Songs about feelings for toddlers
EFL ESL Feelings songs for children- My Top 10
I use EFL Feelings songs for kids in nearly all my classes. How are you today? That’s the question I ask all my students at the beginning of every class. It’s a good way to start them thinking in English, get into the routine and tell me something about themselves. This is important for children; they love to tell you all about their lives. Having the vocabulary to do this is crucial if you want them to do it in English. Otherwise they will go off into a long story in their own language. So we need to teach kids to talk about and describe their feelings in English.
Of course, one of the best ways to do this, especially for little kids, is to learn a song. There are lots of songs out there about feelings. Here are the ones that I’ve found to be the most useful and that the children in your class will enjoy the most. So here we go, whether you’re happy, sad, sleepy, hungry or even bored, there something for everyone and these are my 10 favorite EFL ESL Feelings songs for children.
Of the many songs for kids about feelings and emotions available, this is absolutely one of my favorites and is one of the easiest to teach too. Little kids love to sing along to this and do the actions especially for scared and sleepy. You can change the feelings and the actions to suit your class and how they are feeling that day. It’s such a cheerful song and is a really good way to start your class talking about how they feel and learning the vocabulary.
This is an interesting song because it associates feelings with different colors. As well as the fact that you’re therefore practicing two lots of vocabulary in one song, you could also use this as a jump off point to further conversation. Which color do you think is associated with which emotion? How does this differ from one student to another? Why do you think we associate, for example, red with angry? You could also make some colorful artwork or wall charts based on this. For little children, you could have a wall chart where, at the start of each lesson, they have to say how they are and what color they feel like that day. So, a song with lots of uses and possibilities.
When you want an easy song for little kids to teach them simple feelings vocabulary, this is a good one. As usual with Pinkfong songs, it has a catchy tune and is good to sing and dance along with in class. It’s a good one to use at the start of lessons when you ask the children how they are. They can choose a feeling and an action to reply.
This funny song and video will make older children laugh as the song tells the story of all the bad things that happened to a boy one sad bad terrible day. It’s also a good way of showing kids how to feel better if they are having a bad day and cheer them up. Maybe, you could just use the chorus if someone tells you they’re having a bad day when you ask at the start of the course. You could also use it as the start of a story telling exercise where your students have to invent a story of a bad day, maybe in comic strip form. They could tell it to the class or act it out and then everyone can sing the chorus together. It’s a versatile song that could be adapted to lots of different classes and activities.
If you want to teach little children the question “How are you?” and its different responses, this is a simple song with lots of actions to do that. It’s great for very little kids and has a fun dance to do as they ask the question and then reply. You could change the TPR used in the video to make it more personal to you and the actions you’ve taught your class to show feelings. It’s also easy to learn and remember even if you don’t have the accompanying music or video.
When do you feel happy? This song is slightly different as it describes how different activities make you feel rather than just how you feel. So you could use this as a conversation starter to ask the kids in your class when they feel happy or when they feel sad. This would be a good exercise when you are talking about activities they do or their daily routines and how these make them feel. For example, I feel happy when I am riding my bike or I feel tired when I am going home from school. You could adapt it to different activities and different types of lessons.
This is a fun song with western style music and a video that uses cartoon horses to show feelings. It’s funny to sing and you could use lots of different voices or actions to show the different feelings. It might be fun to write a comic book story using the different horses and how they are feeling as part of a lesson about feelings and emotions.
What do you do when you’re happy? Again, this is a slightly different way of looking at how to express your feelings which you could expand on with your class. Cute monsters and a catchy tune make this a fun song to sing in class and a good way to start the conversation with older kids. You can ask them to think of different things they do when they are happy or sad. “When I’m happy I sing”. “When I’m hungry, I eat pizza”. It’s a good way to use lots of different vocabulary that covers lots of different topics.
If you’ve got older kids in your class who aren’t too keen on singing but like rapping instead, this is a good one for them. It has lots of fun things that make kids feel happy and will teach them lots of new but not too complicated everyday vocabulary. You can ask them to make a list of what makes them feel happy or change it to a different feeling and make a list for that. Then they can invent a new verse for the song using that feeling.
And to finish off, something to dance to in class. It’s not one of the traditional EFL feelings songs. However,this is good if you have a class of older kids who really like singing and want something to get their teeth into. It will give them some new vocabulary and, even though it’s a challenge, it’s definitely not too complicated for English language learners. They probably know some of the words already and will definitely recognize the tune. This would be great if you’re putting on a show and want something to impress parents or other students.
