Short sentence for kids
How To Make The Most Of Simple Sentences For Kids
When a child finally learns how to construct their own simple sentences, for kids (and parents!), it’s a really special moment.
Word combinations such as “knee sore” turn into, “Mommy, my knee is sore.” Or “now juice” develops into, “Can I have some juice?”
There’s no denying the importance of sentences — they help us better express our thoughts and feelings. So the only question now is: How can you help your child start constructing their own sentences so that they, too, can communicate better?
Two words: simple sentences.
When Do Kids Start Forming Sentences?
Children start forming sentences once they know a few words. But language development is quite a journey!
Somewhere between 18 and 24 months, a toddler will begin constructing two-word “sentences,” like “want milk” or “no sleep.” At this stage, they are linking two or more words together to express an idea. This is the first step and a big milestone.
By four years old (sometimes earlier), most children are speaking in complete sentences. But that doesn’t mean they’ve reached the end of their sentence journey.
While your child may be speaking in complete sentences, finding playful ways to expose four and five year olds to sophisticated aspects of sentences while being kid appropriate is beneficial. This will help them continue developing their language skills.
One of the best ways to do so is to encourage children to speak in complex sentences to express their ideas. How? This can be achieved by simply resisting the temptation to simplify our own speech.
Remember that children are learning sponges! They will naturally pick up on the language habits you expose them to. So, continue speaking in complex sentences while in their presence. It’s not a bad thing if your child asks, “What does that mean?”
Of course, simple sentences come first.
What Makes A Simple Sentence?
A simple sentence is the most basic form of a sentence. It contains only one independent clause — a group of words that forms a complete thought and is made up of a subject and predicate (which includes a verb and expresses what is said about the subject).
For example, in the simple sentence, Thomas kicks the ball, “Thomas” is the simple subject and “kicks the ball” is the predicate, with “kicks” being the verb, or simple predicate.
Simple sentences for kids are mostly short, but they can also be long. The length of the sentence isn’t the focus. What’s important is that the basic elements (subject and predicate) are always present.
When we communicate in our everyday lives, there’s usually a good mixture of both simple and more complex sentences without us even thinking about it. In order to help our kids reach this effortless communication stage, we need to help them understand the basics.
The good thing about the English language (and every other language, actually!) is that once you understand the basics, moving on to complicated structures is easier.
Simple Sentences For Kids To Act Out
One of the best ways for children to learn is through acting things out. If you have an active young child who enjoys moving around, why not use their energy to encourage some learning?
Here are some simple sentences for kids they will have fun acting out.
- He reads a book.
- The dog barks.
- The cat sits on the mat.
- I hop on one foot.
- The pig gobbles his food.
- The rooster crows.
With these sentences for kids, your child will have a blast while naturally learning what makes up a sentence!
Other Ways To Practice Sentences For Kids
1) Use Pictures
We recommend having your child use pictures to make up stories. You can even record the stories and listen to them for a little added fun!
If your child wants to write their ideas, too, that’s great! But don’t worry about standard spelling; much more important is the creative effort involved in thinking of a great story composed of interesting sentences of their own creation.
You can use pictures of animals, nature, sports, or even family photos. Then encourage your child to share whatever comes to their mind after having a look at these images.
During the first session, your child may need a few verbal prompts to help them get started. Simple questions like, “What’s happening in the picture?” or “What does this image remind you of?” can help to get their creativity flowing.
If you have multiple children, you can allow them to share what they came up with about the same image. As individuals, they will most likely think of different sentences, so this is a great opportunity to emphasize how everyone has unique ideas.
We encourage you to allow your children creative freedom here. The idea is to place an image in front of them and let them create anything they feel like creating.
2) Play Sentence Games
If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you’ll know one thing for sure — the HOMER team loves a good game! Games are not only fun, but they’re also great ways to help children remember fundamental learning concepts.
One of our favorite sentence games is Sentence Mix & Match.
