Traditional tales characters pictures
12 Fairy Tale Character Images!
Ever since we were little, many of us had a favorite fairy tale character. Whether it was the big bad wolf or Cinderella, we knew that if they could get through their obstacles and find love in the end then so can we! You’ll find some of your favorite characters in the post below, these are not modern Disney illustrations, they are old fashioned Fairy Tale Classic pictures from Antique books. I hope you enjoy browsing through these!
Beauty and the Beast Images
Above we have an Art Deco style illustration of the famed Fairy Tale “Beauty and the Beast.” I have never seen one quite like this. The couple is sitting on a most ornate couch. The woman is dressed in a long, flowing gown. The Beast resembles a wild Boar in this painting with a long snout and upright ears. He is wearing a fancy military style outfit in red, which includes a sword. The room behind them has amazing detail. Quite unusual.
Here is the Beast serving food to the not so hungry Beauty. She is holding a fan and a long red scarf next to her face like she does not want to taste anything. This image has such pretty, vibrant colors!
Our final “Beauty and the Beast” illustration shows a lovely young girl with long golden hair at a dining table with the Beast. The Beast here is a huge Bear with giant claws. She is serving him a tiny cup of something. That giant Bear looks pretty real to life but the girl seems totally unafraid of him!
Fairy Tale Character Images
This wonderful classic Red Riding Hood graphic comes from a 1908 Children’s book! Bundled up in her thick red cape, she is surrounded by two large yellow birds flying near and a little white rabbit in the corner who is wearing a tool belt with tools attached. Interesting! This is another one from the collection of my dear friend Ted. At one time he lived in a huge Victorian house where one room was dedicated entirely to Little Red! He decided to clear out some of his sizable collection of the most amazing Red Riding Hood items that I have ever seen! This was such a lucky find for me!
Pictured above is a pretty Fairy Tale image of “Little Red Riding Hood” carrying a basket of food to her Grandmother and knocking on the door.
Beautiful pink and yellow Roses along with a Butterfly on top of a Rose bush are in the foreground. She is on the doorstep. I love the banner that reads, “Here I am, Grannie.”
Above is another image from the antique Red Riding Hood book. This one is the “Big Bad” Wolf with “A Guilty Conscience” who is attempting to open the front door of Grannie’s house. (He looks more like a cute doggy to me in the image.) It is my favorite one in my collection! I just love the darling bird sitting on the berry branch next to the Wolf.Pictured above is “Little Red Riding Hood” and the Big Bad Wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. There is a giant tree next to them. A pink sign on the tree reads, “An Enemy in disguise” in a beautiful typestyle. She has dropped her food on the path so obviously she was startled. I wonder if she knows it’s actually the Wolf!
A final image from the antique “Little Red Riding Hood” book. This, of course. is the old Grandma wearing a large bonnet and scarf.
She has a patchwork quilt over her knees. A sign above her reads, “Is that you, darling?” I think the colors are exquisite. Such a beautiful multi-colored patchwork on the quilt or blanket.
Cinderella Character Pictures
Here we have a young blonde and blue eyed Cinderella sweeping the floor with a heavy duty hand made broom. She is wearing a pretty white and blue apron over a bright red dress. She has such a pretty, sweet looking face!
Above we have a beautiful Cinderella all dressed for the Ball. It seems she must be just arriving as she is at the bottom of the staircase. She appears to be in a hurry to get back to the carriage before the strike of Midnight. Left behind on the staircase is one of her tiny white slippers.
Featured above is Cinderella and the Handsome Prince walking down the stairway. He is holding her hand gently. I think he is leading her to the dance floor. He has on a pink suit with wide lace collar, looking somewhat like a dandy.
Guests in the background are watching them intently.
Sleeping Beauty Images
This lovely Sleeping Beauty Illustration is actually a Victorian Advertising Trade Card. I’m not exactly sure what the product was for, perhaps something medicinal. I just love how fanciful this picture is! Sleeping beauty is wearing a pink and blue gown. She’s sleeping in a fancy French looking Canopy Bed that’s topped with Ostrich Plumes. Her Prince is dressed like a Musketeer and the whole scene is framed with some gorgeous huge flower vines. Such an enchanted looking scene!
Royal Carriage clipart fit for a Princess
I’m squeezing in one more image here. It’s this very elegant Royal looking carriage! Perhaps after Cinderella married the prince, she traveled around in this beautiful Carriage fit for a Princess! This one comes from an 1851 London Catalog and, at the time, it was manufactured in Northampton.
