Pie nursery rhyme

'Little Jack Horner' : NPR

Reason Behind the Rhyme: 'Little Jack Horner' Host Debbie Elliott and Chris Roberts dissect the meaning of the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner." It's about a real estate swindle in 16th-century England. Roberts is the author of Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme.

Heard on All Things Considered

Reason Behind the Rhyme: 'Little Jack Horner'

Host Debbie Elliott and Chris Roberts dissect the meaning of the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner." It's about a real estate swindle in 16th-century England. Roberts is the author of Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme.


This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Debbie Elliott.

You think the real estate market is treacherous today, try England in the late 1530s. That's what the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner" is really all about.

(Soundbite of music)

ELLIOTT: Here to explain is our London librarian Chris Roberts. He's the author of "Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme," and he's at our London bureau.

Hello again, Chris.

Mr. CHRIS ROBERTS (Author, "Heavy Words Lightly Thrown"): Hello. Hi, Debbie.

ELLIOTT: So who was Little Jack Horner?

Mr. ROBERTS: Little Jack Horner was actually Thomas Horner. The name Jack comes up in nursery rhymes a lot, usually to reflect a slightly knavish character, a bit of a ne'er-do-well. So I suspect that's why they changed his name to Jack from Thomas.

(Reading) `Little Jack Horner sat in a corner eating his Christmas pie. He stuck in a thumb and pulled out a plum and said, "What a good boy am I."'

Where to begin with this? This is talking about the dissolution of the monasteries, Henry VIII taking property from the Catholic Church. Jack, as we know, is actually called Thomas Horner. Now he was a steward to the Abbot of Glastonbury during the reign of Henry VIII. This is how the story goes: He was entrusted to take some title deeds of properties to Henry VIII as a bribe so the abbot could keep the main monastery, but was prepared to give away some of the lesser properties.

Now the title deeds were held and sealed in a pie, and Jack's off to London. But instead of delivering the bribe to Henry VIII, he helps himself to the pie, puts his hand in, pulls out a plum piece of real estate--in this case, a place called Mells Manor--and thinks he's very clever for doing this. That's one version of it, that Jack is a thief and he's stealing the bribe that's intended for the king. And he...

ELLIOTT: So was this common? Is there historical evidence to support the theory that bribes were often delivered in pies?

Mr. ROBERTS: It comes up bewilderingly often in nursery rhyme. And it's--I think the pie is used as a metaphor. I think it's not necessarily what we would think of as a pie. It's just referring to a means of concealing a document, concealing anything. It could be jewels in some cases. Now the Horner family, who incidentally lived in Mells Manor until the 20th century, are quite outraged at this slander of their ancestor and understandably so.

And there are actually two rhymes that mention Mr. Horner. The first one that mentions him is: `Hopton(ph), Horner, Smith and Finn, when the abbots went out, they came in.' And a much more likely reading of what happened is that Thomas Horner, along with the other people mentioned in the previous rhyme--Hopton and Smith and Finn--were up-and-coming gentry. They were Protestant, they were local merchants doing quite well for themselves in the area around Glastonbury, and that they bought the property. You could see it as an early example of gentrification. They bought the property at the time admittedly at a knockdown rate, and admittedly the land had been stolen from the Catholic Church by Henry VIII. This seems to be what happened after the dissolution of the monasteries. The king didn't keep all the land for himself; he distributed it amongst his supporters so he then could rely on their loyalty should anything occur in the future, should there be a rebellion in the future. I suspect, though I can't prove this, that the popular `Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie' version is actually the Catholic take on proceedings there.

ELLIOTT: Chris Roberts is the author of "Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme," and he's a librarian at Lambeth College in South London.

Thank you, Chris.

Mr. ROBERTS: Thank you, Debbie.

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Nursery Rhyme Pies with surprises inside

Illustration by William Wallace Denslow.

Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner
Eating his Christmas pie
He put in his thumb
And pulled out a plum
And said, "What a good boy am I!"

It's a familiar nursery rhyme that has been said to be about stealing land during the reign of Henry VIII. Whether true or not, the story goes that the Abbot of Glastonbury, one of the last abbeys to be confiscated by Henry VII in the 1530s, decided to bribe the king with a Christmas pie that contained the deeds to twelve of his properties (other than the Abbey itself) rather than the ingredients of a regular Christmas Pie.

The classic Christmas pies were large, well suited to hiding deeds, and the sort of thing that an abbot would be expected to send to the king. In Henry's day, they were filled with mincemeat containing thirteen ingredients (one for Christ, and twelve for the apostles). They had mutton, representing the shepherds in the Nativity story, and a rectangular box shape like that of the manger  Thus, the Abbot's pie had symbolic meanings, as well as being a gift he hoped that the king would accept.

The abbot delegated delivery of the pie to his steward, Thomas Horner (who became Jack in the nursery thyme, because the name "Jack" was often associated with someone up to no good). Thomas took the pie to the king, but before he got there (so the story goes), pulled out the deed to Mells Manor. Because he was Protestant, Thomas got to keep the manor. The King had the abbot hung anyway, took the rest of the abbey and properties, and everyone continued on. The Horner family owned Mells Manor into the twentieth century; no word about whether they kept up a tradition of Christmas pies.

Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie

Another familiar nursery rhyme had blackbirds instead of plums in the pie:

Four and Twenty Blackbirds

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing
Now wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before a king!

