Sight words play
10 Interactive Online Games to Teach Sight Words to Beginning Readers
Sight words and high frequency words are an important part of teaching new readers. These words have to be memorized, which means they require a lot of repetition and practice. I love using these online games to teach sight words in my classroom.
Sight word instruction can be really challenging in the classroom because you have a classroom filled with students who learn different things in different ways at different paces. 🥴
It requires so much repetition and practice, yet all of our students need those things in different ways.
I tackle sight word instruction from all sides. We read them in sentences, practice them with music and movement, do art projects, and more!
These 10 online games to teach sight words are FREE and super interactive. [Free as of August 2019] They give students the chance to practice identifying, matching and reading sight words, all while playing fun games.
Note: Did you know there is a difference between sight words and high frequency words? I thought they were the same for the longest time. Knowing their differences has helped me with my instruction. Read more about that here!
Sight Word Bingo
This classic bingo game from is a favorite for all of my students. The little amoeba monster at the top says a word, then the student identifies it and clicks it.
This game words great on a computer or on an interactive white board. I have my students take turns at the SmartBoard in my classroom during a center or we do it whole group when we have a minute to spare.
No matter when we use it, it’s a student favorite. 👍🏼
Sight Word Smash
Students love this fun, sight word identification game. The computer says a word. Then they use the pointer to find it and smash it.
I like this game because the word is on more than one block so students get the repetition of seeing and identifying the word multiple times!
Sight Word Memory
There are many, many sight word memory games online but this one is my favorite. I like that the computer says the word as you flip the card, whether it’s a match or not.
Seeing and hearing a word multiple times is perfect for auditory and visual learners. I also appreciate that when they finish a level, they can keep playing with new words!
Sight Words in Space
Students love this space themed sight word game. A cat says the word they are trying to find. Words float by in power cells and they have to click the right one.
The words are floating up so students have to identify them quickly. Just like in Sight Word Smash, words appear more than one time, too. 👏
Listen & Spell
I absolutely love this Listen & Spell game! We know that readers struggle with sight words because they do not follow phonics rules or because they are too advanced. We also know that students learn to read and write words at the same time.
This game gives them the chance to spell sight words with a limited number of letters at the bottom. First it says the word, then students use the yellow letters to spell it. The only letters available are letters that are in the word.
Playing this game helps students move on from “identifying” to “creating” on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which we know helps make information stick. Students will gain confidence in writing their sight words as well as reading them!
Sight Word Jigsaw
This identification game uses the same concepts as matching, except students are able to see all of the words at one time. They click the sound button on one of the yellow pieces to hear the word they are looking for. Then they find the blue word puzzle piece and drag it over.
I like that this game adds the element of looking at several words to find the correct one. It gives students practice at quickly identifying words by their beginning sounds.
Popcorn Words
Students playing this game are working the popcorn machine at a movie theater. A monkey comes up to the counter and says a sight word.
Students click on the correct sight word to give it to the monkey.
Once they have handed out 10 popcorn buckets correctly, they get to play a quick in-between game and then are promoted. Their goal is to become the manager. I’m sure it will not surprise you to hear that my students beg to play this game!
Kitten Hop
This silly game is another favorite of my students. They are playing a kitten who bounces from yarn ball to yarn ball. The computer says a sight word. That word is on one of the four yarn balls in front of the one your kitten is on.
Students love this game because they are racing three other kittens. The winner is the one who reaches the couch at the end of the game first. They have to be quick at matching the sight word their hear to the correct ball of year if they want to win!
Note: this game has options at the beginning for choosing a color, a name, etc. You will want to teach your students how to do this quickly (and set that expectation) so that they can do it independently.
Starfall Sight Words
Though I’ve already included a Memory Sight Word game, who doesn’t love Starfall? In this sight word game, the students need to determine if it is the same sight word by sight alone as it is not read until the match is made. But I love that they have three stars in the upper left corner to show their progress to the next level.
Once the student completes the game, they can move on to Level 2, where the sight words are slightly more difficult. The students love moving up a level to show their achievement!
