First grade literacy games
Reading Games for 1st Graders Online
1st Grade Reading GamesChildren love stories and books. And what better way for them to practice than to read on their own!
We love doing what we are good at, and children are no different. The more a child can read, the more they will want to. Learning the right methods and techniques can help children read faster. Fun reading games for 1st graders help engage and push children to read more words, build fluency, and gain familiarity with reading concepts. It also develops a greater interest in reading, writing, and spelling as a result.
When kids have fun, the process of learning becomes thrilling. Online reading games for 1st grade include phonics games and sight words games.
Other ELA games you can explore are: reading games, writing games, writing sight word games, letter tracing games, etc.
How Do We Introduce Reading to 1st Graders?Introduce reading after your child is well versed with letter and vowel sounds. While most learners in this grade will be fairly familiar with them, always practice them regardless because it is possible for children to lose touch with these concepts or forget them.
Learn to read games for 1st graders can also be used to introduce the concept of reading and reading skills. Your child can practice phonics, sight words, vowel sounds, vowel teams, rhyming words and much more with such games. This allows children to be introduced to reading in a way that’s fun and engaging.
How Can We Make Reading Fun for 1st Graders?Some of the best reading games for 1st graders can be used to make the process of developing reading skills fun! These games are innovative and fill your child with creativity and a want for learning. They set your child up for success perfectly by using varied techniques and encouraging consistent practice. Exciting and bright visuals make the process of learning reading skills fun and engaging.
How Can Games Help Better the Reading Skills of 1st Graders?Online reading games for 1st grade help kids pick a concept and allow them to practice similar groups of words or patterns.
Children learn to work with word groups with ease. Fun reading games for 1st graders help kids make strong associations between words, their sounds, their formation and other language elements. This helps in building a better understanding and thus enhances their reading skills greatly.
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Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I teach my 1st grader reading skills?
1st grade reading games are wonderful tools to teach your first grader reading skills. Help your child recognize, build, rhyme and match words with these fun games. Your child can also explore words with long and short vowel sounds, initial blends, nasal blends, word families, end blends and practice to find the odd one out with fun reading games for 1st graders online.
- What to teach 1st graders in reading?
Kids should learn about long vowel sounds, initial and ending consonant blends, magic E words, vowel teams, bossy R and soft sounds in the first grade.
Online tools and resources can be employed to help teach children these essential ELA topics.
- What are some of the best fun reading activities for 1st grade?
Some fun reading activities and some of the best reading games for 1st graders include: making story predictions, practicing rhyming words with fun poems, making a visual story flipchart, etc.
- What are the best books for reading for 1st grade?
Short fiction story books and poetry books for kids are amazing tools to practice reading skills with your first grader. A lot of poems include fun visuals, rhymes, and interesting backdrops that make practicing reading really interactive. Storybooks have bright illustrations that make them quite eye-catching. They help in creating a strong association with words, stories and characters.
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10 Free Online Reading Games for 1st Grade
The reading skills taught in first grade are crucial in developing a level of understanding students can build upon throughout the rest of their educational journey.
Our team of former educators created these effective and engaging no-prep resources you can use to help your students master key standards, all while fostering a love of reading! All of the games listed below are tailored to Common Core standards and can be found within eSpark’s personalized reading curriculum. Try out these free online reading games for 1st grade with your students!
Found in the Quest “Sh” and “Ch”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Help Fox and Raccoon build a campfire! Select the correct items that start with “ch” or “sh” to help Fox collect sticks.
Found in the Quest “Context Clues”
Expand your vocabulary at Dakota’s Dog Rescue! Select which dog you would like to care for, then learn new words as you complete each task.
Found in the Quest “Questions about Stories”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Uh oh, Rama Llama broke the one rule of their friend group—they caused drama! Find out what happened in this colorful, llama-filled story.
Found in the Quest “Long and Short Vowels”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Olive the Knight needs your help. Help her find the long and short vowel sounds to scare the dragons away from the castle.
