Stories on friendship
Heartwarming Stories of True Friendship
If you’re lucky, you’ll find one person who brightens your day, lends an ear, and inspires you. RD readers share stories of their best buds.
CONSTANCE BANNISTER CORP/GETTY IMGESI grew up in a family that didn’t show affection. I knew I was loved, but it was rarely expressed, either in words or with a hug. Then, at the age of 40, I met Judy. I quickly noticed how often she told her kids she loved them and how she hugged everyone hello and goodbye. As with any habit, I picked it up, and the more I did so, the easier it became for me. Now I never fail to hug friends or family members, and it has completely changed how I relate to them. It’s an awesome feeling! Oh, I love you, Judy! Betty Plough, Traverse City, Michigan. These are little things that you can do to be a true friend.
Five months after my husband, my two-year-old daughter, and I moved 2,000 miles from home, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with severely clubbed feet. This marked the beginning of a long series of doctor appointments. Taking care of two young children, one of whom required constant medical attention, meant that I was always tired and behind on my household chores. One day, we came home from yet another doctor’s visit to find the front door ajar. I cautiously proceeded into the house, only to find the floors spotless, the dishes cleaned and dried, and the dirty laundry washed and folded. Upstairs, the beds were made, and there were even flowers in a vase beside my bed. It turns out that my friend Joy was driving by my home and noticed my car was gone, so she took the opportunity to help me out. I learned an important lesson that day about compassion. And this friendship was sealed for life! Judith Heicksen, Santa, Idaho
My fiancé walked out on me three days before our wedding. Now every year on the anniversary of the day I would have been married, my best friend texts me a hilarious (and completely inappropriate) picture, reminding me I dodged a bullet. His humor makes a hard day better. Jason Woods, via Twitter
Because we are all over the country, my three closest friends (Miranda, Rachel, and Johlandi) and I keep in touch via group texting. We share daily struggles, complaints, triumphs, and, most of all, laughs. These special ladies respond nonjudgmentally to whatever I tell them, allowing me to be as vulnerable as I please. Conversely, it’s a blessing to help them through their difficult times. Having such receptive friends has taught me that life is more fun and meaningful when I share myself with others. Lauren Young, Rockingham, Virginia. Try these ways to be a better friend.
After my wife of 44 years died, I didn’t feel the urge to socialize. But that didn’t stop my friend Tony from inviting me to join a group of guys who got together every Thursday for dinner. I told him I wasn’t ready. He called again the next week, and again I said no. He kept calling every week, and finally I said, “OK, I’ll go.
Anything to keep you from calling me every week.” It has now been six years since my wife died, and thanks to Tony, I have been going to dinner every week with the gang we’ve dubbed ROMEO— Retired Old Men Eating Out. David Fenwick, Ocean Township, New Jersey
One night after teaching a late class, I found a sticky note on the window of my car. It read “You are beautiful inside and out” and featured a little heart. I never did find out which one of my friends left it for me, but it is still on my dashboard and means more than anything to me. Jennie Berglund, Burnsville, Minnesota
After seven years of teaching, I was let go before the school year ended. I was devastated. Making matters worse, some of the other teachers stopped talking to me. But one coworker stood by me, going so far as to ask the principal to let me work with her till the end of the school year. He reluctantly agreed. Continuing to work gave me back my dignity.
I’m now at another job, where I am happy and confident. Beth Klementovic, Exton, Pennsylvania
Today is my birthday, and I know my friend Linda is making me a cake. Sometimes when you’re an adult, no one thinks to do that for you. Tamara Castellari, Parachute, Colorado
COURTESY LORRAINE MORROWIn my senior year of high school, my mother passed away. Dad, who lived in Seattle, wanted me to live with him. But my friend Joy invited me to stay with her and her father until I graduated. Joy’s mother had passed away a few years earlier, so Joy understood my terrible loss and depression. Because of her generosity, I was able to complete my last year of high school with all my friends, affording me a bit of normalcy. Lorraine Morrow, Bonney Lake, Washington
My best friend and I are both trying to lose weight, so we text each other every day to check in. He encourages me to work out when I don’t want to or to put down the ice cream. It really helps me stay on track. Rick Nelson, via Twitter
When I was pregnant, I felt—and acted—as if I had PMS for the entire nine months. My best friend, Laura, told me she was calling me every other day to make sure someone was still speaking to me. That is true friendship. Gail Bua, Nutley, New Jersey
Whenever I visited Ruth at the rest home, I’d always greet her with, “Good morning, sweetie.” She, in turn, would say, “Heeeyyyyyy! I’ve been missing you.” For as long as I knew Ruth, she greeted me with “I’ve been missing you,” even if I’d just seen her that morning. And when I’d leave, it was always, “Come back!” As if you need more of a reason to have friends, these facts prove that friends are healthy for us.