Or perhaps she would have chosen this unusual looking fancy carriage! It looks like it has a hood that can pop up or down and it has a lovely carriage lamp at the front.
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Fairy Tale Character Images! You might also like our exquisite collection of 9 Nursery Rhyme Children Pictures HERE!
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Examples of Fairy Tales: 17 Famous Stories to Know
Little Red Riding Hood as Fairy Tale Examples
Tigatelu / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Used under Getty Images license
What's your favorite fairy tale? These memorable short stories often involve magic and legendary deeds. The fantastical characters found in a fairy tale include elves, fairies, witches, and dragons. Fairy tales are traditional stories told and retold through generations that are usually spun from folklore. Many were finally written down and have had lasting fame.
Cinderella grew up with an evil stepmother and stepsisters. They would not let her go to the prince's ball, but her fairy godmother made it happen with magic. Cinderella danced with the prince and they fell in love. Since she had to leave by midnight, she ran and lost one slipper. The prince found the slipper and searched for her. After he found her, they were married and lived happily ever after.
Elves and the Shoemaker
A shoemaker and his wife were very poor. One day they ran out of leather, so they went to bed. In the morning, they found a pair of shoes and a passerby bought them. The next night, another pair of shoes appeared. The third night, they hid and saw two elves making shoes. In gratitude, they made clothes for the elves, as winter was approaching. The elves were very happy and went on to help someone else.
Emperor's New Clothes
A vain emperor hired two people to make him some new clothes. They tricked him, telling him the cloth was not visible to people unfit for his position or who were very stupid. At first, the people pretended to see the clothes, but a child says that he is not wearing clothes and people start to agree. The emperor realized he was swindled but continues the parade anyway.
Frog Prince
Frog Prince as Fairy Tale Examples
Dualororua / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Used under Getty Images license
A frog asked a princess why she was crying. She replied that she had dropped her golden ball into the pond. The princess promised anything if he would get it for her. The frog got the ball for her, and asked to eat from her plate, live in the castle, and that she be his friend. She agreed, and the frog turned into a prince as he had been under a spell from a witch. They married and lived happily ever after.
The Gingerbread Man
A little old woman baked a gingerbread man, and when she took him out of the oven, he ran away. The woman, her husband and some of their animals chased him. No one could catch him. He came to a river and a sly fox told him he could jump on his tail and he would take him across. He did and the fox went deeper and the gingerbread man had to jump on his back and then on his nose. When he got to his nose, the fox ate him.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks saw a cabin in the woods and entered. There, she found three bowls of porridge. One was too cold, one too hot and the other just right, so she ate that one. Goldilocks then found three chairs, one too hard, one too soft, and the little one was just right and she sat in it and broke it. Of the three beds, one was too hard, one too soft and one just right, so she fell asleep. The bears came home and frightened her and she ran away.
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel as Fairy Tale Examples
Tigatelu / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Used under Getty Images license
Hansel and Gretel's wicked stepmother took them into the forest and left them there. Soon, the children came upon a house made of sweets and they ate some. The evil witch that lived there locked them in a cage and was going to make a soup out of them. Gretel got out of the cage and pushed the witch into the boiling water. The children found treasure at the house. They took it home and they were never hungry again.
Jack and the Bean Stalk
Jack took the family cow to sell and traded it for magic beans. His mother was angry and threw the beans out of the window. The next morning a giant beanstalk had grown. Jack climbed the beanstalk and found a giant there who had gold coins. Jack stole them and took them home. Later, Jack returned and saw a hen that laid golden eggs and he stole that, too. The third time he tried to steal a magic harp and the harp cried out. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack chopped it down and the giant fell.
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood's mother sent her to Grandma's house with a basket of goodies and told her not to talk to strangers. A wolf asked her where she was going and she told him. He went to Grandma's house, locked Grandma in the cupboard and put on her clothes. Little Red Riding Hood was surprised at Grandma's eyes, ears and teeth, remarking on how big they were. The wolf said the teeth were better for eating, and he pounced. She screamed; when some woodcutters heard her cry, they ran in and rescued her.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The town of Hamelin was overrun with rats. The Pied Piper offered to get rid of the rats for 50 pounds, and the mayor agreed. He started playing his pipe. The rats followed him, and he led them into the harbor. He went back for his money, but the mayor only paid 20 pounds. The Pied Piper wanted to teach him a lesson, so he played his pipe and all the children followed him out of town. The mayor sent men to find the children, but they never found them again.
