Tangrams shapes printable
97 Free Printable Tangram Puzzles
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This school year, I’m taking two approaches to incorporating puzzles into my classroom on a regular basis. Every Monday, I put a new magnetic puzzle up on the dry erase board. For example, last week we tackled the Domino Effect Puzzle.
I also have a table that I have designated as the “Puzzle Table.” These puzzles tend to be more hands-on puzzles with lots of different challenges using the same set of hands-on pieces.
For the first month and a half of school, my students really enjoyed the SOMA Challenges I shared about this past summer.
This week, the SOMA blocks are going back in the cabinet and being traded out for TANGRAMS!
After my first year of teaching, I invested in a class set of tangrams. I love using tangrams as a growth mindset puzzle at the beginning of the year by asking students to create a square using all 7 tangrams.
With the SOMA Challenges, my students really enjoyed being able to flip through the binder of puzzles and choose a challenge to work on. I decided to give my students a binder full of tangram puzzles to work on.
I got the tangram pictures from my favorite clipart website – Clipart ETC. The website is chock-full of educational clipart that can be used by teachers 100% for FREE. My most-used section of their website is their collection of coordinate plane clipart.
They have an entire section of Tangram Puzzle Clipart that made putting together this binder super easy.
I love that there is a great variety of images. Hopefully, my students will all be able to find some tangram puzzles that capture their interest.
There are 97 different challenges which should keep my students busy for a very long while.
If you don’t want to put out all the challenges at once, you could also put one up each day/week/etc with magnets.
To save you the work of copying and pasting the tangram clipart yourself, I’ve decided to share the PDF file of free printable tangram puzzle challenges with you.
Download Free Printable Tangram Puzzle Challenges (PDF)
Tangram Challenge Binder (PDF) (13042 downloads)
Tangram Challenge Binder (Editable Publisher File ZIP) (3314 downloads)
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Printable Tangrams and Challenge Cards Kids Activity
Home » Kids » Printable Tangrams and Challenge Cards
Tangrams are a fun puzzle activity that’s perfect for STEAM classrooms, road trip busy bags, and educational playtime anywhere. Use the shapes to create a dog, a turtle, and other creations on the challenge cards. This set includes 4 printable tangrams and 8 challenge cards.
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Tangrams are a simple 7-piece puzzle that fits together as a square. The individual pieces can be put together in an infinite number of combinations to make other shapes. They make a good activity for kids who need to be busy or just enjoy a good brain challenge. Tangrams are fun because while there are plenty of difficult puzzles for older kids to make with these, but even preschoolers will enjoy the simplest ones.
My son has a set of metal tangrams. I’ve also seen them made from plastic or wood.
Because they are such a fun activity for kids of all ages, I decided to make a printable tangrams set and a few challenge cards.
Tangrams and challenge cards
This printable is three 8.5×11-inch pages. The first page is the tangrams. I fit four sets on a single page. Although the original game uses just one set, you can combine sets and get creative when you have more shapes to use.
The next two pages are challenge cards. There are four pictures on each page, and each one requires only a single set of tangrams. They’re simple enough for young kids to be able to do them, but my 9-year-old also likes to play with them.
I recommend printing these on cardstock. You could also print them on heavier cover stock paper or something else more durable, but I haven’t tried it. If you’re giving them to a young child, it might be worthwhile to laminate every piece to make them more durable.
On the tangrams page, cut out each of the four squares and then cut each one into the smaller shapes.
Cut the challenge cards into four along the dotted lines.
If you’re looking for something a little more challenging, be sure to check out my tangrams mandala puzzles too. They include 4 different symmetrical spiraled patterns to build.
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Check out some other fun and creative ideas on One Mama’s Daily Drama:
- Tangrams Mandala Puzzles
- LEGO Challenge Card Game
- Tetris Printable Game for Kids
Reader Interactions
90,000 print tanrams for childrenContent
- Tanrams No.
- Print Tanrams for schoolchildren
- Tangram schemes for children-rooms
- print tanrams No. 2
- Tasks with fox 9000 9000 egg
- Use of the puzzle
- Which tangram to choose
- Magnetic tangram
- Wooden tangram
- Paper tangram
- Tasks for tangrams
Download and print tangram schemes in A4 format for children of schoolchildren and preschoolers. Color and black-and-white tangram and tasks for it of varying degrees of complexity for free.
Tangram is one of the most famous puzzles: 7 elements that form a square. Tangram elements can be assembled in an infinite number of combinations to create other shapes.
Tangram is a traditional Chinese puzzle made up of seven geometric shapes. These forms, also called tans, include one parallelogram, one square and five triangles (two small triangles, one medium triangle and two large triangles).
All seven pieces of tangram can be combined into one large square, rectangle or triangle. Tangram elements can be arranged in various combinations to create patterns and match patterns.
The purpose of is to put seven pieces together to make shapes. It is interesting to play with tangram for both adults and children: schoolchildren and preschoolers.
Three basic rules:
- You must use all 7 elements.
- All elements must be in contact.
- Parts cannot overlap.
Tangram is great for kids. Using geometric shapes to solve problems is a great activity for people of all ages. Print tangram patterns for the development of both preschool and school age children.
Tangram helps at development in children:
- primary geometric skills: understanding the size, shape, position in space,
- visual-figurative and logical thinking,
- combinatorial abilities,
- attention,
- perception,
- 60005 imagination ability to follow instructions and conditions of the task.
To correctly solve the traditional tangram puzzle, please note that no pieces can overlap or go beyond. There cannot be empty spaces inside the contour either. It usually takes 9 to solve the tangram puzzle.0036 several attempts and permutations.
While tangrams are usually seen as riddles, there are many ways to play with tangrams. One of the easiest ways is to let kids use the elements to create their own unique patterns.
