Short stories for babies in womb
Bedtime Stories to Read to Baby In Womb
You’ll definitely develop a close reading association with your baby along with the development of story reading habit in your young one from the very start. We want you to get some best stuff when it comes to reading stories to the baby in the womb. So, here are some of the short stories to read to baby in womb. Read them aloud and enjoy with your little being.
Here is the list of Stories To Read To a Baby In Womb
We are sharing a list of baby stories that you can read to your baby in the womb. With these stories, you’ll be able to create a wonderful relationship with your baby. So, here are the stories to read to baby in womb online.
Zebra Strips StoryA Zebra named Zeb, who lives in a jungle interacted with another zebra friend named Zebu.
Zeb:” Hey Zebu! You’re looking so happy. Can I ask the reason behind your wide smile?”
Zebu:” Yes, someone made me happy today. Do you remember my genius cousin who visited my place the other day?”
Zeb: ”Yes, I remember. Tell me more”
Zebu: ”Genius cousin counted stripes of my body and you know I’ve 43 stripes per side.”
Zeb: ”Woahh! So many stripes. I wonder how many I’ve got.“
Zebu: ”Unfortunately he went back otherwise he would’ve counted yours too.
”Zeb:” It’s okay”
Two Days Later
Zeb still thinking about his stripes count; He wished to have someone like zebu’s cousin and went in search to find someone who can count.
A Rude CowAt first, Zeb saw a cow eating grass.
Zeb: ”Dear moo, how you doing?“
Cow: “Huh! Can’t you see I’m eating?”
Zeb:” Oh! Sorry. By the way, can you count?”
Cow: ”How I’m supposed to count? Not my work.”
An Innocent GoatUpset Zeb moved away. Then saw a goat and got his hopes up.
Zeb:” Cute little goat! What’s up?”
Goat: ”Umm nothing. You tell”
Zeb:” Can you count? I need someone to count my stripes.”
The goat started weeping.
Zeb:” You okay?“
Goat: ”My dream was to join school but never had a chance.”
Zeb: ”Don’t cry. You’ll get a chance soon. Don’t worry! I’ll find someone else”.
Naughty MonkeyZeb felt sad about making a goat cry and suddenly had his eyes on a mischievous monkey.
Zeb: ”Hello Monkey. Where’s your banana?”
Naughty monkey began mimicking him.
Zeb:” Leave it. Tell me do you know how to count?”
Monkey: ”Leave it. Tell me do you know how to count?”
Zeb: ”Stop repeating my dialogues. Answer my question.
Monkey: ”Stop repeating my dialogues. Answer my question.”
Zeb got irritated and moved forward.
Monkey shouted, “Zeb! Zeb listen I know”.
Zeb ran towards him happily:” Yaayy!! Start”
Monkey laughed and mimicked him again then said:” Hahaa! I enjoyed making you fool. I can’t count. I’m only good at annoying others. Hahaa”
A Slow SnailZeb got irritated again and without saying a word stepped away.
On seeing a snail later, interrogated the same but now the answer made him smile when snail said: ”yes I can”. Snail put all effort but she was counting slowly.
Zeb:” You’re slow. It will take days if you count like this.
Snail got upset on hearing this and said: ”Go and find someone who can count in seconds. Huh!”
Little ELLOZeb left and found his friend elephant’s baby Ello.
Zeb: ”Cute Ello! What are you doing?”
Ello: ”Just waiting for mother to come back. Why are you this much far away from your place.”
Zeb told his quest and once again got extremely happy on hearing from Ello:” Counting? Yeah, I’m a school-going. I can surely help you.”2ndgrade Ello started counting his stripes and both were happy.
Sadly, after counting till 20 Ello stopped and said: ”Teacher taught counting only till 20. We will learn the remaining next year.”
Depressed Zeb: ”Okay, no issues little Ello”.
Zeb lost all his hopes and was about to go home back. He didn’t realize he has walked a mile away from his residence. Hungry and tired but still moving Zeb suddenly collided with zebu’s cousin.
Zeb:” Oh! You’re Zebu’s cousin. I saw you when you visited him.”
Cousin: ”Yes , you’ve guessed it right”.