What You’ll Need:
- Several index cards
- Markers to write with
What To Do:
- Write interesting subjects on half of the index cards (Ideally, these are things that your child likes. For example: dinosaurs, ice cream, different shapes, colors, etc.).
- On the other half, write predicates or sentence endings that make sense with your individual subjects.
- After writing, place the cards so that they make realistic sentences.
- Then, turn all the cards over and shuffle them. At this point, you want to ensure that you separate sentence beginnings and endings.
- After the shuffle, turn your cards over and discover what silly sentences you get.
- Remember to begin the subject cards with capital letters and sentence-endings cards with a period.
This is a fun activity to help children see that sentences are not always set in stone. They will also quickly learn that the meaning of a sentence can change when words get moved around.
3) Play With Types Of Sentences
Sentence Mix & Match is not the only way to help children learn sentences for kids while also having fun. Another activity we’re huge fans of is playing with types of sentences. Specifically — statements, questions, and exclamations.
To get started, pick any simple sentence that your child will already be familiar with (e.g., “I like playing outside.”).
Next, encourage your child to say this same sentence as a statement, a question, and then an exclamation.
Similar to Sentence Mix & Match, this game helps children understand that minor tweaks can change the meaning of a sentence.
Children will come across punctuation marks during reading time, but they may not always understand the significance of each. This game will help your child learn how periods, question marks, and exclamation points affect a sentence.
5) Make A Switch
The subject and predicate for each simple sentence have a specific function. For children to use these correctly, they will need to understand what their roles are.
When kids start speaking as babies and then toddlers, they often repeat words, phrases, or the simple sentences they’ve heard from you, your partner, siblings, or other people around them.
At this stage, they haven’t fully grasped the functions of subjects and predicates. If we want to help our children develop their own sentences, we will need to help them understand the roles of these sentence parts.
A creative game they (and you!) will enjoy involves switching the subjects and predicates of a sentence.
Start with a simple three-word sentence, like, “A cat played.” Then take turns changing either the subject or the predicate of the sentence.
This may look something like this:
- A cat jumped
- A dog jumped
- A dog growled
- A gerbil growled
- A gerbil scampered
Once your young learner is confident switching three-word sentences, move on to four words, five words, and so forth.
Through this fun activity, your child will start understanding the roles of predicates and subjects in sentences.
Simple Sentences For The Win!
A child’s language journey is pretty incredible. It often starts with lots of babbling and moves to single words. Soon, you get two-word combinations, and before you know it, you’re given a detailed account of what happened in class today.
As you’re doing the activities we’ve mentioned, remember to allow your child creative freedom. We know that language has a lot of rules, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Encourage your young learner to be as imaginative as they want to be.
For instance, if they write or say, “The lion growls at the dinosaur,” let’s celebrate the correct sentence construction and, for a moment, imagine a world where lions and dinosaurs exist in the same age!
For more fun and effective learning activities, check out the HOMER Learn & Grow app.
100 Simple English Sentences for Kids » OnlyMyEnglish
Are you looking for simple English sentences for kids? Here we have a huge collection of simple sentences for kids.
- There is no way to go outside.
- Where is the duster?
- How dare you say that!
- Wash your hands.
- Whose kid is this?
- What is going on?
- Who is your favorite teacher?
- Respect your elders and teachers.
- Put your books down.
- Where is your friend?
- Don’t be late for the class.
- It is not true.
- Go and sleep on your bed.
- Close the window.
- Switch off the Fan.
- Where are my clothes?
- Move forward in the crowd.
- Look at the sky.
- The moon is shining.
- Nobody will go out in the darkness.
- Would you like to be my friend?
- You may fall.
- You have to be calm down.
- I borrowed a book from the library.
- Go and attend the class.
- She is looking towards the car.
- This period is boring.
- Bring the attendance register.
- We are not going anywhere.
- Stop starring him.
- The homework is very easy.
- Which period is going on?
- She is not completing her assignment.
- Get up early in the morning.
- Come inside and sit here.
- Be aware, you may fall asleep.
