Sid the science kid breakfast time
Preview – Getting a shot, you can do it (Sid, The Science Kid) –[Multimedia-English videos]
[music playing]
[car horn beeps]
[child giggles]
[music playing]
[Child's Voice] NCircle.
[music playing and buzzing]
[music playing]
[Child's Voice] PBS Kids.
[Sid] Hey, is this thing on?
[Kids] ♪ Hey, Sid, what do you say? What you wanna learn today? ♪
[Sid] ♪ I wanna know why things happen and how, ♪
♪ and I wanna know everything now. ♪
♪ Oh, yeah! ♪
♪ How does this thing work? Why does that stuff change? ♪
♪ How does that do what it just did? ♪
♪ What's up with the sky? You think I could fly? ♪
♪ The world is spinning, and I wanna know why. ♪
♪ I gotta lot of questions and big ideas. ♪
♪ I'm Sid the Science Kid. ♪♪
[Sid] Oh, hi, it's me, Sid!
And I've got the most amazing, super duper news in the
whole world!
Today, my grandma is coming to school!
How cool is that?
♪ Grandma's coming to school today! ♪
♪ Ba da da da do do di do do. ..psssh! ♪
♪ She's the best grandma in the world! ♪
♪ Ba na na na na na... oweeoweeowee...blam! ♪♪
Yeah, thank you, audience, woohoo!
Oh, I forgot to tell you why Grandma's coming to school.
My grandma is a nurse, so she's giving me
and my friends a shot.
It's because our moms and dads want us to get
a flu vacci-shmation.
Well, it's something like that.
Anyway, I know my grandma loves me, so there must be a good
reason for getting a shot, because,
hey, shots kind of hurt.
So I just gotta know!
Why do I have to get a...
[echo effect]...shot?
[Mom] Sid, breakfast time!
[Sid] Breakfast Time!
Hey, good morning, Mom, morning, Dad!
[Mom and Dad] Good morning, Sid!
[Sid] So today's a really, really, really special day!
♪ Grandma's coming to school today! ♪
[Dad] ♪ Doo be doo be doo be doo be do bop! ♪♪
[Sid] Hey, Mom, what's that thing called when you get a shot?
[Mom] You mean a vaccination?
[Sid] Oh yeah, that's it.
Well, I'm not so sure I want a vaccination.
Hey, maybe I don't even need one.
[Mom] Sid, sweetie, your dad and I love you, and we think
getting a vaccination is the best way to stay healthy
so you don't catch the flu virus.
[Sid] A flu walrus?
[Dad] No, it's a flu virus.
See, a virus is something that can make you sick.
Remember last winter I had the flu virus?
I had a fever, and all day long I went uh-uh-uh-uh-achooo!
And I also went [coughs].
And I felt all... [hacking, yacking sounds].
I wish I had gotten a flu vaccination.
Then maybe I wouldn't have gotten so sick.
[Mom] And lucky for you, today Grandma's going to give
you a vaccination for the new flu virus.
[Sid] So all I have to do to stay healthy is get a vaccination?
[Mom] Well, a vaccination is a great way to stay healthy,
but you also need to sneeze into your elbow,
or use a tissue and throw it away,
and most important.
[Mom and Dad] Wash your hands with soap and water!
[Zeke] Wash da han wif hope an bater!
[Mom] And here at home, we could probably do a little extra
cleaning to get rid of germs.
What do you think, Mort?
[Dad] Great idea, Alice!
I'm on it!
Okay, where are all the places we touch?
[Sid] I know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to eat breakfast so I can go to school
and see Grandma!
[music playing]
♪ I love my mom! ♪
[Mom] ♪ Uh huh! ♪
[Sid] ♪ My mom is cool! ♪
[Mom] ♪ Uh huh! ♪
[Sid] ♪ But now it's time for having fun at school, yeah! ♪♪
[Susie] Hi.
[music playing]
[Sid] ♪ I'm lookin' for my friends... I'm lookin' for you... ♪
♪ There's Gabriela! ♪
[Gabriela] ♪ Watch what I can do! ♪
♪ Yeah, ready, set, go! ♪
[Sid] ♪ Wow! ♪
♪ I'm lookin' for my friends... I'm lookin' for you... ♪
♪ Hey there's Gerald! ♪
[Gerald] ♪ Yeah, check out my moves! ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm a rock star! ♪
♪ Gerald in the house! ♪
[Sid] ♪ Cool! ♪
♪ I'm lookin' for my friends. .. I'm lookin' for you... ♪
♪ Hey, there's May! ♪
[May] ♪ May I show you how I groove? ♪
♪ All right, so cool! ♪
[Sid] ♪ Groovy! ♪
[All] ♪ We're looking for our friends! ♪
♪ We're looking for you! ♪
[Gerald, Gabriela, May] ♪ Hey, there's Sid! ♪
[Sid] ♪ Did you hear the one about the kid who wanted to know ♪
♪ everything about everything? ♪
[Gerald, Gabriela, May] ♪ That's you! ♪
[Sid] ♪ You got me. ♪
[music playing]
[All] ♪ We're looking for our friends! ♪
♪ And look what we found! ♪
♪ We found each other... Friends! ♪♪
[Sid] And now it's time for the Sid Survey!
Hello, I am Sid, roving reporter,
with today's survey.
