Stories of wild animals
Crazy True Stories of Wild Animals Saving People's Lives
Animals are a lot smarter than people think — maybe even smarter than people sometimes.
You’ve probably heard some amazing stories about household pets rescuing their owners in various ways — such as alerting them to house fires or even sniffing out cancer. But one could argue that domesticated animals are so attuned to people because they’re around them all the time. Is it possible for a wild animal to save a human? And even if it is possible, would they even bother?
It turns out the answer is yes. Read on for the inspiring real-life examples of wild animals risking their own lives and safety for the sake of people.
1. Lions rescue a little girl from kidnappers
The lions scared off the kidnappers. | iStock/Getty Images
In 2005, a 12-year-old Kenyan girl was kidnapped by four men while walking home from school. It’s a far-too-common story that could have ended in tragedy — if not for the pride of lions who stepped in to save her.
A week after the abduction, the kidnappers were chased off by three lions who guarded the victim until police arrived to rescue her. Police say they found the girl “shocked and terrified” — and surrounded by lions. The massive beasts quickly dispersed when officers arrived. She was bruised from being manhandled by the kidnappers, but the lions never laid a paw on her.
Lion experts (and skeptics) say it’s possible that the lions were planning to eat the girl themselves but were dissuaded by her crying, which sounds a lot like the sound a baby lion cub makes. Either way, these lions should be celebrated as the heroes they truly are.
Next: This mother animal knew just what to do when a child was in danger.
2. Gorilla mama saves 3-year-old boy
The mama gorilla picked up the baby and brought him to the door. | Scott Olson/Getty ImagesGorillas are extremely territorial animals, which is part of what makes it so dangerous when people come in contact with them, either in the wild or at a zoo.
That’s part of what makes this next story so incredible. When a 3-year-old boy accidentally fell into the gorilla enclosure at Brookfield Zoo in Illinois, employees anticipated the worst. Giant gorillas can maim or even kill full-grown men — so you can only imagine the damage they’re capable of inflicting on a toddler.
But thankfully, that day turned out differently. After the little boy fell in, Binti, a 7-year-old female gorilla with a baby on her back, ran over to the boy and picked him up. Then, she carried him carefully over to the door of the exhibit, so rescue workers could retrieve him.
Next: This unexpected savior ran into traffic to get help.
3. Pig saves owner from a heart attack
The pig is one of the smartest animals. | Axel Heimken/AFP/Getty ImagesIt’s almost expected that your dog might try to save you if you suffer a major medical event. But what about a pig?
LuLu was a birthday gift for a woman who didn’t even want her, so the lady’s mom took pity on the pig and adopted her instead.
And she was glad she did. When owner JoAnn suffered a heart attack at home, the pig ran to find help, even though she had never been outside the fenced yard before.
After somehow opening the gate latch, LuLu sprinted into traffic and laid down in the middle of the road to try and signal people to stop. When everyone ignored her, LuLu kept going back to the house to check on JoAnn (while the family dog just stood around barking uselessly). Eventually, a man stopped and followed the brave pig home to see what the matter was. The rescuer found JoAnn having a heart attack and called for help immediately.
LuLu’s prize for saving JoAnn’s life? A jelly doughnut. And probably a free pass from becoming bacon, of course.
Next: A 50,000-pound animal seems like an unlikely lifesaver.
4. A whale saved a snorkeler from a shark
The whale was protecting the tiger from the lurking shark. | National Geographic via YouTube
When marine biologist Nan Hauser felt a 50,000-pound humpback whale nudging her during a dive, she was confused, as that’s not typical behavior for a whale. “I’ve spent 28 years underwater with whales, and have never had a whale so tactile and so insistent on putting me on his head, or belly, or back, or, most of all, trying to tuck me under his huge pectoral fin,” Hauser told the Daily Mirror.
The reason behind that gentle touch? It’s simply extraordinary.
When Hauser looked around, she noticed a 15-foot tiger shark lurking in the distance. For no obvious reason other than pure kindness, the whale was trying to protect her from the shark by tucking her underneath his fin.
Scientists believe this instinct comes from the whale’s desire to protect its calves from predators. In Hauser’s case, the whale potentially saved her life — and best of all, she caught the whole thing on video.