- I forget my tiffin box at home.
- What is your favorite subject?
- I come to school by bus.
- Would you please pack your bag properly?
- I am writing an essay.
- Please, give me the piece of paper.
- She is disturbing me.
- I have hung your shirt here.
- Fill in the blanks properly.
- We have to write all the answers.
- Do you want to be successful?
- Listen to your elders.
- Put all the necessary books in a bag.
- Students clean the school ground.
- Stop irritating him.
- Don’t make noise.
- Stop talking in the classroom.
- I want to play with my friends.
- We will get ten days of Christmas Holidays.
- I am getting late for school.
- My father always drops me at school.
- The last year of school was very fantastic.
- My friend is absent today.
- Have you got good lessons?
- Clean the blackboard.
- What is the strength of this classroom?
- Tomorrow will be a holiday.
- What’s the homework for today?
- Where are my shoes?
- You are right.
- Where is the answer sheet?
- Cut your hair and nails.
- You don’t deserve this place.
- Bind the shoelaces.
- The bird is sitting on the branch.
- Keep this a secret.
- Shut the door, please.
- Go straight, then take the first left.
- What is troubling you?
- Drive the bicycle.
- Come closer to me.
- She was bathing her kids.
- We are ready to come.
- The principal is going to announce something.
- Our class teacher is very good at teaching.
- Everyone loves to sing in the classroom.
- Where is my book?
- Complete your breakfast.
- Think about yourself.
- I am not going anywhere.
- He is playing all day.
- She is not listening to me.
- We are going to the principal’s cabin.
- My father is a businessman.
- His brother is coming to his school.
- Let’s finish the task on time.
- How long will you stay there?
- Mark my words.
- I want to help you.
- She is coming tomorrow.
- Mother is feeling down today.
- We have to help that Oldman.
- I can not understand.
- I am going to play cricket with my friends.
Quotes about children - beautiful, short, meaningful, cool, funny
- All children, this is a general law, at certain stages of growing up, see themselves in the future the same as their parents. (Aron Belkin)
- The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves.
- With your child, you experience everything anew - you take the first steps, learn to speak the first words .
- Quotes about children - A child is always able to teach an adult three lessons: he is cheerful for no reason, always busy with something and knows how to achieve what he wants at any cost.
- Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.
- Children should be given the right to choose, not to impose their beliefs.
- When children have nothing to do, they engage in mischief.
- Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by your own example. After a while, they will unwittingly repeat after you.
- Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from? Adults - where does everything go?
- If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go to visit.
- Only having children do you understand that there is a life more valuable than your own
- I don't like it when people talk about having children. Cats, dogs and guinea pigs are bred, and children are born.
- Raising a child is an investment in the future.
- Parents, encouraging the whims of their children and pampering them when they are small, spoil their natural inclinations, and then are surprised that the water, the source of which they themselves have poisoned, has a bitter taste.
- Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.
- Overcoming obstacles and reaching the goal, everyone rejoices, even children.
- Children are happiness that grows over the years.
- Today's children are not waiting for Santa Claus to come, but for their parents to leave.
- Fathers and children are a problem of the past. Children without fathers are the problem of the present.
- No one in life will pamper like their parents.
- Cool quotes about children - Even the dullest room is decorated with children ... Beautifully arranged in the corners ...
- The most beautiful child in the world .
.. every parent has!
- Children have one extremely disgusting feature - one day they become adults.
- Children have money more often than parents, because children have parents, and parents, as a rule, no longer have parents. (Khenrik Jagodziński)
- No matter how much you teach children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.
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Quotes about children with meaning: 95 thoughts of great people
- Andronik Nina
- Quotes and Aphorisms
Enjoy this collection of famous quotes about children and childhood. These quotes about children will once again remind you of the priceless treasure that is the birth of a child. After all, children and youth represent many things for parents: heritage and hope, joy and innocence, education and protection.
