Spelling games for 2nd grade printable
2nd Grade Spelling Words, Lists, Games, Worksheets and Activities
- Home Spelling Words
- Second Grade Spelling Words
2nd Grade Spelling Lists, Games & Activities
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Enjoy our 2nd grade spelling lists plus practice these 2nd grade spelling words online anytime by creating an account, adding your students, then importing lists or making your own spelling lists. Second grade is a great time to use spelling to improve reading speed
and to increase your student's vocabulary. Make your own custom spelling lists by creating an account. Help your second grader develop reading
confidence by making sure they have a solid foundation. Home Spelling Words is the perfect program for gifted learners, those with learning disabilities and students
who need spelling help.
Our multisensory approach helps students at all levels. Students will hear the word, see the word and type in the word, which helps retention.
Gamification allows your students to learn while playing fun spelling games. Why simply write spelling words down when you can play and learn at the same time!
2nd Grade Spelling Worksheets
Worksheet for List 1
Worksheet for List 2
Worksheet for List 3
Worksheet for List 4
Worksheet for List 5
Worksheet for List 6
Worksheet for List 7
Worksheet for List 8
Worksheet for List 9
Worksheet for List 10
Worksheet for List 11
Worksheet for List 12
Worksheet for List 13
Worksheet for List 14
Worksheet for List 15
Worksheet for List 16
Worksheet for List 17
Worksheet for List 18
Custom 2nd Grade Spelling Lists
Create your own spelling lists by registering for an account.
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Once registered, simply enter your list name, then each word and a practice sentence if you like.
Once you are done, publish the list and start practicing right away. You can also
take tests or play spelling games with your customized list. Our website is perfect
for homeschools with their own curriculum or students who receive a weekly spelling list from school.
2nd Grade Spelling Games
Our 2nd grade spelling games are wonderful because they are dynamic. Each time you play, the game changes!
- Fill in the Blank Game A new game is generated every time so you can play all week and not get bored!
- Word Search Randomly creates a new game for your student to find spelling words.
- Spelling Soup Catch the correctly spelled word with your soup bowl for points.
2nd Grade Spelling Bee Words
Home Spelling Words is the perfect website for to use for spelling bee practice. Create lists of ten or twenty 2nd grade spelling words and practice
as much as you like. You can also play games with your spelling bee words and take tests as well.
Fill In The Blank Game With 2nd Grade List 12
Show word: On Off
Word | Practice Sentence |
is | The reading competition is going to start on Friday. |
win | If I read well I might win a prize. |
late |
I won't be late for the competition.![]() |
fine | My mom says I will do fine. |
am | I am nervous and excited. |
if | I think I will win if I focus. |
her | I will try to impress the judge and her friends. |
last |
I hope I don't come in last.![]() |
across | The library is across the street from my school. |
write | If I win, they will write about me in the paper. |
practice | I should practice some more. |
complex | The competition is complex. |
cattle |
I will read about cattle ranches.![]() |
SPELLING GAMES. | Russian language card file (Grade 3):
1.Check Dunno.
Dunno played with words, making one word out of two. Check if he
composed the words correctly?
Paul+Osa = stripes
Kol+Osa = colosses
Tooth+I = teeth
oak+b+I = Dubya
2. Who quickly correct the errors. (Subject: Capital letter)
The cards have misspelled text.
Task: Find and correct all capitalization errors as quickly as possible.
3. Read the offer. (Topic: Case endings.)
Cards are made from an album sheet on which sentences are written, but instead of nouns, the corresponding figures are placed.
Assignment: while reading a sentence, students use pictures to name nouns in the appropriate case, choosing the correct ending.
4. "Choose three words" (The game is used to reinforce any topics in the Russian language)
Purpose: To follow the formation of spelling skills, taking into account the stage of work on spelling.
The choice of words depends on the topics studied or covered.
Nine words are written on 9 cards:
1st set: fish, blizzard, stocking, oak trees, jam, scarecrow, streams, plague, mushroom.
