Vocabulary fun activities

20 Meaningful Vocabulary Activities for Every Grade

Learning new words is like adding to your writing wardrobe. Your writing becomes so much more interesting and engaging when you have more options available. These vocabulary activities work for all ages, K-12, and provide kids with a variety of learning options to help them build their own word bank.

1. Make a word map

Word maps help deepen understanding of a vocab word by relating it to other words and concepts students already know.

Learn more: Word Map/Upper Elementary Snapshots

2. Use the Frayer Model

Frayer models are a popular way to learn new words and concepts. Kids define the word in their own terms, then list facts and characteristics, examples, and non-examples.

Learn more: Southern Fried Teachin’

3. Draw vocabulary sketchnotes

Kids and teachers love sketchnotes! Rather than writing out definitions, have students draw a sketch that sums up each word instead. It’s a lot more fun and gives kids an image for visual association and to help remember the meanings.


Learn more: Now Spark Creativity

4. Bump words along

Group vocab words together with a few other words with similar meanings and one that’s an antonym. Students identify the antonym and “bump” it to the next box, filling in the next group of words. They continue until the worksheet is full.

Learn more: Reading and Writing Haven

5. Post a Graffiti Wall

Think of a vocabulary graffiti wall like a collaborative word wall. In the classroom, post the words on the wall and have kids add sticky notes to illustrate the term (they can use words or pictures). Online, try a tool like Padlet or Google Slides.

Learn more: Digging Deeper

6. Match words to describe character

This is a terrific way to practice vocab words pulled from books you’re reading. Ask students to use various words to describe the different characters in the book and their feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Learn more: The Sassy Apple

7. Fill in words from A to Z

This vocabulary game is fun and challenging, and you can play it at any age. Choose a word, then challenge kids to come up with related words for as many letters as possible. These could be synonyms, antonyms, examples, and more. Trickier letters are worth more points!

Learn more: A to Z/Lit in Focus

8. Try Flipgrid for vocabulary activities

Forever a Teacher at Heart/Twitter

Are you on the Flipgrid bandwagon yet? It’s perfect for vocabulary activities! Have kids record a quick video for each word, using their creativity to make it fun and meaningful.

9. Battle it out in Vocabulary Jeopardy

Good vocabulary activities encourage more than just memorization of definitions. That’s why we like this Jeopardy game idea. It explores synonyms and antonyms and how words are used in real sentences.

Learn more: Not So Wimpy Teacher

10. Use RAFTs to write vocabulary stories

Writing a story using vocab words is a perennial favorite, but the RAFT method gives it a new twist. Students are assigned a Role (the point of view from which they’ll tell the story), an Audience, a Format, and a Topic. For instance, they might be an astronaut (Role) writing a postcard (Format) to their friends back home (Audience) about what they’ve seen on Mars (Topic). RAFTs are especially great for kids who claim they don’t know what to write about.

Learn more: RAFT/Teaching Writing

11. Discover the power of words

Vocabulary words take on greater meaning when students incorporate them into their daily lives. Challenge kids to use their vocab words in conversation and writing outside the language arts classroom. Use the free printable worksheet here to help them keep track of how often they use them.

12. Create graphic organizers

Colorful organizers like these are terrific vocabulary activities. Want to go digital? Have kids make a slideshow, one slide per word. They can include the same information, but instead of drawing a picture, have them find one online that illustrates the concept.

Learn more: Graphic Organizers/Upper Elementary Snapshots

13. Focus on a Word of the Week

Give really important terms the attention they deserve. Choose a new vocab word each week, then explore it in depth day by day.

Learn more: Lit In Focus

14. Join the Million Dollar Word Club

Post a list of target vocab words. If a student uses one of the words in class (outside of vocabulary activities), they become a member of the Million Dollar Word Club! You can have them sign their name on a wall in the classroom or award a badge online. You could even develop this into a reward system for homework passes or extra credit.

Learn more: Million Dollar Words/The Sassy Apple

15. Explore shades of meaning

This is a cool idea for exploring synonyms and the slight differences that make words unique. Ask for paint sample strips at your local hardware store, or buy a clip art set. In the classroom, use these paint strips to make crafts for a bulletin board. Working in a virtual environment? Have kids print clip art strips at home or use the images to make slides or digital worksheets.

Learn more: Around the Kampfire

16. Personify a word with social media

This is one of those vocabulary activities kids will want to do over and over again! Assign each student a word and have them create a fake Facebook, Instagram, or other social media page for it. They can draw them freehand or complete a template like these from Teachers Pay Teachers. Post the images to a shared Google slideshow so other students can use them for review.

Learn more: Reading and Writing Haven

17. Play vocabulary word Taboo

In this game, the goal is for one student to get their partner to guess the word by describing or giving examples of it. The trick? There’s a list of additional words they’re not allowed to use! Let other students see the card in advance to help keep the players honest. (Flash it on a whiteboard and have the guesser face away. )

Learn more: Teaching Talking

18. Roll a die for vocabulary activities

Choose a vocab word, then have the student roll a die (these virtual dice are handy) to see which activity they get to complete.