Therefore, the UN has established annually to celebrate November 20 as World Children's Day, and June 1 as International Children's Day. These holidays are a reminder that children are the reason why our world is still beautiful. The future belongs to them, which means that the duty of people, wise and simple, great and small, famous and not, is to protect children.
The article also contains beautiful phrases, statuses and sayings about love for children, about how to give them real happiness and a loving family. Some of these quotes give advice to parents about parenting, while others are just sweet, wise, and smart. So read these quotes and enjoy every day you live with your child. You will not have time to notice how quickly time flies and adults grow up from small children.
Meaningful quotes about children
- If you want your children to do well, then spend twice as much time with them and pamper them with money twice as much. (Abigail Van Buren)
- The greatest and most valuable gifts we can give our children are roots of responsibility and wings of independence. (Denis Whately)
- Parents can learn a lot from their children. For example, how much patience they have. (Franklin P. Jones)
- Even if children are very young, they should not be prevented from saying what they think. (Anne Frank)
- Every child needs a world where they can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy. (Malala Yusufzai) (We recommend reading funny quotes and sayings about children).
- Children will listen to us when they see that we are listening to them. (Jane Nelsen)
- Children are like wet cement. Everything that hits it leaves its mark. (Dr. Chaim Ginott)
- Parenting ceases to be parenting when a child feels that he has been treated unfairly.
Injustice breeds insult and indignation, meanness and hypocrisy. (Sukhomlinsky)
- Children are not vindictive. Even if you punish them, they will hug you in a few minutes. (T.D. Jakes)
- I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams! (David Witter)
- Disabled children are stronger than we think. They fight battles that most people will never know about. (Unknown)
- If you want to see a child's creativity, stop giving him toys for a while. (Norman Douglas) (If your children have finished school, then read wise quotes and wishes for graduates).
- Children need guidance and sympathy much more than instructions. (Anne Sullivan)
- If you want children to stand on their own feet, then give them some responsibility. (Abigail Van Buren)
- Children learn more from who you are than from what you teach them. (William Burckhardt Dubois)
Aphorisms about children with meaning
- A stray chicken is a target for birds of prey.
- Children with a grandmother do not lack.
- One hand cannot feed a baby.
- Your children will do for you what you did for your ancestors.
- If you take a knife away from a child, then give him a stick instead.
- When you carry a grudge, your child will also be offended.
- He who is afraid of the crying of a child will cry himself.
- Children, like primordial glass, absorb the imprints of their processors.
- Where there are many doctors, children will be sick.
- A house without children is a graveyard.
- A child who gets everything he asks for rarely succeeds in life. (Read quotes from great people about the meaning of life)
- Children need to be seen, not just heard.
- Children's bread is difficult to chew.
- Children have a greater need for examples than for criticism.
- Give your children too much freedom and you will lose your own.
- A child who loves absolute freedom will be her first victim.
- If you want your children to have a peaceful life, let them now experience a little hunger and a little austerity.
- Children rarely make mistakes. They usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said.
- When children are not doing anything, they do evil.
- A child brought up only in school is an uneducated child.
- If there is something that we want to change in a child, we must first study it and see if it is not something that is better to change in ourselves.
- It is more important to guide and respect your children than it is to give them directions.
- Children need guidance and empathy more than instructions.
- Children quickly forget about gifts, but they always remember the time spent with their parents.
- Children thrive when parents give them new challenges, but always help them through.
- Work can wait while you show your child a rainbow. But the rainbow won't wait while you do the work.
(Read beautiful aphorisms and quotes about work and attitude towards it).
- All children need a little help, a little hope and someone to believe in them.
Beautiful quotes about children
No one can speak more beautifully about our children than we do. So many sweet words have been written and said about them that these 10 beautiful quotes should be taken as an example of golden thoughts about children, especially when we look at babies sleeping peacefully in cribs.
- Children are not coloring books. You can't paint them with your favorite colors. (Khaled Hosseini).
