Vocabulary with a
100 SAT Words Beginning with "A" - Vocabulary List
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PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz! Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!
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QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.
cause to feel shame
She is not abased or dejected, but exalted, rather.Sinclair, May
a state or condition markedly different from the norm
While Tampa Bay has taken a huge nosedive a year after going 10-6, maybe that 2010 success was an aberration.
Seattle Times (Dec 26, 2011)
feel hatred or disgust toward
There are sane readers who abhor gratuitous violence but love Reacher’s menacing wisecracks.New York Times (Sep 20, 2011)
most unfortunate or miserable
Mr. Jobling stood wringing his hands helplessly, his flaccid features expressive of abject despair.Douglas, Hudson
sharply disagreeable, unpleasant, or harsh
“He has always been focused, driven, demanding and, as a result, very difficult and abrasive,” Mr.
Norman said.New York Times (Oct 7, 2011)
refrain from doing, consuming, or partaking in something
Griffin felt that he had better abstain from questioning, and let his host run on.Marsh, Richard
existing only in the mind
Presenting an abstract concept, waving our arms trying to describe it, we will lose our audience right away.
present in great quantity
Fringing and barrier reefs are abundant throughout the archipelago, surrounding nearly every island.
Gabel, Norman E.
stress or single out as important
It was a carefully studied costume; and he accentuated its eccentricity by adopting theatrical attitudes and an air of satisfied negligence.Leblanc, Maurice
get used to a certain environment
The Jets will leave Friday for Denver, the better to acclimate to the altitude and change in time zone.New York Times (Oct 14, 2010)
a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan
Tiller, the thief, and a supposed accomplice, are under arrest.
concurrence of opinion
Friday's accord removes one of two main sticking points that have been holding up a strategic partnership agreement between the two countries.Wall Street Journal (Mar 9, 2012)
harsh or corrosive in tone
the highest level or degree attainable
Paris wholly has got to the acme of its frenzy; whirled, all ways, by panic madness.Various
agree or express agreement
I favored building a fire and staying there till morning, but Frank preferred pushing on to camp, so I acquiesced.Shields, George O.
pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
He said that in the absence of other evidence, “the accused is acquitted and discharged.”New York Times (Jan 9, 2012)
marked by strong resentment or cynicism
At times, the two groups squabble like schoolchildren, and the exchange gets acrimonious.BBC (Feb 9, 2010)
extremely sharp or intense
Labor shortages are already so acute in many Chinese industrial zones that factories struggle to find enough people to operate their assembly lines.New York Times (Mar 31, 2012)
impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason
But high profile or no, Mr. Kors is adamant about keeping his personal life under wraps — even as his wedding day approaches.New York Times (Aug 5, 2011)
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
He proved an adept playmaker, however, making several nice passes and finishing with 7 assists.
New York Times (Jan 7, 2012)
stick to firmly
Adhering to strict safety standards has kept me alive in some very dangerous situations.
scold or reprimand; take to task
"Children, children, stop quarrelling, right here in public!" admonished Mrs. Dering, in a low, shocked tone.Perry, Nora
make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color
Old master reproductions adorn chianti-colored walls; tapestries hang in the restrooms.
Seattle Times (Feb 9, 2012)
quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
Neither is he adroit in the exercise of his duty; instead performs it bunglingly; his thoughts preoccupied, and eyes wandering about.Reid, Mayne
exaggerated flattery or praise
Taylor, a demagogue of the Democratic party, was hypocritically appealing to his "horny handed neighbors" in language of feigned adulation.Levy, T. Aaron
a state of misfortune or affliction
Forty years in the wilderness, meeting adversities together, fighting enemies, marching as one host, made them a nation.
Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
active support of an idea or cause
That sentiment faded after the 1930s, he said, as consumer advocacy focused more on protecting shoppers.New York Times (Nov 11, 2011)
characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
In old-fashioned, aesthetic terms, his glossy, color pictures of modern housing projects in Turkish cities under moody, gray skies are beautiful.New York Times (Oct 14, 2011)
diffusing warmth and friendliness
She is restless, irritable, out of sorts, censorious, complaining at home; animated, gracious, affable, complaisant abroad.
Hyde, William De Witt
a close connection marked by community of interests
Malaysia has a close affinity with many Middle Eastern nations through their shared religion.
a cause of great suffering and distress
Firm and exceptional natures are thus moulded out of miseries, misfortunes and afflictions.Leonard, Arthur Glyn
having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
Affluent families can afford guns, which are more efficient for bagging some elusive animals than a poorer household’s typical snare trap.
