Sight word activities for second graders
48 Fun Sight Word Activities That Work
Teachers are always on the hunt for great sight word activities. Sight words are any words readers recognize automatically “by sight”—for fluent readers, that’s almost all words! High-frequency words, the most commonly occurring words in written English like those on the Dolch list, are often thought of as the most crucial sight words.
It’s a myth that blindly memorizing every letter in a sight word is the only way to learn it. The science of reading tells us that linking sounds and letters is the most effective way for kids’ brains to learn any word. Many common words are easy to tackle using beginning phonics skills (like “at,” “can,” “him,” etc.), so staying true to a strong phonics curriculum is one way to support kids’ sight word learning. Even irregularly spelled words have decodable parts, e.g., kids can use the sounds of “s” and “d” to help with “said,” even if the “ai” is unexpected. Experts often call these words “heart words” to call out for kids that they should learn the unexpected word parts “by heart.
” (If all this is unfamiliar to you, it can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got this! Check out teaching guru Jillian Starr’s explanation for more help.)
Check out these low-prep and engaging sight word activities for both teaching and practicing words.
1. Map it and drive it
This is a genius way to introduce words with appealing materials: Say the word, represent each sound with a LEGO brick, write letters for each sound, and “drive” to read it.
Source: @droppinknowledgewithheidi
2. Smush play dough for each sound
Set up a routine that works for any word. Play dough squishing for each sound is the ultimate multi-sensory component.
Source: @playdough3plato
3. Map words with a magnet wand
It is so super-satisfying to drag those magnetic dots around! Watch the video below for lots of tips on introducing a word using this process.
Source: @warriorsforliteracy

Lots of handy info in one place for your little learners.
Source: @hughesheartforfirst
5. Tap it, pop it, learn it!
Hardwire those words in kids’ brains with this comprehensive word intro routine. (You had us with the pop its!)
Source: @hellojenjones
6. Find and swat words
An oldie but such a goodie. Find a word in an array and WHACK! Swat it with a fly swatter!
Source: @kids_play_learn_laugh
7. Flip word pancakes
Serve up sight word pancakes while practicing spelling them aloud.
Source: @bee_happy_teaching
8. Wear heart word bracelets
Make kids feel like sight word VIPs.
Source: @teachingmoore
9. Search for sight word balls
Write sight words on ball pit balls with a chalk marker or dry-erase marker. Kids can race around hunting for balls to read and toss in a basket, or hunt through a big tub of balls for a certain word.
Source: @preschoolforyou

Loud but oh-so-fun! Feel the rhythm while tapping and reading sight words stuck to homemade percussion instruments.
Source: @earlyyears_withmrsg
11. Drive on a sight word path
This is one of many fun ways to use magnetic tiles for learning! Kids love “knocking down” word tiles with a toy car as they read each one.
Source: @travisntyler
12. Use sticky notes to inspire sight word sentences
Have kids stick words on items that give them ideas for sentences. “My Mom said to wear a helmet!” = so good!
Source: @kinneypodlearning
13. Write words on a sensory bag
So easy: Fill a zip-top bag with a small amount of kid-safe paint, seal well, and have kids practice “writing” sight words with their finger or a cotton swab.
Source: @makeitmultisensory
14. Wear a sight word crown
Wear your word proudly and practice reading others’ words. Fun in person or virtually.
Source: @mrsjonescreationstation
15. Play a magnetic-tile board game
We love new ideas for ways to use magnetic tiles for sight word activities. Easy to set up and fun to play.
Source: @twotolove_bairantwins
16. Spell words to a familiar tune
Get sight words stuck in everyone’s head, in a good way. We’d add a line for chanting the sounds in the word!
Source: @saysbre
17. Feed a word monster
Nom, nom, nom.
Source: @ecplayandlearn
18. Search for the pom-pom under sight word cups
Read all the words as you try to find the cup that hides the prize.
19. Play sight word KABOOM
This classroom classic is perfect for sight words. If you need a refresher on the rules, Jillian Starr covers them.
Source: @essentiallykinder
20. Roll and write words
Roll, write, repeat.
Source: @mylittlepandamonium
21. Write words with rainbow colors
Bonus points for aromatic markers.
