5 years old activities
101 awesome activities for kids ages 5 to 8
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BackThese activities for 5-year-olds and older are perfect for staving off boredom.
Do you struggle with thinking of fun activities to keep your child entertained on the weekends and after school? You’re not alone! It can certainly be difficult to come up with unique activities for kids. And although it might be easy to just pop in a movie or allow your little one to play games on the tablet, psychologist and play expert Dr. Jacqueline Chinappi, of South University in Savannah, Georgia, urges you to remember that too much screen time can contribute to behavioral problems, obesity and attention issues.
In today’s digital world, this is a growing concern. In fact, according to Dr. Anne Fishel, of the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, children around 8 years old at times have up to 11 hours of screen time per day.
Help your little one exercise their mind and body by trying out these 101 fun activities for 5- to 8-year-olds.
- Make a batch of homemade play dough.
- Go on a nature walk and collect leaves or rocks.
- Move the furniture around so your little gymnast can practice their tumbles.
- Play “Go Fish.”
- Make a fort out of blankets and pillows.
- Plant flowers in the garden.
- Camp out in the backyard.
- Read a classic children’s book out loud together.
- Learn to ride a bike.
- Go berry picking.
- Bake a pie using your freshly picked berries.
- Grab some binoculars and go birdwatching.
- Learn how to play the recorder.
- Make sock puppets.
- Press flowers and put them in a scrapbook.
- Build a model airplane.
- Learn how to knit.
- Visit your local zoo.
- Visit a farmers’ market.
- Play dress-up.
- Learn how to braid hair.
- Grab some chalk and decorate the sidewalk.
- Have an outdoor picnic.
- Observe insects through a magnifying glass.
- Is it raining? Have a picnic indoors instead!
- Visit animals at a pet store. (Just try not to bring them all home!)
- Make a map of your house or apartment.
- Learn how to jump rope.
- Make a guitar out of a box and rubber bands.
- Visit your neighbors.
- Bake brownies.
- Pop some popcorn, and snuggle up to watch some home movies.
- Plant a vegetable garden.
- Build a snowman.
- Have a snowball fight.
- Make a pizza with all your favorite toppings.
- Visit a pumpkin patch.
- Make friendship bracelets.
- Turn a pine cone into a bird feeder by adding some peanut butter and birdseed.
- Learn a magic trick.
- Cut out homemade paper dolls.
- Play freeze tag.
- Play “Simon Says.”
- Interview a grandparent.
- Get out a bag of hair ties and create some fun hairdos.
- Go to the library.
- Go on a hike.
- Build a sandcastle.
- Have a tea party with real tea and snacks.
- Cut out pictures from magazines to make a collage.
- Play “Red Light/Green Light.”
- Color!
- Write an original song.
- Take turns drawing each other’s portraits.
- Paint each other’s fingernails.
- Play “Hide-and-Seek.”
- Teach your dog or cat how to do some tricks.
- Make your own bubble solution.
- Lay out an ice cream sundae bar.
- Play “Follow the Leader.”
- Tie-dye T-shirts.
- Have a fashion show.
- Feed ducks at a local pond or lake.
- Make shadow puppets on the wall.
- Play a board game.
- Turn craft foam into bath floats.
- Make pinch pots out of air-dry clay.
- Slice apples and turn them into paint stamps.
- Turn your living room into a winter wonderland with toilet paper, cotton balls and pillows.
- Break out your makeup and let your child give you a new look.
- Put on a play.
- Do a word search.
- Visit a local farm.
- Run through a sprinkler.
- Make nature crafts.
- Learn how to hula hoop.
- Make muffin tin crayons.
- Cut snowflakes out of paper.
- Play mini golf.
- Make hot chocolate.
- Lie down in your backyard, and talk about the shapes you see in the clouds.
- Create a secret handshake.
- Go fishing.
- Put together a puzzle.
- Play musical chairs.
- Learn how to do a cartwheel.
- Make rainbow foam.
- Create a paper chain with colorful construction paper.
- Learn how to play checkers.