Ruth was my first friend in South Carolina. Our house was built on her property. I went over and introduced myself one day and told her that I’m out every morning and if she liked, I could bring her newspaper to her door. She said, “Well, I suppose that would be all right.” It wasn’t long after that I started bringing her the afternoon mail and cookies too. And soon I started taking her to the library, doctors, and the store.
At the rest home, if Ruth’s breakfast tray was ready, I’d pick it up. I knew how she liked her grits, with just a bit of butter and salt, and that she really, really liked orange juice and always got two glasses. After a bit, it would be time to go. She’d give me a kiss and tell me to “come back!”
I am ashamed to admit that at one time, both my grandmothers were in convalescent homes and I rarely visited them. I cannot change the person I was, but I can try to be a better person today. Ruth is no longer with us, but I wish to God that I could “come back” and visit with her again. Janet Alden, Inman, South Carolina
Lisa comes over, and we do each other’s nails while we lie in bed watching TV like high school girls. Shannon Hagen, Minneapolis, Minnesota
When I was nine, I had a friend with the unusual name of Westa Joy. I can still picture her wild, naturally curly hair; her porcelain skin; and her sparkling hazel eyes. I, on the other hand, was overweight and shy. We used to walk laughing and holding hands down a sandy dirt road in southeastern New Mexico. She would tell me the plot of the latest Nancy Drew book she was reading. I had never read a book, and I didn’t want to. Reading was much too difficult for me because I was dyslexic. But thanks to Westa’s storytelling, I eventually bought all the Nancy Drew books. Thank you, my dear childhood friend, for giving me the joy of reading. Essie Bowden, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
COURTESY MEGHAN SIMECEKI came down with a horrible stomach bug when my husband was out of town. My best friend showed up with saltines, Sprite, essential oils, and—the best part—her Netflix password. Meghan Simecek, Friendswood, Texas
Dawn, my friend and coworker at the public defender’s office, would bring me some of her dinner from the night before and leave it in the fridge at work when I was in the middle of a long trial. This way, I wouldn’t have to worry about feeding myself on late nights. Adrianne McMahon, Faribault, Minnesota
If she knows I’m having a rough day, my friend will show up and take my kids for the day. By just showing up instead of calling, Stacy knows I can’t tell her not to come. Courtney Clements, Nampa, Idaho
I met Mary Lou 14 years ago, while tending the grave of my 34-year-old son Kevin just weeks after he passed. Mary Lou was visiting her son Gary. She smiled, and soon we were sharing our stories—not only about our sons but about life in general. On my next visit with Kevin, I saw a piece of paper sticking out from under a rock—an inspirational note from Mary Lou. I wrote her back and put my note under the same rock. A week later, I returned to find another note from Mary Lou. We went back and forth like this for years. Today, we still see each other, but usually over a hot fudge sundae. We talk and laugh and rarely feel the need to discuss our deep pain. That’s why we are friends for life. Patricia Coler-Dark, Concord, California
Shannon, my best friend of over 26 years, and I text each other every morning with “Good morning, beautiful!” or “Hello, gorgeous!” That way, we both start the day with a smile. Katrina La Force, Petaluma, California
When I was four, my mother had her hands full with six children. Luckily, there was our neighbor Berla. Berla, 48, had no children, so I had her full attention. She taught me simple things, like how to care for my teeth, as well as big things, like a love of long walks. She also taught me to play cribbage, which came with these words of advice: “There is a perfect strategy for every hand dealt.” That concept has impacted every aspect of my life. Linda Sealock, Reno, Nevada
My best friend in college taught me spontaneity. One day Christie persuaded me to run around campus dressed in battle armor and wielding a cardboard sword, all while laughing maniacally. People stared at us, but we had too much fun to care. Caroline Samuels, Logan, Utah
I was having a horrible day dealing with job and divorce stress, and my friend Anna brought me ice cream. Just having her show up to listen to me whine was exactly what I needed. Tracy Clark, Lakeville, Minnesota. If you want to show your friend how much they mean to you, get them one of these best friend gifts.
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8 Remarkable Stories of the Most Unlikely Friendships
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Would you pal around with your spouse’s ex? Or buddy up to someone who put a foot in your face? These readers did—and found lifelong companions.
Bill & Giovanni
I met my best friend, Bill Cervenka, at work. I was 23, and he was 85, but it seemed I had more in common with him than with any friends my age. We were both really stubborn. He always had an umbrella, and whenever it was raining after work, he used to say, “Let me walk you to your car.” I would always decline the offer, but he would say, “I’m walking you to your car whether you like it or not.”