The king was in his counting house,
Counting out his money;
The queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.

The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose.

In this case, the pie was an entremet, an entertainment served between courses by wealthy hosts. Birds, pigs, and frogs, even people, could be trapped inside a big pie shell, and let out by breaking the crust, to amaze the guests. One interpretation of this nursery rhyme also ties it to Henry VIII.   Henry VIII was the king in the counting house, and the singing birds were people who turned others in to save their own hides, or to get rewards (a pocket full of rye) from the king. The queen was Catherine of Aragon (note that she was eating bread and honey, not pie), and the maid in the garden was Anne Boleyn.

Both of the rhymes demonstrate one of the essential qualities of pie crust. Properly made with wheat, it is a structurally sound container. An engineering school's experiments with building the perfect gingerbread house led to the conclusion that "Dough with a tough, springy consistency and decreased moisture content is ideal, and can be achieved by using flour with high protein content, such as bread flour. Higher-protein flours contain more glutenin and gliadin proteins, which create the springy gluten network that gives dough its elastic properties." From the Middle Ages into the present, pie crusts have been used as free-standing structures in which food was cooked, or  as containers holding entertainments of live creatures.

A German cookbook from 1553 described how to make the crust. It advised the cook to take flour, mix it with eggs, melt some fat in boiling water (which could have been butter or lard, or other meat fats), pour that over the flour, and  "work it well." (i.e., knead it to develop the gluten). The cook shaped the dough into whatever three-dimensional shape was needed. Then they shaped a lid and fastened it to the box with water,  crimping the edges together with their fingers. After filling the crust (or "coffin," from a French word meaning basket), the cook baked it.

Sometimes the crust was inedible, but just as often, it could be eaten as part of the meal. If the nobility didn't eat the crust, they often passed it on to poor people, who relished the pastry soaked with the juices of the meats and spices that had filled the pie.  Alternatively, baking food in the relatively dry and impenetrable crust could preserve food, if the top layer of crust was sealed with fat of some sort.

Blackbirds in a pie (Creative Commons, 8-5-2018)

funny children's games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc.

Funny children's poems about delicious pies and their preparation for preschoolers 4-5 years old Kodinenko

Mom cooked a cake,
I helped her a little.
A pie is baked in the oven,
And they bathe me in the river.

A. Alferova

In the morning with grandma Alina
We baked pie with raspberries.
But the raspberry objected -
ran away through the crack...
She left two peels for us,
There are hillocks next to the crusts.

E. Golubev

Mom went out of the door -
We ran to watch pie .
We tried a crumb,
Then a little more -
From a pie with a filling
Half disappeared.
Mom will return, say: "Mom,
He swallowed himself somehow. "

M. Saliy

On a hillock near a river
It was hot, like in an oven.
We baked a pie with raspberries:
We took clay instead of dough,
Rolled it out and stuffed it
Put two blades of grass,
Three flowers, a handful of earth
And baked it in the sun.
We have a pie with a secret:
Summer is kept inside.

R. Aldonina

Why does our Tanya
have flour in her nose and sour cream in her mouth?
- There were important things,
Pies she baked!

S. Korkin

Mom kneaded the dough
Cooks a pie ,
I'm insanely curious
I'm spinning at my feet.
Here is the flour, but here is the filling,
I try a little,
This is a raspberry -
I wish I could lick it all off!
Only it's all in vain -
Mom can't be distracted,
And, red pie,
Climbed into the electric oven.
Oh, what a delicious smell
And a rosy side!
Dad will come home from work,
And we'll eat a pie!

I wanted to bake a cake .
I bought sugar and cottage cheese.
I stocked up flour and semolina,
I found salt on the shelf.
I took apples out of the basket
I made a stuffing out of them.
Kneaded thick dough,
Placed on a hot baking dish(s).
I waited an hour, waited another.
And suddenly I remembered: "Fire!".
Well, how could I forget,
Turn on the fire in your stove!
I turned on the stove quickly,
To bake a cake faster.
And know exactly in an hour,
I invite you for tea!

L. Chekmareva nine0006

Grandma's birthday
We baked a cake with jam.
Of course, I helped,
Decorated with my mother.
It turned out lush,
With a crust on all sides.
There will be a lot of treats,
I want a pie with jam,
I need to sit closer to him,
Delicious, you will lick your fingers.

Oh, what a pleasant smell.
How it tugs at our soul.
We didn't see it, but the smell,
Says a lot.
He's talking about stuffing.
That the dough rose on time.
That today is a wonderful day.
What do we bake a big pie .
Right side and left side too.
Browned already.
I am sitting on a chair now.
And as if on a hedgehog.
With fragrant mint tea.
They will give me a piece now.
I invite you all to visit.
Very tasty our pie!

A. Eroshin

Was one centipede
Baked cake with cloudberries.
The cake was ruddy and fresh,
Eat with tea right now.
Without guests, everyone knows,
Eating a cake is not interesting,
And with a company of guests
Sugar is sweeter, tea is thicker.
Culinary centipede
Thought a little,
And touchy snails
Invited for a pie.
From the porch to the gate
The snails crawled all day,
And then two days in the dust
From the gate they crawled into the forest.
Yes, two more days girlfriends
We got to the edge of the forest,
Yes, then two more days
To the mistress's stump.
Sit together around the table…
What a strange thing:
Where's the centipede pie?
There are only crumbs on the table.

