Verb activities for grade 1
5 Fun Activities for Teaching Verbs in the Primary Grades
Looking for some activities for teaching verbs to your Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade students?
Whether your students are just starting to learn about the parts of speech or are well on their way to being grammar gurus, these five activities will make learning about verbs a ton of fun!
Activity #1: Play Simon Says with action words.Introduce the concept of verbs as action words with a game of “Simon Says!”
First, brainstorm a list of action words with your students to use for the game.
You can also use these ready-made word cards from my Kindergarten Grammar Alive curriculum – just cut them out and make a stack or stick them on a binder ring for easy access:
This activity works well as part of a mini-lesson about verbs, and you can also play again during transitions.
Activity #2: Have students look for verbs “in the wild.”In order for grammar to be meaningful, students need to make connections between grammar concepts and actual text.
As a class, we practice identifying verbs in sentences (and acting out the sentences, too!):
Students can also search for verbs in the books they read:
Both of these activities come from my First Grade Grammar Alive program.
Activity #3: Build Verb Vocabulary with GamesBuilding students’ verb vocabulary is important – both for helping them learn verb shades of meaning (see Activity #4 for more on that) AND for helping them learn to use a variety of verbs in their writing.
One easy way to build their vocabulary is to play charades. You or a student acts out a verb, and the class guesses what verb they’re trying to show.
Here’s another verb vocabulary game, where students move around the board and have to name the depicted verbs that they land on:
Activity #4: Put Verbs in Order to Practice Shades of MeaningTo teach students how to choose just the right verb for their writing, work on verb shades of meaning!
First, model how to put the verbs “jog,” “run,” and “sprint” in order from slowest to fastest.
Then, divide students up into small groups. Give each group their own set of cards to put in order.
Once students have ordered the verbs, they can present their work to the class and get feedback.
Finally, you can glue the groups of verbs to chart paper. This creates an anchor chart that students can refer back to during writing time!
Activity #5: Play “Parts of Speech 4 Corners“Once your students have learned about verbs and other parts of speech, get them up and moving with a few rounds of 4 Corners!
To play, label the corners of your classroom as:
Give each child a word card. The words on the cards should be a mix of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Several of them should say “WILD CARD.”
Students should read the word on their card and then go to the corresponding corner of the classroom.
You or a student leader should stand in the middle of the classroom, eyes closed. The leader calls out a corner (nouns, verbs, adjectives, or wild card) and all the students who were standing in that corner are out of the game and must sit down.
The remaining players trade cards and go to the corresponding corner. Again, the leader calls out “nouns,” “verbs,” “adjectives,” or “wild card,” and the game continues.
Keep playing until only one student is left – that student becomes the leader next!
All the materials to play this game are included in my First Grade Grammar Alive curriculum.
Need more ideas and materials for teaching grammar?I hope you got a few new ideas for teaching verbs!
For complete grammar lesson plans and many more grammar activities (including the ones featured in this blog post), check out my Grammar Alive programs for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade:
Or maybe you already have a grammar curriculum – but you stil need independent practice activities for your students!
If so, check out my BoomCardsTM Grammar Games. They’re digital grammar activities that your students can use on any computer, chromebook, or tablet with internet.
My students love using BoomCards!! And the audio directions are great for providing support even when students are working independently.
Happy teaching!
How to teach Verbs - Primary Grammar with FREE activities — Keeping My Kiddo Busy
It is time to teach verbs!
My students have come so far with their understanding of sentence structure since we studied Unit 1 Nouns and Unit 2 Adjectives.
This is now where the magic happens. A light bulb clicks on and students truly start understand the patterns in our language and sentence structure.
Plus, this unit about verbs is SO much fun! I share a ton of freebies for you to try right here on this blog post.
All the lessons and activities are planned out for you ! 40 lessons are outlined in my plans, but you can use all of the worksheets, centers and activities as you see fit.
The unit progresses sequentially and slowly builds on itself. We start with very basic sentence diagramming and identifying parts of speech.
I tell my students that a sentence can be two words because all it needs is a subject (noun) and a verb.
Who or what is the sentence about? SUBJECT
What do they do? VERB
I have a little song/chant I do and the kids pick it right up. Sometimes they simply don’t now where to start when diagramming sentences or trying to identify parts of a sentence.
So I sing the little song, “Who or what is the sentence about?” and this is a little hint for them.
Tip: always start with finding the subject of a sentence. After you find the subject, it is much easier to figure out the verb.
The first few lessons, I show slides and ask those two questions. I use the same sentence structure and this builds student confidence.
We are then ready to put our skills into action! The first few activities in this unit are structured so students can be successful and their confidence sky rockets.
Teaching grammar to primary students does not have to be complicated or overwhelming.
The worksheets help students apply what they learned and you can check for understanding.
They can write the sentences as you show the slides and this keeps them engaged. This can also be used as a follow up literacy center.
We are learning about action verbs in these lessons!
Teaching students that an action means “to do” something is super helpful. A trick I teach them is to put the word “to” in front of a word to see if it is an action.
This leads perfectly into lesson 5. What can you do at ___________
There are six places, and students sort the actions based on what you can do in each scene.
After we do hands-on activities, I always have a follow up activity to solidify concepts taught as well as for accountability.
I need to see that students are understanding what they did in the activity, and I have students write as much as possible.
On the recording page, they write what they can do (the verbs) at each of the six places.
We have had enough practice now that I tell students it is now their turn!
They have to generate verbs for each sentence.
This is a great check in or quiz to see where they are at.
Next up in this unit is a super fun game, similar to the one we did with matching adjectives to nouns.
They already know the format so it is quick and easy to get going.
