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Love Learn And Play Childcare And Learning Center
Love Learn And Play Childcare And Learning Center - Monroeville, PACostimate™
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Childcare open 6am to 9:15pm. All Meals provided. Certified and Experienced Teachers.
Early Head: 0-3 years old
Preschool: 3-5 years old
Before & After Care: 5-12 years old
Summer Program: 5-12 years old
All Gateway Schools bus
On the PAT busline
In business since: 2012
Total Employees: 11-50
State license status: Active (Care. com verified on 3/9/2022)
This business has satisfied Pennsylvania's requirements to be licensed. For the most up-to-date status and inspection reports, please view this provider's profile on Pennsylvania's licensing website.
Licensing requirements typically include:
- Complying with safety and health inspections
- Achieving the required levels of educational training
- Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
- Other state-defined requirements
Monday : | 6:00AM - 9:15PM |
Tuesday : | 6:00AM - 9:15PM |
Wednesday : | 6:00AM - 9:15PM |
Thursday : | 6:00AM - 9:15PM |
Friday : | 6:00AM - 9:15PM |
Saturday : | Closed |
Sunday : | Closed |
Child Care Center/Day Care Center
Preschool (or Nursery School or Pre-K)
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Emergency backup care
Summer care / camp
Special needs care
Developmental (Play-Based)
Special Needs
Program Capacity:
Full Time (5 days/wk)
Part Time (1-4 days/wk)
Half-Day (Morning)
Half-Day (Afternoon)
Extended Care (Before School)
Extended Care (After School)
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KidsLife Daycare
4761 William Penn Highway , Monroeville, PA 15146
Connect Four Kindergarten Readiness Academy
10739 Frankstown Rd , Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Hearts In Hands Childcare and Learning Center LLC
99 Miller Ave , Rankin, PA 15104
Hearts In Hands Childcare and Learning Center LLC
99 Miller Ave , Rankin, PA 15104
Noahs Kids-Community United Methodist Church
3487 Rte 130 , Harrison City, PA 15636
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2020-10-22 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.151(a) - 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff Person #2 lacked a current health assessment. Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Staff Person #2 has an appointment on 12/3/20 to have this completed. ![]() | |||
2020-10-22 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.192(5) - Two written references | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff Person #2 contained a reference that had been written by a relative. The file only contained one written nonfamily reference. Correction Required: A facility person's record shall include two written, nonfamily references from individuals attesting to the person's suitability to serve as a facility person | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Staff Member #2 got another nonrelated reference. In the future will check to make sure that references are not related. | |||
2020-10-22 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.![]() | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff Person #2 lacked verification that they had completed 6 hours of child care training. Correction Required: A staff person shall obtain an annual minimum of 6 clock hours of child care training. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Staff member has 2 more hours of training which they are completing now. In the future we are having trainings to make sure all staff receive the proper hours. | |||
2020-10-22 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.31(e)(4)(ii) - Fire safety - 1 yr. | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff Person #2 lacked verification that they had completed annual fire safety training. Correction Required: Staff persons shall participate, at least annually, in firesafety training conducted by a fire protection professional. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Staff Person #2 is currently doing fire safety training. Will make sure all staff have this every year. | |||
2020-10-22 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.32(a)/3270.192(2)(iii) - Comply with CPSL/Exp, educ., training at facility | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The files for Staff Person #1 and #2 lacked verification that they had completed mandated reporter training. Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Staff Person #1 has completed mandated reporter training. Staff Person's #2 have been removed from the classroom until her NSOR and Mandated Reporter training is complete. | |||
2020-10-22 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.32(a)/3270.192(4) - Comply with CPSL/CPSL information | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff Person #1, who was observed to be caring for a group of children alone on 10/15/20, lacked a request for their NSOR certificate a completed NSOR certificate was not on file prior to starting. Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Staff Person #1 has been removed from the facility until her NSOR and Mandated Reporter are completed. | |||