Learn more: Roll a Word/Lucky Little Learners

19. Write an acrostic

Write an acrostic poem for each vocab term, using the letters to determine the first word in each line. This can get really challenging when words are longer!

Learn more: Vocab Acrostic/Upper Elementary Snapshots

20. Become a Word Collector

This is one of those picture books that grown-up kids will enjoy as much as little ones. Use it to remind your kids that they don’t need a vocabulary list to learn new words—new words are all around them. Encourage them to keep a word list or journal of their own to record new words they want to explore and use more often.

Looking for more language arts ideas? Try these 11 Essential Tips for Teaching Theme.

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21 Ideas for Teaching Vocabulary in the Classroom

I’m sharing 21 ideas for teaching vocabulary. You may not be able to use all of them, but I hope you can find some ideas that will work well for you!

I’ve shared books about vocabulary instruction, as well as the theory and techniques. This post is a lot more practical. We’re all about ideas today!

I’m sharing the bare bones of the ideas here.

I’m adding lengthier explanations for some of them with more tips and fleshed-out instructions on my website devoted just to vocabulary instruction, VocabularyLuau.

You’ll see that option at the end of the idea if it’s available. 

IDEA #1: Semantic Maps

In this activity, the teacher chooses a word and displays it for the class on a whiteboard, etc.

Students read the word and then think of words that come to mind when they see that word (this is awesome because it activates prior learning).

A list is created of all of the words that come to mind, and then those words are categorized.

This can be done as a whole class or in small groups.

Students then create a “map” using a graphic organizer and discuss it. Additional or substitute categories can be suggested.

As students read through the text, they can add related words to the map.

Want more details on this strategy? Get the step-by-step on VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #2: Eye Spy

Give students a list of words to search for in a text or have them find unfamiliar words.

You can award points to the words based on different criteria (longest new word, word with most consonants, etc.).

Invest in a set of inexpensive dollar store magnifying glasses to make this more game-like.

This is a great pre-reading activity.

Want more details on this strategy? Get the step-by-step on VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #3: Making Choices

Students show their understanding of vocabulary by saying the word when it applies, or remaining silent when it doesn’t.

For example: “Say radiant if any of these things would make someone look radiant.”
-Winning a million dollars.
-Earning a gold medal.
-Walking to the post office.
-Cleaning your room.
-Having a picture you painted hung in the school library. 

(This idea is from the book Bringing Words to Life, recommended in the books section.)

This is one of the key strategies teachers need in introducing new vocabulary. Because of that, I’ve written extensively and given a dozen examples from different texts for Kinder through 12th grade on VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #4: Sorting Hat

Use a Harry Potter theme to have students sort words into categories. They can pull them out of a hat.

If you give them the categories, it’s called a “closed sort.” If they come up with their own categories, it’s called “open sort.

This one is so, so fun. I explain lots more about how to do it on VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #5: Word Pairs

Give students words in pairs and have them evaluate if the words are the same, opposite, go together, or are unrelated.

This strategy is terrific for building critical thinking skills along with the vocabulary.

Get even more details and variations at VocabularyLuau.

(adapted from Word Power: What Every Educator Needs to Know about Teaching Vocabulary)

IDEA #6: Linear Array

In this strategy, students use a graphic organizer that is a rectangle, three ovals, and then another rectangle, all in a line.

The word in question goes in the rectangle on the far left.

The rectangle on the far right is filled in with a word that is the opposite.

The center three ovals are filled in with words that go from the far left to the far right, gradually become less similar until they reach the opposite.

For example, microscopic, tiny, small, bigger, large.

You can see examples of the graphic organizer, more details, and lots of variations on VocabularyLuau.

(adapted from Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4 – 12)

IDEA #7: Games

Many “real” games work well for vocab play and practice. Games such as Balderdash, Taboo, Scrabble, Blurt, Bananagrams, word bingo, and others are fun.

There are online games as well, such as Scholastic’s Synonym Toast.

[Note: I am a notoriously horrible Scrabble player, and every time I play I think, “English teachers should be better at this.” It’s not my favorite.]

IDEA #8: Scavenger Hunt

Have a word scavenger hunt in books, magazines, articles on the net, or in the school or home.

Don’t just go for numbers; go for unusual words, academic vocabulary, weird spellings, homophones, etc.

Want more details on this strategy? Get the step-by-step on VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #9: Word Wheel

Copy and paste this image onto a sheet of cardstock and make a vocab spinner game. EisforExplore shares the whole idea here.

Want more details on this strategy? Get the step-by-step on VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #10: Vocabulary Photo Album

Using a simple, inexpensive photo album, students create a visual glossary of key words.

I’ve got pictures of examples, details, and more ideas at VocabularyLuau, if you’d like to read more.

IDEA #11: Tally

Use tally marks to track words you’re trying to practice.

Mark whenever the teacher says the word in context, and mark twice when a student does.

Alternatively, you can have the tally marks be even, but play the teacher versus the class.