- Big and strong love will never spoil children. They become "corrupted" when we replace personal "presence" with gifts. (Unknown)
- Each child is a different kind of flower, but together they make this world a beautiful garden. (Unknown)
- Children are wise intuitively. They know who loves them the most and who is just pretending. (Virginia Andrews)
- Children have such an innocent view of the world and environment that for them every phrase is a garden filled with wonders.
(CJ Heck)
- Every child should hear seven things: I love you; I'm proud of you; sorry; I forgive you; I'm listening to; it is your responsibility; you have everything you need to be successful. (Sherri Campbell)
- The birth of a child is God's message that he is not yet disappointed in people. (Rabindranath Tagore)
- If a child cannot learn the way we teach him, perhaps we should teach the way he teaches. (Ignacio Estrada) (Read some tips on how to properly motivate your child to study).
- Always kiss your children and wish them good night, even if they are already asleep. (Jackson Brown Jr.) For us, these are the two most touching quotes about children. What affected you? Share your feelings.
- A child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. (Francois Rabelais)
Short quotes about children
Children have always held a special place in human hearts. They became the subject of numerous sayings that remain valid to this day. Below you will find 20 short quotes about children.
- Children are a spell of love and time. (Reporter John Crudel)
- Noble fathers have noble children. (Euripides)
- Children reinvent the world for us. (Susan Sarandon)
- Wealth and children are the ornaments of life. (Unknown)
- Children are the keys to heaven. (Eric Hoffer)
- A small child is like a curly lunatic. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
- Children make your life meaningful. (Erma Bombeck)
- Adults are just overgrown children. (Dr. Seuss)
- Children are the most valuable resource of humanity. (Herbert Hoover)
- One generation planting trees, another enjoying the shade. (Unknown)
- Children are mirrors that reflect back to us everything we say and do. (Pam Leo)
- A child's smile can teach you how to be happy, even if there is no apparent reason for it. (Unknown)
- A child is a rough diamond. (Austin O'Malley)
- A house without children's laughter is as quiet as the grave.
(Henny Youngman)
- Children should be taught to laugh, not preached to. (Unknown)
- Let your children make your own life easier. (Robert Anson Heinlein)
- A child needs good examples, not criticism. (Joseph Joubert)
- Children make you want to start life anew. (Ali Mohammed)
- The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. (Peggy O'Mara) (Here are 20 rules for how to properly communicate with your children).
- Children are the anchors of life for mothers. (Sophocles)
Cool statuses about children
- A child is an angel whose wings get smaller as his legs grow.
- The mouse is silent when it works, but when the child is conceived, it cries.
- Children have big ears and long tongues.
- A child is an ax: when he cuts you, you still pick him up and put him on your shoulder.
- The pearl of the air is the sun, and the jewel of the house is the child.
- With a child in the house, all corners are filled.
- Bricks and cement make a house, but children's laughter keeps it.
- The child is a bridge to heaven.
- Let your children make their own lives easier.
- Children are living messages that we send to a time we will not see.
- Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there is always someone who decides to go in the opposite direction from what the arranger wants.
- Every child comes with a message that God has not yet discouraged man.
- Children are the keys to heaven.
- The child is the greatest poem ever known.
- A child's idea of a balanced diet is a hamburger in each hand.
- The child is the root of the heart.
- Children would rather play all day than work five minutes.
- The meaning of marriage is not that adults give birth to children, but that children give birth to parents.
- A baby, like your stomach, doesn't need everything you can afford.
- When my kids get wild and naughty, I use a good safe playpen.
And when they calm down, I get out.
- Parents will always be their child's favorite toy.
- Childhood is a journey, not a race!
- Childhood is a wonderful time in life when all you have to do to lose weight is take a bath.
- Children are like wet cement - everything that falls on them leaves an imprint.
- Repairing a house while the kids are still growing is like trying to clean the sidewalk while it's snowing.
- Children - stable cares, but indefinite comfort.
- Freshly washed babies, stripped of all pastry residue, still tend to be sticky.