Zeb told him everything and requested to count his stripes too. Cousin got agreed after denying so much and said: ”I’ve to sleep now. You can wait here till morning”.
Zeb waited and didn’t sleep due to the excitement. Morning arrived and finally, cousin counted his stripes and told him he has 46 stripes per side.
Zeb :” Thanks a million”
Cousin: “Zeb was full of happiness that he couldn’t wait to reach home and tell everyone his total stripes number.
The Butterfly Story
One day a man saw a cocoon split open slightly and a butterfly struggling very slowly to come out. The man watched the cocoon lying on his windowsill for hours at stretch, but no progress was made by the butterfly.
So, out of goodwill, he decided to cut open the cocoon, so he took a scissors and did so. But, when he opened the cocoon, he saw that the butterfly’s body was swollen and the legs all shriveled up. The man did not realize that in coming out of the cocoon, the fluid in the butterfly’s body is pushed into its wings, which makes it ready to fly. By cutting open the cocoon, the man had disrupted this process.
Sometimes we need to struggle on our own to be at our very best.
A Wolf and His Own ShadowOne day as the sun was setting, a wolf was walking towards the forest. As he looked behind himself, he caught a glimpse of his shadow. He was impressed by how long and huge it was.
“I am much longer and stronger than I thought I was,” he said. “I am even bigger than the lion, and could probably beat him up” said the wolf proudly, and so he decided he would do so.
So, that night, the wolf went to the lion and growled at him as loudly as he could. The lion quickly got up and ate him up. The poor wolf had been fooled by his own shadow.
The Greedy Lion Goes Hungry
The big, greedy lion was walking around the jungle in search of a meal. Soon he saw a hare sound asleep in the grass. The lion was just about to gobble the hare up when he saw a big red deer hopping by. The lion instantly decided that he should try to catch the deer since it would make a heavier meal.
The lion began to chase the deer, but he kept running and running, yet he could not catch the deer. The deer ran faster and soon the lion gave up, panting with his tongue hanging out and his stomach grumbling.
“Maybe I should just eat the hare,” said the lion. “Such a shame that I have to settle for such a small meal” he huffed. But all the commotion and running had woken up the hare, who had run off by the time the lion came looking for him. Now the greedy lion was left hungry.
Food For The VulturesOne day, a lion and a wild boar approached a small stream, wishing to drink water from it. However, there was only enough space for one animal to drink from. As they both arrived at the stream, they began to argue and fight over who would drink first.
The lion charged at the boar with his big claws, while the boar bucked him with his tusks. They continued to fight for a spot by the stream when a vulture began to circle above their head. The vulture was waiting for one of them to kill the other so that the vultures can feed on them.
Soon the lion and the boar realized that they were being watched by the vultures. Both of them stopped fighting. “If we continue to fight, we will become food for the vultures,” said the lion, and the boar agreed. From that point onward they stopped fighting and became best friends.
The Lazy DonkeyThere once lived a waterman who took clothes to the river every day to wash. He owned a lazy donkey, that hated doing its work and whenever the donkey was called upon, he pretended to be sick. One day the waterman had to take a big pile of clothes to the river bank to wash.
But the donkey knew the clothes would be heavy, and so he escaped when the waterman called him and went to a lonely place to take a nap.
The donkey was sleeping under a mango tree, in a secluded place, when a strong wind began to blow. Due to the wind, a mango fell from the tree and landed on the donkey’s head. Surprised, the donkey woke up and did not know what was going on. As he opened his eyes, dust blew into his eyes, making it hard for him to see. The donkey wished to go back home to hide from the dust storm, but he was afraid the waterman would beat him up.
As he arrived home, fearfully entering the house and expecting a beating, he was surprised when his master was glad to see him. “Oh, I am glad you are back!” said his master giving him some food. From then onwards, the donkey never ran away again.
Read More: Best Moral Stories For Kids With LessonsThe Mocking Tiger
The tiger was a clever animal. He was always busy in boasting about himself and he would often make fun of the other animals. He would tease the other animals, particularly annoying the poor bumblebee and the big, clumsy elephant.
One day, all the animals were having a meeting to discuss some important matters of the forest. Suddenly, a landslide occurred and big boulders blocked the entrance of the cave. All the animals thought that the tiger would be able to save them, but he was not. He could not move the boulders away.