There are so many ways to play this game. We always say sentences orally first and identify the subject and verb.
You can play go fish, memory, or just practice matching the cards. Then they can write their own sentence for each subject/verb pairs on the recording sheets.
I spend several days on this activity. This is an amazing activity for language development.
We are ready to move on to linking verbs!I love making the linking chain sentences to introduce linking chains because it really helps students understand how linking verbs just link the subject to the rest of the sentence.
Here are some of the activities we do for the next few lessons.
I wish someone had taught me that when I was younger!
Now they are ready for these worksheets/activities.
These are similar to my noun hunts.
Students look through the picture and find all the verbs. They must write the verbs under the correct column - action or linking? Then they write a sentence using one verb on their own.
I use these over several days, and you could even use one as a quiz to check for understanding.
It is time for superhero verbs!First, students fill in the missing verbs using the word bank in lesson 20. Both action and linking verbs are included.
The next day, students get to write a superhero story using exciting verbs (a word bank is provided.)
I love seeing students be so successful as I pull the scaffolding back.
I designed this unit so students can become successful on their own while reading, writing and understanding parts of speech.
What are helping verbs?We are progressing right through this unit, and now that we have learned action verbs and linking verbs, we can now tackle helping verbs.
This is a little more confusing for children to learn, which is why they come after the first two kinds of verbs.
Helping verbs are essentially linking and action verbs combined. When you have a linking verb right before an action verb, the inking verb is helping the action verb.
Examples: is sleeping ; am laughing : were driving
When did it happen? How to teach verb tense.I spend a few days teaching verb tense. For many children, this will come naturally, but it helps with overall language development and awareness.
These lessons are incredibly beneficial if you have ELL students.
Students love matching the puzzles and completing the follow up activity by cutting and pasting the irregular verbs.
Next, we use these adorable color coded verb cards.
I suggest laminating them so they can be used in pocket charts.
Here is a great pocket chart that stands up so students can use these cards in a literacy center.
There are so many fun games to play with these colorful cards.
They are color coded so children can match the verbs, and then they can also be sorted based on their inflectional endings.
For example, I start with matching all the verbs (shown on the left).
Then we sort based on the patterns with inflectional endings.
Sometimes you can just add -ed and -ing and the spelling of the base word doesn’t change.
However, sometimes there are tricks like dropping the silent e (bake = baking), or doubling the last consonant (hug - hugged).
The recording pages are perfect for accountability after they sort the cards.
I always use a follow up activity to hold students accountable for tasks completed during centers. It is also a great check for understanding.
I finish the unit with a few lessons on verbs that are synonyms and antonyms. Students match and substitute verbs that means almost the same thing, as well as verbs that mean the opposite.
These are great lessons for making connections and expanding their vocabulary.
WATCH THIS QUICK VIDEO TO SEE HOW FUN THIS UNIT IS TO TEACH!“This unit makes learning grammar both fun and engaging. The lessons are easy to follow and there are many opportunities for students to practice what they have learned.”
“Just perfect for my K-2 class. Looking forward to other units. Awesome resource : )”
“Fabulous resource! Buy it!!!!!”
CLICK HEREGrammar, First Grade, writing, Writing, Worksheets, Literacy Centerskeepingmykiddobusy@gmail. comVERBS, grammar, first grade, nouns1 Comment
Entertaining exercises in the organization of independent work in the study of the verb.
Entertaining exercises in organizing
independent work while studying the verb.
The main task of the Russian language lessons is to teach the ability to appropriately and correctly use language means to express one's thoughts. It is very important that our great Russian language is not lost behind “boring grammar” and “monotonous spelling”.
Students' interest usually appears when the teacher refers to the experience of the children themselves. It is useful to carry out small linguistic works that help to consolidate the learned material and reveal existing errors. In the third grade, for example, students write a short essay-reasoning - the answer to the question: what letter should be written in verbs: rasta . .. l, rasta ... t. Children produce very interesting texts:
“The same verb. What should be written? I will argue like this: melted - a verb, used in the past tense, has a suffix -l-. Indefinite form - melt, suffix -ya-. So, you need to write the vowel I, melted. The verb will melt is in the future tense, the ending is unstressed, it is necessary to determine the indefinite form of the verb, and according to the suffix - the conjugation: melt. The suffix -i- means the verb of the 1st conjugation, the ending in the 3rd person singular -et. I will write: it will melt.
Practice shows that younger students should be put in the position of the author as often as possible, given the opportunity to express themselves, reveal their personality, reveal their attitude to what is happening, express their feelings, emotions, and answer questions that concern children. That is why didactic, role-playing games are needed in the primary grades, in which the mental abilities of children are especially activated, their imagination develops. Sometimes a teacher's word, an explanation can become a game, a fairy tale with mysterious transformations. Games develop memory, attention, observation, creativity. Competition games are very useful, for example: "Auction". This game combines the topics: “Word composition”, “Verb as a part of speech”, “Verb formation” and, of course, this game increases the vocabulary of students.
Task: Pick up as many verbs as possible according to the scheme: za…ala:
screamed, fell silent, groaned, grumbled,
tied up, ran, whispered, squeaked,
threw, danced, dripped, wrote down, etc.
Work takes place in small groups. The activity of children is amazing: in the time allotted by the teacher (1-2 minutes), they select up to 20-25 words in a group.
Another game "Competition" - who will pick up more synonyms, antonyms. For example, one group of children names such a verb so that an antonym can be chosen for it, and the second group selects an antonym:
Take off - take off
Get out - get in
Turn on - off
Meet - see off
The game "Self-examination" is a didactic game. Used in general lessons. Students pull out tickets, which include theoretical and practical questions on the studied material, prepare, then answer. One of the tickets is lucky. Whoever gets it gets a five without an answer. Children really like this game. It gives the teacher the opportunity to test the knowledge of students, their ability to prove, justify the answer in front of the class in a new situation.