I. Brilko

Two fairies walked with a bag of caramel.
Where to? - It's a terrible secret.
We didn't want to tell you about it,
But suddenly we blabbed by chance:
Two fairies were walking along a long alley
Into a dense dense thicket -
The alley was made of cookies with sage,
And the thicket was made of crispy waffles.
And at midnight the wonderful fairies arrived,
Passing through the jam puddles
As elegant as possible, as tasty as possible
Decorate PIE for Vanyusha.

N. Volkova

No mood at all today.
Maybe I got up on the wrong foot,
But I have such an impression all day,
That there are only pies everywhere !
A chandelier is a birthday cake,
Candles stood on it - exactly six!
I walk decorously around the room
And I dream of eating this cake.
Mother's hat is cabbage,
Since childhood, the most favorite pie. nine0009 It's so appetizing and tasty -
Nobody could refuse!
At night I dreamed of a cherry pie,
I cut it - and in my mouth!
And the cake is whole again, like new,
It grows on a huge plate.
I've been on a diet for half a year:
My choreographer is formidable and strict,
"Since you're dancing in ballet,
Don't you dare even think about the pie!"

Scenario of the holiday "All about pies"

(Two hosts enter to the music.)

1st: Hello, dear guests, invited and welcome guests! nine0003

2nd: Glad to see you all at our party! And our holiday is dedicated pies!

1st: How immense is Russia, how diverse are the traditions, customs, peoples of its inhabitants, their cuisine is so original, and above all pies.

2nd: You will learn the history of the pie,
And you will shine with culinary skills as always!

1st: A noble treat awaits you here,
And a pleasant pastime.

2nd: In ancient times in Rus', people, gathering for holidays, arranged feasts on the occasion of the celebration. And for this day they baked a special holiday cake. nine0003

Song performed:
We need to make a cake,
So that everyone can taste it.
Let's take a hundred grams of smiles,
And quite a bit of mistakes,
Laughter, ringing joy
Half a kilo - for sweetness.
Let's add a handful of kindness,
Season with affection, tenderness,
Heart's ardor and warmth of the soul.
Plant in the oven and do not grieve.
Our pie turned out surprisingly
- a feast for the eyes!
Just a miracle - not cooking,
All relatives will be treated!

1st: Russian cuisine knows a lot of recipes for a variety of pies: baked and fried. They differ in the composition and method of preparing the dough (yeast, puff, fresh, rich.), by appearance (open, closed, small and large, round and square. nine0009 (Multimedia show)

2nd: Baked pies with meat, game, mushrooms, eggs, cereals, vegetables and forest berries, with cottage cheese, apples, poppy seeds, fish and sorrel. vegetable The toppings were also varied.

1st: There were even borage pies with pickles. There were also so-called bread pies: they cut off the crust and ate the filling with spoons. Cooked such pies-plates with onion, cabbage and carrot fillings. All features Russian pies cannot be listed. Each locality has its own rules, traditions and secrets. nine0003

2nd: On holidays in Rus' they liked to arrange competitions. Competed in dance, valiant daring, in strength. According to the old Russian tradition, today we Let's have a competition to bake the best cake. Well, they will be evaluated the most honored guests, our jury.

1st: Good people, before you start baking a cake, listen Russian traditions and wise advice from a hostess:
Do not sweep the floor when you are baking pies - you will sweep with ergot. You know guys what was called ergot in the old days? Ergot is a black seed which was ground together with grains of rye, the dough rose well from ergot. And when the housewives kneaded the dough, they said, raising the hem of their skirt: “Ergot in sourdough”, “Rise the sourdough higher”. Remember the tips, and then you will succeed fluffy, delicious cake. nine0003

1 Competition:

2nd: It's time for you to try yourself as a hostess. I suggest bake a birthday cake. The execution sequence is given in the instruction map. Before starting work, we need to repeat the sanitary - hygienic requirements and TB. Who can tell me about them?
- Cook food in overalls.
- Nails to be cut, hands to be thoroughly washed, hair to be hidden under the scarf.
When handling a knife:
- Use proper knife handling techniques. nine0009 - Pass the knife with the handle forward. (nationality)

(Children do the task, clean their place)

(Pleshakov V. reads a verse)
There is a circle in our house.
I could not pass by.
The aroma soared.
That my stomach is dear
Grumbled like clockwork.
I wanted to eat like that,
As if I had not eaten for three years.
And the girls, as luck would have it,
That's because we were not lucky,
They run around, treat everyone.
They don't notice us point-blank.
Where is justice, brothers? nine0009 No, she's probably asleep.
And she doesn't care,
That my stomach grumbles.
I will go to the director,
I will find justice
Maybe he will help me?
I want to cook too!
For yourself and for friends,
For relatives and guests!

1st: Dear guests, tell me why in the old days they said: in the oven, don't sit on the oven?" Answer: (Pies will go bad.)
-Tell me, good people, why did they put small children under the sourdough? stuck in the oven on a shovel? (Answer: If the child speaks badly and grows, he was put under a sourdough.)

1st: The housewives moistened their hands with water, crushed their sourdough, while saying: - As my sour sour, so you, my child, sour; - Like my sauerkraut rose, so you go my child. ) And when the child was frail and sickly, performed the rite of "baking" - put on a shovel and in a cold stove, as pie, popped.

