Virtual math activities for kindergarten
10 Ideas for Kindergarten Math Distance Learning
If you are beginning the 2020-2021 school year remotely, the good news is that you have time to prep and prepare this time around! Digital resources are great, and there is definitely a need for them now. However, digital cannot replace the importance of pencil and paper activities for our youngest learners who NEED to work on handwriting and fine motor skills. Dragging and dropping and swiping right will not help our kindergarten students strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the hands, which is necessary for writing and proper pencil grip. For this reason, I am planning on prepping packets and papers to send home so that my students have the hands-on practice.
I have bundled and discounted several of my math resources that teachers around the world have used in their classrooms! These activities may be printed and sent home as paper packets or combined into a binder. If you are doing synchronous online instruction, your students may complete the activities with you on your Google Meet or Zoom sessions.
I used several of these activities for Google Meets last spring.
In this post, I will show you 10 ideas for Kindergarten Math Distance Learning.
1. Roll and Record
This math activity provides differentiated versions for your child to “Roll and Record.” You may play with one die and work on recording numbers 1 to 6. The more challenging option allows your learner to play with a set of dice by rolling, adding, and recording the sums. This activity is perfect for number writing, addition, and graphing.
2. Dice Addition
This activity is shown in the above photo. Student roll a set of dice and write the number sentence. I use this activity to teach a variety of addition strategies including counting the dots and counting on from the larger number to find the sum.
3. Domino Math
My students love this one! They place the domino above the blank domino picture, color the dots to match, and write a number sentence. This is another great activity for reinforcing the addition strategies mentioned above. If you are homeschooling and do not have dominoes, you may simply draw the dots and have your child solve the problems.
4. Number Writing Mats
These can be printed and used in SO many ways. If you place them inside a plastic binder sleeve, you may use these pages as dry erase mats or Play-Doh mats. You may also print them and have your child paint or color the pages. My students love using these as a math center all year long!
5. Number Writing Books
The books are perfect for so many things – teaching proper number formation, introducing ten frames and tallies, using a number line, and more! Two books are included in my Math Bundle. The first is for numbers 1 to 10, and the second includes numbers 11 to 20.
6. Book of 100 Numbers
All of my kids need practice with number formation! This printable books includes 25 numbers per page for students to trace.
I have my kids Rainbow Write the numbers using marker. The traceable font allows their little hands to gain memory of how to properly write their numbers. Reversing numbers is quite common at this age, so the more practice the better!
7. Shoe Measuring Investigation
This is a fun one for the classroom or for distance learning. It was originally designed to be used with cubes as measuring tools, but homeschooling parents can again improvise with whatever materials you have at home!
8. Toss the Chips
This math investigation focuses on number decomposition for numbers five through ten. Children toss red and yellow chips, record what they tossed, and write a corresponding number sentence. Distance learners may easily substitute the colored math chips for coins and record “heads or tails” instead.
9. My Book of 2D Shapes
This is a great lesson on Geometry. Students trace the shape word and record how many sides and vertices each shape has.
10. Tile Arrangement Books
Students build and color tile arrangements. Then, they write a corresponding number sentence. Once again, homeschooling parents do not need the tiles to complete this activity. Students may simply color a tile arrangement using the number of tiles listed at the top of the page. This activity is also great for number composition and decomposition, addition, and number writing.
If you are interested in learning more about Kindergarten Distance Learning Writing Resources, CLICK HERE!
Above all, I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy during this time. Hopefully, we will be returning to school and regain a sense of normalcy.
Virtual Math Activities for Distance Learning in Kindergarten and PreK
I’ve said it many times and I will say it many more--math centers are my absolute favorite part of the day! I love watching students explore mathematical concepts by completing centers and games. They learn so much more through the hands-on interactions (and conversations with their classmates) than they would simply completing math worksheets or in whole group lessons. When we abruptly switched to virtual learning, I mourned the loss of math centers. But after some research I have found a way to give students intentional and fun activities to mimic the center experience they would have in the classroom.
I am using Boom Learning for my “digital math centers”!
All of the virtual math activities mentioned here are available both on Boom Learning and Teachers Pay Teachers!
Why Boom Learning?
Boom cards are self-correcting! I love self-correcting activities both in person and virtually because students get in the moment feedback on how they are doing. In the classroom I use lots of self-correcting puzzles. On Boom only the correct answer is accepted (this is different from what happens in Google resources or Seesaw). If students get the answer wrong they are able to try again (we all know that making mistakes and trying again is a huge part of the learning process!)