There’s so much more to this strategy. Learn more about how tally marks can help you teach vocabulary at VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #12: Vocabulary Relay

Print out words on one set of cards (copy this set a few times) and definitions, context, or sentences in which they could be used (fill-in-the-blank) on another set (just one set).

Jumble up the words in a pile in the middle of the floor, and jumble up the definitions, context, and sentences to keep with you. Break students into teams of five-ish.

Call out the definition/context/sentence and give students some think time (8 – 10 seconds) to talk about what word it might be.

After the discussion time, call out “Word!” One member from each team runs to the center and tries to find the word in the pile.

I like having multiple sets of the words so more than one team can get it.

Check to make sure they’re correct, and then discuss it briefly before the next round.

Note: I got this idea from another teacher’s site, but I cannot for the life of me remember where. I have searched Google for it, and can’t find it. A small prize to the person who can figure out the originator of the idea!

I’ve written quite a bit about it here, but I’ve written more (and have lots of pictures of it in play) at VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #13: Vocabulary Category Relay 

This is a different relay activity than the one above, even though the names are so similar.

In this version, teams of students race to fill in words responsive to a category that start with the letters of the alphabet in order.

This can be done individually, in groups, or even as a whole class. It’s also a good one for both digital and in-person instruction.

When I wrote about it on VocabularyLuau, I shared these score sheets for digital use, as well as printable versions.

IDEA #13: Comic Strip Word Activity 

I got the idea for using comic strips from This Reading Mama.

In some ways, it’s really a modified Frayer model. 

I loved it so much that I started making them like crazy. It turns out that they let me get a clear glimpse into how well the students had mastered the word. 


I have an entire article about this, filled with loads of ideas and resources at VocabularyLuau.

You can check out that article here (or click the image below).

IDEA #14: Paper Plate Vocab

I love this inexpensive matching game from Finding Joy in Fifth Grade, and I think students could create it themselves.


IDEA #15: Heads Up Vocabulary Game

Students hold a word on a card in front of their foreheads. The students don’t know what words they have.

Students ask each other a series of questions to determine the meaning of their word. Or, students can give students clues to the person with the word to help that person guess the word.

This is a review activity, and it’s not for initial instruction.

It’s such a favorite that I wrote a very comprehensive article about it on VocabularyLuau. There’s even a hack for printing on Post-it notes!

IDEA #16: Word Sneak

Word Sneak is a game invented by Jimmy Fallon that he plays with guests on the Tonight Show.

In the game, Jimmy and the guest each get a stack of cards with words on them that they have to work into the conversation naturally (without sounding forced or stilted).

It’s hysterical to watch and fun to play.

It’s also a great way to learn different ways to approach a word.

It’s so much fun that when I wrote the article about in on VocabularyLuau, I also included a Tonight Show backdrop you can use in class to give it an even more “real” feel.

IDEA #17: Frayer Model

The Frayer Model is an oldie-but-goodie vocab activity model in which student work in multiple ways in a specifically laid out graphic organizer to engage with words.

This is such a must-know that I wrote a (very lengthy and detailed) plan for how to use it at VocabularyLuau.

It includes downloads and printables and digital versions, as well as exactly how (and why) to use this strategy.

If you are not familiar with it, please do yourself a solid and read more.

IDEA #18: Tweet

Have students create a “tweet” that a word would send out or with the word in the tweet in context.

You can use a tool like PrankmeNot or Siminator to make it look real.

This strategy is so fun and so useful!

I’ve written about five different ways to do this (with examples) on VocabularyLuau, and I even have this free template for you there:

IDEA #19: Brain Power Words

This is a strong academic vocabulary activity that takes a little bit of time, but would really help get the words past the superficial level of understanding.

  • Ask small groups of students to preview sections of a text and identify difficult words.
  • For long chapters, assign different sections to different groups.
  • Students place a Post-it next to the words in the text they identify as potentially difficult.
  • After identifying the words, the group goes back and uses context clues to hypothesize what the words might mean.
    • Clues of substitution: A known word would make sense in the context and is probably a good definition.
    • Clues of definition: The word is defined in the text (many textbooks do this).
    • Clues of opposition: Words “not, unlike” etc. are excellent clues to what a word is not and thus help define the words.
  • After the Brain Power Words list is identified and definitions sought, the students check their work with the teacher.

This strategy is from Becky McTague and Margaret Richek (it’s in the book Reading Success for Struggling Adolescent Learners by Susan Lenski and Jill Lewis).

IDEA #20: The Concept Cube

A concept cube is a pattern that is printed on paper or cardstock, cut out, folded, and taped into a three-dimensional cube.

Students write, type, or draw on the pattern prior to assembling the cube, and then they “play” with the cube to explore concepts.

Depending upon the way you choose to use it, they can be similar to a three-dimensional Frayer model.

You can print out a blank cube and have students print the responses below, or complete it online and then print it out.

Before folding, students write clearly in each square following the directions below.