2nd: Tell me, what Russian fairy tales speak of the rite of baking, and who, then, puts small children on a shovel and puts them in the stove, but not make-believe, but in the most burning fire? (Answer: Baba Yaga, Witch.)

1st: That's right, Baba Yaga is a sorceress, and the Witch is a witch. And in these stories reflected the ancient rite of baking. Guys, the round cake was still served and a talisman against all witches and evil spirits, therefore this word is found so often in lullabies, ditties and jokes.

2nd contest:

2nd: And our 2nd contest is called the “Competition of Chastushechniks”. Each the family prepared ditties about pies, it was your homework, let's listen to them together.
(chastushkas are performed)

1. I'm waiting for my dear girlfriends
Visit me this week.
I want you to eat my

2. I'll knead the dough in the morning,
I'll bake pies!
I'm waiting for you, dear guests,
Just be full!

3. Pies with different fillings
Bake on the weekend.
We'll put the samovar for tea,
And we'll gather the neighbors.

4. There will be tea with pies
With mint and hops.
Hey, girlfriend, don't be bored,
Pour more!

5. Let's sing songs,
Standing on the porch
Let's dance "Lady"
With the exit from the stove.

6. Pies, pies
Lush and delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat and cabbage.

7. We cook on a mug,
We try very hard.
Don't praise us too much,
Otherwise we'll be arrogant!
8. We are about delicious pies
We sang ditties for you.
Ah, thanks for coming,

2nd: Today, perhaps, a rare girl at the age of 17-18 will boldly demonstrate ability to bake pies. And her peers in the last century considered this matter simply necessary. According to old traditions, the day after the wedding the young woman had to bake a pie. With this cake she treated guests, and according to his taste they judged the homeliness of the future hostess. nine0003

1st: Pies played a special role in birthday ceremonies. By the name day It was customary to bake pies and send them to relatives and friends. pies served sort of an invitation to the party. There were so many pies sent how many members of the family that were waiting for a visit. The one who brought the pies set them on the table and said: "The birthday man ordered to bow to the pies and asked eat bread.

3rd competition:

2nd: And we will continue our culinary competition. Every family should solve cooking puzzles. (Each team is given an envelope with riddles) nine0009 - I'm bubbling and puffing, I don't want to live in a pot, I'm tired of pot, plant in the oven me ”(dough).

Foka's nosed one
Constantly hands to hips.
Foka boils water
And shines like a mirror.

I don't eat myself,
I feed people. (Spoon)

I feed everyone willingly,
And I myself do not rotate.

Kruglobok and olives
Moderately cool and salty
Smells like sunshine,
Smells like a sultry field. (bread)

Cut me,
Knit me.
They beat me mercilessly,
They wheel me.
I will go through fire and water,
And my end is
Knife and teeth. (BREAD)

- cuts, the other - clings. There is enough work for both in the plate (knife and fork).

Puffs, groans, crawls upwards,
If you don't watch it, it will fall,
But it doesn't hurt him. Why?
What is it?

1st: Numerous proverbs and sayings are composed about pies - the most famous of them: “Eat a pie with mushrooms and keep your mouth shut”, “Do not tap hut with corners, and red with pies ”And on Epiphany holidays they baked pies-crosses from sour dough. Some housewives put a coin or a button in them “on happiness". nine0003

2nd: In Rus', a pie was a symbol of housekeeping. At times, pies were revered in Russia is higher than bread. There was a time when they were served as an independent dish, but in the middle of the 19th century they began to be consumed with tea. It's time to and us to taste the festive cake prepared by your hands, and for this you need to pass the final test.

4th competition:

2nd: Each family needs to set the tables according to the rules of etiquette for tea (serving table for tea).

(Alyona Orlyanskaya reads a poem after the competition)
Begging, asking for future pie,
Bake me soon, my friend.
I want to show off in plain sight,
And, of course, I will quickly get on the table.
You put me in the middle,
Let them admire what I am in the window.
Lush, delicate and tasty,
Well, admire me soon, guests of me.
Just a request from me for all guests.
Are you enjoying yourself? Eat quickly!
I ask you not to prick with a sharp fork.
Gently cut off a chunk with a knife.
And I ask you not to swallow and hurry,
You can, oddly enough, choke on me.
So know, you, comrades, friends!
Gently eat me!

2nd: This is the end of our culinary competitions,

1st: According to an old Russian tradition, the holiday ended with tea baked pies in the family circle, and we invite you to taste the pies with tea. (Tea drinking)

As a schoolboy, I looked forward to Sunday. Why? The fact is that my mother baked PIES! The most delicious pies with potatoes with meat and the most delicious with cabbage and meat. nine0003

In the morning, my mother would send me to the grocery store for dough, and she would prepare the filling herself. Dad, on the other hand, took a weighty beater made by him and went on a responsible task - to shake out carpets and paths. The older sister at that time was doing wet cleaning in the apartment. Each had their own responsibilities.