2nd set: entrance, warehouse, crow, hail, filming, treasure, gate, rise, sparrow.
Pied KI
Blue 9000 9000
Explain spellings by choosing test words.
6. Game "Ball"
Didactic task: Repeat the formulation of clarifying questions and case endings.
Game objective: Help the proposals get to the Ball.
Contents of the game:
Ball in the Grammar Kingdom today. There were many proposals for it. But the sentry will not let them into the palace until each noun from those who have appeared has its conjugation indicated. Help the proposals get to the Ball. What questions does the clock noun ask?
A table is drawn on the board, the halves of which are separated by a sentry. The proposal is analyzed by one student, tips from the class are accepted.
Cherry blossoms in May Mother gave her son a book Swallows are returning from Africa A hare feeds on tree bark Sister came to her brother Sasha wrote a letter A fox hid behind a bush, etc. H a s o v o y In (what?) May blooms (what?) bird cherry. etc.
7. Game "Find the ending"
Didactic task: Repeat the case endings of nouns.
Game task: Find the endings of some words in sayings.
Content of the game:
“The ending is a very changeable, moving part of a word. She can easily get lost. Find the lost endings for these proverbs.”
- Pick the berries... you will find the box.
- Drop by drop... and the stone hammers.
Without a primer and grammar... Mathematics cannot be learned...
8. The game "Nicknames"
Purpose: formation of the process of inflection and word formation, consolidation of phonetic and grammatical analysis of words, spelling of proper names.
Move: Form animal names from the following words:
Make proposals.
Highlight the part of the word that you used when composing nicknames (suffix, ending).
9. Game "Team chain game"
Didactic task: Complete the appropriate nouns in the accusative case.
Game objective: Make the chain as long as possible.
Contents of the game and Materials:
- Listening to music, mom...
- I am writing a dictation, a letter,...
- They are building a tower, a house,... etc.
10. The game "Hard - soft"
Purpose: to create conditions for repeating the spelling of hard and soft signs.
Students are divided into two teams. One team is called “Stone”, the other is called “Water”. The “Stone” team gets up if I read a word with a hard sign, if I read a word with a soft sign, the “Water” team gets up.
Words: congress, drive in, blizzard, pours, entrance, pour, announcement, stakes, runners, detour, ears of corn, drink, shooting, etc.
11.Game: Be careful.
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.
Write out from the proposed poems with combinations of zhi, shi:
1. Siskins lived in a hut,
Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,
Walruses come to visit them
Both giraffes and snakes.
2. Vest, animal, belly,
Giraffes, painting, lives,
Briar, tires, reeds,
Cars and pencils,
Circle, serve, be friends and live,
Hurry, make laugh,
Hiss and sew.
All combinations of ZhI and SHI
Only with the letter I write!
12. Game: Slovoznaikin, give me an answer.
Purpose: to determine the level of development of children, to develop memory, thinking, speech.
Children are invited for a certain time to remember and write down as many proverbs and sayings, riddles and quatrains as possible, in which words and a given rule are found - "Spelling of words with combinations of zhi, shi." For example:
Proverbs and sayings:
Life is given for good deeds.
You can't hide an awl in a bag.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
To live life is not a field to cross.
Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you won't stick it together.
Two birch horses
They carry me through the forest.
These red horses,
And their name is ... (skis).
He is tall and spotted
With a long, long neck,
And he eats leaves,
Leaves of trees (giraffe)
She sewed a fur coat - she sewed a skirt,
She sewed a hat - she sewed a slipper!
Good seamstress Natasha!
13. Game: Change the letter.
Purpose: to intensify the mental activity of students, develop spelling and phonetic vigilance, attentiveness, logical thinking.
Children are offered the original word with a spelling, they change either one or two sounds in it sequentially, while maintaining the combination -chk-, and receive new words. The one with the most words wins.
daughter pen
barrel river
night candle
bump stove
point kidney
cloud daughter
wheelbarrow night
14. Game: Name one object.
Purpose: to develop methods for checking unstressed vowels.
