Sentence of why
Why - English Grammar Today
Grammar > Nouns, pronouns and determiners > Question words > Why
Why is a wh-word. We use why to talk about reasons and explanations.
We can use why to ask about reasons and explanations:
Why did he leave home when he was 16?
Why didn’t you tell Gemma?
Why is the Earth round?
We can use why in indirect questions:
He asked me why I wanted to leave the job.
I wonder why he told nobody he was getting married.
We can use why on its own as a response:
I’m going home now .
When we reply to a negative statement, we usually say why not?:
I don’t like it here.
Why not?
When we ask for reasons in speaking, we can use the phrase why is that? In informal conversations we often say why’s that?:
Look, the moth is attracted to the light.
Why is that?
I’m not sure.
She’s not going to college this year.
Why’s that?
She says she wants to travel for a while.
We can use why ever or why on earth to add emphasis and to show shock or surprise. We usually stress ever and earth:
Beth has decided to go on holiday by herself this year.
Why ever would anyone want to go on holiday alone?
Why on earth has Julie bought me this expensive present?
In informal contexts we sometimes use what for? with the same meaning of asking for a reason:
Ann’s going to be really upset with me.
What for?
I forgot to call her back last night.
We don’t use why as a conjunction when we mean because:
I’m going home now because I’m tired.
Not: … why I’m tired.
We often use the phrase that’s why to give a reason:
Frank and Ellen have three children now.
That’s why they moved house. They needed more space.
Ian’s not been feeling well recently, has he?
No. That’s why he’s taken some time off.
When we are annoyed about something, we sometimes use the phrase why should:
Why should taxpayers have to pay more because the government has not managed its spending properly?
Why should old people have to worry about health insurance?
Why should I? as a response is very direct and rude:
[A is a mother and B is a child who is opening and closing the car window]
Stop doing that.
Why should I?
We use why don’t and why not to make suggestions:
Why don’t we leave the washing-up until tomorrow morning? It’s too late now. (or Why not leave the washing up …)
See also:
We can use the phrase why not? as a reply which shows that we agree to a suggestion or request:
How about we invite Barbara and Gina round on Saturday night?
Why not? We haven’t seen them in a long time.
I have not placed an order for a long time because I am unhappy with the last delivery.
Not: I have not placed an order for a long time why I am unhappy …
See also:
Reason why
- 01 Pronouns: personal (I, me, you, him, it, they, etc.
- 02 Conditionals: other expressions (unless, should, as long as)
- 03 As, when or while?
- 04 Made from, made of, made out of, made with
- 05 Phrasal verbs and multi-word verbs
- 06 Inversion
- 07 Present simple (I work)
- 08 Present perfect continuous (I have been working)
- 09 Collocation
- 10 Future: will and shall
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Why"
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Why"- I wonder why.
- Why do you ask?
- Why do you lie?
- Nobody knows why.
- Why did you quit?
- Why are you crying?
- Why did he run away?
- Why did she do that?
- Why did this happen?
- Why don't we go home?
- That's why I was late.
- Why don't you come in?
- Why are you busy today?
- Why did you come early?
- Why did he quit his job?
- Why don't we go dancing?
- I wonder why he did that.
- Why did you buy a flower?
- Why did you get so angry?
- Why did you open the box?
- Why do I have to do that?
- Why don't we order pizza?
- Why don't we take a taxi?
- Why didn't you call me up?
- Why don't we share a room?
- This is why I quit the job.
- Why are you angry with him?
- Why are you looking so sad?
- Why are you so tired today?
- Why did he do such a thing?
- Why do you need this money?
- Why don't you have a party?
- Why did she come home early?
- Why did you buy the flowers?
- Why do you think he said so?
- Why don't we ask his advice?
- Why don't you get a haircut?
- Why not have dinner with us?
- He wondered why she did that.
- Why are you drying your hair?
- Why are you holding my hands?
- Why did you say such a thing?
- Why did you come home so late?
- Why didn't you dance with him?
- Why do you want to be a nurse?
- Why don't you drop her a line?
- Why don't you give up smoking?
- Why were you absent yesterday?
- Why won't my dog eat dog food?
- Do you know why she's so angry?
- I wonder why she is so worried.
- Why can't I sing like they can?
- Why do you want to be a doctor?
- Why do you want to leave today?
- Why don't you take the day off?
- Why were you late this morning?
- She asked him why he was crying.
- Why don't we drop by to see her?
- Why don't we go and see a movie?
- Tell me why you want to go there.
- Why didn't you read the magazine?
- I can't figure out why he said so.
- Why didn't you call me last night?
- Why do you want to become a nurse?
- Why didn't you phone before coming?
- He had no idea why his wife left him.