Bill and I always took the same lunch break. He didn’t recognize many of my Mexican dishes and often asked what I was eating. I always offered him a taste, along with some of my Oreos. Eventually it became our tradition that every time a new limited edition Oreo flavor was released, we waited to try it together.
Bill passed away in April 2019. I miss him every day. Now I always carry my umbrella and make sure people without one don’t get wet. And when someone declines my offer, I say, “I’m walking you whether you like it or not.” —Giovanni Paz Villa, Plainfield, Illinois. These heartwarming stories of true friendship will make you call your bestie.
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Jana Fisher
Jana & Tina
Tina is my best friend. She is also my husband’s ex-wife. When we first met, she and Bob had been divorced for more than 12 years, and he and I had been dating only a short time. We didn’t become close friends right away. It took years of getting to know each other and seeing each other for who we truly are. We’ve stood together through difficult times and family hardships. We’ve shared wonderful holiday celebrations, and we were together to see the birth of our first grandson. Even though we now live 1,500 miles apart, Bob and I still vacation with her and her husband, and Saturday is our “phone call” day. She has brought so much joy and love into my life. I don’t know what I’d do without my best friend. —Jana Fisher, Port Charlotte, Florida
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Bobby Mills
Bill & Bobby
Bill Greenhaw was a retired school principal who looked rather stern. He was an organist and highly respected in our church. I wore leather jackets and rode a motorcycle. One day, I jokingly asked him if he would like to go out to lunch with me on my bike. To my surprise, he accepted!
He was the opposite of me in so many ways, but he enjoyed riding with me on my bike. We took many rides together, but he never told anyone about them. I think it brought out a sense of adventure in him, and I was the only person he felt comfortable sharing that side of himself with. He was shy around most people. At his funeral, I told his family about our rides, and they were astonished. I miss his kind and gentle character, and our rides together. —Bobby Mills, Macon, Georgia
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Mary Potter Kenyon
Mary & Cecil
It was my husband, David, who urged me to read a book by Cecil Murphey and to apply for a scholarship he was offering for a writing conference in 2012. By the time I learned I had won it, my husband had unexpectedly died. I wanted to meet the man who was responsible for my scholarship, so I attended a conference where he was speaking. When I heard a few months later that his wife had died, I began writing him letters. I may have been nearly 30 years younger than he was, but this was one path I had walked before him. I sent him portions of my book in progress, and he ended up writing a foreword for that book.
I write him a long letter at least once a month. I ask for his advice on writing, life, faith, even dating. He answers by e-mail, never failing to say exactly what I need to hear. I’ve saved all of his e-mails, more than 125 of them. I can honestly say that an 87-year-old man is one of my best friends. —Mary Potter Kenyon, Dubuque, Iowa. Here are the secrets to making a lifelong friend.
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Sue Wallace
Sue & Karen
We are the same age. And we both like to sing. That’s where the similarities stop. The differences go on and on.
We met more than 20 years ago in our local church choir. Karen is a lovely, quiet woman who would never think of using makeup. And then there’s me. I put makeup on to take out the garbage, and I don’t have an inside voice.
So, why are we friends? Because we share our ethics, our faith, and our music. We love each other for being ourselves and for being good people with good hearts. When we meet for breakfast, I show up in my brightly colored top, and she comes in with her hair tied back and her thrift store jeans. I sit and sip my coffee with flavored creamer while she enjoys her glass of plain water, and we talk for hours. We just work. She is one of my favorite people. —Sue Wallace, Chesterfield, Missouri
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Susan Liss
Connie & Susan
I met Connie in 1976, when we were both competing in a tae kwon do tournament. Both red belts, we had been paired to compete against each other. As we sat next to each other waiting for our match, Connie began to talk to me. She was friendly and had a wonderful smile. I was struck by how nice she was. Then we got up to compete. Connie suddenly put on the fiercest face you can imagine. This terrified me. Out of self-preservation, I proceeded to kick her in the head—twice—and won the match.
Despite this, Connie and I became close friends. And despite our many differences, we have remained friends throughout the last 43 years. Connie is Black and I am White. She was raised in a big city and I was brought up in a small town. Connie is a liberal Democrat and I am a conservative Republican.
Connie now lives on the East Coast and I live in northern Wisconsin, but we keep in touch through social media. One of her favorite things to do is to introduce me as her bestie who put a foot in her face. —Susan Liss, Summit Lake, Wisconsin
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Ron Drum
Bernice & Ron
The year was 1981. I was working as the coordinator of Know America, an educational experience for adults in Washington, DC. Bernice was the coordinator of a group of about 40 of her fellow North Dakotans who were attending a weeklong Know America program in October.