The question Have you ever had a shot?
And maybe you've had a shot, too.
Let's go get some answers!
Hi, Gabriela.
[Gabriela] Hello.
[Sid] Ooh, that's a really nice giraffe.
[Gabriela] Thank you.
[Sid] I have a question Have you ever had a shot?
[Gabriela] Yes!
I got a shot last year, and so did my big brother.
Then we got two stickers each!
[Sid] Two stickers!
Wow, I love stickers!
[Gabriela] Me, too!
[Sid] Hey, Gerald --
[Gerald] Runaway train!
[Sid] Oh, no, you're way off the tracks, buddy.
[Gerald] Coming in for a landing!
Uh-oh, I hit a giraffe.
[Sid] Hey, Gerald, have you ever had a shot?
[Gerald] Yes, I have, and my dad had one, too.
Hey, Sid, my dad told me a joke to make me feel better.
[Sid] Ooh, can I hear it?
[Gerald] Okay, why do chickens sit on their eggs?
[Sid] I don't know.
Why do chickens sit on their eggs?
[Gerald] Because they don't have chairs!
[Sid] Ha, that's a good one.
Because they don't have chairs!
That's funny!
Hi, May.
[May] Hi, Sid.
[Sid] I have a question.
Have you ever had a shot?
[May] A shot?
Sure, I've had one.
No big deal.
You know who else had a shot?
My cat Mushu... at the vet.
You know what she thought about getting a shot?
Meow, meow, meow.
That means "no big deal."
[Sid] Wow, you and Mushu are cool.
[May] Thank you.
[Sid] Welcome.
And now the results of my survey.
May and her cat have had shots.
Gerald and his dad have had shots.
Gabriela and her big brother have had shots.
And maybe you know someone who's had a shot, too.
Maybe it's you!
And there you have it.
I am Sid, roving reporter and shot expert.
[Susie] Everybody, Rug Time!
[Sid] That's Teacher Susie!
[Susie] And remember to wash your hands!
[Sid] Right, we gotta wash our hands!
[Gerald] Oh, okay.
Hey, guys, wait a second.
I think my laces might be stuck in the pedal.
[Sid, Gabriela, May] ♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G -- ♪
[Gerald] [grunts] Come on!
[Sid, Gabriela, May] ♪ -- Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z! ♪♪
[Gerald] [grunts] Whoa!
[Susie] Great!
[Gerald] Yes!
[Sid] All done!
[Susie] All right!
[Gerald] I am free!
[Susie] ♪ It's Rug Time! Come on in! ♪
♪ Rug Time! Take a seat! ♪
♪ Rug Time! ♪
[Kids] ♪ We're ready! ♪
[Susie] ♪ Everybody move your feet! ♪
♪ Rug Time! ♪
[Kids] ♪ Teacher Susie! ♪
[Susie] ♪ Good time is on the way! ♪
♪ Rug time! Come on in! ♪
♪ We've got a lot to learn today. ♪♪
[music playing]
[Gerald] Hi.
[Susie] Gerald, did you remember to wash your hands before coming into
the classroom?
[Gerald] Oh, no, I forgot!
[faucet running]
[Gerald] Okay, all washed.
[Susie] Gerald, did you remember to use soap?
[Gerald] Oh, I forgot that, too!
[faucet running]
[Gerald] Okay, all soaped up.
[Susie] Gerald, did you remember to dry your hands with a paper towel?
[Gerald] Yes, I did.
[Susie] And did you remember to throw that paper towel into the
trash can?
[Gerald] Oh, no, I left it on the sink!
[crinkling sound and trash can lid shuts]
[Gerald] Okay, now I'm really ready!
[Susie] Great, Gerald, and I think Sid is ready, too.
Sid, would you like to introduce our special guest today?
[Sid] Ooh, I sure would!
Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest today
likes to scuba dive and hang glide,
and she gives the best hugs in the whole world,
and she's a nurse, and she's my grandma!
[applause and cheering]
[Susie] Sid's grandma, welcome!
[Grandma] Hello, hello, hello!
Oh, looky here, you look like a nice young man.
So what's your name?
[Sid] Grandma!
[Grandma] Oh, it's my Sid!
Hey, kiddo!
[May] Sid's Grandma, are you really a nurse?
[Grandma] Oh, you betcha, kiddo!
I've been a nurse for years!
[Gerald] What's the coolest Band-Aid you've ever seen?
[Grandma] I brought it with me today.
It's a Band-Aid with a picture of a bear wearing a cowboy hat!
[Gerald] Oh, wow.
[May] If you're a nurse, does that mean you give shots?
[Grandma] Oh, you're talking about a vaccination shot.
I sure do, May.
[Susie] And that's exactly why Sid's grandma is here.
Remember I sent home a note to your parents asking about
a flu vaccination?
[Kids] Yes.
[Susie] Well, they all gave permission, and today's the day.
[Gabriela] Oh, I forgot.
Uh, I'm not sure I want a shot.
[Grandma] Well, I know shots hurt a little, but I have to use
a needle because it's the best way to get that vaccination
into your body.
[May] The vaccination goes into your body?
[Grandma] It sure does, kiddo.
The vaccination protects your body so the bad ol' flu virus
won't make ya sick.
I got my vaccination last month, and now I'm healthy as can be!