And already in the afternoon, closer to three, the four of us gathered in our little kitchenette. Be sure to put an electric samovar in the center of the table and plates with cakes and …

How many dumplings were there? nine0006

Brother and sister shared donuts,
There were exactly five donuts.
There are thieves in the house:
Maybe cats, maybe mice,
Or maybe monkeys?
Impossible to recognize,
Who could have taken one donut?
The children share the donuts again,
it became easier for them to count:
before there were five donuts,
and now... four donuts!
But suddenly, two sailed away,
Maybe the cats stole them,
Maybe the mice or monkeys
Dragged these donuts?!
How many are left now?…
Only two? what a pity!
And the remaining donuts,
So that monkeys don't eat them,
So that neither cats nor mice
These donuts are stolen,
Their brother and sister instantly
Divided among themselves.
How much did each get?..
Well, of course, one by one!
And now for you the task:
Nine donuts - that's good luck!
Divide them in half.
If you don't want donuts,
Divide the seven elephants,
Three cats and five cows.
And for even, for the account
Add a hippopotamus to them! nine0009 Who will solve the problem faster,
Get chewing gum from me!

Kira Ziskina

Pie on a saucer

Ruddy pies on a silver platter,
I would like to guess the filling:
This barrel turned red from the juice,
And I really want to try it.

Only a small piece,
Sweet pie
With blueberry interlayer.
One piece, two pieces -
Somehow a pie was eaten ...

Golden pie - a fungus is visible from the edge,
Mushroom pies, so delicious!
With onions or potatoes? I'll take a bite!
One piece, two pieces -
Somehow I ate a pie ...

The pie lies sideways, beckons with a golden onion,
Yes, with fish filling, with bream, and sturgeon ..
I can’t resist, I’ll just try to take it ... a piece –
Somehow I ate a pie…


Maria Lavruk

Apple pie

Smells delicious with apples.
A cat is napping on the sofa.
And in the granny's oven
A pie rises,
With a crispy yellow crust,
The dough is like a swan's down.
The aroma is so heady,
What is breathtaking!
It's already half a century behind -
It's time to sum up,
But I still remember
Wonderful grandmother's pie.
Smells delicious with apples.
And the ginger cat purrs.
I bake for my grandchildren
The same fabulous cake…

Kira Ziskina

Grandma Kira's pies nine0006

He asks his granddaughters Baba Kira
-Bake a pie with potatoes,
No, probably better with meat-
Our cat likes meat.
I also love fish
And I love liver pie.
Baba Kira beamed
-I will pamper my granddaughter.
-But the most delicious thing, perhaps, is
You bake a pie with mushrooms.-
What is poor Kira to do?-
Judge for yourself, children.
Granddaughter Dana came running
-Bake me a better pizza
Or a muffin with chocolate
And sprinkle it with cinnamon.
What will you do for your grandson?
What can you do for your granddaughter?!
I baked a cake amazingly!
Everyone got it, even the Bug.
And such a pie was delicious,
Not a pie, but a meal!
What kind of stuffing was it with?
- From cherry jam….
Do you want pies
From quince or figs? -
Arik and Dana will treat you
Baba Kira's pies.
And they live in Ashdod.
Come, do not be shy,
And by the sea, in nature,
Help yourself to pies!
And on Shabbat, that week,
They had a cabbage pie.
I almost swallowed my tongue,
Before that, the pie was delicious!!!
Shabbat - Saturday (Hebrew)

Kira Ziskina

Did you like poems about pies? Be sure to share them with your friends on social networks or leave your comment.

I wanted to bake a cake.
I bought sugar and cottage cheese.
I stocked up flour and semolina,
I found salt on the shelf.
I took apples out of the basket
I made a stuffing out of them.
Thick dough kneaded,
Put on a hot baking sheet.
I waited an hour, waited another.
And suddenly I remembered: "Fire!".
Well, how could I forget,
Turn on the fire in your stove!
I turned on the stove quickly,
To bake a cake faster.
And know exactly in an hour,
I invite you for tea!

Here's a cake for you. It is prepared
According to a special recipe, and moreover
Skillfully, with feeling and love
And in only one copy.
He is exclusive, as they say.
For you, and only for you. nine0009 And I'm giving it to you now,
To enjoy the wonderful taste
You could bite off a piece
And, as if by chance, notice:
“Ah! Wonderful pie!
There is nothing like it in the whole world!”

Pies with jam, pies with potatoes!
Getting up early, grandmother will bake today.
Soft and fluffy, will take it out of the oven,
And the grandchildren of your loved ones, will gently call.

Kondratiev S.

Let's talk about pies…
Pies are not often baked.
But that day I'm on my feet,
When even the birds won't wake up!

I'll put the yeast into milk,
Then I'll put it to the battery,
After all, they slept deeply,
They'll wake up warm as soon as possible.

When the dough comes to life,
That process is not without interest!
With water in her flour - and here
The mass for kneading is ready.

I put it in a food processor
I lower it with a spoon gradually -
For those in cooking there are no secrets,
Who are educated in a modern way.

The machine will beat the dough,
Turn and knead without regret. nine0009 Then I will approach him
I will put it again near the heating.

It's ripe at last!
Sticks diligently from hands.
Now the crown has come to everything:
It goes on a baking sheet.

It's almost a pie.
Filled with subtle combinations
It will cross the threshold
Furnace - the limit of his dreams.

To suffer a little more
He's on fire, and I'm on a chair -
And the dough will turn pink,
And it will harden in a stuffy rumble!

And finally the pie is ready...
Our garden already holds the stars in its paws,
And the guest comes from all over,
Breathing in the delicious smell…

Yes, talking about pies
Easy. Swallowing them is an instant...
But turning the dough in your hands -
It takes time and skill!