The teacher says a word denoting many identical objects, and the students name one such object and explain what vowel should be written in the root of the word. For a correct answer, the row receives a point. The winner is determined by the number of points.
Sample material: words: doctors, eyes, rooks, gardens, basins, balls, sides, rains, yards, moles, seas, knives, fruits, fields, horns, etc.
15. Game: Capital letter.
Purpose: to reinforce the rule of capitalization in words.
Equipment: each student has a set of signal cards.
The teacher invites the class to listen carefully to the poem. Then the students mark with signal cards, all the rules for writing a capital letter, which are mentioned in the poem. Next, you need to protect each of your answers, that is, explain which rule is fixed. The winner is the one who manages to protect all signal cards.
An ordinary letter has suddenly grown, The letter
Has grown above the letters - girlfriends At the line at the beginning,
They look with respect So that we notice the beginning.
In the letter of a friend, First name, last name
But why? Are written with her,
For what merits? To be more noticeable and more visible,
To sound loud and proud
The letter did not want to grow by itself, Your name
The letter is entrusted with an important task: The name of the street, city.
Put in the word Large letter -
Not in vain and not easy Not at all empty,
The letter is so tall.
In a big letter -
Respect sign. (S. Izmailov)
16. Game: Half a minute for a joke.
Purpose: to fix the spelling of the capital letter in animal names.
Equipment: the board contains the names of those animals that are found in Yu. Chernykh's poem: a dog, a chicken, a cow, a cat, a horse.
The teacher asks the children to listen carefully to the poem and say what is wrong with it. The correct answer is rewarded with a game token. Some children add nicknames to the names of animals on the board, while the rest do this work in a notebook.
Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman
With a little granddaughter.
They called their red cat
And they called Crested
They called the foal,
And they also had
Burenka hen,
Murka dog,
And two more goats -
Sivka and Burka.
17. Didactic game "Be careful."
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.
From the proposed poems write out words with combinations of zhi, shi:
1. They lived in a hut of siskins,
Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,
Walruses come to visit them
And giraffes and snakes.
2. Vest, animal, belly,
Giraffes, painting, lives,
Briar, tires, reeds,
Cars and pencils,
Circle, serve, make friends and live,
Hurry, make laugh,
Hiss and sew.
All combinations of ZhI and SHI
Only with the letter I write!
Constellation of excellent students - "Find and correct mistakes" cards0491
Saved a bird
It was a warm day. the fluffy cat Vaska basked on the porch. Varabey pecked at crumbs of bread. the cat smells the prey. Vaska's eyes sparkled. The cat rushed at the bird.
Alyosha noticed this. the boy began to gnat Vaska. The cat was angry Alyosha saved the bird. the warabey hid in the bushes
It was a warm morning. the buds have already burst on the trees. Young grass emerged from the ground. Willows bloomed. bees buzzed together. Petya was moving along a narrow path. She led the boy to the stream. He drank cold water and ran to the tent. On the ground lay round chasses with a sharp arrow. it was a compass.
A great drought has come. The ardor stood over the fields of the Brook and the rivers dried up.
there is no dew on the grass. The long, dry branches of the trees crackle in the heat. Young birezki and oaks lowered their leaves. suddenly a cloud appeared. The birds were silent. hit a strong thunder He went through the fields and forests to the south. poured rain. Grass, trees lit up. How happy everything was.
The first ray of the sun broke out. Night darkness hid in the foliage of trees. the robins woke up. The feathers on their breasts were the color of the dawn. bees began to circle over the flowers. They drink sweet juice. shimmering swifts. Harasho has fast and light wings.
Good birch
There is a birch on the forest edge. woodpecker punched a hole in the bark. He drank birch sap and flew away. a stream ran down the tree trunk. clean large drops of juice fell to the ground.
Titmouse have arrived. Butterflies swirled around the birch. The red ants also came.
everyone was treated to delicious juice by kind turquoise.
Autumn in the forest
September came after the warm days of August, golden autumn came along the edges of the forests mushrooms still grow in the forest clearings clusters of mountain ash turn red across the high sky clouds run.
