This little piggy stayed home
This Little Pig Stayed Home — Rearing, loving, and teaching two little boys
01/07/2015 5:08 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Yesterday, I shared our most favorite sandwich bread recipe ever! It truly is the best sandwich bread! Today, I am going to share how we took this bread and made Rainbow Bread! During the Christmas break, we had lots of family in town, spent about 4 days in a hotel, and had a big wedding […]
Filed Under: Children's Recipes, DIY, Family, Family Recipes, Meals Tagged With: baking, bread, rainbow bread
01/07/2015 1:14 am by Heather Leave a Comment
I’ve been on a bit of a health kick this past year. After reading Wheat Belly (affiliate link) we tried cutting out all wheat from our diet. What I found was that even though we were eating gluten free, we were eating a ton more processed foods. I didn’t like the effects. Because we didn’t actually […]
Filed Under: Family, Family Recipes, Meals Tagged With: Best Sandwich Bread, bread, Recipe
01/01/2015 3:31 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and happy night. Our family made fun rainbow bread (I’ll post about it soon), and then we played late with neighbors. The kids thought it was so much fun to be outside at night. After the kiddies got into bed, the hubby and I had a […]
Filed Under: DIY, Family, General Planning, Lesson Plans, Misc. Family Tagged With: calendar
12/31/2014 10:57 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
It has been a crazy holiday! Today is the first day that I’ve had to sit down during nap time to do anything for myself. So you’re getting a quick recap in pictures of what we’ve been doing for the past month. Unfortunately for us, the flu hit right at holiday time. The boys had […]
Filed Under: Decorating for Family, Family, Holiday Decorating, Holidays, Misc. Family, Our House, Vacations Tagged With: Christmas, cookies, Elf on the Shelf, Great Gatsby
12/18/2014 8:57 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
I promised I would do a better job blogging for Christmas after dropping the ball during Thanksgiving.
That promise was before the big ol’ nasty F-L-U hit our house. Bad stuff! Piggy One was at Children’s Urgent Care for 6 hours with a 105.6 temp. and I thought we would have to admit him if it […]
Filed Under: Family, Holidays, Meal Planning, Meals Tagged With: 2 week meal planner, Christmas, food, meal planning
12/01/2014 8:40 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
I know, I know – I promised a lot more Thanksgiving posts, but the truth is, I was too busy getting ready for Thanksgiving to post about it. I’ll try to do a better job next time. I will also try to be a better blogger during Christmas. Who am I kidding?! I’ve got 16 […]
Filed Under: Decorating for Family, DIY, Family, Holiday Decorating, Holidays, Our House Tagged With: Advent Calendar, Christmas
11/22/2014 12:29 am by Heather 2 Comments
This week has been cray-to-the-Z! Like most of the word, we’ve got company coming in for a week Thanksgiving, and my little Piggies both had their Thanksgiving Feast at pre-school.
Thankfully I was not in charge of either one this year! Piggy One’s homeroom mom is a Pinterest dream come to life! His room was […]
Filed Under: Children's Recipes, Family Recipes, Holidays, Meals Tagged With: Cornucopias, Fruit, Thanksgiving
11/15/2014 11:24 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Brrrrr! It skipped right over Fall and went straight to Winter here in Georgia! I don’t know about you, but when it is cold out and my Alabama boys are playing, I love to have something warm cooking in the crockpot, a hot coffee (or toddy) in my cup, and comfy PJ’s on. (That may […]
Filed Under: Children's Recipes, Family Recipes, Meals Tagged With: leftovers, Rice Pudding
11/12/2014 12:01 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Warning! This post is about Christmas, Santa, and that pesky Elf on the Shelf. If you’ve still got Halloween decorations up, you may want to move along and hold on for a few more weeks until we can get Thanksgiving out of the way. So, along with the time-change this year, behavior problems seemed to […]
Filed Under: Family, Holiday Decorating, Misc. Family, Our House Tagged With: Christmas Behavior Chart, Elf on the Shelf
11/10/2014 9:07 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Hi friends! Can you believe it’s the middle of November? Did you get that? N-O-V-E-M-B-E-R! It seems like we were in swimsuits just a few weeks ago. As I was doing our grocery planning this week, I realized that the next time I grocery shop, it will be for Thanksgiving and all the activities that […]
Filed Under: Family, Meal Planning, Meals Tagged With: Thanksgiving
Lesson Plans
01/01/2015 3:31 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and happy night. Our family made fun rainbow bread (I’ll post about it soon), and then we played late with neighbors. The kids thought it was so much fun to be outside at night. After the kiddies got into bed, the hubby and I had a […]
Filed Under: DIY, Family, General Planning, Lesson Plans, Misc. Family Tagged With: calendar
10/28/2014 3:35 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
We’ve been trying to get our playroom/home classroom organized.
