Verbs activities for first grade
5 Fun Activities for Teaching Verbs in the Primary Grades
Looking for some activities for teaching verbs to your Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade students?
Whether your students are just starting to learn about the parts of speech or are well on their way to being grammar gurus, these five activities will make learning about verbs a ton of fun!
Activity #1: Play Simon Says with action words.Introduce the concept of verbs as action words with a game of “Simon Says!”
First, brainstorm a list of action words with your students to use for the game.
You can also use these ready-made word cards from my Kindergarten Grammar Alive curriculum – just cut them out and make a stack or stick them on a binder ring for easy access:
This activity works well as part of a mini-lesson about verbs, and you can also play again during transitions.
Activity #2: Have students look for verbs “in the wild.”In order for grammar to be meaningful, students need to make connections between grammar concepts and actual text.
As a class, we practice identifying verbs in sentences (and acting out the sentences, too!):
Students can also search for verbs in the books they read:
Both of these activities come from my First Grade Grammar Alive program.
Activity #3: Build Verb Vocabulary with GamesBuilding students’ verb vocabulary is important – both for helping them learn verb shades of meaning (see Activity #4 for more on that) AND for helping them learn to use a variety of verbs in their writing.
One easy way to build their vocabulary is to play charades. You or a student acts out a verb, and the class guesses what verb they’re trying to show.
Here’s another verb vocabulary game, where students move around the board and have to name the depicted verbs that they land on:
Activity #4: Put Verbs in Order to Practice Shades of MeaningTo teach students how to choose just the right verb for their writing, work on verb shades of meaning!
First, model how to put the verbs “jog,” “run,” and “sprint” in order from slowest to fastest.
Then, divide students up into small groups. Give each group their own set of cards to put in order.
Once students have ordered the verbs, they can present their work to the class and get feedback.
Finally, you can glue the groups of verbs to chart paper. This creates an anchor chart that students can refer back to during writing time!
Activity #5: Play “Parts of Speech 4 Corners“Once your students have learned about verbs and other parts of speech, get them up and moving with a few rounds of 4 Corners!
To play, label the corners of your classroom as:
Give each child a word card. The words on the cards should be a mix of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Several of them should say “WILD CARD.”
Students should read the word on their card and then go to the corresponding corner of the classroom.
You or a student leader should stand in the middle of the classroom, eyes closed.
The leader calls out a corner (nouns, verbs, adjectives, or wild card) and all the students who were standing in that corner are out of the game and must sit down.
The remaining players trade cards and go to the corresponding corner. Again, the leader calls out “nouns,” “verbs,” “adjectives,” or “wild card,” and the game continues.
Keep playing until only one student is left – that student becomes the leader next!
All the materials to play this game are included in my First Grade Grammar Alive curriculum.
Need more ideas and materials for teaching grammar?I hope you got a few new ideas for teaching verbs!
For complete grammar lesson plans and many more grammar activities (including the ones featured in this blog post), check out my Grammar Alive programs for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade:
Or maybe you already have a grammar curriculum – but you stil need independent practice activities for your students!
If so, check out my BoomCardsTM Grammar Games. They’re digital grammar activities that your students can use on any computer, chromebook, or tablet with internet.
My students love using BoomCards!! And the audio directions are great for providing support even when students are working independently.
Happy teaching!
How to teach Verbs - Primary Grammar with FREE activities — Keeping My Kiddo Busy
It is time to teach verbs!
My students have come so far with their understanding of sentence structure since we studied Unit 1 Nouns and Unit 2 Adjectives.
This is now where the magic happens. A light bulb clicks on and students truly start understand the patterns in our language and sentence structure.
Plus, this unit about verbs is SO much fun! I share a ton of freebies for you to try right here on this blog post.
All the lessons and activities are planned out for you! 40 lessons are outlined in my plans, but you can use all of the worksheets, centers and activities as you see fit.