[Gabriela] Wait, the vaccination protects us?
How does it do that?
[Susie] You're all asking great questions.
And I know getting a shot doesn't seem like fun,
but when you think like a scientist,
getting a vaccination is actually a really good thing!
Let's see, do I have any scientists here?
[Kids] Me! I am! Right here! Over here!
[Susie] Okay, scientists, let's take a look at what really happens
when you get a vaccination.
[Gerald] What's that stuff inside the needle?
[Susie] Well, that's the vaccination.
It's medicine that helps your body make antibodies.
[Kids] Antibodies?
[Susie] Yes, antibodies in your body fight the virus and protect you
so you won't get sick.
That means you're immune.
[May] Oh, I want to be immune!
[Kids] Yeah, I wanna be immune, too!
[Susie] That's great!
Now that you're all thinking like scientists,
I think you're ready for your vaccinations.
Let's all go to the --
[Grandma] I know!
To the Super Fab Lab!
[Kids] Yeah, to the Super Fab Lab!
[music playing]
[All] Super Fab Lab!
[Kids] Investigate, explore, discover...ah!
[Grandma] ♪ La la la la la... hm hm hm ♪♪
All right, kiddos, let's form a line right here.
Susie, you, too.
[Kids] Teacher Susie?
[Susie] Well, the flu can spread pretty fast around a school,
so I need a vaccination, too.
[Grandma] And you know what, the flu can spread pretty fast around
the whole town.
So by getting a vaccination today, you're helping
to keep yourself healthy and the whole town.
How about that?
[Kids] Pretty cool.
[Grandma] Okay, any volunteers to go first?
[Gerald] I'm ready.
[Grandma] Okay dokey, here's the vaccination.
I have one for each of you.
[Gerald] Whoa, wait.
Actually, I'm not ready.
[Grandma] Well, I know something that will make getting a shot much easier.
A song!
♪ Hey, kids, we're ready to roll! ♪
♪ Stopping that virus, that's our goal! ♪
♪ So come on, everybody, we're getting the shot. ♪
♪ It might hurt a little bit -- ♪
[May, Sid, Gabriela] ♪ Just a little bit! ♪
[Grandma] ♪ But it's gonna help a whole lot! ♪
[Susie] ♪ This vaccination is a great opportunity -- ♪
[May, Sid, Gabriela] ♪ Yes it is! Yes it is! ♪
[Susie] ♪ -- to do something for yourself and your community! ♪
[Grandma and Kids] ♪ Yes it is! Yes it is! ♪
[Susie] ♪ The virus won't spread if we don't let it. ♪
[Grandma] ♪ So roll up your sleeves, and come and get it. ♪
[music playing]
[Sid] ♪ If I don't get the virus, I won't give it to you. ♪
[Gabriela] ♪ If you don't give it to me, I won't give it to her. ♪
[May] ♪ If I don't get it from her, I won't give it to them. ♪
[All] ♪ That's true! ♪
[Gerald] ♪ If I don't get the virus, I won't give it to you! ♪
[All] ♪ Hey, kids, we're ready to roll! ♪
♪ Stopping that virus, that's our goal! ♪
♪ So come on, everybody, we're getting the shot. ♪
♪ It might hurt a little bit -- ♪
[Grandma] ♪ Just a little bit! ♪
[All] ♪ But it's gonna help a whole lot! ♪
[Gerald] ♪ Hey, kids, I'm ready to roll! ♪
♪ Stopping that virus, that's my goal! ♪
♪ So come on, everybody, we're getting the shot. ♪
♪ It might hurt a little bit -- ♪
[All] ♪ Just a little bit! ♪
[Gerald] ♪ Ouch! ♪
♪ But it's gonna help a whole lot! ♪♪
[laughs] Yeah, well, that wasn't so bad.
[Grandma] Oh, I'm so proud of you, Gerald!
[Gerald] Thanks, Sid's Grandma.
Hey, guys, look at my Band-Aid.
[Kids] Ooooh, wow, that's cool.
[Sid] Hey, Grandma, I'll go next!
[Grandma] That's my boy.
[Sid] Hey, you're a scientist and you think like a scientist!
When you sing our song, I bet you can do this, too!
[Susie] Okay, it's time to get the new flu vaccination!
First, a nurse will wash her hands with soap and water.
Then she'll clean your arm with rubbing alcohol.
And now you're ready for your vaccination.
Good job!
Some of you will get a vaccination that looks
like this.
There's no needle.
It's a spray that goes into your nose.
Big sniff.
And now one more.
You did it!
If you do get a shot, it might hurt a little,
but it will help you stay healthy for a long time!
And remember, when you get your vaccination,
you can sing this song!
♪ Hey, kids, we're ready to roll! ♪
♪ Stopping that virus, that's our goal! ♪
♪ So come on, everybody, we're getting the shot. ♪
♪ It might hurt a little bit, ♪
♪ but it's gonna help a whole lot! ♪♪
You did it!
Soon your body will start making antibodies to protect you from
the flu virus.
And then you'll be immune!
Way to go, scientists!
[Grandma] Alrighty, kiddos, I'm off to the other classrooms to give
more vaccinations.
[Sid] Hey, Grandma, you can teach them your new song!
[Grandma] Oh, good idea, Sid!
I will.
Bye bye now!