Quotes about kids on Instagram
- The first half of our life is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our own children. (Jennifer James)
- Children are a great comfort to us in our old age, which they help us reach faster. (Unknown)
- All little girls need to be told that they are beautiful. (Marilyn Monroe
- Children make up a third of our population and our entire future.
- All men know that their children mean more to them than their own lives. (Euripides)
- Children are the same everywhere - greedy little creatures, but at the same time the best listeners in the world. (Cornelia Funke)
- We worry about who the child will be tomorrow, but we forget who he is today. (Unknown).
- All children begin their school years with a sparkling imagination, a fertile mind, and a willingness to share their thoughts. (Unknown)
- Every child is gifted with something, it's just that he shows his abilities at different times. (Unknown)
- There is only one best child in the world, and every mother has her child. (Unknown)
- Children rarely make mistakes. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what adults have said or done. (Unknown)
- A child can ask a thousand questions that even the wisest person cannot answer. (Jacob Abbott)
- Children need to be taught to think, not given ready-made solutions.
- Stay a child as long as you can be. (Stephen Sondheim)
- Children are living messages. We send them to a time that we ourselves will not see. (John Kennedy).
Sayings and quotes about love for children
10 quotes about love for a child shows the importance of love in our lives. Here you will find wise sayings of famous people about love for children collected from various sources. Practice showing love and you will become the best version of yourself! Also read proverbs about parents and respect for them, which show how children should treat their parents.
- My sense of responsibility for the safety and well-being of my children is so strong that if an asteroid threatens to destroy all life on earth, I will still be responsible for their fate. (Unknown)
- I love my children for no reason. They are my joy, even when they are insane with their childish energy. (Christopher Meloni)
- A mother's love for her child is unlike anything else in the world.
(Agatha Christie)
- I have never loved anyone as much as I love my children. (Katey Sagal)
- You don't know what real love is, saying you have it. Until you have a child, you don't know what it is. But when you have a child, then your love will be most complete. (Regina King)
- A child is a guest in your house - feed him, teach him and let him go! (Omar Khayyam)
- What is it like to be a parent? This is one of the most difficult duties you will ever take on, but in return, it teaches you about true love. (Nicholas Sparks)
- Parenting should always be based on true love. (Writer Fiona Dimas-Heard)
- Freedom has never been free. I love my children and my wife with all my heart. And I'll gladly die if it makes their lives better. (Medgar Evers)
- Before my child was born, I thought I knew and understood the limits of my heart. But you need to throw away all these limits in order to understand that your love is inexhaustible. (Uma Thurman)
Quotes about children, parents, raising and developing a child
Parents often come across some quotes about raising children. They often bring a smile and approval to our face. Here are 10 quotes that we want to capture the complex nature of parental emotions.
(Many people like aphorisms about education and the importance of learning, which we advise you to read).
- Parenting is preparing your child to be a useful and respected person in society. (Unknown)
- The most important key to children's success and achievement is the positive involvement of parents. (Jane Dee Hull)
- Some say Frankenstein is a story of bad parenting that produced a problem child. (Dave Morris)
- Ironically, parenting is a minefield of shame and judgment precisely because most of us struggle through self-doubt. (Brené Brown)
- Children need to be educated, but they also need to be given the opportunity to educate themselves. (Ernest Dimnet)
- The golden rule of parenting is to treat your children the way you want your parents to treat you! (Louise Hart)
- Today's raising a new generation of children ensures that you will hear them screaming, whining and begging on an airplane, shop or any other public place.
- The relationship between parents and children is mainly based on learning. (Unknown)
- Raising my children, I went crazy, but I found my soul. (Lisa T. Shepard)
- It would take an entire village to raise one child. (Unknown)
Quotes about happiness and children, children's smile and joy
For everyone, a child's smile is the best scene of children's happiness. To do this, we have collected 15 quotes that will remind adults of the happiness and joy that are so well reflected in bright children's smiles. (These proverbs and sayings about happiness will give you even more positive mood).