One of the things that I really wanted to get to help the boys with making choices, and to keep myself organized, was this rolling cart. I had read about Work Boxes from Confessions of a Homeschooler. I knew we were not ready for that type […]
Filed Under: Decorating for Kids, DIY, General Planning, Lesson Plans, Our House Tagged With: Rolling Cart, Workboxes
10/27/2014 1:35 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
Do your children love helping you in the kitchen? My little Piggies can’t get enough of the measuring cups, spoons, funnels, and their favorite has to be the wire whisk. Sometimes I welcome their help, while other times, I just need to get it done without taking 10 minutes to measure and count 5 Cups […]
Filed Under: Age 2-3, Age 3-4, DIY, Family, Lesson Plans, Misc. Family Tagged With: Rainbow Rice, Sensory Box
09/07/2014 10:13 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
This was our second week of homeschool, and I knew right away that I had picked the wrong bible verses for us to use with our “Letter a Week” program. A lot of the things I use with the boys comes from my own alphabet files that have been around for 20 years. I also […]
Filed Under: Age 2-3, Age 3-4, Family, General Planning, Lesson Plans Tagged With: bible, memory verse, Printable
09/03/2014 1:53 am by Heather Leave a Comment
It has taken us awhile to get our classroom sorted out, but I finally feel like it is somewhat presentable. I’m going to take you on a tour of our cute little “pretend school at home”, as Piggy One calls it. I suppose I don’t mind that he thinks we are “playing” school. I guess […]
Filed Under: Decorating for Kids, General Planning, Lesson Plans, Our House Tagged With: calendar, homeschool classroom, literacy, school
08/26/2014 10:37 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
We did it! We successfully planned and completed our first day of home school! Honestly, I was overwhelmed with so much material that planning was becoming an impossible task. I finally dug through my old teaching files, looked at some of the new things I had found online, and just jumped in. I put on […]
Filed Under: Age 2-3, Age 3-4, General Planning, Lesson Plans
08/14/2014 1:03 am by Heather Leave a Comment
I promised in my last post that I would start showing you our home school classroom. Well, I’ve been known to stretch the truth. Seriously, I promise it is under way. I’ve moved most of the boys’ toys upstairs to the loft, and I’ve organized all of the learning toys and manipulatives onto the shelves. […]
Filed Under: Decorating for Family, Decorating for Kids, DIY, General Planning, Our House Tagged With: Art, Art Wall, Curtain Hanging System, home school, Metal Curtain Hooks, vinyl lettering
08/05/2014 4:27 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
A few days ago I gave you the new Apple Lesson Planner for Teachers and Homeschool Parents. As promised, I have a new lesson planner for you. This one is a little more teacher friendly. I added a few more pages that I used as a teacher. Let’s just take a minute to look at […]
Filed Under: Age 2-3, Age 3-4, General Planning, Lesson Plans Tagged With: checklist, field trip, lesson planner, modern, notes, plans, project planner, reading log, schedule, student goals, student planning, student roster
08/01/2014 11:52 pm by Heather 2 Comments
I know that many of my teacher friends are busy trying to get their classrooms ready for those kiddies, and unless the school provides their lesson planner, they are searching for the perfect one! I’ve worked hard to get this ready for my own planning, but also so that teachers and homeschool parents will have […]
Filed Under: General Planning, Lesson Plans Tagged With: daily docket, field trip, lesson planner, lesson plans, notes, planner, project planner, reading log, weekly docket, year at a glance
07/30/2014 10:32 pm by Heather Leave a Comment
I can’t believe it is time for school to start back! Where did summer go?? When I started thinking about home schooling my children, I wanted to give it a trial run before committing full time. Both of my boys are enrolled in Pre-school this year, the oldest for 3 days, and the younger one […]
Filed Under: Age 2-3, Age 3-4, Family, General Planning, Lesson Plans Tagged With: calendar, homeschool, school
Rescued wild pig left to live in the family
A wild pig left by its mother could not survive in the wild. But a kind family gave him a chance for a happy future.
Ksenia Ilchenko
At the beginning of September last year, a Chinese woman, Dora Ngai, who has been living with her partner in Sri Lanka for five years, had an unusual story. Her gardener found a wild pig left by her mother in the backyard. The animal looked to be only a few hours old. He was very cold and hungry. Knowing that the couple loves animals and keeps four dogs in the house, three of which were rescued from domestic violence, the gardener put the pig in a box and brought it to Dora.
The girl could not refuse to help an animal in trouble. Without a mother, the cub would hardly have been able to survive in the wild, and the couple decided to feed him - besides, due to the coronavirus quarantine, Dore and her boyfriend were at home all the time and could devote all their time to the foundling.