Each student is given one challenging vocabulary word from a recent reading and asked to:

  • Write the assigned vocabulary word in one square.
  • Write a synonym (word or phrase) in another square.
  • Write an antonym (word or phrase) in another square.
  • Write a category or categories it could belong to.
  • Write the essential characteristics of the concept of this word.
  • Give one example.

Cut, fold, and tape the cube.

Roll the cube and read what comes up on the “top”; the student must tell the relationship of that word or phrase to the original word.

After students know their own cube without any errors, they exchange with a peer.

You can get more ideas and details, as well as a free printable, at VocabularyLuau.

IDEA #21: Phone a Friend

Search TeacherspayTeachers or Teachers Notebook for vocabulary activities you can use or adapt.

The beauty of this is that you can search by grade level and subject, so you can focus on what you’re studying.

A caveat to this is that if you create something grade level or content specific, you can share it with other teachers, too.

The Importance of a Variety of Activities

You want to have a variety of activities so that vocabulary instruction doesn’t become routine or boring.

Keeping it fresh with lots of different ways of learning will help students (and the teacher) avoid getting burned out or tired of working with vocabulary.

There’s been so much interest in this that I created an entire website just for vocab ideas called VocabularyLuau.

These 21 activities for teaching vocabulary are just a start. I’d love to know your ideas!

The Vocabulary Series

This post is Part 3 of a four-part series on teaching vocabulary. If you would like to check out the rest of the series, visit the posts below

  • Teaching Vocabulary: The books
  • Theories & Techniques that work (and don’t)
  • 21 Activities for Teaching Vocabulary (this one)
  • Ideas for English Language Learners

There’s even a great book for teaching vocabulary!

These ideas work for all vocabulary words.

If your students need to learn vocabulary words and terms that are specific to your content (words like acute angle or latitude or simile or biome), have I got a book for you!

You know how I know it’s great? I wrote it! I wrote it for teachers just like you from the method I created in my own class with my own students and tested over and over.

You can learn more about it by clicking on the picture of it, or you can read more and see loads of examples here.

If you already know you want it, you can grab a paperback version on Amazon.

Or, if you want a digital copy, you can use the coupon code GIFTEDGURU for 20% off you can…

Grab your copy

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Pages - Events

English Club meetings are the main large-scale events of the Club, which bring together students from different faculties of the Financial University. Their implementation is preceded by a long and painstaking work of all members of the Club.

On September 28, 2022 , the first English Club meeting of this academic year was held. It was held under the guidance of Konstantin Vasilyevich Shokarev in a cozy and friendly atmosphere, which was achieved thanks to Yes / No and Elias, fun and effective games for learning the language. According to the guys, they had a great time and abstracted from studies and news!

May 27, 2022 meeting was very dynamic and fun. The guys were divided into 3 teams, among which a quiz was held on different topics. Everyone participated in a lively dialogue in English and shared their opinion on each issue. The winners received notebooks and stickers with the design of the club, and of course, positive emotions and pleasant impressions.

April 28, 2022 another meeting of the English club was held as part of the Week of the Faculty of Finance. The meeting was dedicated to games that develop students' speaking skills. All participants had the opportunity to express themselves and talk on all sorts of topics from finance to the British royal family.

On October 1, 2021 , another meeting of the English Club was held.

This time, the participants discussed movies and TV series, and shared their experience of learning a language with each other through watching popular TV series in English.

After the discussion, the participants watched the cartoon episode "The Simpsons" in the original, and then analyzed the vocabulary of the episode and played "Kahut".

On October 7, 2021 , another meeting of the English Club took place within the walls of the Faculty of Finance building. This time, special emphasis was placed on vocabulary and the development of spoken language skills.
Club members watched a short film about how our lives have changed during the pandemic. ​After the video, the students had the opportunity to discuss the idea of ​​a short film, as well as share their own real-life example.
At the end of the class, a debate took place, during which students were able to use special vocabulary on the topic of the meeting, as well as discuss the pros and cons of the new reality, which was affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

On September 22, 2021 , the first meeting of the English language club in the new academic year took place!

The topic of the meeting this time is music. Club members studied complex transcriptions of thematic English words, guessed famous Russian songs translated into English. At the end of the meeting, an interactive quiz awaited the participants, where interesting facts about the history of music and the music industry were guessed.

The English Club invites everyone to take part in future meetings, the next of which is scheduled for October 7th.

Club news is posted in the group: https://vk. com/english.teacup

The topic of the meeting was mental health. The members of the club discussed how they cope with stress in different countries, shared their own methods of staying motivated and working, and also got acquainted with thematic vocabulary. At the end of the meeting, debates took place - already a traditional part of the club's meetings. Participants discussed ways to achieve a balance between work, study and leisure. The English Conversation Club "English Club" invites everyone to take part in future meetings!

This time the participants were in for an entertaining format of the meeting, namely, an interactive team Quiz with various thematic questions. Not only the format was updated, but also the platform: instead of the usual "Microsoft Teams", "Discord" was used. Students, despite the changes, were able to quickly adapt to the new venue and have fun with their teammates, solving quiz tasks.