In the lesson on the study of the verb, you can also use the following game "Pick the verb to the word."
For the word DOG , pick up the words that name the action of the object. The class is divided into two teams. The team that names the most verbs (barks, growls, whines) wins.
What questions do these words answer?
What does it do.
When they say: Do they live like a cat and a dog?
When people constantly quarrel.
Game using visualization "Samych himself and his friend an alien".
There are two pictures on the blackboard depicting Samych himself and an alien.
Guys, Sam Samych received a letter from his friend the alien Akbisho. When he read the letter, he became very angry because his friend had made many mistakes. Can you find them?
(A letter is distributed to everyone. There is a large letter on the board).
- read this letter. Look for errors in it. Correct them using your knowledge of verb tenses and the spelling of verbs with NOT.
Children working on the text:
Hello from space! Samych himself, how are you living? Now I am not going to school because I am sick. Sorry , I didn't want to upset you. That's it. Now I need I'm going to bed.
Which words were misspelled? Name them. How to write correctly? Why?
An interesting game for students "Make words according to a known root."
migratory fly around
flight fly
pilot fly
pilot fly
flight fly
When studying single-root words in the first grade, words with a given root are selected. Next, we propose a task: compose a fairy tale about the root -LET-, "plant" this root in the ground and see what happens from it. Children are happy to “grow” a tree with this root and compose a fairy tale:
“There was a root -YOT- many thousands of years ago. People planted it and a big tree grew out of it. It grew gradually, at first one sprout started up, then the second, the third. Many sprouts appeared from the root-LET-»
Compare these words. What do they have in common and how do they differ? Why did these words grow on the same tree?
It is expedient to play the game in the first grade, after the children have been introduced to the parts of speech.
There is an interesting game "Extra Man". This game teaches children to highlight a common feature in words, develops the ability to generalize, expands the vocabulary of students.
Determine which word is superfluous. Name it.
The one with the fewest wrong answers wins.
Run, fly, Draw
Burn, Drink, Mount
Quick, Cook, Speak
Teach Dig , study
, barking 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 walks , calls.
It is known that children with speech defects study in the first grade, so the games with the compilation of tongue twisters are very interesting. You can complicate the task: the tongue twister must be composed using verbs. Who made the most tongue twisters, he won:
Choo-choo-choo - Mom, I'm flying
Cha-cha-cha - I'll call the doctor
Ul-ul-ul - I'll sit on a chair
This game can be used at physical education sessions. We explain to the students how many new verbs can be formed from the verb WALK, and each of them has its own meaning.
Game “Guess what verb I have in mind”. This game is used in a generalizing lesson in the second grade, after studying the topic "Verb".
- the prefix in it is the same as in the word GIRLFRIEND. Root, as in the word TOY. The suffixes are the same as in the word READ. (PLAYED).
- this verb has the same root as the word PILOT. The prefix is the same as in the verb JUMPED. Suffixes are the same with the verb HEAR. (FLY).
Lessons-travels contribute to increasing interest in Russian language lessons. To conduct them, you can use the cards that the teacher makes. The map shows the route along which the students travel. The map hangs on the board, during the lesson you can move the figures of fairy-tale characters that accompany the students along the way, and if the class is small, then the figures of the students themselves are made of paper and their students move around the map as they move. For example, the following points can be located on the map: a start, a mountain of parts of speech, a village of sayings, a glade of verb tense, a lake of fulfillment of three desires, a river of sentences, a treasure trove of knowledge, a grove of synonymous verbs.
1. Select verbs from the text. Explain your choice. Ask a question for each verb.
Quite unexpectedly it began to rain, large and frequent drops splashed on the grass and leaves of trees. Beetles, butterflies, flies crawled into the cups of flowers. The mouse hid under the red fly agaric mushroom.
2. Match these verbs with similar verbs.
Rushed (rushed, rushed, rushed).
Noticed (saw, discovered).
To get through (penetrate, pass).
3. Analyze the proposal by members. What part of the sentence is the verb?
The bright sun quickly rose over the village.
4. In the clearing you can relax, listen to poetry.
Task: select verbs from the text, indicate their tense.
Here are the needles and pins
Creeping out from under the bench.
They look at me,
They want milk.
5. Insert the correct verb instead of dots.
They get sick from laziness, but from work….. (healthier)
It’s better than screaming in vain…….(silence)
Life is not a field to live…….(pass)
Smoking is healthy…….( harm).
Write the verbs that are opposite in meaning.
6. Grant 3 wishes to the goldfish that lives in the lake and she will help you cross the lake on a sailboat.
a) Insert the missing letters, where necessary, indicate the test words.
At night, the frost was down to seven degrees. Then suddenly a warm wind blew, and warm rain poured down. The ice on the river was troubling ... schal, the sky was covered ... the sky was zaz ... l ... the grass was groaning, the first bee was buzzing.
b) Find the verbs in the given text and highlight the prefixes in them.
c) guess riddles. Indicate how to spell NOT with verbs correctly.
Throw into the river - (does not) sink,
Hit the wall - (does not) groan,
Throw the ground -
It will start to fly up.
Fairy tale lessons include material from fairy tales known to children, sometimes fairy tale characters accompany students throughout the lesson, help them complete various tasks or simply tell new material in a fun way. Fairy tales are faithful companions of kids, therefore the material presented in this form is easily remembered by children and arouses their interest.
