Lists of compound words for kids
150 Examples of Compound Words for Kids –
Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning.
Click here for Compound Words Games, Videos, Quizzes, Worksheets and Lessons.
For example, “sun” and “flower” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Sunflower. These words are formed by either adding a hyphen or just using the two words as a single term. The spelling of the two words is not necessarily changed when they are joined together, but the definition becomes unique.
Consider the words “make up” and “makeup”. This is a more advanced example of a compound word because the resulting combination is a homonym and can be used in more than one way.
Make up your mind fast.
My makeup was ruined by the rain!
I have a makeup exam tomorrow.
In the first sentence, make up is a verb. In the second sentence, makeup is used as a noun. In the third sentence, we see makeup as an adjective describing “exam.”
Types of Compound Words
There are three types of compound words;
- Closed Compound words: These words are written as a single word, such as haircut, newspaper, grandmother, etc.
- Open Compounds: Compound words that are written as separate words such as high school, living room, school bus, etc.
- Hyphenated Compounds: Words that use a hyphen in between two words, such as well-known, second-rate, merry-go-round, etc.
Fun ways to teach Compound Words
Every child has a different way of learning. What works for one may not work for another so we have created these fun ways to teach your kid compound words. Choose the best activity that tailors to your kid’s learning style.
- Visual learning style – Prepare flashcards, half with words and half with pictures. Have your child lay them out in grid style and flip two cards over at a time. The goal is to find a word and a picture to create a compound word. Students will have to use their memory to succeed at this game.
- Kinesthetic learning style- Give students a compound word and have them draw the two “parts” of the compound word. For example, for “doghouse” a kid would draw a dog and a house.
- Help the kids make compound word daisies. Have them write a word in the middle of the paper flower and ask them to write compound words that utilize the word on the petals.
Once your students know the basics of compounds, you can help them move onto more difficult words.
Practice with these 150 examples of compound words:
- Airplane
- Airport
- Angelfish
- Antfarm
- Ballpark
- Beachball
- Bikerack
- Billboard
- Blackhole
- Blueberry
- Boardwalk
- Bodyguard
- Bookstore
- Bow Tie
- Brainstorm
- Busboy
- Cabdriver
- Candlestick
- Car wash
- Cartwheel
- Catfish
- Caveman
- Chocolate chip
- Crossbow
- Daydream
- Deadend
- Doghouse
- Dragonfly
- Dress shoes
- Dropdown
- Earlobe
- Earthquake
- Eyeballs
- Father-in-law
- Fingernail
- Firecracker
- Firefighter
- Firefly
- Firework
- Fishbowl
- Fisherman
- Fishhook
- Football
- Forget
- Forgive
- French fries
- Goodnight
- Grandchild
- Groundhog
- Hairband
- Hamburger
- Handcuff
- Handout
- Handshake
- Headband
- Herself
- High heels
- Honeydew
- Hopscotch
- Horseman
- Horseplay
- Hotdog
- Ice cream
- Itself
- Kickball
- Kickboxing
- Laptop
- Lifetime
- Lighthouse
- Mailman
- Midnight
- Milkshake
- Moonrocks
- Moonwalk
- Mother-in-law
- Movie theater
- Newborn
- Newsletter
- Newspaper
- Nightlight
- Nobody
- Northpole
- Nosebleed
- Outer space
- Over-the-counter
- Overestimate
- Paycheck
- Policeman
- Ponytail
- Post card
- Racquetball
- Railroad
- Rainbow
- Raincoat
- Raindrop
- Rattlesnake
- Rockband
- Rocketship
- Rowboat
- Sailboat
- Schoolbooks
- Schoolwork
- Shoelace
- Showoff
- Skateboard
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Softball
- Solar system
- Soundproof
- Spaceship
- Spearmint
- Starfish
- Starlight
- Stingray
- Strawberry
- Subway
- Sunglasses
- Sunroof
- Supercharge
- Superman
- Superstar
- Tablespoon
- Tailbone
- Tailgate
- Take down
- Takeout
- Taxpayer
- Teacup
- Teammate
- Teaspoon
- Tennis shoes
- Throwback
- Timekeeper
- Timeline
- Timeshare
- Tugboat
- Tupperware
- Underestimate
- Uplift
- Upperclassman
- Uptown
- Video game
- Wallflower
- Waterboy
- Watermelon
- Wheelchair
- Without
- Workboots
- Worksheet
150+ Examples Of Compound Words For Kids
Compound words for kids are designed by combining two simpler words to form one complex word. An example of this would be mail + box = mailbox. We often use compound words without realizing they consist of two different, simpler words.