Next: This barnyard friend saved his owner from certain death.
5. Horse saves farmer from vicious cow attack
The horse’s intervention allowed her to roll to safety. | HaizhanZheng/iStock/Getty ImagesIt’s strange but true: Cows kill four times as many people as sharks do every year.
That’s why it’s not a huge surprise that Scottish farmer Fiona Boyd was suddenly attacked by a mother cow who thought she was hurting her calf (when really she was just trying to help it). The mad cow butted, shouldered, and stomped on Boyd and surely would have continued the beating until she was dead. Luckily, Boyd’s horse Kerry stepped in and kicked the attacking cow, allowing Boyd enough time to roll to safety.
“I am in no doubt Kerry saved me. If she hadn’t been grazing in the same pasture, I really believe I would have been killed. Kerry was fantastic. She saved my life,” Boyd told reporters.
Next: This small animal knew something was wrong — and took action.
6. Rabbit saves man from diabetic coma
The pet rabbit drew attention to his coma. | artemisphoto/iStock/Getty ImagesRabbits aren’t known for being the smartest creatures, which is part of what makes this next story so surprising.
U.K. resident Simon Steggall went into a diabetic coma while sitting at home watching TV with his wife. That easily could have been the end of him — if not for his pet rabbit.
The animal knew something was seriously wrong and jumped onto her owner’s chest and began thumping furiously and licking his face. The odd behavior caught the attention of the man’s wife, who originally thought he had just fallen asleep watching television. Thanks to the rabbit’s perceptive antics, his wife called the paramedics and the man’s life was saved.
Next: This smiling ocean creature is known to save lives.
7. Dolphins save lifeguards from a great white shark
They kept the shark at bay until the rescue boat made it over. | Corinna Halloran/Team SCA/Volvo Ocean Race via Getty ImagesThere’s a reason so many people love dolphins — and it’s not just because they always look like they’re smiling.
Rob Howes was swimming with three other lifeguards, including his 15-year-old daughter, off the coast of New Zealand when a pod of dolphins rushed toward them and formed a circle. The dolphins closed in tightly and started slapping the water violently. At first, the lifeguards were confused. Then, Howes spotted the great white shark.
“The form came and traveled in an arc around me. I knew instinctively what it was,” Howes said.
But the dolphin chain was enough to keep the shark at bay until a rescue boat got close enough to scare the mighty beast away. The dolphins stayed close until the group was safely back to shore.
Read more: These Are the Heroic Pets Who Saved People’s Lives
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These 5 Stories of Amazing Times Wild Animals Saved People in Need Will Leave You Awe-Struck
Domestic animals have often been known to save their human companions from danger. From the quick thinking of Duke, the dog who alerted his guardians to their baby’s need for urgent medical attention, to the smart actions of service dog Yolanda – who rescued her vision-impaired human from a house fire by dialing 911 – there are many animals out there who have reason earned the eternal gratitude of their human friends.
However, it is truly astonishing to hear about undomesticated animals who are compelled to rush in and save the day, when they have had little to no prior experience with humans. Prepare to be amazed by the stories of these wild animals who – without any apparent reason – stepped in and saved humans from imminent death.
1. Three Lions Save Girl from KidnappersSource: Benh LIEU SONG/Flickr
In June 2005, a twelve-year-old girl was snatched by four men in rural south-west Ethiopia as she made her way home from school. A week after the kidnapping, her captors were attempting to move her, with police in hot pursuit, when three lions chased the men off. The lions remained with the terrified girl until police officers arrived to escort her to safety. She told them that although she had been beaten by her kidnappers – who it is believed had been attempting to sell her into a forced marriage – the lions had not touched her.
Sergeant Wondmu Wedaj said, “They stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest. Everyone thinks this is some kind of miracle because normally the lions would attack people.” An Ethiopian wildlife expert claimed that the lions may have spared the girl because her cries had sounded like the mewing of a cub.
Source: Tory Kallman / Shutterstock
In late 2004, lifeguard Rob Howes and his family were out swimming at Ocean Beach, near Whangarei, New Zealand, when seven bottlenose dolphins approached and herded them together.