My Reading Tools
In My Reading Tools, students see a kangaroo get several tools to become a better reader. The first tool is a flashlight. He uses it to highlight words in a dark cave.
This game is more challenging than the rest because students are asked to finish the sentence with the word spelled correctly. The computer reads the sentence. Then students hover their flashlight around the cave to find the word. 🔦
In this example, I was looking for the word “again. ” The other options in the cave were misspelled words “agin,” “agane,” etc. This game is perfect for students who are confidently reading many sight words and are ready for a challenge!
These 10 online games to teach sight words are perfect for giving students extra practice and lots of repetition during centers in my classroom. Did I miss any of your favorites? How do you like to practice sight words? Let me know below! 👇
Digital Sight Word Lessons with Practice
Are you looking for digital ways to teach sight words?
I mean, what’s the point of practicing a word (even with the fun and free sight word games shared above) if a student has not explicitly been taught a sight word? 🤔
For this very reason, I’ve created 150 sight word lessons with practice.
These Google Slides lesson and practice can be used with any free Google accounts and are so easy to assign in Google Classroom!
As you assign words to your students one at a time, they will learn, identify, build, read in context, and master the new sight word. It’s explicit instruction and practice, all in one.
Don’t just take my word for it, watch the lesson in action in the video below. 👇🏽
While the lessons DO have audio, this preview video does not. 🎧 Students can have the words and sentences read to them, if needed.
You can purchase the 150 Digital Sight Word Lessons and Practice (for use with Google Slides™️ on my website or TpT.
Click HERE to buy on Teachers Pay Teachers
Click on the button below to purchase on my website (where you get lifetime access)!
Sight Words Distance Learning | Digital Sight Word Lessons | Homeschool
Are you looking for the perfect way to teach new sight words and review old sight words while distance learning? You NEED this resource.
Digital sight word activities can be fun, but what good are they if students haven’t learned the sight word yet? Should they practice something that they haven’t learned about yet?
Enter: Digital Sight Words Learn and Practice! This 100% digital sight word resource is every sight word teacher’s dream! Yes, that you includes you, homeschool parents!
Each sight word activity (there are 100 words included!) guides students through learning the word, reading the word, identifying the word, building/spelling the word, and using the word.
Buy Now
This is such a fabulous digital sight word program and SO well-made!!!! Very creative…love the stickers they can give themselves at the end! -Lacy S.
20 Sight Word Games, Activities, and Reading Ideas
If your child is learning to read, then you know that sight words are high-frequency words common in most text, words like the, and, they, or she. Knowing these words at a glance makes reading easier. Here you’ll find sight word games, apps, multi-sensory activities, and reading ideas. I recommend trying multiple approaches to engage your child’s different modalities of learning these words.
Also, it’s important to note that schools generally use either the Dolch or the Fry Sight Word lists. The lists are slightly different so make sure you know which one to use.
GAMESGames bring an element of fun and playfulness to learning. Since many of these games ask for sight word playing cards, make your own using index cards or download free printable cards here for the Dolch list and here for the Fry list.
Make your own card deck with two of each sight word. Shuffle. Place the cards face down in rows. When it’s your turn, turn over two cards and try to get a matching pair. If you don’t have a match, turn the cards back over. The winner is the player with the most pairs. (See example on Frogs, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.)
Download premade bingo cards grouped by levels of sight words here. Or, make your own bingo cards with the specific group of words your child is learning.
Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of sight words and a corresponding sticky note for each word on the list. Have your child find the sticky note somewhere in your house and match the word with the corresponding word on the master list.
Go Fish
We played this game a lot when my youngest learned her words. Make a set of sight word pairs (or make four like the original game) for each word. You’ll probably want at least 30 cards. Deal out five cards to each player. Play using the Go Fish rules — either looking for two or four cards to make a set.
We love this store-bought treasure hunt because it helps kids practice reading sight words. The game clues come in three levels, each has clues written primarily with sight words. We made it inexpensive by finding the silliest “treasures” we could find such as a gum wrapper or paper clip.
Kids won’t even care they’re practicing sight words because this Bingo game makes practice such a blast.
Technology often motivates kids to learn, which is why sight word apps can be a helpful tool. Try these learning apps and see which one your child enjoys most.