2020-10-15 | Unannounced Monitoring | 3270.113(a) - Supervised at all times | Needs Verification |
Noncompliance Area: During naptime staff person's supervising children in the older toddler area, the PreK Counts room, and the Head Start room could not see, hear, direct and access the children in their care as the rest equipment was placed near and by furniture blocking the staff person's view of the children in their care. Correction Required: Children on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the premises shall be supervised by a staff person at all times. Outdoor play space used by the facility is considered part of the facility premises. Children must be supervised at all times. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Discussed with staff and showed them how to properly place all children. In the future all new staff will be trained on how to place children at naptime to properly supervise. | |||
2020-10-15 | Complaints- Legal Location | 3270.21 - General Health and Safety | Needs Verification |
Noncompliance Area: Staff were not wearing masks while caring for children at the facility as required by Announcement C-20-08, eight out ten staff were not wearing masks, and when asked only one staff person claimed an exemption. Correction Required: Conditions at the facility may not pose a threat to the health or safety of the children. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) All Staff are wearing masks at all times. In the future will make sure masks are worn at all times. | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.102(a) - Clean and good repair | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: In the Front Classroom an area a police car riding toy was observed to be torn along all sides, causing foam to be exposed. Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.![]() The police car was removed and placed in the garbage. We will continue to monitor all toys to make sure they are not in disrepair. | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.106(a) - Clean, age appropriate | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The rest equipment in the Older Toddler area was not labeled for use of a specific child. Correction Required: Individual, clean, age-appropriate rest equipment shall be provided for preschool, toddler and infant children as agreed between the child's parent and the operator. The rest equipment shall be labeled for the use of a specific child and used only by the specified child. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) All cots have been labeled. We will keep labeling all cots as children leave or join each classroom. | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.![]() | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The thermometer in the Infant Room refrigerator was observed to be in disrepair and needed replaced. Correction Required: A facility shall have an operable, clean refrigerator used to store potentially hazardous foods. The refrigerator shall be capable of maintaining food at 45 F or below. An operating thermometer shall be placed in the refrigerator. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) The thermometer was replaced with a working one. During future safety checks we will be checking this as well. | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.111(b) - Posted in group space | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: A written plan of daily activities was not posted in the Front Classroom. Correction Required: The written plan of daily activities shall be posted in the group space. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Written schedule was posted. If anything changes will update the schedule. | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.123(a) - Signed | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Child #1 lacked an agreement. Correction Required: An agreement shall be signed by the operator and the parent. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) Child's agreement was located in the sisters file. We will make sure all files are placed in the proper files. ![]() | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.123(a)(1) - Amount of fee | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The agreement for Child #3 lacked the amount of the fee to be charged. Correction Required: An agreement shall specify the amount of the fee to be charged per day or per week. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) New agreement will be signed and when children start will make sure it is all included. | |||
2020-09-17 | Renewal | 3270.123(a)(2) - Date fee to be paid | Non Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The agreement for Child #3 lacked the date on which the fee is to be paid. Correction Required: An agreement shall specify the date on which the fee is to be paid. | |||
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.) New agreement will be signed and when children start will make sure that it is all included. |
I love to study, play, communicate! And you? - Cultural diary of a student - Page No. 4
Sights of my Kazan! (2) |
My favorite class! (1) |
Other activities (3) |
Crazy Hands!!! (4) |
our birds will not go hungry (1) |
National Cultural Center (NCC) (1) |