So there you have it, my 10 favorite EFL feelings songs for children. There is something here for everyone, whatever age or level they are, and lots of different things to talk about in class and widen the conversation. What are your favorites? And what have I missed out? As always, I’d love to hear any of your ideas in the comments below. If you’re interested in looking at some of my other favorite songs, you can find them here. To stay up to date with new posts, you can follow the GoogooEnglish Facebook page. Alternatively, sign up for email updates below.
Playlist: Brilliant songs are not about love️
Of course, love is one of the main skills, and the more environmentally friendly your relationship with your partner, the better. However, we cannot throw any relationship out of the social context. There are so many topics in the world that are sometimes difficult to talk about, but some singers and groups are not afraid of this and touch upon the most diverse things in their work. These are songs about equality, ecology, child-parent relationships and much more. We are so used to listening to sweet songs about falling in love, dating and butterflies in the stomach that it seems it's time to switch to something else.
Angèle - Balance ton quoi
Belgian singer Angèle has long been a high chart performer in both French-speaking countries and around the world. A young and very promising singer sings about important and vital things. She is concerned about feminism and equality issues. One of the most popular songs is about this. The song "Balance ton quoi", a kind of manifesto, was included in the album "Brol" in 2019, and the provocative video for this song became one of the most viewed on Youtube.
Youssou N'Dour - 7 Seconds
An already quite old but important song called "7 seconds" was released back in 1994. The duo of the Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour and the Swedish singer Nene Cherry became very popular at that time. Seven seconds is the first time in a child's life, when he does not yet know troubles, violence and fear. The song is sung in three languages - Wolof, French and English. Different languages as an indicator that there is no place in the world for racism and division of people according to any criteria.
Pink — Family Portrait
How often children have to see their parents quarrel… This trauma can last a lifetime. And then, in adulthood, these memories do not give rest. It can be an eternal dialogue with a small one and an attempt to resolve what happened in the past. In a rather old, but then very popular song Pink Family portrait, this is exactly what is said.
Ivan Dorn - "Game"
A superbly animated video and song by singer and composer Ivan Dorn tell us that nature and birds literally scream and ask people for help. We hear the voices of rare and endangered birds - snipe, dubrovnik, ptarmigan and others. The song "Game" was created by the musician together with Yandex. Music" and the World Wildlife Fund.
SunSay - "Mom"
From the title of the song, you might think that the song is dedicated to mom. In fact, it is about how difficult it is for a person to live in this modern world, where someone else decides a lot for you. The lyrical hero does not want to see the world like this, and it seems to him that his inner self will help change this planet. Perhaps everything will start with a small thing, oneself, but then it will help the whole world.
Stromae — Quand c'est?
In 2015, a video by French musician and singer Stromae appeared on the Internet. Translated from French "Quand c'est?" translates as "When?". In English, this can be heard as "cancer", meaning cancer. An ominous play on words that focuses on the problem of cancer. And in the video itself, Stromae skillfully depicts a cancer that envelops the space with its claws. This may seem scary to some, but it is a “loud” example of how easily social problems and art can intertwine.
Aretha Franklin — Respect
Manifesto song performed by the inimitable Aretha Franklin, the star of soul and rhythm and blues. The song was written by Otis Redding and sang about how a woman should respect and please a man. But Areta wanted to turn this composition upside down and shifted the focus to women. That, on the contrary, a woman is at the helm and it is she who will decide what to do. The heroine of Aretha Franklin's version insistently demands respect, and the choir only reinforces the meaning of the song, pronouncing every letter of the word RESPECT. The song performed by Franklin won many awards, and later became one of the most popular and used at women's rights events.
Basta - "Sansara"
Perhaps one of the most popular songs of Vasya Vakulenko. A song in which the musician and other artists talk about the fact that even when we are gone, we will not disappear anywhere, but will become a continuation of life in our children. A song about infinity, about life and death.
Madonna - Papa don't preach
The song "Papa don't preach" by Madonna was included in one of her iconic albums "True blue". In this song, the heroine addresses her father with a problem and wants to get understanding from him. The song touches on two issues - child-parent relationships and early pregnancy. It is with this news that the daughter comes to her father.
USA For Africa - We Are The World
The song, created by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson, was performed by several artists at once in support of the famine in Africa. The composition gained great popularity, and the money from the sale of the single was sent to those in need in Ethiopia and Sudan. An example of how music can literally save the lives of thousands of people.
Lady Gaga — Till It Happens To You
One of the hottest social works of the popular singer Lady Gaga. The song is dedicated to the theme of violence in student dormitories. The composition was written specifically for the American documentary "The Hunting Ground", which tells about similar incidents in colleges and their campuses. The song received many music awards and was able to arouse public interest in this issue.