Thus, the bumblebee snuck out through a tiny space in the rocks and went to look for the elephant who had not come to the meeting. The bee asked him to come to help everyone out. The elephant arrived and removed all the rocks and all the animals came out of the cave. In the end, the tiger came out, his head lowered, and a lesson learned. He knew that he should not be boastful ever again.
The Meddlesome MonkeyOne day, a little monkey was perched on a treetop and was watching the local fishermen layout a fishing net by the river. “Oh, this looks interesting,” said the monkey and decided that he wants to try it out as well.
When the fishermen went away to grab some lunch, the monkey went down by the river and grabbed the net. But the net was too big for the monkey and instead of tossing it into the river, the monkey got entangled in the net. As he tried to escape, it kept wrapping tighter and tighter around the monkey and he fell into the river.
Luckily, the fishermen arrived and helped him out of the water. “You should just focus on staying on the trees,” they said, as they set him free.
The LadybugA ladybug felt lonely and wanted to make some friends. All she wanted was to have someone to play with. She roamed the forest searching for a friend, when one day, she came across a beautiful butterfly.
The ladybug was very happy to see the butterfly and thought that they would make great friends. “Do you want to be friends?” asked the ladybug timidly. “Of course, why not!” replied the friendly butterfly. They soon began to play together every day, flying around, from plan to plant. The two best friends lived happily ever after.
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The Rabbits Get Tired Of LivingOne day, all the rabbits in the world met up to discuss some problems. “What a sad life we live,” said one rabbit. “As soon as we come out of our burrow, we are chased by all sorts of animals, dogs, cats, tigers, lions. At the end of the day we become meals for them” he continued. The other rabbits agreed.
“What is the point of living in fear, when we will just end up becoming food for another animal.” said another rabbit. “We should just drown ourselves” exclaimed one of them, and all the other rabbits at the meeting agreed.
All of them left the meeting and rushed towards the pond. By the edge of the pond, some frogs were sitting and relaxing. As they saw the rabbits running up to them, they were terrified and jumped into the water.
When the rabbits saw this, they stopped in their tracks. “There is someone living a more scared life than us, maybe we should not drown ourselves after all. ” said the rabbits, turning back to return home, laughing at their silly idea.
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The Duck And The BuckA duck really wanted to buy an apple, and when he visited the grocery store, the sign said “one apple for one buck.”
The duck thought about it, and the only bucks he knew lived at the farm. So, the next morning the duck went to the farm and got some bucks from the farmer. He then took them to the grocery store.
The duck picked up nine apples from the aisle and took the nine bucks to the counter, giving them over.
The woman at the counter began to laugh, “well I guess these could work too.”
Whose Work Is The Hardest – Story?Jack the farmer, had two lovely dogs, Cyndie and Polly. Cyndie was a pet at home, while Polly was the one who would accompany the farmer when they went hunting. She would run around all day, catching and fetching the birds the farmer had shot.
The farmer’s wife would cook up the birds the farmer brought home, and the remains of the meal would be shared between Cyndie and Polly. But Polly felt that it was unfair that she did all the work and Cyndie still got the same amount of food.
“It is not my fault I was not taught how to hunt. Besides, I do a lot of work playing with the kids too” replied Cyndie.
A Long Suffering BullA strong muscular bull was trotting around when suddenly a lion began to chase it, ready to pounce on the bull for a big, juicy meal. The bull ran for its life and as it went on and on, it finally lost the lion behind as it ran into a cave.
The cave belonged to a family of mountain goats, who were not pleased at all at seeing the intruder. The goats began to hit the bull with their horns, piercing its skin.
“I did not come into your house for no reason, I was running from the lion” cried the bull. But the poor bull had to suffer all day.
The Fisherman And The Little FishA poor fisherman made a living out of the fish he caught. One day he was very unlucky and only ended up catching a tiny little fish.
The little fish began to beg the fisherman to let her go. “Please let me go sir. I am so small, what benefit will I have for you, I will make a much better meal when I am older” she cried.
But the farmer did not care. He knew that a small meal was still better than no meal at all, and thus he kept the small fish and took her home to eat.
A small good is better than nothing at all.