At the end of the meeting, the results were summed up, as a result of which the 1st place was taken by the “505 ERROR” team, the 2nd place was shared by the “Power” and “Last-chance-guys” teams, the 3rd place was taken by the “Board of education” team.

Another autumn online meeting of the English Club took place on November 20, 2020 .

Within the framework of this meeting, a film evening dedicated to viewing short films was held. Despite the given topics, oral speech was also practiced: after watching each film, the participants discussed the plot and expressed their thoughts, as well as answered the thematic questions of the supervisor. As a result of the meeting, club members were not only able to practice listening, speaking and vocabulary, but also have a good time in a pleasant company of like-minded people.

On November 6, 2020, another meeting of the English Club was held, however, not in person, but on the familiar Microsoft Teams platform.

Students listened to a lecture from the supervisor on the topic "Mistakes in translation", after which they were able to participate in the discussion and test their knowledge on the interactive platform "Kahoot". The meeting ended with an educational video about speech errors that can give out a foreigner in an English language student.​

​On Friday, October 9, 2020 , the first travel-themed English Club meeting of the new academic year took place.

Participants were waiting for an updated format: an educational part - with a deeper study of the theoretical part and replenishment of the vocabulary - and a thematic part, in which students directly analyzed situational tasks using the acquired knowledge, and also practiced their skills in an interactive format.

April 17 and May 22, 2020 a English Club meetings were held remotely Club members took part in an interactive game on the Jack box platform aimed at expanding their active vocabulary and improving oral communication skills. This was also facilitated by the thematic discussion held at each meeting. And the analysis of phrases from the English-language series made it possible to master new language constructions and words.

On March 13, 2020 , the third meeting of the English Club dedicated to International Women's Day took place. ​This time the club members were able to play a board game while practicing and expanding their vocabulary, and delved into the specifics of the English language, sorting out such a dialect as Cockney, which is one of the most famous types of London vernacular. And, of course, according to tradition, within the framework of the meeting, there was a debate dedicated to the past holiday, on the topic of women's rights.

On February 28, 2020, , the second meeting of the English Club took place in the Faculty of Finance, where participants continued to develop their English! Students once again enjoyed interesting interactive activities aimed at developing oral speech skills, watching an English-language film and, of course, thematic debates dedicated to past holidays - St. Valentine's Day, as well as Defender of the Fatherland Day. During the meeting, club members received both new knowledge and new acquaintances along with positive emotions.

As part of the Festival of Science on February 9 among students in grades 5-7 of the MOU OOSH s. Chirikovo hosted an extracurricular event in the Russian language, which was held by Eremina O. Yu. The guys made a fascinating journey to the country "Phraseology", divided into two teams: "Synonyms" and "Antonyms". The teams visited various stations, coping with difficult tasks. For example, at the Poiskovaya station, they were able to distinguish phraseological units from simple phrases, at the Zoological station, the guys remembered the “winged words” with the names of animals and birds, at the Auction station, there was a struggle over who would name more phraseological units in which the words: eye , head, arm, leg. The most interesting tasks for the children were tasks at the Tvorcheskaya station, where the children depicted stable expressions in the form of humorous drawings, and at the Zagadochnaya station they showed well-known phraseological units. At the end of the trip, the guys composed a story using phraseological turns. All children actively participated in competitions. The Antonymy team won with a score of 44:50. Everyone received a charge of positive emotions, because it was interesting and fun. The guys enriched their vocabulary, each received a sweet prize in the form of Chupa-Chups. The event contributed to the development of love for the native language, the development of cognitive interest in the subject.

Sports Saturday in the municipal educational institution of the village of Chirikovo.

As part of the sports Saturday, a friendly football match was held in the municipal educational institution of the village of Chirikovo. The team of workers of the SEC "Sviyaga" headed by the chairman Belousov I. A. and student youth of the village. Each team tried to defend the title of the strongest. The workers wanted to prove that they are still capable of much, and the students wanted to prove that they are the best players in football. Even though it was cold in the gym, the atmosphere was warm. Each player desperately played on the field, giving all his best. As a result of a stubborn struggle, the older ones won. But no one was upset, and on Defender of the Fatherland Day, the youth decided to take revenge.

"Youth is the future of Russia!"

In accordance with the order of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region S.I. Morozov, in order to effectively implement the youth policy, increase the civic activity of young people and create conditions for the development of self-government in the MOU OOSh with. Chirikovo hosted events as part of the Youth Day.

The show program "Youth is the future of Russia" was held with the active participation of students in grades 7-9. It was quite difficult to answer for myself how much each of us is a moral person.

Every citizen, including the children of our school, feels a sense of love for their Motherland, pride in it. Everyone remembered Peter I, and the heroic pages of the Great Patriotic War, and, of course, the 2014 Olympics and much more.

Everyone came to the conclusion that each of us can become the subject of such pride.

Everyone liked the team building games. At the end of the event, at the stage of reflection, we joined hands and tried to feel that we are not alone, our friends are nearby who will come to the rescue and support. Each participant expressed good, kind words to his neighbor from the bottom of his heart.