For example, when studying the conjugation of a verb in the third grade, the teacher plays a grammatical fairy tale, she herself acts as a kind storyteller. Figures appear on the flannelgraph on the board as the story progresses.
“Once upon a time, when you and I were not there yet, in the world, in the kingdom of Grammar, there lived a glorious king Verb with his verbal people. Its people were industrious, active: all the time they were in a hurry somewhere, doing something, doing something.
The king had two sons: 1 conjugation and 2 conjugation. Once the king called the Verb sons and said to them:
- I have become old, my children, it is difficult for me to manage the state. It's time for you to replace me. I give you three days and three nights to decide how you will reign. And after these words, the king let his sons go.
They thought for three days and three nights and decided:
The 2nd conjugation will govern those verbs that end in indefinitely with -IT-, and the 1st conjugation - all the rest. The sons came to their father and told about their decision. The verb was glad that he had such wise children, and issued a decree on the division of the kingdom. Messengers scattered to all parts of the state with this news. But not everyone was happy. One family, because of this division, ended up in two different kingdoms. These were the verbs:
Grease to drive see to hate Hold to breathe to endure Watch to hear |
They came to the king with a request: 9000 9000 Merciful Tsar, the sweet tsar, the glorious tsar.
What happened?
By your decree, we ended up in the kingdom of the 1st conjugation, and our old parents - in the kingdom of the 2nd conjugation. Let us stay with them.
I'd love to help you, but I can't break my orders.
Have mercy, sir, make an exception.
The king could not resist the request and allowed these verbs to remain in kingdom 2 of conjugation, although they do not end in -IT-. And to this day, these verbs, as an exception, belong to the 2nd conjugation. Remember them guys!
To make it easier to remember exceptions, you can use the ex-spy 2 conjugation instructions. Here it is:
Here are his instructions.
They have spy functions.
Here they are, hurry to see them:
Do not depend on the messenger,
Hate all "clients",
Offend them more painfully,
Endure hardships,
Twirl the lasso over yourself.
Through the crack under the door
Look after your enemy.
Drive a car along the highway
Hold a dagger in your teeth,
To hear a voice behind the wall,
Not breathing at all.
Seven of the verbs end in -ET- and four end in -AT-.
How to remember the endings of 1 and 2 conjugations?
In conjugation 1, the suffix is always E, and in conjugation 2 - I. An exception, verbs in -IT-, related to conjugation 1 - shave, lay.
To have a neighbor's chicken
Shave her head clean ,
It would be necessary to lay two napkins on a stool.
EXERCISE. There is an insidious prefix - high-bump, my friend, if you meet this prefix, then you are her:
Look…sh, choose…sh, pull…sh, take out…sh,
Exit…sh, throw…sh, throw…sh, throw…sh,
Practice these words! Determine their conjugation! On the board, to make it easier for the guys to work, there is a diagram hanging. The prefix YOU pulls the ending . ..
(Throw away)
unstressed stressed
determine the indefinite form
conjugation and determine the conjugation
EXERCISE. Read the poem. Choose verbs with prefixes. Mark them.
Warning to crocodile lovers.
If you decide to take a crocodile in the bathroom
And then you want him
Bathe in a warm river,
And then let him go
You can hardly scare the kids, then
0005You drive him home.
You will see, you will hear,
How he will run away.
But, of course, you won't be able to catch up with the crocodile
Zoo game.
Task: Guess the beast, write down its “signs” in a notebook.
Beast No. 1. Croaks, flies, steals (all shiny).
Beast No. 2. Hissing, crawling, wriggling.
Beast No. 3. Grunts, champs, wallows (in the mud).
Beast No. 4. (there are many of them), they crow, cackle, squeak.
Beast No. 5. Bleats, butts, gives (milk).
Beast No. 6. Meows, licks, laps (milk).
Beast No. 7. (new, not yet known) screams, stomps,
Whistles, somersaults, pushes, spits.
Make a sentence using one of the "signs" of the beast.
Game "Sea King".
- The sea king fell ill. You guys will have to reign. Only for this you will need to draw up a daily routine: what do you, the king of the sea, do in the morning, in the afternoon, what - in the evening. What do your mermaid children do, what do your servants, your cook, your laundress, your janitor, your gardener, your nanny, your court physician, your musicians. Everyone needs to come up with so much work to last the whole day. Otherwise, the maritime kingdom will fall into decay. For example, a cook (what does he do?) fries, steams, boils, marinates, preserves, bakes, runs away ... (if he has cooked something very tasteless). And now you are on your own.
EXERCISE reinforcing the concept of “verb tenses”.
- Do you remember what you did last winter? Think of 6 verbs in the past tense that answer the questions what did you do? and what did he do? what are you doing now? Rather, name 6 verbs that answer the question what am I doing? (these are present tense verbs). And in the summer, during the holidays, what will you do? what will you do? Waiting for 6 future tense verbs! It is possible and more. After all, summer is great.
Game "Investigator".
- One person needs to be identified. We, however, know something about his affairs, that is, about his actions. For example: he is traveled, studies, invents, climbed, was not afraid, crammed. He reads, he will draw, he proceeded, he listens, he will design, he will invent, he will delve into, he will go around, he will travel, he will rise. That's all we know. We are under suspicion:
Klavdiya Vasilievna Nitochkina, a former weaver and now a pensioner, is nursing her granddaughter Lyuda.
Ikhtiandr Ikhtiandrovich Skorokhodov, a former champion motorcyclist and now a coach, works with youth, but is about to retire.
Semyon Semyonovich Pirozhkov, former stuntman, now a student at a culinary college.
Akim Ivanovich Kaverzny, an avid tourist in the past, now a student, a future designer.