Geppetto was a poor carpenter who carved a puppet that became alive. He named him Pinocchio and sent him to school. One day Pinocchio joined a puppet show, but the puppet master wanted him for firewood. He begged to be spared and told him about his poor father. He was spared, and the puppet master gave him five gold coins for his father. Pinocchio learned how to be honest and tell the truth and eventually became a real boy.
Princess and the Pea
A prince wanted to make sure he married a real princess. He devised a test for an unexpected guest who claimed she was a princess. He placed a pea beneath 20 mattresses and 20 feather beds, believing that only a princess could be sensitive enough to feel the small pea. The next morning, the princess said she did not sleep because of something hard in her bed. The two were married and lived happily ever after.
Sleeping Beauty
A princess was born, and an old fairy placed a spell that she would prick her finger on a spindle when she was 16 and die. The good fairies made another spell so that she would only sleep for 100 years and a prince would awaken her. When she was 16, the witch, disguised as an old lady, showed her a spinning wheel, and the princess touched the spindle and fell asleep. The good fairies decided to make everyone sleep. After 100 years, a prince from another land found her and kissed her. Everyone awoke, they married and lived happily ever after.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White's evil stepmother wanted to be the fairest in the land and was jealous of Snow White's beauty. The stepmother ordered a huntsman to kill Snow White, but the huntsman spared her life. Snow White came upon a cottage that belonged to seven dwarfs, who let her stay. Soon the wicked stepmother found her, disguised herself and took her a poison apple. Snow White fell into a deep sleep, and the dwarfs made a crystal coffin for her. Prince Charming came by the cottage, saw her, kissed her, and she awoke. They were married and lived happily ever after.
Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs as Fairy Tale Examples
Tigatelu / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Used under Getty Images license
Three pigs set out to build their own houses. One pig built a house of straw and the second a house of sticks because they were lazy. The third took the time to build a strong house with bricks. When the big bad wolf came, he huffed and puffed and blew the straw and stick houses down. He couldn't blow down the brick house, and the pigs put a pot of boiling water in the fireplace. The wolf fell into it and died.
A woman wished for a baby, even a tiny one. A fairy granted her wish and gave her a seed to plant. When it bloomed, a tiny baby was inside. A toad fell in love with the baby and kidnapped her. A swallow rescued the baby and took her away to warmer lands. There, Thumbelina found another tiny person just like her. He asked her to marry him and she became queen of the flowers.
Ugly Duckling
One duckling did not look like his brothers and sisters, and he was sad. He decided to run away. When he came across a cottage, he stayed there for a while but the children scared him. The duckling left and spent the winter in the pond. In the spring, he saw his reflection and realized he was a swan.
Importance of Fairy Tales
Russian folk tales - heroes and characters -
A fairy tale plays a significant role in a person's life. This is what he hears one of the first after birth; she also accompanies him in the next stages of growing up. Fairy tales are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Their deep philosophical meaning makes it possible to take a different look at ordinary things; understand the principles of good and evil; learn to believe in a miracle and not forget about your own role.
Moral values are transmitted through characteristic characters, each of which has its own folk prototype.
Runaway bunny, gray bunny, oblique - as soon as they do not call the animal in Russian folk tales. He is endowed with a cowardly, but at the same time friendly character. Fairy hare has cunning, dexterity and resourcefulness. A vivid example is the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare", where a small animal turns from a cowardly animal into a savvy hero who managed to deceive even an evil wolf and help his friends.
In nature, hares do have cautious habits that help them avoid the teeth of predators. Our ancestors also knew this feature of the animal.
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Cunning, quirky, smart, treacherous, vindictive... What traits are not given to a fox in fairy tales. She deceives animals, looks for profit everywhere, is not afraid of people. The fox is friends with the strong, but only for his own benefit.
Cunning is embodied in the form of an animal. A dishonest, thieving, but at the same time smart person can be considered a folk prototype. The fox is feared, despised and respected at the same time. This is evidenced by the appeal to her in fairy tales as Lisa Patrikeevna, Chanterelle-Sister.
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The wolf in Russian fairy tales embodies anger. He preys on weaker animals; is not always smart. The shortsightedness of the wolf is used by other characters. In the fairy tale "The Little Fox and the Gray Wolf" a formidable predator was deceived by a red-haired cheat, and in "The Three Little Pigs"
harmless pigs were able to circle it around their fingers.