Boom cards have a lot of flexibility in what students can be asked to do. In some activities I have them count the number of objects and type the total. In others they match shapes to real life examples or numerals to quantities and drag them together. In some they use digital counters to build sets to match numbers or sets that have one more or one less. Some activities have students click on the correct answer (a number, a shape, an object—the sky is the limit).
You can use a Boom account or you can use these activities without one! If you have the Boom account you can track student progress on individual decks which will allow you to see where misconceptions are and plan for reteaching. If you don’t want or can’t have student accounts that is okay!!! You can still assign students the decks and they complete them from the link. You won’t be able to see how they do but they will still get the practice. In the classroom I don’t usually see how students complete math centers because I am generally working with a small group!
The links can work with a variety of platforms- you can assign them in Google classroom, link them in Canvas, or include them in an email to parents!
Virtual Math Centers
I use the Eureka Math (EngageNY) curriculum so have based my activities off of their scope and sequence. However, they all meet the Common Core standards and are applicable to any pre-k or kindergarten classroom! So far I have 3 groupings of digital math activities- counting and cardinality, geometry, and measurement and data.
Digital Counting Centers
I have built in different types of activities to give students practice counting sets up to 10. In some activities like Ice Cream Counting they count the sets and drag and drop them next to the correct number. In others like Rocket Counting, Fish Counting, and Counting Dogs students count the pictures and type the number into the correct box. My favorite activities are the ones where students build sets to match the number given (Ocean Counting, Night Sky, and Butterfly Counting). I like these because any combination of the number is marked as correct- if you are making a set of 5 you can do 5 fish straight across, 2 in the top and 3 in the bottom, every other box, etc. This helps students learn that numbers can be represented in many different ways!
I have also grouped some activities into my counting bundle that teach about one more and one less. There are virtual math activities where students build sets with one more or one less than a given number. There are also two digital math activities where they count the objects and then click the number that represents one more or one less.
Shapes and geometry math activities for the distance learning classroom! Great virtual math activities for kindergarten.
Digital Geometry Centers
In the classroom I love teaching geometry by building shape museums of everyday objects. We talk all about the attributes and how we know what type of shape each object is. I tried to digitalize this by having students identify real life objects that are certain shapes. Also, by giving them opportunities to drag and drop real life objects to the correct 2d or 3d shape.
Sorts are some of my favorite activities. I have included a 2d (flat shape) sort, a 3d (solid shape) sort, and a sort where students differentiate between flat and solid shapes! I think this differentiation could be difficult without hands on practice but am confident that the real-life pictures will help students distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes.
Digital Measurement and Data Centers
Measurement is definitely an activity that is best done with hands on experiences. I plan to have students find objects around the house and compare them based on height, length, weight, and volume.
I created Boom cards to review these concepts. For height and length there are 3 activities- one where they order objects from shortest to tallest or longest to shortest, one where they sort objects as taller/shorter or longer/shorter than a given object, and finally one where they count the cubes to measure the height or length of different objects.
For weight I have an activity where they order objects from heaviest to lightest or lightest to heaviest. There is also an activity where they see a scale with an object on one side of it. They then choose between two given objects as to which could correctly complete the image. The students will have to think about the weight of the different objects as well as the positioning of the scale (is the known object lighter and up in the air or heavier and low down?)
My measurement activities also include comparing quantities. There is a digital activity where they count the two types of animals and decide if the quantities are the same or different. This then progresses to an activity where they count three sets of animals, type the correct numbers in and then click on the animal that has the most or fewest. There is a third more difficult activity as well. Students compare two groups of animals and complete a comparison statement about what they see—for example 3 is less than 5 or 8 is more than 6.
Using Digital Math Activities
I am excited to use these virtual math centers with my students! I think they will be a good bridge between the in class experience and virtual learning. I also think they will have a place in the brick and mortar classroom. I plan to use them as a computer center during my normal math rotation.
How are you adapting math centers to virtual learning? I would love to learn from your experiences
Check out my virtual math activities on BOOM learning and on Teachers Pay Teachers!
Math adventure | Vestochka
In MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 425 of Chelyabinsk" open classes for educators were held as part of the implementation of the annual task "Improving the quality of preschool education by improving the level of professional competencies of teachers."
Demonstration of educational activities took place in almost all groups. Mathematics has become a priority. Many used the capabilities of multimedia equipment in the process of working with children, which significantly increased the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process.