We need to make a cake,
So that everyone can taste it.
Let's take one hundred grams of smiles,
And quite a bit of mistakes,

Laughter, ringing joy
Half a kilo - for sweetness.
Let's add a handful of kindness,
Season with caress, tenderness,

Heart's ardor and warmth of the soul. nine0009 Put in the oven and don't grieve.
Surprisingly our pie
It turned out - a feast for the eyes!

Just a miracle - not cooking,
Help yourself to all relatives!

Bake you, friends, pies.
Splashes of joy I will throw into the dough,
I will add the scent of flowers,
So that the pastry smells wonderful.
I'll grind a lot of affectionate words,
I'll add a smile, patience.
And I'll add love to the dough,
And at least a little luck.
I will sprinkle all this with a dream,
I will add a drop of wit,
I'll sweeten the pies with kindness,
I'll leave a place for kisses.
And I'll put the filling in pies:
It will be from generosity, affection,
Nobility, trust, love
And miracles, at least a little, from a fairy tale.
A little salt with a tear of happiness,
So that the food is not insipid.
And I'll add a little praise,
This will taste wonderful.
I baked pies for you with love,
Come in, please, do not be shy.
Postpone business as soon as possible.
What are you waiting for, friends?
Help yourself!!! nine0003

Mom went out the door -
We ran to look at the cake.
We tried a crumb,
Then a little more -
From the pie with filling
Half disappeared.
Mom will return, say: "Mom,
He swallowed himself somehow."

Golubev E.

As soon as I step on the threshold,
Warm air will rush to meet.
Flavored fish cake
Takes away coherent speech.

From under the boiling towel
It blinds the crust with the sun,
And smokes slightly with steam,
Ascended to the rank of king of the table.

I will break the piece across,
I will break the chunk in half.
Where do you hide, fish cake,
Juicy fish sweet flesh?

I can't describe your taste
Even the highest syllable.
Diet Enemy, Juicy Art -
Village Fish Pie!

Shagron Kira

Baked a cabbage pie,
You always loved it.
My house is empty
From your departure.

Malachite colored cups. nine0009 Fragrant honey in a vase.
You have drunk all the love
Who will return it now

There is a pie, jam on the table,
Honey and strong black tea,
But you are not there, unfortunately,
I would have looked by chance.

Do not glue a broken cup.
Dispersed, but not enemies,
I will wait for you and believe,
That you will come to pies.

Mom cooked a cake,
I helped her a little.
A pie is baked in the oven,
And they bathe me in the river.

Kodinenko G.

If grandmother today
Baked a raisin pie,
And no one has eaten yet
That raisin pie,

Then today you need to
Take a longer walk in the yard -
Let your parents and grandma
Drink tea without you!

After all, they don't know yet,
That deep trenches
You dug and tried in the pie,
When you were looking for raisins in it!

Larisa Leaf

I wanted to arrange a ball,
And I have guests at my place…

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,
Baked crumbly…

Pie, knives and forks here —
But some guests…

I waited until I had enough strength,
Then a piece…

Then he moved a chair and sat down
And the whole pie in a minute…

When the guests came,
Even crumbs . ..

Daniil Kharms

Granny bake pies with cabbage for us,
So that there is little dough, but thick fillings!
We will help you, we will sift all the flour
And we will be able to bring cabbage from the garden.
Forks crumble finely, dough breathes in the bowl
Quickly put on weight, he felt cramped.
Together we make pies, the stove is full of heat,
There they will be covered with a tan crust.
The old oven smells delicious!
Soon there will be cabbage pies for everyone.
Lush, ruddy just a feast for the eyes!
A slide on a platter to everyone's surprise.
The samovar boils on the table in the gazebo,
The sparrows counted the pies on the branch.
Dinner in the garden was a success, grandmother is happy,
Come to us friends, we will meet you hospitably!

Was one centipede
Cloudberry pie baked.
The pie was ruddy and fresh,
At least eat with tea right now.
Without guests, everyone knows,
Eating a cake is not interesting,
And with a company of guests
Sugar is sweeter, tea is thicker.
Culinary centipede
Thought a little,
And touchy snails
Invited for a pie.
From the porch to the gate
The snails crawled all day,
And then two days in the dust
From the gate they crawled into the forest.
Yes, two more days of girlfriends
We got to the edge of the forest,
And then two more days
To the owner's stump.
Sit together around the table...
What a strange thing:
Where is the centipede pie?
There are only crumbs on the table.

Eroshin A.

Grandmother planted in the oven
Oven pies with cabbage,
For Natasha, Kolya, Vova
Pies are ready.
Yes, one more cake
The cat dragged him under the bench.
Yes, there are four in the oven.
Grandchildren count pies.
If you can, help
Count the pies!

Grandma's birthday
We baked a pie with jam.
Of course, I helped,
Decorated with my mother.
It turned out lush,
With a crust on all sides.
There will be a lot of treats,
I want a pie with jam,
I need to sit closer to him,
Delicious, you will lick your fingers.

Chekmareva L.

Flour spills
Over the edge of the bag.
Will become a test -
It's crowded in the bowl.
Put it in the oven,
Oven pies,
The smell is like this -
Full without pies.
And if you swallow a piece -
You want more.

Stepanov V.

— Why does our Tanya
have flour in her nose and sour cream in her mouth?
- There were important things,
She baked pies!

Aldonina R.