Millennium Museum of Kazan (1) |
Sculptures and photo gallery (2) |
Tatar national costumes (1) |
Picture gallery (1) |
Masha and the Bear puppet show (1) |
Ski for me! Ski!!! (1) |
Monument to the first tram of Kazan (1) |
Saban tui!!!! Saban Tui!!!! (39) |
Old Kazan!!! (13) |
February 14 - Valentine's Day! (9) |
Crazy Professor Nicolas Show (26) |
House of Friendship of Peoples (24) |
Christmas trees!!! (10) |
Walk around the ice town (13) |
Museum of the History of the Statehood of the Tatar People and the Republic of Tatarstan (76) |
Museum at the Cannon Yard!!! (44) |
The oldest New Year!!! (0) |
Walk around the Kremlin! (33) |
National Museum (77) |
Unknown Great War 1914-1918 (33) |
Exhibition "Thunderstorm of the twelfth year" (34) |
Competition-exhibition "Colors of the city" (9) |
Exhibition "Rarities of Orthodox Culture" (28) |
Exhibition "Golden Horde" (35) |
Exhibition "Volga Bulgaria" (12) |
Exhibition "Ancient History of Tatarstan" (33) |
Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan (125) |
My JAM DAY!!! (22) |
Exhibition "Gentle hands magical creation" (56) |
Drawings on the topic "Rules of behavior on the ice" (44) |
Museum of the Great Patriotic War (87) |
Kul Sharif Mosque (13) |
Museum of Islamic Culture (29) |
Having fun as much as I can! (17) |
My school choir (1) |
Did you know that .![]() |
Opera. opera. . . (0) |
Cultural news from Zlata! (48) |
My school life! (4) |
Space Museum (1) |
Travel around Bulgaria! (5) |
Travel around Romania! (4) |
“I like to study more than to teach”: Honorary Associate Professor of Pskov State University Natalya Bolshakova
Pskov State University News “I like to study more than to teach”: Honorary Associate Professor of Pskov State University Natalya Bolshakova
22. 11.2021, 11:48
“Van Gogh” – our conversation with the head of the Scientific and Educational Laboratory “Socio-Humanitarian Regionalism” of Pskov State University, the author of the encyclopedia “Russian language from A to Z” unexpectedly began with this name , Associate Professor of the Department of Philology, Communications and Russian as a Foreign Language of the Institute for the Humanities and Language Communications, Candidate of Philology, Honorary Associate Professor of the University Natalya Bolshakova.
To be honest, we expected anything - a conversation about science, a discussion of Belarusianisms and regional features of the Pskov folk tale ... But Natalya Valentinovna, noticing a folder with a print of the famous "Starry Night" on the table, could not resist - she said "code word". So, in fact, our conversation began, which revealed one of the most serious teachers of our university from an unexpected side.
About the dictates of the soul
- Natalya Valentinovna, who did you dream of becoming in your childhood?
- Everyone dreams of becoming a teacher or doctor, because all children are taught and treated. It's not that I dreamed of becoming a teacher ... I was not excellent, but I studied well. And teachers in Russian language and literature praised me all the time: they called me to the board to analyze sentences, and each time giving an excellent mark, they always said something good to me. Maybe that's why it so happened that I went to the literary faculty.
- How did your path to science begin?
- It was not planned from the beginning by anyone. Everything happened through overcoming oneself. In the first year of lectures on "Introduction to Linguistics" we were read by a teacher of the Faculty of Philology Sofya Mendelevna Gluskina. She offered me a topic on word variants in Pskov dialects. Then I continued the study of this topic in my term paper and thesis.
In the last year of study at the Pedagogical Institute, four students - two linguists, including me, and two writers - were sent for an internship at Leningrad State University. It was assumed that with the help of such a mechanism, the provincial university forges personnel for itself. We, like all students of the Russian department, listened to lectures, passed exams and wrote diplomas. That year was extremely interesting, we ended up in the capital city: study, libraries, student environment, communication.
After graduation, we received diplomas from the Pskov Pedagogical Institute. I was assigned to the Izochinskaya secondary school in the Nevelsky district. An interesting coincidence: now I am studying South Pskov dialects, and in those years I lived in this dialect environment for a whole year. Thanks to this experience, I do not need to adjust my phonetic hearing: I perceive this speech well, since they settled me in the house of my grandmother, a dialect speaker, I still remember that her name was Maria Yakovlevna.
A year later I returned to Pskov. After working for two years at an evening school, I started working at a pedagogical institute and three years later I went to study at the graduate school of Leningrad State University. I already had a family, a two-year-old daughter. During my studies I was very supported by my parents and husband. I developed a trusting relationship with the supervisor at the postgraduate school, Olga Sergeevna Mzhelskaya - she was sure that I would do everything on time. Therefore, I often came to Pskov, a train ticket then cost 3 rubles 90 kopecks.