Schoolboy Grisha Zhylin came to the dacha. Grisha has a hedgehog in the area. he hisses frequently. the hedgehog found shelter in the wild rose hips. fluffy rabbits jim and chup live in the closet. they have wide ears. they squeak. they are often given food.
For mushrooms.
Roofing felt and sema lived in the summer with Uncle Nikita. Sister Zoya came to the children. In the morning they went to the forest. the birds sang merrily. under an old oak roofing felt plucked five mushrooms. And Zoya found a porcini mushroom. so good luck!
Snow fell like a fluffy carpet. The kids were playing on the porch. My brother Nikita helped them make a snowman. The doll had a branch in its hands, and a vidro on its head.
Yura and Yasha Smirnov were in the forest. in the bushes the boys found a hedgehog. they brought a hedgehog to school. there he lived. children gave food to the hedgehog. they cleaned and washed the cage. Yasha on duty poured a glass of milk for the hedgehog
In the spring.
Spring has come. weird days have arrived. Ruchi murmur. grass on the porch.
Schoolchildren go for a walk in the grove Birds sing there. Lyuba and Olga pick the first flowers. weight den ribyata were in the forest. Boys and girls welcome warmth
Free bird.
Kolya opened the door. A code ran into the room. He had a starling in his teeth.
Kolya screamed loudly. Vaska the cat released the bird. The starling was lying on the floor and breathing heavily. The cat crushed him hard.
The boy put the bird in a cage. Soon the starling revived. Kolya set him free.
The bumps are thawed.
Maros descended. The bumps were doused with dew and shone in the sun. They warmed up. A light steam rose from each bump. The cat sighed. Suddenly a dark cloud came running from the sky, snow pellets fell down. Holot moved into the clearing
On a dark night a gray hedgehog was walking through the forest. I saw a red cranberry and pricked it into a gray needle.
noticed an asterisk in a puddle. the hedgehog covered it with a leaf.
Morning has come. under a leaf, instead of an asterisk, yosh found a big red sun. Here is a hedgehog laughing!
The squirrel stocks up for the winter. She puts them under the roots of the trees. Squirrel harasho knows how to dry mushrooms. During severe frosts and blizzards, she sleeps in the nest.
Two comrades.
Pupil Yura Chaikin solved a problem. The task was difficult, Slava Shyukin came. friends together solved the problem. So glory helped a comrade.
My friend.
We live in a new house. Alyosha is my friend. he goes to school. Alyosha loves to read. He teaches me I already know all the letters.
grandmother of paradise leads luda and nikita vyasli. kids love to play there. Nikita builds a house for Luda beautiful ball Vyasly many different toys
Hard times.
January opens goth. This is a harsh month howling blizzards. Snek closed the weight of the feed in the forest. Birds fly to the life of man. You help them!
We live in Moscow. Our house is on Zhukov street. In the summer we were in the village
Ilyinsk. My grandmother lives in the village of Stepanovo. There is a fast speech. We often went to the river to fish.
Autumn. The weight of the den is pouring rain. Thumbelina was looking for a home for the winter. Zales were fields. The flap of the field was removed. Thumbelina noticed a mink. the entrance to the hole was covered with leaves.
A small apple tree grew near the house. A strong wind rose. He began to twist and break it. Kolya brought the stake. The boy tied up an apple tree. Snow fell at night. Fluffy fur wrapped the tree.
Cards for students of grade 4
Find errors:
Pack of hot dino. Suddenly the wind blew. There was a blue cloud. Anna did not close the sun. The rain came. The sun whistled acresity. Dazhdevye drops tizhelo irritate the grass and flowers. Ani was hanged on the little ladders and paths. A ray of sunshine played in every dazhdinka.
Dosht stopped. Look up to the sky! Who built a rough bridge from the village to the riverside meadows? From the winter comes a light park. The air is filled with the smell of fawn flowers.
Find and fix the mistakes:
It was a wonderful morning. Maros rocked the river. Krechki were pabizhal by boys from all over the village. Ribyata raised a joyful cry. Rocks and sticks were thrown to test the ice. The flight was tough.