Found in the Quest “Blend Sounds to Make Words”
Help Chris move out of his house in this free online reading game for 1st grade. Read each word, sounding it out out loud, then select the picture that matches each word until Chris’s moving truck is full.
Found in the Quest “Sh” and “Ch”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Jacob is putting on the Ch Parade, and he needs your help getting it ready. Choose the items that start with “ch” to build the floats.
Found in the Quest “Prefixes and Suffixes”
Select your character to race against other animals through the jungle. Answer questions about prefixes and suffixes to speed past the other cars and win the race!
Found in the Quest “Questions about Stories”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Best friends, Rabbit and Cat, are neighbors. Find out what adventures they get up to and answer questions along the way.
Found in the Quest “Find the Main Idea”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Have you ever played The Floor is Lava? Read this story to learn how to play!
Found in the Quest “Retell Stories”
Click here to assign the Small Group Skill
Squidge doesn’t like going to the doctor. One morning, as he headed out to school, his mom told him he needed to visit the doctor today. He tried hiding and crying and running away. Read the story to learn how his visit went!
Looking for more free online reading games for 1st grade? eSpark offers thousands of student-approved, no-prep activities for K-5 classrooms.
Didactic games in literacy lessons | Methodical development on reading (1st grade) on the topic:
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GAMES at literacy lessons
The vowels are drawn to the ringing song, They can cry and scream In the dark forest, call and hail, And cradle Alenka in the cradle, But they do not want to whistle and grumble.
And the consonants agree,
Rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But they don't want to sing.
"Sh - sh - sh" - a fallen leaf rustles.
"F - f - f" - bumblebees in the garden are buzzing.
"R-r-r" - motors rumble.
Game: Divide words into syllables.
Purpose: to teach to divide words into syllables. (using a ball)
- I will drive now,
I will pronounce
Any word.
You need to repeat
Then divide into parts.
- Let's start under the ball! Mom (mother), gardens (gardens), Rodina (Rodina), plums (spruces).
Game: "Composing words from syllables"
Purpose: to teach children to compose words from syllables.
I will drive now
I will pronounce
Only parts of words first
Parts must be composed like this,
To make the word sound.
(dy, sa, you, sli, ki, rusada, plums, hands)
Game: “Living words”
Purpose: to teach children to make sentences, determine the number of words in a sentence, make a sentence in the right order . There are 5 students at the blackboard. Each of them means a certain word. The task of the children is to make a sentence (i.e., arrange the children in the right order)
A small bird sits on a branch. (You can change the word order.) A small bird sits on a branch.
Game "Find extra".
Purpose .'teach children to work with the scheme of the sentence.
There is an incorrectly drawn sentence scheme on the board. Children are asked to find an extra word or a missing one.
Goat grazing in the meadow.
Decorate the offer game.
Purpose: to teach how to complete sentences.
The teacher says a sentence: A girl sings a song.
The teacher shows the place on the sentence diagram where the children should insert the words.
A little girl sings a song. A little girl sings a cheerful song.
In the process of work, children can make diagrams of new sentences.
Game “Finish the sentence”.
Purpose: to teach children how to complete sentences.
Children are asked to complete the sentences:
The book lies on ... .
The person is in ....
We played on ....
The children went in the morning ....
Find a helper game.
Purpose: to teach to identify prepositions in words.
The teacher reads the sentences with the preposition .Children during repeated reading
clap in the place where there is a preposition.
Lena is on the tram. Bullfinches are sitting on a branch. An airplane flies over the forest. Ira hid in the closet. Andrew left the class.
Game: "Cure the sentence. "
Purpose: to teach children to use prepositions correctly in speech. The teacher offers sentences by ear without prepositions. Children must pronounce it correctly, with the right preposition.
Option 1.
... chicks squeak in the nest.
The handkerchief lies ... in the pocket .
The vase was placed ... the table .