On the last day of the week, I saw Bernice picking up the huge sycamore leaves falling from the trees that lined the center’s driveway. Sycamore leaves are not great fall leaves—they tend to just turn brown and fall down. “We don’t have a lot of trees in North Dakota. At least, none like these!” she explained as she chose another specimen for her scrapbook.
As soon as I could, I went out and found some far better fall leaves for Bernice—red and orange maple leaves, yellow aspen, orange-red sassafras—and I included them in the envelope along with my thank-you letter to her for attending the program.
That’s how I came to learn the truth: Bernice wanted those particular leaves for their size, not their color. Bernice told me that she had never seen leaves so large and that was why she was picking them up.
It made for a great joke, and we laughed about it all year as we planned her next group’s Know America experience. We quickly became close friends, and we’ve remained close friends ever since.
Last year, I sent leaf stickers to Bernice for her birthday. In return, she sent me a copy of the book Last of the Breed by her favorite author, Louis L’Amour. Inside, she had placed a leaf sticker on every sentence in the book that mentioned a leaf or leaves, 34 stickers in total. —Ron Drum, Drums, Pennsylvania
Istvan Banyai for Reader's Digest, Courtesy Suzanne Ryan
Wayne & Suzanne
In 1977, I was a ten-year-old tomboy growing up in rural upstate New York. I still remember Wayne’s voice on the phone telling me, “Suzanne, your horses are in the garden again and Dolly [his wife] and Hazel [his mother] are mad!” Wayne kept me company while I got the troublemakers out of the garden.
Wayne was 85 when I introduced him to my husband. Now my husband and I see him every time we travel home. We have a standing birthday breakfast date every year. In 2020, Wayne turned 100. —Suzanne Ryan, Cummington, Massachusetts. Here are some adorable animal friendships that might surprise you.
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"We won't forget each other even when we get older": two stories about a long and strong friendship
This article is part of the One on One project. In it, we talk about relationships with ourselves and others. If the topic is close to you, share your story or opinion in the comments. Will wait!
Friendships are different: with some people it is pleasant to keep in touch only occasionally, while others can be compared with a family in terms of closeness. We talked with the heroes who know what friendship is for many years. They told how they managed to trust each other, what helps to survive a quarrel and how not to get lost when work and family take their toll.
Story 1. About three friends who were not separated even by distance
Natasha Kirillina
Has been talking with friends for 15 years.
“When you meet the same people every day, it’s hard not to make friends”
There are two best friends in my life: Nastya L. and Nastya F. When I was five, my family and I moved from Syzran to Samara and in the yard I met Nastya F. This was the first person I met in a new city, and we just walked with other children - this is how friendship began to emerge.
A year later, Nastya L. moved to a neighboring house and went to the same school with us. We quickly met, began to walk together after school and signed up for the same section - for rhythmic gymnastics.
It's hard to remember what we thought of each other when we first met. Children easily find a common language with new people: everyone just wants to hang out and play together. We organized a roller club in the yard, got carried away with cross-stitching and just had fun. When you meet the same people every day, it's hard not to make friends.
In elementary school we had a very close relationship, but in middle school our paths parted a little. Nastya F. got close to another company, and we began to see each other less often. They chatted when they crossed paths, but they no longer spent so much time together. This situation did not cause any resentment - it was just interesting where Nastya F. was and with whom.
Teenagers usually go through a transitional period in the seventh grade, when it is not at all clear what is happening in life and what you really want. Then we became very close to Nastya L. and supported each other, shared our thoughts and experiences.
In the 10th grade, we were divided into profiles - each student has his own schedule and different groups for each lesson. Nastya F. and I had similar interests in education, so we began to cross paths often. In one of the history classes, we realized that we were still interested in each other. They were surprised that they had lost so many years, and began to keep in touch again.
One day we decided to get together and watch Sherlock Holmes. Then they created a Sherlock chat on social networks and have been practically inseparable ever since.
“Going to visit each other in pajamas and slippers is a common thing for us”
When the three of us started talking again, I felt that I trust Nastya L. 100 percent - at that time we had already gone through a lot together. I also trusted Nastya F., because I had known her since childhood, but it was still difficult to say right away: “That's it, you are my best friend.” However, the connection improved quickly: we began to see each other more often, constantly went to visit each other.
Everything finally returned to normal after a joint trip with the class to Europe, where we went with Nastya F. We lived together, met new guys, discussed the boys. This journey brought us very close, and there was no longer any doubt that in my life there are two best friends: Nastya L. and Nastya F. These are girls to whom I can entrust everything.
