of words with worked out syllables at the beginning of the word: SANI, SHINA, SALO, SON, Hat ...

After automating the sounds "С" and "Ш" in such words, you can move on to other syllables (SU, SO, SHO, SHU) and to words with these syllables. Then the work continues on the material of sound combinations such as ASA, ASHA, YSHHA, OSA, ISA, etc., that is, the sound is between vowels. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that these sounds are never worked out at the same time (the system of work is simply identical).

Next, we move on to words like porridge, kitty, scales, braids,

BURDEN... At this stage, tongue-twisters help a lot. It's easy to make them yourself.

The principle is this: we choose any word in which the sound being studied will not be the last and not the first, for example: stripe, “tear off” the last syllable SA and compose a phrase like this: “SA-SA-SA, stripe on the road” or a very simple "SA-SA-SA is a stripe." The main thing is that when pronouncing such a

tongue talk, the child could repeat some syllable with the sound being studied for a long time and then

enter it into a word. Then we move on to pronunciation of words in phrases and further - in sentences (we use materials from speech therapy notebooks, collections or simply children's books). Together with data

by the type of work it is necessary to include sound in short and then long poetic texts. This is how the transition to the automation of sounds in speech is systematically carried out (this is when the child should be asked to follow the correct pronunciation of the sound in all words).

Sounds that are pronounced briefly, as if exploding (“К”, “Г”, “Ц”, “Ч”,

“Т”, “Д”) are recommended to be automated in a slightly different order. First, so

- in isolation "CH-CH-CH" - the train knocks on the rails, "K-K-K" - the grandfather groans. Then these sounds are pronounced in reverse syllables: in the first place is

vowel sound, and then our studied consonant sound: we sing the vowel for a long time, and pronounce the consonant shortly, easily, like this: A-A-AH, A-A-AK ... When this type of syllable is easy to pronounce, you must immediately enter tongue twisters (we come up with the principle described above). Next, we move on to combinations such as ACA, ACHA and words with this combination of sounds. Gradually we introduce direct syllables into classes: CHA, KA, TSY and words with these syllables. Then he pronounces any words in phrases and sentences, and then we proceed to working out the sound in independent speech. nine0003

You can work on the sound "L" according to any of the presented models, based on the capabilities of the child - you need to try everything. The "R" sound is an interesting sound. Someone very easily starts cracking his tongue on the move and syllables are immediately obtained, such as RA, RO, RU, and soon words. In such cases, the sound is easily introduced into phrases, sentences, and even into speech. However, as a rule, this sound causes serious difficulties in automation: the child does not have enough strength to pronounce it loudly and then the sound is lost somewhere in the oral cavity, it is pronounced as if in a whisper, muffled. Such a sound cannot be introduced into syllables and words, it is necessary to engage in isolated pronunciation as long as possible (crack your tongue for a long time with your mouth wide open, as soon as possible). If the setting of the sound proceeded from the jerky sounds T or D, then further attention should be paid to the transition from these sounds to other jerky sounds. In practice, this type of work will look like this:0003

Pronunciation of the sound “P” in the syllables TRA, DRA, DRU further in words with this syllable at the beginning (GRASS, DRAKA…), in the middle (vatRUSHKA, MATTRESS…), in phrases and sentences with worked out words.

· Transition to the sound combination PRRR, BRRR (learn to crack from a new push sound - P or B), then practice in the syllables PRA, BRA, PRO, BRU, then in words with these syllables.

Transition to the sound combination КРРР, GRRR, VRRR, NRRR (to learn how to perform crackling from new push sounds), then practicing in the syllables PRA, BRA, PRO, BRU, VRA, GRA, KRU ... further in words with these syllables. nine0003

Transition to the combinations ARA, ARO, AGC ... If you still can’t “tear off” the “R” sound from the jerk sound, then go to the jerk “Sh” - SHRRRR (it is very difficult to pronounce and the child will gradually remove the “Sh”) .

Learn more