What are compound words?
When asking, “what are compound words?” we need to look at the utility of compound words in modern language. They describe complex ideas or objects that can be represented by combining two simpler words. For example, the words seashell and seashore are compound words that have derivatives in sea, shell, and shore.
We use compound words to make sense of new phrases, objects, phenomena, and events. They are highly flexible by design and can be used to describe a large number of things.
You can teach your students to use compound words through a compound words list for kids and compound words examples to get them to learn the construct effectively.
Let’s check out different types of compound words and some examples you can teach your students to help them understand compound words better for optimal reading. You can also use these examples of compound words to make stories and quiz your students in larger texts.
What are the types of compound words for kids?
Now that we have explored a comprehensive list of compound words for kids, let us understand what are the types of compound words that students should know and understand. You can focus on the utility of compound words to help students learn them better.
1. Closed compound words
This is a classic example of compound words, wherein two words come together to form a completely new type of word. An example of this would be, moon + light = moonlight or base + ball = baseball. You can focus on how these words are used extensively across literary works across reading levels.
2. Open compound words
When a modifying adjective is added to a noun to create a new noun, that is an open compound word. An example of this would be store + room = storeroom. You can focus on how open compound words are used when writing sentences and describing objects.
Words like father-in-law or well-known are hyphenated compound words as they are formed with a hyphen combining two words. They retain some of their original contextual meaning through hyphenation, giving readers clarity about their meaning.
By understanding the different types of compound words, you can teach your students to be better readers and writers in the English language. You can also focus on innovative teaching methods to better explain compound words to students. You can leverage unique strategies to make compound words intuitive for kids of all ages.
Let’s look at 150 examples of compound words for kids
Compound words come in all variations, making them an important topic to focus on as kids progress from grade to grade. You can use these 150 examples of compound words to teach kids about the subject area within your own lesson plan.
After + Noon = Afternoon
Air + Plane = Airplane
Air + Port = Airport
Angel + Fish = Angelfish
Any + Body = Anybody
Any + One = Anyone
Arm + Chair = Armchair
Arm + Pit = Armpit
Basket + Ball = Basketball
Bath + Tub = Bathtub
Bed + Room = Bedroom
Birth + Place = Birthplace
Blue + Berry = Blueberry
Body + Guard = Bodyguard
Book + Store = Bookstore
Brain + Storm = Brainstorm
Bull + Frog = Bullfrog
Bus + Boy = Busboy
Butter + Fly = Butterfly
Cab + Driver = Cabdriver
Can + Not = Cannot
Candle + Stick = Candlestick
Cat + Fish = Catfish
Cave + Man = Caveman
Cross + Bow = Crossbow
Cross + Walk = Crosswalk
Day + Break = Daybreak
Day + Dream = Daydream
Day + Light = Daylight
Desk + Top = Desktop
Dog + House = Doghouse
Door + Bell = Doorbell
Door + Mat = Doormat
Down + Hill = Downhill
Dragon + Fly = Dragonfly
Drop + Down = Dropdown
Dust + Bin = Dustbin
Every + Thing = Everything