Illustration: Anna Guridova / Lifehacker Sometimes difficult situations arise in life and you want to speak out. At such moments, I knew for sure that I could write to our chat: “Girls, does anyone have five minutes?” And now we are already on a bench in the yard - we gnaw seeds, drink coffee and talk.
I think it is from such small situations that a great friendship is born. It sounds stereotypical, but I seriously think that friends in need are known. If you understand that in difficult moments you are ready to continue to communicate with these people and share your experiences, then you trust them already at a subconscious level.
Due to the fact that we lived in the same yard, friendship has always been very domestic. Going to visit each other in pajamas and slippers or just having tea together when bored is a common thing for us. Our parents knew each other, so they easily let us go to each other.
It's cool when you practically live with your friends in the same apartment and don't just meet them on the street.
We also always bothered about birthdays. Preparing some kind of surprise for one of her friends so that she does not know about it is a very bringing together event. We always knew that every year some unknown but pleasant nonsense would happen: you would be given a quest around the city or forced to solve riddles.
My favorite moment was preparing congratulations for Nastya F. She became interested in the theory of the Universe: she studied that everything is interconnected and that something from above gives us signals. We created an account on Instagram*, called it "Universe" and passed tasks to her through it. She performed them live from her account so we could watch and guide her. The guys who are subscribed to Nastya F. also looked at what was happening, and it turned out very funny - a quest at our entrance. The final point was my apartment, in which Nastya L. and I were waiting for a friend to congratulate.
While she was getting to us, the neighbors came out of their apartments and watched how Nastya, wearing strange glasses, was making some kind of video in order to complete the task. Jokingly, everyone asked: “What are you doing here?” — but no one was really surprised. Everyone knew that cute little fools lived here, who were always inventing something.
It was moments like these that built our friendship. And the most important thing was to give each other crazy gifts - without them, a holiday is not a holiday. With age, of course, I want to give something useful, but a small and stupid souvenir is always present - this is a symbol of our friendship.
“As we age, we understand that everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads.”
We often supported each other's interests and were fond of what one of us liked. Even when they went to different universities, they still shared their undertakings and helped each other advance in them.
Once we went to a school of journalism, and Nastya L. remained in this field, so we always helped her look for heroes for interviews. Nastya F. at one point became interested in sewing, and now she has her own underwear brand. I remember how she decided to arrange a fashion show at one of the student springs and sewed costumes in different themes. It was impossible to do everything on time alone, so she asked us to help. It is clear that we are not the best seamstresses in the world, so we called our atelier “So-so atelier”. When I got into volunteering, the girls always asked what activities I participate in. If I needed help filming a video for a competition, I knew exactly who to turn to.
The turning point came in 2014 when we were finishing our first year of university.
Nastya F. began to actively communicate with classmates, and Nastya L. spent a lot of time at work. We tried to meet, but Nastya F. merged. It was stressful. It seemed that our friendship meant nothing to her.
Nastya L. and I decided to talk to Nastya F. and find out what happened between us. She laid out her experiences and said that she was trying to join the new team, but she did not feel like herself. Moreover, she feels unnecessary, because Nastya L. and I communicate only together. But this happened only for the reason that Nastya F. refused to meet with us - we had no choice but to see each other without her.
The conversation ended with Nastya L. freaking out and leaving our chat. I was in an intermediate position. It was clear that Nastya F. was not right about everything, but I realized that a new life and a new team were hard.
For two weeks we practically did not communicate and it was not at all clear what to do next.
I started talking to one and then the other so that we could decide something. As a result, we agreed that if feelings wake up in Nastya F., she can immediately share with us - we will help. So a new chat was organized in social networks, which we called the random word "Pineapple". Now, whenever we see something with this fruit, we send it to each other.
Gradually communication in the new chat resumed and we began to meet more often. We managed to figure out the essence of our mutual claims and come to a compromise. We decided to just continue to communicate, and over time everything worked out. Whatever disputes arise, there is a feeling that we are dear to each other. Even if everyone has their own affairs and communication is irregular, I want to see each other at least sometimes: we are interested together.
After that story, we never quarreled and, on the contrary, became closer. There are situations when we do not share each other's points of view, but with age, the understanding has come that everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads. We even have a so-called no-judgment zone where you share things that the girls obviously don't like. You just come and say: “Now I’m telling you, you don’t give any comments, and we move on.” Reasons for global quarrels have not arisen for a long time, and different points of view do not affect friendship.