The kettle is boiling ... the stove .
The fish lives ... in the river.
The task is accompanied by drawing up proposal schemes.
Option 2: Correct the errors.
A portrait hangs on the wall. Soup is cooked in a pot. Milk was poured into a cup. Magpie sat on a tree. The boy is standing on the bridge. The children went to the forest. Leaves are falling from the tree. Ira came to the store.
Help a friend game.
Purpose: to teach children how to work with a sentence scheme.
The teacher pronounces a sentence and asks the children to choose a suitable
sentence scheme, if any.
Games with sounds.
The opposite game.
The teacher pronounces the words. Children should pronounce these words in reverse
Sleep, slave, zero, forehead, com.
The game "Needed worker".
Children have to name the same sound in each pair of words.
Book of Mount
Boxing Gusi
Venik Paul
Light Club
Game "Distple the Bricks of the House".
(sound analysis)
The teacher proposes a sentence with which the children should work
in the following sequence:
- scheming a whole sentence;
- drawing up syllabic schemes;
- highlighting vowels with dots;
Game "Chorus of vowels".
The teacher pronounces the words. Children in chorus pronounce only vowels without stress, then with stress. Words are chosen such that there is no difference between sounds and letters. When performing the task, the sounds are not fixed by letters.
Mice were walking
-s-a-a -u-a-i
-s-a-a -u-a-i
Game “Which word is longer”
Children answer the question: which word is longer, pre-composition
word scheme.
Presentation words: hour, minute; stream, river; worm, snake; key key .
The game "What sound is superfluous".
Vadik is sleeping and sees an elephant ,
That he is flying in a rocket.
In our house on the window,
Little gray babies are sitting.
Change the sound game.
Bones came to us in the morning,
And they brought gifts.
Arrived from the forest Luk ,.
And crawled under a thick bough.
The little mouse is dragging into the hole,
the Huge Bread Hill.
Didn't teach lessons, but played football,
That's why Goal appeared in the notebook.
Russian beauty
She is famous for her goats.
In the clearing in spring
A young tooth has grown.
I'm sitting by the stove with a fishing rod,
I can't take my eyes off the fish.
Baleen whale sits on the stove
Choosing a warm place.
Look at the lawn, like this, like this,
Thin-legged red Cancer has blossomed.
Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old Day hid.
The spring dwarf thundered
Clouds in the sky all around.
Who, guys, is brave
And at the same time dexterous,
Maybe Uzhonok, Count the needles.
The game "Every object has its place"
Children are given subject pictures, in the names of which there are certain sounds. Each student must put his picture to the corresponding sound.
The game "Who listens better"
The teacher gives the instruction: raise your hand only when you hear ... a sound.
The game "Chain"
The teacher calls any word, and the student names another word from the letter that ends the word named by the teacher, etc. For example: apple, alder, aster ...
Game "Who is more"
The teacher shows a plot picture and asks to name those words that begin (in which there is) a certain sound. For each word, the student receives a circle. The one who gets the most circles wins.
Sound Clock Game
This game allows for a large number of tasks that each teacher can create for himself. On the clock layout there are various subject pictures, you can install an arrow on any of them. Tasks can be as follows:
- find and name words that have ... sound;
- highlight and name the first and last sound in the word indicated by the arrow;
- show with arrows the longest and shortest word;
- select words that begin with the same sound as the name of the item. Etc.
The game "We are writers"
Teaches and activates children's vocabulary, teaches how to build sentences correctly. The teacher gives the task: compose a story so that it contains as many words as possible with a given sound. For example, with the sound p.
Dad came home and brought purchases. Then Pavlik came running. Cars sped along the road.
Games that form children's ability to memorize letters, their alphabetical name.
Game "Polubukovka"
Elements of letters are given, you need to find the missing elements.
Find the letter game
Words and sentences are given on the table, you need to find the letter. N-r, the letter s.