Pie in a frying pan
Burned his back.
Turned on his stomach,
It does not burn very much.
And inside - boiled rice
He said to the pie: "Hold on",
If there are many white places,
Nobody will eat you and me. nine0003

Begging for future cake,
Bake me soon, my friend.
I want to show off in plain sight,
And, of course, I will quickly get on the table.
You put me in the middle,
Let them admire what I am in the window.
Lush, delicate and tasty,
Well, admire me soon, guests of me.
Just a request from me for all guests.
Are you enjoying yourself? Eat quickly!
I ask you not to prick with a sharp fork.
Gently cut off a chunk with a knife.
And I ask you not to swallow and hurry,
You can, oddly enough, choke on me.
I will not tolerate such a trick,
From a drunk, red turkey.
So know, you, comrades, friends!
Gently eat me!

In the morning with grandma Alina
We baked a raspberry pie.
But the raspberry objected -
ran away through the crack...
She left two peels for us,
There are hillocks next to the crusts.

Alferova A.

He'll be right on time,
Fresh fish pie.
Need yeast dough,
Cover with a towel,
Let it stand for a while,
To stimulate appetite.
We clean the fish from the bones,
Pour oil into it,
If there is little fat in the fish.
Friend, don't make mistakes,
Too much butter is bad too.
Leave the skin on the fish,
Peel the onions, then the potatoes
You can take quite a bit.
Roll out the dough thinner,
And on the bottom, in place
Put the potatoes first
And just a little onion.
Fish, pepper, a little salt,
Strictly ringed onion on top. nine0009 Close the top crust,
And almost ready, hero.
Make holes in this crust,
This is instead of a pimple,
Our pie must breathe,
And nothing to interfere with it
Should not. And our crust
We will grease with egg and butter,
Sprinkle a little with breadcrumbs,
And in the oven. Brothers, let's drink!
Smells delicious. All is ready!
Pour it, let's drink again
We are with a fresh pie ...
You are with me, my friend!

Markina Z.

Oh, what a pleasant smell. nine0009 How it tugs at our soul.
We didn't see it, but the smell,
Says a lot.
He's talking about stuffing.
That the dough rose on time.
That today is a wonderful day.
That we bake a big pie.
Right side and left side too.
Browned already.
I am sitting on a chair now.
And as if on a hedgehog.
With fragrant mint tea.
They will give me a piece now.
I invite you all to visit.
Very tasty our pie!

A park stretches from the kitchen,
Vanillin smell:
Mom cooks a cake
For the son's birthday;
Peach jam on top,
Melting, inviting,
Vanilla cream inside,
Crispy edges.
Oh, and our glorious pie,
It will ripen just in time.
Guests come,
Judge for yourself.

The samovar was wearily puffing
Because it was old.
Cups and saucers chirped,
Guests were invited to tea.
Thick birthday cake
I couldn't contain my delight.
Vanity and admiration,
The hostess has a birthday! nine0003

This is not a pie for you
With a crispy crust,
A rosy ship,
The real one.
- Full speed ahead!
- There is a full turn!
- Right in your mouth!
- Eat right in your mouth!
This delicious boat,
Baked by mom.
Juicy cherries are lucky
In the middle of the most.

Kulikova R.

On a hillock near the river
It was hot, like in an oven.
We baked a raspberry pie:
We took clay instead of dough,
Rolled it out and stuffed it
They put two blades of grass,
Three flowers, a handful of earth
And baked them in the sun.
We have a pie with a secret:
Summer is kept inside.

Saliy M.

Mom was making a cake,
I helped her a little.
Put some cinnamon into the dough,
Poured out a jar of mustard,
Put a spoonful of lentils…
In general, I did everything I could.

My dear grandpa Al,
Do you want some buns with tea?
So sit down at the table, my friend.
There is cottage cheese in cheesecakes,
Filled pies -
Cabbage and raspberries.
What can't you do, loving,
For good - you?

Mom is kneading the dough
Cooking a pie,
I'm extremely interested
I'm spinning at my feet.
Here is the flour, but here is the filling,
I try a little,
This is a raspberry -
I wish I could lick it all off!
Only it's all in vain -
Mom can't be distracted,
And, red pie,
Climbed into the electric oven.
Oh, what a delicious smell
And a rosy side!
Dad will come home from work,
And let's eat a pie!

Korkin S.

Somehow sad, my heart is empty...
Knead the dough thickly -
We cut the apples of the mountain quickly
For a pi-horn!
Oh, smelly, sticky juice...
We'll cut it for future use!
And we crush the cabbage to a crisp
In pi-ro-gi -
This will also be delicious;
Run to us!
Dress in crumbs; tsap palm
Sweet side!
And I'll give the bulldog a little
On the tooth!