The unit progresses sequentially and slowly builds on itself. We start with very basic sentence diagramming and identifying parts of speech.
I tell my students that a sentence can be two words because all it needs is a subject (noun) and a verb.
Who or what is the sentence about? SUBJECT
What do they do? VERB
I have a little song/chant I do and the kids pick it right up. Sometimes they simply don’t now where to start when diagramming sentences or trying to identify parts of a sentence.
So I sing the little song, “Who or what is the sentence about?” and this is a little hint for them.
Tip: always start with finding the subject of a sentence. After you find the subject, it is much easier to figure out the verb.
The first few lessons, I show slides and ask those two questions. I use the same sentence structure and this builds student confidence.
We are then ready to put our skills into action! The first few activities in this unit are structured so students can be successful and their confidence sky rockets.
Teaching grammar to primary students does not have to be complicated or overwhelming.
The worksheets help students apply what they learned and you can check for understanding.
They can write the sentences as you show the slides and this keeps them engaged. This can also be used as a follow up literacy center.
We are learning about action verbs in these lessons!
Teaching students that an action means “to do” something is super helpful. A trick I teach them is to put the word “to” in front of a word to see if it is an action.
This leads perfectly into lesson 5. What can you do at ___________
There are six places, and students sort the actions based on what you can do in each scene.
After we do hands-on activities, I always have a follow up activity to solidify concepts taught as well as for accountability.
I need to see that students are understanding what they did in the activity, and I have students write as much as possible.
On the recording page, they write what they can do (the verbs) at each of the six places.
We have had enough practice now that I tell students it is now their turn!
They have to generate verbs for each sentence.
This is a great check in or quiz to see where they are at.
Next up in this unit is a super fun game, similar to the one we did with matching adjectives to nouns.
They already know the format so it is quick and easy to get going.
There are so many ways to play this game. We always say sentences orally first and identify the subject and verb.
You can play go fish, memory, or just practice matching the cards. Then they can write their own sentence for each subject/verb pairs on the recording sheets.
I spend several days on this activity. This is an amazing activity for language development.
We are ready to move on to linking verbs!I love making the linking chain sentences to introduce linking chains because it really helps students understand how linking verbs just link the subject to the rest of the sentence.
Here are some of the activities we do for the next few lessons.
I wish someone had taught me that when I was younger!
Now they are ready for these worksheets/activities.
These are similar to my noun hunts.
Students look through the picture and find all the verbs. They must write the verbs under the correct column - action or linking? Then they write a sentence using one verb on their own.
I use these over several days, and you could even use one as a quiz to check for understanding.
It is time for superhero verbs!First, students fill in the missing verbs using the word bank in lesson 20. Both action and linking verbs are included.
The next day, students get to write a superhero story using exciting verbs (a word bank is provided.)
I love seeing students be so successful as I pull the scaffolding back.
I designed this unit so students can become successful on their own while reading, writing and understanding parts of speech.
What are helping verbs?We are progressing right through this unit, and now that we have learned action verbs and linking verbs, we can now tackle helping verbs.
This is a little more confusing for children to learn, which is why they come after the first two kinds of verbs.
Helping verbs are essentially linking and action verbs combined. When you have a linking verb right before an action verb, the inking verb is helping the action verb.
Examples: is sleeping ; am laughing : were driving
When did it happen? How to teach verb tense.I spend a few days teaching verb tense. For many children, this will come naturally, but it helps with overall language development and awareness.
These lessons are incredibly beneficial if you have ELL students.
Students love matching the puzzles and completing the follow up activity by cutting and pasting the irregular verbs.
Next, we use these adorable color coded verb cards.
I suggest laminating them so they can be used in pocket charts.
Here is a great pocket chart that stands up so students can use these cards in a literacy center.
There are so many fun games to play with these colorful cards.
They are color coded so children can match the verbs, and then they can also be sorted based on their inflectional endings.
For example, I start with matching all the verbs (shown on the left).
Then we sort based on the patterns with inflectional endings.
