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Pterodactyl Pictures & Facts - The Dinosaur Database
Pterodactyl was a pterosaur, a type of flying reptile. It was not a dinosaur, though it lived during the same period. Pterodactyl lived during the Late Jurassic and resided in Africa and Europe. The first Pterodactyl fossil was discovered in 1815.
Probably the most well-known flying dinosaur, the Pterodactyl is not actually a dinosaur at all, but a pterosaur! Pterosaurs were airborne reptiles of the Late Jurassic period, and they are frequently associated with dinosaurs in the popular imagination. It soared through the pre-historic skies of what is now Europe and northern Africa.
In art, the pterodactyl is usually portrayed with bat-like wings, the membranes of which are stretched taut between its elongated fingers. It is also frequently shown with a crest on its head, although there is some debate as to whether this crest was extant in the Pterodactyl as with other Pterosaurs. In fact, many artistic portrayals of the Pterodactyl seem to be heavily influenced by the physiology of the Pteranodon.
The majority of specimens of Pterodactyl have been approximately the size of modern large birds such as hawks and eagles, considerably smaller than the Pteranodon and smaller than many artistic portrayals. Pterodactyls are more correctly known by the scientific term Pterodactylus, and images associated with that term tend to be more accurate and distinct from the Pteranodon.
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Source: http://fineartamerica. com/featured/pterodactyl-adrian-chesterman.html
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von 64 Here is the first edition of the minutes. What you see here can be called a transcript of the meeting in Alex Exler's guest book. Okay, let's go... Valery. Everything is cool, but why are there no pterodactyls? Yechida. Life is gone. Now it's clearer to me than ever. Everything is over. Only hardships of despondency and dentists remained. Ilya Turusov. Speaking of pterodacians. In vain Echida is sarcastic - long live the PTERODACTYLS! As we all know, Exler hates pigeons, but he doesn't have time to squash them. But if he had a pterodactyl trained for pigeons... Yechida. Pigeons... Why are they so? Ilya Turusov. No, what is it like! Comrade Exler turns a blind eye to the outrages of the so-called Echida, who has turned this nice guest book into a platform for all sorts of harmful anti-scientific statements. I'll have to intervene! Yechida. Dear Turusov-Nakolesov! Ilya Turusov. Dear Lady Yechida! CybOrc. Speaking of pterodactyls. We must draw a line, deepen, so to speak, the gap between the flying pterodactyl and the chattering pterodactyl. Unlike the first, the second was invented by scribblers and, therefore, is a mythical creature. And, therefore, he could well chew gum and have a cloven hoof and be completely kosher. I even admit that he could be circumcised. Yechida is shocked. In the long December evenings I will tremble and whisper to tell my great-grandchildren about the HORROR that befell me here! Hell Rat. What are we talking about?! And speaking of pterodactyls... CybOrc. About pterodactyls: They don't chew, they fly! A pterodactyl is not a skliss! He is a flying fish! And despite all the insinuations, who will argue that pterodactyls originated from fish? Yechida. Violin-Fox. Well, since such poetry has gone here, I will also stick in a bent snout: Violin-Fox. So here we will peck the pterodactyl. Ilya Turusov. How could you think that? I passed to Echida! Figushki! Yechida. Pterodactyly (med., psych., violent) - a dangerous disease, transmitted by electron droplets. Violin-Fox. Don't give up! Ilya Turusov. That Yechida again. She poisons me. Calls sick. And I might be depressed. Maybe not everything is as we would like. And she scares me with the cerebellum of the ventricle. You'll see, next time he'll write about the middle ear too, you slut. Yechida. And there is no need to be sad. Yesterday the devil beguiled me to watch a movie on TV - my daughter squeaks "Mom, mom, here is a movie about dragons." Ilya Turusov. I went to your site before, so to speak, without an invitation :-). Again you are misleading everyone. It's not scary at all. And the three-horned moon is not awake. By the way, why is she three-horned? She that, Mars with Venus cheated? Yechida. Duc, after all, we have poets, and they are a little bit of that people . .. They have if the Moon is so three-horned, if the roach is so purple ... Ilya Turusov. Again you with these hooves! Do you think soft cheese made by a Jew should have hooves? So what? Very nice! Yechida. Wow!!!! Do you