- She explained to him why she was late.
- There is no reason why he should resign.
- I wondered why people were staring at me.
- Could you please tell me why you love her?
- Have you been told why we didn't hire you?
- I wonder why she didn't tell him about it.
- Why do you spend so much time watching TV?
- Why were you absent from school yesterday?
- I can't figure out why you don't like jazz.
- I don't know why the meeting was postponed.
- I figured out why the machine wouldn't work.
- I wonder why John is always late for school.
- I couldn't understand why she frowned at him.
- I'm not sure why Tom didn't want to meet Mary.
- I don't see any reason why I have to apologize.
- Could you please tell me again why you are late?
- I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth.
- I can't tell you why she was absent from school.
- She explained to him why she couldn't visit him.
- I can understand why you don't want to eat there.
- I told you guys to go home. Why are you still here?
- He gave an explanation about why he had been absent.
- I really want to know why he did that kind of thing.
- She explained to him why she was late for his party.
- Why don't you pull over and take a rest for a while?
- She explained to him why she didn't like his parents.
- Have you been told the reasons why we didn't hire you?
- I'd really like to know why he did that sort of thing.
- She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer.
- It's nearly lunchtime. Why don't we stop to have a bite to eat?
- Why don't you hang around a while after everyone else leaves so we can talk?
- Why do you ask?
Suggest why it is difficult to define the term "life".

D0minik D0minik
- Biology
- 5 - 9 grades
Genie01 Genie01
I think because each person understands the word "Life" differently. For me personally, life is the existence of an organism on earth, and later its death.
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Help, be kind, I give 80 points Inquiry into those PROCESSES OF LIFE OF TWARIN 1. Dhalal pigment hemoglobin to avenge atom: And the ferum … B cuprum B manga 2. The most important part of the dichal system is called: A bronchioles B alveoli C trachea 3. Through the curves of the body, it is not possible to control gas exchange: A flatworms B some worms C crustaceans 4. Filtering device for zebras: A winter arches B winter feathers B winter eggs 5. In some creatures, there are two types of slugs: invasive and mousy A ribeye B amphibians B birds G ssavci 6. Which organ stores glycogen: A heart B nirki C liver G slug 7. Pozakishkov etching is typical for: A cancers B spiders C ribs G toads 8. Who has a daily herbal system: A in cyp’yakiv B in dwarf worms C in crayfish D in toads 9. Behind the way of life is the scarab beetle: A parasite B coprophage C necrophage 10. Not a phytophage: A tovstolobo B iguana V octagon Deer 11. Cloaca vіdsutnya y: A amphibians B cartilaginous ribs C ssavtsiv 12. Finding the temperature of the body: A birds 13. The health of the body to take away the main information and the evidence on it react is called: A reflex arc B subdifference C electroreception 14. Folding faceted eyes are typical for: A comakh B rib C lizard G ptahiv 15. Krіm ssavtsіv thoroughly budova eyes is typical for: A suspіlnyh comas B cephalopods mollusks B tailed amphibians 16. Mechanoreceptors receive: A relish B smell C dotik G spir 17.
For some of the names of the organs of hearing, placement on the ends: A tsvirkun B lizard C whale G crit 18. The sound of the ear is typical for: A rib B amphibian B plazunov D ssavtsiv 19. Yaka kerivna system ensures the response of the organism to Miscellaneous: A nervous B humoral C immune 20. What is the group of living organisms? systems: A jellyfish B hydra C molluscs D amphibians 21. Choose two words for the brain, as if they were scratched by the bark: A anterior B middle C cerebellum D intermediate 22. Sira speech of the brain is confirmed for: A analysis of information B transmission of signals between different cells of the brain In mutual connection between the brain and other organs 23. Warehouses of the central nervous system є: A cerebellum B nerve fibers C spinal cord 24. Do not lie before the warehouse of the reflex arc: A receptor B neuron C spinal cord D blood
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Two children were entangled at the canopy booth. First couple of fathers in May I and II blood groups, another pair - II and IV. One child is in the II group, and the other is in the I … group. Appoint the fathers of both children. (Outward cherry)
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A simple complicated sentence - rules and examples
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To cope with the OGE in Russian, it is important to understand all the nuances of parsing in difficult cases. A complicated sentence is just one of those. Today we will tell you how a simple sentence can be complicated, and also analyze some useful examples.
Which sentence is called complicated
Complicated sentence is such a sentence, which includes one or more complicating components.
These can be homogeneous or isolated members, introductory words, plug-in constructions, appeals and direct speech.
A complicated sentence is not the same as a complex one. In the first case, it still remains simple, that is, it has only one grammatical basis, although other elements complicate it. In the second, there are several bases - two or more.
Example No. 1.