- Children are not only innocent and curious, but they are optimistic, joyful and, in fact, happy. That's all adults want. (Writer Caroline Heywood)
- For me, there is no such beautiful picture as smiling, bright eyes, happy children. There is no such sweet music as their pure and ringing laughter. (Phineas Taylor Barnum)
- Children are happy because they don't have a file called Anything Can Go Wrong in their head.
(Marianne Williamson)
- I think the reason we love children's smiles so much is because they remind us of the days when we were young and innocent. When we didn't get hurt at all. (Unknown)
- Always smile in response to a child's smile. If this is not done, it means destroying their belief that the world can be good. (Pam Brown)
- I didn't believe when I was told that a child's smile was one of the most beautiful sights in the world until I saw my own child's smile. (Unknown)
- Even the grumpiest old man can't help but smile when a small child smiles happily at him.
- I think there is nothing that can make me happy as quickly as a child's smile.
- A child's smile reflects the heart of heaven, just as a child's cries reflect its suffering.
- You can't compare the smile of an innocent child with the intelligence of a thousand men.
- You can't buy a child's smile, even if you have millions in your pocket.
- A happy child is worth more than all the money in the world.
- Find reasons why your child smiles and try them on yourself. Then you will find yourself filled with a great sense of happiness.
- It's nice that a child can show you a thousand reasons to smile when you can only find a hundred reasons not to.
- Children are so happy and joyful that it's no wonder kindergarten teachers rarely get depressed!
With these quotes, we wanted to remind you of the goodness represented in children's happiness and smiles. Share them with your friends and family to remind them how important it is to appreciate the little things in life!
Proverbs and sayings about children
- A house without a small child is a hut without joy and happiness.
- A child's laughter illuminates the house and brings happiness.
- The soul is healed and happy when she is with her children.
- The joy and happiness of a child are contagious.
- Give a little love to a child and you will get many times more in return.
- A child without love is like a fish in shallow water.
- Children need love, especially when they don't deserve it.
- Respect your child and he will honor you.
- A child who asks questions is not stupid.
- Do not answer a child's cry with a cry.
- If you can't hold the baby, keep it in your heart.
- Children and drunkards always tell the truth.
- Piece too large suffocates the child.
- Victory over bitter children's tears is worth a lot.
- Children are a reward for life. (We also recommend reading proverbs and sayings about human life, collected from around the world).
- It is better to have many children than to have many material goods.
- Children travel from heart to heart.
- Small children won't let you sleep, big children won't let you live.
- Old people are born from children.
- The child has not yet been born, and yet you say that his nose is like that of a grandfather.
- Debts are like children: the smaller they are, the more noise they make.
- Children are the poverty and wealth of a man.
- Tears in youth - keep from mistakes in maturity.
- Children wonder where everything comes from, while adults ask where everything disappears.
- A child left to himself is lonely.
- They endure their own children longer, but they annoy others.
- Children are the wealth of a poor man.
- Whoever takes a child by the hand wins the heart of his mother.
- He who has children will never die of hunger.
- When God gives a child, he also gives clothes.
- One who has no children has no light in his eyes.
- Children love with their hearts, not with their minds.
What to do with quotes about children
Much has been written and said by great people (philosophers, writers, artists and educators) about children and childhood. After all, childhood is a time that is remembered for the rest of your life. At this stage, we learn to communicate, express ourselves, perceive the world and form our personality. Therefore, these quotes about children were collected, which help to rethink education, past, present and future. But what can you, personally, do with these quotes?
A quote you like should not be forgotten. If you feel inspired by these quotes, then here's what you can do:
- First of all: rewrite the quote you like! Read it, repeat it in your mind, and then write it down again using your own voice and words. The quote doesn't have to be someone's exact expression to make you feel good.
- Use these children's quotes in a children's album! Your child may not appreciate it between the ages of 3 and 10, but they will appreciate it as an adult. When children become adults, they like what their parents did for them in their childhood. It shows them how much they mean to their parents.
- Make your own card! If your child is old enough to read - or has been reading for a very long time - you can use one of these quotes to create your own card to give them.