[Sid and Kids] Bye, Grandma! Bye, Sid's Grandma.
[Susie] Well, now that you've all gotten your shots and your Band-Aids,
I hereby declare that you're all vaccination experts!
[Kids] Yay!
[Susie] And I think it's time to go play with all your new ideas!
[Kids] [cheering]
[Gabriela] Let's play pretend!
Me, Sid and May will be antibodies!
[Sid and May] Yes!
All right, I'm an antibody!
[Gabriela] And, Gerald, you're going to be a flu virus.
[Gerald] Do viruses wear chef's hats?
[Gabriela] They do now!
Okay, let's play!
[Sid] Get the grapefruit hats.
[Gabriela] You're a yucky, yucky virus, and you're trying to make
a body sick.
[Gerald] Okay, watch out, body!
Raah! Raah! Raah!
I'm making a body sick! I'm making a body sick!
[Gabriela] Oh, no, you don't, Mr. Virus!
This body just got a vaccination!
And it made me!
I'm an antibody and I'm here to stop you!
[Gerald] Well, you're just one antibody, and I'm a big, tough virus.
You can't stop me.
[Gabriela] Yes, I can.
This body is immune!
It has lots of antibodies!
[Sid] I'm an antibody!
[May] Me too!
[Sid] Ha-ya!
[Gabriela] Ha-yoosh!
[May] Ha -- [giggles]
[Sid, Gabriela, May] Let's get that virus!
[Gabriela] Let's go!
[Gerald] Oh, no, the antibodies are getting me!
This body is immune!
[May] We did it!
Our work here is done.
[Gerald] Can I come back now?
[Sid, Gabriela, May] No, get him! Get the virus!
[Sid] And now...
[Gerald] It's time...
[May and Gabriela] For Susie...
[All] To.....clean?
[Susie] That's right, I'm cleaning all our toys and counters
to get rid of any viruses.
[Sid] Hey, my dad's cleaning our house to get rid of germs.
Is that the same thing?
[Susie] It sure is.
A virus is a kind of germ.
And germs can travel around on all the things we touch.
Maybe this germ can tell you how he gets around town.
[music playing]
[Susie] ♪ I was minding my own business, living in Robert's nose. ♪
♪ I'm just a teeny, tiny germ. ♪
♪ Here's how my story goes. ♪
♪ I'm always ready to travel, though my trips are ♪
♪ never planned. ♪
♪ It was time to hit the road when Robert sneezed into ♪
♪ his hand. ♪
[Gabriela] ♪ So here comes his old buddy, Bill. ♪
♪ His handshake was so firm. ♪
[Susie] ♪ I climbed aboard his hand and went on the journey of a germ. ♪
[Gerald] ♪ Now, Bill, he needed milk and eggs, so he walked into ♪
♪ the store. ♪
[Susie] ♪ He left me on the door knob when he opened up the door. ♪
[May] ♪ Corrina touched the door and said hello to Mr. Sands. ♪
♪ They chatted by the vegetables. ♪
♪ She forgot to wash her hands. ♪
[Susie] ♪ My name is Sheldon Sherman. ♪
♪ Most people call me "Sherm." ♪
♪ I was traveling with Corrina on my journey of a germ. ♪
[All] ♪ Hand to hand, hand to hand, hand to hand, hand to hand, ♪
♪ that's the way I travel. ♪
[Sid] ♪ Corrina bought a ticket and she hopped onto the train. ♪
♪ The conductor shook her hand and said, ♪
♪ "Enjoy your ride to Maine." ♪
[Susie] ♪ We got off in Bangor. ♪
♪ We were happy to arrive! ♪
[Gerald] ♪ The conductor met the mayor and gave him a big high-five. ♪
[Sid] ♪ The mayor shook hands with a senator ♪
♪ running for a second term. ♪
[Susie] ♪ And he shook hands with a majorette, ♪
♪ on my journey of a germ. ♪
[Gabriela] ♪ The majorette was at a football game. ♪
♪ Her baton, it hardly twirled. ♪
[Susie] ♪ I'd given her a cold and traveled half way around ♪
♪ the world. ♪
♪ Then she sneezed into her elbow. ♪
♪ I thought I was gonna cry. ♪
♪ She washed her hands, no! ♪
[Kids] ♪ Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye! ♪
♪ Bye Bye! ♪
[Kids] ♪ See ya later, germ! Go away, germ! ♪♪
[Susie] Here you go, Sid.
[Grandma] Do I hear some singing in here?
[Kids] Sid's Grandma!
[Susie] Hey, scientists, before we go home, I think we should thank
Sid's grandma for joining us today!
[Kids] Thank you, Grandma! Thank you, Sid's Grandma!
[Grandma] Oh, you're quite welcome.
You all are a lot of fun!
Thanks for having me!
[Susie] Okay, everyone, time to go home!
[Grandma] C'mon, Sid, let's roll!
[Kids] Bye, Sid!
[Sid] Bye!
[Gerald] See you later!
[Grandma] Woohoo!
[Sid] ♪ Backseat driving with Grandma! ♪♪
[Sid] Hey, Grandma, remember how Susie was cleaning the classroom?
[Grandma] Oh, I sure do.
She was getting rid of germs.
That reminds me, did I ever tell you that when I was in school,
I learned about the scientist who discovered that
washing hands helps to stop germs from spreading around!