"The main thing that can destroy a friendship is dishonesty"
A best friend is a person whom you trust everything, knowing that he will support you in any case. If you are wrong, they will tell you directly about it and advise you on what to do. A best friend stays in your life even when times get tough. Of course, you can always turn to your relatives, but there are moments that you do not want to discuss with them. It's nice to know that you have such girls who are always there, your second family.
Of course, you can't limit your circle of friends to those you met in childhood. I have good friends besides girls, but at the same time, a clear gradation formed in my head. With some I am ready to discuss everything, and with others I will share only a part of my life. In addition, it all depends on the person himself and his willingness to give resources to a large number of friends, because such communication requires emotional costs. You can’t communicate with one for a month, and with another for the second month, but if you are ready to maintain regular and high-quality communication with a wide range of people, that’s great.
I think the main thing that can destroy a friendship is dishonesty. As soon as conversations begin behind your back, which can affect someone else's life, this is already a wake-up call. A stupid example, but if a friend took your boyfriend away from you, then she is unlikely to remain a close person. It’s bad when you consider a friend as a competitor in some matter or you can’t directly say what you don’t like. As soon as something insincere creeps into friendship, it is destructive.
Now my friends and I live in different cities and even countries: Nastya L. in Moscow, Nastya F. in Samara, and I am in Paris. Of course, it became more difficult to see each other when everyone scattered outside the same yard, but we try to keep in touch regularly.
We have already created general chats in all social networks of the world.
Thanks to the Internet, there is no feeling that people are very far away: you are on a bus, you see a funny situation and you can immediately share it. Of course, this will never compare to a live conversation, but for now we make do with what we have.
If we miss you a lot, we allocate time for each other and call each other. We can chat quietly for three hours and not even notice. In short, the internet is everything.
I don't feel it's hard for us to keep in touch. If a person wants it, then you can always find ways to continue to communicate. When Nastya F. was proposed, we found out about it literally 10 minutes later - almost earlier than the parents. Sometimes you just want to chat, then we record each other long voice messages, which usually end with the words: “You don’t have to answer anything, I just wanted to speak out. Who, if not you!
I personally feel that there is less time for each other: relationships and work take their toll. But if you do not want to lose people, then you will make efforts so that the friendship continues. Someday we will have husbands and children, but I am sure that we still will not leave each other’s life for good: we are too close.
Story 2. About two guys who didn't like each other at first, and then came to a complete understanding
Ivan Novoselov
Has been talking to a friend for six years. A month and a half traveled with him by car.
"We both like to travel and do crazy things"
When I was little, my parents decided they wanted to live in a village 100 kilometers from a major city. Together with them, I stayed there for 16 years, but before entering the 10th grade, I decided to return to Samara to my grandparents. I went to a school near their house and on the very first day of physical education I noticed a beefy athletic guy. At first I thought that this was our young teacher, but in fact it was my classmate and future best friend - Vlad.
At that time, the mannequin challenge was popular (a flash mob in which people remain still while the camera is filming them. - Ed.), and I suggested that my classmates make a viral video. Everyone agreed, and in the process of filming, Vlad picked up our classmate, the girl I liked. I disliked him, so we did not communicate. But one day everything changed. The guy with whom we sat at the same desk fell ill. Suddenly, Vlad sat down next to me, and we started talking.
On the same day, he wrote to me and offered to come to visit him - the guys were going to sit, have a drink and chat. I agreed, met everyone, and we agreed to meet with Vlad again. We met near his house, discussed that moment with the girl he picked up, and came to the conclusion that everything is fine: no one claims anything. We began to spend time together constantly and found out that we both like to travel and do all sorts of nonsense.
We had a lot of great moments together. One day we snuck into the hostel of the university to one of our acquaintances, although we ourselves were schoolchildren. We all sat there together, talked and decided to ride bikes at 3 am. We went to the embankment, swam in the icy water in early spring, and then returned home wet and frozen. I don’t know how miraculously we didn’t get sick, but it was insanely cool.
Every year in March, Vlad's parents go south and leave him alone for three weeks. He invited me to keep him company, and all this time we lived together. There was no money for entertainment, so we began to earn money on photo shoots - I like to shoot on camera.
They wrote to classmates from the parallel, offered to take a photo, and with the money received they bought rolls and beer.
We sat at the same desk at school. The teachers began to confuse us, because the names and surnames begin with one letter: I am Vanya Novoselov, and he is Vlad Nikonov. Vlad Novoselov was periodically called to the board, and we decided on “Rock, Paper, Scissors” who we had in mind. We ourselves and our classmates constantly laughed at this.
“When I stayed with Vlad, we drank, and in my family this is not welcome”
We could not call each other close people for a long time and were not sure that we would continue to communicate after school. It was never discussed directly, but internal doubts were present.