New York Times (Dec 27, 2011)
embellish; increase the scope, power, or importance of
moving quickly and lightly
Are not many beasts physically stronger, more nimble and agile than man?Nordau, Max Simon
relating to rural matters
liveliness and eagerness
The men obeyed with alacrity, as all were glad to go, lying in camp so long.
Terrill, J. Newton
arouse hostility or indifference in
Keeping schools closed and blocking certain public services is not a strategy we support and could alienate public opinion and play into the governor’s hand.New York Times (Feb 18, 2011)
report or maintain
David is alleged to have written several Psalms, but of this there is little evidence beyond pious assertion.Bradlaugh, Charles
the act of binding yourself to a course of action
Notwithstanding this good fortune, Pontiac daily saw his followers dropping off from their allegiance; for even the boldest had lost heart.
Parkman, Francis
a style in which characters and events are symbolic
Achingly beautiful, quiet and graceful, his award-winning novel Waiting is a love story superimposed on a political allegory.
provide physical relief, as from pain
Lewis said he got a Synvisc shot – an injection commonly used to alleviate arthritic symptoms – in his left knee on Monday.Washington Post (Mar 7, 2012)
make an indirect reference to
In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, Mr.
Obama turned up the heat, alluding to the plan without fleshing out details.New York Times (Jan 27, 2012)
distant, cold, or detached in manner
showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others
having more than one possible meaning
"The election law in New York is written in an ill-defined, ambiguous way," Goldfeder said, adding that he did not believe any laws were broken.
uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow
"If managers are ambivalent, or wavering, then investor uncertainty increases and the stocks become more volatile."
make better
Possessed of broadly humanitarian sympathies, he became interested in ameliorating the conditions of imprisoned debtors.Bolton, Herbert Eugene
diffusing warmth and friendliness
He was also remarkable for his amiable and cheerful manners.Anonymous
characterized by friendship and good will
a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
After three years in prison, he was released last October in an amnesty that freed about 200 political detainees.Seattle Times (Mar 5, 2012)
having no definite form or distinct shape
The problem is that where genes are tidy bits of DNA, the environment is huge, amorphous and hard to quantify.New York Times (Jun 9, 2010)
more than enough in size or scope or capacity
Both are highly respected and well known, with ample experience in development and economic policy making.New York Times (Mar 22, 2012)
locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed
Today, the British monarchy seems like even more of an anachronism, notes my friend Merida, a London bureau friend now living in New York.
similar or equivalent in some respects
The two conditions, although apparently analogous, are, in reality, very different.
short account of an incident
With his fourth book, “Business at 16,” Mr. Bagchi hopes to get teenagers interested in business, partly by using fictional anecdotes, including boy-meets-girl stories.New York Times (Nov 29, 2011)
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
In this brutal contest, two opposing teams face off against each other with competing agendas, borrowed tuxedos and tight smiles concealing deep animosities.New York Times (Jan 14, 2011)
kill in large numbers
Men deployed may fall back and escape; a mass of columns under direct artillery fire must surrender or be annihilated.Morse, John
deviation from the normal or common order, form, or rule
In this view, crises can be understood only as anomalies, the consequences of unusual outside shocks.
having no known name or identity or known source
Throughout the process, the targeted consumers are tagged with an alphanumeric code, removing their names and making the data anonymous.
New York Times (Feb 21, 2012)
an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
It bred a sense of resentment and secret antagonism which he took less pains to hide, from that night.Prichard, Katharine Susannah
someone from whom you are descended
Paul Bunyan is known by his mighty works; his antecedents and personal history are lost in doubt.Laughead, W. B.
suggesting human features for animals or inanimate things
The same anthropomorphic fallacy that accords human attributes to giant corporations like BP distorts clear thinking about how to limit their political influence.
be excited or anxious about
I will continue to sit here as usual, waiting, grinning, tapping and anticipating my future.New York Times (Mar 22, 2012)
a feeling of intense dislike
At any rate, they had, as a matter of fact, produced widespread discontent and bitter antipathies between classes.Stephen, Leslie
sharply contrasted in character or purpose
Memorisation has a bad reputation in education today, dismissed as antithetical to creativity.
an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
When not thus engaged, his days were passed in listless apathy.Anonymous
inherent ability
If there is such a thing as inherited aptitude for art it certainly showed itself in the family of Bach.Forkel, Johann Nikolaus
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference
The pieces don’t build or develop, sections are carelessly joined, endings seem arbitrary.