Sometimes you can just add -ed and -ing and the spelling of the base word doesn’t change.
However, sometimes there are tricks like dropping the silent e (bake = baking), or doubling the last consonant (hug - hugged).
The recording pages are perfect for accountability after they sort the cards.
I always use a follow up activity to hold students accountable for tasks completed during centers. It is also a great check for understanding.
I finish the unit with a few lessons on verbs that are synonyms and antonyms. Students match and substitute verbs that means almost the same thing, as well as verbs that mean the opposite.
These are great lessons for making connections and expanding their vocabulary.
WATCH THIS QUICK VIDEO TO SEE HOW FUN THIS UNIT IS TO TEACH!“This unit makes learning grammar both fun and engaging. The lessons are easy to follow and there are many opportunities for students to practice what they have learned.”
“Just perfect for my K-2 class. Looking forward to other units. Awesome resource : )”
“Fabulous resource! Buy it!!!!!”
CLICK HEREGrammar, First Grade, writing, Writing, Worksheets, Literacy Centerskeepingmykiddobusy@gmail. comVERBS, grammar, first grade, nouns1 Comment
Lesson on extracurricular activities on the topic "Verb"
- generalize and systematize students' knowledge on the topic "Verb";
- improve literate writing skills;
- develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.
Technologies: information technologies, game technologies (game situations).
Class progress
Teacher: So. Do you remember the grammatical fairy tale “How Morphology put things in order”, where, with its help, thousands of words, depending on their meaning, grammatical and syntactic functions, united under their banners, namely: under the banner “Noun”, under the banner “Adjective” .
We continue to travel around the country called Speech. I will read a short poem, and you determine what part of the speech will be discussed today.
What are objects without me? Only names.
And I will come - everything will come into action.
A rocket is flying, people are building buildings,
Gardens are blooming, and grain is growing in the fields.
- Yes, it's a verb!
- Tell me. What do you know about the verb.
- The verb is a real rich man among the parts of speech: it has a face, tense, inclination, appearance - no one has so many forms. The verb and the worker are good: always in business, always connected with someone. But how can he agree with nouns, numerals, pronouns, if they have neither person, nor tense, nor mood. No kind? The verb has to borrow gender and number from these parts of speech in order to agree with them. These parts of speech willingly share their forms with the verb. After all, he is so interesting in communication.
In terms of frequency of use, the verb takes the second place after the noun. The most common verbs are: to be able, to say, to speak, to know, to become, to see, to want, to go, to give, to eat, to stand, to live, to have, to look, to seem, to take, to understand, to do, means . And all the possible forms that form our verbs are almost impossible to enumerate.
The verb is the most lively part of speech.
1. Answers the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? WHAT WILL I DO?
- What two groups can verbs be divided into?
Imperfect | Perfect looking |
What to do? | What to do? |
What will I do? |
- Give examples of verbs.
sing | escape |
hide | carry away |
run | save |

Past tense -
What has passed:
"Yesterday we wrote",
"The sun is gone"
Present tense
Coming now:
"We are writing a name",
"The beast is running".
Future tense
Not yet:
"After lessons
we will go to the cinema."
- Past tense - was, happened, happened.
- Present tense - is, is happening.
- Future tense - will, will happen, will happen.
3. Didactic game
Teacher : Having finished explaining the conjugation of verbs, the teacher called the student:
- If I say: I wash myself, you wash, he wash, you wash, they wash, what time is it?
The boy thought for a long time, then answered:
- morning!
Activity : Help the student find the correct answer.
4. The verb changes by numbers
- Determine the number of verbs. (Children get up if the verb is plural)
The larks are ringing, the woodpecker will scream, the mosquito will squeak, the chickens clucked, the snakes hissed, the nightingale sang, the magpies crackle.
5. The verb changes according to persons (present, future, past), genera
- Give examples of verbs.
6. Syntactic role
- What member of the sentence is the verb?