Game "Put the letters correctly" Letters stand sideways, "upside down".
Game "Find a Pair"
Capital and lowercase letters are written on the mittens cut out of thick paper. I distribute the mittens to the students and ask them to find a pair.
Game “Catch a fish”
In a small aquarium there are “fishes”, to the tails of which small cards with block letters are tied. When all the “fish are caught”, the children make up a word (for example, k, o, u, b, n-okun)
Games with syllables
The Captains game
For this game, color drawings of the ship bay, boats are needed with consonant letters (one side of the boat is colored blue, and the other is green). Travel maps along which the captains lead the ships. The maps show islands with vowels. When the boat approaches the island, the captain reads the name of the island ka, ho, ki If the merger is soft, then turn the boat to the green side, if the merger is hard - to the blue side. The class completes the syllable-fusion to a full word.
To practice the skills of reading syllables - mergers and to improve speech learning, you can use game thematic tables.
"Hen with chickens"
A hen went out for a walk, to nibble fresh grass
And behind her are chickens - little guys.
- Chick - Chick - Chick
-Here, here! I found a letter for you!
Cheerful A came running, the children read ... (on).
Perky came running Oh, the children read ... (but).
Stubborn Wu came running, the children read ... (well).
The smart guy E came running, the children read ... (not).
This is an oak tree, and there is a hollow in it,
Where the letter O settled.
This letter is a vowel, but friendly with consonants.
Acorn "el" fell into a hollow, the children read ... (lo).
Acorn "en" fell into the hollow, the children read ... (but) ..
Game "Help Carlson land"
Parachutes syllables. Tasks: read syllables with soft consonants, with
hard consonants; complete the syllable to the word so that it can be accessed
ask the question what does it do? What ?
Word-building game
Scattered syllables are offered. The last syllable of the word is the first
for the next word:
Word game.
The word , for example, deli is given, all the letters that make up this word on
separate cards.
Here from the word "deli" An important astronomer came out, a magician came out, and a gnome came out ...
Didactic games and exercises using
- Who is not in the house? ( syllable removed )
- Read all syllables with the given vowel (ex.
- Read all syllables with soft consonants (with hard consonants)
- Speak the syllable to the whole word.
- Find the corresponding written syllable (show printed)
- Find the indicated syllable in one of the words (the words are written in written type on the cards).
- Give me a toy.
On the typesetting canvas, syllables removed from the table - cash desks, for example: sa, ku na, but. On the shelf of toys: a fox, a doll, a car, a cat. Having chosen a syllable (for example, on), the student brings it to the toy, in the name of which he eats this syllable (machine - shi - na), and gets the right to “give” a toy to a friend
- From bump to bump.
Following the pointer (at the end of the frog), the children call in chorus or chain) each syllable. The pace of the game changes.
- Read the word (to the indicated syllables and letters). Make a sentence with this word.
- Who or what is this?
The teacher sequentially shows syllables and letters on the table to make a word (for example, o-si-na.) Children, silently comprehending the word, without pronouncing it out loud, are preparing to give an “interpretation”: “This is a tree. Her leaves are always trembling. The child who makes such a description gets the right to read the word aloud.
- Compilation of words from syllables and letters on a typesetting canvas. To record such words, it remains to clarify only the compounds of letters, letter combinations SG.
- M.A. Khatin "ABC" (games, tasks, stories). Rostov-on-Don, "Luck", 2007
- N.S. Zhukov "Primer" (a manual for teaching correct reading). M., "Eksmo", 2004
- N. Pavlova "ABC with large letters". M., "Eksmo", 2004
- N. Pavlova “We read after the ABC”. 2006
- N.V. Nechaev "ABC". JSC "Moscow textbooks". 2008
- "ABC" (for teaching children at school and family). STAR LLP, 2002
- A. Undzenkova "Russian with passion". Yekaterinburg, 2003
- Reference book on the Russian language (grade 1) M. "Eksmo" 2004
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