New York Times (Jun 4, 2011)
requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
Not just the knowledge of world geography but the very conceptualisation of space in this late medieval map looks to us remote and arcane.
so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
There are other advantages as well to reading the classics electronically—you can tap archaic words on the screen for an instant definition.
something that serves as a model
In many ways, Mr.
Romney and Mr. Huntsman embody the Mormon archetype: clean-cut, Republican American family men.New York Times (Nov 18, 2011)
characterized by intense emotion
Age, study, experience, retirement, reflection, had in no wise dimmed the fire of his ardent nationalism.McCarthy, Justin
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
He seemed about thirty-five years of age, though the trace of arduous mental and physical exertion gave him a rather worn and older appearance.Lindley, Augustus F.
belonging to or characteristic of the nobility
Several aristocratic families were stripped of their status after World War II, limiting the number of royal matches.
the use of deception or trickery
But small men use lying artifices and disguises to protect themselves.Hillis, Newell Dwight
characteristic of the practice of rigorous self-discipline
Another frequent cause of visions is long-continued fasting combined with more or less ascetic devotion.Vere, Maximilian Schele de
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
India’s leaders, eager for a bigger footprint in global affairs, now aspire to a permanent seat on an expanded United Nations Security Council.New York Times (Mar 31, 2012)
the process of absorbing one cultural group into another
On the contrary, they themselves become Americanised, thanks to that faculty of assimilation which they possess in a high degree.Allyn, Jack
provide physical relief, as from pain
Moreover, I became at rest within myself, and the gaping, aching void which has filled my vitals these many days, became assuaged.
Hamilton, J. Angus
make amends for
But let us pause for a moment to remember what “redeeming” actually is: atoning or making up for some mistake or wrongdoing.New York Times (Jan 25, 2011)
provide evidence for
Anticipating compensation, thousands flooded treatment centers seeking medical certificates attesting to their cholera.New York Times (Mar 31, 2012)
clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
She was elegantly and fashionably attired, wearing rich earrings, gold chain and locket, three valuable rings in addition to her wedding-ring, and so forth.
Whymper, Frederick
a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity
This means that fundamentally important attributes such as common sense and curiosity are starting to take primacy.Washington Post (Mar 29, 2012)
assigning to a cause or source
But borrowing from sample essays found online or other online sources without attribution, even unintentionally, might result in your application being rejected.BusinessWeek (Dec 15, 2011)
disposed to venture or take risks
It was such an audacious, daring thing that the very thought made her dizzy.Stokes, Katherine
heard or perceptible by the ear
Tavannes answered--but his words were barely audible above the deafening uproar.Weyman, Stanley J.
enlarge or increase
Computer engineers, in high demand but short supply, can command six-figure salaries right out of college, augmented by signing bonuses and equity or stock options.New York Times (Jan 25, 2012)
predict from an omen
But ultimately the numbers augured an inescapably grim fate: Lieberman's approval rating in Connecticut bottomed out at just 31 percent last fall.
an event indicating important things to come
indicating favorable circumstances and good luck
The coast at the point at which he reached it seemed specially designed by nature for his favorable and auspicious reception.Johnson, Willis Fletcher
severely simple
Adams was poor, simple, ostentatiously austere; the blended influence of Calvinistic theology and republican principles had indurated his whole character.Stark, James H.
conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
This census is not considered authentic, as many transparent errors were found in various parts of it.Casseday, Ben
characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
But, he said, “all the ingredients of a repressive regime, an authoritarian regime, are there.
”New York Times (Dec 13, 2011)
of recognized power or excellence
His plays are being revived, and an authoritative and exhaustive edition of his writings is being issued by a leading publishing house.Ingleby, Leonard Cresswell
reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth
Greed about getting or keeping money pertains to avarice, not necessarily to simony.Callan, Charles Jerome
take action in return for a perceived wrong
But Amon-Ra of Thebes avenged the dishonour that had been done him, and stirred up his adorers to successful revolt.
Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry)
a feeling of intense dislike
marked by active interest and enthusiasm
An avid runner, Moyer eventually began arriving six hours early on game days to exercise on an underwater treadmill.New York Times (Mar 21, 2012)
resembling an uncle in kindness or indulgence
an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration
The aurora deeply impressed him, inspiring feelings of awe and reverence.Mudge, Zachariah Atwell
Created on April 2, 2012 (updated August 11, 2014)
Toefl Vocabulary - Letter A - 72 Words - Vocabulary List
Learn words with Flashcards and other activities
Other learning activities
PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz! Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!
Teaching tools
QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary.
Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.
forsake; leave behind
cause to be embarrassed
give up power, duties, or obligations
assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
lessen, diminish, or curtail
revoke formally
marked by temperance in indulgence
associated with an educational institution
yield to another's wish or opinion
move faster
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
concurrence of opinion
marked by strong resentment or cynicism
shrewdness shown by keen insight
scold or reprimand; take to task
a firm rebuke
someone who offers opposition
in an opposing direction
a state of misfortune or affliction
characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
diffusing warmth and friendliness
having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
a disposition to behave forcefully and energetically
characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
liveliness and eagerness
arouse hostility or indifference in
lessen the intensity of or calm
make an indirect reference to
the power to entice or attract
passing reference or indirect mention
having more than one possible meaning
disposed or willing to comply
diffusing warmth and friendliness
locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed
similar or equivalent in some respects
drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity
a state of lawlessness and disorder
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
a chronological account of events in successive years
having no known name or identity or known source
a collection of selected literary passages
exact opposite
sharply contrasted in character or purpose
showing little or no emotion or animation
an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
in fear or dread of possible evil or harm
inform somebody of something
official acceptance or agreement
being of striking appropriateness and relevance
inherent ability
someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue
something that serves as a model
lacking sufficient water or rainfall
a privileged class holding hereditary titles
a state of peace agreed to between opponents
express or state clearly
someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
with suspicion or disapproval
marked by care and persistent effort
a shelter from danger or hardship
someone who denies the existence of god
a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity
enlarge or increase
indicating favorable circumstances and good luck
not counterfeit or copied
characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth
turned or twisted to one side
Created on August 3, 2013 (updated August 3, 2013)
5 vocabulary development exercises
How pleasant it is to listen to eloquent and competent speech when a person knows how to choose the right words and accurately describe his thought. And illiterate, “poor” speech, which is quite difficult to understand, cuts the ear just as much. It is a large vocabulary that is a sign of intellectual development and can help you in learning, working or speaking in front of a large audience.
Before starting the study of exercises to increase vocabulary, let's look at the types of vocabulary:
- Active vocabulary. These are the words that we use in everyday life when communicating with friends, family, colleagues. When writing letters, SMS in chat, social networks. When we speak, we do not think about the words and do not put effort into constructing sentences.
- Passive vocabulary. These are words that we know, but do not use in conversation. As a rule, the passive reserve can be 2-3 times greater than the active one. On occasion, we can search in our head and find the right words, but we do this very rarely.
- External vocabulary. These are words we don't know. Usually these are specific words from the professional field of activity.
It is rather difficult to set clear boundaries in the vocabulary. Children's vocabulary can average 1000 words, adults have 10 times more. Erudite people who are constantly engaged in self-development, read a lot of books and constantly study, have a vocabulary of up to 50,000 words. Therefore, we have selected such universal exercises to expand the active vocabulary that schoolchildren, students or specialists can perform.
- Alphabet exercise. You need to come up with a sentence in which all words will begin with the next letter of the alphabet. Example: "Alina runs in the thick of trees.
" Try to make long sentences using words from A to Z.
- Noun exercise. Make up a story and tell it using only nouns. "Morning. Water. Walk. Dog. Tea. Breakfast. Underground. Job. Meeting. Tasks. Dinner."
- Exercise "Verbs". Repeat the previous exercise, only using verbs instead of nouns.
- Exercise "Adjectives and adverbs". Also invent a story, just voice it now with the help of adjectives and adverbs.
- Exercise "Monophone". Remember all the words that start with the letter A and come up with a sentence with them, keeping the meaning. And do this with all the letters in the alphabet.
These exercises will be difficult to complete at first, so don't give up too soon. Each time, it will be easier for you to come up with stories and look for the right words. You will find even more useful information on the website "Russia - the land of opportunities". The platform hosts free online courses, webinars on marketing, PR, charity, management, psychology, and finance.