Efim Sergeevich Ivanov, a former sailor, has now entered the Pedagogical Institute, is preparing to become a physical education teacher.
- To make it easier for you to work, try to write down the cases ... that is, the actions of our suspect in three columns:
1) past tense, 2) present tense, 3) future tense.
And here is an interesting series of exercises using verbs in the indefinite form, as well as verbs with the opposite meaning:
1. Look for indefinite verbs in the verse “Don't forget to ask them questions what to do? and what to do?
Sweet dream.
Don't stop me from dreaming!
I would like to get a bag of sweets,
Expand, chew, suck,
Smack, smack, gobble up,
Do not swallow for a long, long time,
Enjoy, savor.
I don't have to look into my mouth!
One must have a conscience!
So can I choke
And die on the spot!
We found the verbs! Here are the good guys! Write them down in a notebook. Once you find them in a poem, you will find them in a dream. No, you do not need to go to bed, but quite the opposite: you need to read on. This is a boy's dream.
2. I should have found myself at the North Pole in my dream! How I began to chill there, freeze, tremble, shake and chatter with my teeth. I began to pull on all sorts of jackets and put on fur coats, wrap my head, wrap my legs in shoes, breathe on my hands. And also jump and clap your hands to keep warm. He began to kindle a fire and hide from the wind. Terribly, I began to get angry and angry at my dream! And just then he woke up.
3. And now the task. Try to come up with a reverse dream: how the boy ended up in Africa, where it is very hot. Wherever possible, use reverse verbs (that is, opposite in meaning). For example: chill - keep warm, tremble - sweat, etc.). Think about how the boy escaped the heat. You need to come up with only 5-7 verbs, vice versa, but always in an indefinite form.
Task No. 3 can be given to students at home.
For independent work, students can be offered the game “Open the locks”. In front of you is a locked door, closed with numerous locks-verbs. Key nouns are in the chest. You need to choose a noun-key for each verb-lock, which, in your opinion, fits it in meaning, is combined with it. When you pick up the keys to the lock, the doors will open.
Lock verbs: invent, pour, fight, jump, sculpt, kiss, go down, not notice, go, draw.
Key nouns: miracle yudo, at home, in a cave, a fairy tale, a princess, a sleeping beauty, in a carriage, on a horse, with Barmaley, a ravine, tea.
The game can be played by teams. The team that opens the most locks wins.
In elementary school, students are not given the concept of verbs of "perfect" and "imperfect" form, but the teacher introduces students to these verbs already in the second grade.
Cinderella game. Before playing this game, let's remember that there are verbs that denote an action that has already taken place, which has already happened. For example, blinded, grabbed, etc.
“s” is the favorite letter of such verbs. And they answer such questions that begin with this letter: “what did you do?” "what to do?" "What will I do?"
Assignment: Do you remember that the stepmother, leaving for the ball, told Cinderella to do a lot of work: water, mend… and then continue on your own, help Cinderella “do” all the work by writing out verbs (perfect form).
EXERCISE. There are verbs that have not yet completed the action and answer the questions: what did you do? what to do? what do i do? what will i do? Let's choose the following verbs from the text:
Kolya studied the poem, but did not learn it to the end. The teacher told Kolya that he did not study well. Vera, who sits at the same desk with Kolya, decided to help Kolya.
Try to make two sentences with these verbs.
Find the mistake game.
In the notebook of Vadik the naturalist observations of animals were recorded:
Sheep - chirp ... t Sparrows - topa ... t
Elephants - flutter ... t Wolf - summer ... t
Fish - in ... t Ducks - bleat ... t
Butterflies - swimming ... t
Task: Guys, help unfortunate young man to deal with the animals. And the most important thing! Indicate in front of each verb its conjugation, otherwise our Vadik will never be able to cope with this!
Constructor game.
Here are the planks - different verbs, but the nuts and screws - the names of the heroes of the story and the names of different objects: we will take these words in any order and try to assemble a story from them. You will all have different stories. It is not necessary to use all the words. Some may be left. After all, even in this designer there are extra details.
Nuts and cogs: Nina, Masha, cat, magician, umbrella, vase, suitcase, box, cubes, doll, roly-poly, cactus, girl, aunt, TV, lamp, wardrobe, sofa.
Planochki: leave, jump, look, see, speak, fly in, hear, get out, come, bring, set, wash, twirl, promise, gather, play, fantasize, think, dream, invent, meet, get up, wave, wait, call, call, go out, look in, examine, wipe, show, turn.
Guys, check if the verbs are broken. To do this, determine their conjugation.
Postman game.
Letters-verbs in the postman's bag. Here they are: knitting ... t, signal ... t, weighing ... t, sweeping ... t, drawing ... t, painting ... t, explaining ... t, checking ... t, dozing ... t, turning ... t, counting ... t, clean ... t .
These verbs need to be divided into apartments. Just as the postman stamps the envelope, so do you write the tense and the conjugation of the verb.
EXERCISE reinforcing such a category as the voice of a verb.
I was born a gardener.
I worked - I was not lazy.
I value flowers,
I will copy them in a notebook.
Read the text and write out the verbs, if possible (write out) indicate the gender of these verbs.
An old gardener lived in a town. He grew a marvelous garden, in which amazing flowers were fragrant, magic trees gave coolness and green lawns were pleasing to the eye. Whatever the day - the old man in his garden plants, waters and spuds. Everyone is waiting for a wonderful flower to bloom one day, which will heal all the sick and please all the sad. I also dream that one day such a flower will grow on my window. What are you dreaming about?
EXERCISE. It is good to use it in the classroom when studying the topic "The indefinite form of the verb."