The Wolf And The LambOne day a lamb was drinking water from a stream, when a wolf standing nearby wished to eat her up. He came up with an excuse. “Hey lamb, don’t dirty the water I am drinking” said the wolf.
“But the water is flowing from your side to my side” said the lam innocently.
Now the wolf came up with another plan. “Remember how you hurled abuses at me an year ago” he said.
“But I was not born a year ago” replied the lamb. “Then it must have been your dad” said the wolf, growing impatient.
The lamb apologized on his father’s behalf but the wolf did not give up. “You are arguing with me” complained the wolf and pounced onto the lamb eating him up.
Read More Stories for Kindergarten Children: Stories for Kindergarten childrenBuffalo’s PatienceThere once lived a monkey who missed no opportunity to bother the buffalo. He would often jump on its back, throe nuts at it, and often throw trash on the buffalo. But the buffalo dealt with him patiently and never hurt the monkey.
All the other animals around them saw this and asked the buffalo why it did not teach the monkey a lesson.
“I am thankful to the monkey for teaching me how to be patient” replied the buffalo.
The monkey who was nearby, heard this and was very ashamed of his own antics,
“Dear buffalo, I am sorry, I will never bother you again.” apologized the monkey one day, and the two became great friends.
The Two GoatsOne day two goats had to cross the river. The two ends of the river were joined by a weak and shaky bridge, which would move even at the slightest touch. Both the goats were standing at opposite ends of the river,
Neither of the two goats were ready to cross over to the other side first, but eventually both of them began to walk on it. The bridge was so narrow that only one person could cross at a time, and so, when they reached the middle, they began to fight.
The goats continued mindlessly fighting and pushing each other, and due to this, the bridge broke and both of them fell in the river.
The Crow And The Pitcher crow trying to drink water from the brown pitcherOne day a thirsty crow was trotting around looking for something to drink. It came across a pitcher of water. As the crow hopped onto its edge, it realized that the pitcher was too deep and that its beak could not reach the bottom.
The crow was scared that it if it did not think quickly, it would die of thirst. That’s when the crow saw some rocks nearby. The crow picked up the little rocks and began throwing them into the pitcher till the water began to come up.
The crow continued to do so, till the water had reached the top and the crow easily drank it.
The Fox And The GoatOne day, a clever fox fell into a well. Scared that it might die inside, the fox waited for someone to pass by.
Soon a goat was passing by and looked into the well, asking the fox why he was inside,
“I have heard a very terrible drought is going to come. I am inside to protect myself” said the fox cleverly.
The gullible goat fell for the fox’s word and quickly jumped inside the well too. But the fox used this to his advantage. He jumped on top of the goat and then jumped out of the well, leaving the poor goat inside alone.
No con-trollOnce there was valley named “not very nice”, where a mean troll lived under a bridge, and forced everyone crossing it into paying a toll. He would ask the people for all sorts of compensation; food, toys, cars, clothes and what not. As soon as he used something he thought of it as used and old. The troll just wanted more and more, but he was still never happy. Even though he had so much stuff, he never shared it anyone and remained sad a lonely.
One day a boy and his sister were crossing the bridge and the troll asked him why they wanted to go to the other side. “Because everyone is so nice on the other side. We share things and live as one big family and enjoy the little things in life” said the boy. “You can come along too” said the girl. The troll felt so happy that he had been asked to join them. He was ready to see a better world, and quickly gave up his sad life to go live with them.
Ed the sprinkler head
Hey I am Ed the sprinkler head. You may not have noticed me, I but have known you since you were a little kid and have seen you grow. You have only paid attention to me in the scorching summer heat when I helped you cool down. But I have seen you return from school every day. I have been a guest at so many of your birthday parties in this garden, and I have seen you get taller and taller every day. I myself, have tried to grow taller too, but have always returned to my real size. I have seen your tears and joy when the mailman comes, and silently I have been a part of so many of your journeys.
What I am trying to say is that I will miss you when you grow old and move on with your life. I am Ed, and I am the unnoticed sprinkler head.
My busy CAunty C was always busier than a bee, but she always made time for me. She was always travelling here and there, but her wings were always full of love and care. She would always give the warmest hugs, and her eyes looked warm, big and round, almost like a bug.