Tangram can be used in logic, geometry, mathematics classes, in kindergartens and colleges.
Tangram template No. 1
You can use ready-made plastic or wooden tangram toys to work with the proposed patterns. But if we print and strengthen our sheet with tangram figures, the scale of the details in the diagram below and the size of the elements of the tangram will match.
Thus, the puzzle can be assembled directly on the sheet over the scheme. In the proposed template, the tangram figures are double-sided.
Print tangram schemes for schoolchildren
Since there are only 7 figures in the tangram, the complexity of tasks tangram for schoolchildren differs from the kid's puzzle by the presence of lines indicating which figure to place where. Below are templates for preschoolers - they are answers to tangram schemes for schoolchildren.
Tangram charts for preschoolers
All tangram charts are available for download in A4 format for personal use.
The essence of the tangram is not just in picking up the initial figure - from the resulting parts you can add a variety of silhouettes (animals, people, various objects).
Print tangram No. 2
Chanterelle tasks
Games with tangram develop the perception of form, the ability to distinguish a figure from the background, the ability to highlight the main features of an object, the eye, imagination, hand-eye coordination, thinking, visual analysis and synthesis , the ability to work according to the rules.
Print tangram Heart
This tangram is also known as Leaf.
Columbus egg
Columbus discovered not only America. According to legend, he discovered a way to put a chicken egg upright. The puzzle gets its name from the shape and glory of Columbus. From its constituent elements, as well as from the tangram, you can get a lot of figures.
Buy tangram of this shape: option 1, option 2.
Here are the diagrams for this puzzle:
Benefits of the puzzle
There are many benefits to using tangrams for children's development. Tangrams are not only fun, but they can also develop important skills.
Spatial imagination develops as children rotate, flip and imagine how different parts will fit together.
When you try to solve the tangram puzzle, you have to think about how the shapes can be rotated and flipped so that they fit into the space without overlapping each other.
Any tangram is great for developing critical thinking skills as children need to think rationally when they combine elements to create a picture.
Such puzzles are great for differentiating tasks. Easily adjust the difficulty of each puzzle to match each child's ability level.
Tangrams can also be used to develop specific mathematical concepts related to fractions, symmetry, isometry, area, perimeter and many other related topics geometry .
An interesting lesson on fractions would begin with students using all seven figures to form a large square. The big square is a whole. Have the children figure out which beat each part of the tangram represents.
For example, the large triangle represents one quarter of the entire square. Schoolchildren love to work with tangrams, and these manipulations make them think!
Which tangram to choose
If you decide to buy ready-made tangram and not make it yourself, choose sets with included problem books and examples .
How to draw a tangram - step by step instructions
Magnetic tangram
The magnetic tangram puzzle is of course more convenient to lay out, but the figures in it, respectively, are not two-sided, this may be important for the parallelogram in the set. Tasks created for a universal two-sided tangram may not be feasible for a magnetic one.
The magnetic tangram can be played on any metal surface.
Budget Magnetic Tangram Puzzle Game
And here is a perfectly arranged book with 4 levels of difficulty magnetic puzzle Tangram "Square". And if you are tired of the classic square puzzles, try the Leaf Tangram.
Wooden tangram
Sets with wooden tangrams are usually expensive, but high quality and beautiful, suitable for a gift.
There are also budget ones: such a game set made of wood "Tangram" is only 2 times more expensive than a magnetic one.
Wooden tangram for aliexpress is not cheaper than what is sold in the Russian Federation. There are also huge geometric wooden puzzles with 155 elements.
Paper tangram
The paper tangram is the simplest and most versatile toy. You can also make your own. Thanks to its compactness, ease of manufacture and budget, it is an ideal companion for traveling with children. It is this tangram puzzle that we suggest you make.
Tasks for tangrams
If the tangram puzzle has firmly settled in your home, the tasks will have to be complicated, supplemented and modified.
For example, in the Tangram book. A fairy tale with tasks tells a story about a boy and a girl who need help along the storyline.
Very interesting series Entertaining geometric puzzles. You can get acquainted with such puzzles as stomachion, Pythagorean game, pentomino, hexatryon, magic square, Sphinx, Leaf, Columbus egg, Mongolian game, Chinese tangram, magic circle, Vietnamese game. A whole world of geometric shapes!
All free educational materials are systematized on the site by tags DEVELOPMENT and DOWNLOAD FOR FREE 👇👇👇
Do-it-yourself tangram (game schemes, figures)
- Category: Crafts from different materials
Tangram - an old oriental puzzle of figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of folding these parts with each other, flat figures are obtained, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, ranging from humans, animals and ending with tools and household items. These types of puzzles are often referred to as "geometric construction sets", "cardboard puzzles" or "cut puzzles".
With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, highlight geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.
How to make a tangram
A tangram can be made from cardboard or paper by printing out a template and cutting along the lines. You can download and print the tangram square diagram by clicking on the picture and selecting "print" or "save picture as...".
Also available without template. We draw a diagonal in a square - we get 2 triangles. Cut one of them in half into 2 small triangles. We mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. We cut off the middle triangle and the rest of the figures at these marks. There are other options for how to draw a tangram, but when you cut it into pieces, they will be exactly the same.
A more practical and durable tangram can be cut from a hard office folder or a plastic DVD box. You can complicate your task a little by cutting out tangrams from pieces of different felt, overcasting them around the edges, or even from plywood or wood.
How to play tangram
Each piece of the game must be made up of seven parts of the tangram, and they must not overlap.
The easiest option for preschool children 4-5 years old is to assemble figures according to diagrams (answers) drawn into elements, like a mosaic. A little practice, and the child will learn to make figures according to the contour pattern and even invent their own figures according to the same principle.
Level one - download and print a colored tangram, so it will be easier to navigate the diagram.