- The predicate is related to the subject and answers the question WHAT DOES the object do? What is happening to him?
CONCLUSION: a verb is an independent part of speech that denotes an action, answers the questions what to do7 what to do?; changes in times and numbers, in persons, in gender, in a sentence - a predicate.
7. Spelling of verbs
- What spelling do you know in verbs? (in verbs of the 2nd person singular after hissing b is written b)
- b is preserved before s.
- Let's try to work with the text and practice writing verbs (tsya, tsya). Task card.
Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief. The one who does nothing is not mistaken. Who loves to work, he does not sit idle. Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. Without letters and grammar, one does not learn mathematics. |
8. Grammar fairy tale
The power of love
The noble Verb did not love the proud and stubborn particle. This love was difficult and sad. He said: "I love", and she told him: "I do not love." He confessed: “I believe,” and she told him: “I don’t believe.”
Verb sighed sadly and went to wander through dictionaries and textbooks. When he returned to his beloved, she, as usual, jumped away from him with a cry: “I am indignant! I hate it! and suddenly froze in surprise, finding herself in the arms of the Verb.
So the Verb proved that in some cases not only he. But the particle itself cannot live without each other.
- Have you guys guessed why in some cases the particle is NOT written together with the verb?
Funny rhymes.
- Get off your chair!
- I don't want to!
- You will fall!
- I won't fall!
- Get away!
- I won't leave!
- Are you coming?
- I won't come!
- Will you come?
- No, I won't come1
- Do you hear?
- I won't hear!
- Can you find it?
- No, I can't find it!
- Are you getting off?
- I'm not getting off!
- Do you decide?
- I won't decide!
- Dreaming?
- I don't dream!
- Are you silent?
- No, I'm not silent!
- Would you like some candy?
- No! Yes, I want, I want!
- What is the important rule in this poem?
- NOT spelled separately with verbs!
9. Verb conjugation
- What is verb conjugation? (changing verbs by persons and numbers)
- Which verbs belong to the 1st conjugation?
- Which verbs belong to the 2nd conjugation?
- What do you know about special verbs?
- Name them.
How will you start to drive me
I will stop breathing,
My ears will stop hearing,
Well, keep your hands on everything,
You will start looking at me,
Will you turn me around,
I will still endure,
I will depend on you,
Since you could offend me,
I will not see you,
And openly hate!
(and also the verbs SHAVING, LAYING)
- Determine the verb conjugation in the text:
Grasshoppers chirp in the grass, bees fuss in the flowers. All winter the mountain ash watches dreams, and in a dream the forest beauty will forget my story until spring. The lilac dusk at dawn turns pale, fades and turns into a blind haze. In the historical museum you will see and hear a lot of interesting things. Bunches of yellow fluffy feather grass spread along the high mountains. |

- Determine which part of speech the same words belong to.
That's what the stove is for. To bake pies in it.
Snow covered the entire field.
I am standing on our shore. Peace of the border shore.
A child was crying in the corner, and someone suddenly said:
"Don't cry!"
11. Didactic game
- Guess what word I guessed.
It contains a prefix, as in the word girlfriend, a root, as in the word toy, suffixes. As in the word read. What a word? (played)
- What can you say about the word played as a verb? (question, time, number)
12. Speak correctly!
DO NOT speak | NADO |
get out | put |
| I drive |
layet | lie down |
lie down | I will lie down |
bend down | stoop |
we want | want |

A) Replace the highlighted words with synonyms - verbs with not.
I was absent from the circle meeting. (was not)
It rained all night. (didn't stop)
B) Replace verbs with antonyms with unstressed endings.
Strongly loves - hates.
Laughs - cries.
Loses - finds.