Once you were in her embrace, you cannot escape her juicy kisses and tight squeezes. But that is the best thing about Aunty C, she has some love for you, and still some more for me.
The Little Boy Who Blew His NoseOnce there was a little boy who was always blowing his nose. His boogers would fly around almost everywhere. On his sleeves and in his hair, there was no spot which was rid of his boogey disasters. One day he blew his nose, and tilts his head, and his booger went into his milk.
It was almost as if there was no control, over the amount of snot in his nose. No matter what he did, it was always there, and all his friends could not help but always stare.
So he decided that he would wear shirt with long sleeves, so that he can wipe his nose, whenever need be. But his mum became cross, when his sleeves became so stiff, they couldn’t even be washed.
At last he got a handkerchief, and that is what he now uses, to keep his nose clean.
Dreams of Good Things
A wonderful mother to three children asked her kids what their secret little wishes were. She told them that maybe if they discussed their wishes, they could dream about them and work on turning them into reality little by little.
She advised her kids to dream all they can, but start small, because smaller dreams can be achieved quicker and they can build on them. Taking baby steps every day is the key, and while they dream at night, the day is to make plans to achieve those dreams.
She told her kids a story about a grouse who dream of building a house. He woke up and began to work on building it with one single straw. He could have kept going and going till it became a castle, but he was happy with his tiny little house, because it was the dream of one small grouse.
So, she told her children, that they too can achieve, whatever they want, just by working little by little every day and night.
What’s A Skip To Do?A little boy named skip loved to go cycling with his brother, but his brother had the flu and he decided that he would cycle across town to go visit him. Skip set out on his bike and as he excitedly cycled, he imagined to be riding a motorbike. The small, normal buildings around him were imagined as big skyscrapers and he was a lone rider, making his way past every obstacle, on a big, wide highway.
Skip loved it when his parents were around for cycling too, and his mom would referee their races, while their dad cheered them on. Oh the possibilities of imagination and the fun was endless when he was on wheels.
He reached his aunt’s house, where his brother was being taken care of. Rushing in Skip asked his brother if he wanted to go cycling with him. But his poor brother was all dizzy and groggy from the flu and he said no.
Now Skip had to cycle back, and as bummed as he was, the roads looked just like roads, and the buildings were back to plain and small and his motorbike had shrunk back to a bicycle.
Oh, what a Skip was to do without his cycling partner.
Poor Otis
Otis the dog was a scrappy little dog who never realized how dirty he was. He hated taking a bath and would always run to roll around in the trash for fun. His hair was all matted and all his friends were equally scrappy and little in number.
One day his owner gave him a bath, but as soon as the bathroom door opened, out he shot. He ran and he ran, out of the house and as far as he could. He did not know where he was going; all he knew was that he did not want a bath. And so Otis the scrappy little dog was gone.
Sambo was a cocka-poo puppy, who wagged his tail, which made him look funny.
He was short and stout, and would lay under the bed all day.
His fur was matted and his tiny paws were padded.
We miss him dearly since he left us,
But we are also glad we had him.
Little Sambo is not with us anymore,
And he probably has something better to do,
In the heavens above, no one will tell him to shoo.
The Pebble StoryOnce upon a time, a unfortunate merchant owed a huge amount of debt to a local governor. However, because he was unable to pay it back, he kept asking the governor to extend the deadline. But the governor refused this time and put forward a different request. He asked the merchant to marry his daughter to him and he would forgive his rent.
The merchant and his daughter were horrified at the request. So, the governor said that they should decide the matter by providence. He said that he would put a black and white stone in a bag and if the girl picked the black stone, she would have to marry, the governor and her father’s debts would be forgiven. If she picked the white stone, she would not have to marry and the debts would be forgiven regardless. And if she did not pick a stone, her father would go to jail.
So, the merchant bent down and picked up to pebbles from the ground, but the girl was quick to notice that he had picked two black pebbles. So, when the girl put her hand in the sack, she picked up a pebble but quickly dropped it to the ground. She told the governor to see which pebble was still in the sack and that would tell her the color of the lost pebble.
The governor did not want to admit his dishonesty and so it was implied the pebble she lost was white. The girl had turned a bad situation into her favor.