“They were behaving really weird,” Howes recalled, “turning tight circles on us, and slapping the water with their tails.” He and his daughter’s friend Helen had drifted about twenty meters away from his daughter and another friend before a dolphin swam straight at them and dived back down into the water before them. “I turned in the water to see where it was going to come up,” Howes went on, “but instead I saw this great big grey fish (later revealed to be a great white shark) swim around me. It glided in an arc and headed for the other two girls. My heart went into my mouth because one of them was my daughter. The dolphins were going ballistic.”
The dolphins then herded the swimmers together and circled protectively around them for another forty minutes, fending off the shark.
Dr. Rochelle Constantine from the Auckland University School of Biological Science said, “From my understanding of the behavior of these dolphins, they certainly were acting in a way which indicated the shark posed a threat to something. Dolphins are known for helping helpless things. It is an altruistic response and bottlenose dolphins in particular are known for it.”
3. Sea Lion Saves Man Who Jumped Off Golden Gate BridgeSource: Longjourneys / Shutterstock
California resident Kevin Hines knows that he is lucky to be alive after jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, during a severe bout of mental illness: “Here are the facts: on September 25th, 2000, due to bipolar disorder and serious psychosis, I jumped off of the Golden Gate Bridge. I was nineteen years old and after leaving the Bridge, my first thought was that I had made a terrible mistake. Miraculously, I survived – and despite my severe injuries, I was able to reach the surface of the water. Upon my resurfacing, I bobbed up and down in the frigid waters surrounding me. Then, something brushed by my legs. I feared it was a shark come to devour me whole. I tried to punch it thinking it might bite me. However, this marine animal just circled beneath me, bumping me up.”
A passerby, who saw that the animal in question was a sea lion, quickly called for help. A rescue team was able to get to Kevin on time and pull him from the water, but it is doubtful that he would still be alive today had the helpful sea lion not kept his head above water.
4. Deer Chases Away Woman’s AttackerSource: Scott Darbey/Flickr
In February 2012, a woman was walking through Oxford, Ohio, when a man dragged her behind a building and tried to choke her with her purse straps. He was seemingly intent on robbing her – if not worse – but these plans were foiled by a heroic deer, who ran out from underneath a nearby bush and scared him off! Sergeant Jon Varley, who assisted the woman after the attack, said he couldn’t “recall a similar incident” during his seventeen-year long career.
The woman suffered red marks and bruises but did not require any hospital treatment. She also did not lose any of her belongings… thanks to the quick-thinking actions of that unknown deer.
5. Beavers Comfort and Save Orphaned Boy
Source: karen crewe/Shutterstock
Rheal Guindon, a young boy in Ontario, Canada, was out on a camping trip with his parents when they decided to go fishing. Rheal stayed onshore but was appalled to witness his parents’ boat tip over, and his parents tragically drown. Panic-stricken, he attempted to walk to the nearest town to get help, but as the sun set, he realized he would have to spend the night outside.
As he lay on the ground, traumatized by this ordeal, he felt “a warm, furry body” press up against him. Thinking it was a dog, he fell asleep. On waking up the next morning, he found three wild beavers snuggled up against him. They had saved him from freezing to death overnight when temperatures had dipped below zero.
These incredible stories illustrate that, contrary to certain popular perceptions of wild animals as threats or pests who must be removed to make way for human advancement, we have much more in common with non-human animals – and are a lot more dependent on them – than we realize. They, too, are capable of altruism and compassion. They, too, have been known to step in and save those weaker than themselves at the most unexpected times, and in ways that humans often fail to predict. They, too, deserve to live out their lives on their own terms.
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20 stories and stories about animals that will make you kinder
July 11, 2019Books Educational program
Warm stories about amazing creatures that inhabit the planet will appeal to readers of any age.
01. "Billy Badlands, the Conquering Wolf" by Ernest Seton-Thompson (from The Beast)
The hungry wolf cub, nicknamed Billy, had almost no chance of surviving after the death of his mother. But he was found, left and raised by a she-wolf, who herself lost her puppies. Hunting together, they struck fear into the farmers and their livestock. No matter what tricks people go for, the she-wolf and Billy always seem to be one step ahead.