He was one smart cookie, and his name was
Ignatz Semmelweis!
[Sid] What? Igna-who?
[Grandma] Yes, that's his real name, and he was a real scientist!
For years after I learned about him, I couldn't so much as wash
my hands without thinking of good ol' Ignatz Semmelweis
and how he helped people be healthier.
That's right, thanks to him, we know that washing hands
helps ya not catch a cold!
Thanks, Ignatz!
[Sid] Oh, yeah, he's a really cool scientist!
[Grandma] Yes, he is.
And you can grow up to be a really cool scientist, too!
[Sid] Yeah, maybe I will!
I have the best grandma in the whole world!
[music playing]
[Sid] ♪ I learned something cool, something cool today. ♪
♪ I know it upside down and inside out. ♪
♪ I learned all about... ♪
[Grandma] [laughs]
[Sid] ♪ Vaccinations! ♪♪
Vaccinated scientist in the house!
[studio audience applause]
[Sid] Mom, Mom, Mom! Guess what?
I got my vaccination from Grandma today!
[Mom] Oh, sweetie, I'm so proud of you!
[Grandma] Yep, oh, and Sid was a real brave boy.
[Dad] [in robot voice] Dad, the Clean Machine, entering the kitchen.
Greetings to all.
Hey, Sid, did you get a vaccination today?
[Sid] Yeah, I sure did!
Grandma taught us a song, and it made getting a shot
super easy.
[Dad] Go, Grandma, go!
[Grandma] Oh, thanks.
[Dad] You know what?
While you were in school, we all got vaccinations at the doctor.
Even little Zeke!
[Zeke] Ittle Zeke!
[Sid] That's great, Zeke!
Now your body can make antibodies to fight a virus
so you won't get sick.
You'll be immune!
[Zeke] U'll be ba moon!
[Mom] Wow, Sid, I'm impressed.
You're quite the vaccination expert!
[Sid] I'm a vaccination expert, and I'm also going to
stay healthy!
[Dad] Let's make sure we all stay healthy!
Who wants to help me clean all the places we touch
to get rid of the germs?
[Grandma, Sid, Mom] I do! I do! I do!
[Dad] All right, then you're all part of the...
[in robot voice] Dad Clean Machine!
[in robot voice] Tell me what to clean!
[Mom] [in robot voice] Must clean refrigerator door!
[Dad] [in robot voice] Cleaning door now.
[Grandma] [in robot voice] Must clean cabinet handle!
[Dad] [in robot voice] Cleaning cabinet handle.
[Sid] [in robot voice] Must clean under Zeke's high chair.
Zeke wipes his drool there.
[Dad] [in robot voice] Cleaning high chair.
[Grandma] [in robot voice] The phone!
Lots of germs on the phone!
[All] [in robot voices] Must clean phone!
Must clean phone!
[Sid] [in robot voice] Phone extra germy!
[Sid] Oh, hi, I'm about to give all my stuffed animals
a vaccination.
You first, Albert.
[Sid as Albert] No, Sid, I don't want a vaccination!
[Sid] It's okay, Albert.
It only hurts for a little bit, and then you stay healthy
for a long time!
[Sid as Albert] Okay.
[Sid] There you go.
[Sid as Albert] Thanks for making me feel better, Sid.
[Sid] You're welcome, Albert.
Don't forget, when you think like a scientist,
getting a vaccination is a really good thing!
And I always think like a scientist,
because I am Sid the...
[echo effect] Science Kid!
And remember, keep asking lots and lots of questions!
See ya later, scientists!
Okay, now it's vaccination time for everybody.
You first, Ignatz.
Now you, Josie.
[music playing]
[Male Speaker] First California.
One, two, three!
Explore the world with me.
First California is a proud sponsor of
"Sid the Science Kid."
[Female Speaker] At Boeing, we believe the best way to prepare children for
success is by nuturing their curiosity and enthusiasm for
learning, and letting the future of our children take flight.
[Male Speaker] Additional funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services and APTR, promoting health through
prevention, education and research;
The Rose Hills Foundation,
the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations,
and by conributions to your PBS station from viewers like you.
Thank you.
[music playing]
[Childs Voice] PBS Kids.
[music playing and buzzing]
[music playing]
[Sid] Wow!
Oh, hi, we're just checking out our Web site.
You can explore with us.
[Susie] That's a great idea!
Come join us; visit
There's a lot of great information for grown-ups, too.
[Sid] I think we look pretty good in the computer.
[Sid] Scientist in the house!
[Female Speaker] It's "Sid the Science Kid," on PBS Kids.
[Sid] Did you hear the one about the kid who wanted to know
everything about everything?
[Female Speaker] He investigates...
[Sid] Let's go get some answers.
[Female Speaker] Inquires...
[Sid] Have you ever seen a chart?
[Female Speaker] And explores the big questions.
[Sid] Banana, why did you have go and get all brown and mushy?
[Female Speaker] It's "Sid the Science Kid," weekdays, only on PBS Kids.
[Sid] See you later, scientists.
Sid the Science Kid: Optical Illusions
None Do you know what an optical illusion is? Join Sid the Science Kid to find out! Sid can’t believe his eyes! At breakfast, his pancake looks smaller than Zeke’s, but they’re the same size! How can this be? It’s an optical illusion! Mom and Dad explain that sometimes your eyes and your brain play tricks on you and things aren’t always what they appear to be.