One day a hunter had laid out a massive trap for a tiger in the forest. Soon the tiger, who was passing by fell into the net and the hunter quickly locked him up into a cage.
The hunter put the cage on a roadside for people to witness the tiger. The tiger had previously killed many village people and innocent animals and children. Now people were being made to enjoy his misery as they saw him locked up.
The hunter did not feed the tiger for days. Day by day, the tiger grew desperate for food. He began to beg the hunter to give him something to eat. He promised the hunter that if would let him go, he would not harm anyone ever again.
One day a traveler was crossing the road when he saw the tiger. He felt bad seeing him in such a state, and when the tiger promised he would not harm anyone, he let him out.
But once the tiger was out, he did not care about his promise. He wanted to kill every human in his way.
A sly little fox was passing by and when he saw that the tiger was about to kill everyone he made a strategy. He said, “I do not believe such a big tiger could fit in such a tiny cage.”
The tiger said he would show the fox he was locked up there and went back inside the cage. As soon as he went in, the fox locked the cage and left with the tiger.
How To Make Bedtime Baby Stories More Interesting?
In order to make the story for baby in the womb, here are some of the important strategies.
Find The Best Stories:
You can find some of the best stories to read to babies in the womb. The stories must be short with some moral lessons in it. This will help you in keeping your and your baby’s attention intact.
Use Some Funny Tones:
Using some funny tones to make the story to read to baby in the womb interesting. It would not only be helpful in keeping our attention but would also encourage reading ability in your children.
Not Time Specific:
You can find the stories to read to baby in womb online any time. There is no restriction. By reading stories from 5 Minute Bedtime, you don’t have to be time-restricted. We are available for you every time.
FAQs For Short Story For Baby In Womb
Here are some of the questions that you have in bedtime stories for babies in the womb:
When should I start reading stories for my baby in the womb?
During 23 – 27 weeks of pregnancy, babies start developing their hearing skills, so you can start stories for babies in the womb by this time.
What are some of the benefits of the stories to read to baby in womb?
Your baby can develop the habit of reading when you are going to read the story for baby in the womb. Additionally, hearing sounds would also provide some exercise opportunity to your young baby.
What are some of the stories to read to babies in the womb?
Here are some of the best stories that you can read to your babies in the womb:
The crow and the pitcher Story
The duck and the buck Story
The fox and the goat Story
Age 0-3 | Bedtime Stories
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Pregnancy diary on behalf of the child. Diary of a son, or how they were waiting for me.
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March 4th. My mom has two lines on her test. She does not believe her luck and jumps around the bathroom. Settle down, you are now a woman in position. Wrote dad sms: "We need to have a serious talk." Couldn't think of anything more stupid. Dad guessed anyway, showed up home with a sly smile. Mom says: "It seems we will have a child." Hey, what do you mean "seems"? I don't seem, I am!
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May 1st. What kind of girl am I? There dad correctly says: "There will be a boy." Come on, mommy, belly hair. Boy, I'm a boy!!
May 4th. Mom is going for an ultrasound. Nate, look, doctor. "Looks like a boy," says the doctor. Thank God I have considered. Well, mommy, don't be disappointed, I love you. And there will be no more toxicity.
June 7th. Pleased my mother with the first push. Dad put his paw on my stomach, trying to feel me. Dad, I'm here!!
June 20th. Oh no, they decide what to call me. Which Maxim? Mom, are you crazy? And I don't want to be Bones! Mom says to dad: "If this is definitely a boy, then you will choose the name yourself." Of course, boy, but who else?
June 29th. Dad suggests calling me Dima. I agree. Mom hesitates. Mother! Dad and I have already decided everything!
July 4th. Today my mother was told for sure that I am a boy. Now they don’t call me except Dima. Dad is happy, but he did not doubt it.
September 1st. Mom trudged to study. You can't fit in the desk! Look, fit... A student...
September 4th. Each of my mother's classmates consider it their duty to ask what my name will be. Yes, I've already been called! Dima I. Topic closed.
September 10th. Wow, what an interesting lecture. Mom, do I want to eat, when is there a break?
October 29th. What maternity home? Doctor, what are you talking about? I don't want to see you yet, I feel good here too!
October 31st. Well, we arrived at the hospital, so what? It's boring here, dad is bored at home too.