The event ended with a disco "Dance while you're young!". Everyone went home in a great mood.

Zarnitsa is back.

The main task of Zarnitsa is to create a strong, purposeful team. In the detachment, everyone has a job, everyone is friendly - otherwise there is no victory. The children's interest in Zarnitsa is confirmed by their initiative, invention, and independence.

The whole school took part in the game: all teachers and all children. All participants were divided into two teams: at the initial level they were "snipers" and "sappers", and at the middle level - "airborne battalion" and "star battalion". The class leaders were the commanders of the detachments.

After submitting the reports, we remembered the names of the bodybuilders who fought during the Great Patriotic War and are an example of courage, heroism and patriotism for the current generation.

Then the guys from the elementary school began to fulfill their competitive tasks, and the middle link did theirs. The pedagogical team had their own duties: some were judges leading the games, others were commanders, and still others were cooks.

Boys and girls felt like real warriors - still, they attacked or defended their "skyscrapers", trying to capture the enemy banner, there were skiing and shooting, and tug of war. Dexterity and dexterity were demonstrated by the students when throwing a grenade at a distance and accuracy, while transporting their "fellow soldiers" on a sled. We also had "wounded" who needed first aid. The final of the game was hot tea and porridge right here, on the redoubts that had just been stormed. It was nice to note how some guys who were weak in their studies clearly stood out in the game with the help of their "fellow soldiers", dexterity.

When all the points were calculated, it turned out that the winner was the team of "sappers" led by the commander Kuznetsova S.B., and in the middle link the "airborne battalion" led by Eremina O.Yu.

The game has firmly entered the life of our school.

Boys and girls learn the basics of army sciences through Zarnitsa, join sports, learn collectivism, quick thinking, lightning-fast decision-making.

Good tradition.

It is necessary to accustom a person to do good as early as possible, from childhood. In our school, such a good tradition is taught in the Timurov movement.

As part of the month of mass defense and heroic-patriotic work, school-wide raids of Timurov's work were carried out. Schoolchildren in grades 5-9 had to clear snow from the paths to the houses, to the water pumps. Together with the class teachers, the guys set to work. For many elderly lonely people, the work done was a real pleasant surprise, because some simply do not have the strength to clear the paths of snow.

Wet, tired, but happy, everyone went home with a sense of accomplishment. Konkina K.P., Kirillova A.V., Malysheva N.M., Vasilyeva N.I., Kudryashova N.D., Kuzmina V.A., and Zakharov B.A. were grateful to the guys for their help.

We don't know who the graduates of our school will become in the future as lawyers, workers, engineers, educators, but we are sure of one thing: they will always do good because they grow up as caring people.

Military - patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

A common cause unites, unites, educates the patriotic spirit. We decided to continue this good tradition, and held the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa". The event was prepared and held by the Deputy Director for educational work Chalmaeva Vera Grigoryevna and the teacher of physical culture and life safety Chalmaev Alexander Pavlovich.
On this day, the children were reminded how important it is to love their Motherland, to remember the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War, to be ready to defend it. As part of the patriotic marathon, before the start of Zarnitsa, we put things in order at the monument to the fallen fellow villagers.

Two teams of participants "Snipers" and "Aircraft gunners" were greeted by the "Minister of Defense" Alexander Pavlovich Chalmaev. Squad commanders (class teachers), after submitting reports, performed tasks together with the guys at various stages of the game.

The teams tried their best, because their victory depended on it.

The guys overcame the relay race, solved encrypted letters, restored torn documents, made fires from improvised means. Leadership was constantly changing: first the Snipers team won, then the Anti-Aircraft gunners

The struggle is not for life, but "to the death" unfolded at the next stage. The guys had to overcome the contaminated area in gas masks, go through natural obstacles: cross a log, overcome swampy areas over bumps and crawl in a tunnel.

With excitement, the guys watched all the participants during the shooting from air rifles and greeted each sniper who accurately hit the target with unanimous shouts of approval.

No less interesting was the fight to clear the field. Here, the team of "Aircraft gunners" managed to clear more mines. With the task of the game, all the guys, together with their class teachers, did an excellent job

From the children's happy, flushed faces from physical exertion in the fresh air, it was clear that they liked Zarnitsa. According to the feedback from the Zarnitsa participants, they received an unforgettable experience. The game is relevant to this day.

"War is never beautiful."

In the Municipal Educational Institution of Education in the village of Chirikovo, an event was prepared and held together with the village library (Dementieva G.G.). The preliminary preparation included searching for information, photos about the participants in the wars, as well as photos of soldiers who are currently serving in the Army. We consider it a great success for us to find a unique find - authentic letters from the front, which were given to us by Lisova Raisa Konstantinovna. These are letters from her father, Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Egorovich Dadaev. What beautiful handwriting! What warm, heartfelt words! What love for the family, for the Motherland!

Children of 5th and 8th grades with their class teachers smashed handmade invitations.

