Words with the sound s
35 Common Words Where S Needs to Sound Like Z
consonants tips and tricks
The Letter S can be confusing. Sometimes it sounds like /s/, sometimes it sounds like /z/. It’s hard to know when to use which sound and the truth is, sometimes it matters WAY more than others. In this lesson you’ll learn 35 common words where your S definitely needs to sound like a Z.
Key Takeaways:
1) When the S in the middle of a word is pronounced as /z/ it is very noticeable when you pronounce it as /s/.
2) The only way to know when the letter S is pronounced as /z/ is to memorize common words.
Practice words and sentences used in this lesson:
1) Business
Business is booming!
Mind your own business.
2) President
She’s running for president.
The president will address the nation this evening.
3) Result
The results were unexpected.
As a result, we had to change direction.
4) Reason
There’s no reason for this.
Did she have a good reason?
5) Music
Turn up the music.
What’s your favorite type of music?
6) Season
We’re rolling into our busiest season.
My favorite season is fall.
7) Position
We’ve already filled the position.
What’s your position on this?
8) Easy
That was easy.
He’s so easy to get along with.
9) Husband
Have you met her husband?
He’s an amazing husband and father.
10) Thousand
There’s a thousand reasons your shouldn’t do this.
It’s a thousand dollars?
11) Noisy
It’s too noisy in here.
We have really noisy neighbors.
12) Surprising
That’s surprising!
He’s a surprisingly good dancer.
13) Represent
Each color represents a different result.
He’s represented by the biggest firm in the city.
14) Disease
It’s a disease.
The disease advances quickly.
15) Physical
You’re not getting enough physical activity.
Did you make an appointment for your physical?
16) present (n)
I got you a present.
Try to be fully present in the moment.
17) present (v)
When do you present?
I get so nervous before presenting!
18) Design
This design in fabulous.
She’s our most talented designer.
19) Visit
You’ll have to come visit.
We visited for about an hour.
20) Positive
We got some really positive feedback.
The results are positive.
21) Busy
Are you busy?
It was a super busy day.
22) Resident
Are you a city resident?
It’s a residential property.
23) Deserve
You don’t deserve this.
He deserves a raise!
24) Prison
You could go to prison.
The house felt like a prison.
25) Observe
I’m just here to observe.
I’ve never observed that.
26) Deposit
I need to make a deposit.
It’ll be deposited directly into your account.
27) Reservation
Did you make a reservation?
We have reservations at seven.
28) Desire
I have no desire to try that.
This is far from the desired result.
29) Proposal
Have you reviewed the proposal?
The proposal’s due by Friday.
30) Dessert
What’s for dessert?
I’ll bring a dessert.
Don’t desert the project now.
You just deserted us.
31) Resist
It’s hard to resist that desert.
He’s pretty resistant to change.
32) Thursday
Thursday could work.
Thursday was really busy.
33) Transition
It was an easy transition.
We’ll help you through the transition.
34) Resolve
We weren’t able to resolve the issue.
I admire your resolve.
I admire your resolve to resist that dessert.
35) Disaster
That was a disaster.
It’s been declared a natural disaster.
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words with s sound in the middle Bingo Cards
Words With S Sound In The Middle #1
Card Description :acid | aside | beside | blossom | cassette |
castle | classroom | dancer | decide | essay |
fossil | glasses | lesson | listen | |
messy | muscle | officer | outside | pencil |
proceed | receive | recent | recite | whistle |
These cards are all about Words With S Sound In The Middle . These bingo cards include words like you can create cards like these using BingoCardCreator
- Print and go Words With S Sound In The Middle, Customize or start from scratch with Words With S Sound In The Middle bingo cards by logging in or registering your Bingo Card Creator
- Give one card to each player.
- call off words randomly from the cut-aprt call list automatically genarated when you print your Words With S Sound In The Middle. You can either just call out the word or give more involved clue where the answer is.
- Players mark the word on their card.
- Get the prize bag ready! The first player to mark words in an entire row, column or diagonal wins!.