Source: @mylittlepandamonium
22. Trace words with flashlights
Stock up on batteries because kids never get tired of this!
Source: @giggleswithgerg
23. Find words in plastic eggs
Give kids a checklist of words to find as they open each egg.
Source: @blooming_tots1
24. Spy words around the classroom
Just add a magnifying glass and clipboard to make kids feel like supersleuths!
Source: @readingcorneronline
25. Find words in the morning message
Don’t forget about old standbys! This is one of our favorite ways to get kids to recognize sight words in connected text.
Source: @tales_of_a_kinder_classroom
26. Build words with bricks
Such a great use of extra building bricks!
Source: @raysinkinder
27. Write words in sand
Easy-peasy to set up and keep neat if you use plastic pencil boxes.
Source: @teacherhacks
28. Spell words on a construction site
Bulldozing over each word to read it is the best part!
Source: @planningplaytime

Drive on over!
Source: @lozlovesprep
30. Park in a sight word “parking lot”
This one is easy to modify based on whatever toys are available in the classroom or at home.
Source: @msbendersclassroom
31. “Plant” words in play dough
Watch those reading skills grow!
Source: @planningplaytime
32. Build words in a sensory tub
Because spelling is just more fun when your hands are covered in beans!
Source: @coffeeandspitup
33. Write words on a magnetic drawing board
That eraser track makes for a perfect word card holder!
Source: @moffattgirls
34. Or write words on the window!
Everyone wants a turn to write on the window!
Source: @kindergarten_matters
35. Shhh! Discover words written in invisible ink
Write words in white crayon and reveal them with watercolors on top!
Source: @teachstarter

Calming and effective.
Source: @sightwordactivities
37. “Type” words on a keyboard
Busy day at the sight word office! Use a keyboard cover or any old keyboard.
Source: @lifebetweensummers
38. Read words before heading through the door
The line leader can double as the word pointer during transitions.
Source: @ms.rowekinder
39. Read the word the teacher’s wearing!
Wait, is there something on my shirt?
Source: @theprimarypartner
40. Take a sight word cakewalk
Choose a winning word when the music stops!
Source: @joyfulinkinder
41. Play sight word hopscotch
If you can’t get outdoors, tape on the floor works just as well.
Source: @wheretheliteracygrows
42. Play tic-tac-toe
I’ll be team “the.”
Source: @create_n_teach
43. Go sight word bowling
No bowling pins? Use half-filled plastic water bottles instead.
Source: @thecreativeteacher_
44. Ready, aim, read
Just throw a beanbag at a word target if foam darts are a no-go.
Source: @laurens_lil_learners
45. Play muffin tin ball toss
Toss and read. It’s easy to use colored muffin cups to prep different sets of words.
Source: @homeschooling_fun_with_lynda
46. DIY sentence flash cards
Authentic use of words in context for the win.
Source: @teachertipsandtales
47. Play sight word checkers
King me! If kids don’t have a partner available, they can “play” with a stuffed animal and get double practice.
Source: @sightwordactivities
48. Play sight word Guess Who?
Set up this game once and use it forever.
Source: @lessons_and_lattes
We’d love to hear—what are your favorite sight word activities? Share in the comments below.
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Plus, what are sight words?
Free Printable Second Grade Sight Word Practice Sheets
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Free printable Second Grade Sight Word Practice Sheets from the Dolch Sight Word List. Includes 46 Sheets for your child to learn from!
Why Teach Sight Words?
Sight words can be hard for little ones to learn as they cannot be sounded out using phonetics.
Give your kids a head start on reading by printing out our sight words practice activities at the bottom of the post. With tracing, word searches, and other fun activities, your child will be able to master words like always, both, and work, in no time!
47 page PDF file including the following:
- Cover Page
- 46 Pages of Sight Word Practice Sheets from the Dolce Sight Word List for second grade aged children.
★ ★ You can download all 47 pages for FREE at the end of the article. ★ ★
Dolce Sight Word List for Grade Two
The Dolch Sight Words List is the most commonly used sight word list to teach sight words. The Dolch Words List of 220 words are grouped by grade-level, starting with Pre-K through to 3rd Grade.