Task with a trick: in it all the verbs are indefinite, you need to put them in the present tense, and at the same time determine their conjugation.
Imagine that in your notebook (to live) there is a notebook man. You (know) him, he (boast) and (boast) that he is a descendant of the King of All Notebooks. When you (open) a notebook and (write) a little man (hide) and only occasionally (peep out) from under the cells, carefully (stick out) your little nose, and (look around), and sometimes he (waves) your pen, but right there (hide) because he (think) that you (catch him) and (put) him in a jar. But when you (leave) and (leave) a notebook on the table, he ....
The game is a fairy tale. I use it in the first grade when studying words denoting the action of an object.
A catastrophe broke out at the confectionery factory "Montpensieshka". A virus is discovered there that makes candy go crazy. Let's not let the virus spread throughout the factory. What to do? In the story about candy, "catch" all the verbs. After all, they are very dangerous, contagious, “crazy”, finally. They have a virus in them! So let's get started!
Horrors at the candy factory.
Enormous wild candies were rushing around the hall. They dipped in chocolate and threw cream. A factory worker, Aunt Dusya, hid in a huge saucepan, and Aunt Raya hid under boxes of chocolate. Sweets "Squirrels" jumped along the conveyor and gnawed nuts. Sweets "Bear clubfoot" somersaulted on the floor. The Strawberry with Cream caramels spat their filling and were very happy if they hit Aunt Natasha, who hung on the chandelier and looked down in horror. Sweets "Swallow" fluttered around her and chirped. Sweets "Autumn Waltz" instead of a waltz danced a lambada, and plump pink marshmallows bathed in marmalade and squealed joyfully. But Uncle Verb rushed in and stopped this disgrace.
EXERCISE on the same topic.
Your task is to choose verbs for captions to other pictures. Try to come up with not one verb for each of them, but several. Draw more portraits of the doctor (with verbal captions, of course).
Works very effectively in pairs of interchangeable composition. It is carried out as follows:
The first student from the pair reads the text, the other writes.
The second student reads, and the first one, who previously dictated, writes.
Everyone takes their neighbor's notebook and, without looking at the card, checks the copied dictation.
After that, the students open the cards and check them again (but already together) first the dictation of the first student, then the dictation of the other.
A student who has made mistakes, under the control of the dictator, makes an oral analysis of his mistakes.
Each student writes down the analysis of his mistakes in his notebook.
Pupils take each other's notebooks again, look through everything again and put their signatures: “Checked by Tsvetkov”, “Checked by Kotova”.
Or the topic "The indefinite form of the verb."
Task: match these nouns with verbs with the same root in the indefinite form. Write them down.
Card No. 1. Card No. 2
Run - (run) Boredom - (bored)
Life - (live) Victory - (win)
Treatment - (treat) Pity - (pity)
Purchase - ( buy) Silence - (silence)
It is very effective to carry out creative cheating, which is usually complicated by tasks related to the development of speech. Before cheating, it is necessary to work out well the topic on which creative cheating will be carried out. For example, cheating with the selection of synonyms, dedicated to the teaching of the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs 1 and 2 of conjugation in the third grade.
Oil, gasoline, kerosene catch fire quickly.
The house catches fire from careless handling of fire.
In the east, the dawn lights up.
Another moment - and the fire will light up.
A winter evening is descending on the earth, lights are lit in the houses.
Sparks fly like a fiery blizzard, the huts catch fire.
We select the following synonyms for the word ignite: ignite, blaze, flare up, engage, light up, ignite. So, the words ignite, ignite, flare up are used both in relation to light from fire, from electricity, and in relation to light in general, they also have additional semantic shades. For example, the word flare indicates the suddenness of the action; to blaze - to catch fire very strongly, but this word is somewhat outdated. The word ignite speaks of a strong action and the ability of an object to catch fire.
After finding out the meaning of verbs, children repeat the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs 1 and 2 of conjugation. Then, copying the text in a notebook, students independently replace the word catch fire with a synonymous verb, underline the personal endings of the verbs, indicating which conjugation the verbs belong to.
When studying the topic "Formation of single-root verbs with the help of prefixes" in the third grade, you can use grammar tasks. For example, write down new words using prefixes:
Explain the semantic meaning of each word and make one sentence with each newly formed verb.
The game "Labyrinth" is very interesting for reinforcing, generalizing lessons. Students, completing grammar tasks, move through the maze, they need to find a way out. They are offered ready-made answers, they also need to choose the right one and justify their choice. If the student correctly performs all grammar tasks, then he will definitely find a way out of the maze. You can play in teams, taking turns completing all grammar tasks. For example, for class 3, you can offer the following route:
1. The wind howls, the blizzard howls.
It's sweeping along the street!
2. What verbs should be entered?
You praise - they……..
You argue - they……..
You see - they……..
You dig - they…….
You guard - they …….
3. Match these verbs with opposite meanings in an indefinite form.
Scold - …… Raise - ……
Destroy - …… Be silent - ……
Cum - ……
4. What is the conjugation of the verbs - bloom, swim, walk, jump, draw, go?
5. Which letter should I insert E or I?
Zamira . .. t, sow ... sh, cut ... sh, green ... t, died ... t.
At the end of the word, close the squares with an asterisk below them with the words "EXIT", "DEAD END". If all the tasks are completed correctly, then the guys will open the word exit, if there are errors, then - the word "dead end" and then you need to correct your mistakes. Every mistake leads to a dead end.
The game "Retellers" is very interesting.
This game develops the skill of using various forms of verbs, indirect speech. Four groups of children are playing. The first group plays a self-composed scene; the second - retellers; the third - reporters from the scene; fourth - narrators.