November 1st. I want to see dad! Mother! I want to go to my dad! I'm about to be born! Mother!! She is sleeping! She thinks it's not contractions, she thinks it's still early. No, I want to go to my dad! Call dad. Call the midwife. Here. We are transferred to the delivery room. Don't worry, I'm afraid myself. Dad has arrived! Mom is holding dad's hand. And if she breaks it for you, she doesn’t understand anything from pain. And I'm on my way! Mom, why did you kick dad out?!
November 1, 10:50 p.m. I was born! They put me on my mother's stomach. Where is mother's breast? But! I found a nipple, took it in my fist ... And fell asleep. Well, at least they called dad. He really liked me, he even took a picture of me.
That's how things are, mum and dad. Now you have me!
The text describes the personal experience of the author
Nastya Osokina
The information on the site is for reference only and is not a recommendation for self-diagnosis and treatment. For medical questions, be sure to consult your doctor.
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Lemur cat, is it really that bad, with suffixes? You probably also don’t talk to a baby without suffixes ...
Nastyusha happiness, health to you and your child.
2008-06-20, Malipusechka
Well written! With humor and without pink snot:) And I already thought that mothers don’t know how to write differently, without diminutive suffixes through each word ...
2008-04-29, Lemur cat
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SON!!! We also have a son, Dima, a wonderful name and I read the article with pleasure. Health to you and your baby.
2008-04-29, Olga
Great! We also have a son, a gift for February 14, though he was born on November 2 in the morning :)
2008-04-29, Xu
Wonderful article and not like the others. Good luck with your son.
2008-04-29, eka2281
I cried the whole story, it was written cool!!! Congratulations!
2008-12-10, Anna
+1000 grow big healthy beautiful smart ........
2008-12-10, Mamantenok
Total 8 reviews Read all reviews.
Updated 10/27/2021
Reading before birth - CBSE
Recently, the theory of the positive impact on the child of mediated reading even in the prenatal period has been very popular: the more the expectant mother reads aloud children's fairy tales, poems, songs, the better the baby will develop intellectually and creatively, the learn to read faster.
The emergence of new life is a great mystery of nature. Each of us lived this miracle, having been born into the world, and not remembering anything about the 9 months spent in the mother's womb. To get in touch again with the secret of birth is given to every woman who decides to become a mother.
What does an unborn baby feel and understand? The answer to this question has always interested people. Intuitively, many expectant mothers from the first days of pregnancy treat their baby as a real-life and completely independent person. And this gives parents the opportunity to live together with the child even before his birth, to communicate with him, helping the baby grow, grow up, get smarter, that is, take care of him prenatal (antenatal) care .
Is it worth raising a child so early, at a time when nature itself takes care of him, transforming a tiny cell into a human being? Modern scientific studies of the intrauterine development of the child confirm that the child is already brought up in the mother's stomach. It is there that the child lives the initial stages of not only physical, but also mental maturation.
Even before birth, a child begins to learn about the world around him. He does not live in a silent, dark space, but perceives the world around him with those sense organs that are formed in him very early. Already at the eighth week of intrauterine life, the baby develops tactile sensitivity . The child begins to feel temperature and touch. By the 14th week, the entire skin surface of the baby is ready to receive information. Speaking of intuitive, accurate understanding, knowledge, people use the expression “I feel with my skin”, perhaps this is how the memory of the first experience of knowing the world has been preserved in our language.
At the 5th month of pregnancy, the baby's movements become noticeable to the mother, and the baby meets the first touches of his own hands. The baby pushes and the mother strokes the belly. Stroking the surface of the abdomen is the first gentle play with a baby who has not yet been born. The child gets an important experience communication - response to their manifestations.
By tapping with the mother, the baby learns dialogue. Communicating with the baby during pregnancy, parents establish a strong emotional connection with him. Such communication gives the child a sense of security and comfort necessary for its successful development.
In addition to being touched, the child also needs words addressed to him. Many expectant mothers mentally talk to the child from the very beginning of pregnancy. The baby, of course, feels that you are talking to him. Your child feels any emotional state at the level of hormones entering the blood. In addition, the baby in the womb "hears with the body", perceiving the sounds of the mother's voice through the vibrations of the amniotic fluid and muscle sensations. Therefore, the mother needs to speak with the baby not only mentally, but also out loud. At the seventh month, the child's ear begins to hear and already perceives sounds both inside and outside the mother's body.