These sight word printables will give your little reader the chance to learn all 46 of the second grade sight words on the Dolch sight word list in 6 different ways.
These 6 activities will help children identify, read, and spell the words, one word at a time.
The second grade sight words include: always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, call, cold, does, don’t, fast, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, its, made, many, off, or, pull, read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their, these, those, upon, us, use, very, wash, which, why, wish, work, would, write, your.
How to use the Second Grade Sight Word Practice Sheets
Here are a few ways in which you can use these sight word worksheets:
- Complete a worksheet as the word of the week.
- Complete a worksheet and then read a leveled reader focusing on that word.
- During your bedtime story, have your child point point out sight words.
- The ‘read the word’ activity becomes a set of flash cards when cut out from their sheets.
Looking for More Sight Word Printable Sheets?
After your child has mastered the 46 Words of the Grade 2 Dolch Words List, they’re ready for the Grade 3 Sight Words Worksheets. (Coming soon!)
Free printable Pre-K Sight Word Practice Sheets from the Dolch Sight Word List. Includes 40 Sheets for your child to learn from!
Free printable Kindergarten Sight Word Practice Sheets from the Dolch Sight Word List. Includes 52 Sheets for your child to learn from!
Free printable First Grade Sight Word Practice Sheets from the Dolch Sight Word List. Includes 52 Sheets for your child to learn from!
Free printable Third Grade Sight Word Practice Sheets from the Dolch Sight Word List. Includes 42 Sheets for your child to learn from!
- Download the Free Printable Second Grade Sight Word Practice Activity Set to your computer to a secure, easily accessible folder.
- Print at home, office (if allowed) or at a professional printing service.
You may use this file for your own PERSONAL USE ONLY. File sharing, distribution, and commercial use of this file or of the printed work from this file are prohibited. You are welcome to print as many copies as you like for yourself. The designs can not be used for any commercial purpose or resold. You may NOT use these files for publishing on any platform under any circumstances.
Elizabeth Lampman
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!
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Forms of extracurricular activities in the context of GEF NOO
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Forms of extracurricular activities under the terms of the Federal State Educational Standard IEO
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), the main educational program of primary general education is implemented by an educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities of students, as well as activities within the lessons, are aimed at achieving the results of mastering the main educational program of the school. Particular attention in the second generation GEF IEO is focused on achieving personal and meta-subject results, which determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student not only and not even so much should learn how to learn to act, feel, make decisions, etc.
The purpose of organizing extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO is to create conditions for students to achieve the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a value system accepted by society, to create conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student in their free time from study; creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social, intellectual interests of students, the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality, with a formed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities.
Even more useful materials - in the Telegram channel of the Pedagogical Council. Subscribe to keep up to date with the latest articles and news.
The extracurricular activities of an educational institution are aimed at achieving educational results:
- the acquisition of social experience by students;
- formation of a positive attitude towards basic social values;
- acquisition by schoolchildren of the experience of independent social action.
The planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities include:
- personal results competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of Russian, civic identity;
- meta-subject results - mastered by students UUD (cognitive, regulatory and communicative).