At the event, we tried to pay attention to all those invited, to say kind words about everyone. No one was left indifferent by reading front-line letters, heartfelt songs and poems. Participant of hostilities - Krotov A.A., Kuzovenkov M.V., Vasiliev A.V. told about their service and urged the guys not to be afraid of military service, to be real men. Home front workers recalled interesting facts from their difficult lives and were grateful that they were not forgotten.

For the parents of soldiers who are currently serving, it was very exciting to talk about their sons. They were pleased that their boys are remembered and expected.

The event ended with a tea party sponsored by Sviyaga SPK.

The meeting left a warm mark in the soul of each participant.

A biathlon was held in the Municipal Educational Institution of Chirikovo.

As part of the month of mass defense and heroic-patriotic work, a mass event was held at the school dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Considering that the Olympic competitions are currently underway, we decided to hold not just cross-country skiing, but biathlon.

Divided into two teams, with their insignia, students of grades 5-9 enthusiastically plunged into the competition. It was so exciting to watch the "biathletes" and many parents, passers-by stopped to support the children with a kind word or advice. From the first minutes of the competition, Sasha Lavrentiev took the lead, but made several mistakes in shooting. Someone counted on speed, and someone on accuracy in shooting. The fans were very worried about their teams. The result of a stubborn struggle was the victory in the individual competition of Lavrentiev A. (8th grade) - he ran his distance the very first. In shooting, the most accurate were Lyskov Grisha (9class) and Kuzmin Sasha (7th grade). No one left the race, everyone was happy to participate. All the guys participated: some stood at the lines, others monitored the safety of movement, and still others took a direct part in the competition. Everyone received a huge charge of excellent mood, good spirits and a sense of solidarity. The event was prepared and conducted by Chalmaev A.P.

Information about work MOU OOSH p. Chirikovo for the development and implementation of school social projects posted on the website of the Committee for Supervision and Control in Education of the Ulyanovsk Region http://comnic.ulgov.ru/news/2314.html

Connection of generations.

Patriotic club "Suvorovtsy" conducted a revision of the names on the monument. We found out that some names are on the monument, but they are not in the Book of Memory, or, conversely, are in the Book, but not on the monument. Since there were significant differences and the fact that some documents were declassified recently, we continued the search.

Using the General Database "Memorial", the data banks of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, we began to search for information for specific people. We found scanned copies of all processed primary source documents containing information about personalities.

First, these are two nominal lists of irretrievable losses during the war years according to the Chirikov village council.

We found additional information from the nominal list of irretrievable losses of the commanding staff (the data was classified). Krotov Boris Andreevich, major, commander of the 134th cavalry regiment, died in battle on 08/19/1941. This list contains information that someone was shot for cowardice, someone died from wounds, someone committed suicide.

Thus, we found the necessary information for 18 villagers, which is very important for them and their relatives.

Together with the teachers of the school, we prepared the event "Connection of Generations".

At the event, we talked about the hardest years of the war, read poetry, teachers sang a song. Then they asked those present to share information about their loved ones who did not come from the war and shared what we found, showed authentic documents of that time.

After all, except for the funeral and the letter that their relative is considered missing, they did not receive. Almost no one knew who their relatives served when the last letter was written, the burial place. All this did not leave anyone indifferent: the students became quiet, the relatives did not hide their tears.

We handed out scanned documents to those present, which refers to their close relatives.

At the tea party, the invitees talked about their difficult lot, about the trials that they had to go through, and spoke about the importance of this meeting. It was with great pleasure that we took a tour of our museum room.

It is said that a person is alive as long as he is remembered. We wanted to remind relatives, we will remember the very names of our fellow villagers, especially since they gave their lives in the name of our present and future. This is how the link between generations is maintained.

Regional military sports game "Zarnitsa"