- Make a drum out of an oatmeal container.
- Visit a science museum.
- Learn a new language.
- Make leaf and tree rubbings with paper and crayons.
- Catch fireflies.
- Go for a drive with no destination.
- Make a sundial out of paper plates.
- Play “Duck, Duck, Goose.”
- Build a dream house out of Legos.
- Have your child write a letter to her favorite book character.
- Do a crossword puzzle.
- Find rocks outside and paint them.
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55+ Easy Activities for 5 Year Olds
AHEAD: Banish boredom in your house with these 55+ super fun hands on and easy activities and crafts for 5 year olds or kindergartners.
Do you have a 5 year old or kindergartner at home? Then this is the ultimate list for you. Here are 55+ amazing activity ideas to do with your 5 year old or kindergartner. From building an aquarium to making 2 ingredient silly putty to making paper houses and cork boats, there are tons and tons of really cool ideas your 5 year old will love.
This amazing list is organized into 4 sections:
- Boredom Busting Activities
- Arts & Crafts
- Fun Learning Activities
- Sensory Activities
OK Let the fun begin!
Boredom Busting Activities for 5 Year Olds
- Make a chalk maze – create a maze for toy cars using sidewalk chalk
2. Build a backyard obstacle course outside.
3. Build a fort – used blankets, cushions and chairs to build the ultimate retreat nook. Dontas forget to add lots and lots of books!
4. Build a marble Run – use cardboard, construction paper, tape and marbles. Roll the construction paper up to make a tube and tape them to the cardboard to make a marble run.
5. Make silly putty.
6. Giant Dots and Boxes.
7. Play with giant water beads.
8. Nature Tea Party – Collect things from your backyard like rocks, leaves, dirt and flowers to make a nature tea using your favourite tea set or a jug and cups.
9. Spray Bottle Water Fights.
10. Magnetic Tile Ramps.
11. DIY Post-It Dominoes.
Arts & Crafts for 5 Year Olds
12. Three Marker Colouring Challenge – Close your eyes and choose three markers from a pile. Use those colours and only those three colours to colour a favourite coloring page.
13. Make crazy hats – Construction paper, tape and scissors. Create the craziest looking hats you can using cut out lighten bolts, spirals, and different shapes.
14. Make a paper house.
15. Build Easter Egg Boats
16. Draw to music.
17. Giant Nail Painting Activity.
18. Make a garden sensory bottle.
19. Paint Kindness Rocks – paint rocks using washable paints and brushes and once dry write kind messages on them.
20. Textured Rainbow Sun Catcher Craft
21. Family Portrait Sticky Wall.
22. Make An Aquarium.
23. Cardboard Picture Frame Craft
24. Giant Baby Doll Colouring – Not into baby dolls? Trace cars and trucks to decorate them!
25. Textured Heart Sun Catcher Craft
26. Potato Masher Ice Cream Craft
27. Gems and Water Colour Flower Craft
Fun Learning Activities for 5 Year Olds
28. Baby Doll Haircuts.
29. Colour by Addition – Parents write simple addition or subtraction problems in each section of a colouring paper. Then create a key idenifitin which colour each answer should be. For instance if the answer is 3 then colour that second red.
30. Shaving Cream Sight Word Game.
31. Build The Alphabet Sticky Wall
32. Spray Bottle Letters – use a spray bottle to make letters on a fence or on a sidewalk.
33. Ice Cream Skip Counting Sticky Wall – Supplies: contact paper, masking tape, foam sheets, scissors and black sharpie.
34. Build A Magnetic Tile Clock – use magnetic tiles to make a giant clock. Use post it notes for the numbers or washable chalk markers.
35. Rubber Duck Math Race
36. DIY Egg Carton Ten-Frame Game
37. Magnetic Tile Ten Frame Game
38. Ocean Sight Word Sensory Bin
39. Ten Frame Sensory Bag
40. Dot Sticker Sight Words
41. One More One Less with Dot Stickers
42. Post-it Memory Game
43. Mystery Math: A Crayon Resist Activity
44. Toilet Paper Roll Skip Counting
Sensory Activities for 5 Year olds
45. Cork Boat Sensory Bin – make boats out of corks, elastic bands, toothpicks and foam sheets for the sails. Fill a sensory bin with water and blue food colouring, fish, sharks and sea shells.
