The sound of letter a
What is the Phonic Sound of ‘a’ | Language Pronunciation Lesson
This video lesson is designed for children aged 3-6 years to teach them the phonic sound of the letter “a” and how to pronounce the words starting with it.
Learning the phonics sounds of the alphabet is the first step in learning spelling and vocabulary. Phonics helps children read faster and more fluently.
What is phonics?
Phonics is a method of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children listen to, identify, and use distinct sounds in English to distinguish one word from another. There are three types of phonics:
- Those produced by letters that do not sound like its letter name, such as the “o” in “to,”
- Those produced by letters in combination, such as the “tion” in the word “distinction,”
- Those produced by only letters that sound like their letter names, such as the “o” in “of.”
With phonics, individuals or groups of letters are matched with the sounds of spoken English. As an example, the sound k can be spelled as c, k, ck, or ch.
Benefits of learning the phonic sound of “a”
- It helps the child to identify words when they hear the words/ sentences
- It helps the child to understand how sound changes in letters when used in combination with letters.
- It helps children to write the correct spellings of the words they hear or read.
- Children can easily associate letter sounds with word beginnings.
Let us start the journey of phonics with the pronunciation of letters.
Pronunciation of ‘a’, or Sounds of letter ‘a’
In phonics, the letter ‘a’ has five distinct sounds. Let us look at these five sounds:
Below, the sounds are abbreviated in both International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and the American Heritage Dictionary (AHD) notations.
Sound 1 of the letter a:‘a’ producing short vowel sound–æ (IPA) and ă (AHD)
Examples: apple, bat, cat, cap, man
Sound 2 of the letter a:‘a’ producing long vowel sound–eɪ (IPA) and ā (AHD)
Examples: snake, cake, bake, gate, made
Sound 3 of the letter a:‘a’ producing long a sound-aa–ɑː (IPA) and ä (AHD)
Examples: mask, car, bath, ask, grass
Sound 4 of the letter a:‘a’ producing o sound–ɔː (IPA) and ô (AHD)
Examples–wall, call, war, fall
Sound 5 of the letter a:‘a’ producing e sound–ɛ (IPA) and ĕ (AHD)
Examples–any, many, anything, anywhere
In this video, the child will explore the short vowel sound of the English letter ‘a’, and learn words starting with it, such as an axe, apple, ant, and arrow.
The sounds of the letter ‘a’ are repeated for each word so that the child can hear and pronounce the words accurately.
More Pronunciation videos:
- Pronunciation of the letter ‘b’
- Pronunciation of the letter ‘c’
- Pronunciation of the letter ‘d’
- Pronunciation of the letter ‘e’
For more English language resources, visit:
Video created by: Strykun Olena
Letter Sounds App
General Questions
What devices are compatible with the Letter Sounds app?
The Letter Sounds A-Z app is compatible with devices running the OS versions listed below.
- Android 4.4 and later
- Kindle Fire OS 4.4 and later
- iOS 9.0 and later
- Windows XP and later
- OS X 10.9 and later
Is this the same app as the Letter Tiles app?
No, we have three different apps:
- The Phonogram Sounds app is a free app that is included with our programs.
Use the app to reinforce the sounds with your child as you are teaching or to learn the sounds before you teach them.
- The Letter Sounds app is a free app for beginning learners that can be used to teach the first sound for each letter in the alphabet.
- The Letter Tiles app is a movable tiles app that is available for purchase for use in place of the physical Letter Tiles, or on days that you want to use reading or spelling on the go. The Letter Tiles app is available for tablets only.
What does the Letter Sounds app teach?
The Letter Sounds app teaches the first sound for each letter of the alphabet.
Why can’t I install the app?
Please check that your device is compatible with the Letter Sounds app.
Why can’t I hear the sounds?
Make sure your speakers are on and that the volume is turned up. Test your system sound by playing a YouTube video or something else you know has sound. If your system sound is working, but you can't hear the app sounds, please contact us at support@allaboutlearningpress. com for assistance.
One of the features isn't working for me.
First, double-check that you are running the latest version of the app. If you continue to experience issues, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.
Why don’t you have Letter Sounds for my device?
Contact us at [email protected] and let us know what device you have! We are always looking to support more of our customers. In the meantime, you can use the online demo above as a fully functioning workaround.
Other App Questions
Why don’t you teach all the sounds for each letter?
Great observation! The Letter Sounds app is for use with our Pre-reading program. It’s a first introduction to the most common sound for each letter of the alphabet. If your student is ready to learn the multiple sounds for the letters and other phonograms, check out our Phonogram Sounds app.
Why do you use /er/ for the sound of R?