Our ancestors also associated the wolf with death. Indeed, in nature, this predator is considered a kind of forest orderly who hunts weak and sick animals. And the human prototype of the wolf can be considered the one who is too evil, greedy and vengeful.
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Fairy bear is the owner of the forest. He is strong, rude, clumsy and not exactly smart. It is believed that in the form of a bear, ordinary people wanted to show the landowners. Therefore, in fairy tales, this animal is often deceived by weaker animals, with which ordinary people are associated.
At the same time, in fairy tales you can also find another image of a bear: kind, calm, honest and freedom-loving. Suffice it to recall how the bear helped the lost girl Masha in the work of the same name.
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The image of a man in fairy tales has different meanings. In some works, he acts as the personification of the working people: he is somewhat rustic, he works all the time, does not put up with the injustice of rich owners. On the other hand, such traits as wisdom and cunning were embodied in the peasant. He is hardworking, not rich, but much more cunning and resourceful than the landlords and generals.
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A hut on chicken legs, a black cat, a mortar and a broom are the main attributes of any fabulous Baba Yaga. This old woman is both evil (what her threats are worth) and kind (helps in difficult situations). She is wise, strong-willed, purposeful. It can be an adviser, or it can be a threat.
The image of Baba Yaga in Russian fairy tales is one of the most controversial and controversial. She personifies matriarchal traits. Our ancestors Baba Yaga was closely associated with the clan.
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In fairy tales, his image can be seen in three forms: a sorcerer with special powers, the king of the underworld and an old man who can be the husband of the Serpent or a friend of Baba Yaga. It has unusual abilities: it turns heroes into animals and birds. It can be defeated only thanks to certain rituals (with the help of a magic horse, club, burning). Despite his name, he is not immortal at all, because his death is on the tip of a needle (or, alternatively, in an egg), which are securely hidden.
Koshchei's folk prototype is an imperious, evil, cunning and vile person endowed with magical properties.
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Despite the ambiguous name, Ivan is not at all the personification of stupidity, even if he is called a fool in the work. In fairy tales, he is the youngest of the sons, who often does nothing, is lazy, but achieves a lot in life thanks to cunning and luck.
This is a positive character who embodies the features of what people would like to have. A kind of dream, where without much effort, by chance, everything succeeds: to become rich, and to marry a princess. Our ancestors in the image of Ivan the Fool wanted to show a lucky person.
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Unlike Ivan the Fool, who gets everything simply and effortlessly, Ivan Tsarevich must overcome many obstacles to achieve his goal, demonstrating his strength, intelligence and skills. He becomes a prince not only by the fact of birth, which he does not even know about, but by merit. Like Ivan the Fool, he is most often the youngest of the brothers, only of royal blood.
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Kikimora in fairy tales can act as an ugly creature of indeterminate age (this is a girl, an old woman, and even a man). It is the personification of evil spirits. She tries to hide from people, but lives near residential buildings or in a swamp. Her job is to frighten and frighten.
The mythological meaning of kikimora among our ancestors is a person who died in an unrighteous way. Therefore, his soul does not find rest.
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Water is the master of water. This is a half old man half a fish. Lives near mills, in a whirlpool and a polynya. Scares people and drags them to the bottom; breaks mills and drowns cattle. But the merman can be deceived, defeated by cunning.
In ancient times, it was believed that drowned people become mermen. People were afraid of them, so they tried to endow them with fabulous features.
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The owner of the forest in fairy tales is Leshy. His appearance can be different: this is an old man, and an incomprehensible creature. He can transform into any animal or plant.
Goblin protects all those living in the forest. It frightens people and is able to confuse their tracks.
The spirit of the forest was embodied in the image of Leshy.
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Our ancestors called the spirit of the fields midday. In fairy tales, she was portrayed as a woman or girl who comes out at noon and guards the harvest. Children were scared at noon. This had an educational value: when in the very sun the adults went to rest, it was necessary to protect the children from running away into the fields on their own.
Noon could also lure people. And here it also has its own meaning: you can’t work in the heat. Otherwise, you can get sunstroke.
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Cat-Bayun in fairy tales is the image of a character who can persuade, chat, lure. Whoever catches the cat will be able to get remarkable strength. It’s just that it’s not easy to do this: with fairy tales and red words he knows how to lull attention and kill. But the defeated animal begins to serve man.
A fabulous bird with unusual abilities. Her feathers light the way; it can bestow eternal youth and happiness. It is difficult to get the Firebird's feather. To do this, the heroes of the fairy tale need to overcome many obstacles.