Photo: social media
Photo: social media
The first few weeks were very exhausting. Dora tried to feed the piglet with cow's milk, but after three days he fell ill and began to weaken. The wildlife specialist told the girl that at 9In 0% of cases, wild pig cubs die after the loss of their mother, and it is almost impossible to get them out under artificial conditions.
But Dora didn't want to give up. She gave her new ward a name - Yezhu (Yezhu), which means "wild boar" in Chinese - and was ready to do anything to prevent the piglet from dying. Cow's milk has been replaced with puppy formula. The new food suited Yezh better, and she began to recover.
The piglet had to be fed every hour. Dora and her boyfriend stood up to the cub in turn. If they were late even for a minute, Yezhu would wake up and start screaming loudly. So that the piglet would not freeze, they surrounded it with bottles of warm water. As they cooled, they had to be changed.
“It was like we were training in parenthood before the birth of our own child,” Dora recalls these days.
Fortunately, the couple's efforts were not in vain. Yezhu survived the most difficult four weeks of her life and began to recover. It's time to introduce the piglet to other family members - dogs.
According to Dora, she was very worried before their meeting, not knowing whether the animals would like each other. Labradors Benjamin and Ginger immediately accepted Yezha into their company. The third dog, Biubiu, was at first confused and did not dare to approach the "unknown animal" for a long time. But then they became friends, began to eat, sleep and play together on the lawn.
Yezhu has been living with Dora and her partner for almost a year now. A few months after her birth, it turned out that she was blind in one eye, so it was no longer possible to release her into the wild, and Yezhu would forever remain Dora's fifth pet. During this time, the piglet grew well, so she had to be moved from a large house to a separate house on the street with its own pool. She likes the water and often has fun in it with the dogs. Yezh was very lucky - without her mother, she would hardly have been able to survive, but, having fallen into good hands, she got a chance for a happy future.
Wild animal in the house - for or against?
Source: Bored Panda
It turned out that more than anything in the world I love small, pretty pigs - wild pigs.
In the Pushkin museum-reserve Mikhailovskoye there is a village Bugrovo with a mill of Pushkin times, a tavern and a hotel where we lived this time. And there is also a village with a private bird park "Argus" very close by. We have been there many times, admired exotic birds and other animals that were sheltered by the owners of the nursery. I will write about the nursery itself and the park later - you can talk about it endlessly. And this time, for the first time in my life, I met a charming wild pig there.
A wild pig is just a small wild boar. She was brought by hunters to the nursery, like other little animals. Pigs are very smart animals - Durov spoke and wrote about this. And my great-grandmother told how in pre-revolutionary Petersburg one family walked a large and smart pig on a leash - they bought a piglet for Christmas, but they could not slaughter it, and the piglet remained at home instead of a dog. And in terms of intelligence, that pig was not inferior to dogs at all - it was obedient, well-mannered and accustomed to cleanliness. Family favorite. And my mother told a funny story from her preschool, early childhood about her beloved little pig - while relaxing in the countryside with her friends in the summer, she fell in love with playing with a charming piglet of a very young age. Such tiny animals in the village are often taken into the house and the duty of the children is to look after them and feed them. Children from the whole village arranged races - their ward kittens, puppies, chickens, calves, goats, everything was accepted for competitions - they took a piglet. It was a lot of fun - only all the participants of the competition left the race, scaring each other, running around the yard and through the trees, and the pig was obedient, understood its goal and quickly ran first and only to the finish line. I remember that I really liked this story as a child - this is how I imagined this pink miracle, which my mother even took to bed with her. By the way, recently I saw a pig race on TV somewhere in England - it means that piglets are capable of this sport.
And the wild piglets were just as cute, if not more so! They are striped like chipmunks, they have huge eyes with beautiful eyelashes and they are extremely charming and even flirtatious in their own way. When I saw such a piglet on the porch, I thought it was mini-pigs, now fashionable domestic piglets, but it turned out that this was an ordinary young boar from the Pskov forests. More precisely, she is a pig.
The dog guarding the house did not pay any attention to the pig. She got used to it, or her upbringing affects - her owners know how to handle animals, and there are so many animals and birds there! In general, a pig cannot be in the garden - she lives at home. The fact is that she digs everything and everywhere - with not a pig's strength. It's just a small, striped and hairy walk-behind tractor! She is friendly, kind, outgoing and funny. He wags and twirls his tail like a dog. Her main hobby is to shove with a snout and push - butt. It is necessary to substitute her hand, as the competition begins and she very actively "digs" her hand. Very ticklish and funny. And how she digs!!!! ... Concentrated, high-quality, stubborn, strong ... I have never seen such a living engine! So much energy! And everything is so quiet, without grunting and squealing, without the clatter of hooves - as if she were flying, not walking.