Timing Tips:
How long a bingo game lasts depends on what pace you read the clues at and how many players you have. If you read faster, such as for older or more experienced students, or if you have more players, the game tends to end more quickly. In general, I suggest allocating between twenty and thirty minutes to a bingo game. Since they can potentially end as early as the fourth word called, though that is quite rare, I encourage you to keep playing in the event of the game being over earlier than you expected it to be. Almost 90% of bingo games with a 25 word list and 25 players will see their first bingo within 7 to 11 words being called.
Card Customization Tip:
You can use Bingo Card Creator to change the card size. This will help if you do not have a lot of time or for younger audiences.
You can use Bingo Card Creator to add pictures or change the free space to make a truly personalized bingo game .
Words List For words with s sound in the middle Bingo Cards
- acid
- aside
- beside
- blossom
- cassette
- castle
- classroom
- dancer
- decide
- essay
- fossil
- glasses
- insect
- lesson
- listen
- messy
- muscle
- officer
- outside
- pencil
- proceed
- receive
- recent
- recite
- whistle
Popular Bingo Card Categories
. .. and dozens more!
Other Bingo Activities
... and dozens more!
Automation of sound [C] at the beginning of a word and direct syllables.
I offer readers of the Speech Therapist Runet website a selection for sound automation [C]!
The article will be divided into parts, taking into account the stages of audio automation. From each article, you can follow the links to the next or previous articles of the selection of speech material for the sound [С] /
The material for automating the sound [С] at the beginning of a word and direct syllables will be useful to practicing speech therapists. Also, this collection can be used by parents who want to help the child quickly and efficiently introduce sound into speech.
Speech therapist-defectologist
Natalya Igorevna Kulakova
Holder Project http://logopedrunet. ru
000 In direct syllables:
Sound [C Sound [S ] in words with a direct syllable:
Sad, himself, fat, sleigh, polar cod, sugar, saber, juice, catfish, sleep, litter, variety, Sonya, soda, falcon, hill, hundred, salt, honeycombs, sable, juices, jay, court, bough, soup, dry, vessel, bag, day, son, cheese, pour, well-fed, cheesecake, satisfying, whey, rash.
Wasp, scythe, fox, gander, annoyance, writing, biting, mustachioed, landing, stripe, sausage, writer, dew, striped, barefoot, piece, wood, sock, belt, sedge, high, wheel, beans, hair, style, ambassador, I carry, pass, dishes, draw, carry, dancer, roe deer, mustache, scales, noses, barefoot, scarf, parcel, showered.
Gardens, sat down, lettuce, salute, boot, samovar, plane, orderly, sundress, napkin, scooter, sandals, owl, dog, neighbor, magpie, sofa, nightingale, salt shaker, advice, salty, straw, be able to, snowdrift, chest, harsh, souvenir, judge, sultan, pike perch, judge, marmot, knot, dry, Saturday, cracker, cloth, fuss, soufflé, raw, curds, son, russula, son.
Cash desk, Larisa, wheels, staff, meat, height, dry, take out, wasps, beads, braids, blond, hair, stripes, rails, send, embankment.
Repeat phrases and sentences:
Sleigh at the house, caught catfish, honeycomb, soup with bacon, hearty soup, sucking nipple, high sedge, bean soup. they salt with salt, mustachioed catfish, striped dress, sleepy owl, salt salt, dry straw, salted lard, new sofa, apple soufflé, smart judge, soloist of the ensemble, dry sand, lots of advice, sending a parcel, damp sand, dry hair.
Fox in the forest. Dew on the grass. Dishes on the shelf. Tall pine trees in the forest. The catfish has a mustache. In the buffet, polar cod, sugar, cheese, lard. Sonya has fast sleds. Sofa has beautiful braids. The grass dries in the sun. Sugar and salt are carried in the bag. The dog does not bite. Sonya loves cheese. The wasp has a mustache. The wasp drinks juice. We saw a fox in the forest. Sonya is washing the dishes. Sonya is sledding. Sanya loves cheesecakes. The boy is drawing the sun. Sonya's sledges go by themselves. An owl sits on a branch. Sanya's boots creak. Sveta has a bag. Collect rubbish with a scoop. I fell from the sled into a snowdrift. The dog sees a magpie at the bitch and barks.