John Legend — You and I
A song about love and that beauty can be different. This is especially evident in the video, where women appear in various ages, forms, and clothes. For John Legend, his beloved is always beautiful - both when she just woke up and when she is in a charming dress. He says that if the mirror does not show this, or the beloved does not believe, then let her believe his words. A song about fictional beauty standards that women suffer so much from.
N. Kolodin
On female beauty
The world is kept on female beauty,
She has its own for each man:
for the mind, by the heart -
That is the essence of love, and there is no other reason.
With all who are in love, I sing
Beauty of girls and women with a bright word.
And know no fatigue
My soul is ready for such things!
For women, she is so happy to give birth
Words of love - let this joy last,
And let the soul not be afraid at all
Repeat the delight of the beauty of all women!
As if flowing like a stream,
There is no coquettish cloud
On a young face.
And so regal heal,
Omnipotent beauty lips -
And men at the meeting
Do not look away . ..
Our holiday
Spring is crying with a drop,
Her tears are so beautiful!
Here comes for us
Women's well-deserved holiday.
How good it is,
Both for the mind and for the heart.
To sit down for a moment,
Idly look around.
How much attention, flowers,
Sincere words, congratulations!
Every man is ready
Mentally kneel.
Oh, this March day!
A holiday on the verge of art.
How it brings people together!
How sharpens their senses!
Love will revive in someone,
Someone will cry from happiness.
Someone sighs softly.
Remembering seedlings and dachas.
Someone will dare to take a step,
He will say to a woman: hope!
Eighth of March
May women be as beautiful as flowers!
Let them be gentle as the breath of the breeze!
Oh you! Source of eternal kindness,
Love and affection, and holy charm!
May the sky be peaceful above your head
Laughs with warm sun rays!
You give us happiness and peace.
Oh, women! How good we are with you!
Women's sadness
Oh, how you want to be defenseless.
Weep not from grief - from happiness,
Behind the back of a man's monolithic
Carefree soul to rest.
Oh, how I want to be inept.
Incapable of problem cases.
After all, problems are not a woman's business,
You will take care of them yourself.
Oh, how you want to be interesting,
Catching admiring glances.
But you only give your songs.
Only adore and love you.
Oh, how you want to be in a cozy house
Create everything with your own hands.
Oh, how I want to be at least for a minute
Just to be a weak woman!
T. Mirchuk
I am a woman
I am a woman. Everything must endure:
Treason, pain and bitterness of defeat.
I was created from a man's rib
And endowed with strength from birth.
I keep in myself the beginnings of two beginnings,
I unite two poles in myself.
I walk barefoot on the edge of a sword,
I don't cheat on myself in anything.
And Hell and Paradise in me came together forever.
Now I am in the abyss, now I am melting from bliss.
I fall, but I take a run again.
Losing everything and gaining again.
I tirelessly work on myself,
May the Creator not grant me forgiveness.
I am a woman. And I am proud of this -
There is no more perfect creation in nature.
G. Perestoronin
On a holiday
On this day, how generously not to glorify them,
Mothers, brides, beloved wives!
The centuries are famous for their beauty,
The face of the holy Madonnas is impeccable.
Rare canvases were painted from them.
Inspired by the best masters,
Sung for a long time in the works
Motherhood, fidelity and love.
And although the sculptors were able to
Revive both stone and metal,
The marble body was inferior,
When the original was nearby.
Perfection in conjugation of lines,
Beauty catches the eye...
Therefore, when meeting with her a man
Burns with lightning - delight.
I will not say,
Let it be clear to people,
That you are always reasonable and wise.
I won't say,
That you are unique.
That in the whole world you will not find better.
I won't say,
That you're incomprehensible
And it will be true,
Not a lie.
But I will say,
Without lowering my gaze
Before your eyebrows,
That you are my hope and support
From the first days
And until the last days ..
That I live only with you
In this world.
Now cursing in anger, then loving;
And in the terrible hour
On the rearing planet
I'm going to die and die for you.
And therefore, probably, sometimes
I am looking for your love and tenderness.
And I say, bowing before you:
- You are my mother.
You are the mother of my children.
I will tell you about a simple woman
I will tell you about a simple woman.
She did not know fashionable toilets.
And did not wear a gold ring.
And did not read sensual poets.
She was always dressed in a simple outfit,
She wore hard calluses
And without poems she was dedicated
Into all earthly joys and pains.
She knew how to believe and love
And to fight with dignity for love,
To keep honor and conscience carefully,
Like the purity of a deep well.