attach labels? And soft cheese should be soft-hoofed and have scales and chew gum. Well, how? CybOrc. And matzah? Also with hooves? And ran through the desert after Moses demanding to kill her? Ilya Turusov. Yechida, don't be demagogy after all! This is a scientific dispute, not some halam-balam! While we're here dealing with kosher, some scoundrel is already weighing out gunpowder for a fatal shot on one of the last pterodactyls. Poor, disappearing animals! How great they would be if they were leathery! And so they shoot them for their magnificent fur. Gotta stop this! CybOrc. Oh, by the way. They no longer weigh, they are already shooting. And for people like Echida! So I kept thinking: why are there so many umbrellas and so few pterodactyls lately? Now it is known for certain --- they make kosher umbrellas for fashionistas from Israel! Violin-Fox. We won't give up! Let's drink cocktails to hell, grunt, and ... forward, to the fight for the cause of pterodactylism! Ilya Turusov. Post, telegraph and telephone did not blurt out to me. Find out where to get Smolny institute girls. As they say, the Smolny Institute is different for the Smolny Institute. Yechida. CybOrc. Well, let's get personal. NOT BALD! Fluffy and kosher! Just a little sick... Sara. How did these pterodactyls breed? In a square-nested way or eggs were laid? .. Ilya Turusov. As the classics said, the evening ceases to be languid. Violin-Fox. Kolyan. "TheBat! - the best mail program! (c) Exler" Alex Exler. Your lie, uncle Bidenko! And at all The Mouse does not trample on pterodactyl airspace. They just have different functions. The mouse is a workhorse that delivers mail to people, cutting through the air with its sinewy membranes. And the pterodactyl just proudly flies in the air, bringing people happiness with its kosherness. Yechida. It's good for you, damn pop-eyed, to write poems, but for some reason my moon has disappeared. There was a site - and there is no site on the server. Like a pterodactyl licked!... Alex Exler. And Vasyatka, the pterodactyl infection, tore the whole closet with his claws, the nasty crocodile! Ilya Turusov. What a provocation! Pterodactyls licked the horned moon! Woo-pusi! Our moon is so poor, it doesn’t know how to butt, evil pterodactyls flew in, pecked and opps! Yes, your server is down! Pterodactyls have nothing to do with it! THEY ARE GOOD! AND VERY KOSHER! CybOrc. Indeed, the above study of dumplings cannot claim to be complete, because it is not indicated where this noble form originates from. Yechida. Arty. Pterodactyls... pterodactyls... Uh-uhhh... Ilya Turusov. Arty. Uh-huh... long hind legs, long front ears, and they live in Australia and carry their cubs in bags. ;-) Kaneshno same after such a childhood spent in a bag, what to think if not the spinal cord? Yes, and with the eyes of the same situation. Yechida. Arty! Finally, someone supported my honest and uncompromising rebuff to the propaganda of these nasty bald flying umbrellas! Thinking (for a long time). Cat. Predactyl scaly they have a large beak, huge wings and sharp claws, they feed on naughty cats, parlovzors and other living creatures. And if they get hungry, they will eat the dove. How useful pterodactyls are, judge for yourself. Yechida. Cat! Are you a radio operator? I will give you parabellum too, even two pairs! Arty. Most likely they will not be trained, but radio-controlled :-) Pterodactyls I mean. .. Thank you +18067 Home » Animals » Dinosaurs Already drawn +6 I want to draw +6 Thank you +114 Step 1.Let's start the first step by drawing a small circle for the head, and then draw the guidelines for the face. Draw a line for the neck and then a circle for the body. Draw a rounded triangle for the tail and then draw the line for the legs and then draw the guide lines for the wings. Step 2.In this step, you need to outline the shape of the beak. Add detail to the front of the beak by adding a hole for the nostril. Draw the crest on the head then start drawing the neck as shown here. Step 3.In this step you will draw the underbelly of the pterodactyl. Next draw the eye, then the hand and three fingers of this flying reptile. Step 4.You need to draw the wings, tail, legs and feet. When that is done draw the wrinkled folds for the neck and then move on to the next step. Step 5.This is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is shade the body and wings so they look leathery and realistic. But first you need to erase the auxiliary lines and shapes that you drew in the first step. Step 6.When you are done your flying pterodactyl should look like the one you see here. Good luck to you. 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