The kids got acquainted with the basics of mathematical concepts, expanded their knowledge in the field of mathematics, middle and older groups, summed up the knowledge gained in kindergarten, pupils of preparatory groups for school - future first-graders. All the guys did a great job and did their best. An integral merit of all teachers was the interest of children in what is happening, the activity in solving the proposed tasks and tasks.
This is where our children have been and what they have been able to do during the open classes.
Group No. 1, the first junior
Teacher - Preobrazhenskaya Olga Kharisovna showed an educational activity called "Visiting Mishka".
Type of activity: communicative, playful, motor.
Educational tasks:
- Learn to select objects based on color;
- Develop far-near representation;
- To consolidate knowledge in children "high - low", "big-small".
Developmental tasks:
- Develop children's cognitive and research activities through conversation, classification by color, size;
- Develop free communication with adults and children;
- Enrich children's knowledge with a variety of sensory experiences.
Educational tasks:
- Cultivate curiosity, expand the experience of orientation in the environment.
Mishka invited the guys to visit, he called them on the phone. The children went to him by plane. The journey had musical and video accompaniment. The children repeated the concepts of "high" and "low" as they flew past high and low mountains. Remembered about "far" and "close". On the way, they managed to feed the chicks with multi-colored beaks with food in the color of their mouths. The travelers collected large and small mushrooms in different baskets and finally reached the house of the Clubfoot, who cordially accepted them and gave them his gift. True, it was not so easy to find it - I had to first look in peas, and then in pasta. They found it there.
Teacher - Gushchina Marina Alexandrovna, educational activity on the topic "Geometric shop".
In the same group, an open game lesson "Geometric shop" was held. With great interest, children bought goods of the same shape for money in the form of geometric shapes, turned into rabbits, ducklings and fish. The group suddenly became like a cheerful and noisy bazaar. At the end, the guys played a game of "attention".
Group No. 2, second junior
Teacher - Kirillova Elena Anatolyevna, educational activity in mathematics using the Lego constructor.
- To teach children to compare objects by height, to indicate in words the result of the comparison: “higher-lower”, “high-low”, “equal in height”.
- Using a Lego constructor. Learn to build turrets, exercise in comparing details in height (“cube” and “brick”) on a plane.
Two dolls came to visit the children - a small one and a large one, i.e. high and low. The children looked at them and understood what their difference was, and began to measure and compare their height with each other. And then our young mathematicians built turrets of cubes and bricks on a Lego plate and decided which one was higher and which one was lower, and they also thought how to add or subtract height to them.
Group No. 5, preparatory school
Teacher - Natalya Alexandrovna Popova, educational activity on FEMP in the preparatory group "Vovka in Far Far Away Kingdoms".
Tasks :
- Strengthening the ability to solve a logical problem.
- Strengthening the ability to make a number.
- Fix mathematical symbols ( > , < , =).
- Strengthening the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the figure.
- Fix the concepts: "left" and "right".
- Fix the names of household equipment for the garden on the eve of summer-spring gardening work.
- Strengthening the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.
Together with the hero of the famous cartoon - Vovka - our future first-graders set off on a journey through distant kingdoms. As one would expect, on the threshold of the kingdoms, children were waiting for mathematical tests. But even in the states themselves, the children faced a difficult task - in all three kingdoms, the kings were nowhere sadder and they had to be amused by solving mathematical problems. And what did you think - you need to collect the flowers you need, break a beautiful flower bed, paint the walls - no one has succeeded without mathematics!
The children finished the open lesson by writing a graphic dictation, which will be very useful for future schoolchildren as soon as they step on the threshold of the school and sit down at their desks.
Group #6 senior.
Teacher - Okhotina Anastasia Anatolyevna, open lesson on FEMP in the senior group on the topic "Journey to the Land of Mathematics".
- Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, name adjacent numbers of a given number.
- Strengthen the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems using logical thinking.
- To develop spatial imagination, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, cognitive interest.
- Develop perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects by properties, generalize; develop independent work skills.
- Raise interest in mathematics.
- Develop independence.
- Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of working together .
Educational areas:
- Cognition (FEMP).
- Communication (speech activity).
- Socialization (game activity).