46. Ocean Sensory Bottles
47. Wash the Horses Sensory Bin – fill a sensory bin with water and bubble bath to make bubbles. Add horse toys, combs and wash clothes.
48. Cloud Dough Kitchen
49. Textured Playdough Activity
50. One- Step Slime Sensory Bin
51. Under The Sea Bath
52. Make Shaving Cream Worms – use shaving cream, colander and a large bowl to make shaving cream worms. Turn large bowl upside down, cover the top with shaving cream, press colander down on the shaving cream to let it squeeze through the holes of the colander.
53. Shaving Cream and Baby Doll Sensory Bin
54. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Sensory Bin
55. PAW Patrol Play Dough Tray
56. Colour Mixing Tea Party
Senior preschool age 5–6 years
Senior preschool age (5–6 years) is a time of intensive physical, mental and personal development of a child.
The leading activity of 5–6-year-old children is play, in which all mental processes and aspects of the child's personality develop. In the game, the child comprehends the possibilities of substituting one object for another: for example, a cube becomes “soap”, a chair becomes a “car”, a stick becomes a “sword”, etc. Game substitution is the beginning of a long path leading to the use of mathematical symbols, notes, etc. Educational games for children at this age contribute to the rapid development of figurative thinking, speech, and imagination. In the role-playing game, older preschoolers develop the ability to analyze their actions, to see the situation from the perspective of another person.
At senior preschool age, relatively stable personality traits begin to appear. At this age, a positive self-image is formed and, as a rule, an overestimated self-esteem: “I am good”, “Everyone loves me”, etc. Children are aware not only of the qualities that characterize them today, but also of the potential "I", while most children are guided by a positive image of themselves in the future: "I will get only fives", "I will be smart", etc. Such a positive attitude is a favorable condition for the further development of the child's personality.
At this age, cognitive activity is actively developing: the child seeks to find out how objects are arranged, what they are intended for, seeks to establish causal relationships between the phenomena of reality. The older preschooler is already able to accept the learning task: he understands that he is performing some action in order to learn how to do it correctly. By the age of 6–7, the child is already able to use the learned method of action in new conditions, compare his result with the model, and see the discrepancies. Behavioral motivation develops. The ability to evaluate one's own performance is noticeably increased. At the age of 5.5–7 years, voluntary memorization appears: the child begins to consciously repeatedly repeat what needs to be remembered. Attention becomes more stable. The child is able to more concentrated, without being distracted, to perform this or that work, even if it is not very pleasant, but necessary. Perception becomes more and more focused, observation develops. In the imagination, a child of this age is able to move away from the learned standards and create a combined image of fantasy. At the age of 5-7 years, children experience an important turning point in the development of the brain: the speed and strength of the formation of conditioned nerve connections in the cerebral cortex increases, the inhibitory function of the cerebral cortex develops - as a result, it becomes possible to control their behavior.
Speech continues to develop in children aged 5–6: the vocabulary is enriched, the grammatical structure of speech, intonation and figurative expressiveness are improved, coherent speech is actively developing. An important feature of speech in children of this age is its egocentricity. While playing, drawing, sculpting, constructing, the child often talks to himself, without addressing anyone, talks about his actions, as if commenting on them. Egocentric speech is a kind of means of thinking. The child often does not yet know how to think to himself, so he thinks out loud. Egocentric speech helps the child to be aware of his actions and plan activities.
The leading type of thinking in older preschoolers is visual-figurative thinking. However, in difficult cases, they return to a genetically earlier level of thinking - visual-effective, because sometimes they cannot solve the problem outside of practical actions with objects.
An essential indicator of a child's development is the mastery of various knowledge, the presence of detailed ideas about the environment. Knowledge during preschool childhood deepens and expands, their generalization takes place.