Ernest Seton-Thompson is America's most famous animal writer. He was one of the founders of the scouting movement, loved nature and could hardly endure city life.
With tenderness, awe and respect, the writer tells about the animals that coexist with man and often surpass him in ingenuity and cunning. The story "Billy Badlands, the Conquering Wolf" was first published in Russian as part of the collection "The Beast".
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2. Domino. The Story of a Black and Brown Fox, Ernest Seton-Thompson (from Animal Stories)
The story of Domino is especially noteworthy in Animal Stories. The black fox cub stood out against the background of brothers and sisters with dexterity and cunning. From early childhood, he had an enemy - a farmer's puppy who lived near the fox hole. They grew up together and constantly clashed, but Domino always managed to outsmart the dog.
While hunting in a chicken coop, already an adult black-brown fox became the main enemy of man. So the hunt for Domino began. To avoid death, he will have to show miracles of dexterity and ingenuity. Seton-Thompson does not even hide the fact that his sympathies are on the side of the brave fox, and not at all people.
3. Call of the Wild, Jack London
A young playful dog named Back grew up on a farm in warm California. But he was stolen and taken to Alaska, where he fell into the hands of gold miners. In harsh natural and weather conditions there is no place for affection. The dog is fastened to a heavy harness and forced to work. From a pet, Buck turns into an almost slave. He will have to adjust to his new life.
The story of this hero is somewhat similar to the life of London itself. He was also born in a sunny state, but moved north. It was there that he first encountered sled dogs and was inspired by their stamina and endurance.
4. "About the Elephant", Boris Zhitkov
Sailors who arrived in India at the beginning of the last century saw an elephant for the first time. He impresses them not only with his size, but also with his wisdom and slightly haughty demeanor. The elephant shows travelers the way to his master's house and demonstrates how he can draw water from a well. People began to use the agility and strength of these animals to work in logging.
Boris Zhitkov was not only a writer, but also a traveler. In his stories, he transferred the experience experienced during trips to exotic countries. “About the Elephant” is a story not only about a giant unusual for Russia, but also about the traditions and life of mysterious India.
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5. "About the Monkey", Boris Zhitkov
A classmate offers a twelve-year-old boy to take home a strange animal. So a new tenant appears in an ordinary apartment - the macaque Yashka. In appearance, a small and shy Yashka quickly settles down and begins to manage. He jumps on the furniture, demands sweet treats and attacks the dog, becoming the king of beasts in the yard. The boy and his parents will now have to somehow get along and reckon with the furry family member.
6. "White Bim Black Ear", Gavriil Troepolsky
This is an incredibly touching and sad story about a white dog with a black ear. When his owner is admitted to the hospital, Bima is taken care of by a neighbor who cannot cope with her duty.
Through the perception of the dog, Troepolsky actually tells about people. On the way Bim comes across those who want to help him, but there are those who are cruel to the dog. This story is primarily about kindness, love, devotion and how one good deed could prevent a tragedy.
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7. "Fomka the White Bear Cub", Vera Chaplina
An inhabitant of the zoo, the bear cub Fomka attracted attention with his unusually meek disposition for such a formidable animal. He was modest, never went to conflict, got along well with the rest of the cubs, and the tiger cub became his best friend. Only here with people the bear behaved uninhibitedly and often made fun of the caretakers.
Vera Chaplina worked at the Moscow Zoo. It was then that she wanted to write about her wards. Even after leaving her former position and taking up literature, Chaplin made animals the main characters of her works. The result of her work was the collection "Pets of the Zoo", in which she showed the life of the otter Naya, the elk Loska, the cat Tsutsykarikha, the walrus Nyurka and many others.
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8. "Smart Dog Sonya", Andrey Usachev
The mongrel Sonya was nicknamed the royal dog not only because of the name of her owner, Ivan Korolev, but also for her majestic appearance. The curiosity of the dog constantly drags her into all sorts of interesting adventures. Either she becomes ill from the mustard, which she tried for the sake of interest, or she played too much in losses and lost sight of the owner.
But that's what Sonya is smart for, to draw conclusions from every situation and wind them around her dog's mustache. Based on the stories of Usachov, there are wonderful cartoons.