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Sid the Science Kid: Ants
Sid the Science Kid: States of Water
Sid the Science Kid: Pollination
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
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Hey, you're a scientist, like me! Come discover with Sid the Science Kid. “The pancakes are ready!“ “Pancakes!“ “There's one for Zeke and one for you.“ “Hey, why is this a smaller pancake? I mean, look how much bigger Zeke's pancake is than my pancake.“ “Nope, same size, Sid.“ “I'll use my trusty ruler to check 'em, Dad.“ “Okay Siddo, but I promise they're the same.“ “Okay, so the bigger pancake measures five inches. And over here, the small one measures . . . five inches! Incredible! They're the same, but how? Aw! Dad, how can their size be the same?“ “Well, I'll tell you, Sid. Your eyes were tricked by what's called an optical illusion. Your brain told you that the pancake on the left was bigger, but actually the two pancakes are the exact same size.“ “You mean, I can't believe my own eyes?!“ “Well, it's more like your brain played a trick on you.“ “My brain played a trick on me? Hold on. Something else must be different if the pancakes are the same size. “ “You're on the right track.“ “Well, the pancakes are the same size, but the plates are different. The plate on the left is smaller! That's why I thought the pancake on the left was bigger than the other one. Optical illusions are amazing!“ “Now take a look, Sid. I've got another one. What animal do you see in this drawing?“ “Um . . . a duck!“ “Wait. A duck? It looks like a little rabbit to me.“ “Huh? No, that's a duck.“ “If you see a duck, you imagine that this is his bill, these are his eyes . . . and this is the back of his head.“ “Yeah!“ “But watch this. On the other side, we can see a mouth, an eye, and a long pair of ears. And that makes a rabbit appear!“ “Yeah, I see the rabbit! So I guess Dad and I were both right!“ “That's why it's an optical illusion. It's a picture that can show different things.“ “Oh.“ “At first, you see only one, but when you keep looking, you can see the other. What animal do you see here?“ “Mm, a cat!“ “This time, I agree with Sid! That is definitely a cat!“ “Are you both sure? Because you're both wrong.
See, if I push in closer, I can change your cat . . . into a little white mouse!“ “Incredible! Hey, Mom, do you have any more optical illusions?“ “Yes, look at this straw sticking out of this glass of water.“ “Yeah, that's funny, the straw looks crooked.“ “Sid, I think you’re right. That straw looks crooked to my eyes too.“ “But if you take the straw out, you can see that it's straight. The water causes the illusion.“ “Wow, I know all about optical illusions now. I'm gonna go check on something. Thanks!“ “You're welcome.“ Have you ever looked up in the sky at night and seen the man in the moon? Oh, there he is now! I see a face with two eyes, a nose, and a big smiling mouth. But now that I know all about optical illusions, I know there's no man in the moon. Hey, scientists, you know what you can do is look for your own optical illusions! I'm sure you're surrounded by tons of 'em. It's time for me to go to bed! So remember to keep on discovering!
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90,000 Research proves that kissing and eating together help children identify close relationships | School of Parental Excellence
Scientists have identified exactly what activities help children understand and recognize people who will help them in the most difficult times in the future.
You can determine the level of intimacy with a kiss and a regular breakfast. It is precisely children who first begin to understand the social world with the help of actions that are simple for adults.
According to a study published in the journal Science:
“Children unconsciously expect that those who are near during meals or give them a kiss are ready to support them in difficult times. So the mere fact of exchanging saliva becomes a factor for association with close relationships.”
According to neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, the results show:
“Children, because of their age, do not know in advance which relationships are close and related, so there must be some way for them to find out about this. Toddlers look at the world, explore it and try different ways of interacting.”0005
, said Rebecca Sachs, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and senior author of the study.
Scientists observed infants aged 8.5 to 10 months and toddlers aged 16.5 to 18.5 months, studying their reactions to actors and puppets.
The first interaction involved a puppet sharing an orange slice with a woman. Then the doll appeared in a grimace of sadness and despair as she sat between two women. At this point, the children looked at the woman who shared the orange slice with the doll, it was on her that they focused the most attention.
"They're looking in the direction of the person sharing the food because they're expecting some kind of reaction from them,"
, MIT neuroscientist Ashley Thomas, lead author of the study, told NPR.
"Children expect this woman to calm down the doll, to pay attention to her."
Then the children were shown a doll that was crying. In this case, the children equally expected a reaction from two people, since neither of them had shared food with the doll before.
Researchers have also shown that it is not the act of eating that triggers a reaction in a child, but the exchange of saliva. In another experiment, a woman put her finger in her mouth and then in the purple doll's mouth. Then she put her finger to her forehead, and then did the same with the green doll.
A little later, the children were shown the same woman in distress, while she was sitting between two dolls. And just at that moment, scientists noticed that the children almost always looked at the purple doll, which had an exchange of saliva with this woman. The kids took it as a close connection.
Study experiments were originally conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic in person. More recent experiments were conducted via a videoconferencing service. Despite the difference in interaction, the results were still similar. This proves that the current hygiene problem during the pandemic did not affect the relationship between children and their loved ones.