- In Soviet times, doing science was prestigious. Now the time is different, and young people, choosing their path, do not often think about science. From your point of view, for what and why is it worth going into science these days?
- For self-development, of course. At the university, you will not be able to build a career in the usual sense of the word. Obviously: 10 years of work in the field of higher education, and the person is still a young teacher. Another thing in school: after 10 years, you are already considered an experienced teacher. The question of a career never stood before me - the desire not to let down my teachers was more important. When they say that from among your classmates it was you who was chosen to go on an expedition, you understand what a responsibility it is. You go during the holidays, at the behest of your soul, knowing that this is not for grade-books, that the materials will end up in a scientific filing cabinet, in the archive. So, on the basis of this material, objective scientific conclusions will be made. Linguistics is one of the most accurate among the humanities.
About authorities
- Who was your role model in science?
- My teachers. They saw something in me that, perhaps, I myself did not suspect, they were able to consider something sensible in this raw material. And all the time I thought: how not to let me down and justify. When Sofya Mendelevna was no more, I still seemed to internally check with how she would react to what I was doing. I think she could not always say that she was pleased with me. But her personality for me is the tuning fork by which the inner feeling prompts the correct note.
In 2017, we organized a large-scale conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sofia Menedelevna. The entire department, and especially Larisa Yakovlevna Kostyuchuk, put a lot of work into its implementation. The conference was supported by an authoritative grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (in those years, the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation). I believe that my duty as a student was realized in this event: we published a wonderful collection of two parts. Colleagues who participated in the conference recall its high scientific level and the feeling of scientific unity - a special environment that we have thanks to the tradition laid down by our teachers.
- From your point of view, what is more important in science - tradition or innovation?
- I can't say that I am a person of the XX century, - says Natalya Bolshakova. - A lot of what is happening now, I like it. That is why I did not stay there with my aspirations, although my whole life was basically spent in the last century. But the dynamism of life, information flows, the environment associated with computerization - all this is very close to me. Thinking over the activities of the laboratory, we put digitalization among the main tasks. Not only because it is fashionable and modern. But because the demands of time require it. Our traditional paper archive plays an important role and continues to exist, but the electronic form, it seems to me, allows it to be more widely distributed, sets information richness and supports, in fact, the storage of materials.
About the students and the mirror laboratory
- What do you consider the main achievement in science for yourself?
- I think these are my students. It so happened that Sofya Mendelevna Gluskina left, her guiding beginning and advice were gone in my life, I had to focus only on the environment in which I find myself. My students became my environment.
This is a great valuable experience, very grateful: six people have defended dissertations under my supervision over the years. Postgraduate study at our department appeared in the middle of 90-s. My graduate student was the first to come to me - now Elena Anatolyevna Rozhdestvenskaya - the director of Lyceum No. 11 in Velikiye Luki, a successful teacher and a talented organizer.
- Speaking about your achievements, it is impossible not to say about the main result of your scientific activity - the creation of the Scientific and Educational Laboratory "Socio-Humanitarian Regional Studies" at the Pskov State Institute, later the University. Why is this project important for science and for you personally?
- I have been the head of the scientific laboratory since 2003. In those years, this experience was new for the university, and I started by finding some points of support. We were given a minimum staff, combined two archives that teachers and students had been collecting for many years. In the last two years, we have had a supervisor - Sergey Alekseevich Myznikov - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Dialect Lexicography and Linguogeography of the Russian Language at the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Hercena, Chief Researcher, Center for Areal Linguistics, Institute of Slavic Studies.
The laboratory focused on conducting scientific research on the comprehensive study of regional dominants of the traditional folk culture and language of the Pskov region in a national and universal context, a multidimensional study of the problems of the border space in the system of traditional forms of dialect communication, analysis of the specifics of socio-cultural groups in the region in the public historical section. A creative, efficient team was formed, drawing inspiration from the research material itself and the friendly atmosphere of the scientific laboratory.