9. "White Poodle", Alexander Kuprin
The dog Arto was a member of a traveling circus troupe. In addition to the poodle, there was an elderly organ grinder and acrobat Seryozha in it. They traveled from city to city, but did not find hospitality and recognition. Once they came to them with a proposal to buy the dog, because she really liked one capricious boy. Having received a refusal, the attacker steals Arto at night, but Seryozha will not refuse his friend just like that.
10. "Kashtanka", Anton Chekhov
A dog of an unknown breed named Kashtanka was lost. She was picked up by a clown who gave her a new nickname and forced her to perform in a circus. Kashtanka did not like such a life, and the mongrel greatly missed her old master. He also did not lose hope someday find his faithful comrade.
The idea for the story was suggested to Chekhov by the famous trainer Vladimir Durov. A similar situation once happened to him, but, by his own admission, he could not have told this story better than Anton Pavlovich.
11. "About Cats", Charles Bukowski
The collection "About Cats" contains excerpts from Bukowski's works dedicated to those whom the author loved unconditionally - cats. The harsh and sometimes cynical manner of the writer's presentation became soft as soon as it came to these animals. “They don't know how to lie. They are a force of nature,” Bukowski said of them.
For example, in the story “The Consequences of a Verbose Refusal”, the cat is far from the first place, but all the attention of the characters is riveted to him. They turn to the caudate as a full-fledged participant in the conversation, postponing other worries for later. The world freezes for a moment and focuses on the fluffy.
12. "Mouse Peak", Vitaly Bianchi
Even such a tiny creature of nature as a mouse can have a huge brave heart. Peak travels on a raft, and danger lies in wait for him everywhere. He is fighting for life with the elements, as well as with predators who are just waiting for the right moment to devour the little rodent.
A noisy seagull is circling overhead, a toothy pike is stalking underwater, and a slippery snake is already on the shore. The history of Peak is not only exciting, but also inspiring to exploits.

A wild mongoose loses its parents due to a flood and is abandoned in an unfamiliar area. Here he finds a new home among the people who fell in love with the animal and gave him the nickname Rikki-tikki-tavi. But they are in mortal danger because the snake family is plotting to kill them. The brave mongoose decides to save his masters.
The Jungle Book collection includes not only Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the famous stories about Mowgli, who was brought up by a pack of wolves. There are stories about elephants, their brave mahouts, a herd of buffaloes and fur seals.
14. “About a hedgehog named Gosha”, Eileen O'Connor (from the collection “About people, cats and small dogs”)
and no. Grandmother, dejected by separation from her granddaughter Sonya, can only communicate with her via SMS. But such dialogues do not stick at all. The woman manages to interest the girl only with the news that the hedgehog Zhora has appeared in the house. Sonya promises to come and look at the prickly animal, and now Granny has to get it somewhere.
Eileen O'Connor is the pseudonym of detective author Elena Mikhalkova. The collection "About people, cats and small dogs" was born on her pages in social networks. The stories quickly gained popularity. Therefore, the book includes works of the author that have already managed to fall in love with readers.
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15. Caravel and I, Olga Fadeeva
A city girl finds herself in a new wonderful world. But it is not at all fantastic and not invented. It's just that she had never been to the village before, and everything here seems unusual. Especially her attention is attracted by a cow with the sonorous name of Caravel, which was so named by her grandfather, a former sailor.
As if to prove that the name suits her, Caravel behaves majestic and swims well. And on her forehead she has a white spot in the form of a heart. The book is illustrated by the author and completely immerses in that carefree summer in which the heroine of the story found herself.
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16. Mrs. Pumphrey's Piglet by James Harriot (from the collection On All Creatures Great and Small)
Mrs. Pumphrey, a prim Englishwoman, lived in a house where perfect cleanliness and all the subtleties of etiquette were observed. What was the surprise of the rural veterinarian when the lady got herself a piglet. Being sure that his colleague mixed up or misheard something on the phone, Dr. Harriot goes to the call. But Mrs. Pumphrey does have a little pig, and she has a perfectly rational explanation for this.