In the summer we rode bicycles around the city, climbed onto the roof of a 16-storey building not far from our houses, chatted a lot and took pictures. When Vlad left for the south, every day we exchanged video messages in instant messengers and called up to smoke together. If any of us had problems, we supported each other by phone.
I lived with my grandparents and my parents lived in the village. They did not know anything about me and strongly controlled: they let me go for a walk only until eight in the evening. When I stayed with Vlad, we drank, and in my family this is not welcome. Parents found out, and we had a big fight, but Vlad always supported me, no matter what happened. I think this is a situation after which we became closer - so much so that we were able to call each other friends.
The more we shared our experiences, the clearer it became that we are no longer strangers and are unlikely to part.
After high school, we went to different universities and each got his own company. I love creativity, of which there is a lot in my university, so I plunged into debuts and student springs with my head. Vlad and I continued to communicate, but not in the same way as before.
One day before the concert, we had an evening rehearsal. My head was spinning from everything that needs to be done, and I really wanted to eat. Vlad knew that I was in a hurry, and I asked him to bring food. He firmly refused, we had a fight and blacklisted each other. Two weeks later, we discussed this situation, started talking again, and the idea was born to rush to the south together in the summer.
We understood that the trip required a lot of money. Vlad needed to change the car, and I needed to live on something. To earn money, we got a job at Yandex.Food under the profile of Vlad: he took shape as a car courier, drove me, and I delivered orders.
Until mid-summer, we acted according to this scheme, and then I got a job as a counselor in the camp. As a result, we earned the required amount of money, Vlad changed the car and we were ready to hit the road. On the same day when I returned from the camp, we left for the Stavropol Territory - I didn’t even have time to unpack my bags and talk to my parents.
We were on the road for 19.5 hours and were very tired. On the way, I constantly fell asleep, and Vlad surprisingly held on. To be honest, I was just shocked that we did it. We are 19 years old and there is already so much going on. For a week we lived with Vlad's sister, and then the two of us went to the sea to Arkhipo-Osipovka. They lived there in a campsite on the mountain, cooked for themselves and equipped their life. It was on this trip, sitting on the shore, we agreed to stick together no matter what.
The next summer we spontaneously went south again, although neither of us had any money. We borrowed funds from Vlad's father, bought tickets for the train, which departed in four days. During this time, we made an incredible amount of money, repaid the debt, and we still have left to live. In the south, Vlad planned to buy a car - and he did it. As a result, we traveled on it for a month and a half - we went to the mountains and to the sea. We had great time together.
"There may be many friends, but only one is the best"
The turning point came when my father died in October 2020. In the evening, after I found out about this, we sat in Vlad's car and sobbed. He went to the funeral with me to support. This has become the biggest indicator of intimacy for me. Then I realized that Vlad really is my best friend.
Major quarrels, when we don't speak for weeks, are very rare. We once decided to discuss all the claims that arise and adhere to this rule. We can, of course, drink and shout because we are bored or tired of each other. However, there are still no tough quarrels - mostly these are trifles that we quickly resolve.
For me, friendship is family. No matter what happens, Vlad will always support me and cheer me up.
I think a person can have many friends and there is nothing wrong with that. But there is only one best friend. There is not enough energy to build new close relationships, but I don’t see the point in this: I don’t want to break. I have another company with which I communicate besides Vlad. None of the guys claim all my time, so the relationship is harmonious. Vlad and I already know that we are always there if something is needed.
Our friendship has been going on for six years, and now we have reached an absolute understanding. Despite the fact that we study at different universities, the connection that was established at school still remains. I think that we will not forget about each other, even when we get older. I would even like to get together with families.
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- Is friendship between a man and a woman possible?0173 *Activities of Meta Platforms Inc. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Stories about true friendship —
- News says folk wisdom. The choice of friends can tell a lot more about a person than anything else.
After all, we, as a rule, choose people very similar to us as friends. So it was, is and will probably always be. Despite the fact that in life we communicate with tens and hundreds of people, only a few remain in the list of true friends, but those with whom we really feel good and comfortable, with whom it is always interesting and reliable, who will lend a hand in difficult times and share with us pain and joy ... Examples of true friendship can be found among politicians, businessmen, artists, representatives of show business.
A friend is one soul living in two bodies.
“Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are,” says folk wisdom. The choice of friends can tell a lot more about a person than anything else. After all, we, as a rule, choose people very similar to us as friends. So it was, is and will probably always be. Despite the fact that in life we communicate with tens and hundreds of people, only a few remain in the list of true friends, but those with whom we really feel good and comfortable, with whom it is always interesting and reliable, who will lend a hand in difficult times and share with us pain and joy .