Extra + Curricular = Extracurricular
Eye + Ball = Eyeball
Eye + Brow = Eyebrow
Finger + Nail = Fingernail
Fire + Cracker = Firecracker
Fish + Bowl = Fishbowl
Fisher + Man = Fisherman
Foot + Ball = Football
Foot + Path = Footpath
Foot + Step = Footstep
Gold + Fish = Goldfish
Good + Night = Goodnight
Grand + Father = Grandfather
Grass + Hopper = Grasshopper
Ground + Hog = Groundhog
Hard + Ship = Hardship
Head + Band = Headband
Home + Town = Hometown
Honey + Dew = Honeydew
Hop + Scotch = Hopscotch
Horse + Play = Horseplay
Hot + Dog = Hotdog
In + Side = Inside
It + Self = Itself
Key + Board = Keyboard
Lay + Out = Layout
Lay + Over = Layover
Life + Time = Lifetime
Light + House = Lighthouse
Lip + Stick = Lipstick
Mail + Box = Mailbox
Merry + Go + Round = Merry-Go-Round
Mid + Night = Midnight
Milk + Shake = Milkshake
Mind + Set = Mindset
Moon + Light = Moonlight
Mother + In + Law = Mother-In-Law
Mother + Land = Motherland
Name + Sake = Namesake
Neck + Tie = Necktie
Needle + Point = Needlepoint
New + Born = Newborn
News + Letter = Newsletter
News + Paper = Newspaper
Ninety + Nine = Ninety-Nine
No + Body = Nobody
Nose + Bleed = Nosebleed
Note + Book = Notebook
Note + Worthy = Noteworthy
Out + Side = Outside
Over + Estimate = Overestimate
Pepper + Mint = Peppermint
Pillow + Case = Pillowcase
Pony + Tail = Ponytail
Pop + Corn = Popcorn
Race + Horse = Racehorse
Rail + Road = Railroad
Rain + Bow = Rainbow
Rain + Coat = Raincoat
Rain + Storm = Rainstorm
Rain + Drop = Raindrop
Row + Boat = Rowboat
Run + Way = Runway
Safe + Guard = Safeguard
Safe + House = Safehouse
Salt + Water = Saltwater
Scare + Crow = Scarecrow
School + House = Schoolhouse
Short + Term = Short-Term
Show + Lace = Shoelace
Skate + Board = Skateboard
Smart + Phone = Smartphone
Snow + Storm = Snowstorm
Soft + Ball = Softball
Some + Where = Somewhere
Sound + Proof = Soundproof
Space + Ship = Spaceship
Spear + Mint = Spearmint
Stair + Case = Staircase
Star + Fish = Starfish
Star + Light = Starlight
Sting + Ray = Stingray
Straw + Berry = Strawberry
Sub + Way = Subway
Sun + Burn = Sunburn
Sun + Flower = Sunflower
Sun + Glasses = Sunglasses
Sun + Ray = Sunray
Sun + Roof = Sunroof
Sun + Shine = Sunshine
Super + Man = Superman
Super + Star = Superstar
Table + Spoon = Tablespoon
Tad + Pole = Tadpole
Tail + Bone = Tailbone
Take + Out = Takeout
Tea + Cup = Teacup
Tea + Spoon = Teaspoon
Text + Book = Textbook
Throw + Back = Throwback
Thunder + Storm = Thunderstorm
Tooth + Brush = Toothbrush
Tooth + Paste = Toothpaste
Tug + Boat = Tugboat
Tupper + Ware = Tupperware
Two + Fold = Two-fold
Under + Ground = Underground
Up + Stream = Upstream
Upper + Class + Man = Upperclassman
Waste + Basket = Wastebasket
Water + Body = Waterbody
Water + Melon = Watermelon
Water + Proof = Waterproof
Wheel + Chair = Wheelchair
With + Out = Without
Work + Boats = Workboats
Work + Sheet = Worksheet
You can also take advantage of the online games available through SplashLearn to teach through gamified learning.
Check out our extensive library of amazing reading games you can play with your students!
Exploring fun ways of teaching compound words to kids
Teachers should look for two essential elements when explaining compound words to students; you should remember to explain that compound words can have new meanings when connecting two smaller words.
You should also clarify that complex words can be three words coming together to form a new word. Compound words can be multi-syllable, but not all multi-syllable words are compound words. This should help kids understand what they are without feeling confused.