Some sounds, like /r/, are difficult to capture on audio. Without a vowel sound before or after, they are unintelligible. We recommend that parents work with their children to ensure that the child is saying the sounds correctly. If the child is having any difficulty, you may want to demonstrate the sound in person.
Do you track data or record any of my personal information?
Absolutely not! The app installers only place the code that is required to run the app on your device. The only time we receive data of any kind is when the program checks for updates from our servers. This is only for updates. We do not receive any personally identifying information from your device.
Vowel sound [a], letters A, a
Lesson 1. ABCD - video lessons on the study of sounds and letters
In this lesson, children will get acquainted with the vowels A,a and the sound [a] along with the stork, whose name is Alyosha. They will see how the printed letters A are written, and they will help Alyosha to finish the erased letters. They will find out when the capital letter A is written, and when it is small, they will play an interesting game and see how black and white pictures turn into color ones. At the end of the lesson, Alyosha goes on an excursion to the forest and sees where words with the letters A,a meet in life.
Summary of the lesson "Vowel sound [a], letters A, a"
Here are two pillars obliquely,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
The letter A is in front of you. writer ─ Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. In our lesson we will study letter A together with a stork. Let's get to know each other better.
Stork is big and smart a bird that is not afraid of people and very often lives near human habitation. And our stork's name is Alyosha. His name begins with sound [a] and ends with the sound [a] . We will record all sounds in square brackets.
Sound [a] is indicated on the letter large letter A and small letter a . Alyosha wants to learn a lot about the letter A. Therefore, we will now tell him everything, everything about her.
As we have already said, the letter A in writing means one sound [a] . The sound [a] is a vowel sound which easy to pronounce and can be sung loudly and for a long time. Let's try to pull sound ah-ah-ah-ah-ah … Its easy pull and sing. Such sounds that are easy to pull are called vowels. So A - vowel . Since letter And denotes a vowel sound, then we will depict it in red.
So, sound [a] we we pronounce and hear, we see and write the letter .
As we said, the letter A can be large (it is called capital ) and small (it is called lowercase ).
And now we will show Alyosha how these letters are written. A large letter is always greater than a small letter, and a small letter is always smaller, than the big .
̶ Alyosha, for me now need your help. Someone joked and erased half of all the letters. Please help me restore them.
Well, we learned how to write letters, and now tell Alyosha, when these letters are written . If someone or something is given names, then these names are written with a capital letter (there are many storks, but our stork is called Alyosha, and we write his name with a capital letter). Another with a capital letter are spelled names, patronymics and surnames of people. For example: Anna Alexandrovna, Alice, Aibolit. C capital letter names of animals are written. For example: cow Agafya, cat Anfisa and the dog Artemon.
And also with a capital letter are written names of cities, rivers, lakes and villages.
Also capital letters spell words at the beginning of a sentence.
The bus was driving down the road. And the kids were in it.
All other words are written with a small letter.
Well, we got to know with the letters A, and . Now let's play a very interesting game. It is necessary to name two objects, in the names which we hear sound [a] .
Did it happen to you?
Oh, who came to visit us?
Look, this is Dunno. Wow, in the name Dunno also has letters and . And with two.
Now look at the words. What did you notice?
The letter A can be at the beginning of a word, in the middle and at the end.
And in one word there can be one or more letters a .
Well, we got acquainted with sound [a] , which on the letter can be designated: large letter A and small letter a .
And in order to better remember the letter a, let's Alyosha we will take a walk into the forest and see where the words from sound [a] may meet in our lives.
Won hare sitting. And butterflies fly. IN these words have sound [a] .
Let's go further, otherwise it's like an oblique scared.
Wow, so many colors. Interestingly, in their names there is sound [a] .
Let's think.
̶ Alyosha, name the flowers, which you know.
̶ Well done.
Listen to where these sounds are.
Of course, in the middle.
Well, we got acquainted with the letter A and sound [a] .
The letter A is the very first in the alphabet with which we will meet a little later.
Next lesson 2 Vowel sound [o], letters O, o
Get a complete set of video tutorials, tests and presentations ABVGDyka - video lessons on the study of sounds and letters
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Literacy "Sound [a] and letter A"
In our first online literacy lesson, we will go to the land of sounds and letters, where anyone who wants to can learn to read and write.
There are many different sounds in the world: the sound of rain, the sound of a woodpecker on a tree, the rustling of leaves, the sound of the sea, the sound of a car, the barking of a dog, the speech of a person.
All sounds can be divided into speech and non-speech . Non-speech sounds include the sounds of the surrounding world, and the sounds that we hear when a person speaks are called speech sounds. The first sound that we will get acquainted with is the sound [a] ...
Name what is shown in the picture. Find the same sound in words:
Right, watermelon, stork, aquarium, orange. All these words have the first sound [a].