A veterinarian by training, James Harriot has always loved animals. He had to publish cases from practice under a pseudonym so that readers would not consider them an advertisement for the clinic where he worked. About 70 kind and informative stories about small animals are included in the collection “On All Creatures — Great and Small”.
17. "The Adventures of a Monkey", Mikhail Zoshchenko
This is one of the few stories that tells about animals during and after the war. The zoological park was bombed. The surviving animals fled in different directions. Most of all, the monkey was frightened, which rushed into the city in search of food.
Hungry and alone, she had little idea of what was going on around her. She was picked up by a kind boy and brought home. Now the savior needs to persuade the grandmother to leave the animal at home. But the adventures do not end there either: the monkey has an entertaining trip to the bathhouse ahead.
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18. "Nedopesok", Yuriy Koval
A young fox is called a Nedopyosok. The protagonist and a whole pack of his comrades live on a fur farm, waiting for inevitable death. The oversight of the worker led to the fact that the animals ran away. But many were immediately caught and put back in their cages.
Only a brave arctic fox named Napoleon ended up in the neighboring village. He found people who want to help him and even keep him. But a reward has been announced for the capture of the underdog. Detractors in search of easy money are ready to give the fox to a fur farm. However, the hero himself is not going to put up with such a fate.
19. Eye of the Wolf, Daniel Pennack
They hardly had a chance to meet. Odin is a polar wolf, living where the snow does not melt, and the winds penetrate to the very bones. The second is a boy named Africa, who escaped from his native country, which was torn apart by the war. Fate brought them together in Paris. The animal ended up in the zoo, the child came to look at it.
Each of the heroes has their own difficult story. They are separated by a grid, but united by the desire to understand each other. So, quietly speaking each in their own language and looking into each other's eyes, the boy and the wolf understand that they are not so different.
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20. "Inventor", Mikhail Prishvin (from the collection "Golden Meadow")
Wild ducks brought up at home have offspring. But one of the mallards refused to incubate the eggs, so the hen had to take care of them. The ducklings accepted the new mother as their own.
Every morning, one chick somehow mysteriously crawls out of the basket, although it does not yet know how to fly. He can't get to the end on his own. But he still found a way to escape, for which he was nicknamed the Inventor. The duckling strikes with ingenuity and motivates. Even in a difficult situation, from which it is not immediately possible to get out, he turns out to be on top.
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Short stories about animals
Beginners need texts that are easy to understand and have vocabulary to improve their reading skills. Short stories about animals are suitable here.
Stories, fabulous and not so, about animals are useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for preschoolers who begin to read, because in addition to reading skills, they broaden the horizons of children. Sample texts can be found here.
It is helpful to read the text and draw its content. This practice develops figurativeness: the child reads and immediately presents a picture on the “internal monitor”.
Comprehension and memorization are greatly facilitated. Not all children (for various reasons) like to draw. Therefore, we came up with stories for coloring: we read the text and color the animal. The site "Non-Standard Children" wishes you success.
The author of the stories is teacher-psychologist Galina Obnorskaya.
- Squirrel story
- Greedy squirrel
- Owl story
- Moose story
- Deer story
- Fox story
- The story of the bear
- Cuckoo
- A story about a hedgehog
A story about a squirrel.

The squirrel lived in the old forest. The squirrel had a squirrel daughter in the spring.
Once a squirrel and a squirrel picked mushrooms for the winter. Suddenly, a marten appeared on a nearby Christmas tree. She prepared to grab the squirrel. Mom - the squirrel jumped towards the marten and shouted to her daughter: "Run!"
The squirrel ran away. Finally she stopped. I looked around, and the places are unfamiliar! Mom - no squirrels. What to do?
A squirrel saw a hollow in a pine tree, hid and fell asleep. And in the morning the mother found her daughter.
Greedy squirrel
Near the new school, the builders left two dozen birches and pines. It turned out to be a small square.
Despite the school noise and uproar, two squirrels settled in it. The animals were young and agile. If someone appeared below, they immediately soared to the top of the tree.
Schoolchildren brought nuts to the squirrels. They left treats on a large boulder in the middle of the square. When the children left, the animals descended and fed.