“Many have wondered if children will begin to view the saliva exchange factor differently due to the pandemic and the importance of personal hygiene.
To answer this question, it was necessary to compare studies before the pandemic and during its course”,
Saks said.
The Zoom study set included a wider and more diverse range of children and adults, as participants were not required to attend in person to participate.
Christine Fawcett of the Uppsala Children's Laboratory in Sweden, in an accompanying article, argued that people are more comfortable with being spat on by a loved one.
Fawcett said the same goes for smells. She cites a 2006 study that found that parents were more likely to accept their own children's dirty diaper odors than other babies.
“It has been suggested that the emotion of disgust develops against the backdrop of a defensive reaction that can occur upon contact with the saliva of another person. However, caring for a child, for example, requires such contact, so we may have received an exception to the rule: close people do not disgust us, regardless of the amount of saliva, dirty diapers and other things that cause discomfort”,
– Fawcett wrote, according to news.
Earlier we wrote: American scientists published studies showing the dangerous consequences of COVID-19 in children
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- 85 answers
Dug up on the Internet ... Regarding the cartoon "Masha bear" I agree 100%, I have not yet encountered the rest. And you What do you think? What cartoons do you prefer?
When a child appears in the family, parents willy-nilly begin watch cartoons. It would seem that it is easier to buy a disk of proven Soviet cartoons and calm down. But who said that your baby will be like you, be touched with delight, looking at the adventures of Cheburashka or Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino? In his society live completely different characters - supermen, penguins, cars, smeshariki and similar creatures. And if you want to understand your child, you will have to get to know them. Otherwise in the sandbox and kindergarten he will have nothing to talk about.
However, I noticed more than once that my 5-year-old Rostik, after watching some cartoons started to bite or sleep badly. Stop watching cartoons unreal. At this age, the remote control for the child is a favorite toy, and take it away does not seem possible. In addition, psychologists believe that if the human the soul is drawn to watching this film, which means that something to the soul from this film need. “The task of the parent is to figure out exactly what emotions drive the child and how to properly place them, throw them out. Every time you watch a cartoon it is advisable to discuss with the baby, especially if he is only 2 to 5 years old, what here it’s good, and what’s bad, so that he doesn’t adopt some kind of negative image or element of behavior. In this case, none will be dangerous and harmful.
What exactly should you pay attention to when watching your child's favorite cartoon? To understand this, we found out the reaction and impressions of a 5-year-old child about them - Rostik. After that, he was asked to describe each of his favorite animated series. child psychologist of the Ukrainian Institute of Consultative Psychology and psychotherapy Olga STASHUK
"Masha and the Bear" brings up a sadist in a child
"Masha and the Bear" is one of Rostik's favorite cartoons. The disk on which series were recorded, stared at the holes and corresponded more than once. During Rostik jumps around the room, plays noisily with cars, jumps on the sofa and having a lot of fun. Somehow he begged for a plastic part from a syringe (without a needle) and ran behind everyone shouting "Come on, let's get treated!"
Olga Stashuk:
A classic example of sadomasochism, where there is a victim (Bear) and a little sadist (Masha). In identifying with Masha, the child experiences triumph from the fact that internally "takes over", "makes" adults. So he spills everything accumulated emotions out. Masha is a kind of "translator" of children's sabotage, and completely spontaneous. With all her behavior she demands: “What Would you like to do something like that to stop me?” Positive, natural, but in a generally destructive child.
Each of us dreams of being in the role of Masha - and this is the success of the animated series. Cast Bear - the perfect victim - more often there are grandparents, who all allow and forgive everything to their grandson. As a rule, after staying with grandmothers parents for several days, like the Bear, clutch their heads and do not know what is happening with their do a child. Any spontaneity borders on the rules that a child needs to accept. Acceptance of rules is our price for life in society.
ADVICE TO PARENTS. After watching Masha, a child, especially under the age of 6, may become more active, more spontaneous. It must be skillfully dosed, guide in a constructive direction. Ask questions: “Don’t you feel sorry for Mishka? How Do you think Mishka is hurting here? Here I am angry with Masha, and you?
"Penguins from Madagascar" cultivate "outhouse" humor weeks. He asks to turn it on before going to the kindergarten, and after dinner at home. How as soon as it starts, Rostik starts shouting throughout the room: “Skipper! Kowalski!" A new joke has also appeared: go up to mom or dad, bite on the hand or cheek, and then laugh slyly for a long time.
Olga Stashuk:
Not a cartoon, but a godsend for a psychologist. The feeling that the characters are clearly defined by personality types and each penguin has its own diagnosis. Skipper is paranoid martinet. The private is an optimist, looks at life with humor. Kowalski - intellectual, analyst. If you look at Freud, then the penguins are clearly stuck on the stage that children from 1.5 to 3 years old go through when they are taught to be neat, going to the toilet, washing hands. Children's interest in sewage is clearly written here, toilet, super stinky and so on. And this is very attractive to children, these are their topics. discussions in the garden. This is a good outlet for shame. Also positive and the coherence of the “penguin team” is attractive, their bringing any business to end.
On the negative side, there is no semantic spectrum in Penguins. What does this cartoon teach? child? In "Madagascar" a good message is to be yourself, to accept another the way it is, but in the "Penguins" this semantic spectrum is not. Tasks that they invent for themselves, completely absurd: movement for the sake of movement, action for the sake of actions: let's do something fun and friendly, not understanding why. Not constructive.