The children of the older group were intrigued by the promised trip to the country of Mathematics. Each of them sought to get his invitation card, for which it was necessary to solve the problem - to count the petals on the flower or complete the task. And, as they later found out, they tried not in vain. The trip turned out to be very interesting and informative. The guys became guests in the City of Numbers, the City of Time and the City of Arithmetic. They remembered, lined up and named the number series up to 10, the days of the week and solved examples on the fruits of a magic apple tree. The umbrella became a special intrigue of the trip - it was he who carried the "tourists" around the cities of the mathematical country.
Group No. 7, second junior
Teacher - Vinogradova Elena Konstantinovna , educational activity in mathematics "Geometric figures".
- To give the concept and consolidate the ability to recognize the studied geometric shapes and find them in the outlines of the immediate environment.
- Develop memory, speech, mental operations using tactile sensation.
Together with the teacher, the children went on a road trip to a magical land - Mathematics. There they visited the house where the triangle, square and circle live. In the mathematical country, they came across a "wonderful bag" with geometric figures, which the children recognized by touch and pulled out. From the wonderful figures, the guys made a chicken, and then they found all these figures in the objects surrounding them in the group.
Teacher - Vasilyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna, educational activity in mathematics "Teremok is standing in the field."
Purpose of the lesson: Consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills.
Educational objectives:
- Continue to teach children to communicate with the teacher, listen and understand the question and answer it clearly.
- To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the primary colors - red, blue, yellow, green.
- To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the number of objects: many - few, one - none, one at a time.
- To consolidate children's knowledge about the size of objects - large - small, wide - narrow, long - short.
Developmental tasks:
- Develop auditory and visual attention, imagination. Develop speech, observation, mental activity.
- Expand and activate children's vocabulary. Develop logical thinking.
Educational tasks:
- To cultivate kindness and responsiveness.
The fairy tale "Teremok" came to visit the guys from the second junior group and was weird with its riddles. Then the flags on the tower disappeared, and the children had to guess which one had disappeared. That path to the tower was confused by a fairy tale, and the guys had to pick up the pebbles-mugs correctly in size in turn to make a folding path. We have good children, they managed to feed the hare with vegetables, and at the same time oversaturate carrots, cabbage and apples.
Group No. 10, preparatory to school
Teacher - Savicheva Galina Konstantinovna , educational activities in mathematics "Club of young experts".
Goals and objectives of the lesson:
- To consolidate with children a quantitative and ordinal count within 20;
- Exercise children in naming "even" and "odd" numbers within 20;
- To consolidate the ability to compose arithmetic problems and write their solution using numbers.
- To consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller ones.
- Practice orientation on a sheet of paper.
- To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, times and months of the year.
- Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.
- To develop logical thinking, ingenuity, attention, ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
- To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently.
- Raise interest in mathematics, mutual assistance.
The Wise Owl, the mascot of the game “What? Where? When?". As it turned out, Owl had been eyeing the smart guys from group No. 10 for a long time and decided to open the “Club of Young Connoisseurs” with us. Only the one who proves that he is the most intelligent, quick-witted, worthy can become a member of the club. Her expectations were justified. At the end of the lesson, Owl thanks everyone for the game, for their knowledge and gives everyone a coloring book and a CLUB membership card.
Dear parents , here are materials that will help organize children at home Educators of the preschool educational institution of the Volgograd region
Also, within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education "Volunteers of Education", exciting games and consultations are posted on the website of the electronic magazine "Child and Society" .
What to do with a child at home?
Playing with birds. You need to click on each bird with your finger and the song of the bird you clicked on will appear. Link to the site
Excursion around the reserve. When watching this video, you can move your finger across the screen, change the viewing angle, the camera rotates as if you yourself are there Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve
Playing traffic rules Link to the site
Fixies-vitamins: educational cartoons : Link to cartoons
Rules for a healthy lifestyle Link to the movie
Interesting activities with a child: For those who have children, this keeps us very busy today. If you type the name of the animal into Google (on iPhone or Android) and then click "View in 3D". He raises your camera and in 30 seconds a tiger appears at your house! You can take pictures of the kids with them and they can walk around it. You can also find: Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, Shark, Hedgehog, Duck, Emperor Penguin, Wolf, Angler, Goat, Rottweiler, Snakes, Eagle, Brown Bear, Alligator, Horse, Scottish Pony, Macaw, Pug, Tortoise, Cat, Octopus, Dog. Link
What else to do with a child at home?