Bob Books Reading Magic Sight Words
Read the highlighted word in a sentence and practice writing by dragging the letters to the spaces at the bottom.
Gappy Learns Reading
Fill in the missing letter or letters to make bridges for the rabbit to cross and get home. Includes both three letter words and sight words.
The Sight Word Adventure
Play 10 fun games such as whack-a-mole, letter scramble, and hide-and-seek to practice 320 sight words at five levels.
Sight Word Games
With a section for learning and one for playing games, this new app from This Reading Mama gives kids more ways to practice their words, including Hangman and Bingo.
Sight Word Bingo
My kids loved the cute monsters in this entertaining Bingo game that uses the Dolch words.
We have many senses other than our visual and auditory senses that can be engaged for optimum learning. These activities add in movement and touch.
With these chants, your child will work to learn the words while moving and acting like an animal.
Play Dough Mats
Using play dough and a sight word mat, make the letters of each sight word. Then write the words below.
Magnet Letters
Make your sight words on a magnetic surface using magnetic letters.
Wikki Stix or Pipe Cleaners
Build your sight words using Wikki Stix or pipe cleaners.
Practice your words by threading letter beads onto pipe cleaners to make each one.
Flash Cards
You’ll want a list of the words your child needs to learn so that you can make your own flash cards or buy them. Then tackle a few each day. When your child has learned a word, post it on a wall to celebrate. Soon you’ll have a wall filled with words they can read!
Bob Books
Bob Books are short leveled books that help children learn a few words at a time, practice those words in the books, and then move on to reading more. We found them to be a very helpful resource.
Sentence Cards
These are printable cards with a sight word and the sight word used in a short sentence. They don’t just increase a child’s sight word bank, they also improve reading skills too.
Printable Leveled Booklets
These are short, printable books that you can download for free or for a small price that are text controlled. In other words, you can choose the appropriate reading level with what specific sight words your child needs to learn.
Have other tips for how to help kids learn sight words? Share in the comments below.
LOOK / Play on words :: Society
Sergei Stepashin, head of the Accounts Chamber and co-chairman of the Russian Bar Association, said on Thursday that "as far as he knows" there will be no more public security police in Russia. It will be replaced by professional police. The Interior Ministry newspaper VIEW could not comment on the words of the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. State Duma deputies also believe that this proposal is not a panacea. But all experts agree on the need to take one measure.
Instead of the police - the police
What is the technical inspection for? What is stupidity? A traffic police officer with a slide ruler, picking his nose, makes a decision on the technical suitability of the car
“... Public Security Police (MPS) - as far as I know, it will no longer exist. And, probably, the creation of a professional police is an absolutely right decision,” said Sergei Stepashin, head of the Accounts Chamber and co-chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, at a meeting of the association on Thursday, which was held with the participation of Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev.
However, Stepashin, who in 1998 headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, did not reveal the essence of the innovation, Interfax reports.
The Interior Ministry newspaper VZGLYAD was also unable to comment on Stepashin's words. “In principle, I cannot comment on the statements of the heads of the Accounts Chamber,” said the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oleg Elnikov.
“The Ministry of Internal Affairs was instructed to prepare proposals for reforming, optimizing structures, etc., within the prescribed timeframe - until January 31, 2010, and submit them to the government. Until March 31, the government considers these proposals, makes adjustments and reports to the president. He is already making a decision,” he explained, adding that the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not know what proposals are being prepared in other departments.
Oleg Elnikov said that "at the moment the public security police is a conglomeration of a very large number of services." “This is the most numerous service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is entrusted with a huge number of functions. These are district commissioners, and the inspection for minors and the protection of their rights, and inquiry, and the patrol service, and traffic police, etc. Many said that this structure should be rid of functions that are unusual for it,” he recalled.
Let us clarify that in most countries the duties of the police department include only the protection of public order, the prevention and combating of crime.
Gennady Gudkov, Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on Security, commenting on Sergey Stepashin's proposal to the VZGLYAD newspaper, noted: “I assess this as one of the proposed reform measures that should be discussed. But none of the proposed measures is a panacea, they will only work in combination.”