Pie and bun. Fable nine0006

Along the green, along the alley,
The pie went to the groceries,
He dried up from the heat,
Walked very slowly.
Suddenly Plyushka meets him, -
His old girlfriend
At the parade, good,
Romantic soul.
- Hello, hello, - he says, -
Why look tired?
Why are you in such heat,
With your head uncovered?
Pie answered her:
- I lost my hat somewhere ...
What can I say about this,
I would like to quench my thirst ...
Plyushka explained the way,
How to go, where to turn.
The fact that there is one nearby
Grocery store.
- I would bring you,
Only things are waiting for me.
He nodded with the last of his strength,
And she's gone.
Finally got to the groceries,
He barely made it.
The pie rested there,
And he was able to drink water.
He began to think, meditate,
Yes, to remember Plyushka:
“Why is this Plyushka,
Helped with one advice
And left me,
To die on the decline of the day?”
I thought, he thought, guessed,
Dozed off on the bench.
And he saw in a dream,
How once in the spring
He crossed the river
And hurried home on the ice.
I heard a cry in the distance:
- I'm dying in the river,
Help someone
And don't let me drown!
It was that Bun,
Wept bitterly, called
Give a helping hand,
Get it out of the water.
Pie answered her:
- We must call friends soon,
I will run away for help
And I will help you!
The pie ran for a long time...
Bun was saved by the hero-horn. nine0009 He heard the plush call,
Came running WITHOUT WORDS.
Fable is the moral:
The word flies away into the distance,
It's not enough for them to decide…
We must act, baby!

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nursery rhymes for the smallest: texts of short poems of the nursery rhymes


  1. Conflines
  2. NEWS for newborns
  4. 0003

    Oh, my little, sweetheart,

    My pretty, my pretty.

    Oh, my girl, golden squirrel,

    Sweet candy, lilac twig!

    The sun looks out the window,

    Shines into our room.

    We clap our hands -

    We are very happy about the sun.

    Sun, sun,

    Look out the window,

    Shine a little,

    I'll give you peas!

    Rain, rain, more fun! nine0003

    Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

    Just don't get us wet!

    Don't knock on the window in vain -

    Spray in the field is better.

    Like a name day for the Sun

    They baked a clay cake

    That's such a wide!

    What a height!

    Sipping the handles in a sitting position:

    Grow like this

    Come visit me

    Grow like this

    We are happy.


    Oh, swing, swing, swing,

    There are rolls in the heads,

    Gingerbreads in the handles,

    Apples in the legs,

    Sweets on the sides,

    Golden twigs.

    (Alternately touching the head, arms, legs. )

    Nursery rhymes for newborns

    Collection II

    Ducks, ducks,

    We swam, we swam,

    We flew, we flew,

    We sat down!

    Ant grass has risen from sleep

    Ant grass has risen from sleep,

    Tit-tit bird took grain,

    Bunnies - cabbage,

    Mice - crust,

    Children - milk.


    Bunnies galloped.

    They began to jump and gallop,

    And amuse my son.


    Wide river,

    High banks.

    (On the first line, hands to the sides, on the second line, stretch your hands up.)

    Come out, come out, sun,

    Above my window,

    Come out, come out, sunshine,

    We will sow a seed.


    Baby Chin,

    Cheeks, Cheeks,

    Nose, Sponges.

    And behind the lips - the tongue

    He is used to making friends with the pacifier.

    Eyes, eyes,

    Eyebrows, eyebrows,

    Forehead, smart forehead -

    Mom does not stop looking.

    (Sentence, showing where the eyes, nose, etc.

    On the last line, you can kiss your miracle.)


    Woke up, stretched,

    Turned from side to side!

    Snacks! Snacks!

    Where are the toys, rattles?

    You, toy, rattle, raise our baby!

    Sunshine, sunshine,

    Look in the window!

    There are your children,

    There are youngsters,

    Cakes are being made,

    They are waiting for you.

    Woke up

    - We woke up, we woke up. nine0003

    (Handles to the sides, then crossed over the chest).

    - Sweet, sweet stretched.

    (Pull the handles up)

    - Mom and dad smiled.

    Rhymes for children up to a year old

    Collection III

    Cucumber, cucumber!

    Don't go for that tip,

    There lives a mouse,

    It will bite your tail off!

    Wattle fence


    Wattle fence above the city.

    The animals sat on the fence. nine0003

    Boasting all day long.

    The fox boasted:

    - I am beautiful to the whole world!

    The bunny boasted:

    - Go, catch up!

    The hedgehogs boasted:

    - Our fur coats are good!

    The bear boasted:

    - I can sing songs!

    Tili-tili! Tili-tili!

    Two goats were cutting grass.

    Young goats,

    Short tails.


    Cockerel, cockerel,

    Golden comb,

    Butter head,

    Silk beard,

    Why do you get up early,

    Eat loudly,

    Don't let the kids sleep?


    Like our cat

    Fur coat is very good,

    Mustache like a cat

    Surprising beauty,

    Bold eyes,

    White teeth.


    Owl Owl

    Owl Owl

    Big Head

    Sitting on a tree stump,

    Turning his head,

    Looks in all directions,

    Yes ka-a-ak

    It will fly!

    (We raise the child's hands up. )

    Who lives there little,

    He gets up early in the morning,

    Drinks milk from a saucer,

    Likes to lick the warblers,

    Likes to wash his tail with his paw, 9002.

    What is it called?


    Here they are in the crib

    Pink heels.

    Whose heels are these -

    Soft and sweet?

    Goslings will come running,

    They will pinch their heels.

    Hide quickly, don't yawn,

    Cover with a blanket!

    Two firefighters ran

    (point to one, then the other cheek of the baby)

    And they pressed the button - beep!

    (press the baby's nose with your finger).

    Silent Pied Piper

    Where are our ears?

    Peelers are listening! nine0003

    Where are the eyes?

    Watching fairy tales!

    Where are the teeth?

    Sponges are hiding!

    Well, lock your mouth!

    Toddlers tend to copy the behavior of adults, mirror their emotions, repeat sounds, so a constant conversation can become a dialogue.

    Learn more


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