If you want to mold something from plasticine, go here:
Crafts from plasticine
What can be done from plasticine
If you want to draw, go here:
90 you here:
DIY application
Unusual application
If you want to build unusual buildings, you are here:
If you want to make a toy with your own hands from improvised means, you are here:
DIY crafts
Games from improvised means
If you want to arrange a home disco, you are here:
If you want to listen together audiobooks, you are here:
If you want to read interesting books, you are here:
What about virtual tours?
Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest
State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg)
National Museum in Krakow
Russian Museum for Children
Ethnic Museum of Russian Fairy Tale, Volgograd
Video master classes for parents and children, educational cartoons
8 On the site of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" in the section "Preschool education" you can see:
Master class. "Unusual crafts from ordinary things: Bullfinch"
Unusual crafts from ordinary things: master class
Physical development of preschoolers
Merry charging for children
Merry charging
Friendly charging
Charging for beautiful posture
Physumes: 42-Rosinochka-Russian 90 room for children and parents Outdoor games for children and parents.docx
Music for children's exercise
We play and study with a child 2-3 years old
Outdoor games for children from 2 to 3 years old at home
Educational activities for children 2-3 years old: learning to draw
42 crafts for KIDS (for children 1-2 years old).
Activity for children 2-3 years old
Educational games for children 1.5 years and older. The development of motor skills and not only
Educational activities with children 2-3 years old: learning to draw
Once upon a time. Blog about the development and education of children 2-3 years old.
Give children clothespins - you will have free time!
What to play with a child 2 and 3 years old? Role-playing, directing, didactic, board and outdoor games for children 2 and 3 years old
Educational games and activities for children from 1 year to 1 year 3 months (detailed plan - abstract)
Games for toddlers 2-3 years old
Classes for children 2-3 years old
Nursery rhymes and poems with movement for children 1-3 years old
Outdoor games for children from 2 to 3 years old at home
Educational game for children 2 years old with their own hands
DIY crafts DIY rattles
DIY board
Applications for children 1-3 years old. Ideas and templates for applications
Playing with sand is a useful activity
Educational games for children 2 years old at home
Playing and learning with a child 3-4 years old
Educational games for a child 3-4 years old at home with parents. Examples
Educational games for children 3-4 years old
Educational games for children 3-4 years old at home with parents
18 ideas what to do with a 3-year-old child at home?
Educational games for children from three to four years old at home
What to play with a child of 3 years old
Educational games for children of 3-4 years old at home with parents
What to do with a 3-year-old child at home?
Sand therapy at home: 7 interesting and useful games with sand
Games with children 3 years old
We train intelligence. Puzzles for children and their parents
Children's sandwiches: 72 cooking recipes
Educational games for children 3-4 years old at home with their parents.
Sandbox Games
Top 15 ideas on how to entertain children aged 3-6 without leaving home
We play and engage with children 4-7 years old
What to do with children during quarantine: 30 interesting ideas
Source Ticketik Aero: https:// www.
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30 tongue twisters for the development of speech
Educational games online for children 5 years old
Educational children's games "Playing"
Cards for the game "Find a shadow"
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Finger painting
Tasks for logic for children 4-5 years
Math games for children 4-7 years old
15 very simple crafts that everyone can handle
Crafts from bushings for children with their own hands: the best ideas -dlya-children-6-let
Cartoon - Coloring. Learn Colors - How cars are made - Cartoons about cars for children
Quarantined. 59 ideas for joint games with a child
Plasticine figures for children
Crafts for children - 200 step-by-step ideas from different materials
Source: https://tratatuk. ru/materialy/podelki-iz-bumagi/podelki-dlya-detej.html
Paper crafts
7 modeling workshops
PAPER flowers - 41 ways to do it yourself
DIY colored sand crafts: templates for applications, master class
Art Vision 1289 subscribers Ah, those butterflies! Origami for beginners
DIY crafts
Paper crafts
Pictures from stones
We make flowers from wire and polyethylene.
15 educational apps for kids of different ages to play and learn
Spring paper flowers / Interesting crafts for kids
15 crafts that you want to make with your child
Tales. Stories. Poems
Cognitive tales about the world around.
Logorhythmics for the development of a child's speech. + A selection of poems
Mishka's books. Books, audio and development for children
Riddles for children about spring. Educational video for children. Riddles
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20 unusual workshops for creativity with children: from paper crafts to filming your own cartoon
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Children's games and competitions at home
Games and competitions in nature for children
Bibush Children's Portal
20 simple and quick breakfasts for children that will turn eating into a holiday.