At the same time, he remarked: “In general, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has long been not the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the police department. "Internal Affairs" in many countries is fire safety, and the maintenance of prisoners, and a number of other services. In our country, all this has already been taken out of the department, and it is quite possible that this process will continue. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is now focusing on the police function, and, probably, this is correct.
“It is difficult to call them professional, they are so low-professional, but the police,” summed up the deputy.
We are moving away as much as possible from gross indicators and those prerequisites that created the notorious cane system for employees , but in the fact that our department is now out of control. There is no parliamentary, civil, or serious prosecutorial oversight over him. When the control system is restored, redundant and parallel functions are reduced, the staff is reduced to an acceptable level, and I think that a 20% reduction is only the first step, then it will be possible to talk about a compact professional police under the control of society and the state.”
Gennady Gudkov found it difficult to name what other redundant functions should be removed from the sphere of influence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and said that there are too many of them, “we need to sit down and study it.” “What is the technical inspection for? - gave the example of the deputy head of the security committee. – What kind of stupidity? Most of the cars in Russia are already imported, with injection systems, security systems, etc. There are perfect tests, computer stands, but not - we still have a traffic police officer with a slide rule or even without it, picking his nose, makes a decision about the technical suitability or unsuitability of the machine.
According to Gennady Gudkov, in order to improve professionalism, it is necessary to raise salaries, improve the social package and the degree of control. “Because at this level of salaries we can recruit only poorly trained, not very literate personnel, who, unfortunately, are also spoiled by corruption,” he is convinced. – Recruit losers from school and try to make a research institute out of them…”
“Therefore, of course, it is necessary to cut, but not to touch the budget. Then we will have a completely different law enforcement agency,” the deputy expressed hope.
The inquiry service and the new assessment system
In general, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has long been not the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the police department
At the meeting of the Association of Lawyers, First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Buksman also announced changes that the Ministry of Internal Affairs may expect. According to him, a special inquiry service can be created in the department, and it would be logical to transfer the functions of the investigation itself to a single Investigative Committee.
“The creation of a single Investigative Committee is probably a normal decision that we have been moving towards for more than a dozen years ... Probably, we have come to the point where we need to make a decision,” RIA Novosti quotes him as saying.
Buksman clarified that today 40% of offenses are crimes of small and medium gravity, the disclosure of which is not at all necessary to be carried out "in the full form of a preliminary investigation." “Their investigation can be transferred to an inquiry by creating a special inquiry service in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the investigation can be transferred to the Investigative Committee,” he specified.
Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev, in turn, said that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs had prepared an order that put an end to the previous system of evaluating the work of police officers.
“We have prepared order No. 25 dated January 19, it has already been issued, according to which the opinion of the population will be taken into account when evaluating the work of employees of internal affairs bodies. We are moving away from the gross indicators and the prerequisites that created the notorious cane system for employees,” Nurgaliyev said, emphasizing that the main criteria for the work of the police will be the quality and strict observance of the rule of law.
“In this order, we have strengthened the social component in the work of the police. Independent sources will give an objective assessment of the activity,” he explained.
When evaluating the activities of the internal affairs bodies, the degree of “resonance” of the detected or solved crime will also be taken into account.
In addition, Rashid Nurgaliyev said that the department he heads maintains a register of candidates declared unfit for police service. At the moment, it contains data on more than 6,000 people whose candidacies were rejected when recruiting for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to discrediting circumstances.
And in the departmental educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when selecting candidates for training, checks are carried out to identify drug addicts.
App Store: 1 Look 1 Word
Look at the picture for a split second and try to answer the question. Improve your visual memory with this addictive game! Some puzzles are easy to solve, some require concentration.
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• Allows you to skip puzzles if they are hard to solve
The perfect game for the whole family!
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Ratings and reviews
ratings: 223
Cool game I recommend
Klaaaassssssss 😃😃😃👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Interesting! It is addictive, but very quickly, you don’t have time to see it as a whole, let alone read it or see some little thing! Less than a second!!!
Cool game, + if you can't pass the level, it's done not for coins
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