.. Examples of true friendship can be found among politicians, businessmen, artists, representatives of show business.
Women's friendship
Empress Catherine the Great and Catherine Dashkova
Friendship between these famous namesake women contributed to the history of Russia. Empress Catherine, under whom the Russian Empire reached its economic and cultural flourishing, was born in Prussia and in her youth was married off to the heir to the Russian throne, Peter III. Catherine came to power after a palace coup in 1762. An associate of the Empress was her friend - also Catherine, Princess Dashkova, who from a young age was fond of politics and was able to convince the Russian aristocracy that the Prussian princess was more worthy of the throne than the heir to the throne.
The friends were excellently educated and had similar literary tastes. However, relations between the Catherines were not always cloudless.
For example, Princess Dashkova was dissatisfied with the personnel decisions of the queen and her favorites. Moreover, she had the courage to show it. At the same time, Princess Dashkova was very devoted to the Empress. After living for years in Europe, where her son studied, Dashkova returned to Russia. The Empress did not forget her old friend and appointed Dashkova director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (under the presidency of Count K. G. Razumovsky). So Ekaterina Dashkova became the first woman in the world to manage the Academy of Sciences.
Anna German and Anna Kachalina
Anna German was called "the white angel of the Polish song". And she herself looked more like an angel than an earthly woman - tall, thin, with long blond hair spread over her shoulders ... Anna German's star rose in 1964, at a competition in Sopot, when the singer received two awards at once - and in the international competition, and in the review of the Polish song.
After that there were tours in the USSR, where Anna German gave 60 concerts.
Perhaps the singer would not have become so famous with us if it were not for her acquaintance with the music editor of the Melodiya studio Anna Kachalina, thanks to whom Melodiya released the first record of the singer. Thus a friendship began between the two Annas.
The workers of the Melodiya studio called them “Anya light” and “Anya dark”. Kachalina helped Herman to select songs in Russian and generally contributed to her work. As a result, it turned out that in the Soviet Union Anna German was released on records more often than in Poland. That is why many Poles considered Anna a Russian singer.
Star Girlfriends
Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts
Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts have a lot in common. Firstly, their historical homeland - both come from Australia. Together they went to screen tests, together they began to pave the thorny path to Hollywood.
Best friends are in no way inferior to each other. Both girls can boast of bright movie roles, perfect appearance, strong and courageous character. Nicole was always there and supported her friend, especially when Naomi broke up with Heath Ledger and was very worried about this. Miss Kidman, for her part, also had a hard time at times. When she was on the verge of breaking up with Tom Cruise, the girl was also reassured by a friend.
Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek
Many fans of these crazy adventurers and part-time best friends - Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz - are wondering: what connects these two Hollywood movie stars? Salma Hayek is a Catholic, and Cruz is a staunch Buddhist, but that's probably where the list of differences between them ends. Everything they do is done according to the laws of true friendship: identical fears arise, and sometimes even one-time desires. Maybe that's why the joint parties that girlfriends throw periodically are so noisy and groovy.
The celebrity friends are so close that Salma has appointed Cruz as her... executor. Somehow, before flying to London, Salma called her friend from the airport and began to dictate her will. At first, Penelope thought that Salma was playing a trick on her, but when she realized the seriousness of the situation, she became agitated. Everything went well, both then laughed at the situation when Hayek visited a fortune teller and she predicted her imminent death. “You are very impressionable, Salma!” said Penelope to her friend. “Don't let strangers decide your fate. Define it yourself!”
Male friendship
There are many examples of true friendship among star men.
Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov
Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov are not only colleagues, but also great friends. Moreover, their friendship began from their student years. Together they moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow and moved to the Moscow Art Theater.
Chekhov. And always, especially in difficult times, support each other.
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Ben
Affleck and Matt Damon have been childhood friends. They lived side by side, two blocks apart, went to screen tests together, played extras together in films, hoping for something more, but to no avail. At the time of their path diverged: Damon entered Harvard, and Affleck, who entered the University of Vermont, dropped out and went to Hollywood. However, success came to friends when they reunited. They decided to write the script for themselves. This is how the film “Good Will Hunting” appeared, which was a huge success and was nominated for an Oscar. So for Ben and Matt, who received an Oscar and a Golden Globe for the best screenplay, the road to a big movie was opened.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire began their friendship in 1993 on the set of the film This Boy's Life, thanks to which both stars first declared themselves to the world.
They starred together in the films “Roseanne”, “Cafe “Dons Plum”, “The Great Gatsby”. By the way, friends like to spend holidays together.
Treasure your friendship, take care of it!
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