Compound words for kids can be complicated to pick up through verbal instructions alone. You can focus on games, puzzles, toys, and exercises to get kids to understand the utility and versatility of compound words.
1. Identifying compound words in storiesBy reading through books and short stories, your students may already be familiar with, you can ask kids to identify compound words within the text. This will help them understand why we use compound words in English and how they impact contextualization and structuring.
You can make poems and songs on compound words and use songs to help kids enjoy learning about compound words naturally. You can also bring props to demonstrate which words are compound words and which aren’t.
3. Chopping wordsYou can print out compound words on paper in a nice bold font and have your students cut in the middle of the compound word to create two words. If your students understand compound words correctly, they should be able to cut the compound word’s original root words.
4. Determining Which is Compound & Non-CompoundYou can play a game with your students to help them understand compound words better. By giving them two options and asking them to figure out whether they are compound words or not, you can test their abilities organically. You can also provide references and compound word list examples.
You can prepare a deck of single words printed onto cards and present them to your classroom. They need to match the correct pairs together to form a compound word. You can also do this activity with hyphenated words by giving them extra cards representing a dash.
6. Draw the compound wordThis gives your students a kinesthetic way of learning about compound words through painting. Your students can paint out the compound word based on the prompt shared with them. E.g., they can be given sun + screen, and they must draw a tube of sunscreen.
Related Reading: How Can Teachers Help English Language Learners
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
Can you use flashcards to teach compound words ?
Yes, flashcards are an effective way to teach compound words to kids. You can print them out as a teaching tool when exploring complex compound words.
Why do kids need to learn compound words?
The etymology and utility of compound words are essential to teaching kids to make them more comfortable with speaking, understanding, writing, and listening to the English language.
How to introduce compound words to young kids?
You can introduce compound words to kids through multiple strategies, such as with toys, props, storytelling, and games.
Words for Kids Word Game: Fun Words List
tgames For kids
What is a word game? For example, the 1st participant says "cow" ending in "A". So, the 2nd participant calls the word , starting with "A"; for example, "watermelon" and so on. For reflection - a few seconds, the losers are not determined here.
Compound words can be viewed here:
Words for word games for children under 5 years old
- Butterfly
- Orange
- Pencil
- Beetle
- Grapes
- Scissors
- Lion cub
- Ball
- Umbrella
- Duck
- Cheese
- Apple
- Clothing
- Mouse
- Cheese
- Flower
- Glasses
- Bread
- Flag
- Kettle
- Bird
- Brush
- Pole
- Cat
- Rooster
- Kefir
- Spatula
- Cube
- Apricot
- Boot
For children from 5 to 8 years old
- Raccoon
- Call
- Spruce
- Lemon
- Hammer
- Owl
- Trumpeter
- Chicken
- Yacht
- Bell
- Stump
- Cucumber
- Pumpkin
- Raisins
- Snowman
- Tiger
- Sorrel
- Bolt
- Lesson
- Glass
- Pump
- Chalk
- Turnip
- Bow
- Penguin
- Juggler
- Hacksaw
- Peanuts
- Month
- Cardboard
For older children
- Ballet
- Bell
- Chisel
- Badge
- Peanut
- Pod
- Suit
- Roller
- Shoulder strap
- Rhombus
- Lamp
- Switch
- Marker
- Cello
- Bagel
- Section
- Hair
- Strip
- Slice
- Receipt
- South
- Area
- Date
- Melody
- Package
- Post
- Rope
- Magnet
- Rafinade
- Nectar
- Screwdriver
- Yoga
- Degree
- Handle
- Attraction
- Skateboard
- Monopoly
- Repertoire
- Lever
- Sensor
- Teak
- Anime
- Loader
- Self-tapping screw
- Camera
- Lamp
- Scooter
- Barrenflower
- Sheepskin coat
- Sintepon
- Glaze
- Amethyst
- Tarragon
- Anchor
- Clarinet
- Catamaran
- Agate
- Bracelet
- Mercury
- Dome
Note: unpronounceable characters (b, b) at the end of a word are not considered; for example, the answer to the word "coal" will be a word with the letter L .