Her character was gentle and cool,
And our whim was unfamiliar to her.
And even the smallest patch
She took good care of it for the house.
But that woman was not stingy.
In a difficult hour without a sacrificial word
With her goodness, sincere and bright,
She was ready to sacrifice.
And therefore, with love, everyone around
Reached out to her, blessing their fate...
Not with belongings, no, but with the work of good hands
She decorated her lot all her life.
And although she couldn't help it,
Overwhelmed with inspiration,
Her life was not a bitter slavery,
But, for the sake of life, it was self-sacrifice.
And it is not in vain to know in the hasty change of days,
Loving ourselves, flaunting pride,
We turn our eyes to her
And we stand before her, as before a shrine.
Her face is covered with expensive wrinkles.
A colored kerchief falls off the shoulders.
Not the mother of God in golden robes,
But just a mother - a simple woman.
And a feeling of kindness surrounds us
And the pain of loss burns sharply...
What flowers she had!
What cherries grew near the hut!
Spring motif
You are like my bright sunlight
From a magical and joyful fairy tale,
Like a thin trace of youth...
I catch a glance.
And in your presence
I am filled to the brim with you:
How can I cope
With a joyful feeling -
And I look into the window opening. ..
Constant and eternal dreamer,
I have been beaten by Fate more than once.
Tell me how to cope with myself,
Tell me,
How to love - not to love?
Will I be able to refuse joy,
What have you planted in my dreams? -
You are so,
so beautiful!
I am drunk with the breath of Spring...
* * *
Like a stalk was fragile
Love —
And so unique.
I was in a hurry and past
Clouds floated across the sky...
After all, life is simple.
Very simple!
And I dreamed of the ideal, —
I saw such distances,
Such beauty seemed to me...
Such is the fate of all suspicious:
Their ancient root feeds evil,
And I, through furious jealousy,
I did not see your love.
* * *
There is no love. —
And they lose their common sense
Both words and deeds.
Your sidelong glance.
In the house right away, look,
As if the smoke arose from a yoke,
The clock bashfully fell silent - and stands still.
Grace and happiness were buried in the corners,
And kindness disappeared from the eyes somewhere...
The mirror breaks into small pieces on the floor,
And in the soul —
Torricelli's emptiness.
L. Belikova-GLADKIH
I will give you joy and happiness
And a bouquet of pleasant smiles.
Many days without worries and bad weather,
Hello young breeze.
I will give you a nightingale song,
Swan loyalty of friends.
And our favorite melody,
The rustle of gray poplar leaves.
It's too early for us to think about old age,
Be a mischievous girl,
So that the sun is constantly
Smiling at you alone.
Yu. Belinsky
I love you!
I have not discovered a new truth.
I did not utter a new heresy.
Unearthed nothing in the ground.
Did not extract anything from heaven.
And he paved the wrong way.
I did not comprehend what was given to me.
And trite words repeated
Those that sounded in the world for a long time.
I appeared apparently in vain
Into this world without earthly support.
And in the high sky the dawn
Appears in vain above me.
I don't know how to be,
But I will never be unsociable,
Because I live to love,
And also, to know that we love.
For passion to spill into the blood
From the beloved face in the window.
And more, to believe in love,
And love to believe me.
That's the only reason every day
I endure myself in this world...
"What are you doing?" - they will ask me
I will answer like this: “I love you!”
* * *
A woman got used to me,
She fell down with her whole being.
A woman stuck to me.
Like a fish-stick.
She drove me crazy,
She gnaws at me like a conscience.
And so stuck that she herself
can not come off me.
And I, tired of playing with love,
I avoid her embraces
And I try to tear it from my heart
But... right there, I bleed.
Springtime love
Just one look, one handshake —
And I enthusiastically sing the anthem of life:
You are so bright in an elegant, bright dress!
And you give me the dawn with a smile...
You are sunny to my soul, dear.
I look into your eyes - I can't see enough.
Love for you is just as holy,
How I love lilac Rus'!
* * *
I live lovingly, with a winged soul,
Blind sadness will burn in the fire of love.
And to my joy, illumined by love,
Whisper in tears: “I pray for a woman!”
It contains life and light. I am happy
her beauty. And I am submissive to her.
And give. Lord, let the singing last longer
In honor of my beloved Woman!
And I should talk to you
And I should talk to you -
As if drinking water
From a forest spring:
So invigorates a sensitive soul,
Caresses, undead, amuses
Conversations of the heart!
And I look into your eyes -
As if singing songs with the heart
And reveling in happiness:
So majestic and simple.