Three children began to run along the very middle of the river. The flight was slippery. One boy fell. Others fell on him. The flight could not bear the weight. The children found themselves in a vada. Ani clung to the thin ice. Soon they were completely exhausted.
Suddenly a man has eaten. He crawled across the ice and pushed a long board ahead of him. Ribyata caught the edge of the dusky. It was a relief.
Find and fix the mistakes:
A fluffy little tree covered the fox's palyanka. But the stick lives on. Here's an old pin. In a cozy apartment under the punishment, bugs hid from the cold. A lizard licks in the burrows between the burrows. The beetle lay down in a tiny bedroom. Frogs sleep under the snow in a kanafka on the edge of the palyanka. Nearby, in a pile of brushwood, their bug, a hedgehog, fell asleep.
Quiet and empty on the fire. Only a woodpecker sits on a sasenka and yearns for delicious seeds from a cone. Sometimes a lesitsa or a bilyak walks along the palyanka.
Find and fix the mistakes:
It was a clear winter day. Ribyats played in the dwara in snizhki built a fortress out of snow.
And Ilyusha was hanging on a rod. Ilya went on skates for a flight. Thin flight rattled. The boy fell into the water and groaned.
Zhenya rushed to the rod. He tossed a long pole to his friend. Ilya grabbed the pole and climbed out of the vada.
So Zhenya saved his friend.
Find and correct mistakes:
The white ears are black. The wool is soft and smooth. Cockies are sharp. The voices burn with fire. The girl gave him the nickname Baby.
A funny kitten brings a lot of trouble. It will suddenly disappear. Looking for Katyusha in the rooms, she will go around the whole apartment. It turned out that the naughty was running out onto the stairs.
Late one evening my grandmother was making mittens. The old woman sat up in her chair and dozed off. The prankster began to roll a ball, wrapped the grandmother along with the chair. The mischievous bastard pissed everyone off!
Find and fix the mistakes: The sun is shining brightly, the last snack is melting. The first little arrows of the green traffic are paralyzing the visenne land. A soft viterok drives the ablak in a hurry. The wonderful trill of salavia is heard. Fragrant buds smelled small. A dove snowdrop popped out. The anthill under the old sasna has already thawed. At the spruce, clean-cut bilchats frolicked. Hanging and joyful forest in the spring.
Find and fix errors:
I have a cat. His name is a beetle. He is very black. Our cat is smart and cunning. I taught him to jump into the ring. He brings me a coronage if I drop it. And he also knows how to harasho hide-and-seek.
One day the Beetle spilled some malaco and, in order not to be punished, hid. We looked for him all evening but he was nowhere to be found. We even became anxious: what if he disappeared completely?
But then I opened the kitchen table door and saw our Beetle there. It must be so hidden: he climbed into the table and closed the door behind him!
Find and fix the mistakes:
A fluffy little tree covered the fox's palyanka. But the stick lives on. Here's an old pin. In a cozy apartment under the punishment, bugs hid from the cold. A lizard licks in the burrows between the burrows. The beetle lay down in a tiny bedroom. Frogs sleep in the grooves on the edge of the palyanka under the snow. Nearby, in a pile of brushwood, their hedgehog fell asleep.
Quiet and empty on the fire. Only a woodpecker sits on a sasenka and yearns for delicious seeds from a cone. Sometimes a lesitsa or a bilyak walks along the path.
Find and fix the mistakes:
The slides were growing in a snow cloud. Politeli ani to winter white flock.
In the villages and villages they were delighted. After all, the snack protects the shoots of winter crops from the cold. You can quickly rush along the smooth toboggan path.
In the city, a barba was raised against the low prices. They cleaned off the snack with paws and drove away with a broom in a car. Blackened asphalt outside. It is clear that it is difficult to ride a tram, a light car, a bus on a snowy road.
On the other hand, even in the villages and villages, the children stuck the snowmen from the snow of the snowmen.
Find and correct mistakes:
The weather is bad today.