The first group plays a sketch on a topic suggested by the teacher. The task of the second is to retell it using turns of indirect speech. The third group names the speech actions performed in the present tense, the fourth one describes the actions in the past tense.
Group 1: - Please sit down.
2nd group: - They told us to sit down.
3rd group: - They politely offer to sit down.
4th group: - They politely offered to sit down.
Those who made more mistakes lose.
Fun exercises can be offered for the direct and figurative use of the meanings of verbs.
The barometer has fallen.
Mom, it's going to rain today!
Why do you think so?
The barometer has fallen.
How do you know?
Why, I dropped it myself.
What word did the boy not understand? Did the boy literally use it?
Milk ran out.
Nina heard her mother say to her elder sister: “Please watch the milk, so that it doesn't run away”, and she began to think how milk can run away.
What does the expression milk ran out mean? Is the verb used here literally or figuratively to run? What words can replace the verb runs in sentences:
Time is running.
A stream is running.
Grain runs from the combine into the machine.
For independent work on a verb, a support book will help students a lot, which helps them to learn grammatical material, increases the productivity of the lesson.
How to use the book-support in the third grade when studying the topic "Verb"? support card for 20 lessons helps the student to answer quickly and correctly. Working on the cards, he finds the correct answer. If the student has forgotten the rule, it is necessary to open the reference card - everything is clearly written there. Such support cards are convenient to store, use in subsequent classes, they accumulate the necessary handouts from year to year.
The basis of the book is made with the children at labor lessons. At the end of the support book are punched cards. This is convenient, since there is no need to distribute cards, look for them in folders, boxes. He opened the support book and found the right card. The windows of the punched cards are cut out by the parents, the stencils themselves are filled in by the students. Here is a plan for a support book on the topic "Verb" of the third grade.
Verb tense.
Changing verbs according to persons and numbers.
Verb conjugation.
Indefinite form of the verb.
This card develops in children the ability to correlate the tense and initial forms of the verb, teaches them to move from the initial form to the tense form of this verb, which helps students to consciously write the unstressed personal ending of the verb in the present and future tenses. And the questions are directed to a quick understanding and determination of the tenses of the verb. In any exercise, the student quickly determines the time.
Children can easily conjugate a verb using these cards. According to the words I, YOU, HE, WE, YOU, THEY, students quickly determine the face. Students also quickly match the 1st and 2nd conjugation endings when conjugating verbs using these endings. Cards are used when performing oral and written exercises when working with didactic material.
We have presented in an entertaining way lessons on the topic "Verb" in grades 1-4. All these tasks used in the lessons form students' ability to work independently, expand their vocabulary, teach them to think logically and generalize. And most importantly, they arouse in children an interest in the material being studied and a desire to independently study it.
Exercises in verb recognition | Outline of the lesson in the Russian language (Grade 2) on the topic:
Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region
State budgetary professional educational institution
"Chelyabinsk Pedagogical College No. 1"
Completed by a student 46 gr.
Gromakova E.G.
Checked by: Karimova M.G.
Mark: __ ___________
Date: 28.02. 18
Chelyabinsk, 2018
Subject: Russian language
Grade: 2
Theme of the lesson: “Exercises for recognizing verbs” action designation)
Planned results:
- Subject: - learn to see verbs in speech, make phrases with verbs;
- use special terminology when defining a part of speech. - Personal: - to cultivate moral qualities, a sense of cohesion and collectivism;
- to develop attention, perception, the ability to observe and draw conclusions;
- be able to define and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher.
Type of lesson: combined
Equipment: Textbook "Russian language" grade 2, 2 hours Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G.
Methods and techniques
Lesson content.
Teacher activity
Student activity
Planned results
Verbal: teacher's word
1 min
- Greeting students. Workplace check.
Welcome teachers
Regulatory - accept and preserve the educational task
Speech 9000: Customs
: Letter of the Business Accounts .: teacher's word
Practical: game
7 min
- When I was in a hurry to you, I met a fairy-tale heroine. Guess who she is. We do not shout out the answer.
(riddle on the slide)
This woman is beautiful,
Her beauty is dangerous.
Can kill with a glance,
Freeze the heart in an instant.
All of her is full of deceit,
Into her icy kingdom,
If someone gets in,
That, perhaps, will be lost.
Who is this beauty,
What is famous for cunning?
Domineering, rebellious
………. (SNOW QUEEN) (answer on the slide)
- Guys, what letter does the word "snow" begin with? Let's write beautifully. To do this, please open your notebooks. Write down the date, today is February 28th. In class. On the next working line, write down for me a combination of letters to the end of the line ( Сс )
Give a description of the sound [s]. (acc., ch., tv.)
- Today we are going to the realm of the Snow Queen. She loves to come up with different tasks. To deal with them, you need skills. And what kind of skills we need, we will learn from the tips from the Snow Queen.
- Look at the blackboard. What's this? (syllables) Try to make up the words that the Snow Queen has bewitched.
- Who's ready? Raise a hand. Go to the blackboard and put the syllables in the correct order.
- What words did we get? (TO REASON, THINK, PROVE) And now, from this second, we begin to actively think, reason, prove.
Listen to the teacher
Listen to the riddle
Answer the riddle.
Answer questions
Prepare a workbook.
Write a combination of letters.
Describe the sound.
Listen to the teacher's speech.
Answer questions.
Put the syllables in the correct order.
Read the words to yourself.
Personal - perceive speech.
Regulatory - act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; apply the mastered methods of action
Regulatory - act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; apply learned methods of action
Communicative - participate in the educational dialogue.