Thus, at the older preschool age, children can understand the general connections and patterns underlying scientific knowledge, and not just the assimilation of specific ideas about the environment. However, children achieve a sufficiently high level of cognitive activity if parents and teachers create special conditions for this.
The Razumeikin website can provide significant assistance in this. The resource of the site allows you to develop higher mental functions: thinking, attention, speech, memory of a child of 5-6 years old. To master counting and reading in an age-friendly form, to form cognitive motivation, to broaden one's horizons. All this creates the basis for the successful education of the child in school.
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Online classes on the Razumeikin website:
develop attention, memory, thinking, speech - namely, this is the basis for successful schooling;
help to learn letters and numbers, learn to read, count, solve examples and problems, get acquainted with the basics of the world around;
provide quality preparation of the child for school;
allow primary school students to master and consolidate the most important and complex topics of the school curriculum;
broaden the horizons of children and in an accessible form introduce them to the basics of various sciences (biology, geography, physics, chemistry).
Mode of study of students in preschool educational institution
Page updated on 07/21/2017
by order of the manager
dated 29.01.2014 No. 22/03-01
N.L. Boroday
The mode of employment of students in the institution
- Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 8 "Spikelet" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) operates in the mode:
- full day - 12-hour stay.
- Working hours of the Institution:
- five-day work week;
- opening hours - from 7.00 to 19.00;
- days off - Saturday, Sunday, non-working holidays established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.
5-6 hours, up to 3 years - in accordance with medical recommendations.
- The duration of daily walks is 3-4 hours. The duration of the walk is determined depending on the climatic conditions. When the air temperature is below minus 15 °C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced.
- Walks are organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day and in the second half of the day - after a day's sleep or before the children go home.
- When organizing the stay of children for more than 5 hours, meals are organized at intervals of 3-4 hours and daytime sleep.
- The total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12 - 12.5 hours, of which 2 - 2.5 hours are spent on daytime sleep. For children from 1.5 to 3 years, daytime sleep is organized once for at least 3 hours.
- At least 3-4 hours are allotted for independent activities of children aged 3-7 years (games, preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene) in the daily routine.
- The maximum duration of continuous directly educational activity for young children from 1.5 to 3 years is 10 minutes. Educational activities are carried out in the first and second half of the day (8-10 minutes each). It is possible to carry out educational activities on the playground during a walk.
- The maximum duration of continuous direct educational activity for children from 3 to 4 years old is 15 minutes, for children from 4 to 5 years old - 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - 25 minutes, for children from 6 to 7 years old - 30 minutes.
- The maximum allowable amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups is 30 and 40 minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, physical education minutes are held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity - at least 10 minutes.
- Educational activities with children of older preschool age can be carried out in the afternoon after daytime sleep. Its duration is no more than 25 - 30 minutes a day. In the middle of a directly educational activity of a static nature, physical culture minutes are held.
- Educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are organized in the first half of the day. To prevent fatigue in children, physical education, music classes, rhythm, etc. are held.
- The forms of physical activity of children in the Establishment are morning gymnastics, physical education indoors and outdoors, physical training minutes, outdoor games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, training on simulators and others.
In the volume of motor activity of pupils aged 5-7 years, health-improving and educational activities are provided in organized forms for 6-8 hours a week, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the time of year and the mode of operation of the Institution.
- With children of the second and third years of life, physical development classes of the main educational program are carried out in subgroups 2-3 times a week.
The duration of physical development classes for children from 1 year 7 months to 2 years - 8 - 10 minutes, from 2 years 1 month to 3 years - 10-15 minutes.
- Physical development classes of the main educational program for children aged 3 to 7 years are organized at least 3 times a week. The duration of physical development classes depends on the age of the children and is:
- in the younger group - 15 min.,
- in the middle group - 20 min.,
- in the senior group - 25 min.,
- in the preparatory group - 30 min.
Once a week for children 5-7 years old, classes are organized all year round for the physical development of children in the open air (if the children have no medical contraindications and the children have sportswear appropriate for weather conditions).