Short stories about fairies for kids
Fairies | Bedtime Stories
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Fairies in the Flower Garden
By Sharon Krager
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My name is Leah, and when I was young and growing up, we had fairies in the flower garden. As far as I know, I was the only one that ever saw the fairies. They would come around me when I was playing in the garden and they kept me company. The number of fairies is still unknown to me, because there were new ones all of the time.
The house that we lived in was an old brick two story with a large back yard. Since I was an only child, I spent a lot of time by myself out in the flower garden. My Mother always had the prettiest flowers I had ever seen. She got compliments on it all of the time. There were gladiolas, irises, dahlias, marigolds, roses and wild flowers. I helped her keep the garden free of weeds and watered it when it was dry.
The first time I saw a fairy, I was six years old. I remember it very well. It was late afternoon, school was out for the day, and I went to sit in the garden with one of my little dolls. There was a gentle breeze, the sun was still out, and underneath a large leaf I heard a rustling. I thought it was a spider or a mouse, but this tiny little figure with wings came crawling out. I rubbed my eyes thinking I was seeing things. The tiny winged figure fluttered and rose straight up in the air in front of my face. Its little body was so sweet looking. It was about as big as a humming bird.
I wasn’t afraid of it, but it sure did take me by surprise. It never said a word, just flew around me as I sat there playing. At one point it landed on the bench beside me.
The time I spent there was probably about thirty minutes, and the fairy stayed with me until I stood up to leave. It completely disappeared. As I walked toward the house I looked back several times, but never saw it again that day.
After that first time seeing the one fairy, I saw them every time I went there and was alone. Sometimes there was only one, other times there were three or four of them. They never made a sound, just stayed with me flying around.
I told my Mother and Father about them. I even told some of my friends and other family members. No one ever took me serious.
We lived in that old house the entire time I was growing up. The fairies were a constant companion to me and I enjoyed every minute of it. Since they were with me, I never felt alone.
When I was around thirteen, I tried to take pictures of them with a camera I had gotten for my birthday. When I took the pictures of them, they never showed up in the pictures. The only thing you could see in the pictures was flowers. I always thought that was strange. It was as if they really didn’t exist. But I knew that they did. It was hard to see them and not be able to convince other people that they were for real. With not being able to take a picture of them, there was no evidence.
I never wished that they weren’t there. When you grow up with something like that happening to you, you just take it for granted.
Since I am grown now, and live far away from the place where I grew up, I don’t think about them as much. I would love to go back there and just sit where the garden was to see if they would come back. I often wonder if other small children living in that house ever saw the fairies like I did.
The last time I saw them was when I turned seventeen. We sold the house and moved right after that. I do not know what happened to them. They did not appear to me again after that. My childhood would have been so different without the fairies. They were always there for me.
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- Total nr. of readings: 18,326 Copyright © The author [2020] All Rights Reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author except for personal use.
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Fairy Tales > Fairy Tales
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Fairy tale Little Fairy - read online
Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen, and they had an only son. Here the prince grew up, and the king and queen arranged a holiday. They called together the most noble people from all over the kingdom to a feast. The windows lit up with a thousand lights, the white chambers sparkled with silver, gold and expensive gems.
At midnight the guests went home, and the prince went for a walk in a grove where old lindens grew. The moon rose, it became bright as day, the prince could not sleep. The grove stood as if bewitched - thick trunks of old trees cast dark shadows, and moonlight, penetrating through the foliage, painted bizarre patterns on the ground. The prince, lost in thought, wandered along the soft grass and did not notice how he came out into the clearing. He looks - and in a clearing, illuminated by moonlight, there is a little fairy in a white outfit, and gold embroidery shines on it. Her long hair swept over her shoulders, and on her head sparkles a golden crown, strewn with precious stones. And this fairy was very tiny. Like a doll! The prince stopped and could not take his eyes off her. And she suddenly spoke, and her voice rang like a silver bell:0003
- Beautiful prince! I was also invited to the holiday, but I didn’t dare to come to visit you - I’m too small. And now I want to say hello to you under the moon, its light replaces the sun's rays for me!
The little fairy liked the prince. The night sorceress did not frighten him in the least. He went up to the little fairy and took her by the hand. But she suddenly broke free and disappeared. All that was left in the prince's hand was a fairy glove, so tiny that the prince pulled it on his little finger with difficulty.
Saddened, he returned to the palace and did not say a word to anyone about the one he saw in the old grove.
The next night the prince again went to the grove. He wanders in the light of a bright moon, looking for a little fairy. And she is nowhere. The prince became sad, took out a glove from his bosom and kissed it. And at that moment a fairy appeared before him. The king's son was so delighted that it is impossible to say! His heart jumped in his chest with happiness! For a long time they walked in the moonlight, chatting merrily with each other. And an amazing thing! While they were talking, the little fairy grew noticeably in front of the prince. When it was time for them to part, she was twice as big as the night before. Now the glove did not fit on her hand, and the fairy returned it to the prince with the words:0003
— Take the glove as collateral and take good care of it.
She said and disappeared in the same instant.
— I will keep your mitten on my heart! exclaimed the king.
Since then every night the prince and the fairy met in the grove under the old lindens. While the sun is shining, the king's son does not find a place for himself. Day by day he yearns for his fairy, he can’t wait until the night falls and the moon peeps through the sky, and he keeps wondering: “Will my fairy come today?” The prince loved the little fairy more and more, and the fairy grew taller every night. On the ninth night, when the full moon came, the fairy was as tall as the prince.
— Now I will come to you every time the moon appears in the sky! the fairy said cheerfully in her gentle voice.
- No, my dear! I can't live without you! You must be mine. I will make you queen!
- My dear! - the fairy answers him. “I will be yours, but you must promise me that you will love only me all your life!”
- I promise, I promise! - without hesitation, the prince shouted. “I promise to always love you alone, and I won’t even look at others.
- Good! Just remember - I will be yours only as long as you remain true to your word.
Three days later they played a wedding. The guests could not marvel at the beauty of the little fairy.
The prince lived happily with his young wife for seven years, when suddenly the old king died. The people gathered at the funeral apparently-invisibly. At his coffin, the most beautiful and noble women of the kingdom shed tears. And there was
among them one black-eyed beauty with red hair. She did not pray to God, did not mourn the late king, but relentlessly pursued the eyes of the young prince. The prince noticed that the beautiful woman with red hair did not take her eyes off him, and this seemed to him extraordinarily pleasant. When the funeral procession moved to the cemetery, the prince, who was leading his wife by the arm, looked three times at the black-eyed beauty. Suddenly his wife got entangled in her skirt and almost fell.
— Oh, look, my dress is too long! - she exclaimed.
And it's true... Only the king's son is unaware that his wife has become shorter.
But the old king was buried, and everyone moved back to the palace. And the red-haired beauty followed on the heels of the prince, not a step behind, and he looked at her furtively. The prince never noticed that his wife had again turned into a little fairy. And as soon as they entered the old grove, the fairy completely disappeared.