Interesting activities at home for children during self-isolation. Part 2
Tasks for the development of logic
13 cards of tasks in the collection "Cells"
Fun and entertaining games with children
Master class "Do-it-yourself shadow theater"
Home theater: having fun and developing
Puzzles in pictures
Developing tasks for children 6. 7 years old in pictures
Games with preschool children during the period of self-isolation
What to do child during quarantine
Not bored at home: 5 ways to keep your child busy during quarantine
Useful activities with your child during self-isolation
30 Easy ways to keep children busy during quarantine
Educational games in pictures for children 6-7 years old
Learning time with kids
Mathematical riddles for preschoolers in verse with answers
Articulation gymnastics
Graphic drawings by cells. Graphic dictations for children in a notebook
Daisies using quilling technique
Ideas for crafts with children
Origami for children: 12 simple paper origami schemes for children
Draw flowers with cotton buds
Non-traditional drawing
Educational for a child from pasta
Spoon Puppetry
20 Creative Ideas for Parents
20 Ways to Draw Without a Brush and Pencils
Attention Development Game: "Pick a Pair"
Educational games with colored sand
ABC of Education
for children: pictures with letters, numbers and signs
https://gidrukodeliya. ru/podelki-dlya-detey-4-let
Rules of etiquette for children: how to cultivate good manners?
Educational cartoons for preschoolers
Educational cartoons for children 4 years old
Organization of smart holidays for children
CHILDREN IN THE COTTAGE (49 ideas of WHAT to do with a child)
Playing life: 15 role-playing games
Cartoon. Arkady Parovozov to the rescue
Drawing lessons
Master class: ideas for crafts with toilet paper rolls
Games for children 4 years old
Games for children 5 years old
Games for children 6 years old
Games for children 7 years old
Academy of entertaining sciences for children
Science experiments for children at home
Academy of entertaining sciences for children
Science experiments for children at home: 15 amazing and educational experiments with description and explanation, ideas
Interesting experiments for children in the nursery garden and home
Safety and baby
Educational cars for kids - Roadworks and traffic rules
Lessons from Aunt Owl - The ABC of road safety (1 series)
Safety rules - one at home. Educational cartoon.
"Spas Extreme" - children's safety portal EMERCOM of Russia
Musical development of children
Musical development of preschoolers
Music in the life of the kindergarten. Game "Guess the melody" for children
Plasticine. Musical Instruments Season 1 Episode 1 - Drums
Plasticine. Musical Instruments Season 1 Episode 8 - Conductor's baton
Musical development of children
Chudariki - Plane (children's exercises, physical minutes) - Children's songs
7 kindest MUSICAL FAIRY TALES with a good end, video for children.
Audio fairy tales for children
Musical and didactic game "Three dances"
Collection of audio fairy tales
Mozart effect
Plasticine. Musical Instruments Season 1 Episode 7 - Unusual Instruments
Karaosha. Sing at home! Be a Star
Lullabies from Banilaska!
Music for toddlers
Musical development for preschool children
Musical games for children
For children about planet Earth (April 15 World Earth Day)
Planet Earth. Educational cartoon for children. Children about the Earth. About the planet for children
Info lesson - OUR PLANET EARTH. Structure of the Earth's atmosphere. Structure of the planet Earth. Cartoon about the EARTH
Planetarium for children
Collection of series about the planet Earth. Smeshariki. Pincode | Educational cartoons
Space for children. Planetary system for children. Educational cartoon for kids
Science for children - All about space and stars. Smeshariki
Cosmonautics Day! - BIG COLLECTION ABOUT SPACE - Professor Pochemushkin educational cartoons
Red Book of the Volgograd region
Exploring space - FULL VERSION! Solar system for children
Luntik 🚀 Cosmonautics Day 🌍 Collection of cartoons for April 12
Tell children about separate waste collection
Astronomy for children. Planets of the solar system
By May 9 - the 75th anniversary of the Victory.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.
You may have to spend the holiday at home, but you can take tours of military museums and get acquainted with the military glory of Russia online.
Virtual tour of Mamaev Kurgan
Panorama Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad
Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War
Diorama "Kursk Bulge"
Video tour of the Ponyrov Museum of the Battle of Kursk
Memorial complex "Partisan Glade"
Historical Museum. Exposition "Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812"
Cartoons and speech development
How to independently prepare a child for school
Types of family leisure for children and parents - 10 ideas for active and relaxing holidays
"From what is at hand." We draw with children with different objects.
A mobile game for children with their own hands.