On February 27, the team of MOU OOSh s. Volyn region consisting of: Vladimir Kochkurov, Vladimir Fedorov, Alexander Vlasov, Elena Blokhin, Elena Bezgubina, Anna Simkina, Alexander Dobrolyubsky, Dmitry Sysuev, Nikolay Gorshenin, Vyacheslav Yermilov, Anton Rymbaev, Roman Surkov and teachers: Panferova M. V., Isaeva Yu .IN. and Surkova E.N., took part in the regional military sports game "Zarnitsa", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Matveyevich Matrosov. The event was organized on the basis of the Ivanovo Orphanage named after A. Matrosov. The game was attended by 11 teams from all over the region, children of police officers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ulyanovsk region (CPP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OMON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, UVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), independent enthusiasts - lovers of automoto antiquity Alexander Churashov and Vladimir Lukyanov, as well as military - historical clubs of the city of Ulyanovsk. Ulyanovsk and the region: "Frontier", "Ratobortsy", "Druzhina Vityaz" and "Arsenal" (Dimitrovgrad), special pyrotechnic effects were provided by "Simbirsk-Salyut". The event began with a solemn rally and laying flowers at the monument to A. Matrosov. At the end of the rally, all participants moved to the "battlefield", where the battle was then reconstructed, in which he accomplished his feat 19-year-old A. Matrosov. Team MOU OOSh s. Volynshchyna acted as an artillery crew, which conducted aimed fire at enemy positions. The whole environment was as close as possible to the real one: explosions, the work of machine guns and mortars, automatic bursts, enemy bunkers, equipment, well-coordinated actions of the participants in the reconstruction. All this made it possible for numerous spectators, including veterans, to go back in time, 70 years ago, to where the battle for the village of Chernushki raged. The staging was commented on by the history teacher of the MOU OOSh s. Volynshchina Isaeva Yu.V. Upon completion of the reconstruction, all participants of the event visited the Museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union A. Matrosov at the Ivanovo Orphanage. The next stage of "Zarnitsa" was competitions in the sports hall: drill review, target shooting, grenade throwing, helping the wounded, disassembling and assembling the machine gun, combat sheets competition. The results of the regional "Zarnitsa" were summed up at a festive concert prepared by the pupils of the orphanage and the participants of this event. Team MOU OOSh s. The Volyn region adequately represented the Kuzovatovsky district at the regional level event and was awarded a certificate for taking third place in the team standings and a valuable gift, a certificate for taking second place in drill training and a certificate for taking first place in assembling and disassembling AK-74. At the end of the event, the team of MOU OOSh s. Volyn region presented to the Ivanovo orphanage named after. A. Matrosov as a gift a film with a reconstruction of the Battle of Moscow.

V MOU OOSh s. Chirikovo passed Science Day.

02/08/2013 in MOU OOSH s. Chirikovo, as part of the Day of Science, a number of events were held:
- Journey along the ecological path took place at the initial stage. The children got to know and played with the inhabitants of the forest, guessed riddles and a crossword puzzle, listened to the singing of birds and came to the conclusion about the importance of protecting nature. The event was held by Kuznetsova Svetlana Borisovna.
- in the middle level, the game "Eigene Spiele" was held in German. Teams chose questions for a certain number of points. Children remembered the basic regional knowledge. There was a cheerful excitement and interest in the country of the language being studied. The event was held by Chalmaeva Vera Grigorievna.

- The final event of the Day of Science was Operation "MYTH" - a quiz in mathematics, computer science and physics. To participate in the quiz, the guys united in two teams: Connoisseurs and MAXimum. Of particular interest were the contests "Move your brains", "Ciphered note" and "Puzzles". With a gap in one "brain" Connoisseurs won. The event was held by Zakharova Evgenia Alexandrovna.

Meeting with a cadet of the Higher Military School.

V MOU OOSh s. Chirikovo, within the framework of the month of mass defense and heroic-patriotic work, a meeting was held with a graduate of the school, a cadet of the Higher Military School of Moscow, Belousov Alexei. Alexey spoke about his school, about the difficult and interesting everyday life of cadets. It was very interesting for everyone present at the meeting to communicate with him, to receive answers to various questions. The guys concluded: "Defending the Motherland is COOL!".

Winter holidays 2013

During the winter school holidays in all educational institutions of the Kuzovatovsky district, various

sports events with schoolchildren and their parents.

However, the teaching staff of the MOU OOSh s. Volynshchyna decided to open the ski season for school teachers. January 13,

In 2013, the first ski trip this year took place in the vicinity of the village. Teachers skied a distance of 5 km through a beautiful winter forest, skied down the mountain with great pleasure, having received a huge boost of vivacity for the whole working week until the next weekend. I would like to note that the teachers of this school in full force take an active part not only in school-wide events, creative activities, but also know how to relax together.

Presidential competitions in MOU OOSh p. Chirikovo.

In November-December, presidential competitions were held at the school in order to preserve and strengthen the health of students, form their need for physical improvement, positive attitudes, civic and patriotic education. All students of the school and parents took part in the competition. Primary school parents were the most active. The best sports results were shown by the parents of Lisova Sveta. The result of the competition was team building, excellent mood and, of course, involvement in regular physical education and sports, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

New Year's Eve.

December 25, 2012 in MOU OOSh s. Volynshchyna

hosted a New Year's performance stylized as a ball from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. The ball was attended by gentlemen and ladies in beautiful dresses, hussars, and many guests. Scenes were played before the audience: “Dance teacher”, “Khlestakov’s arrival”, “Two ladies”. Simkina Anna performed the romance "To the Generals of 1812", and Ekaterina Silantyeva - "The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago." 6th grade students Yana Savinova and Yudina Angelina sang the song "Dialogue at the New Year Tree". The 5th grade boys performed in the form of hussars, danced and sang the song "Hussar era". At this event, participants and guests learned a lot about the rules for holding points and the history of some dances. During the breaks between creative numbers, the participants of the ball danced a lot. Dances were performed: hussar polka, waltz, acquaintance polka, comic dance, brook and padegras. At the end of the evening, guests Ded Moroz and Snegurochka came to the ball, who, together with the participants of the ball, congratulated everyone on the New Year 2013 and sang several New Year's round dance songs.
Anniversary of MOU OOSh s. Smyshlyaevka.

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