To make it clearer, let's show the difference between a simple complicated and a complex sentence using an example.
The first sentence has only one grammatical basis: the flowers swayed . At the same time, it has homogeneous definitions: silver, purple, azure, mother-of-pearl . And also - the introductory word and finally .
The second sentence is a complex one. It has 2 grammatical bases: flowers swayed and the wind touched , and parts of the sentence are connected by a subordinating conjunction while .
Next, consider each type of element that can complicate a sentence in detail.
Offers with homogeneous members
Homogeneous members of the sentence are those members that perform the same syntactic function, i.e., are associated with the same word, answer one question and refer to one member of the sentence.
In Russian, any independent parts of speech that are the main or secondary members of a sentence are homogeneous. These can be subjects, predicates, definitions, additions and circumstances. It is important that they belong to the same part of speech.
Example No. 2.
Homogeneous subjects:
Homogeneous predicates:
Homogeneous definitions:
Uniform additions:
Similar circumstances:
More examples can be found in our article "Homogeneous members of a sentence".
Proposals with separate members
Separate members of the sentence are such members that are distinguished by intonation in oral speech and punctuation marks in written speech. Among such members, one can single out separate definitions, circumstances and additions.
As separate definitions, we can often find participial phrases or constructions with adjectives. And also - applications, i.e. nouns with dependent words.
Example no. 3.
As separate additions, pronouns or nouns most often act. An important condition: they must be preceded by prepositions except, besides, excluding, including and others. At the same time, such additions are considered separate if they mean the inclusion, exclusion or replacement of something.
Example no. 4.
Separate circumstances can be single gerunds, participles, clarifications and nouns with derivative prepositions in spite of, in spite of, in spite of and others. And also - comparative turnovers.
Example no. 5.
Sentences with introductory words and insertions
Introductory words are words that reflect the mood of the speaker, his assessment, and also indicate a sequence of actions or attract attention.
Introductory words in Russian are not considered members of a sentence, so it is important to distinguish them from other homonymous members of a sentence. We have already written more about how to do this in the article "Introductory Words".
Example 6.
Fortunately, the storm soon subsided.
Plug-in constructions are such constructions that do not have syntactic links with other parts of the sentence, but provide additional information, instructions, remarks, etc.
Intonation is used to highlight such constructions orally. And if you need to do this in a letter, brackets or dashes will help.
Example No. 7.
The letter in her hands - I immediately realized this - was nothing good.
Offers with appeals
Appeal is a word or combination of words that names the person or thing to which the speech is addressed. They serve to attract the attention of the interlocutor.
Appeal is used in the nominative case. And also, if we are talking about oral communication, it is pronounced with a characteristic intonation. Like you want to call someone. Such appeals also complicate a simple sentence, and it is customary to separate them with commas.
Example No. 8.
And you, Anna, go home and wait for your parents to get home from work.
Sentences with direct speech
Direct speech is a part of a sentence that literally conveys what someone said.
It may seem that sentences with direct speech are complex. However, it is not. Yes, they are divided into two parts: direct speech and a commentary part, i.e. the words of the author. But if there are no additional grammatical bases in any of these parts, such a sentence is said to be simple and complicated by direct speech.
Example No. 9.
He looked over his shoulder and was indignant: “How long will you have to wait?”
Demo lesson in Russian
Take the test at the introductory lesson and find out what topics separate you from the "five" in Russian.
All kinds of complicated sentences: summary table
Now let's go through all the kinds of elements that can complicate sentences again. And at the same time, we will collect them in one table so that it is convenient for you to use these materials.
How can sentence be complicated | ||
Elements | What role do they play in the proposal | Example |
Homogeneous members | Subjects, predicates, definitions, additions, circumstances | White, red, yellow balloons soared into the air. |
Separate members | Definitions, additions, circumstances | I enjoyed the evening, quiet and velvety.![]() |
Introductory words and insertions | They are not part of the sentence, but reflect the mood of the author or provide additional information | Unfortunately, she missed the train that day. |
Appeals | Are not members of the sentence, but name the person or object addressed by the author | You, citizen, better go to your carriage. |
Alien speech | Direct speech, quote - conveys what was said | "It's too cold to walk," she said. |
Test yourself
Now let's practice a little. To see how well you have mastered the topic of simple compound sentences, complete the self-test task below.
Read the sentences below and determine which of them can be called complicated and which are not. Determine in what way the sentences are complicated.
Festive lights - blue, yellow, red - flooded the square with light.
I was about to call a taxi when my bus pulled up.
"This year they really did their best to decorate the square!" she admired.
That evening turned out to be really dreary.
My mother, a very cheerful woman for her age, always did the housework herself.
This work is the most beautiful of what I have created.
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