14. Summing up the lesson (emoticons)
The system of work on verbs in primary school | Consultation on the Russian language (Grade 4):
The system of work on verbs in elementary grades
The sequence of work on verbs, the connection between sections, the amount of program material, methods and means of studying it in each class are determined by the tasks of studying this part of speech, its linguistic features and cognitive abilities of younger students. The main tasks are to form the initial concept of the verb as a part of speech, to develop the ability to consciously use the verb in oral and written statements, to increase the level of mental development of students, to develop the skill of spelling personal endings of the most common verbs of I and II conjugations. All tasks are solved in interconnection.
The linguistic features of the verb are quite complex, so in the primary grades, students get acquainted only with some categories that are characteristic of this part of speech. When selecting material, the degree of its necessity for the conscious solution of speech and spelling tasks is taken into account. So, already in grade II, elementary work is carried out on the form of the verb (without a term). Students observe the use of verbs in speech that answer the questions what to do? and what to do?, learn to put the question to the word correctly. It is important to learn to distinguish between the form of a verb with the help of questions already in grade II, since without this it is impossible to study the change of verbs in tenses (according to the program, this is also carried out in grade II).
1. Perfective verbs are known to have present, past and future (compound) tenses,
2. imperfective verbs do not have present tenses. Inattention to the form of the verb is often the cause of errors in the formation of temporary forms (an example of an error: from the verb to sing, students form the present tense I sing, the past I sang, the future I will sing instead of I will sing).
Recognition of the aspect is also necessary in order to determine the conjugation of the verb (to solve - I conjugation, to solve - II, to send - II, to send - I, etc.). Understanding the interaction of the aspect of the verb and its tense forms, at least at a partially conceptual level, introduces an element of awareness when students change the verb in tenses and in the use of the verb (for example, to indicate the completion of an action that was performed before the moment of speech, the student uses the verb composed, and to indicate its incompleteness - the verb composed, etc.).
Verb learning sequence.
Work on verbs in the 1st grade. The preparatory stage of work on verbs conditionally refers to the period of learning to read and write.
Preparation for the study of the verb consists in the development of students' attention to the lexical meaning of the word, and in particular the verb. There is, as it were, an accumulation of that specific material, on the basis of which it becomes possible to generalize with respect to the lexical and grammatical meaning typical for the verb: they denote the action of an object. Exercises on verbs are not the end in itself of individual lessons, but are carried out in connection with reading the pages of the primer, making sentences from pictures, etc.
The teacher specifically creates conditions for students to establish a connection between what the word means and the question it answers when making sentences, choosing a word that is appropriate in meaning. For example, while walking, observing the behavior of birds, students complete sentences with appropriate words: What do birds do in autumn? fly away, leave (native stole), stray (in flocks).
More focused work on verbs begins in the second half of the first grade in the process of studying the topic “Words that answer the question what to do?” For some verbs, as is known, the lexical meaning coincides with the grammatical one (runs, flies, jumps, walks, throws, etc. ). With such verbs, it is advisable to start work. Using the example of actions that students themselves perform, they are clearly convinced of what the verbs mean. An important condition is the selection of verbs, the meaning of which does not coincide with the everyday understanding of the "action" of the subject. Gradually, children begin to form an expanded understanding of the action of objects, including the state (to get sick, sleep, etc.), attitude to another object (to be surprised, proud, respect, etc.), change in quality (to turn green, turn yellow, etc. .).
The program indicates that one of the leading skills formed in first-graders is posing a question to a word. The teacher specifically exercises students in this, using verbs of various tense forms and types (texts are widely presented in the textbook). Words that answer the question what? matched with words answering the question what to do? It is noted that the words of the first indicated group are the names of objects, and the words of the second group are the names of the actions of objects. Comparison allows not only to differentiate verbs and nouns, but also to establish their interaction in speech.
Considering the formulation of questions to verbs, it must also be emphasized that this type of work should not be of a formal nature. For example, when recognizing questions, what does it do? And what do they do? first-graders practically get acquainted with the change of verbs by numbers, are brought to an understanding of the essence of the form of the number of the verb. Students of grade 1 connect the question to which the verb answers, and the number forms of the verb are perceived as follows: the word answers the question what does it do? if it denotes the action of one object; the word answers the question what are they doing? if it denotes the action of two or more objects.