Sometimes hooligans came. They threw stones at the squirrels. But the animals ran to the tops of the trees. The stones did not reach there.
One day a strange old squirrel appeared in the park. First she ate all the nuts on the rock. The little squirrels also tried to go down for food. But a strange squirrel drove them away.
This happened several times. The young squirrels were starving. They ate their supplies and left the park because of the greedy old squirrel.
A story about an owl
An owl lives in the northern forests. But not a simple owl, but a polar one. This owl is white. Paws are hairy, covered with feathers. Thick feathers protect the bird's legs from frost.
The Snowy Owl is invisible in the snow. The owl flies quietly. Hide in the snow and watch for the mouse. A stupid mouse won't notice.
About the cuckoo
— Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long will I live? - both adults and children ask when they hear the cuckoo song.
Let us also listen to its cuckooing. The cuckoo is a cautious bird. To see it, you have to be observant.
The cuckoo is often scolded for laying eggs in the nests of other birds. Foster parents feed the cuckoo, educate, for example, teach to fly.
Why does the cuckoo do this? Other birds lay all the eggs at almost the same time, and then incubate the chicks. The chicks hatch together and grow together.
The cuckoo does not lay many small eggs all at once, but gradually, almost all summer. Therefore, she cannot hatch the chicks herself.
Having laid an egg, the cuckoo takes it in its beak and puts it in someone else's nest. The deception is never found.
But the cuckoo is very useful. She eats such furry caterpillars that no other bird pecks. Don't hurt cuckoos!
The story of the moose
The old moose walked through the forest for a long time. He is very tired. The moose stopped and dozed off.
The moose dreamed that he was still a little calf. He walks with his mother through the forest. Mom eats branches and leaves. A calf merrily jumps along the path nearby.
Suddenly someone hummed terribly near the ear. The calf got scared and ran to his mother. Mom said: "Don't be afraid. It's a bumblebee. It doesn't bite moose."
In the forest glade, the calf liked the butterflies. At first, the calf did not notice them. Butterflies sat quietly on the flowers. The calf galloped across the clearing. Butterflies soared into the air. There were a lot of them, a whole swarm. And one, the most beautiful, sat a calf on her nose.
A train hummed far beyond the forest. The old moose woke up. He rested. You can go about your business.
A story about a deer
Deer live in the North. The homeland of deer is called the tundra. Grass, bushes and gray reindeer moss grow in the tundra. Reindeer moss is food for deer.
Reindeer walk in herds. There are deer of different ages in the herd. There are old deer and kids - deer. Adult deer protect babies from wolves.
Sometimes wolves attack the herd. Then the deer surround the fawns and put their antlers forward. Their horns are sharp. Wolves are afraid of deer antlers.
There is a leader in the herd. This is the strongest deer. All deer obey him. The leader guards the herd. When the herd is resting, the leader finds a tall stone. He stands on a stone and looks in all directions. He sees the danger and blows his trumpet. Deer will get up and go away from trouble.
The story of the fox
At the foot of the mountain there was a round lake. The place was deserted, quiet. There were many fish swimming in the lake. This lake was liked by a flock of ducks. The ducks built their nests and brought out the ducklings. So they lived on the lake all summer.
One day a fox appeared on the shore. The fox was hunting and came across a lake with ducks. The ducklings have already grown up, but have not yet learned to fly. The fox thought it was easy to catch his prey. But it was not there.
The cunning ducks swam far to the other side. The fox destroyed the duck nests and ran away.
A story about a bear
You can meet a bear in the Khibiny mountains in the North. In spring, the bear is angry because it is hungry. All winter he slept in a den. And the winter in the North is long. The bear is hungry. That's why angry.
Here he came to the lake. Catch a fish, eat it. Will drink water. The lakes in the mountains are clean. The water is fresh and clear.
By the middle of summer, the bear will have eaten and become fat. It will become kinder. Still, you shouldn't date him. The bear is a wild animal, dangerous.
By autumn, the bear eats everything: fish, berries, mushrooms. Fat under the skin accumulates for hibernation. Fat in the den in winter both feeds and warms it.
A story about a hedgehog
A hedgehog is a common animal in our forests. Maybe that's why we think we know everything about him.