Let's all take a deep breath through the nose together, and while exhaling let's say the sound [a] with our mouth wide open, first softly, ahh…, then loudly, ahh…. Repeat 2 times.
What is this sound? Vowel or consonant? Prove…
- Name the words in which sound [a] would be at the beginning….
- Name the words in which the sound [a] would be in the middle ....
- in which the sound [a] would be at the end of the word ....
- What are the names of people, names of cities, rivers, countries that begin with the sound [a] ...
- Match words with one sound [a] ..... with two sounds [a] ...... with three sounds [a]
2. "Recognize the sound." Clap your hands if you hear sound 9 in a word0303[a] .
Watermelon, stork, table, bank, Valya, chair, school desk, house, winter, slide, pencil, pen, knife, grove, wasp, rose, perch, school desk, sun, sky, tree, pen, pencil, briefcase , evaluation, bread, album, birch, friend, hoarfrost, hare, rooster, class, frost.
3. The game "Curious". For any question answer only words that begin with the sound [a]
- What is your name?….
- What is your last name?….
- Where did you come from?…
- What did you see on the way?
- What did you eat for breakfast today?
- What is your mother's name?….
- What present will you bring to your mother?….
4. The game “Fourth extra”
See at the pictures, name the “extra” subject, explain why you think so ...
Answer: this all other words start with sound [a].
5. Slote a word
so that I have to be used, I don’t need oatmeal. Fire me with gasoline,
on the hoofs give me rubber,
and then, raising the dust,
will run ... (car)
He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day he pulled a hippopotamus
out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous.
This is a doctor… (Aibolit)
Badge letters, like parade fighters,
Lined up in a strict order.
Each in the agreed place costs,
and all are called ... (alphabet)
6. Find in Figure the words for sound [a] ...
And where did we get to us the sound came [a] ? He has a house, he lives there, and this house is called - the letter A .
"A" hut, look, and a bench inside.
A - the beginning of the alphabet,
That's what she is famous for.
and it is easy to find out:
legs are widely ...
Learning to write beautifully
Print and complete the task . ..
903 2. A
3 . Identify the letter in the wrong position.
4 . Identify the letter in the wrong position.
5. Print and color ...
Do you know why the letter And is the first in the alphabet? Listen to a fairy tale…
There was a terrible noise in the room. All the letters crawled out of the alphabet and argued terribly: why is this A the very first letter of the alphabet?
- Down with the impostor A! - shouted vowels.
- Long live the Abracadabra! (i.e. confusion).
- What is it doing, huh? - the hissing ones hissed.
- The letter with which "angina" and "shark" begins, put at the head of the alphabet!
Wow sh-jokes...
-That's right, the consonants silently thought, -it's not for nothing that the most delicious things - watermelon, apricot, pineapple - begin with A.![]()
But the letter Y screamed loudest of all.
-I don't understand why still the first A, not I?
“Because,” said A, who had been silent until now, “the very first word of every baby begins with A.
-What kind of word is that? -I didn't let up.
-Agu, -said A.-And besides, I look like an admiral standing on the captain's bridge. And everyone knows that the admiral must always be ahead!
- So! -said a firm sign. (G.Yudin).
The letter "A" begins to be written from the lower left corner, rises up to the middle of the square, and then descends to the lower right corner. After that, in the middle of the square, two inclined sticks are connected with a line.
Lost Letter Game
- … kula
- .
- …page…
- …ist
- b…r…b…n
- st…k…n
- n…gr…d…
- st…rt
The game "The letter crumbled"
Game "Storm" . Help put the words in their place.
A storm broke out. The waves hit the deck of the ship. Everything was messed up, the books were scattered.
Words disappeared from one poem: August, appetite, asters, oranges. Try to put them back.
Oh, how stuffy it is in the zoo!
... lost to a pony.
…. wither on the lawn,
But the monkey does not suffer -
.... gobbles up!
Game "Charades"
I played roles on the stage,
I performed in the arena,
The letters, apparently, were joking -
They turned them into utensils,
And now in the kitchen deftly
I rub carrots
* Utensils - interior items, kitchen and table utensils .
I am a collection of cards; from the accent
Two of my meanings depend:
If you want, I will turn into the name
I am a shiny, silky fabric.
Answers to charades: actor-grater, Atlas - atlas
- lampshade is a cap for a lamp, lamp.
- subscription nt is the right to use something for a certain period (for example, a subscription to an ice rink, a pool, etc.),
- absu rd is nonsense, absurdity
- adventure ra is an adventure
- autobiography fia is a description by a person of the events of his own life.
- author t is the quality of a person when he is highly respected by the people around him for his deeds, knowledge, life experience, this is a well-deserved trust.
- accessories р are things that complement the appearance of something well.
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