Setting the educational problem and its solution
Practical: Vocabulary work
Speech: Mending
Speech.: Determination of the topic of the lesson
words: Training dialogue
Practitioners: Performance of exercises: Performance of exercises: Performance.
7 min
It is very cold in the realm of the snow queen. In the written words, the letters froze and disappeared. We need to warm them up and restore the words.
Words with missing spellings are written on the slide:
(on the slide) M .. roses, for ... c, m ... two, with ... rock, p ... vanity.
- Write by inserting the missing letters.
- And now check the work by checking the spelling of the dictionary words in the notebook with their spelling on the slide.
- Raise your hand those students who have encountered difficulties in doing vocabulary work.
- Raise your hand those students who completed the task without errors.
Well done! Look carefully at the words. Find the excess. Why is it redundant? (The word draws - denotes the action of the object. This word is superfluous. The words frost, hare, bear, magpie are nouns.)
- Guys! How did you determine that these words are nouns?
(We use these words in speech; they denote objects and answer the questions (who?) and (what?))
- Read the extra word again.
- What part of speech does it belong to?
- What does the verb mean?
- What questions does it answer?
- What do you think the topic of the lesson is? That's right, we will learn to recognize verbs by questions. (topic on the slide)
- It's winter now. And who can draw in winter? (frost)
- What does frost draw? (patterns).
- What does he draw them on? (on the windows).
- Make a sentence with these words. (Frost draws patterns on the window).
- Let's write this sentence in a notebook. (Child's name), write the sentence on the board.
- Underline the main members of the sentence and at the top sign what part of speech they are expressed.
What? Frost is the subject, the noun is expressed.
Frost doing what? Draws - this predicate is expressed in Ch.
- According to the purpose of the statement, what is this sentence? (narrative) By intonation? (unexcited)
Listen to the teacher's speech
Write words by inserting the missing letters.
Check your work against the slide.
Assess your performance.
Select an extra word, name a feature.
Answer questions.
Determine the topic of the lesson.
Answer questions.
Compose a common sentence.
Record an offer.
Select the main members of the sentence.
Describe the offer.
Regulatory - act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; apply the learned methods of action
Regulatory - accept and save the learning task
Communicative - participate in the learning dialogue.
Regulatory - operate taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher.
Communicative - participate in the educational dialogue.
Solution of private tasks
Practical: Physical Education
Practical: Execution of Exercise
Practical: Game
DOM: Repetition of the Rules
- The Snow Queen has prepared another task for us. You have pink sheets on the tables. Take them. Read the task. What should be done? (choose a ch to a noun that is similar in meaning.)
Write the correct verb on the sheet. Later we will check which verbs you have chosen for these nouns.
Snow (what are you doing?)______________
Bears (what are you doing?)_________________
Spruce (what are you doing?)__________________
Bunny (what are you doing?)_____________
Winter (what are you doing?)___________
Guys, I'm sure the Snow Queen is at a loss! You have completed all the tasks, what good fellows you are. And while our Snow Lady comes up with new tasks for us, we will play a little and rest, we will complete the task for attention: "When you hear the verb, clap your hands."
“…wiped, swept, sewed up, watered, dumped, wore, sculpted, paid, pleased, damaged, crocodile, lantern, lit, burned, flag, friend.”
- Raise your hand, who has never made a mistake. You are great, the most attentive!
- Guys, in the country of the Snow Queen there is often wind. He scattered the words across the snow. Complete the sentences:
(on the slide)
- The verb is………
- Verbs mean………
- Verbs answer questions:………
Look at the words you made at the beginning of the lesson. Read them again. What part of speech are these words? What question is being answered? Have we done this in class?
Repeat movements
Listen to the teacher's speech.
Complete the task on the worksheet.
Read the written verbs.
Listen to the teacher's speech.
Respond with a clap of hands to the "verb".
Assess your performance.
Perceive by ear.
Repeat the rule.
Complete the sentences.
Read words.
Determine the part of speech.
Analyze the progress of the lesson.
Personal - installation on a healthy lifestyle. Communicative - participate in the educational dialogue.
Regulatory - act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; apply learned methods.
Regulatory - act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; apply learned methods.
Cognitive -
adequately perceive the assessment
Lesson City
Verb.: Generalization
1 min
- from what part of the speech did we work in the earlier?
- What part of speech is called a verb?
- Why do we need verbs in speech?
- Write down d / z: rule p. 68 - teach.
Summarize what you have learned.
Summarize the lesson.
Regulatory - to carry out final control.
Task: match the noun with a verb that matches the meaning. Snow (what are you doing?) _________________________________ Bears (what are you doing?) ______________________ Spruce (what are you doing?) ____________________________ Bunny (what are you doing?) _________________________ Winter (what are you doing?) 9047 ________________________________ 0 : choose a verb that matches the meaning of the noun. Spruce (what does it do?) ____________________________ Bunny (what did it do?) _________________________ Winter (what did it do?) __________________________ | Task: match the noun with a verb that matches the meaning. Snow (what are you doing?) _________________________________ Bears (what are you doing?) ______________________ Spruce (what are you doing?) ____________________________ Bunny (what are you doing?) _________________________ Winter (what did you do?) ________________________________ |
Task: match the noun with a verb that matches the meaning. Snow (what are you doing?) _________________________________ Bears (what are you doing?) ______________________ Spruce (what are you doing?) ____________________________ Bunny (what are you doing?) _________________________ Winter (what are you doing?) 9047 ________________________________ 0 : choose a verb that matches the meaning of the noun. Spruce (what does it do?) ____________________________ Bunny (what did it do?) _________________________ Winter (what did it do?) __________________________ | Task: match the noun with a verb that matches the meaning. |