Babies who talk to their parents before birth usually develop speech earlier . In addition to intonation, children are able to unconsciously assimilate a number of sound combinations. Already at the 5th month, your unborn baby distinguishes the speech sounds that you pronounce, reacting to each of them by contracting certain muscles. Along with the development of hearing before the birth of the baby, the preparation for speech begins. As you know, any person listening to speech or music, the muscles of the vocal apparatus contract quite imperceptibly, as if silently repeating the sounds heard. For a child who is preparing for life in a talking world, listening to both speech and music will be a good training.
Rhythms are important for children in music. It is they who organize the life of the body. It is no coincidence that music heals, helping sick, arrhythmic organs to find a healthy rhythm. First of all, we are talking about classical music. The music of Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach, Tchaikovsky has a beneficial effect on the child. But the works of Wagner are contraindicated for young listeners. Listen with your child to the music that is pleasant to you and watch how the baby reacts. If the child protests, turn off the music. Memorize the child's reactions to various works. One music calms him, another excites him. Knowing this, you can always help your child calm down or be able to encourage him to take action using familiar works both before the birth of the baby and after. Children who listen to music in utero, being born, recognize it, smile, walk, move in such a familiar melody. Watching this, you will be convinced that your baby has a memory and knows a lot, only having been born. Those songs that you sing to him, fairy tales and poems that you read will become a good cultural dowry for the further education of the baby.
It happens that expectant mothers do not sing to their child themselves, doubting their vocal abilities, afraid of damaging the child's musical ear. Meanwhile, it is the mother's singing that is healing for the baby. Lullabies are especially useful to him. While singing lullabies, the mother's heart rate decreases, and blood pressure normalizes. The child of a singing mother receives more oxygen, his heartbeat is harmonized, and the vibrations of the amniotic fluid gently massage the baby's body, helping him to mature. In addition, this is an excellent breathing training for mother and child. Lullabies are the first lessons of the native language for a child. Songs help the baby remember words, their meanings, word order in a sentence. The singing mother draws out the words, accentuating the vowels. So children learn the sound structure of speech better, develop language skills faster. Reading poetry to a child has a similar effect. Unlike ordinary speech, poetry has a rhythm, the beneficial effect of which on a growing organism has already been mentioned. Accompany the reading of poetry with a rhythmic pat of the tummy, and if the baby likes the verses, you will notice the rhythmic tapping of your intelligent baby in response.
During pregnancy, a woman often wakes up with a desire to engage in long-forgotten or even unusual activities: to draw, sing, dance, make crafts, read other books, listen to other music. Perhaps this baby asks to satisfy his needs, needs creativity. Very often, when drawing, expectant mothers say that the picture was drawn by a baby, or, when playing music, they choose an instrument whose sound the child liked. The main thing is that parents and children acquire in joint creativity the experience of emotional communication, harmonious coexistence with each other, which will remain with them in later life.
Even before birth, the baby needs solitary communication with his mother, when she, touching her belly with her hand, talks to him aloud affectionately, gently. Talk to your child about everything that is important for you to tell him. Get to know him, tell him how you are waiting for him and love him. It is important to be sincere with the baby. Feeling anxiety, do not mask it with joyful intonations. The child feels you with his body, hears the beating of the heart, and not just the voice. In those moments when you experience emotions that are difficult to cope with, turn to the baby and explain that your experiences do not concern him, he is still loved by you. This will keep your child safe.
Introduce your baby to those who are with you waiting for his birth. Let the child hear their voices. Watching the reaction of the child, you will already during pregnancy learn to respond sensitively to his desires, and this will be useful to you later in life with the baby. When communicating with the baby during pregnancy, developing it before birth, always rely on your intuition. When working with a child, keep the naturalness and spontaneity of communication. You should not turn classes into a regular duty for the father of the child if he is not yet ready for action. Sometimes, for a start, future dads have enough stories about how a child is floundering, observing the movement of the stomach, curious touches, and then there will be words for the unborn child, greeting rituals, poems and songs for him.