The Firebird is a dream, the personification of happiness and rebirth.
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130 photos and videos describing the creation of fairy-tale characters
The rich life of a modern child cannot be imagined without the creation of creative crafts that allow one to discover the extraordinary talent of needlework from an early age.
Crafts can be made from a variety of materials. One of the favorite directions for creating crafts for preschoolers and older children is fairy tales.
It is from fairy tales that children draw knowledge from infancy, begin to learn about the world around them, explore such important concepts as "good" and "evil", form personal ideals and their own poetic perception of reality.
Fascinating journeys through the boundless expanses of a distant land, fierce battles with Koshchei the Immortal and other villains, stunning adventures of Little Red Riding Hood - all this is available for the younger generation on the pages of fairy tales.
Summary of the review:
Photo as an assistant
A distinctive feature of children's fairy tales is that they have a happy ending, which makes kids believe in beauty. Interesting photos of crafts based on fairy tales can be seen on the pages of many creative magazines intended for a children's audience.
Such photos act as faithful advisers for a beginner little creator who is just learning the basics of creating works with his own hands.
The theme of fairy tales is considered a powerful stimulus for most children. The child can choose for himself his favorite fairy-tale character and make it the way his soul desires.
The triumph of good and justice over evil, the morality of actions - these questions concern children as they grow up and they cannot remain indifferent to the problems that are raised in fairy tales.
Themes of fairy tales in the field of children's creativity
A child can make delightful crafts on the theme of a fairy tale by himself, under the guidance of his parents or a teacher. Often, children under 7 years old cannot yet make things of complex shape on their own. In this case, they have to seek help from a senior mentor.
The teacher, for his part, can give advice on:
selection of suitable material;
manufacturing technologies;
product decoration.
The plot of famous fairy tales for creative masterpieces
Children of all ages can make chic crafts based on fairy tales from Russian and foreign folklore. The standard craft is the personification of a popular fairy-tale character from famous works:
"Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf";
Ryaba Hen;
"At the command of the pike";
Bremen Town Musicians.
Crafts for The Three Little Pigs
All of the above fairy tales are only a small part of those creations that can serve as a thematic basis for crafts.
The unconditional favorite of the children is the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs". A common variation of the visualization of this fairy tale is the creation of a small house and the main characters, three pigs and a wolf.
In the process of making such a craft, you can use:
colored and white paper;
colored pencils.
Some guys are lazy and just download ready-made piglets from the Internet or cut out pictures from their magazines. It is unlikely that such creations can be proudly called copyright.
Quality handmade illustration of little pigs on paper. When drawing a muzzle, it is worth paying great attention to demonstrating facial expressions, a look through which you can convey the specific features of the character of the animal and its behavioral traits.
Clothes can be painted in different colors, and then proceed to cut out the entire figure. Modeling lovers can make miniature plasticine heroes. To create the body of a wolf, plasticine of light and dark gray color is mainly suitable.
What crafts do girls like to do?
Each craft in the form of a fairy-tale character can become an indispensable part of a single theatrical performance that can be arranged with friends or family.
DIY crafts based on fairy tales are a universal way to improve the creative abilities that are inherent in a child from birth.
Little girls love to make crafts based on famous fairy tales:
Sleeping Beauty;
Snow White.
This choice is due to the girl audience's attachment to the image of a princess who, through many obstacles, finds her betrothed and finds happiness.
"Gingerbread Man" as a popular folk tale
A magnificent craft on the theme of folk tales can be an indicator of the child's skill, the richness of his imagination, the ability to think logically and the ability to needlework.
One of the most popular folk tales, which has become truly loved among the children's audience over the years of its existence, is considered "Gingerbread Man".
Gingerbread man is an interesting characteristic character, which is known to almost every child. As an experiment, you can try to make a kolobok out of paper, clay, wood.
It is necessary to cut wooden materials in such a way that a product in the form of a ball is obtained, on which you can later draw the eyes, mouth, nose of the character.
Instructions for making a toy gingerbread man
When children create fairy tale salt dough crafts, their choice is the Gingerbread Man. According to the universal recipe, the dough includes the ingredients:
1 tablespoon flour;
0.5 tablespoon salt;
1 teaspoon PVA glue.
Craft as a result of the child's creative thinking
After kneading the dough, you can begin skillfully sculpting a ball that will serve as a blank for the kolobok.