Similar statement of questions to verbs what did you do? what is he doing? what will he do? or will do? in fact, it is a propaedeutic work on tense forms of the verb.
The formulation of a morphological question to a word is carried out most often in a sentence, and it is important not to identify the morphological and syntactic questions. The morphological question is posed in order to recognize what part of speech the word is and what are its forms. In grade I, a question is posed to a word to find out what the word means: an object, an action of an object, or its sign. It is important to teach how to put a question to a word, select words that answer the question indicated by the teacher, change the word in accordance with the change in the question (for example: what does it do? plays, what do they do? play; what did you do? read, what did you do? read, etc.) . A necessary condition for working on a verb (as well as on another part of speech) is to compose sentences with fixing students' attention on the use of certain verbs and asking questions about them.
Learning the verb in grade II. The main tasks of this stage are to form the concept of "verb as a part of speech", to familiarize students with the change of verbs in numbers and tenses, to master the ability of students to form temporary forms of verbs that are most common in the speech of younger students.
When acquainting second-graders with the category of the number of the verb, attention is drawn to its semantic side and to the formal grammatical means of expressing the number. Based on specific observations, students are led to a generalization that the singular verb denotes the action of one object, the plural verb denotes the action of two or more objects; when the number of the verb changes, the ending changes. Thus, students establish a connection between the question that the verb answers, the form of the number in which it is used, and the ending: what does it do? units h. says what are they doing? pl. h. they say. In the process of doing exercises, students develop the ability to change the verb by numbers.
Mastering tense forms of the verb is a significant difficulty for second-graders. It is due, in particular, to the fact that when forming temporary forms, the student needs to take into account the form of the verb.
The essence of the tense form of the verb is revealed by students on the basis of comparison, when the action is performed and when it is reported, i. e., on the basis of comparison of the time of the action in relation to the moment of speech. For example, schoolchildren observe the actions that a student called to the board performs or has performed, and also discuss what else will be done (reads a poem, read, will read). Similarly, sentences are made about what is happening in nature at the present time, that is, at the moment of speech, what happened before, what will happen in the future, etc.
Specific observations make it possible to obtain lexical material, summarizing which students under the guidance of a teacher draw the following conclusions:
1) Verbs change with tenses. The verb has three tenses: present, past and future.
2) Present tense verbs denote an action that takes place at the time when it is spoken about, i.e. at the moment of speech. They answer the questions what does it do? what do they do?
3) Past tense verbs denote an action that happened before the moment of speech. He answers the questions what did he do? what they were doing? Past tense verbs have the suffix -l.
4) Future tense verbs denote an action that will take place after the moment of speaking. They answer the questions what will they do? what will they do? or what will it do? what will they do?
When recognizing the tense of a verb for younger students, the main indicator is the question that the verb answers. The technique of posing the question does not exclude orientation to the semantic side of the tense form of the verb (indicates the time of the action in relation to the moment of speech). The teacher specifically draws students' attention to the suffix -l as an indicator of the past tense of the verb.
It is important to learn how to use the question correctly in order to recognize and form tense forms of the verb. At first, this work is carried out collectively and is aimed at establishing a connection: question - verb tense - suffix (for past tense verbs). The indefinite form is taken as the initial form for the formation of temporary forms, with which students get acquainted as with the initial form of the verb. Asking a question directs students' actions, for example: what to do? paint; what did you do? drew; what will i do? I will draw; what to do? draw; What did you do? painted; what will I do? I'll draw. The teacher makes the differentiated formulation of the question what to do the subject of students' awareness. and what to do? taking into account the completion (completion) or incompleteness of the action.
Given the difficulties of students in the formation of tense forms of the verb, it is advisable to compile the following table together with them, which will serve as a reference and prevent errors.
Change in the verb at