- What are the main topics and tasks for the laboratory today?
- At the moment, the laboratory is studying the subculture of childhood in the traditional language consciousness. A multifaceted study of the problem will make it possible to draw conclusions about the features of folk pedagogy, to come to an understanding of how society evaluated the different stages of growing up, what requirements it placed on the child.
At the start - an original project related to cultural anthropology. As part of the study, it is planned to study the southern Pskov region as a border area, where a meeting of a number of ethnic groups took place, which specifically influenced the language, culture, history, customs and anthropological characteristics of the local population. The laboratory (both archaeologists and philologists) will implement this project together with Denis Valeryevich Pezhemsky, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, a member of the Patriarchal Commission for the Study of the Yekaterinburg Remains.
The laboratory has also done a tremendous amount of work on the digitalization of the folklore and dialectological archives of Pskov State University. Today, the electronic library in its structure contains blocks of texts of various genres, reflecting the oral speech culture of the Pskov region. The laboratory has six registered electronic databases. The databases created in the archive and three bibliographic indexes can be found on the laboratory's website They are available online to every user. In introducing computer technologies, we cooperated with the Department of Informatics, especially closely with Viktor Valentinovich Kabachenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, who recently died untimely. He was a master of his craft and really appreciated the value of our work.
- As far as we know, the laboratory is active in publishing. What books have already been published, what are planned?
- According to the results of research, the laboratory "Socio-humanitarian regionalism" publishes publications that are of interest not only to the scientific community, but also to the widest range of readers. "Folk Tales of the Pskov Territory", "Pskov Maslenitsa", "The Great Patriotic War in the Mirror of Folk Speech and Folklore" - these books have become a kind of hallmark of the university. Next in line is the second volume of Mythological Tales of the Pskov-Belarusian Borderlands. All publications are issued with an audio application - it helps philologists and those who are interested in local culture to make a complete "sound" picture of the Pskov region.
About the art of living
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- In 2014, we left our apartment in Pskov and moved out of town with all the ensuing consequences. We have our own house, we live next door to our daughter's family. She has two sons. I must admit that my daughter is not one of those who believe that a grandmother should be engaged in the systematic upbringing of children, thanks to her for this. I live a busy work life and the work doesn't end at home. At home, they often jokingly ask me: “Have you learned your lessons?” I “learn my lessons” at home all the time. There are also night sittings for the material, now, however, less often.
I have flower gardens near my house, several beds. But I cannot relate to them as an agricultural worker. He works for the harvest, but for me, if the beets did not rise, they did not bear fruit - I think: and thank God. Sometimes the process itself is fascinating.
- Do you have time to read?
- Yes, in my free time I manage to read something. But I do not read systematically, but what comes into my hands. And in electronic form, on the tablet. From the latter, I read Andrey Volos's novel "Return to Panjrud". The book has a lot of meanings, but above all, it has a beautiful language. The whole novel is built not on descriptions, but on dialogues. The events take place in the 9th century in the East: a guide boy leads a blind old man from Bukhara to Panjrud. This is the main character of the novel, the famous poet Rudaki. The ability to create an image in the reader not with the help of a description, but thanks to correctly constructed dialogues, speaks of the great talent of the writer. Conversation is a natural element. This can be seen in Evgeny Vodolazkin's Lavra. The characters are talking, and you believe that this is how they spoke in those ancient times.
I will surprise you - but I am a contemplative by nature. That's why I love nature and painting so much. On Facebook, I subscribe to several groups related to art, art galleries, museums - sometimes I hang out in them for a long time.
- Who is your favorite artist?
- I like classical art, but I also love impressionists and post-impressionists. I am attracted by the unsteadiness of their landscapes. Monet's deepened alley, Klimt's birch grove...
When we were in Daugavpils, they exhibited paintings by Mark Rothko. At first glance, this is a decorative painting, but in fact, it seems to me, it is very deep. I cannot interpret my impressions verbally, but my eye likes it, my nature does not reject it. It's close to me for some reason.
- What are you grateful for in life?
- I think my life has turned out happily.