It's damp outside, put on your boots. The dog sits on the straw. The dog sits near the barn. The figure shows a soldier with a machine gun. Our neighbor is a nurse. Dad bought his son a scooter. Larisa takes out the garbage. Boris has blond hair. Pictured are staunch soldiers. The plane flies high above the forest. Sweet apricots in the garden. Alice is walking in the forest. A nightingale sings in the forest. There was dry sand near the pine. The dogs guarded the sleep of the soldiers. Larisa was bitten by a wasp. Sanya has morocco boots.
Repeat tongue twisters. Clearly pronounce the sound [C]:
Sa - sa - sa - Sonya has a long braid.
Sa - sa - sa - where does the fox live?
Co - co - co - the car has a wheel.
Su - su - su - in the drying bag I carry.
Sy - sy - sy - grandfather has a magnificent mustache.
Sy-sy-sy - there is a clock hanging on the wall.
Sy - sy - sy - a fox's fluffy tail.
Asa - asa - asa - there is a spacious terrace here.
Isa - Isa - Isa - kitty plays with a bow.
Isa - Isa - Isa - the girl's name is Larisa.
Aces - aces - aces - who makes funny faces?
Aces - aces - aces - carpets on the floor.
Isa - Isa - Isa - this is a gift for Larisa.
Isy - Isy - Isy - milk for kitty.
Asu - asu - asu - we painted the terrace.
Wasps - wasps - wasps - braid braids for a long time.
Wasps - wasps - wasps - there are trays on the table.
Mustache - mustache - mustache - I will give my mother beads.
Read the continuation of the selection of speech material in article
“Sound [С] in backward syllables and the end of a word”
Automation of sound [С]
- Speech therapist. C__ - long pronunciation of the sound [C].
1) Pronounce (read) the syllables С__А, С__О, С__У, С__Ы, С__Э
The sound [С] is pronounced for a long time
2) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [C] at the beginning of
- freeze
- station
- steps
9) Conjugate sentences
- I sawed (a) on a pine tree.
- I put the soup on the table.
- I ate a glass of sour cream.
- I broke a bough from the bush.
- I slept on the sofa.
- You slept on the sofa.
- He/she slept on the sofa.
- We slept on the sofa.
- You slept on the sofa.
- They slept on the sofa.
10) Speak (read) sentences
Sample: S__they are smart.
- Fox in the forest.
- A wasp sits on a sedge.
- Dishes on the shelf.
- Tall pines in the forest.
- Stas has blond hair.
- Carry sand with a shovel.
- A dog does not bite its own.
- I fell from the sled into the bushes.
- Steadfast soldiers on the desk.
- The ship stopped at the rock.
- The plane flies high above the forest.
- The dog sees an owl at the bitch and barks.
- Sedge drying in the sun.
- Bring dry straw for the donkey.
- Sweet plums in the garden.
- It's damp outside, put on your boots.
- Sonya, look - catfish!
- The catfish has a mustache.
- In the buffet there is polar cod, sugar, cheese, bacon.
- Sonya brushed the salt off the table.
- Stas is eating sausage with garlic.
- An elk broke a pine bough.
- You have delicious kvass.
- Slava ate the whole pineapple.
- Someone squeaked in the bushes.
11) Pronounce (read) tongue twisters
- Sonya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.
- Haymaking, haymaking, meadow was left without hair.
- A well-fed elephant is sleeping calmly, looking at the sweet hundredth dream.
- Sprinkle, pour snow, snow, sprinkle everyone, everyone!
- Elephants are calm and strong.
- I bring soup, soup, and to whom, dog, dog.
- Little Sanya's sleigh drives by itself.
- Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.
- Gander stomps in single file after gander, gander looks down on gander.
- Wasp barefoot and without belt.
12) Pronounce (read) and retell the text
In the forest
Sanya and Slava were in a pine forest. They had a dog with them. The forest is damp, little sun. The dog saw a magpie on the bitch. The magpie saw the dog and flew away. Sanya saw a hedgehog under a pine tree. Sanya failed to catch him. Slava stood up and began to look up. The plane was flying over the forest. The plane scared the fox. Past the guys, the fox ran into a hole.