ADVICE TO PARENTS. Ask the child which character he likes the most. Ask to describe - this will be the image of his inner "I". The image that dreams of seeing himself. And this is the best diagnosis of his state of mind
"Smeshariki" show girls negatively
Rostik was presented with a CD with the series "Smeshariki" for his birthday. However, even one the kid could not watch the series to the end. Asked to turn it off and no more put. To the question "Why?" said: "I'm bored, let's not let him watch".
Olga Stashuk:
Smeshariki has received many awards and is considered "certified" for screening kids. The model of the world here, indeed, is positive, somewhere in common with "Winnie the Pooh". However, there may be a problem with the identification of characters, you need to turn on your imagination and guess what kind of animal, say, Pin and Kopatych. It seems to be good characters, nothing negative. Topics taken are interesting, but also interchangeable special is not observed. For example, in Bad Omens, one of the characters read books about signs and in every possible way forced them. "You're going to crash now, because you number 13 on a scooter.” There is increased anxiety. Finally comes piggy Nyusha and says that this is all nonsense. It doesn't explain why or what to do. As a result, bad omens remained bad for the child. And what should he do - unclear. "Smeshariki" are good for school age, when the child is already knows what irony is.
And one more thing. The only female character in the cartoon Nyusha (piggy) is bred quite negative. This is the dominant type of woman. If male heroes calm, thoughtful, intellectual, then Nyusha is a little bitch who leads everyone. If there was another antipode image, it would somehow smoothed out. That is, a healthy female model is not shown here. In a word, the idea good, but for children's perception of kids, it is not fully thought out.
ADVICE TO PARENTS. If the child is of preschool age, then Smeshariki is better watch with an adult and be sure to discuss later. Ask, for example, what there was a series that you liked, whose behavior surprised you, etc.
"SpongeBob" makes children dumb
Rostik, usually active and agile, watched Sponge almost without moving. And in at some point he asked: “What, can I eat a flashlight?”. It turned out in the series the hero swallowed a flashlight and lit it from the inside. I had to turn it off TV and tell that Bob is joking and you can’t do that.
Olga Stashuk:
There is no point in the series, the jokes are extremely primitive: they knocked on each other head, threw ice cream into the glass. Sponge and his friend couldn't fit ten times on the bus, because in the queue Sponge fell asleep, then he put candy in his ear, then ate a flashlight. All that comes to the child's mind after watching is to shove something in your ear. Which, you see, is quite dangerous. Worst humor ever comparable to laughter from being beaten on the head with a sledgehammer. I think the autistic world is richer and more logical than SpongeBob's world. If the task of the parent is to stupefy the child, then SpongeBob is the best helper. By the way, an experiment was conducted in Virginia: a group of preschoolers were shown several episodes of the same cartoon, and then They were tested for concentration, aggressiveness, hyperactivity. After "Spongebob" children showed the worst results.
ADVICE TO PARENTS. Do not show children under 10 years old in the hope that later he will it won't be interesting at all.
"Spiderman" increases anxiety
room, depicting a spiderman. At night, he fought and quarreled with someone, he had to even wake him up, because he almost fell out of the crib. He said that he dreamed of spiders. He made me go around the whole house looking for live spiders. Found in corridor of one and did not calm down until we removed the spider with a vacuum cleaner.
Olga Stashuk:
"Spiderman" can be extremely attractive for both boys and girls. girls from 4 years old. The theme is old, but very popular - a superhero game, a hero who saves everyone and has remarkable abilities. To kid you need to have a similar ideal model: for boys - a symbol of masculinity, for girls - the image of a defender. For older children there is a theme of civil responsibility: you can not pass by someone who is in trouble. And therein lies big twist. When one person takes personal responsibility for everything is happening in the world, and he himself is trying to reshape the whole world - this is a fixed idea. A superhero arises if the world is total evil and injustice, and after viewing may cause excessive anxiety.
Although in the case of Rostik, who is very calm by nature, "Spider-Man" can even be useful, letting the child understand that somewhere inside him sits that a person who can fight back, defeat everyone, restore order and justice. It seems that in a dream he lives what he does not allow himself in everyday life (to stand up for yourself, throw out resentment).
ADVICE TO PARENTS. Asking what a child would do in Spider-Man's place. Explain that the world needs to be studied, and not immediately changed. And that the child is not alone like a cartoon character, and there are many people around who can help.
“Luntik” brings up a victim in a child
There was a period when Rostik watched “Luntik” regularly every morning after breakfast. It took him exactly one episode, after which he asked to switch to something more dynamic. At first I could not even understand: “Luntik, who is this, an elephant?”. BUT when he found out that he lives on the moon, he asked: “What, is the moon purple?”.
Olga Stashuk:
Many scold the cartoon "Luntik" because its main character is "not a frog, not a hare, but an unknown little animal. After all, a cartoon for children from three years old should be as close to real images as possible. While identifying with fantasy character, the child tends to look for his originality. "Drivers" or installations of "Luntik" are definitely unhealthy.
For example, setting: “I must be good to everyone. Love is necessary deserve" brings up the victim and the desire "not to be yourself", but to please and in every possible way to meet the requirements of society.