In addition, extracurricular activities in primary school allow the teaching staff to solve a number of very important tasks Extracurricular activities in elementary school are carried out through: According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in the areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. Hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. The Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of extracurricular activities. Directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities are very closely interconnected. Sports and recreation: General cultural: General intellectual: Spiritual and moral: Social: Verbal-logical The main means of influence is the word (persuasion with a word), which evokes response emotions in children. The main thing here is the exchange of information, messages from teachers, students and other adults. Figurative art forms The main means of influence is a joint, mainly aesthetic experience. The main thing here is to evoke strong, deep and ennobling collective emotions. Employment forms of extracurricular activities In modern conditions, it is necessary to emphasize the personal significance of work, when the child realizes that the acquired skill will be useful to him in life, when he is interested in the result of his work there. Game (leisure) forms of work The role of play in the organization of leisure occupies an important place in the life of a child, and therefore is considered by teachers as one of the main means of education. Psychological forms In forms of this type, the main means of influence are elements of psychological training, methods of practical psychology, individual and group psychotherapy. These forms require special knowledge and skills. All types, directions and forms of extracurricular activities of students at the level of primary general education are strictly focused on educational results. The educational result of extracurricular activities is the direct spiritual and moral acquisition of the child due to his participation in one or another type of activity. The educational effect of extracurricular activities is the influence (consequence) of one or another spiritual and moral acquisition on the process of development of the child's personality. Levels of results of extracurricular activities First level. 1st class Second level. 2-3 grades Third level. 4th grade Achievement of all three levels of the results of extracurricular activities will testify to the effectiveness of educational work: D.V.Grigoriev, P.V.Stepanov “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical constructor "M.: Education, 2014. Author: Galina Meshcheryakova If you like materials on the Pedagogical Council, subscribe to our Telegram channel to be the first to know about events. Subscribe Volunteers, or volunteers (these words are officially considered synonyms in Russia) are those people who, of their own free will, devote their time and energy to helping those in need. Volunteering is a good way to diversify a student's activities. This can help distract him from routine affairs and fill his life with new emotions, skills and achievements. The formation of healthy self-esteem, self-respect, citizenship - all this is possible with volunteering. Volunteer work, in addition to bringing social benefits, allows the student to learn a lot about the world and the people living in it, to realize many values not on a theoretical, but on a practical level. Many high school volunteers note that after working as a volunteer, they are more conscious about spending, their environmental behavior, and the culture of communication. There are 5 main (but by no means the only) reasons why people devote themselves to volunteering. Interest Good motives Communication and good company External incentives Development and professional interest Illustration with a task from the manual “Volunteer School. 5-7 grades " Help the student think about the types of activities and activities that will bring him joy and pleasure. Ask your child to think about the kind of people they would like to work with. Make sure your child understands all the potential challenges associated with volunteering. For example, working with sick people and young children requires special attention and patience, as well as often physical exertion. Make sure the volunteer organization where the child will be working can provide a human facilitator to help the child if they have problems or questions. How else can we help? Help your child keep a journal of their volunteer activities and accomplishments. Explain that his work is important and contributes to the improvement of people's lives. Give feedback regularly, note the positive aspects, emphasize what new knowledge the student has received, what skills he has developed. Find out what we are working on, actively participate in this side of his life, ask his opinion on certain problems, stimulate reflection and your own initiatives. Anyone over the age of 14 can become a volunteer. For minors, permission from parents is required, and for children under the age of 14, they must be accompanied by official representatives. The structure of extracurricular activities
Directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities Areas of extracurricular activities:
Types of extracurricular activities:
Forms of extracurricular activities:
Forms of extracurricular activities in areas:
Forms of extracurricular activities by type:
Discussion of problematic issues.
Games can be sports, educational, competitive, competitive, intellectual, etc.
Results of extracurricular activities
The student knows and understands social life
Acquiring social knowledge by a schoolchild (about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and unapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), understanding of social reality and everyday life. Achieved in cooperation with a teacher
The student appreciates social life
Getting a student experience of experiencing and the formation of positive attitudes of schoolchildren to the basic values of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture). Achieved in a friendly children's environment.
The student acts independently in public life
Obtaining by the student the experience of independent social action. It is achieved in interaction with the social subject.
Volunteering for schoolchildren. Why and where to participate? – article – Corporation Russian textbook (Drofa-Ventana publishing house)
Who are volunteers?
Why do people volunteer?
Volunteering to help realize the needs for new emotions, the desire to learn something new and interesting.
For many people, the incentive to volunteer is the desire to do good deeds, to bring benefit and joy to people in need.
Volunteer activities for many become a source of new acquaintances and friends. People find like-minded people in their desire to help free of charge. Such communities really help schoolchildren to feel the significance of their actions, their voice, stimulate them to be more active and responsible.
These motives describe people who start volunteering in order to receive all kinds of incentives, letters, benefits and other bonuses. Literally on June 5, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov announced that applicants entering universities will be able to receive additional points for volunteering. However, this does not mean at all that such people are not driven by good intentions, and that they do their work without a soul.
Volunteering helps to begin to navigate the world of work, to learn many social and communication skills. Also, for many people, volunteering is a way to apply and develop their talents.
How can we help students decide what volunteer opportunities are best for them?
What volunteer projects are there in Russia? How to start working with them?